akitasimblr · 2 years
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and now we conclude the harper bachelor posts - get ready, there's a new harper spin-off on the horizon 😉😎
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mortalrunner · 20 days
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(I'm not the only who's wondered how everyone immediately clocks the runner as a mortal, right?)
Alt answer:
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((Transcription of text under cut:
Thor: You wish to know how others can tell you're a mortal?
Thor and Loki: ...
Caption: Earlier, in Asgard...
Thor: Mortal! We obtained some clothes for you, as your current wardrobe is...
Loki: Lacking. Luckily for you, one of us has a sense of fashion.
Loki: Oh, the runes? Think of them as a...protection spell, of my design.
Text on shirt, translated: Rūna's favorite mortal. If found, call Heimdall.
Caption: Now.
Loki: Subtle signs, if you know how to read them.
Thor: I'm sure they mean it as a...compliment, of course!
(Loki and Thor, whispering to each other)
Loki: The mortal must never know.
Thor: For once, brother, we are agreed.
(Alt answer):
Loki: Too short to be Asgardian, too sober to be a dwarf.
Thor, off panel: LOKI!
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littlxpxtal · 6 months
Cooler Than Me
TYRANTS || STORY MASTERLIST PAIRING: rafe cameron x fem!reader WARNINGS: MDNI 18+ Content, swearing, sexual content, drug and alcohol use, violence WORD COUNT: 5.2K
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I got you all figured out
You need everyone's eyes just to feel seen
Behind your make up nobody knows who you even are
Who do you think that you are
“YOU’VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT?” I Shout back at my mother as she stands across the kitchen island from me, my dad right next to her. We were in the midst of the biggest argument we have ever had. They were telling me I couldn’t associate with the pogues anymore. 
“Hanging with those kids is going to ruin your future! You almost got arrested this summer because of them and their shenanigans. We’ve talked to Kiara’s parents and they’re doing the same thing. You guys are bright girls - we can’t believe Ward lets Sarah runa round with those fools.” my dad responds. 
I furiously pace the kitchen floor, running my hands up and down my sides. 
“Those fools are my friends dad, you can’t just tell me who I can and can’t be friends with.” I say, choking on a sob forming in my throat. 
“This is for your own good. You need to start getting on good terms with these kids, keep your grades up and get into a good school.” my mom says quietly, trying to calm me down.
“If you don’t stop seeing them, we’re taking your car keys and cutting off your allowance.”
I scoff at this response from my father. 
“Yea like those things matter. I still have a bike and I can get a job.” I retort. 
“We won’t support you through college.” my mother says firmly. I stand still, tears dripping from my chin onto my shirt. 
“What?” I ask meekly. 
“You heard me. If you keep this up, we won’t help you with anything.” she responds. I stare at her blankly.
“You wouldn’t” I whisper.
“We’re being serious Y/N. You need to get your head on straight and stay on this side of the island.” 
My mind runs a mile a minute, thinking of how difficult it would be to attend any of my dream colleges without their support. A sob escapes my mouth and I look up at them.
“You’re really threatening me right now?” I ask, holding myself with my arms, leaning on the kitchen counter for support. 
“You have a future ahead of you. Those kids don’t.” my father states. 
“You don’t know that!” I shout back.
“Listen, our decision is final. And you can’t try anything because we had a tracker installed on your phone.”
“You have WHAT” 
I run to the living room to grab my purse and shoes, shoving them on my feet.
“Where are you going?”my mother shouts at me, moving to the living room with my dad. 
“‘m going to Sarahs. You said I can’t hang with Pogue’s. She’s not a Pogue.” I respond back, sniffling. 
“She might as well be one” my dad whispers under his breath. My mom walks closer to me, resting a hand on my arm. I jerk myself away from her, wiping the tears from my chin. 
“She’s one of my best friends. You can’t take her away from me.” I choke out. 
“We just want the best for you.” she says softly. I roll my eyes and open the front door. When I get into my car I pull out my phone to text Sarah that I was on my way.
I park my car in the Tannyhill driveway, storming through the front door, tears pouring from my eyes. Rafe immediately stands up from the couch, staring at me as I kick my shoes off.
“Woah woah woah what’s goin on.” he asks, slowly walking towards me.
“Nothin, is-is Sarah home?” I choke out, pressing my hands into my face to cover it from Rafe.
