homoeroticbetrayal · 2 years
Iconic Homoerotic Betrayal: Round 1
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Round 1 Directory
Context (they're really good very passionate):
Nagi/Reo (Blue Lock)
basicallt bluelock is a soccer program being funded by the soccer association (i swear i know soccer im tryna speed through this) theyre tryna make it so japan wins the world cup and to do so you need a strong striker. so they gathered all the young adults (hs graduates) and put them in this program, which, if you're eliminated, you dont have a career in soccer at ALL. they didnt know this walking into it :p. so reo and nagi met in school and reo saw him (rich kid, gets what he wants but doesnt really know what he wants yk) and said that he has to have him. or....... something. anyways, reo needed someone to learn soccer with and he chose the most antisocial sleepy guy on campus. and then proceeded to be an absolute simp (theres a scene he literally massages his back.) he also has canonically called nagi "good boy" (nagi said "yes boss" to him as well) context for the specfic betrayal was the game required them to be in teams of 3 and this is after reo and nagi's previous team of like 8-10 lost to isagi's team. reo and nagi said that they were going to go to win the world cup together. thats always been their promise. (theyve known each other for half a year i think. which is a short amount of time to be so attached LMAO.)
they also have a second betrayal which is honestly worse than this one, and reo's team loses to isagi/nagi's team and nagi tells him he's done with reo.
its a common theme of nagi never picking reo btw. reo was upset after the game because after you win a mtach you pick someone from the losing team to advance with and NAGI DIDNT ADVOCATE FOR REO HARD ENOUGH I GUESS AND ISAGI TOLD THEM ALL THAT THE BEST CHOICE WAS CHIGIRI. so they had another homoerotic fight that im never getting over. hope this meets ur criteria. they're in their exes era. its slightly better tho because nagi does feel bad/sorry for what he said.
(Other anon, I'll include your essay if they make it into the next round)
"He was my friend, my one and only" ultrapowerful, one tried for it one born with it bitches but the twist is one was so consumed by the twisted horrible nature of humanity he went all Magneto but a lot more murderous while the other one only stays nonmurderous because he believes in changing the system by training the next generation. You don't understand he spared him, you don't understand, Gojo's devastation of knowing that he didn't do anything to help him as he slowly literally ate and ate and ate hate and pain to protect people that didn't protect his own. The devastation of knowing that there was nothing else to say nothing to do no way to help him bring him back he'd changed into someone he understood but simply couldn't support. Geto's betrayal, leaving everything and everyone behind because their way not only wasn't working but it was protecting those who wouldn't protect them. Geto laughed for the first time in ten years after all this when Gojo said something to him , the moment before he (Gojo) killed him, carried his body, refused to have it burned. Geto gets basically possessed and when Gojo sees not!him for the first time he freezes and gets captured, Geto almost breaks the possession momentarily whe he hears his name , he doesn't, Gojo gets captured, Geto is stuck, cursed , dead.
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they were kinda like floppy discs! you’re not supposed to take them out of their casing, tho you occasionally can get stuff in there and need to clean it out but that’s generally pretty rare. they were made by sony to compete with cassette tapes, but the timing was. not great and the players could cost a pretty penny so. they did actually do really well in japan though, just not the states!
they’re a purely audio format, and basically the draws were a) really good quality, like cd type quality, which is quite a step above the previous cassette tapes, b) they were more portable than cds, and c) at the time, you couldn’t really record cds all too easily. but minidiscs were always meant to be recordable, that was their whole thing. similar to cds, you can’t record on a pre-recorded minidisc (like one from a label company. if just like your brother recorded something on a disc you absolutely can re-record it), but unlike cds you will never find prerecorded minidiscs anywhere so it’s not really an issue lol
the recorders also use a thing called a magneto-optical drive, which is where a laser makes the disc REAL DANG HOT before the magnet writes the data in it, so you don’t have to worry about leaving your discs by magnets the way you might with cassettes!
