#[ I had to get this out ]
zaana · 8 months
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when I realized who was standing next to Hunter in the trailer
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seserakh · 7 months
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emys-123 · 8 months
I have this icemav time travel au in my head that I don’t know how to write. So I am going to leave it here. It’s like 86 flyboys somehow ends up in 2022 and it’s been like a week since the 86 icemav met so they are still in their early you’re dangerous/I am dangerous phase.
Imagine their surprise when people in 2022 are going on and on about Mav and Ice being wingmen. Somehow all they hear about is Admiral Kazansky this, Iceman that (maybe they met cyclone first), while the older Mav is just chilling in the corner with a wild grin.
Then they find out icemav’s married with older Mav being all domestic with his Ice (it’s after a pneumonia scare and he’s being extremely protective). The younger Mav is too shocked and outright asks if all he does in future is be Iceman’s house husband which cracks up their older counterparts. Older Ice disagree and argue that he was the house husband waiting for Mav to come back from his missions and has a whole debate about it with his husband.
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mickeyluggage · 1 month
True detective: how to surround your protagonists with ghosts
Something that's really effective in terms of storytelling in True detective, is how many characters never actually appear on screen- they're mentionned, sometimes many times, and you can feel the weight of their existence on the protagonists, but you can never see them.
We hear about Marty's father being dead, about how strong he was, we can feel how attached to him Marty was. We know he had a huge effect on his life, that he very likely influenced the way Marty thinks a lot. But we never get to see him.
We hear about Rust's father as well, we hear about their relationship, what he learnt from him, but we never get to see him (nor his mother). We hear about Rust's daughter Sophia, we even hear about his wife a little, but they are never seen.
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(In the original script, we were supposed to see her in a flashback, we were supposed to get a little glimpse into that scene which shook Rust to the core and changed the trajectory of his life; but it never made it to the screen.)
In a way, this also works really well with the series being detective drama, a genre in which we always spend a lot of time looking for someone (a culprit), who's mentionned but not seen until the very end, when the bad guy is arrested and we get to the conclusion of the story. True detective plays on this aspect by giving us both Reggie Ledoux and Childress; they play the role of the unmasked bad guy. But when it comes to actually dismanteling the pedophilic system that covered for them, nothing happens. And when it comes to showing us faces for the characters we've been hearing about for eight episodes, we get nothing. Because this is a world where nothing is solved.
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The only way we can access those characters is through the lense of the protagonists' perspectives. We're stuck in their minds, firstly because they're the ones narrating the parts of the story which take place in 1995 and 2002, but also because we only ever hear about the people in their lives based on what impressions they left on them (i.e. the way Marty talks about his father). This has such an impact on the whole story for us as spectators, and it works really well to make sure that we are stuck with Rust and Marty. We're about as lonely as they are in their respective lives, we're as limited as they are. We're prisonners of their narrative, just the same way that they are prisonners in their own lives.
Every character, whether they are already dead or not, is a ghost.
