#[ ᴠ } ᴍᴏᴜɴᴛᴀɪɴ ᴛᴏᴡɴ.;; [ South Park ]
emptypassicn-moved · 1 year
@nurturing-starlight        sent:
    ❝    ❛  oh god. please tell me you haven’t just heard me talk to myself.  ❜ { @ pocket if that's okay! }    ❞
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        The demon blinked, turning his head slightly down towards the woman when he heard himself being directly spoken to.
It would be a lie to claim that he hadn't heard her talking to herself but it would also spare her the potential embarrassment such honesty could cause. Not to mention it was rather impolite to listen to what someone else was saying, even if it was out loud to themself and couldn't help but be overheard.
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        “ I am rather afraid I have, miss. ” He'd come to answer, deciding on going with honesty.
“ But you haven't a need to fret about what I've overheard! I do pass no judgement on such a thing after all nor am I much the type to gossip about things I've overheard in passing from a stranger. ”
        It wasn't like he could exactly even properly gossip about it or judge for it anyways, even in a context where he truly did wish to he couldn't. He had very little context on her speaking to herself. He didn't even truly know what exactly the self chatter was about. Besides the bits he'd previously heard, of course.
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boogrndsfd · 2 years
Verses tags dump.
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emptypassicn-moved · 1 year
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@angelicgentleman || continued from [ x ]
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        After everything that had happened in both of their own lives Herbert couldn't help but be glad his dearest friend was alright. Especially after more recent events that had transpired. But! Those were not the major concern as of now, even if his appreciation for the other being okay had been voiced. Rather, the major concern — well, not quite concern — was the fact Pip had invited him for tea.
Really, he did figure he ought to have invited Pip over before the blonde had managed to invite him over first. It would have been polite to. However... doing such a thing was rather difficult when you didn't exactly have yourself settled which Herbert certainly hadn't settled himself into the town yet. So, he figured he'd just have to get to doing so once he was to make up for it.
        “ I do believe I would, if you wouldn't mind. ” He responded to the offer made first, offering up a smile of his own to his friend as his head tilted forward slightly to more properly look at Pip.
It was a bit of an awkward thing, the lifting or tilting of one's head they had to do to look at one another. It did make him consider perhaps they've ought to sit more often when making conversation with one another. And perhaps he'd suggest doing so if this conversation carried on for too much longer whilst they stood.
        “ But I suppose I'm rather glad we're both okay then... and the fact we're both glad for that. Not that I doubt either of us would be. ” A light chuckle was given by him before a pause was taken. He took a moment to consider his next words as he didn't wish to ruin any sort of pleasant mood this interaction could carry by voicing too much worry.
“ ...Though, I do find that I must admit, I was rather concerned about this place when coming to it. The town I mean, not your home here as it's really quite pleasant. ” He said, giving a shake of his head as if to prevent himself from going off and rambling. He also did this to prevent himself from voicing more of this concern for the moment. His main concern wasn't even with the town itself. It was of Pip and the town instead, but he hardly wished to sound as if he didn't believe the blonde couldn't handle himself.
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emptypassicn-moved · 8 months
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@angelicgentleman // continued from [ x ]
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       Letting go of things wasn’t something Mole was necessarily good at. Sure, with petty or stupid fights like this he might ‘ let them go ’ by deciding to not waste his time with it. By choosing to just not show up and leave the person standing around, waiting for a fight, probably making them look stupid in process. But this ended up being different. The reason why he couldn’t really explain outside of being pissed off by this fucker.
        There was no hesitation from him on starting the fight, to be the one to throw the first punch. He was inherently violent, in a sense, so it came natural to him. Fighting was apart of life for him, it basically always had been in some sense. Probably always would be too.
With the lack of hesitation to throw the first punch also came the satisfaction of actually feeling his fist connect with the Brit. It was a satisfaction that was briefly lived though, as it evidently didn’t take long for his current opponent to hit back once he started things.
        There was a moment of uncomfortable recoil during the initial moments he was hit back, in the stomach. Apparently he had underestimated his opponent’s own strength when agreeing to this fight but fighting someone new was usually a learning experience. That would be a mistake he’d try to avoid making again, if he could think to during this scuffle.
He didn’t allow himself to linger on the pain for very long. It was a fight after all, you couldn’t just stop mid-fight.
        There was no ‘ politeness ’ to how Mole fought. No concern for who he fought, no real rules, nothing like that. The only goal for him ever was to win. Usually he had to win, most fights he was in would probably cost him his life again if he lost, so winning was always the goal.