at first you could only record through a recording line, so if you had a fifty minute album guess who couldn’t use their player for fifty minutes until it was done recording! later though some of the recorders had a thing called netmd, which lets you use files on your computer to record much quicker, without waiting for the whole thing to play out. the discs had a recording time of either 60, 74, or 80 minutes, tho you almost never see 60s around these days. if you wanted to record for longer tho, you could, it really just depends on whether or not you can play it lol. basically later on a bunch of the players were able to use a thing called long play, but some players can’t so your disc will be unreadable to them. but! the discs themselves are always able to record long play no matter when they were made, and you can pretty much endlessly re-record minidiscs without them wearing out. so if your hypothetical brother gives you his old minidiscs and he has crappy taste in music and you have a recorder that can’t play long play, no worries, just re-record them as regular discs and you’ll be good to go! there are two types of long play, lp2 and lp4, and any player that can play long play can play either. as u might guess they double or quadruple your discs recording time respectively, at the loss of some sound quality. it’s not terrible, but also discs aren’t super expensive so the only time i’ve ever really used lp4 is to record several podcast episodes on one disc.
they’re all very pretty like the one in the picture tho!! these are a few of my favorites that i own:
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i wish i had a picture of my dad’s one with miffy on it because that one’s very cute too heh. i really like the ones where the disc itself is coloured too! the clear neige at the bottom is one of the most common ones you’ll find, especially if you buy them new you’ll get something similar to it. they don’t actually make the fun coloured ones anymore, :( but you can get boxes of used ones that generally come in all sorts of random fun colours! the players themselves are also pretty cool looking! pls ignore gollum’s reflection there haha!
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they do not all look like that lol, but generally the players are nicer looking than the ones that can play and record. (the one in the picture up there can’t record, tho this one can. pretty much all the recorders look something similar to this. the ones that can only play look very neat though)
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all the recorders have screens, most of the players don’t, but oftentimes they’ll have remotes that you plug into the player and then plug your headphones into the remote, and those often have screens on them.
when they were first released they could cost you up to like 800 dollars lol, nowadays depending on the player they’ll only set you back around 40 bucks. probably a good quality mp3 player might be more practical, but i like the fun clacky plastic discs lol. plus the recordings almost never get corrupted, which is a plus!
uh anyway i’m so sorry for the tiny essay!! i just really like minidiscs! :)
Op i am holding u by the hand. This is exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much!!!!!!
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 years
I think there’s a good possibility they might just not use doom in the mcu at all. Maybe who knows but the mcu seem interested in ‘not doing things that have been done before’ maybe that’s just me lingering on what they did to Peter Parker but considering the fact that dooms already been the antagonist to two different ff franchises and kang is getting set up as the next thanos level threat I’m not so certain they’ll even have him in there especially cause of how much his characters status in the comics is built on like decades worth of his rule of Latveria which you can’t really compress into a movie. Maybe who knows they might even go with ur idea have him be a background character or at least not the antagonist for a while and then not make him dr doom until many years down the line (it seems the mcu is unfortunately never ending) BUT I could be totally wrong cause I’m also of the opinion they won’t do magneto either or have him be very background as well and everyone seems to disagree so lol
"Not doing things that have been done before" is an incredibly generous way of saying "belligerently refusing to adapt anything faithfully, in any sense of the word."
That said, if I were Marvel Studios, I would probably want to avoid, like, making the same exact movies Fox and Sony made less than 20 years ago. They're probably not gonna do a Brotherhood story or the Dark Phoenix Saga for their first X-Men foray. If I'm very very lucky, they won't do a Doctor Doom story for the FF's first outing, either.
