dexmonheart · 3 years
Hell in Castle Park // Calista x Myles x Stella
Location: Castle Park.
Time: Middle of the evening.
TRIGGER WARNING: death, gore, bodily fluids, body parts, murder.
@myleshcrt , @suspixiions
Calista never really found herself moving outside of her social circle, yet somehow, she felt comfortable around Myles. He didn’t judge her, nor did he judge all she had to go through with her dad. Their common love of music had assisted in blossoming a beautiful friendship. This night in particular, Calista had been asked to try some new guitars. Of course, she invited Myles. She could invite Fin another night: new friendships took time and Calista really wanted to see this one succeed.
“Is it really that smart to cut through the park at night?” She asked once they reached its entrance, turning to him with a raised eyebrow. Regardless, she followed him in. At least they weren’t alone. While it still wasn’t that safe, there was more safety in numbers. The darker it got, the more her fear increased. The woman could feel herself sticking closer to him, just waiting for something horrible to pop out of the shadows. “I feel like I’m in a horror movie... please tell me somethings not going to jump out at me in the next ten seconds.”
And then, it did.
Out of the shadows, came something terrible. Something that Calista never thought she’d have to see not just in her twenty-six years of living, but in the life she had ahead of her.
Calista was more so fueled by curiosity than anything. “Yo, what the hell?” She exclaimed, motioning for Myles to follow her. The closer she got, she could feel her stomach contents begin to churn.
“What the fuck is that?! Is that a fucking torso?!”
Myles was more than happy to meet with Calista. He welcomed the very few actual friendships he had in town when it felt like he was going up against the locals. He couldn't blame them when he was seen with Frances McBride a lot for the past year. Her brother didn't like him, her friends didn't trust him. And he was only trying to survive each day she was gone.
Walking besides Calista, he let out a soft laugh. "Probably not, but if it makes you feel better, I'll sacrifice myself so you can go on." Even if it was in a joking tone, there was truth behind his words.
Myles gave his friend a look. "You freakin' jinxed it, Calista," he said as an attempt to keep the mood light, but he was quickly becoming nervous. Following closely behind her, the view of a torso became more visible. "What the fuck..." A chill ran down his spine, his throat suddenly becoming dry. "Calista...Calista, the-the tattoo, it's--"
Frances. He recognized that butterfly tattoo. "N-no...no, no, no, no, no..." He got closer, hoping that he was only seeing things, but it was clear under the nearby streetlight. It was her. "Fuck...I--" Myles moved away quickly, falling onto his knees as he vomited. He couldn't believe it. His head was empty, only thoughts of Frances and her smile and the sound of her laugh playing in his mind.
Glancing up, he noticed there was someone nearby, and he called out at them. "Help..." His voice croaked. Getting himself up, he waved them down. "Help! Help, please!" he cried.
Stella was never really one for late night walks, at least not until recently. Where crime scenes were suddenly a thing again, and a violent thing at that. She frowned as she walked, hands shoved into the pockets of her jacket as she glared at the sidewalk. Typically, she would be listening to music, but there was a serial killer on the loose after all, and she wasn't about to make herself an easy target.
It took a second for the yelling to shake her from her thoughts, brows furrowing as Stels started to move towards the pair that waved her over, walking at first, then breaking out into a run once she realized the panic in their tone. "What the hell is going o-" She all but slid to a stop, eyes wide as she started at the body, once upon a time, this would have shocked her, but she'd seen many a body by this point.
"Step back-stay away from the body!" She was quick to pull them further away, last thing she needed was any additional DNA samples from some kids. "Fuck...it's-" It was her. Franny. Shit. Her teeth ground together and she scrambled for her cell phone, quickly detailing their location to the police. After pocketing her phone, she turned to the others. "Listen, I know this is hard right now, but can you tell me if either of you saw anything before you..." She swallowed hard, a feeling of failure washing over her. They hadn't caught the killer in time. "...before you found her." She would have time to investigate the surroundings soon enough. As soon as the question left her lips, she paused, expression shifting to a sympathetic one. "I'm sorry you had to see this."
