#[ also hey look. more ammo to bully DC with. ain't that sweet? LOL ]
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DarkEye [X] [X]
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A Scene I drew out for a roleplay I did with @darkcacaocookieandfriends
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OP: @necromancyandtendrils / @abyssalreid / @abyssalthreads
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This is a Ship that we called "DarkEye". Which is a Ship of Candy Eye Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie. A ship that neither of us was originally expecting would actually work. But here we are. Originally it wasn't even going to be a ship, but the chemistry worked out so well in our Dms that we said "Fuck it we ball".
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*Please do not repost my art, and please do not modify my art in any way, shape, or form, thank you!
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