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
TELLING FRIEND ABOUT SHAW AND ERIK AND CHARLES IN DISCORD “ dfjfdjgjsd oh god that reminds me of the 80s when Shaw is internally monolouging to hiimself about Magneto and how OUR MUTUAL HATRED IS THE STUFF OF LEGEND  and  Shaw  when ppl think Erik's nemesis they don't think you  the only version where that's the case is the First Class movie, which is very much NOT you  what are you talking about Shaw VASTLY overestimates his own importance in terms of like…okay you know how Charles and Erik are this perfect dichotomy? Shaw thinks it’s a threeway. He counts himself among them, despite the fact that til recently he didn’t even want anything to do with the mutant community and even says the more mutants he meets, the less he likes being one (PROBABLY BECAUSE YOU HANG OUT WITH JERKS LIKE YOURSELF, SHAW) But he tells Charles, “We were supposed to be the clever ones. The visionaries. You, me, Erik. But all we’ve ever done is fight each other until our knuckles bled.” Okay firstly Shaw you started most of those fights. Secondly, what is this “us”? What is this “you, me, Erik”? Like he does have a past with Magneto too and they were foes for awhile while Charles was dead but THAT DOESN’T MAKE YOU THE NEW CHARLES, SHAW, YOU’RE NOT A PART OF THIS. YOU’RE NOT. BUTT OUT UR NOT THE NEW CHARLES SHAW UR NOT
ALSO he has a past with Charles too, it turns out they met before Charles formed the X-Men or Shaw joined the Club, and I'm not saying they fucked but Claremont created this history and last time Claremont went "actually Charles has a past with an old foe we didn't know about from before either joined/formed their respective factions" we got Cherik he met Charles right around the time he lost his legs and lemme ask you what's more likely that Charles was paralyzed by an alien named Lucifer? or just literally had his back blown out by Shaw?he's like their shitty shared ex always sliding in when one is on the rebound bc the other is dead/in space /etc”
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x-men-memes · 3 years
Hey just bc ur a comics blog wanted to say - wandavision and the mcu/xmcu depicions of the twins are vvv racist. In 616 the twins are romani Jewish and have been for like 40 years. The mcu cast them as Nazis (hydra volunteers if u look on any mcu source material). the xmcu cast peter as a kleptomaniac despite thievery being a negative stereotype against romani people.
I get a lot of people don’t know this but please dont contribute to the erasure here. Please choose to do the right thing.
I don’t know if you’ve actually gone through my blog or if you’re just sending this to various blogs, but I have a post (albeit, subtly) criticizing the MCU and its erasure of Jewish identities.
I never really got into it before on here because it’s mostly jokes on this blog, but I guess now’s as good a time as any.
((Kind of a rant on some of the antisemitism in both series below the cut. It’s organized into manageable lists.))
Erasure of Kitty Pryde’s (Jewish) Ethnicity
Casting white actors as Jewish characters (I love Ian McKellen so much, but like- still not a good look when paired with the fact that they never really say it outside of the context of Nazism.)
The WHOLE destruction of Auschwitz scene
Magneto getting his helmet and cutting himself off from Charles by using a piece of Nazi technology and figuratively saying he’s “become just as bad as them” when the WHOLE point of Magneto is that grey part between obedience and accepting that you have to wait for oppressors to magically stop being oppressors and going all out and making yourself into the enemy they see you as.
More white actors as Jewish characters
Crosses in Wanda’s room on top of that, the Christmas portraits in Wandavision, the fact that Wanda’s favorite time spent with her family was watching AMERICAN SITCOMS-
Attempted Removal of Nazism from Hydra (Redskull being dismissive of Hitler instead of idolizing him as he does in the comics, changing of the salute, relegation of Hitler and Nazism to secondary Hydra definitions as opposed to being the core of their ideals- All of this is done to make Hydra more marketable in the literal sense to sell cups and shirts with Hydra on it and to make characters associated with it more likable... even though they’re STILL Nazis.)
Changing of Pietro’s name to Peter. Can we avoid changing eastern European names to sound more Americanized? Please? What producer do I have to show An American Tail (1986) to?
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((Caption: A quote from An American Tail where Tanya Mouskewitz asks, “Papa, why’d they change my name to Tilly?))
