#[ a little rwde? ]
whitleyschn33 · 8 months
Not reblogging because I don't want to derail their posts, but Kitkat's and Burgers' discussion of clothing in RWBY makes me really want to see Edna Mode: Remnant Edition. I want to see how unique fashion can be created using materials designed to actually withstand abuse and work with the Semblances/fighting styles of the user ala The Incredibles so bad. Add in the devastatingly-underutilized concepts of "all of our tools and equipment are conduits for Aura" (which would include their uniforms/clothing) and "embedding Dust into clothing is an age-old technique", and a character's choice of fashion could be just as much about function as it is form and actually aid them in their fights.
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As I rewatch bits of the first three Volumes (due to reasons), the more I think about Blake, her motivations, etc, the less I understand why they thought it was a good idea to give her two functioning, alive, good-natured, influential/royalty parents.
Like, I REALLY doubt they had wanted Blake to be some rich faux-activist girl whose whole worldview gets disproven and whose most notable dialogue lines end up retroactively sounding outright nonsensical.
Like, what was the train of thought on flipping her entire character upside down like this beyond "Oh, all other RWBY members have messed up parent issues, so let's give her happy, healthy parents"? Was there even a train of thought?
Or did they just invent her parents on the spot because they had no idea where Blake would have gone after V3 ended and had to make up an entire unimportant-side-journey she could be stashed away in for a while (and also wanted to throw her into a subplot with Sun to counter-balance all the Yang stuff because the show was still hellbent on queerbaiting so they had to find a way to place Sun into a situation where he gets hurt for Blake so it's not just Yang as her motivation)?
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g0blinwitch · 11 months
I dislike how if you critique something you're labeled as "just a hater" in some internet circles like, so? Am I not allowed to dislike something? I'm not saying you can't enjoy a show, I'm just voicing why I dislike it. If my reasoning for why I don't like something causes someone else to be like "hey wait a minute, this show/book/movie/whatever is dumb actually", cool! I have someone else to rant to. If not, also cool! It's okay that someone doesn't like someone you like.
(Not to mention that the "you're just a hater" argument is often lodged at people who criticize media that is deeply flawed(ex: racism, sexism, classism, etc) with the intent to "get them to shut up" so to speak)
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
hey! reblog this post with some of/even a list of the worst fn//dm takes you’ve seen. i’m gonna do something with em
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autumnsorbet · 6 months
So in The Little Prince, The Little Prince goes from place to place and world to world
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I kind of feel like we were robbed because Oscar going to another world would have been in line with what his fairy tale is
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I know we always don't get to see characters fully be linked to what their fairytale is at least not like we used to but I really wish they would've done that' for Oscar ,something they would still do especially with certain characters who do need development like Oscar and I know miles did a cameo talking about
what it would have been like if Oscar had gone to the ever after but I think even if he had gone to the ever after they still could have had him doing his own thing while RWBY was going through what they were going through even with Jaune there
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Tfw you dislike how Jaune centric Volume 2 is, but you're going to kill Jaune off anyway so you can't afford to cut his screentime out
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spectralscathath · 1 year
May you explain the thought process behind all of Scorpion Faunus RWBY AU designs if you please?
Absolutely, buckle in. I'm a bit of a chatterbox, so I hope you don't mind long responses.
Let's start with Miss Scorpion Faunus herself. Now, Ruby has two versions of her design, one with her hood and one without, so I'm gonna pop them both beside each other just to contrast them.
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Starting with Ruby's Vale/Beacon outfit, originally I hadn't changed it all that much from her original look, but then looking at it beside her other designs it looked a bit dull, so I revamped her to have a white top under the corset-vest and what my friend dubbed 'Miku Sleeves'. I'm honestly a lot happier with how it turned out.
Breaking it down, my main focus was to try and bring in some extra red into Ruby's look. I've always felt that without her cloak, her first look was really plain, with all the red on her dress being dark and her tights being black meaning she didn't have much of her colour. I made her tights redder and changed her corset design to be more similar to her later look, with a long stripe of central red, and some brighter accents all around.
Her white sleeves and the collar decoration are tied off with darker red, and I mostly kept them because they looked both cute and kinda fairytale-ish, but the main thing I wanted to do with this design was bring in the star theme that I want Ruby to have. The scorpio constellation decorated the sides of her corset, the two buttons on her white vest are star shapes, and her cloak has a small clasp that has another star on it. I axed the crosses she had in her show look, no hate to Qrow but I just never liked them on Ruby, and overall I think she looks cute.
