#[ but anyways! thank you for sending this in kaerene <3333 ]
causalitylinked · 3 years
Despite her best attempts to stay in 'character' of the persona she'd chosen to adopt as Musagi, it's rather difficult for her to keep her excitement down when she's worked so hard on his Valentine's Day gift. It had taken a few attempts, some tips from Kuchinashi, much encouragement from their resident and beloved virtuadoll, and a startling amount of courage.
Nearly tripping in the process of trying to reach the other before he goes out on his usual rounds to visit Men's Fist--Musagi is thrusting the small red box of home-made chocolates into his hands once they're out, cheeks dyed quite red and visibly at that even with her trademark rabbit hoodie pulled up.
"U-Um, I .... ! "
She doesn't want to say they're honmei, even if it's embarrassing to say otherwise despite it being the truth--But Ike-P's always been good to her amongst the Ostinato. Whether by simply keeping her company or chatting with her enough that she was able to open up just a little about her past, she swallowed hard.
"H-Happy Valentine's Day, Ike-P-san!"
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             VALENTINE’S DAY ASKS. » always accepting!
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      The moment he hears his name being called out by a very familiar voice, Ike-P finds himself coming to an immediate halt. Of course, with him knowing it so well, it doesn’t take long for him to register that sweet, dulcet-y tone as belonging to none other than Musagi’s, prompting him to wonder - was she going to be giving him chocolates as well? Well, regardless, he decides to play it cool before finally turning around to regard her with a friendly yet easygoing grin laced along his lips.
      “Yo, Musagi!” Ike-P finally waves. “...Oi, oi, oi, what’s the rush? It’s not like I’ll be going anywhere, y’know... not when my attention is already ensnared by the lovely lady chasing after me!” Despite asking her this, though, he did actually have an inkling of a suspicion he knew what was going on judging from the cute little box tightly clasped within her hands; still, he wanted to hear it from her lips specifically, so naturally, he feigns ignorance.
     Considering how clumsily she stumbles towards him, though, Ike-P was almost inclined to catch her on the off chance she fell, but fortunately, it seemed she possessed enough grace to eventually stand before him with chocolates thrusted forward and cheeks dusted an adorable crimson hue.
     Honestly, while he was used to receiving chocolates from other girls, the fact it was from her causes his gaze to soften, for when it came down to it, Musagi knew him on a much more personal level; plus, she was the only one he could ever say he truly liked, when all the rest were superficial fans who would easily turn their back on him once they realized he was nowhere near as handsome in real life than he was in Mobius. Well, regardless, Ike-P wasn’t the type to keep a lady waiting; therefore, he’ll soon waste no time in prying her gift off her hands with his usual charming smile.
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     “Heh... thanks!” Ike-P proceeds to wink. “Since it’s from you, I will make sure to savor them with my whole heart, body, and soul!” Sure enough, he’ll extend an unoccupied hand to grab one of hers before suavely raising her knuckles up to his lips and leaving it a delicate kiss. “Happy Valentine’s, Musagi~ I’ll sing a special heavenly requiem just for you at my next live concert! So look forward to it, alright?”
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