All of this talk of casting Denzel Washington as Magneto
No listen- before anyone asks about this last one- I want to point out that I’m ALL FOR retroactive inclusivity. I would love a black Prof. Charles Xavier, Scott Summers, Jean Grey- pretty much anyone other than the few, precious Jewish characters left in X-Men. Kitty Pryde’s ethnicity has been all but forgotten, Wanda and Pietro are no longer canonically his children and their heritage has come under question again and again in that same canon, and I struggle to name another past Iceman who is also not a well known identity.
Imagine if, in making a live action Teen Titans, they wanted to cast one of the titans as Korean since none of them are canonically Korean and decided to take Cyborg- the only black team member- and made him Korean. That’s not even getting into that of COURSE the Korean man would rely mainly on the strengths of his prosthetics and not his physical body and that he would be the primary brains of the team in everything but social situations and battle.
That’s how I see casting the one prominently Jewish character we have left as a black man when that character is also literally a civil rights leader who acts using demonstrations of violence to gain a voice for his group. You really want a black man in that role in 2021?
Anyway, thanks for giving me a space to air some of this! I hope that everyone on this blog is a critical consumer of the MCU and XMCU alike. Reactions to my “predictions” post only encourages that to be true. 
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convervative-blog · 6 years
essay preparation, Conservative Judaism: Our Ancestors To Our Descendants by Elliot M. Dorff
alright buds gonna go thru this book, theres chapters and then like essay questions, so im here reading the chapters then answering the essay questions. im fucken ignorant as shit so this is all my stupid opinions that im still developing and it might change as i learn more idk. enjoy, lots of surprise-zionism in here skip if thats not ur thing
I. yes services start early morning we do prelims then shacharit torah & musaf then kiddush congregants range in ages from young to elderly (predominantly older tho) and in observance from super frum (ok like 5 of us lol) to basically secular & very pluralistic no one cares, very close-knit, "maritime personality disorder" very evident, love it
II. never studied at yeshiva or went to hebrew school, looking into doing so (u know when), actually the reason i picked up this book, im inherently drawn to like childrens resources (this is a highschool level book but u get it) bc as an adult i missed out on jewish child education, so im drawn to childrens resources to "learn from the start" so to speak
III. parents are gentiles, no jewish identity really, grandma resolutely denied being a jew though got 'mistaken' for one almost daily due to last name and appearance, 'corrected' people constantly, got bullied for it (i say grandma but its still patrilineal dont @ me), she didnt know anything about judaism and was frequently antisemitic and firmly catholic
IV. conservative judaism means that halachic rules are binding but that they should and must be interpreted via the lens of the society in which we live, in order to reduce suffering and increase overall observance (e.g. women, lgbt+, accessibility), conservative judaism also means an affordance of leniency in individualistic expressions of obligatory mitzvot
V. emancipation occurred from 1776-1880, within western europe (france holland england) during the rise of nationalism jews were considered naturalized citizens of their respective countries & not foreign outliers, allowed to serve in army etc  but had negative impact bc jews at the time began to lose their jewish identity whilst adopting goyische practices (ref. assimilation)
