#[ but who cares i love eliwood ]
felikatze · 1 year
roy is my boy. my beautiful boy who is so bad at combat which is also A DELIBERATE CHARACTERIZATION DECISION.
it's his support with lance, i believe, which questions why roy is at the front lines at all. and roy acknowledges that he sucks. he's weak compared to everyone else, he knows this, but he fights on the frontlines anyways because it's about respect. he doesn't want to be the commander giving orders from up high - he wants to fight together with his men, remain connected with the people he leads. he never wants to lose sight of them.
and it's a thing about self-confidence, too, and how little he has of it - this lad has some massive imposter syndrome. again, he knows all his faults intimately. his combat performance is poor, he's studied the art of war but lacks any actual experience, and he considers himself, well, a loser, overall. but people love him anyway, because he still gives it his all, and it's in his lance support, too - roy's charismatic. not in the bold way, but in his demure nature. he's a steady presence to draw people together, with an earnestness that inspires others to help him succeed. they can tell he just wants to make things better for everybody, and they want to be better for him, too.
also, he's not just a soldier on the battlefied. he's the tactician. you don't see mark sweeping maps, right? roy is canonically the tactical mind behind the entire campaign, and he's damn good at it, too. i forgot whether it's lalum or elffin route, but in one of the two, it's said that it was roy's decision to rebrand to the etrurian army. that name change alone shows keen political awareness. being the lycian army when you're just a hodgepodge of lycians is fine, but when a etrurian general starts backing you, and you've now got the the whole of the continent's biggest nation behind you, well - the snooty bastards from up high aren't gonna let tiny little lycia hog all the glory. roy's conceeding recognition of the war effort to etruria to appease the new etrurian soldiers under his watch who'd balk at being lead by a pheraen nobody. (they probably dont even know where pherae is).
roy's a scholar, not a warrior. he wasn't present when bandits attacked pherae's castle cuz he was on his way home from summer break at college. he's good at this shit cuz he studied it. he has elffin and cecilia as advisors later on, but the early game is all him.
and he still doesn't recognize that cuz it's not physical. he's not in the action. to him, he is just leading people to their deaths. it's his duty to prevent it. it's the inherent guilt of leadership. and how inferior he feels compared to his father and hector - both great warriors in their own right (even if eliwood's combat performance in fe7 is equally poor). this is the only way to prove himself to himself. agrh.
roy is also just so deeply deeply kind. he will give anyone the chance to change, but he's not softhearted. if he must kill, he will. still, though, he has to try. he's always searching for that silver lining, always searching for a way to spill less blood on all sides.
if there is one thing he believes in, it is the goodness of the heart. he's optimistic, but not naive. he knows the world is rotten. the history of the scouring proves that well enough. but the world is made of its people, and if people choose to improve, the world will, too. just as roy tries, anyone can try. anyone should be able to try. humans, dragons, he doesn't care. if you do good, you are good. i just. i know i'm talking vague but it's such a hard thing to pin down.
i really think fe6 is let down by it's lack of emotive portraits here. if you wanna get emotion out of the story you really need to read into it yourself and let your imagination do the work just because there's no portraits or voice acting to sell it for you.
i love my boy. if you mischaracterize him as "hehe dragon racist" ever again i'll kill you.
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sorry i got so excited abt mark i forgot to make a post. um
mark is an any pronoun lesbian to me. fell in love w lyn and did all this fucking war stuff bc she encouraged him to follow his heart and his heart said If Lyn Wants Sumn, Get It Bro. very softspoken which is why she never shows up in any historical accounts written post war. that and theyre VERY private and asked eliwood not to publicize any records of their involvement. after the war he stayed w/ eliwood as w tutor for roy and lilina but only for like, 4-5 months a year. the rest are, ofc, spent with lyn. the type of person who laments their weakness in actually fighting themself bc they think nothing is cooler than fighting to protect those that you love. lyn and mark have a VERY long "oh they were just good friends" arc before finally actually getting together like. yeaaaaaaars down the line post zephiel's war. i forget if lyn died or even exists in roys game and i dont care shes busy. i love her.
mark teaches nino and jaffar while the war is happening btw. those kids are mark's fave lil guys. mark has only been furious once and it was when eliwood went "maybe jaffar cant be trusted" and lyn had to scoop mark so she didnt try to beat eliwood up
Mark :)
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beantothemax · 2 months
alright here’s a question from me as the local protagonist enjoyer… top 5 fe protags go 🫵
1: Lyn blazing blade is my very real friend whom I care about very much… she is green and has a sword and is very pretty and I enjoy her greatly :]
2: EIRIKA SACRED STONES IS ALSO MY FRIEND WHO I LIKE!!!!!!!!!!! sacred stones was one of my first fe’s and she holds a very special place in my heart… the gal ever I think :]
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4: the byleth… I NEED to continue verdant wind i need to know what happens to that idiot!!!!!!!!!! I miss them dearly!!!!!!
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Fire Emblem Sibling Duo Tournament: Losers Round 3 - Match 1
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Propaganda under cut:
Timerra & Fogado:
My fave of the Engage royal siblings!! Timerra is so happy at any chance to see Fogado, and Fogado is happy just by the fact Timerra is happy- Both project an air of care-freeness that isn’t entirely true.
Fogado works his best to support his sister, in any way he can. While Timerra, sometimes, she just wants to be with her brother.
Also their support chain is great. Fogado gives her a little doll that’s meant to look like him. 💗
Ninian & Nils:
They stick together, they protect each other, if Ninian is in love with Eliwood, Nils will give them his blessing and let them be together, I love them and they are my children
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femblem-emblem · 10 months
FE3H lords as FE7 lords
(Spoilers for both games.) I've seen a few takes on this but mine is:
Claude takes Lyn's role. He's most separated from the main story, but he's still a leader. Sacae and Almyra have similar aesthetics and reputation. I would love to pit him against Marquis Araphen. Erk and Serra become Lorenz and Lysithea, and we can even keep our mediocre archer.