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I really like her Mistral look here. First major change is that her top is now a light grey instead of white. This will start a trend. Second major change is obvious, while in Vale Ruby is devoted to hiding her tail under her skirt, in Mistral she starts to wear it out a little more. Thirdly, I liked the idea from her show concept of battle damage, with the ragged cloak and the nicks on her red tights.
The main idea with Ruby's Mistral outfit here is that it carries elements of the people who were lost or impacted in the Fall of Beacon. The black neckpiece is taken from a cute piece of concept art and also references Penny, similar to the slits on her skirt. The trim at the top of her boots slightly references Nora's shoe style, and the puffier sleeves with a black cuff is a clear reference to Yang's own Beacon outfit. She also has changed her emblem to sit on her cloak, which is how Summer wears it in Antares as well.
Her hair's a bit messier, a little longer, and finally we can properly see that she has Tyrian's nose, which is one of my fav dumb details because it helps me slightly avoid same face syndrome (my enemy). There's a few extra belts, because belts on kickass goth boots Do Not Count as unnecessary, they're part of the style, and her gloves are way thicker and a bit more practical. I was able to bring in a darker red into this outfit, which ends up helping break up the black and red in a nice way without being too out of her colour scheme.
And yes: she has two star clasps on her neckpiece and the scorpio constellation on her skirt. Little star girl, falling fast.
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The Atlas outfit is where we start getting the signs of story progression beyond just Ruby's outfit. Her tail is thicker due to a moult she undergoes in Mistral, her face is scarred from SpoilerSpoilerSpoiler, and her hair is beginning to turn silver-white due to overusing her silver eyes. It also has a little braid in it (can't be a scorpion faunus without braids), and has gotten to its most fluffi and messy it'll be here.
The big goals with this outfit were two-fold: make it look warm, and reference Tyrian (though in-universe it's subconscious on Ruby's part). The skirt has been officially switched out for a set of overalls, the belts on her waist are an exact replica of Tyrian's in Ruby's palette (she starts wrapping her tail around her waist as a fake belt, similar to him), and I snagged the undershirt and cuffs from her Mistral outfit and made it a darker grey again from her Mistral outfit. Her cloak has also become even more tattered, I wasn't a fan of her getting a new cloak in Atlas.
The other main things in this outfit that are different is the addition of the metal caps on her boots, which helps keep the silver travelling through Ruby's outfit as she becomes more in-tune with her SEW heritage. The scorpio constellation is again on her cuffs, she has some dark red gloves to stay warm, and while she has three stars on her overalls, between the belts, the star pattern is mainly on her shawl.
Speaking of the shawl, it's fur lined to bring in a little bit of white, and once again, a reference to Tyrian's overcoat. It is also where her emblem is now located, on the back, as at this point Ruby's having some struggles with the concept of 'identity', poor thing.
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I'm a little biased but I still think her Vacuo look is my personal favourite out of these four. The hood is gone entirely, replaced by what I happen to think is an Adorable Poncho, and there is also the matter of the eyepatch. Due to SpoilerSpoilerSpoiler. But it has her emblem on it, very very faintly.
The rest of the Vacuo outfit is almost a reference to her Vale outfit more than anything else. We've nixed the darker red for a simpler colour palette, and her hair is messily cut short again, and a lot more silver. She still has a slight reference to Tyrian in the collar style of her undershirt, which is the darkest grey that she gets. She has cute lil lace edges on the sleeves tho.
The tights have also officially switched from red to grey, and while we haven't returned to the skirt, instead going for shorts-overalls, she does have a little overskirt patterned with scars that keeps her tail warm during the cold desert nights. The elbow cover adds a little funky assymmetry, very important in a rwby design, and the keen-eyed will notice the big departure in this from the other designs, the lack of bullets on her belt. It'll all make sense in context.
Finally, we've moved the scorpio constellation to her boots, nixed the goth belt on said boots, and kept the metal toecap from her Atlas outfit. Honestly there's not as much to say about this outfit, it's a bit simpler than the others, and there's less red in order to balance out Poncho Era, but I just think it's real cute, she's real precious.
Onto Weiss!!
