#[ askfgh I HOPE THIS IS OKAY ]
nuiert · 7 years
                                 Acts of Affection ; Family/Platonic                                       ☀  Singing them to sleep. 
         THE NIGHT BEFORE ——  had been a long one at that. The boy couldn’t put his finger on it, why, these ‘night terrors’ had kept him up for most of the night. He confided in Braig, least, once he was up [he had consoled him as best as he could - least as good as you could handling a kid that’s still getting adjust to the prospect of nightmares.]
What to do?  The answer was simple - for the day, Braig kept the kiddo close to his side. Allowing him to tag along as he heads off for his early shift at the castle. Least then, maybe the kid would feel better, being close by, if in case these previous night terrors cause any unwanted emotions to rise up. [No, it’s properly because he doesn’t feel comfortable being anywhere else right now.]
But what to do about the exhausted kid? It were OBVIOUS - Braig leaves him in the break room. He’s got one of his drawing pads with him, something to entertain him, once he feels up to drawing anyway. [Really though, it just meant that if the kid happened to start drifting off, least he’d be on a couch and not following him around while he’s on shift.] He swears though, that he’d drop in every now and then - that he’d see him once he’s on break.
Lux nods in agreement, a weak smile grows on his features, before Braig leaves his sight. He offers a wave of his hand, it remains still up in the air for a moment, before it comes to rest on his lap. Slowly, Lux kicks his feet out, as he sits nudged into the corner of the couch.
And he sits there, time passing ever so slowly. He appears to be drifting off, only to snap awake [he were, scared to sleep. He didn’t want to fall to sleep and have those night terror things plague him.] He wanted Braig, Braig always made him feel better, but he didn’t want to disrupt him from his work. Eventually, he’s pulled his legs close to his chest, arms crossed as he leans his head down. What to do… It was a thought that was currently troubling him.
“Lux?” With a twitch, Lux’s eyes snap open towards the person that had just called his name - Aeleus. Concern had seeped into his features, as he towered over the kid. 
Only to take a seat beside him, to minimise the difference in height. Lux chews at his lip, before offering an awkward ‘hello’ towards him. He raises an eyebrow at the boys weak response. The way in which he responded made sense though.
                  [Ferret this accidentally got longer then I meant for it to be asfkgh]
Braig had been so kind to relay to him that Lux was here, that the poor kid had suffered nightmares through the night - apparently he didn’t get a wink of sleep [Braigs own words anyway. But, it were still troubling. To think Lux couldn’t sleep just because of some nightmares. Not like the child should be plagued by nightmares in the first place.]
So, at first, Aeleus talks with the kid - as willing as Lux was towards talking. It were simple stuff, whatever could make the child more ‘happy’. To settle his nerves,  see if this could help him in anyway. Lessen the impact of those nightmares. It wasn’t really successfully, but steadily it were doing the job. 
Maybe he were feeling better already having company. Aeleus could imagine, at this time of day, the break room were quite barren. Many of the others weren’t coming in till later or were still out on duty.
A decently sized room, empty at this point of day, with Lux smack bang in the middle, Aeleus could see why the child might not be able to relax like he should. Maybe this emptiness, it were unnerving to the boy.  What could be done then, to sooth his nerves? To reassure him? 
Braig seemed to be able to NATURALLY make the kid happy, but by the looks of it, seemed like he hadn’t been able to work his magic yet [or if he had, it hadn’t entirely done the trick.  What sort of nightmares could plague such a child like Lux to this extent?]
“Hey.” His deep, booming yet gentle tone reaches Lux. Beckoning the child to look up towards the seated guardsmen. “Would you let me try something?” Lux is, of course, confused. What was Aeleus getting at? Tiredly, he nods, to express how he could try whatever it were he had on mind.Sleepiness was evident on the boys features, a loose fist rubbing at the corner of his eye in an attempt to try and make the sleepiness go away [he must of been trying so hard to stay awake.]
Aeleus offers a smile, as he carefully ruffles Lux’s hair. He requests for him to get more comfortable on the couch - it’s okay, he affirms when the kid manages to ask. There’s always a way to counter against nightmares. Aeleus has an idea as to how he could get the child to sleep, with the hope, he could manage some shut eye at the very least.
Lux, wasn’t sure what to expect. He didn’t feel like he had the thinking prowess to really consider anything. He knew he didn’t have anything to worry about, it was Aeleus. So whatever it were that Aeleus STARTED to do, boggled the child.
He hadn’t heard anything like this…least it didn’t seem familiar. It were confusing, what was Aeleus goal? What was he trying to achieve? All while these thoughts crossed his mind, he couldn’t help but relax. It was….nice. The boy didn’t have the exact words [he was looking for soothing.], but it were oddly nice.
Humming, had turned into a melody, the giant of a man - was singing a sweet melody. Lux himself, wasn’t sure what any of it meant or the why behind his actions. As odd as he found it, slowly, his eyes started to drift, as body snuggling more into the couch as he attempted to become even more comfortable. 
Aeleus features soften, as he still carry’s on singing a melody. He’s gently patting the kid on the head, reassuring him through this melody to the best of his ability [Singing like this, it had been some time since he had done anything like this…]
The singing only stops, when he knows, for certain that Lux is peacefully sleeping.
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