Hector and Dimitri would be the biggest bros anyway. Hector is very willing to murder, although he knows it's not his story so he manages to hold back most of the time. Hector "I don't know who's responsible, so I'm going to kill you all!" of Ostia and Dimitri "Kill every last one of them!" Blaiddyd. Oswin's role easily goes to Dedue. Uther? Rodrigue.
Eliwood is Seteth. Both of them are the more level and cautious protagonists. Seteth and Flayn as Ninian and Nils might be the more obvious pick, but Seteth is the de facto lord of Silver Snow, and he cares for Rhea just as valiantly as Eliwood cares for Ninian. Flayn takes the role of Nils - she joins early, after all.
So Edelgard? Brendan Reed.
The Black Fang Strike Force used to be a necessary force for good. Holding the nobility accountable, by whatever means necessary? Edelgard would be fully behind that mission. But then morphs (TWSITD) corrupt it from the top down. Instead of Sonia, we have Arundel. The morphs already replace people. Whether this becomes a good ending for the Black Fang where Edelgard achieves her goals, or whether it's left to the traditional lords to take them out, depends on where Byleth-Mark ends up.
(Bonus: Caspar would do exactly what Linus did.)
Yuri is basically young Legault already, so that accounts for the last 3H lord. Maybe he gets to steal a bit of Jaffar's role for story importance.
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idk6123 · 10 months
The Morph (Hector X Male Reader)
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At the water, Eliwood’s and Hector’s army are fighting the Black Fang once again. This time, they’re fighting against the morph, Sonia. During the battle, both sides are clashing their fullest against each other. Nino does the same but stops when she recognizes one of the morphs.
In front of her, a man with black hair and golden eyes looks at the little girl with an emotionless face. He’s on the other side, however, it doesn’t seem he intends to fight her.
“Stand aside. I have zero intention killing you, even if Sonia orders me to do so.”
“You don’t have to kill anyone.” Nino tries her best to safe one of the people she loves dearly. “Me and Jaffar are on the other side. They treat us nice. Please, can’t you join us?”
“I can’t. I’m still a puppet of Lord Nergal. I can’t disobey him. Besides, I’m not human anymore. All I am is the remains of my former life.” Y/N argues.
“So what? You’re still Y/N. You’re a kind guy that is always up to help me. When I’m having trouble casting a spell, you were there to help me. And I know you don’t want to hurt me. Please, can’t you switch sides? Or at least stop fighting.”
Y/N thinks about it. He got nothing to live for. To him, fighting for both sides grant him no benefit. Still, deep down, he cares for the mage. “Very well. I stop fighting.”
Nino gives him a grateful smile. “Really? Thank you!”
And so, the battles continue. Although dangerous, nobody manages to get killed. And with the death of Sonia, the army are taking a break for their next battle at their camp. As everyone dispersed, the lord trio catch up with their units, making sure everyone is alright. When they get to Nino, Jaffar and Y/N tent, they’re surprised to see a morph.
“What the-!?” Hector quickly grabs the nearest weapon and point it towards the morph.
“Don’t!” Nino quickly jumps between them, making Jaffer quickly jumps in front of the girl with his dagger out. “He’s good! He won’t hurt anyone.”
Hector stops and takes a closer at the morph, recognizing him. Eliwood too recognizes the man, while Lyn is focused on the fact a morph is at their base.
“Nino, who is he?” She asks calmly, wanting an explanation.
“This is Y/N. He’s one of my friends. He usually was with my mo- Uhm… Sonia. But unlike her, he’s good.” Nino explains.
“I understand the wary attitude. I don’t expect you to trust me. So if you’re willing to kill me, I understand.”
“Y/N…” Hector mutters. He drops down his weapon. Everyone is curious why he’s acting odd. “It’s really you?”
Y/N raises an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe we never met, nor should you heard my name.”
Hector’s face saddens. “You don’t remember us, Y/N?”
Still, the morph doesn’t get what he’s talking about. “Remember what?”
Hector frowns further. After looking at him for a second, he turns around and leaves the tent.
“Hector?” Lyn is surprised by his sudden behavior. “What’s up with him?”
Like the brash general, Eliwood also frowns, but a lot less. He looks back at Y/N. “He’s upset to his dead friend back alive.”
“Huh? He knew him before?” Lyn asks.
Eliwood nods. Y/N is curious what their history is. “Lord Eliwood, you know who I am was before, do you?”
“Yes. We three used to be childhood friends. You were a noble of House Nightfall. There was an incident almost two years ago, where the entire house got died by a fire. Looking back, the Black Fang were definitely involved. …We never discovered your body. We definitely thought you were murdered, but we didn’t had any leads. We merely needed to accept what happened and move on, but… I don’t ever think Hector ever did.”
This is the first time Y/N heard this. It’s hard to belief, however he knows it’s true. He remembers his first memory almost two years ago. The timeline makes sense. His family got murdered, he got captured and then he got turned into a morph.
“Thank you for telling me.” The morph now wonders how this is all going to get down.
Back at Ostia, the group recovers after the loss of Ninian. With the castle heavily guarded, they got plenty of time to regroup before the next battle. During which, Hector continues to stare at Y/N, who is reading his times. He doesn’t know what to think or feel. Sadness, anger, irritation, he’s feeling it all.
It only took a couple of seconds until Y/N senses Hector staring at him. The man looks back at the general and closes the tome. “Good day, Lord Hector. Is there something you need?”