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Weiss was, no joke, a goddamn headache and a half. I find it really hard to understand her exact 'style' of fashion. But here she is and I'm happy with her anyway. The first main things that one might notice is that she has a much larger scar then the thin one from the show. That would be because A. Scars are Cool, and B. her scar is from blunt force trauma over her orbital socket, and the cut is from the skin splitting right over the bone. Which is supposedly what happened in the show but whatever. Bigger Cooler Scar.
The other main things are thricefold: she has the beauty mark from her original concept, she has freckles all over if you look close, a really pointy nose to look down on people with, and she has the Snow White 'lips red as blood'. If anyone would wear lipstick into battle its Weiss.
Her Vale outfit honestly isn't that different from her show look because it was overall solid if very bright. Mostly I just added extra details to make her look richer, such as all the little metal diamonds on her dress and sleeves, and decorating her boots and dress, and adjusted the colouring a bit so it wasn't all Bright White (see also: the black heels on her boots and the black sash, just to break up the colours). I did change up some of her accessories, like making her apple necklace have a red jewel, adding a cute choker, black diamond earrings, and red nail polish.
The other main thing was her hair. I decided to borrow the idea from the amazing AZRE au that Weiss started with her ponytail being straight instead of assymetrical, to show how she's still under Jacques's control, and I'll be entirely honest I kinda stole her headpiece from Amity's grown-up look in Owl House because it looked real cute and princessy. Her emblem is also located on the back of her bolero, and you don't see it in any of these designs, but its canon now that the underside of her boots, like the sole part, is red.
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I based her Mistral Look mostly off her Snowpea look, except instead of making it a whole dress I decided to make it a jacket she wore over a dress. The dress is probably more like her Mistral outfit, you can see a bit of it peeking out, and I just adore the idea of Weiss wearing sweetheart bodices when she is flat as a board (I say this lovingly, and with respect). It's not visible here, but her dress is actually trimmed with sapphires that match her earrings, and the same with the gloves that you also can't see much of here but are very cute opera gloves. I try to keep Layers in mind when it comes to outfit design, usually.
The other big thing from Snowpea is that I gave her the thigh high boots, just to really look a bit different from the other outfits she has. She has a red scarf because I liked the idea in the show but not the execution, and I moved the idea of the white trim pattern of the scarf onto the black sash, just to help with breaking up the designs. Her jacket is designed to look vaguely business and vaguely military, since her Mistral arc has her very torn between her identities as Jacques's Heiress and being a Huntress like Winter.
I didn't mention it prior, but one thing I wanted to do for all the designs for the girls was to have some repeating elements throughout to tie all the designs together. Ruby has her stars, the belt, and the general boot design, Weiss has her jewellery, the triple diamond pattern seen on her skirt here, and transparent fabric, which is something that becomes more prominent across her designs as she grows into her own.
Also, we finally have the assymetrical ponytail, and the cute hairpiece from the show. She also has a slight change in her hairstyle from the show with the lil sidebangs, because if her hair was down I wanted it to reference the 'hime cut' a bit. And her emblems are on her shoulders here, just to add a lil extra spice to the jacket.
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I truly do love Pixie Cut Weiss, I think it's still super feminine and cute and also she should have been the one to cut her hair, not Blake. I'll die on this hill. Anyway, Atlas look. I wanted to go full Magic Knight here, adding in pieces of armour (the shoulderpiece has her emblem), the transparent overskirt, the whole shebang.
Some of the major changes here is that Weiss's tights are darker, as in thicker material, and she has a similar thicker undershirt below her dress and jacket. Again, same with Ruby, I wanted to make a look that actually appeared warm, and I didn't want to go the route of the show where they made her look cluttered and also freezing and also just Not Good. I decided to keep the red gem accents, but instead of having them on a hairpiece they're meant to be on her bodice (again, thinking in layers), and her boots.
The other thing I really wanted with this was to have her both reference Winter, with the white jacket tucked into the black gloves, and be the most 'militaristic' of her outfits, what with the actual belt, and the epaulette. In Atlas, Weiss is almost a go-between with her team and the Atlas Military, after all her training with FANCI, the Ace Ops, and Winter, and has a lot of trust in them.
The scar on her neck is gonna make sense in the story. If anyone can figure out how it references Snow White, I'll give you an internet cookie.
