#[ also love shoving Mr. Worm in awkward situations with equally neurotic geniuses ]
once-was-muses · 2 years
@envychosen | In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED,  send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song.
spotify wrapped no. 96, dealer's muse choice, drabble ok too
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At My Most Beautiful - R.E.M.
When asked to describe Edwin L.C. Kingor, the majority of people can't be faulted for using words like 'friendly,' 'outgoing,' 'gregarious'- he's spent many years training the extrovert part of being an extroverted introvert. He can play the part with the same poise and practice as any other role, so long as he has ample time to psych himself up for it.
Another descriptive which far less people would use for him is 'procrastinator,' but it's nevertheless accurate. He was meant to make this business call a month ago, then two weeks ago, then last Wednesday- He can pretend he's not quite as neurotic in face to face conversation, where he can watch the other party and react to them. Phone calls require him to fly quite literally blind. Damn his list of diagnoses.
When he punches in the number (bought off a fellow information trader), Edwin jumps in his seat when the phone begins to ring rather than inform him the line is busy or completely nonexistent. Quickly straightening his posture in his chair, checking his appearance in the reflection off his filing cabinet, he does his best to keep the anxious shrieking inside his head. As it turns out, he really didn't need to worry, because his heart leaps up into his throat as soon as a voice comes out of the speaker.
Struggling past the lump in his throat, Edwin stammers out, "y-yes, hi- Hello! Um, good e-evening. Is- Is this Dr. Sivana perchance?"
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