Calista was beside herself. Once another person had arrived she was at Myles side. Her first instinct had always been to make sure that everyone else around her was okay. “Myles... you don’t have to see this. Please.” Her arm was around him, tears absolutely streaming down her cheeks. Calista looked to the other woman, completely at a loss for words. How was she possibly going to get over this? How was she going to tell her dad that she found the body of another victim?
“No, we didn’t see anything.” She eventually shook her head, looking up from making sure her friend was okay. “W- We were on our way to the music store. Sometimes they let me come in and try out some new instruments. We were on our way there, I usually cut through the park...” Her voice was cut off by a strangled sob. “I invited Myles. We’ve been together the whole time..”
Of course, she knew that the police were going to try to account for her whereabouts for the past couple hours. It certainly did look suspicious, seeing them out here in the dark of night. At least they could account for each other. They had even jammed earlier with a couple of other people.
Myles stood away from the body as the other woman ordered, sinking under Calista's touch, his body shaking. He barely just processed what she and the other woman were talking about, glancing up to finally meet their gazes. "Y-yeah. Yeah, it's true. We just...came upon the body." The body, the words repeated in Myles' head. It wasn't even Frances' whole body, and he felt sick again. "It's...it's Frances McBride," he said to confirm before he felt tears running down his face. The rest of the night would've passed in a haze for him.
She couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed, but it wasn't their fault. The killer had been clever up until now, to think that they slipped up now was just...wishful thinking. "Yeah. Yeah, I know." Her eyes dropped to the ground before raising to glance at the two. "Here, let's go over here. I'm Stella, I'm a crime scene investigator." She shrugged off her jacket and held it out to the one who was shaking. This was never really her forte. It certainly wasn't usually part of her job, this was pure chance that she was here. And while she longed to actually do her job--she was more worried about these two.
"They're gonna ask you questions when they get here." She explained, running a hand through her hair. Hell, Stels wanted to ask questions, but there was protocol to be followed. "You knew the vic, I take it?" It seemed like everyone heard of her, but these two seemed to know her. Damn. That was some shit luck. "I'm sorry for your loss. Do you guys have someone you can call? Someone you can stay with for the night?"
Calista could still see Frances’ face in her mind. How could someone do this? What reason could someone have for wanting to kill someone so kind? She followed Stella wordlessly, clinging to Myles not just to support herself, but to support him as well. They both needed it. “I’m Calista. This is Myles..” The woman murmured, wrapping Stella’s jacket around her friend.
“Understood.” She nodded. While she wanted nothing more than to just curl up and forget everything that happened, she’d do anything she could to put away this sick fuck. Calista just couldn’t stop looking at it.. the torso of someone she had once called a friend. “We both did.” Calista spoke once again after a period of silence. “Frances and Myles both came to my band’s shows. That’s how we met. We all became friends.” She gave her friend a squeeze, as if to remind him that she was there. “We can go back to my place in Castle Bay. I live with my dad, Bill Yates.. my aunt was one of the original victims, Kimberly.. I’d rather he hear what happened from me than some newspaper article. He hasn’t been the same since my aunt disappeared.” She looked to the person in her arms. “Is that okay, Myles? Maybe an officer can take us to my house?”
Myles was nearly startled when he felt the jacket being wrapped around him, but he took it wordlessly. The voices around him were coming muffled as he was unable to focus on what was happening. The only lifeline he had was Calista and her touch. He gave Stella a slow nod. "Frances and I were...a thing," he said. "It wasn't romantic. I mean, it was one-sided. We've been seeing each other for a year." Fuck. And the last thing that happened was when Myles broke things off with her, because she wouldn't commit. God, how was he so selfish? When his friend mentioned her aunt being one of the original victims, Myles quickly looked up at her. "You...you never told me that," he said, his voice low and soft. But he nodded at her, taking a deep but shaky breath. "Yeah, that's fine." The worst thing he could do was be alone right now, so he was grateful to have at least one friend on his side.
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