“Well you’re obviously upset. What happened? JJ fuck with you again.”
“Jesus Christ Rafe, NO!” I Shout at him, breaking down into tears again.
“Look ‘m just trying to figure out what the hell is goin on with you. You storm into my house lookin a fuckin mess cryin and shit I deserve to know what’s going on. Don’t want you bringin any trouble round here.”
“Fuck you where’s Sarah.” I ask. He sighs and shouts up the stairs “SARAH”
I stand there, crying into my eyes as he stands awkwardly infront of me.
“Yea?” she asks from above the bannister. 
“Oh my god Y/N whats wrong?” she asks before running down the stairs. 
“My-my parents they-they” I choke on a sob, and she finally reaches the bottom of the stairs to hold me. Rafe walks away to the couch, eyes staying on me. I look up to reach Sarah’s eyes. 
“They told me I can’t hand with the guys anymore. They’re too much trouble and they’ll take away everything from me if I keep hanging with them. They said they wouldn’t help me with college.”
She furrows her eyebrows and hugs me close.
“God I’m so sorry Y/N” 
“It’s for your own good” Rafe pipes up from the couch. Sarah shoots him a death glare and he shurgs. 
“Been tryna tell you girls they’re bad news. “ he responds before pulling out his phone. “Bout time they put their foot down.”
“God would you shut up.” I respond, staring at him from across the room. He looks up from his phone, shocked at my response. 
“C’mon lets go upstairs.” Sarah holds my hand as we go up the stairs. She pulls out her phone to text our groupchat, telling everyone to meet at her house for an emergency. 
“Its the last weekend of the summer, why the hell are we on Figure Eight” I hear JJ complaining to the group as the head up the stairs before entering Sarah’s room. I laid across her bed, blowing my nose into a tissue when they finally open the door. 
“Oh Y/N” Kiara says softly before climbing on the bed, resting a hand on my thigh. 
“Her parent’s wont let her hang with the guys anymore on the cut. They gotta tracker on her and everything.” Sarah tells the group.
“They gotta WHAT?” JJ exclaims. “That’s gotta be illegal or somethin.”
“You’re not gonna listen to em right?” Pope asks, sitting on the edge of the bed. I sniffle and look around the group, my eyes glossing over with tears. 
“I don’t really have a choice.” I whisper. 
I shift in my seat, anticipating the last bell of the day to ring. 
“Please write down the assignment on the board. It’s due Monday morning.” Mrs. Thompson drones on. I mess with the hem of my skirt, and shoot straight up when the bell finally rings. Walking at a fast pace, I finally reach my locker. 
“You goin to that Halloween party tonight at the Thornton house?” Sabrina asks, appearing behind my open locker door, popping a piece of gum while looking down at her phone.
“Uhhh I didn’t know there was a party.” I say, shrugging, placing my textbooks that I won’t be using for this weekends homework in, and grabbing my purse before closing the door. 
“Damn girl we gotta get you added on this group snapchat story so you can get hip.” she responds before putting out her hand. I reluctantly pass her my unlocked phone as she gets on my Snapchat and adds my username. 
“You gotta costume?” she asks as we walk towards the exit. 
“Eh I’ll probably just reuse an old costume.” I respond, internally cringing at the old princess costumes stuffed in a box in the attic. When I hung with John B, Sarah, and the gang we made fun of the Kook Academy kids who would dress up and get disgustingly hammered in costumes causing chaos across town. 
“Just make sure its tight and sexy. I’ll pick you up around 7:30 for my pregame okay?” she says before we go our seperate ways in the parking lot. I give her a weak smile before entering my car, sighing and putting in the closest clothing store in Kildare I could find on my GPS. 
I decided to go as a vampire. It was easy to find a black lace corset and black mini skirt. I stopped at the local Spirit Halloween on the way home for some fake blood and figured I would just do dark black and red makeup to match. 
After putting the finishing touches to my makeup, I took a sip of the mixed drink I made myself, pregaming the pregame because I was about to be with people I wasn’t really friends with the entire night. 
I move all of my essential belongings to a tiny black Coach purse with silver embellishments that matched my excessive jewlery. My phone rings with a text message, and I sit by my vanity to respond.
Sarah Cameron
What’re you up to tonight?