        He didn’t leave Pip waiting long for him to hit back, hand promptly balling into a fist once more before he threw it towards Pip face. He didn’t aim at the face the first time, he had mostly been seeking to just throw the first punch and start the fight the first time, but he absolutely would the second time.
He’d aimed for the face without hesitation. He’d primarily aimed to hit Pip around the side of his face from how he’d thrown the punch. But, really, he didn’t care if he hit ‘ exactly ’ where he’d aimed. He just cared if the hit connected.
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emptypassicn-moved · 1 year
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@friendscfmine        sent ;;
        “  (friendscfmine) Stan: “on a scale of one to ten, how do you feel about nachos right now?” (for gary) ”
From ;; Unprompted Ask // Always accepting
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        Things had grown a bit quiet between them at the moment; Not to say that Gary minded. He was just glad to have eventually ended up here, hanging out with Stan again. He actually did like having Stan as a friend before after all so it was nice to be here, hanging out with him again, even if their initial friendship hadn't ended the best. But stuff like what had happened was better to forgive in his opinion — But that was beside the point currently.
        Upon hearing the question from Stan, his gaze turned to the other boy. He seemed to take a brief moment to think over the question, to figure out what number of the given scale would fit best on his opinion about nachos at the given moment.
  ��     “ Right now? I'd probably say it's at a six for me. ” He came to answer.
He didn't really have any strong opinions on nachos; They weren't something he typically ate all that often. However, he just generally didn't mind having some since he assumed the question was even asked in the first place due to Stan considering getting some.
        “ But I wouldn't mind some if you were going to get some. ” He added with a brief smile, feeling a need to add it since the number he gave wasn't exactly all that high. It was just a tad more positive than neutral after all.
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emptypassicn-moved · 9 months
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@nebula-drcams        sent ;;
        “   [ mistletoe ] sender and receiver standing under a mistletoe together { Nimue & Bradley, from 🐝  *  ―  𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝑪𝑯𝑹𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑴𝑨𝑺 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺. } ”
From ;; 🐝  *  ―  𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝑪𝑯𝑹𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑴𝑨𝑺 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺. // Ask Before Sending
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        It was a pretty simple little get together for the holidays. It was mostly just their friends and maybe a couple of their other peers that Bradley, personally, wasn't friends with. Nothing big or exciting but he thought it was pretty nice for a little holiday based get together. Plus, better to get together now than during the actual holiday week(s). Usually people were too busy during those times to get together.
        Bradley hadn't paid much mind to a majority of the little decorations that were up where they'd all met up for the get together so that was probably what brought him to the situation he realized he was in now. He'd just stepped away with Nimue for a moment but now didn't remember what that was about now that the mistletoe in the doorway above them had caught his attention.
        “ Oh. ” He'd said softly upon first noticing it, looking up at it instead of her. He knew plenty about the tradition with mistletoe, who didn't? But he didn't really know if it'd be okay with her if he went with it. Which led him to awkwardly staring up at it for a few moments before then returning his gaze to her.
He didn't know if she'd really be okay with something like that. Especially when they were technically around other people. Even if said other people weren't actually around at the moment, he was pretty sure they were off in another room somewhere.
        It took another moment of lingering in his thoughts before he'd take one of her hands and hold it, carefully intertwining his finger with her own.
“ Would it... be alright if I kissed you? ” His gaze went back up towards the mistletoe for a moment as he couldn't help but give a smile. “ It's tradition, after all. ”
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emptypassicn-moved · 9 months
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@angelicgentleman        sent ;;
        “  🌱 and 👊 for Pocket! ”
From ;; 𝐎𝐂 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒! // Currently Accepting
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🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
This was kind of a hard thing to consider for him but one of the things that came to mind first would be when he met the first of his younger siblings, Jane, for the first time. He probably would have been relatively young and she'd been just a baby who couldn't really do much of anything with him but it was the first time he'd ever seen or met one of his siblings so it was important to him. Even if he'd never truly been able to "know" her or his other siblings with how he'd ended up sick and then dead at such a young age.
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
...Technically yes?
He doesn't exactly jump to violence because he's angry though if you do piss him off enough he will most certainly throw hands. Especially in his main verse or any other verses where he's similarly dead because Hell did not make him a more pleasant person to say the least. But, rather, it's usually because Herbert is someone who enjoys fighting. Who would he be to turn down the chance to partake in a good ol' round of fisticuffs? But that also doesn't mean he's any good at it.