“That tome… I saw you use it at the last battle. It’s dark magic.” Hector points out.
“It is. What about it?”
“Dark magic was always you’re specialty back when you were… you.” Hector let out a sadden frown. “Is there is any chance you don’t remember me?”
“I don’t. My apologies.” Hector let out a huff. He remains quiet, merely looking at him. “Is everything alright, sir?”
“You look like him. You sound like him. You even have the same skills. But you besides that, you’re nothing like Y/N.” Hector clutches his hands, becoming annoyed. He remains quiet for another few seconds, until he grabs an axe. He wonders if he finishes the morph off, if it makes the real Y/N happy in the afterlife.
As he gets closer to Y/N to strike him down, he stops to look at Y/N’s face. His face is without any emotion, but his eyes look alive. There is definitely some kind of life in front of him, yet he can’t help but view the morph nothing more than a walking corpse. He hesitates, wondering if he should do it, before giving up.
“Don’t say my name… please.”
Hector leaves, feeling more conflicted then he did before. Y/N wonders if there is anything he can do to make him better.
It’s near the end of the journey. The army is at the dread isle, ready to end it the entire conflict. They head to the Dragon’s Gate, guarded by the final, upper morph, Limstella. Though first they have to get through the opposing army. As they get to the other side of the battlefield, Y/N spots Hector as they’re no enemies nearby.
“Everything going well, Lord Hector?”
Hector turns back, somewhat surprised to see the morph. “Oh, it’s you… Everything is alright. What about you?”
“The same can said to me.”
Hector hums. “You don’t feel conflicted about fighting your former allies?”
“I guess I don’t. Besides Nino and the Reed Family, I never had much pleasant times with the Black Fang. Even the short time with your army brought me more joy then spending time with Lord Nergal and his men.” Y/N explains.
“Were you lonely?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know how life is with people I care about, so I never experience feeling loneliness.” Y/N answers. “But enough about me. I’m curious about you. Our last conversation left me wonder what is going on with you.”
Hector’s eyes sadden again. “I’m sorry if you felt scared.”
“I didn’t.” Y/N responds coldly, while sounding casually. “If you were to strike me down, I would be alright with it. Death doesn’t scare me.”
“Don’t say that!” Hector raises his voice. “Don’t say that again.” His shakenly says. “Whatever you are. Whatever parts of Y/N remains in you. I don’t want it gone. You deserve better than that.”
“Do I deserve that, or the Y/N you knew?” Hector remains quiet, refusing to answer. Y/N wonders what his answer is. “Lord Hector-”
“Hector. Drop the lord part.”
The dark mage accepts his request. “Hector, if you don’t mind, after this is all over, can I visit my former self’s house? I’m curious about my past.”
Hector shows a sad smile. “Sure thing. Maybe then you remember something…”
And so, after the final battle against the resurrected Black Fang, Nergal and the fire dragons, Lycia is saved once more. And so, the army got disbanded. Some quitted the life of fighting. Some start a family. Others are continuing their ambition. For Y/N, however, is visiting his heritage, alongside with the Marquess of Ostia.
They get to the former house land. Although recently destroyed, the castle looks to be rebuild. As the two looks at the building, Hector wonders if there is any bell ringing back at Y/N.
“We buried your folks in the garden. You want to visit them?”
The two get to the back of the castle to enter the garden. It looks tranquil, with many water features like fountains placed around with trees sprouting everywhere. In front of the two is a massive shrine. Flowers are placed everywhere. The names of the victims are carved on the stone, even Y/N’s.
“So, here are my real parents…” Y/N looks to his right to talk to his friend. “Can you tell me something about them?”
“They were real bookworms, always hungers for knowledge. Somewhat distant, but you were always positive about them.” Hector shares what he can remembers, making him smile. “Everything you know about them is thanks to him.”
“That so?” The morph looks back at the shrine. There is no emotion on his face, merely looking out with a bleak stare.
Hector wishes he could read Y/N better. Although there are resemblances, the Y/N before and now are completely different. “We used to play in this garden, y’know? Tag, hide and seek, the list goes on. I miss those days.”
“I wish I could remember it.” Y/N confessed. He turns back to his friend. “Not because of me, but because it makes you happy.” Hector gives a genuine smile, happy to hear it. “What about later in our life? Were we also good friends?”
“…The best.” Hector hesitates for a bit before answering, which Y/N notices.
Hector, who was forcing a smile, drops it. “We weren’t friends. …We were more than that.”
“Oh?” That explains his behavior a lot more. Compared to Eliwood’s behavior, Hector looked distraught, and it appears this is why. “My apology.”
“It’s alright.” Hector reassures. “I’m not mad at you. I’m just… lost. I thought god was playing some cruel joke on me when I saw you like this. I lost the man I loved, and then I got him back, stripped away from his memories and identity. And as I continue looking at you, I can only hope there is some way Y/N can come back at me.”
“I wish I could help, but…”
“You don’t remember.” Hector could’ve guessed that. “I guess I just have to accept the fact the Y/N I knew is gone.” There is an awkward silence between them. The two look back at the shrine, looking at it for a couple of second before the general speaks up. “I stop trying to make you remember the past. You’re not the same Y/N I knew. I probably shouldn’t treat you like the same person. If there is anything you want, ask.”
“What do you mean?”
“I can provide a house if you want to live a normal life. If you have any other desires, I’m sure I can provide it. Whatever life you want to live, all you need to do is say it.” Hector explains. “What do you want to do?”
Y/N thinks about it for a minute. He doesn’t have a place to call home. The only people he properly knows is Nino and Jaffar, but he doesn’t want to interrupt their peace with his presence. He doesn’t have any ambition to live for. There is only one thing he can think of.
“I want to be by your side.”