I debate on telling her I’m going to her ex boyfriends house for a fucking Halloween party. I take a huge gulp from my drink and type a response
Some Kook Halloween party 🙄 wby?
I decide it’s best she doesn’t know I know whos party it is. She immediately repsonds
Oh is it Toppers lmao?
I sigh and begin to type before her chat bubble appears.
Think we were gonna crash that ;)
I laugh and respond
Please do I need to see some familiar faces.
I’ll text you if its confirmed we’re just scheming right now.
I like her text and receive one from Sabrina
Be there in 5.
I like her text and chug the rest of my drink, walk to my closet and debate on what shoes to wear. I decide to go with the all black theme and choose my favorite pair of tall gogo boots that make me at least 4 inches tallers. I walk slowly up the stairs in attempt to avoid my parents seeing my extremely revealing outfit, epically failing when my mom pops her head out of the kitchen as I reach the last step.
“Where are you headed?” she asks, quirking her eyebrow up and looking at me up and down. 
“A Halloween party with some friends from school.” I reply, pulling my skirt down, avoiding eye contact. 
“I’m glad you’re making friends. Be safe.” she responds before going back into the kitchen. 
I roll my eyes. Of course shes fine with me looking like this as long as it’s kids from Figure 8. My phone buzzes and I open it.
Here bitch
“Bye Mom Bye Dad” I shout before exiting the house. 
I jump into the passenger seat, and she reaches over to hug me. I flinch lightly, never receiving this type of intimacy from her before. I guess we were really friends now. She’s dressed as princess peach, with the tiniest dress I’ve ever seen and the iconic crown on her head.
She turns her car back on and turns her volume all the way.
“LETS GO GET FUCKED UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP” she cheers before driving off.
We reach her house and she takes me to her basement. Theres a full bar, a pong table and a large couch unoccupied. 
“Whats your drink of choice?” she asks stepping behind the bar. 
“Just a vodka sprite” I respond, making myself comfortable on her couch. Before shes done making my drink, a rumble of footsteps come down the stairs and a group of guys I’ve seen in passing from classes come down, crowding around Sabrina with hugs. 
She pulls away from the group, handing me a red solo cup with my drink in it filled to the brim.
“Everyone this is Y/N” They all take a second to eye me up and down and I stand up, self conscious of how far my skirt rides up when I sit.
“Yea you used to hang with the pogues right?” One pipes up. Sabrina rolls her eyes and walks back behind the bar to start making drinks for the boys. 
“Be nice. Shes on the right side of town now.” They let the conversation go and I inspect everyones outfits, they’re all dressed as super heroes, some with just capes, no shirts, some with their shirts propped open. I force myself to not make eye contact with any of them until one approaches me.
“So what made you come finally hang with the kooks?” he inquires, taking a sip from his cup.
“Was getting into too much trouble and I wanna get into a good school.” I respond, mimicking him and taking a sip from his drink.
“What school d’ya wanna go to?” he asks. Before I can respond another rumble of steps come down the stairs and an even larger group of people come down, a few of them dressed as the crew from scooby doo, and three girls dressed like the powerpuff girls. I smile at the way everyone embraced the theme, feeling the liquor increase my confidence. 
I walk up to the bar and request another drink from Sabrina, but shes too distracted by a guy dressed as Superman is chatting her up. My phone buzzes and I look down to see a text from Sarah.
Were coming. Is everyone actually dressed up?
Yes 😵 Im a vampire lol
OMG Lemme see
I lean over the bar and interrupt Sabrina’s conversation to ask her where the bathroom is. She points around the corner and I walk over. Its unoccupied and I inspect myself in the mirror. Fixing my hair, I grab my dark red lipstick out of my purse and reapply, before pulling out my phone to snap a picture. I send it to Sarah.
Holy shit you actually committed. You look HAWT
I laugh at my phone before someone pounds on the door.
“One Sec” I respond, blotting my lips on a piece of toilet paper before opening the door.
“All yours” I mumble before heading back to the bar in hopes of actually getting another drink.
“Be my pong partner” Sabrina pleads after refilling my cup. 
“Okayyyy” I respond, feeling my words already start to slur. We get behind the table and I look across the table, seeing a boy from my English class and another from my history class. 
I had played beer pong before with the crew, and I was decent, but I figured these kids would beat my ass.
On the contrary, Sabrina and I whooped their ass, which led to us jumping around the table spilling our drinks all over the floor.