VI. absolutely and i fully intend on making aliyah, learning and speaking hebrew is nourishing for my soul, its an internal secret of mine that “magneto was right” u know, “does mainstreaming work?” and like, i say this not bc i believe jews should be separate (or even that jews should immigrate to israel) but in the interest of jewish protection and continuation, is mainstreaming going to contribute to jewish protection and continuation? mainstreaming needs to include existence. u cant mainstream two groups if one group is only accepted when they dont exist as themselves. “jews and gentiles can exist together! but u better show up to work on yom kippur.” jews deserve self-determination and to have the opportunity to live in their homeland which is the only safe place on earth for jews to publicly and fully express their judaism, to go to a school where they can safely and publicly express their judaism, to go to a synagogue where they can safely and publicly express their judaism, to go to a job where they can safely and publicly express their judaism. u tell me where that is, is it where u live? thats the downfall of mainstreaming, bc sure jews can assimilate but what u see is that ppl who arent jews will only interact with them if they renounce their judaism. sure u want to say jews and goyim living side by side respecting one anothers practices is the ideal, absolutely im "pro mainstreaming" for those ideals, but be practical! that shit aint never gonna happen, dont sacrifice yourself and ur family and ur friends for an academic concept that has never manifested itself in reality
VII. the advent of secularism! secularism is super appealing. movies! tv! books! music. mixed dancing as it were. all the things considered heretical bc they could curse g-d, but appealing on a neurological level. who doesnt wanna sit down and binge drop dead diva for 9 hours, its not me buds. so ofc many orthodox peeps would be drawn to it, but in the interest of maintaining their practices and beliefs, new movements would necessarily sprout up in response
VIII. assimilation occurred bc the advent of secularism drew alot of observant jews away from their practices and subsequently their identities, it was more appealing to be a citizen (a "german" not a "jew") bc it afforded them rights and privileges and goys would interact w them on an equal level, as long as they didnt express being jewish too much, or used their jewishness in a self-deprecating kind of way (alot of jewish comics got famous like this, ppl love listening to jews self-deprecate and in a downward shifting economy u gotta get it where u can get it)
IX. the differences between halacha in orthodox judaism and reform judaism? oh boy well today, because reform judaism looked totally different in the 1800s guys (most american jews were reform, which is why american jewish culture was so radically separate from european jewish culture and far more secular), but at the core orthodoxy believes halacha as it was written and interpreted (and as it continues to be interpreted and debated) is binding, no ifs ands or buts. u can find reasons why things can and cant be done but its always within the established halacha. reform judaism doesnt consider halacha binding but essentially “refers” to it as they develop their individual practices (”im a woman but im not gonna cover my hair if i get married bc blah blah blah” might be a reform opinion, its deciding not to follow the law, but its still referencing the law) and is exponentially more concerned with the idea of jewish peoplehood, identity, nationality, history, outside the world of torah. (yes? no? this is all shit i was spoonfed by 1 guy so like?) 
X. im writing a fucken essay on this man. need to chill out and condense. get my opinions in order. orthodoxy is appealing bc most ppl will believe the same shit u do and put the same weight on it, conservatism is more pluralistic/individualistic, definitely more secular, even tho i wholeheartedly agree with this & practice it in my life, the art of letting people do their own shit without judging them, the art of welcoming ppl into ur space despite their diverging belief systems, just: sometimes u can feel kind of silly when u know ppl probably dont take as literal interpretations as u do. strengths of reform individualism, pluralism, activism, diversity, influx of new opinions/thoughts, ppl talk to me about this i know very little about reform judaism dont get mad at me pls. weaknesses uhhhhhh lol am i gonna go there on tumblr.com 2day... weaknesses i guess would be that its not taken as seriously by outsiders? is that acceptable/right?
endin here for now!
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thecorteztwins · 6 years
doctorxdoom replied to your post “I just want everyone to know there’s a part in the 1990s Magneto mini...”