I could make a whole other post on the way that this storytelling technique changes when Rust and Marty leave the interrogation room at the end of the series, once we see what really is and not a retelling of their own memories, (in fact I even wrote about that for my final exam), so if anyone wants to read it, well, I could do it ig
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ikindeadpeople · 7 months
Silly little marble hornets rant
Okay so I was just thinking, a lot of people in the mh fandom overlook what Jay went through(I think because everyone else’s trauma is more obvious as we are literally told that Tim was in a mental hospital for most of his childhood). Personally I like to believe that Jay is the kind of person who cares(a little too much, we can see where that got him) a lot about the people around him, so much so that he’s willing to drop everything to help(the fact that he’s involved in Alex’s movies says a lot about their relationship, and how he immediately decided to continue his investigation when he received that tape from Alex)
What I’m saying is that he’s not stupid, he’s naive but no one sees his intentions.(he decodes the TTA videos after all) It pisses me off so much when the fandom shows him as a soft baby boy who can’t be violent because he CAN be violent and aggressive. He’s not innocent, he BROKE INTO BRIANS HOUSE, lies, definitely trespassed multiple locations. (he probably doesn’t pay taxes lol he broke asf how he survived I have no idea)
And people always mention how Tim has Masky and doesn’t know if he’ll wake up in his bed or in the middle of a forest miles away but no one thinks about how Jay must feel about his memory loss. Imagine how he felt watching himself on camera doing things while a faceless entity that he doesn’t fully understand stalks him and his friend but not remembering, or waking up in a hotel room he doesn’t recognise and having 7 months missing from his memory? (I would know from experience, I sleepwalk often and it’s terrifying sometimes because you wonder if one day you just won’t wake up or you’ll wake up with broken/sprained limbs) Tim may have the same problem but he’s been living with it for so long it’s normal, he’s gotten used to it.(yes, it’s still scary, but it’s been his life for as long as he can remember which isn’t a lot) For someone who hasn’t gone through memory loss before when you first realise it it’s fucking terrifying, which in this case is Jay. He’s never dealt with this before, he can’t possibly treat it like a normal thing that happens because he knows it’s not supposed to.
(Basically Jay isn’t dumb he’s just really fucking determined and loyal in my eyes, like really really determined…)
Just for the record, I’m not dismissing what Tim went through I’d just like to point out that the “dumb character” here isn’t dumb
Okay thank you for listening to my rant uhmm I rotated this around my head for 3 hours
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justjoshlynaround · 9 months
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In my opinion- there should have been a Moment. The world should have stopped when Milly first lifts the punisher, the world should stop whenever Milly does anything, really,
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xspeter · 8 months
The night is cold. That much Steve knows. He knows his torso is bloody with the remnants of scratches and bite marks. He knows that even as he feels weak and broken, he’s never felt more grateful.
Because even though he nearly died, even though he’d been in a literal alternate dimension, he got to walk home with you.
Your light, your kindness, it’s what made all this worth it. If you asked him to, he would’ve crawled right back into Vecna's lair and fought him with his own two hands.
“Stevie?” You mumble. Steve looks down at you, your lips chapped and cheeks dirty with grime and sweat. He’s not sure you’ve ever looked more beautiful.
Your lips twitch up into a smile, “Let’s go home.”
It’s that request that lets Steve’s shoulders fall. His body physically deflates as he lets himself bask in your gaze. He nods lazily, “Okay.”
mini blurb bc i feel bad for the drought that’s been on my page lately. but what if i told you ive been working on an ex’s to lovers cabin!au? 🤔
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mugs-n-cans · 4 months
Been thinking about this a lot lately but as someone who plays sniper and scout
The absolute insane height difference when you play sniper for like 2 hours then switch to scout is whiplash. I audibly said ‘god damn when did I get so short’ it’s like suddenly growing a foot smaller. Everyone is so tall. Then you switch to sniper again and you feel Too Large.
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thiccsys · 3 months
hot take: i really dont like tall horror
he’s literally a starving guy who nearly got fucking murdered for his eye how in the world is his malnourished ass that large??? idc if its canon or not horror is forever a short frail little thing to me. he’s a starving idiot and he will crumple if you hit him too hard
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cal-writes · 6 months
people are really anxious if something hasnt been updated for a month. yall im turning 30 next year i have shit on my plate that unfortunately takes priority over writing fanfic for free
i get yall wanna know how it continues but pretending a story is abandoned bc the next update didnt come within a week or leaving passive agressive comments isn't exactly motivating and will not make life pause
i appreciate everyone who is excited for my writing, thats why i like sharing it. but some people gotta work on their tone
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I've only seen 3 episodes of Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna and it's already making me so emotional. Kasuga means so much to me. And watching her eat makes me almost as happy as it does Nomoto.
I was expecting this show to make me feel so much so soon. This is not a review btw. This is just me feeling the need to write something about how this show is making me feel. I just had to put this somewhere.
I cannot overstate how important it is to me to be able to watch her eat. It makes me happy.