“SABBBB” Someone calls from the top of the stairs. A group of people walk down all dressed as Mario characters.
“You guys are so late it’s almost time to go to Tops party” she pouts, hugging the guy dressed as Mario, who I’ve picked up over the last few weeks is her controlling possessive boyfriend. I huff, finishing the last of my drink, realizing that I was now alone, my partner in crime being stolen from me as he aggressivley clung to her side as the new group of people cracked open the beers they brought in plastic bags. 
I go behind the bar, figuring that Sabrina was now off duty since she was occupied and began puring myself a very heavy handed third drink. 
“Hey bartender, wanna fill me up?” the same guy from the couch was leaning over the bar putting his cup out to me. I blush and adjust my skirt.
“Sure, what were you having?” 
“Vodka water.” he responds. I turn and feel his eyes on me, I feel my body warm in a sensation I hadn’t felt in a while. 
I hand him back his cup and he smirks before taking a sip.
“I’m Noah by the way” he says, holding a hand out. 
‘I’m Y/N” I respond, shaking his hand and making my way around the bar to stand next to him. 
“You’ve gotten hot since the last time you used to hang around us.” He says, winking at me. 
���Yea like middle school.” I joke before taking a large sip of my drink. 
He laughs and scoots a bit closer to me. “So you never told me, what college are you thinking about.”
“Mhmmm probably NC State.” I respond, looking down into my cup.
“Nah you gotta come to Duke with the rest of us.”
I roll my eyes and look across the room.
“I kinda fucked my chances with that one by not doing many extracurriculars.” I respond, finally turning to look at him. He rolls his eyes this time and smirks again. 
“If you think thats why we’re all getting in then you’re wrong” he grins and clinks his cup against mine.
“‘S all about connections. Lemme know if you need a good word, my dads an alumni.” he says before walking away. I bite my bottom lip, realizing this was exactly what my parents hoped would happen. For me to network my way into these kids lives and get the connections I needed. Those bastards were right. I didn’t wanna go to Duke though, that was never a thought I’ve even had. Maybe I would consider but I didn’t need to attend a school like that to get a good degree.
My thoughts were interrupted by Sabrina standing on the coffee table infront of the couch.
“EVERYONE FINISH THEIR DRINKS IN THE NEXT 30 SECONDS ITS TIME TO GO PARTYYYY” She cheers before her boyfriend picks her up off the table, slinging her over his shoulder, slapping her ass infront of everyone. I choke on my liquid, cringing at the way everyone laughed at her. 
I trail behind the group as we walk to the Thornton Mansion, bracing myself for the next level of social interaction I was about to face. 
I feel my body vibrate to the bass as soon as we step foot inside the front door, the ceiling lights off, living room illuminated with LEDs across the ceiling and floor lamps that are pink and green. I’m not shocked but I immediately lose Sabrina and the group I walked in with, finding myself alone and wandering to the bar, in hopes that they had liquor.
“Whatcha want -” The tall male voice says before stopping his sentence when he finally faces me.
“Y/N” Rafe whispers, clearing his throat. He’s wearing Slytherin robes, his hair slicked back Draco style.
“Hey” I respond, regretting that I walked to this bar.
“What’re you doing here?” he asks. I feel my confidence rise at the question, refusing to let him belittle me tonight.
“It was an open invite. Why wouldn’t I be here.” I retort staring into his once again blown pupils.
“Dind’t think this was your scene.” He responds nonchalantly. 
“You must not know much about me then. Can I get a vodka sprite please.”
He nods his head and turns to the back of the bar, mixing my drink into a red solo cup. 
He passes it to me without another word, turning to the girl beside me. “Whatcha want pretty girl?” He asks, staring blatantly at her boobs. I roll my eyes and walk throught the backdoor to see a group group of people surrounding an inground pool. I find an unoccupied pool chair and take a seat.
My phone buzzes with a text from Sarah
We’re about to pull up
I immediately respond
Im in the back by the pool
I play on my phone until I hear my name being called across the pool, looking up to see a group of 5 people wearing masquerade masks waving at me. I jump up and run across the pavement to meet them. Jumping into Kiara’s arms first, she swings me around laughing. 
“The fuck are these costumes?” I ask.
“Well it was a last minute decision and we knew if people could actually see our faces we’d be kicked out instantly.” JJ declares, pulling a beer out of his bookbag.