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emptypassicn-moved · 9 months
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@nebula-drcams        sent ;;
        “  CHEATING DEATH - what does your muse think about death? are they afraid of it? { HmMM, maybe for Mole, Bradley, anddddddddd Damien } ”
From ;; Uncomfortable Headcanons // Currently Accepting
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Mole knows it to be inevitable for basically everyone, the only thing that changes between most people for it is how long they have to wait. He also expects to die sooner than most of the people he knows due to his own unhealthy habits and his line of work so, in a sense, he isn't afraid of it. Especially since he has died once before already and has experienced the after life. Of course, he hadn't experienced it for very long technically but it removed the fear of what will happen after dying. But he wasn't afraid the first time while dying so he doesn't believe he'll be afraid when it happens the second time.
Bradley prefers not to think about it in all honesty, even with what does. He isn't exactly sure how long he's actually even going to live considering he isn't human and that's assuming something doesn't take him out while he's doin' MBC stuff. He's extremely durable and basically kina op but he doesn't exactly want to consider what might test his limits. This overall does leave him more worried about it rather than outright afraid. If not worried for his own death than the death of others.
Damien, similarly to Mole, knows it is inevitable and knows it must happen. He knows it will happen some day to most everyone including himself since he is mortal. He also is aware that, as the Antichrist, he is meant to be killed. He is supposed to be slain and that, in a sense, he was literally born to die. And, in all honesty, he fears for when that day comes. He doesn't want to die and he's afraid for when he will have to die because it's supposed to happen. It feels like it's doomed to happen, no matter what's done.
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emptypassicn-moved · 9 months
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Mole is not fond of his actual name. Therefore, he introduces himself as "Mole" or "Ze Mole". He has basically everyone refer to him as "Mole" even if they are aware of his actual name. Also, due to this, most people won't learn his actual name through him but rather through someone else or, during the time he's a child, if they hear it from his mother.
His mother was aware of the "Mole" nickname but never used the nickname. This made her the only person to always call him "Christophe".
His mother is the only person he's genuinely and fully intimidated by. While he becomes less intimidated by her as he grows older it does still remain to some degree, even as an adult.
Not a headcanon since it is canon but I feel a need to include it somewhere about him. Mole is a misotheist. He does believe in God's existence but he is someone who hates God and doesn't believe God is some sort of paragon of good. He believes God is cruel and is to blame for everything wrong in the world.
His experience being mauled and briefly dying from it caused him to develop cynophobia and avoid all dogs or canine like creatures. If he does encounter a dog there's a high chance he will react violently. It doesn't matter what dog or who's dog. He does not like dogs at all.
He doesn't emote much outwardly. Most of the time he remain with a fairly neutral or annoyed looking expression. He will, of course, give things like small smiles but how he's feeling doesn't come across in his expression all that often. Unless he's genuinely angry or annoyed.
He does try to keep his work as a mercenary, as well as his other forms of work, hushed as an adult. He would have tried as a child but kind of couldn't in South Park due to the war. He does this for both his own safety and the safety of those he cares about.
He does not have a formal education and has never attended a "proper" school a day in his life. He was "homeschooled" by his mother until he was about sixteen (16).
He seems to almost always have his shovel, even during times he doesn't need it or when he's going someplace he probably shouldn't take it.
Due to the characters Gregory and himself were originally inspired by Mole did have some sort of interest in Gregory when they were younger. These potential feelings ended after the events of the war due to his feelings about what occurred.
Due to the events of the war he also actively distanced himself from everyone he could have been considered friends with or close to for a while after. What happened left him feeling betrayed and like he'd been used and he was afraid of it happening again for a bit to say the least.
He doesn't share the fact he died during the war with very many people so most people are unaware of the fact it occurred. This is something he even avoids telling people he considers himself close to.
In most verses with Mole as an adult he has a cat named "Lutin Des Ordures". This cat is a gremlin, a little creature. He's called "Lutin" for short but won't really respond when called that.
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emptypassicn-moved · 1 year
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@monmuses        sent ;;
        “  ❛ don’t make me regret giving you the aux cord. ❜ (kyle @ gary) ”
From ;; &. 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. // Always Accepting
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        He'd like to think it wouldn't be something regretted by the ginger but based off the music tastes he'd observed before he got to 'share' his own? Perhaps there would be some regret for it. Most of their peers, Kyle included, did seem inclined to very different music tastes from his own. Not that he found that bad or anything, it probably just made it more difficult for them to enjoy what the other preferred to listen to he assumed.