(( i need to read this immediately ))
OTHER HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS MINISERIES - Fabian’s first panel in it features him LEVITATING AND SPARKLING. Neither of these things are in his power set. - The first thing he does is creep on a woman - He claims to this woman that he has super duper changed his ways and is now as pure as snow. He literally compares himself to the snow surrounding the base. Seriously. - Two issues later, he then tries to force her to be in his would-be harem (as he announces his plans for such) - SHE BEATS HIM UNCONSCIOUS. THREE PEOPLE SEE IT. NO ONE QUESTIONS WHY. THEY JUST (CORRECTLY) ASSUME HE DESERVED IT. - So he’s all HI IM UR NEW BESTIE to Joseph, teaching him how to be Magneto, etc. That’s when the Acolytes burst in, attack him, and tell “Magneto” all about how Fabian is the dude who MURDERED HIM. Joseph is like SO DID YOU JUST CONVENIENTLY FORGET THIS HMM and Fabian gives this heartfelt speech about how “I have done heinous things, and I can’t pretend those things never happened” even though that is EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING before getting caught. JOSEPH FUCKING BUYS IT. - “But we must both be brave. We have other people to think of.” FABIAN CLAIMING HE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT ANYONE LOL - He lies to a bird.  - He tricks “Magneto” into kissing a woman in front of Exodus (whom he hates, and who is very arguably gay for Magneto) Exodus CRIES. Fabian, you are a Mean Girl.  - At the end, they put him in a prison, then return to find there’s just a big hole in the wall like a fucking Looney Toons skit. FABIAN, HOW DID YOU EVEN?! They debate going after him, but Joseph says “even Cortez couldn’t survive” out there in the snow. Meaning he first acknowledges that FABIAN IS A FUCKING COCKROACH (the “even” bit) and secondly confirming that EVEN JOSEPH, A MUCH NICER DUDE THAN THE REAL MAGNETO, DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT FABIAN DYING
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angelblumes · 3 years
hi 👋 how are you? 1. woke up at 1pm AGAIN (late 4 me) 2. it was very buggy outside today and I didn't like it 3. I got very irritated with my brother and m***er today 4. I commissioned a custom ashtray for my stepmom 4 her bday 5. Got my laundry done! see you later <3
im good :) hope ur well!! 1. drove home from the beach!!! 2. i had biscuits for breakfast :] 3. saw a pretty woman in the line for mcdonalds bathroom..... 4. saw rain from a distance? like how u can see the sheets coming down? ive never noticed that was a thing. 5. ok this isn't really anything but this nsfw magneto blog liked my last 5 daily things post.... the one i talked abt xmen in?.. i feel like im jusy spotting the tip of an iceberg floating by and the iceberg is kinky xmen fanfiction
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sea-glass-skeleton · 8 years
Get to Know Me
Tagged by @ginseng-cankles rules: u gotta tag 10 people u wanna get to know better how old are you? I'm 20 what’s ur current job? I work at a McDonald's close to where I live, and may be getting a second job soon as night security at an old folk's home. what are some talents you got? I guess my main one is drawing, go look at @marshall-artist though I haven't done that in a while and I am super rusty, I haven't made anything special in a while. I can also sing pretty well, and petting dogs is a skill. what’s your aesthetic? I like magic/other-worldly/mythical things a lot. It's why I'm drawn to things like Steven Universe, Legend of Zelda, Morrowind, and lots of other stuff. I love jewellery and gems. Anything that defies the gender binary is something I love to look at. If you are really wanting to know more go through my #inspiration tag do you collect anything? Gems/rocks/jewellery. I also collect stickers, for the soul purpose of trying to cover my dresser with them. I also collect my little testosterone vials for my HRT what’s a topic you always talk about? Recently I've just been excited about my trip this summer to go Canada to visit some friends, and that's it really You got any pet peeves? I'm not sure You got any advice? Just try to be the most loving person you can to people. But don't hold back against violence or hatred. got 3 song recs? Delta by C2C Love the Way You Move by Slightly Left of Center T.I.M.E by Neil Cicierega @magneto-burrito @glengi @starry-eyed-starling @inelegant-artist @sukkanen @nyxshepard @deathbyhilarity @aquietcreeper @hatsmack @objectivelybadguys You don't have to this is just my way of saying I love you dudes
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