“Huh!?” Hector gets caught off guard. “Why?”
“I don’t have any other place to go. You’re the closest thing I got. You treated me with kindness.”
“But I tried to kill you.” Hector objects.
“But you didn’t, nor did you want to.” Y/N corrects him. “I know you still mourn my former self, and if really don’t want to see his face anymore, then I’m fine with it. But… I would appreciate holding part of my past, even if I don’t remember it.”
Hector looks at him for some seconds, before he shows a warming smile. “Maybe you aren’t too different from him. You were always considered towards others. Maybe even without you’re memories, parts of the old Y/N remain. I don’t expect you to remember, but maybe we should look at differently. You can make new memories. Happy ones, like we had.”
“Is that a yes?”
Hector smiles wider. “Yes. On this day, you will be by my side. I make sure nothing, or anyone is going to hurt you again.”
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pheraed · 4 months
housekeeping ..... evil style
okay i finally made a mun page for eliwood. similar to the other two with only some slight differences.
as with the other two I'm prioritizing closing up ball threads!
threads i owe:
neither of us are magic units (w/Kagetsu)
these armors sure can heavy (w/Jakob)
We Do Not Need Laundry Chair. It Does Not Give Throne Bonuses (w/Poe)
Let's go to Horseland (w/Kurth)
no better teacher than the battlefield. (w/Diamant)
Um. Squeak Squeaker Squeakem. If You Even Care. (w/Raven)
dw about it me and my buddy hector got this. (w/Hector)
Let Me Get That Trap For You, M'lord (w/ Harken)
threads waiting on partner:
are you sure this BetterHelp program is accredited? @folternis
girl get in we're about to form the monastery's first labor union @ladyleonster
Two Normally Dressed People Dancing and Then This Fucking Barbarian Strolls Up @luminousrider & @justicefanged
top 50 fortnite dances with best music [NOT clickbait] @braveryinblue
dance & be happy ; @seraphiia
pearls for pearls. @reverenceofmacedon
we're gonna show this rock who's the boss around here. @luminousrider
Honorary Nohrian @laslow
the sun in our eyes. @roysourblog
out of 31 matches it's 15 wins for Eliwood, 12 for Hector, and 4 were draws ig [i think this one is just waiting on a closer] @braveryinblue
preserved flower @nabataprophet
Cultural Exchange @blaiddllodi
we could have been like a weird buddy cop duo but you were kicked out of the lycian league /: @peerlessscowl
(zak bagans vc) the ghost is right behind me isn't he @deamare
as always never a rush & if you wanna drop any of these let me know ok i love u
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yanderefairyangel · 4 months
(Sending this again because my internet went out and idk if it went through the first time)
So, when it comes to the various main characters where you can choose who they can get paired with, are there any like, default pairings you go for or pairings that feel canon in your heart?
Here’s my list for an example:
Seliph & Lana
Roy & Lilina
Eliwood & Ninian
Lyn & Hector
Eirika & Tana
Ephraim & L’Arachel
Ike & Soren
Micaiah (really wish she had a paired ending with someone other than the boy she basically raised. I’d take a platonic paired ending with her sister)
Chrom & Robin
Lucina & Laurent (I just thought it’d be funny to make Chrom and Vaike in laws. Plus those two are basically the Dad friend and Mom friend of the group respectively)
Corrin: Scarlet (Birthright), Izana (Conquest), Silas/Azura (Revelations)
Byleth: Jeritza (CF), Shamir (AM), Catherine (VW), Yuri (SS)
Shez & Byleth
Alear and… honestly I don’t really ship Alear with any of the other characters, I more ship them with each other. I do like Veyle and Alear’s platonic paired ending though so I’ll do with that
Ok here we go
I don' t have much feeling about those ships (except Shezleth)
Seliph & Lana : this one is clearly favored by canon seeing the favoribility of their love points
Roy & Lilina : obvious ship tease in canon, while Roy doesn't have any canon ship it's obvious the narrative favor Lilina
Eliwood & Ninian /Lyn & Hector : both are heavily favored, to the point canon wouldn't be a strech at all
Eirika & Tana : they have a paired ending ?
Ephraim & L’Arachel : I never liked this one sorry (which is weird I like both characters)
Ike & Soren : From a canon standpoint, it seems obvious the writers are teasing them in a "maybe they are more than just friends"
Meanwhile, I am sitting rotating in my brain Soren's codependance issues in my head and how all of his intereactions are rooted in his trauma
Micaiah (really wish she had a paired ending with someone other than the boy she basically raised. I’d take a platonic paired ending with her sister) : should've had a platonic ending with Sothe, we can all agree, they have 0 romantic tension
Chrom & Robin : IS moved from ship teasing Chrom and Sumia to ship teasing them, personally I don't care about them
Lucina & Laurent (I just thought it’d be funny to make Chrom and Vaike in laws. Plus those two are basically the Dad friend and Mom friend of the group respectively) : I have no real thoughts about it
Corrin: Scarlet (Birthright), Izana (Conquest), Silas/Azura (Revelations) : That Male Corrin and Azura at least is a big ship tease is kinda obvious, the other one I am neutral
Byleth: Jeritza (CF), Shamir (AM), Catherine (VW), Yuri (SS) : no thoughts about it
Shez & Byleth : If you know me, you know me. The only thing that's missing is them being able to marry
Alear and… honestly I don’t really ship Alear with any of the other characters, I more ship them with each other. I do like Veyle and Alear’s platonic paired ending though so I’ll do with that : Alear and Veyle sibling dynamic appreciator I stan
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dancerladyaqua · 1 year
Welcome to Fire Emblem Hell (Gradlon Edition) ・ FEの地獄ブログへようこそ!