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        “ Don't worry about it Kyle! I'm sure you won't regret it. ” Gary reassured anyways as the aux cord came to be handed off to him. Even if he wasn't totally sure about it, he preferred to be positive about the thought.
Following his reassurance he got the aux cord plugged into his own phone and looked for something to put on. It didn't really take him that long to find something either, only really long enough to cause a few brief moments of silence after he spoke. Though, what he put on proceeded to be what was basically very similar to Christian rock — and likely just a bit of a tone shift from what had been on before the aux cord had ended up in his hands.
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emptypassicn-moved · 9 months
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@angelicgentleman        sent ;;
        “  ❛ if i'm slipping, i'm totally blaming you. ❜ for Pocket! From '𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝑪𝑯𝑹𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑴𝑨𝑺 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺.' ”
From ;; 🐝  *  ―  𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝑪𝑯𝑹𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑴𝑨𝑺 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺. // Currently Accepting
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        Herbert gave a chuckle towards Pip's words. “ You can blame me, if you'd like. ”
It seemed only fair he let Pip blame him for slipping — even if the blame was jokingly given — as he had been the one to end up suggesting the idea of going out to the frozen over pond to ice skate. He actually wasn't quite sure how familiar Pip was with ice skating when he'd suggested it but he supposed not very based off the comment. But that wasn't any concern to him, there was always room for learning after all! Then again... this wasn't quite ice skating. It was ice skating without the skates due to it being a spur of the moment choice in activity. So, perhaps, it ought to be called ice sliding instead?
        “ If you're not very confident on the ice you could hold onto me? ” He'd offer. It was an offer that risked them both being pulled down if Pip slipped but he didn't much mind that.
“ It could help with keeping your bearings, at least until you're used to moving on the ice. ”
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emptypassicn-moved · 1 year
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@friendscfmine        sent ;;
        “  (friendscfmine) Michael: “is that seriously your password?” (for christophe lol he's judging the resistance) ”
From ;; Unprompted Ask // Always accepting
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        The snow upon the ground crunched under Mole's boots as he'd lead the goth to where 'La Resistance' had set itself up. Little conversation was made as he'd done so, Mole himself basically not speaking unless spoke to ���aside from times he suddenly felt he ought to warn of something or disclose some information. However, not much of that had happened besides brief explanations of the Resistance... but part of that was even just Mole going 'Z'ey will explain sheet to you once we get z'ere'.
He didn't care to go into any in depth explanations. That wasn't his job. His job right now was just gathering up whatever kids managed to avoid Resistance recruitment up until this point — which included the goth he'd brought to the place now. The adults weren't on their side so he was tasked with getting basically any kid he could, including ones he figured were better to not involve. But who was he to speak judgement upon the plans of their dear leader-not-quite-leader of the La Resistance?
        But they soon enough reached the location.
He raised a hand and knocked on the door, being met with someone peering through and requesting a password. And he gave it. 'Bacon' was the fucking password of all things, fucking bacon. It was a password that was stupid to Mole, worthy of mockery. It was a password that was ironically American sounding.
        After having spoken the password, a glance was cast over his shoulder at the goth due to the comment made as the door was opened up. At first, all it got was some sort of almost amused sounding huff out of the French boy as what little was left of the cigarette he currently had was put out in the palm of his glove.
        “ Yez. ” The cigarette was dropped, proceeding to be crushed under the heel of one of his boots before he'd begin to head in. “ Z'at iz ze paz'ord. Blame ze American boy for it. ”
Which American boy? Whichever one came up with this shit. One of the various American children present Mole didn't care to learn the actual name of.
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emptypassicn-moved · 1 year
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@nurturing-starlight        sent ;;
        “   “what’s your problem?” { Nimue @ Damien more random dialogue prompts. } ”
From ;; more random dialogue prompts. // Always Accepting
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        Damien immediately looked displeased at the question. Then again, he always looked displeased... just this time the expression was targeted at this girl that'd decided to ask what his 'problem' was. Which, honestly, was a fair question with how he carried himself like he was angry at everyone, how he spoke loudly and like he was mad, and he tended to just glare at those around him. But Damien was difficult to fair questions.
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        “ What's YOUR problem? ” He posed the question right back, his tone sounding like he was already annoyed or becoming angry with this person. But he just tended to sound like that.