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We have reached Vacuo, and Weiss's Military Look is gone and her Rich Princess Look is toned down in favoour of what my friend dubbed 'punk ballerina'. Which is very fitting because this is the part of the story where Weiss takes the final step in a long journey towards anti-capitalism. In order to take out some of the princessy vibes, Weiss no longer has high boots, she instead has ankle boots that vaguely look like laceless converse, she has short fingerless gloves instead of something more operatic, and we've gotten rid of the jackets for a see-through top over a shoulderless look.
I think her dress here is pretty cute. I decided to do a sort of corset style that reminds me of the old-school disney princesses, and she still ahs a few metal diamonds scattered around, it's her thing. The observant may notice that all Weiss's buttons are diamond-shaped throughout her outfits, which was harder to detail then I first thought!
The skirt is meant to be more of a sundress style rather then something full of petticoats, and the red mesh under the dress was my way of trying to keep the pattern of 'red focused around Weiss's neck'. It also helps a bit with the more punkish look, which is aided by the pixie cut, which has grown out slightly. The white stockings are also just there as something of a sun/sand protection, and also because I wanted to really bring the colour back hard for Vacuo.
To Blake!
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Observant people might notice that Blake has melanin here. I would be disqualified from Certain Redesign Contests for such a deviation from canon. What a shame.
But anyway, most of the Beacon looks really were solid outfits, as seen by how they're the ones that get press in everything rwby does outside of rwby 90% of the time. I honestly didn't have to change much. Mainly just doing a few small tweaks here and there. I changed her shorts to lose the excess zippers and added one of those like useless button straps that don't actually do anything but look cute, and here we see that I made all of Blake's buttons look like lil moons. Just for flair.
I gave her a purple belt and changed the tone of the purple in general, since I prefer Blake with bluer purples/indigos to Yang's more lilac purple when it shows up. She has the purple soles, but not heels, one thing I wanted to do with all these designs was make sure that the shoes could all look similar but different, give them all something specific to them.
The other big thing I did was I took her glove away and replaced it with two shorter gloves, one of which has her emblem rather than it being on her leggings, and the other of which has fishnets on it, because Blake Shops At Hot Topic and Listens to Evanescence you cannot tell me otherwise. The little white straps on her top were just, again, a bit of visual flair, and a way to keep some white travelling through her design without making her upper arms empty with nothing to look at.
Also you can't see it at this angle but she has a crescent moon nose piercing throughout all of her looks, even in Beacon, and she has black nail polish. I like to think she, Weiss, and Yang all did manicure sessions together in Beacon.
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Her Mistral look is already a departure from canon, though I kept the thigh high boots and the idea for the cutouts on her top, even if I made her crop top white. You can't see it here that well because Blake is also wearing a sleeveless croptop jacket over a sleeveless croptop. It's fashion.
I gave her the glove from her show Beacon design here instead, for the assymmetry, and she has a bandanna tied around her right bicep with a moon pattern to kind of mirror the metal band on the glove. The big thing I wanted was to put her in a low ponytail, because that meant I could keep her bow motif while still showing off her ears. When she wants to cover them she has a beanie, because beanies are cute.
The zip for her zipper is, again, a crsecent moon, and she has a moon phases pattern along the tops of her boots. I gave her kneepads because Mistral Blake is ready to scrap and it matched with the metal band on the glove, and popped her emblem on her hoodie in a similar way to her vol2 outfit. Also similar to her vol2 outfit, I added those adidas tracksuit lines but in purple on her trousers. I liked this one a lot. It had the stuff I liked from the show Mistral one but without completely drowning her in not her colours.
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This one gave me trouble, I went through so many sketches before I decided on this, but I think I'm happy with it overall. As a lil sneaky on this I made her jacket clasps the Bi Double Moon, which can also be seen on the metal tops of her boots. I had a sort of idea for stripes for her pattern here, just to look cohesive and also distinctive. She has the white to black gradient on her trousers, which are meant to be thicker and warmer. I wanted to always make sure she had white on her upper legs, just for the follow-through.
The bow for her ponytail is also white here in Atlas, and it's not on this look but she has a new beanie with white trim and one of those fluffy pom-pom thingies. The belt has her moon phases design that I introduced in the Mistral design, and her jacket was just me playing around until I had something I liked that kept her colour and had just the slightest hint of a suit jacket or waistcoat or something, in the shape and the white cuffs, mostly.