Hi, there! I speak both English and Japanese so feel free to ask or DM me in either language! 英語も日本語も話すのでどちらでも話してくれても大丈夫です!少しあとで日本語のようこそメッセージを書きますのでそれを読みたいならこのポストの下に見てください。
I go by Aqua and Olivia; take your pick! I'm in my late twenties and obsess over Nintendo JRPGs, especially Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, and Pokemon. I love anime, my longtime favorites being Fullmetal Alchemist and Shaman King.
Favorite characters include but aren't limited to: Alear (male preferred), Robin (both!), Azura, Chrom, Marth, Alfred, Ivy; Roy, Eliwood, Rex, Mythra, Pyra, Nia, Morag, Eunie, Taion, Shulk, Melia; Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric, Envy; Tao Ren, Asakura Yoh, Usui Horohoro, Lyserg Diethel, Joco McDonnel. I also have an OC named Delilah who is my daughter.
Favorite Pokemon include: Rowlet, Gallade, Decidueye (esp. Hisuian), Piplup, Scorbunny.
I'm also an avid fanfic writer with a ridiculous amount of WIPs as TheTacticianAlchemist on AO3.
You may have found some of my work as Mod Rose on the ages old chrobinprompts blog, and I'm also a mod for chrobinweek.
I also have done fan translation for mankin-trad for Shaman King: The Super Star and & a Garden (since taken down; go read the official versions or check out Patch Cafe to learn about the series!) and fan translation/subtitling for Shaman King 2021 with iPatch Subs (on hiatus). I'm currently a professional freelance JP->EN translator.
While I do tag NSFW, I don't consider this blog to be SFW so do be careful.
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queenlua · 2 years
8, 18, 27, 30!
8. Least favorite lord/protagonist?
haha, this feels like a bit of a cheap answer, but: eliwood's such a nothingburger of a character. the writing in FE7 was generally weaker than the games in the series i care more deeply about, so like, the dude has a serious disadvantage there, but lyn & hector were both reliably more interesting, whereas eliwood is just. bland wonderbread
18. How do you tend to play Fire Emblem? (es. casually, doing Ironman runs, playing it like a visual novel)
i like the strategy & story aspects of the games equally, and i like them in a can't-put-it-down, can't-wait-to-see-what-happens-next, can't-wait-to-try-the-next-map kinda way. ergo, i tend to play: on hard mode (but generally not maddening, because if it's too hard that kills my forward momentum), strategy nerding pretty hard but not exhaustively so (i.e. i'm not gonna spend ages on forums trying to figure out the Objectively Correct Build; that takes away time from PLAYING THE GAME), bolting straight for the ending (e.g. ignoring skirmishes in games that have those), as fast as humanly possible. (it's dangerous for me to open an FE game if i have other important obligations going on in my life lol)
i'm also definitely influenced a bit by who else is playing around me. when Awakening came out, me + my most strategy-nerd FE friend were on an absolute tear to see who could out-hardcore the other, so i was doing EXHAUSTIVE spreadsheets for all the genetics stuff haha.
i also was doing a weekly slowplay of the Tellius games with some friends a few years ago and that was REALLY fun. we'd all played the games before and liked them, so we'd switch who was piloting the map each week and the rest of us would heckle, share opinions about characters/story/tactics/etc. good times <3
27. Any fanfics/fan content you’d recommend? (You can plug your own stuff it’s fine)
oh boy DO I EVER, here's a bunch
* sleep of the just. occasionally i get to be the person to send this fic to someone who JUST finished Sacred Stones for the FIRST time, and then they send me a capslock WHAT THE FUCK message an hour later and i'm just like :DDDDDDDDDDDD
* l'arachel/rennac silliness! and yet more l'arachel/rennac silliness!
* this one's technically a crossover with Awakening but. L'ARACHEL. MY GIRL. jonphaedrus writes her so well sighs into hands
* we all love creepy ephraim/lyon, yes? yes.
* i'm completely feral for myaru's naesala/sanaki stuff. here's one, here's another
* here's naesala being a messy disaster for 20k words and i love it so much
* actually the correct soren pairing is: soren/kurthnaga
* i think about the final scene in this sothe/micaiah/pelleas disaster like once a week
* this sothe & tormod friendship thing is so perfect that i've been checking it every day since i got it as a gift & thinkin GOD MORE PEOPLE NEED TO APPRECIATE HOW GOOD THIS SHIT IS
* shinon is my favorite asshole
* bastian & renning. god i can't believe more people haven't fic'd them, but, at least there is this one and it's a great time
* the blue lions defect to the empire & everyone's miserable in the most delicious way. also there's some serious edelgard/ingrid vibes and they're immaculate
* this ashen wolves casefic is just so satisfying and cute and self-contained and fun
* this claude and flayn bodyswap fic is really goofy and fun and pitch-perfect. and if you dig it, there's more where that came from; the author excels at having so much FUN with every fic they touch
* cough there's a certain dimitri/yuri fic that's, uh, very iddy and has every trigger warning imaginable but also rules. i ain't linkin it here, but it's not hard to find, if that sounds compelling lol
and yeah i also write fic! Silent World is probably my personal fave ("Naesala being a bastard for 15k words, what's not to love"), but i've written plenty of other stuff, mostly featuring golden deer & laguz characters~
30. Since horse abuse is currently popular on Tumblr, beat up a dead horse with your take on an oversaturated topic🐴
"is edelgard literally hitler" the people ask. "is edelgard the great liberator of our time" the people ask. and yet nary a soul asks: "woah that body horror stuff with Edelgard at the end of the Blue Lions route was kinda blink-and-you'll-miss-it but also weirdly hot, can we get some bad ending stuff with that—"
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lumeha · 1 year
For the series questions... Fire Emblem?