@pryde-of-the-x-men- Sorry this took all day! I basically passed out after work. The issue was in the 1998 “Magneto” miniseries that actually starred Joseph. It was probably #3 or #4, but the whole thing is worth reading (despite the abominable art) for awful Fabian content. We’ve got: - Fabian’s first panel in it features him LEVITATING AND SPARKLING. Neither of these things are in his power set. - The first thing he does is creep on a woman - He claims to this woman that he has super duper changed his ways and is now as pure as snow. He literally compares himself to the snow surrounding the base. Seriously. - Two issues later, he then tries to force her to be in his would-be harem (as he announces his plans for such) - SHE BEATS HIM UNCONSCIOUS. THREE PEOPLE SEE IT. NO ONE QUESTIONS WHY. THEY JUST (CORRECTLY) ASSUME HE DESERVED IT. - So he’s all HI IM UR NEW BESTIE to Joseph, teaching him how to be Magneto, etc. That’s when the Acolytes burst in, attack him, and tell “Magneto” all about how Fabian is the dude who MURDERED HIM. Joseph is like SO DID YOU JUST CONVENIENTLY FORGET THIS HMM and Fabian gives this heartfelt speech about how “I have done heinous things, and I can’t pretend those things never happened” even though that is EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING before getting caught. JOSEPH FUCKING BUYS IT. - Three Acolytes FIGHTING WITH EACH OTHER over WHO GETS TO KILL FABIAN - “But we must both be brave. We have other people to think of.” FABIAN CLAIMING HE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT ANYONE LOL - He claims to Exodus that the woman, Amelia, is the liar and manipulator and iirc, I think Exodus buys it. I think Exy just. . . .forgot that he could read minds through this whole thing. . . because this would have been over so much faster if he had. . . or maybe he just doesn’t want to be in Fabian’s brain. - The introduction of Orator, an Acolyte who can detect lies. Funnily enough, after Fabian’s return, we never see him again. I wonder what happened. - FABIAN LIES TO A BIRD. Not a shapeshifter. Not a sentient bird. Not even someone’s pet. Just. . . .a random wild bird.  It’s just him and the bird and he talks to it about how REALLY, I’VE CHANGED, I JUST WANT PEACE BETWEEN MUTANTS AND FLATSCANS NOW because using an anti-human slur REALLY sells how sincere he is. And then he assures the bird “I’m being sincere” HE IS NOT ONLY LYING TO A BIRD, HE IS LYING TO THE BIRD ABOUT LYING TO IT!!! To be fair, he did get busted in the past because someone walked in on him having a Villainous Conversation with another character, so maybe he was just counting that some hero was spying on him (which they were not) but…yeah, Fabian just lies to birds I guess. - And finally, ok, so, Fabian wants Exodus and Joseph to fight and destroy each other so he can take over the Acolytes, because I’m SURE they’ll just accept him again. To do this, he has to get Joseph to believe he is Magneto, and Exodus to be sure he is an imposter. To do this, he tells Joseph that Magneto and Amelia Voght were in love so it will look MEGA SUSPCIOUS to everyone if Magneto doesn’t show her affection. This was of course, not the case, so when Joseph kisses Magneto, it indeed makes Exodus think that this is NOT Magneto. EXODUS HAS TEARS IN HIS EYES. AND EXODUS IS NOT IN LOVE WITH AMELIA IN THE SLIGHTEST, SO. . . . -  - At the end, they put him in a prison, then return to find there’s just a big hole in the wall like a fucking Looney Toons skit. FABIAN, HOW DID YOU EVEN?! They debate going after him, but Joseph says “even Cortez couldn’t survive” out there in the snow. Meaning he first acknowledges that FABIAN IS A FUCKING COCKROACH (the “even” bit) and secondly confirming that EVEN JOSEPH, A MUCH NICER DUDE THAN THE REAL MAGNETO, DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT FABIAN DYING Veering it back to Exodus, YES HE WAS DEFINITELY IN LOVE WITH EOBAR. And remember when Magneto was in the coma and Exodus was taking care of him? Magneto had on a robe and slippers, Exodus was DRESSING him, and the fact he gave him SLIPPERS means that he wanted Magneto to be ready to get up and walk at any given time ;-; Exodus claims Magneto speaks to him telepathically, but. . . I don’t believe that. But I believe Exodus believed it. And he gets SO MAD when the other Acolytes come and look at Magneto in his current state. I just. . .Exodus ;A;  Also remember a few years ago with Cullen Bunn’s run where he fights Magneto and Magneto puts him in a coma (Exodus’s default state lol) and it’s implied Magneto LET him win? And then Exodus comes back and brings Elixir to come heal him even though he knows Magneto won’t rejoin him? IM SO GLAD I HAVE SOMEONE TO TALK ABOUT THIS WITH BECAUSE IT IS SO THERE!!
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