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I used to be a big eater. Not as much today for several reasons but I love to eat. And even at my skinniest, my grandma used to say that it wasn't something a girl should do. I was jokingly called the food bin because people would give me the rest of their food when they couldn't finish it. I laughed it off. Most times people thought it was funny or sometimes impressive - most times it was mostly impressive because I was skinny which I guess people thought it was some sort of compliment they were giving me. But it was always present. It was one of the things in my family circle I was known for. And the thing that always baffled me was the word choice. "You eat like an animal." "You eat like a beast. (this last one is a literal translation of a portuguese expression but the sentiment prevails). I've been called a pig when I said I still wasn't full and wanted to eat more. And to be clear, this was not about the way I ate. I have good table manners. It was about the quantity. And about the fact that I was a girl, so it was worthy of note.
So to have this woman unapologetically eat as much as she wants, and have someone appreciate it, is amazing to me. And that we get to see her actually eat??? And not just a spoon but several. We get to watch her clean her dish? Incredible. I'm in awe.
Eating shouldn't be policed. No matter your size. No matter your gender. You should not be shamed by food. Ever. Cause you know what happens? We still eat. But we sometimes we eat alone so as to not be controlled or talked about. We eat later at home, alone.
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weirddreamergirl · 11 months
I have Focallette brainrot. 💀 Their angst is just too good.
Also imagining spicy scenarios and just imagining their first time as Furina initiating it, having read things about it but has never experienced it & Neuvillette agreeing because he's also curious. They're both clumsy of course & they had an unspoken decision to be each other's partner when it comes to that over the years. After some time, Furina asks why he never had a more experienced partner because he's very handsome anyway & could have anyone. Neuvi says that it keeps him impartial & would not risk it. Furina asks if he thinks them sleeping together is her holding power over him or whatever but he doesn't. He never felt it impede his work. After a period of silence, he asks her why she doesn't find an experienced partner as well. He fully expected to answer similarly to his own but instead, she shrugs and answers, I trust you.
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effervescentdragon · 5 months
my friends dad died a week ago, one day before would be exactly two and a half years since my dad's death. i only found out tonight because my mom is back in our hometown and he was her colleague. they lived through a war together and were good friends. he was a smoker and a joker and a really good man, and his middle son, who is much like him, and i have been friends since high school. he came to see me after 8 years, made a stopover in the city i live in just so he could see me since life kept us apart. he dragged me out of a bar when i almost fought some france fans when they played morrocco in the world cup. he walked through meter high snow with me one january first because i was anxious and didnt want to be home. he taught me how to say i love you in turkish. he bought me a ten pack of my fave cigarettes when they discontinued them and kept them until he saw me again. he called me from south africa to show me the sunset. he bought a motorbike and let me sing this really cringy song about it to him in the middle of our capital city. he took me out for coffee when he fasted for ramadan just because he wanted to be with me and didn't want to inconvenience me with a walk mid-july. he bought me a bear-fighting taser & pepper spray because it reminded him of me. he sent me a silly charles leclerc edit to some turkish song today morning on insta that i didnt see till tonight and havent yet opened, because he always sends them to me to make me laugh.
i dont know how to call him tomorrow and give him my condolences without breaking down.
i dont think he will mind if i break down. he was one of the first ones to call when my dad died. i just wish i could do more. i wish i could hold him like he held me.
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On Fire and Loss:
As we get a few months from the worst wildfires that swept through Canada this summer, I understand climate grief now.
The words of those untouched are repetitive. Do you miss it? At least no one was hurt. It could have been worse. Trees grow back. Fire is good for growth.
Yes. Sure.
But the thing about grief is not the loss of the past. Memory is dead and gone; we cannot bring it back. It does not pain me. But imagination does. Grief is our hopes gutting us on their light. That land will be as much a part of me as my mother tongue until the day I finally permit my death. It is intertwined into my DNA‌, personality, and view of the world. I‌ have not lost that. But the children I‌ will bear and raise with love that spites a world hostile to new life, they have lost that. Someone has deleted half the DNA I might have passed on. We of the Laurentian Valley will not have lived in 20 places in 3 generations, ever pushing the frontier west. My people cling to the rivers and the sea and always have for four hundred years and a hundred thousand before that. The salt, soil, trees, and tributaries— I‌ was one part of an ecosystem for half my life. And now it is gone. It is not a loss of scenery but the loss of life to come.