Fire Emblem, my Forever Fandom TM !
... I'm excited about doing that one. It's large but. Heyyy !!
Favorite character
According to my poll (checks notes) it's Rhea :D
Considering where I started with her (not liking her at all), it feels quite strange to now sit here, with an ita bag dedicated to her that features art I got made specifically for it (tiny crochet Rhea !), and a tattoo with her sword and shield and flowers. But Rhea is such a fucking fantastic character. She is what people say they want when they want a morally grey character. She's stuck between a rock and a hard place, she takes decisions that aren't clean cut, and yet.
I adore her. I adore the layers to her character, with grief and revenge and the care and softness and she's so so so good ;; she deserves so much more love than she gets
Honourable mention to Arvis in particular, who had my heart for years and years, and he is still one of my absolute favourite trashfire, but. Yes.
Second favorite character
Just because I did shout out Arvis in the last one, I'm going to avoid him. And without making a joke about the current poll about people deciding my favourite FE character...
There are a lot of candidates.
But right now, I'm feeling it, I'm going to pick Knoll. Knoll is, in the grand scheme of things, a character that means a lot more to the world of FE8 than it looks like, I feel. He was the one working with Lyon. He has knowledge of what happened behind the scene. He's a tired, depressed man who thinks about killing himself and awaited for his execution with the serenity of someone who had accepted his fate. Knoll knows the shit that Ephraim and Eirika don't, about Lyon, Vigarde, and what happens with Grado.
And I love that all of this comes in the form of a quiet, depressed man who does want to find some spark back because maybe there's a hope to let Grado live on and survive in the way Lyon wanted it to.
It's so fucking nice.
Least favorite character
It's a large franchise. There are many characters that someone might not like (that someone being me).
But maaannnnnn fuck Clive. I really don't like him. He's just a bit annoying to me, it's not the biggest crime, but actually, yes it is. He's annoying. He's just not doing it for me. I really don't like Clive. /o\
The character I’m most like
... I'll be honest. Luthier. Well. I'm not as much of a hard worker as Luthier. But I do feel like I am quite like him. Certainly not confident and quite awkward and making friends with cat better than with other people.
Some might say I'm endearing and I think he is in his own ways but I'm probably endearing in a similar way to him : awkward and just very, very nerdy.
Favorite pairing
I think this one is going to be coming out of left field for some people because I have not written NOR drawn them. But it's Ephinnes. Been a ship since I was a teen ! I love them ! the energy ! it's so perfect !! They have a dynamic that is just so good, without even having a damn support !!!! I Love Them !!
I have complicated feelings with some of my favourite pairings for FE, like, (carries fraldarddyd) I have Opinions on how they are depicted in general and it makes it a little weird to interact with people about the ship
Shout out to Duessel / Knoll, though, my absolute rarest of rarepair, they are so good and I love them :>
Least favorite pairing
Edel///eth (sorry it looks a bit ridic but look we don't want this brick of a post in the search for people who like the ship)
Favorite moment
Most recent is probably Rhea turning into a dragon to protect Garreg Mach when the Empire walks over to it. It means so much for her character and for the game. Like you know the gloves are coming of.
... But I do need to shout out a very specific moment of FE7. And that is when Ninian and Nils are talking about Elbert to Eliwood, telling him how he died, but actually mostly telling him how this man who didn't know them helped them so, so much, telling them stories of his home and his family, and helping them escape, and. idk. it has stuck with me all this time. Like that fucking tiny ass GBA art ?
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That one ??? I still think about it
Rating out of 10
Look. I adore Fire Emblem in general. I think it's a franchise that has many, many cool moments, some really good gameplay, and often stories and characters whom I love very much.
But Fire Emblem can only be rated on a scale from 5.5 to 9 out of 10 as a rating. Because it varies between games. And some of the highs are high and some of the lows are very low.
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dentos-wife · 2 years
Since you say Chrobin is inferred what else is inferred and canon in FE?
Disclaimer this is just my option from the stance of an aromantic asexual who only follows the text and what they do with the characters and what I see pushed in side material. But here's what I see and with just the lords
FE1/3/11/12: Marth and Caeda canon, there's no arguing it, all the side material confirms it it's blatant canon
FE 2/Echoes: Alm and Celica canon same reasoning as Marth and Caeda
FE 4: Sigurd and Deirdre canon, Deirdre and Arvis is canon too but it's never pushed not like the former that's the FE4 ship they want you to remember. Seliph as far as I'm aware doesn't have a pairing, his siblingship with Julia is his important relationship and it's platonic
FE 5: I know nothing about this game except what I see in FEH. I think Leif and Nana canon, could be wrong, would be willing to hear someone out who knows that game, if not canon they are definitely inferred
FE 6: Roy and Lilina implied I think like his dad's game Roy can pick anyone to be his wife, IS seems to favor Lilina the most in side material
FE 7: Eliwood and Ninian highly implied this is the one I'd compare Chrobin to the most, Eliwood can marry Ninian but he doesn't have to he can marry anyone else if he wishes, in side material though and FEH they're pushed a lot to the point when I looked it up I was surprised it wasn't canon
FE 8: I...don't think anything is canon or even inferred here. Open season
FE 9: I'm going to get so much hate for this but here we go. It's heavily implied I don't think it's been stated, Soren has feelings for Ike. And I 100% believe that. However...Ike comes off as very ace to me so I don't think Ike can ever love Soren as much as Soren loves him. That said they could easy have a queerplatonic relationship I don't see the two ever separating it just wouldn't be a traditional relationship
FE 10: Micaiah Sothe canon I personally wish it wasn't and don't like it but you can't argue it's not canon, and the side material continues to agree with the game, just ignore it (I sure do)
FE 13: As I said Chrom Sumia was originally implied, but they dropped it now Chrom Robin is heavily implied Lucina has no one, protecting her dad is her character.
