#[ Kitiara ; Wardrobe ] The Stealth Princess
shctteredillusions · 5 years
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Name: Kitiara Morikawa Age/Birthday: March 1st 1193 / 826 Species: Lycanthrope Height/Hair/Eyes: 5′8 / Black / Gray Orientation: Graysexual / Demiromantic
Bio: If there was ever a job that you wanted to be completed quietly and under the radar, this is your girl for it. With her stealth capabilities, she’s the type that you won’t even know she’s coming until it’s already too late, if even then. All most know is that one minute they’re fine and the next they’re laying in a pool of their own blood with no clue what happened in that split second that it took for them to fall. Her instincts are always spot on, her plans carried to perfection. But with all those skills, she comes at with a high price tag but ask anyone who has used her, she’s well worth the fee.
Kitiara came from the Japanese lycanthrope pack. When the treaty between them and the vampires was set into place, the Japanese Lycans gave up their home country for the sake of peace and moved on. Most parted ways eventually, it was hard keeping a pack together when you had no stable home and no real reason for life any longer. Their numbers dwindled down and the few that are left are either off on their own. Except for four siblings. The siblings came from the main line, their alpha and father dying at the hands of a Pureblood and leaving no true successor behind. The four of them stuck together, deciding to make use of the training they’ve received and are available for hire for a variety of needs. Each one has their own specialty though they do work together from time to time to complete a job if needed.
Outside of her work, she still doesn’t stand out much, preferring to keep a low profile. She dresses rather ordinarily, keeps her hair in a very typical style and wears glasses to help blend in better. Any who have had the chance to actually interact with her could have described her as dull, boring, perhaps even cold, distant and verging on creepy. Her deep gray eyes show that they’ve seen far more than most and there’s an air about her to those who get close enough that shows she’s got blood covering her hands. She never allows her feelings to show, they are a weakness that will only end up being used against her as well as never allowing herself to grow close to anyone outside of the family she has left.
She is the youngest of the siblings, known only as Kitty or Princess to those who don’t know her personally and the chances of you ever getting close enough to know her true name aren’t in your favor. She is the type that will rather up and remove herself if she feels someone is getting too close or, in some rare instances, do something drastic that will cause the other to hate her so they never come around her again. Though if ever someone were lucky enough to get close to her and peer beneath the mask she wears, they’d realize she’s actually a rather simple woman. She loves ballet and dancing, enjoys a good manga here and there, and surprisingly enough considering the wolf that she is, is actually rather fond of cats. There’s a lot that she buries deep down that even her own siblings don’t see.
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shctteredillusions · 5 years
♘- fall, ♤ - Look-At-Me-I’m-Hella-Attractive. Kitiara
Outfit Meme [ @for-a-prxce ]
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The thing about Kitiara is that she actively tries to not stand out, to simply blend in with the ordinary people around her. Part of who she is is never being noticed so her style doesn’t really change for the seasons or anything. The only difference with fall is that she’ll throw on long sleeves or a light sweater or jacket so the fact that she isn’t affected by the cold doesn’t also make her stand out.
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As stated above, she goes out of her way to blend, but there are those few times when she has to stand out in order to get closer to her target and during those times, she really knows what she’s doing. So this is basically the type of thing she wears to get close to her target, though the particular style varies depending on the target itself and what she thinks will work best on them.
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