My roots are gone, but the loss of the continuity of my future rips my heart from me. My children will not come into this world and rest at my bare breast and watch spring hummingbirds on the unboiled maple filling the feeders. They will never learn to track objects by watching those birds flit from feeder to feeder hanging from the windows. My children will never learn the trick of tapping the same maple trees their ancestors had for centuries. They will never cling to those trees that I have as they run until they may faint. They will never sit in their great grandparent’s living room and watch the other beings with which they share the world pass through the property. They will never sit on a rug in front of the fire, putting together their puzzles and blocks, and look up to see deer, moose, or even the odd bear or wolf through the glass. They will never hear the scream of a bobcat. They will never be scooped up and playfully scolded for eating more blueberries than they put in their basket. They will never roll down those hills chased by cousins and siblings laughing so loud they scare the birds from the branches. They will never see this world through their ancestor's eyes. Not there, not on that land, not where they should have. If we are the universe looking upon itself, I have lost the ability to give both eyes and face.
It took centuries to grow that land, that home, this family. And only a summer to tear it all away. The only part of the world I‌ knew I’d be able to give them, even if only in visits, is gone and with it, any sense of safety I may have been able to pass on.
And by the time I have children, the world will likely have simmered and withered. They may not even imagine what I‌ can no longer give them. The significance of Canadian French’s profanity rings a bit strange for generations without religion. But it is as painful as death knowing that all the words in my mouth, waiting to teach the next generation, may now be the same. Because there is no longer our place amongst the pines to point out and repeat them as I‌ did, as all before me did.
Every bastard who denies extreme climate action has ripped the future from us, from beneath our feet. They have stolen an inheritance, our and our children's language, laughter, song, and joy. They are trying to rip from us the world that makes us human. I don't believe in any God, but I will believe in the devil's hell if it means every cunt responsible knows the cost of fire upon their body and soul for all eternity. The world as I knew it is gone, but so is the future I envisioned. I’ll take hope's blade and carve another, but it will be as bitter and foreign as exile.
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i love touch. so so much. i literally never talk about it or downplay it but like. i wanna hold your hand. i wanna play with your fingers, paint your nails and press kisses to your knuckles. i’d love to just hold you. your waist, your hips, your back or belly or whatever. just holding on. it isn’t even meant to be romantic or sexual or anything. just please, let me hold you and hold me in return. let me press my face into your chest while you play with my hair. press a kiss to my forehead, my cheekbones, my nose, everything. let me bite you in like, the softest way you can imagine. i just need physical proof that you’re with me. i need to your hand in the crook of my elbow, my leg slung over yours on the couch. let me cuddle you and shower you in little touches and kisses i’m begging you. i can’t do distance, i hate it, i feel cold. please. i haven’t been touched in a week. no high fives, no pat on the shoulder or bumping arms, no thighs pressed together or legs fighting for room under the table. not a single touch. i’m dying and i don’t know who to tell. please. let me touch you, feel you next to me, know i’m not alone. please.
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baeshijima · 1 year
okay random thoughts bc i kinda maybe really miss writing for my streamer au, but streamer!blade who tends to skip the story saying "it's boring. i'm here for the combat and action, not some power of friendship bullshit.", only to slow down and actually pay attention to your lines and dialogue when you show up on screen, or when he sees your name mentioned in the text.
would also 100% attack a character or npc in the open-world if he caught them talking smack about you, even if it was once in passing (which is something he always catches, much to the amusement of his viewers & community)
(definitely buys your nameless honor profile avatar without hesitation, so now his trailblazer profile consists of [name]: dinner party avatar, you in his support (though he doesnt think anyone is worthy of using his you), and his bio "the only worthy [name] main.")
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