FE 14: Gender split. In the game one could argue for MCorrin Azura was slightly implied due to her having a different support per route. For FCorrin due to popularity Leo got a drama Cd and a manga which slightly implied Leo Corrin. That time has passed, Corrin has no implied pairings anymore Corrin just cares about family, everything is platonic
FEH: Yes this is a mainstream game. Almost everyone loves the summoner (because it's you) Fjorm outright is in love with them, Alfonse and Veronica could be implied due to Lif and Tharsir's relationship. Everything is canon here and nothing is canon here at the same time.
FE16: So this one is interesting because of how hard it splits between MByleth and FByleth
Edelgard is heavily implied not just with Byleth but MByleth in particular. In the game the portrait she's drawing is of MByleth if you look close enough, MByleth is also usually for advertisement purposes put with the Black Eagles, Edelgard's house. Because her crush on Byleth is such a part of her character they didn't write it out for FByleth yes, but it was made in intention to MByleth (aka the male players)
Dimitri is implied with FByleth. Her material has her with Blue Lions the same way MByleth's material has him with Black Eagles. It's not as blatant as Edelgard, nothing would be but it's still there (to cater to female players)
Claude: Ha you think they'd care about the character who is a copy paste route? They don't. Poor Claude, nothing is implied or canon with him
FE17: No one but due to Alfred's circumstances changing if you S support him, I might lean to Alear Alfred implied it will all depend on what the side material tells us
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vulpiximisa · 2 years
going through tsurune again and rolling my eyes at the seiya/minato only to find out that it’s the most popular ship in the fandom and so here’s my essay about why I don’t care for childhood friend ships
I think the appeal is for the characters to have “someone who knows you inside and out and can understand you as a person and is always by your side” and for me it makes me super uncomfortable because that person for me is my sister. And it’s not like I’m going to say “ew childhood friends ships are literal incest” because I’m not a fcking idiot who doesn’t know how to interpret relationships between charas and real people.
It’s also a matter of the characters themselves. If both characters are equally Whole Characters who do things individually and when they are together they can become a duo, that’s fine. But most ships I have seen that people enjoy are not like this. Always one character will make the other character their entire personality.
I’m going to use Mako////Haru and the Sei////Mina as examples. Both Makoto and Seiya literally eat sleep breathe and think about Haru and Minato. “Aw but it’s so sweet they’re so devoted to them.” Not to me it’s not, I want a whole ass character, not just MC’s DLC. (SouRin too.) They literally ruined Makoto’s character arc when he realized he didn’t have to swim to be with Haru and decided to coach kids but then made him want to coach Haru in S3 and it’s like hhhhRRRRRRR WHY. Seiyas literally only doing archery to be with Minato. Sousuke is a fcking idiot that ruined his body for Rin.
Perhaps it’s KyoAni realizing that this kind of relationship sells so I’m going to mention another ship.
Tsukki///Yama from Haikyuu. “Yamaguchi has major character growth!!” And he does, good job Guch. But initially he was literally Tsuki’s lackey. He starts to move away from that when he practices his serves and even though the “what more do you need than your pride” scene was a big step for him, I find that every time Yamaguchi steps into the court, there’s always a focus on Tsuki, framed in the way that it’s like “I’m here to back up tsukki, to help tsukki” and not like The Team as a whole.
I think Kuro////Ken are a great example of how childhood friends could be. Aside from them being a year apart, they’re very much their own characters but they do know each other very well and have their own thing going on. (I don’t care much for seijou so I’m not gonna talk about Iwa////Oi)
Back to tsurune, Nanao and Kaito are what they could be but they’re cousins so nobody is gonna ship them. But the fact that they are family reiterates my reason, that you don’t have to fall in love with the person you spent most of your life with.
“But what about the long time pining!!!” Iunno man, I guess I don’t have an argument for that. If they fell in love as a kid and continue the feelings until they’ve matured, makes me wonder if they’ll reevaluate that and not just “stick with it because that’s all they’ve ever known”. It’s worse for me if they never considered them until Suddenly something changed. I mean sure whatever.
I’m okay with the ones where they might have known each other when they were young but they separated and didn’t see each other until they’re both older. It’s about learning that the person is not the same person and having to get to know them again.
Oh that’s why I don’t like childhood friend ships. I don’t like when I’m given information that “oh yeah, they are friends, trust me on this.” (The entire reason I don’t ship Aso////Ryu from GAA.) I like seeing the development, how did they meet, how would they grow to know each other, when do they start thinking different? (On a related note, it’s why GoPri is better than Fresh in the dynamic with the first 3 cures, because GoPri didn’t take the lazy way out of writing 3 girls with very different backgrounds suddenly becoming friends.)
The only two childhood friends ship thats I like that I can think of is Sasu//////Naru and Hector/Eliwood from FE7.
Sasu/////naru has a whole package of other things going on for them that they don’t even count as that. Yes they knew each other as kids but they don’t start to Really get to know each other until they’re teammates and then etc the rest of their story.
HecEli, I don’t remember how old they were but I don’t think they were that young? That’s not the point. Hector might have seemed Eliwood centric if you just played Eli’s route but in Hector mode he has a whole bunch of things going on. (RoyLili, is very much the thing tho, where Lilina is Roy centric most of the time. I love her but I don’t deny it.) Also rekkas shoving Eli////nini and hec/////lyn in my face so of course I’m taking an alternate route.