Her emblem is on a neckerchief that she can pull up over her nose to stay warm, and she's gotten two silver piercings in her right ear as a homage to her mom's gold piercings. Also, the notch in her left ear? She gets it from a fight, but she also comes out winning, and if anyone can guess why 'A V-shaped Notch' and where I got the reference from, another internet cookie and also my apologies, possibly.
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I love Blake's Vacuo design, I shouldn't be biased but I am and I love it. I wanted her to have pirate boots, where I moved her bows to because she's dropped the ponytail, but my biggest wish for this look was 'that goth bitch at a rock concert who's about to scrap'. Everyone is punk in Vacuo, apparently.
She's wearing torn fishnets in the desert because she's hardcore like that, I gave her assymetrical gloves, one of which has like, a studded band purely for the 'about to dropkick someone in the moshpit' look, and a single-shoulder croptop that has her moon phases pattern. The more I look at her top the more I realise I may have been thinking of Amethyst from Steven Universe but Amethyst's designs all rocked so that's not a bad thing.
She still has the double bi moon on her pirate boots, right at the end of the bits that flop over (I don't know terminology), and finally she has her emblem on her legs, on her high-waisted shorts that are based off a pair I had as a teenager but in black.
And the jacket. Yes. Okay, I know: holographic fabric in the desert? Well the desert can be cold at night so she'll be warm then and also: she can blind her enemies with it. I just really like the shape and style of it, and I think it really distincts from her other looks. It was also really fun to draw, and I'm allowed to keep one darling alive as a present to myself.
Onto the fourth and final teammate, Yang!
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Well first of all, her new Vale look is pretty much just 60% of vol2 outfit with a few minor tweaks. i turned the black miniskirt under the cream miniskirt into a pair of short-shorts because she deserves it, I took her emblem off the sparkly purple sash so she could keep it on her stockings.
The top is a mix of her original outfit in her new colour scheme of black, white, cream, and yellow, but I changed up her sleeves to be white for the poofy-fairytale-goldilocks appearance. I also turned all her buttons into rectangular clasps, and made the croptop under her jacket purple, to really bring the colour through the outfit. She and Blake are really close in Beacon, so having more purple in Yang's outfit, the bows on her boots, and the matching black scarfs was a fun way to show that for her.
One may also not that Yang's now got a bit of an updo going on. I wanted to incorporate just a few more Chinese influences into her design, though I will admit it is heavily stylised, and not very obvious in her Vale look. I also gave her a tan, just to really help bring out the colour palette a bit. And she has lilac nail polish because goddamnit she's allowed to be girly AND tough I hate the erasure of Yang's femininity just because this fndm can't wrap their lil heads around a wlw relationship that's not butch/femme when Yang isn't even butch in the show.
Anger aside. Part of what I wanted with this look was to make it seem, well, a little impractical. More fashion and form over function. Her boots have four belts each that need to be individually done up, her sash reaches her knees, that sort of thing. She can still fight in it, obviously, but she's in the fight for the thrill of things, because she's cool and knows it, and isn't really choosing to think deeper.
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Her Mistral Look is meant to be very, very different from her Beacon look. She's axed the miniskirt and belt boots completely, she's wiped almost all traces of purple from her design, and she's got no bows. Yang in Mistral is almost running from everything in Vale, and especially anything that reminds her of Blake. She's trying to be a lot more practical here, her boots zip on, her qipao-influenced dress is short, cut high over the thighs, and out of the way of any kicks she might do, the sash wraps around the top of her boot and that's all, her hair's up in a ponytail.
The short jacket is pretty much the half of her vol2 look that didn't make it into her Vale look, and her yellow crop top under the qipao has her emblem, deliberately obscured and covered up a bit for symbolism. She has a black liner for her prosthetic here, and takes it on and off when she wants to. She didn't just put it on and never remove it, like in the show, here it's a bit more of an adjustment for her. Not as much to say about this outfit, it's simple but effective.
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Yang's in a much better headspace from about Atlas onwards. She's more willing to combine fashion and function, she's finally started incorporating cute patterns into her style, and she has the cute hair bun covers that are purple and sparkly and adorable! She really starts coming into her own in Atlas, and I wanted to show that by having her settle into her motifs of fire and bears, as shown by the fire design on her jacket and the bear patterns. She has a trio of ursa skulls on a patch on her super fluffy jacket, and a set of bear pawprints on the edge of her qipao.