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emptypassicn-moved · 1 year
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@monmuses        sent ;;
        “  (abilities & super-power themed prompts) ❝ i care about you. not your abilities. ❞ (henri @ bradley bc she cares about her brother). ”
From ;; ABILITIES  &  SUPER-POWERED  THEMED  PROMPTS // Always accepting
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        He knew she cared about him. It wasn't something he'd ever really doubted, not since they were kids but even then he'd consider that time brief. She never seemed like someone that only cared for him due to his abilities. He could never think of her as that type of person. After all, she'd remained the same towards him even after it became well known he wasn't exactly human. Even as they got older, even as they grew less childishly hostile in how they interacted with one another.
But that didn't mean it wasn't any less meaningful to hear. It was something that was probably good for him to hear considering some of his own thoughts about himself and the abilities he possessed. It was especially nice to hear from her considering, as much as he did love their parents, he'd consider himself to be closer to her than them.
        “ ...I know. ” He eventually responded, a small nod paired with the words, after having taken a breath that was nearly just a gulp of air.
He knew she cared but he wasn't meaning to say it in any way to brush her off. He just couldn't say much more immediately without feeling like he risked crying and he didn't really want to do that right now. He just still wanted to acknowledge that he knew she cared.
        It took a few minutes for him to feel confident enough to say more than a few words, needing a moment to put himself together enough to speak he felt.
He usually wasn't this emotional about things and he wasn't exactly happy with himself for struggling to talk like he was now... but this was something that tended to get him. He knew he wasn't just his abilities, he wasn't just 'Mintberry Crunch', people cared about him for more than those two things. That was something he could easily tell himself but sometimes it still felt the opposite was true. Everyone knew he was MBC, everyone knew about his abilities, and everyone knew he wasn't human. They'd been intertwined into his identity, his very being, for years now and some people did treat him differently after it had become apart of his identity.
        He shook his head slightly, almost as if clearing his thoughts, now that he felt ready to speak. He let out an almost soft, sigh-like breath before he picked up speaking again.
“ Sorry— ” He felt a need to apologize for how emotional he was over this whole little thing— “ I didn't mean to get all... emotional about this. It's just... I don't know. It means a lot to me... for you to say that. ”
        He bit the inside of his cheek for a moment after he spoke. He couldn't help but cringe a bit at himself over all this. It wasn't like he was against sharing his emotions, he was usually pretty open about them, but this felt awkward and a bit foreign to him. Usually the topic of his abilities wasn't spoken about with his sister aside from basic things that could be expected, such as thing everyone would find out he'd recently done as MBC. But it was basically never spoken to Henrietta like this.
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emptypassicn-moved · 1 year
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@nurturing-starlight        sent ;;
        “   ❛  i don’t think we’ve met yet but you looked like you needed someone to talk to.  ❜ { Nimue @ Mark } ”
From ;; 🐝  *  ―  𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒. // Always Accepting
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        “ Needed someone to talk to? ” Mark asked in response, puzzled sounding at the thought.
Mark had been out alone, sitting at the coffee shop in town. He'd been focused on doing his own thing but he supposed he probably also could have look troubled, like he was alone and upset with something or someone. And he supposed maybe he could be considered upset about something but he'd hardly share that with a stranger — but that wasn't to say he wouldn't appreciate speaking to someone.
        “ I don't suppose I necessarily need someone to talk to— but that isn't to say your company wouldn't be appreciated if you'd like to lend it. ” He replied after his moment of confusion. “ ...What's your name anyways? ”
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emptypassicn-moved · 1 year
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@nurturing-starlight        sent ;;
        “   “why do you have that look on your face?” { kevin @ red more random dialogue prompts. } ”
From ;; more random dialogue prompts. // Always Accepting
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        Red had been just staring at Kevin before he'd asked the question, head propped up using her arm. However, she had more of an amused expression on her face as she'd listened to his side of their previous conversation and that expression didn't falter as she came to answer his question.
        “ Because you're being a nerd. ”
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        There wasn't any sort of mocking or negativity laced into her response, rather lighthearted teasing instead. She hardly even minded what he'd been doing for her to end up ‘accusing’ him of being a nerd. She was used to some... maybe half... their conversations somehow managing to involve Star Trek, Star Wars, or some other Sci-Fi media. Even when the conversation wasn't even related to it in the slightest.
But there's only so many times you can listen to that happen without looking at someone like they're the biggest nerd you know. Because they also actually are the biggest nerd you know.
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