Edit: i just thought about games after I posted thing. Hen////do from pl miracle mask. *points at henry* it was you. Like maybe there’s nothing wrong with orbital charas but I feel like the feelings will never be balanced. The other character will never feel like they can give back anywhere as much as the orbital one. (Sorry azu////iru even though it’s not a childhood friend ship)
Anyway, you’re not gonna make me like childhood friend ships if you make one of them an orbital chara and shove it into my face. *puts kyoani in a choke hold*
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gascon-en-exil · 1 year
"This nevertheless places Alear/Nel in the same situation as the Fates royals and Rhea, where there's enough plausible deniability to say that it isn't really incest...but you could absolutely play it that way if you were so inclined. IS really does love outdoing themselves on that score." what do you mean by that ?
Also, what do mean by Mark is not a full Avatar ?
Fates has siblings who aren't really your siblings so it's fine to S rank them.
Three Houses goes magical with it so Rhea can be your mother or your daughter (or both!) while not technically being either and it's fine.
Engage gives you two siblings by your father from an alternate dimension so you're not technically related so it's fine.
...I wonder how they can possibly top that.
As for Mark, they're not playable and are actually optional in Eliwood and Hector's stories. Heroes also doesn't appear to care about splitting them into male and female versions, giving the impression that they'll continue to be handled differently from the Avatars beginning with Kris.
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confiteorims · 1 year
what’s your phone wallpaper: lock screen is art of constantine xi, wallpaper is an Arthur CE both from fgo last song you listened to: Seimeisen currently reading: The Once and Future King and also History of the Kings of Britain last movie: Twister craving: uhhh idk what are you wearing right now: a purple tank top with some dolphins on it and grey sports shorts how tall are you?: 5'3 piercings / tattoos ?: ear piercings though i don't really wear earrings glasses? contacts?: glasses last thing you ate?: Pepperoni pizza favorite color(s): royal blue, wisteria purple, jade green, and bright yellow current obsession: Honkai Star Rail, Arthurian legends, Fate, LotR... only HSR is new actually any pets: Two cats that are officially mine, but i take care of my sister and dad's cats. And the neighborhood strays and ferals too. do you have a crush right now?: Is it a crush if you're currently happily in a relationship with the person you love? favorite fictional character: Aragorn, Maglor, Arthur and Artoria Pendragon, Eliwood Fire Emblem... A lot of others- last place you traveled: not really anywhere in a long time-
tagged by : @swerte tagging : @theblackestnlght and uhhh anyone who hasn't been tagged
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variabels · 1 year
i want to hear your ship hot takes, feel free to ramble about them here!
I will limit this to 5
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Ships, where one of the characters has very little development going on outside of their relationship with the other char, get boring really quickly even when the dynamic between the chars is nice. The main ones I can think of are Ranpoe and Bachisagi, they're both ships I really liked at the start and now find only slightly more interesting than watching paint dry. In Ranpoe's case, the problem comes from Poe being a minor character whereas Ranpo is a major character, so Poe is never really gonna get much development for any other possible relationships he could have. For Bachisagi, the problem started after the 2nd selection ended where Bachira basically got demoted to a minor character whose only deep relationship is with Isagi. Bachira clearly has other friends but his other friendships feel so superficial, he's never allowed to just be alone with one of them for an entire scene (the closest he got was Rin and that ended up being forgotten too). I can say more about Bachira's relationship with Lavinho than his friendship with Chigiri, even though he's known Chigiri for way longer and likes him enough to hang out with him while not needing Isagi to be there. I just really need both characters to be fully fleshed out in situations where they're not with each other, especially when they're major characters.
Reki x Langa is the only best friends ship in a sports anime that I love. In some cases, the bromance is so good that making it romantic kinda ruins it for me (Kuroko and Kagami, Hinata and Kageyama...) and even when it's not an amazing bromance, making it romantic still kinda ruins it for me. But for some reason, Ranga just avoids being ruined when romantic, idk why.
Continuing with the sports anime and best friends theme, I always hate the lazy guy x his best friend. Every single time, it doesn't matter what, it is a canon event and I can't stop it. Heck, even when the lazy guy is actually just faking laziness like Tsukishima in Haikyuu, that ain't stopping that 100% hate rate.
Ships, where both characters have a perfect relationship, are the most boring ones, especially when the only conflicts in their relationship are purely caused by external factors. Like Eliwood x Ninian from FE7 is so goddamn boring. If you were to put them in a modern AU with 0 fantasy/magic, there would be literally nothing of interest going on. If I can't put a ship in a mundane modern AU without it becoming uninteresting, it's just not a good ship to me. Purely fluffy ships are cute for a while but they get old so fast if there's no source of inner conflict. You can have two ships with similar dynamics and the one with inner conflict will always be more interesting to me. The inner conflict doesn't need to always have to result in the characters fighting btw, it's usually just the most entertaining form of it. For example, Nagisagi and Kurosagi have similar dynamics on the surface (both being Isagi paired up with a chill guy who doesn't emote much) but Nagisagi has inner conflict whereas Kurosagi is kinda just fluff.
There needs to be more harem where the person with the harem actually dates the entire harem. I've always been a pretty big multishipper and there are times when I've shipped a character with basically every reasonable option possible. But I never really cared to go beyond OT3s. That is until BL got me into harems and I started reading The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You. It's about a dude who keeps dating more and more girls at the same time (Rentarou is a giga chad, he actually loves them all without favoring one over the others and his GFs end up becoming close friends with each other). It's always fun to read fics about everyone loving the fandom bike but the fandom bike only ever loves one back or never chooses. The ones where there is some action with more than one char are usually when the MC kinda plays around with everyone but never fully commits. Like, even in the harem genre, it's a very unexplored dynamic with it usually just being saved for the end as a cop-out to make everyone happy that their best girl is happy with the MC. I need more giga chads who can handle an entire harem. Kill all the Kazuyas and give the world more Rentarous, harem manga writers.
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