The boots have belts, though they're mostly decorative and the boots are actually zip on, and her emblem is still a bit hidden on her thigh. She's incorporating a lot more gold metal onto her shoes, following through from her Mistral look, and has a little golden band she can use to tie off the sleeve of her jacket when she's not wearing her prosthetic. Under the jacket, I like to think the sleeves are short before it cuts off just above the end of her right arm, and transitions into a full black glove on her left arm. She's switched the liner out for a bright yellow one, and she's just happier here. Someone has to be the sunshine in this team.
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Similar to Blake, and Ruby, and possibly Weiss once I can look at her designs again, Yang's Vacuo outfit is my favourite of the four. She's got her hair up in cute buns for the bear ear ref, she's got cute ribbons that aren't bows because she and Blake have sorted stuff after Beacon but they're not codependent, and she's still got the purple sparkly fabric as her socks.
The main thing for Vacuo was to try and bring back some of the biker babe aesthetic, which I mostly did with the denim shorts that have that specific white fray thingy. She's got gold caps on the knuckles of her glove too, just for some extra fun. The emblem on her boots matches the metal inset of a fire pattern, and I brought back the bear idea with a paw on her sleeve. Maybe she has the ursa skulls patch on the other arm, I'm not sure yet, I'll need to decide if I want symmetry or not.
I simplified her arm from her show look, by trimming the amount of yellow into a few clear plates to cover the main workings. I never was sure how she managed to spray it perfectly enough on the finger grooves to not get paint everywhere.
Her necklace has turned into a clasp at her throat now, jsut to prevent it swinging around in combat, and the qipao is now at its longest, but still cut high over the sides so it's not impeding her movement. The pattern at the bottom is a fire pattern I found that also looked vaguely watery, which I think made it perfect, since she's kind of mixing the two into her mindset at this point, she's doing the kung fu panda thing, she's seeking inner peace. And she's looking great while she does it, she has a better colour scheme here.
And that's all of them!! All I have to say. I think. Thank you so much for this question, Nonnie, it was fun. I hope the quality of the images is at least half-decent, my tumblr fucks them all so I'll never be sure
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constantvariations · 21 days
Considering aura is a thing, it'd probably be a lot harder to catch a batterer since the victim's wounds would heal and leave no evidence
#rwde#watching kennie jds review of worst ex ever and getting abso fucking lutely heated#even w overwhelming amts of evidence and testimony cops will forever punish the victim rather than the abuser#how hard in remnant would it be to actually figure out someone you love was being abused wo the bruises or hospital visits?#(depending on how much aura can actually heal wo needing a boost.#(bruises might only happen after aura saves the victim from deaths front door which is a terrifying thought)#how much harder would it be to get actual justice for the victim wo the most obvious unambiguous evidence?#i doubt theres any justice in remnant#every authority we see is either corrupt. a clown. or a corrupt clown#and given how demonized negative emotions are in rwby the victims would feel compelled to hide their true feelings#even more than they are irl bc of the grimm#so any emotional or behavioral indicators would be so small and subtle theres v little chance of anyone picking them up#or even if they are noticed theyll probs be excused as 'oh its a bad day' or 'they didnt sleep well'#bc those things are plausible and far more common than domestic violence#rwby really couldve dived into this abuse angle and explored what it means to be trapped in that situation by so many circumstances#but noooooooo just lean on the incel dialogue and let the rabids swallow and regurgitate the plot#not even the minimum effort but still getting your dick sucked by people who worship mediocrity: the rooster teeth method
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irandomblogfulb · 1 year
Rwby stannies stop blaming Crunchyroll for why volume 10 is not greenlit.
Did Crunchyroll tell Roosterteeth to waste millions on Gen:lock? Did they tell Roosterteeth to hire expensive hollywood actors? Did they tell Roosterteeth to work on 5 animated shows concurrently and spread their animation department thin? Did they tell Roosterte - I mean "Crwby" to animate the Justice League crossover movies and delay volume 9? Did they tell "Crwby" to waste time and resources on creating assets that will never be used again? Did they tell Roosterteeth to abuse and exploit and underpay their employees? Did they tell Burnie Burns to buy 3 customizable teslas?
Are all your answers no? Now stop begging Crunchyroll to fund volume 10. Look at how High Guardian Spice turned out? Animation is expensive. Do you honestly believe they have money to shill like that?
If you want someone to blame, blame Kerry for being an inept and indecisive showrunner and wasting his teams' resources. Blame the writers for never considering the "limited resources" when they write the scripts and plan for the next volume. Blame Matt Hullum, the former CEO and producer in Rwby who was called out by name in during the crunch controversy. Blame Burnie Burns, wasting money on 3 teslas that could've gone to the overworked and underpaid employees. Blame Roosterteeth management tm (which includes Barbara).
Roosterteeth's (and by extension, Crwby's) shitty financial decision-making has finally caught up to them. This is a problem of their own doing. So stop blaming a third party and start holding the real perpetrators accountable.
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invincibleweasel · 1 year
Love how Volume 9 gave us our first non-binary characters in the main show in the form of Little and The Curious Cat and then had them both be violently murdered—squished and grinded under Neo’s heel and violently torn a part by Jabberwalkers, with the latter being labelled as an irredeemable villain. “But Rooster Teeth swears up and down that they aren’t queerphobic!” Sure, Jan.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
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Anyone else find it odd that we got this whole table of the dead deal when, really, just Penny would have sufficed? Putting aside the fact that Neo shouldn't know half of what happened to these characters (she's reading from the same script that let Oscar know the wording of Weiss' wish), more than half of this group means nothing to Ruby:
Lionheart she met twice, the second time when he was trying to kill her and her friends. Ruby didn't even fight him personally. He dies in another room, out of sight, and last we hear of him it's through Yang's fury that Ozpin didn't rat him out as a traitor to the whole world - an anger Ruby isn't shown to disagree with.
Roman is an enemy from six Volumes ago. Though Ruby was (understandably) shocked when he was eaten in front of her, the trauma of that has had zero impact on her and, as she points out to Neo in this very scene, she recognizes that she wasn't at fault for his death.
Ruby never had a relationship with Clover. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. They might have as team leaders, but they didn't. Ruby sat with him in a truck once, not talking to him, and then she didn't fight him at the end of the Volume because he was busy dying off in the tundra. Does Ruby know he was killed pre-Fall of Atlas? She shouldn't.
Ozpin, technically speaking, isn't dead. Or rather, I should say Ozma isn't. I'd better understand the choice to have him here if we'd learned anything about Ozpin himself - meaning, Ozma's host pre-Oscar - but we haven't. More importantly, I likewise would have bought his presence if Ruby had maintained her wholesome student-teacher relationship with him (RIP I miss those days. Oh my god I miss them!! I might have to write some moreRWBY fic just to have that again 😭), but now Ozpin is just the lying manipulator she only speaks to for exposition.
Ironwood is, you know... the villain? The guy we were supposed to despise by Volume's end because he was a crazy dictator hell-bent on bombing a city? The scene even keeps his ~evil~ prosthetic arm, emphasizing that this is villain!Ironwood, not ally!Ironwood. Ruby lied to him the second they landed, said 'fuck you' over the call to Penny, sent her friends to jump him while she made a wish, and didn't look back as she dropped a city on top of him. Oh, and then Yang reminded her that only #bad people re-think their choices. So, why is he someone whose death she'd feel guilt over?
The ONLY people who make sense here are Penny and Pyrrha, with Penny taking center stage as the death Ruby just found out about. She alone would have been enough: a magical, semblance Penny who reams Ruby out for letting her die, again, too busy getting her ass kicked by Cinder to be of any use. We might have even done something interesting with Penny's sword. You know, the real one Ruby had for all of ten episode minutes before she let a bratty Prince throw it away? Give me Ruby wielding her dead friend's weapon - because clearly the show wasn't willing to commit to a Crescent Rose aversion. Just have it be lost all Volume. Why was this armorer introduced again? Shouldn't she have done something with a lost weapon?? - until fake!Penny horrifically calls her out on it. How dare you use that? How dare you use it against me? Give me an actual battle where Ruby is torn between defending herself against something she knows isn't real and flinching from hurting the friend she just lost, taking hits she would have been able to block if she was putting forth her all, a bloody, Maiden battle that goes on long enough that it makes sense when her semblance breaks.
Then, suddenly, Penny grows kind... it's okay, Ruby... if you just let go, drink the tea, we can be together again. Wouldn't that be nice?
The issue of this suicide metaphor aside, we could have gotten something legitimately impactful. Instead I'm scratching my head over this suddenly using Crescent Rose again, fiery "If you're looking for an apology, you've wasted your time!" still a prodigy, didn't fight in the last battle, didn't even walk very far Ruby collapsing because she fell from a chandelier. Meanwhile, the emotional kicker is that she's getting beat up by... people she hates? Who she barely knew? Who aren't even technically dead? Oh no, I've slashed Oscar, who I KNOW is back in Remnant, presumably safe in Vacuo. I know Ruby is at her breaking point, but the combination of 'Come fight me, Neo, I'm perfectly able to see that I'm not responsible for Roman's death!' and the lack of connection between her and 5/7s of the guilt crew really falls flat. Either give me a Ruby who illogically, but honestly believes that her presence makes everything worse - 'You're right, Neo... I could have saved Torchwick... done something, but I just sat there...' - or a Ruby who is still able to distinguish between reality and guilt... up until the copy of her newly dead friend drags her to emotional hell and back. Now that I've been able to think about it for a bit, what we got feels downright weird to me - an excuse to bring back characters/get them in the new engine, rather than any compelling reasons for why they're there.
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kitkatopinions · 8 months
What does Weiss think about her scar?
I really wish I had a canon answer for this question, but I truly don't think her scar is ever mentioned by her or anyone else throughout the whole show.
Which isn't to say that this is a big deal, sort of thing, but it's more of a nitpick where I am interested in every little detail and the fact that a lot of little things like 'how characters feel about this or that small thing' are often left out is something I personally wish wasn't the case. XD
In my own headcanons, I think I tend to imagine that Weiss was taught to view scars as a part of growing as a hunter, that students still in school and training were likely to get scars. So I think that Weiss probably could be more practical about it and learned to fight through pain as part of her training because of the inevitability that hunters will get hurt. But I also think that Weiss in the early seasons was hard enough on herself and others and had that 'I'm not perfect... Not yet' moment, and that sort of characterization I think would've also had Weiss in the early seasons thinking that although getting hurt in combat is an inevitability for training students, TRUE and SKILLED Hunters would just be good enough to avoid them. So I think that in the early seasons, Weiss would kind of see her scar as proof of her hard training, but also the result of a childish miscalculation in combat that she'd be eager to prove she could avoid in the future. But I think that Weiss would learn better in the Fall of Beacon, with prodigy students like Pyrrha dying but more importantly with Professor Ozpin dying, with Blake and Yang injured and Ruby passed out, I think that Weiss would've started to be a lot less... I don't know if 'victim-blamey' is the right word, but I think she'd soften towards herself and others on her stances about hunters getting hurt.
Speaking on Weiss's thoughts on her appearance specifically, we don't see Weiss as very concerned with her physical beauty and appearance much more than what you would assume just from her designs, so I don't think she'd be too insecure about a scar. And I think that it would more fit in Weiss's character to show off what her father would perceive as 'imperfection' rather than be that embarrassed about how it makes other rich snobs perceive her.
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rena-yume · 1 year
Still salty about how poor cat got killed and a phsycopathic murderer got a happy ending
He deserved better and Neo (wether I like her or not) deserves either death or a very harsh sentence for her crimes (that she doesn't even regret unlike with previous redeemed villains)
Oh also super glad to watch Ruby get worried over said dumb phsycopath not following them to remnant but didn't blink an eye when the cat was torn to pieces and didn't even comment about him later after they saw his backstory
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rwdelittlething · 4 months
i think. in my rewrite. i’m just not gonna do systemic (systematic?) anti-faunus racism.
partly because i read as white and therefore don’t really . . . “trust” myself (for lack of a better word) to write such a serious subject with the severity and respect it deserves; partly because i remember reading/hearing somewhere that having the allegory for colored people in your work be Not Human is already iffy. i could be talking out of my ass with that! but. at least in this regard i’d rather be overcautious.
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uncaught-coolfish · 10 months
To the troll posing as a RWDEr sending genuine awful threats to bee shippers pretending to be a freezerburn/eclipse shipper just to spark drama between rwde tag and main tag: I wish you a very violent Eat shit asshole. fall off your horse
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secantz · 5 months
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People seriously need to grow up and accept that RWBY is not a perfect show! Suggesting violence because someone didn't agree with Yang and Ruby's sisterly relationship is not the way to go!
This artwork was made to mock that sensitive part of the RWBY fandom, to show what they would do. People have the right to criticize a show, whether that is your favorite show or not.
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