“Hmm good move.” I respond. 
“Lets dance!” Kiara cheers, grabbing me and Sarah’s hands, leading us back inside to the group of people dancing in the dining room.
After a few songs I walk to the bar to get another drink. Before I reach the bar I feel a rough yet familiar hand grab my arm, turning me around. Rafe’s face is lowered to meet mine, a stern look upon his face.
“Why the fuck are they here” he says, gritting his teeth.
“Dunno what you’re talking about” I say, yanking my arm from his grip. He follows me to the bar, and presses his chest against my arm, reaching down to my ear.
“I can smell a Pogue a mile away. Who the fuck do you think you are inviting them?” I roll my eyes and order the same drink from the drunk dude behind the counter. 
“Look, I didn’t invite any Pogues. And stop grabbing me like that.” I say, pushing his chest off of my arm and turning to head back to the dancefloor. Rafe loses me in the crowd and I notice my friends are no longer in the same place they were. 
I look around frantically for their masks and see Kiara and Sarah without their masks on, getting questioned by Topper and Kelce. The boys are nowhere to be found.
“Fuck” I whisper. I see Rafe making a b-line towards their direction and I push through the crowd to reach them.
“Sarah, the fuck are you doin here?” Rafe shouts at her. She rolls her eyes, clinging to Kiara. 
“Rafe leave them alone,” I speak up once I finally reach them. He ignores me and takes a step towards her.
“We just popped in to see what was going on. We’re leaving now.” Kiara responds, pulling Sarah’s arm.
I look at them with pleading eyes, not wanting to be left alone again with these people.
They sadly wave to me before exiting, Topper slamming the door behind them. Rafe turns to me with a scowl on his face. I turn around and head to the bathroom. 
I pull out my phone to see a text from JJ
Sorry had to bolt on you like that Y/N. Top was looking hella pissed and we didn’t want them to take shit out on you.
That’s alright. It was nice seeing you 🙂
Sarah Cameron
Well that was a bust. Sorry we couldn’t stay longer. Really didn’t want to give Rafe a reason to rat me out to Ward
It’s alright I’m glad I got to see you!!
I sigh, clicking my phone off and exiting the bathroom, finding Rafe standing outside, leaning against the wall. 
“You smoke?” he asks. 
“Yea” My drunk brain makes me respond without thinking.
“Follow me”
I trail behind Rafe as he takes me to the side patio, where a group of people are sitting around a fire pit. He pulls up a chair for me and hands me a water bottle. I’m slightly confused at his niceness but decide not to question it if I am about to get free weed. 
The blunt is finally passed around to me and I take a few hits before passing to Rafe.
“Do we really have to listen to this?” I ask, referring to the loud ass trap music playing from a speaker next to Topper.
Everyone goes silent and looks at me with wide eyes.
“Whos on aux?” I ask, sitting up.
“Me. Whats wrong with this music?” I laugh and open my water bottle
“Its not smoking music. Its bouta make me tweak. You gotta play something chill like Tame Impala.”
Topper looks at Rafe and he shrugs his shoulders.
I speak up again. “Play anything from their album Currents. Its my favorite to listen to while I’m crossed.” I say. At this point I’m amazed by my confidence, but then again everytime I smoke I realize how insignificant anyones opinion of me really is. 
Topper plays The Less I know The Better and another blunt is lit up, circling around the group again. As the songs finishes, I realize no one has spoken a word since the song started. 
Topper’s glazed eyes look over at me and he begins to giggle like a little boy.
“That was a good call” he finally says. I smile at him and sink into my seat, staring up at the stars, feeling the intoxication take over. 
After what only felt like seconds, I feel an aggressive tap on my shoulder. I slowly move my eyes to follow the sensation and see Sabrina, with a crooked crown and makeup smudged under her eyes.
“Whats wrong” I slur out, trying to find the courage to pull myself up from the slouched positon I was in. 
“I found Derek making out with a girl in the bathroom. Can we go?” I sober up enough to sit myself up right.
“Oh my god, Sab I’m so sorry. Yea yea lets go.” I say, grabbing my purse. I’m too busy helping Sabrina up the patio stairs to realize Rafe followed us to the front of the house. I jump when I finally see his shadow linger behind us.
“Hey uh I just wanted to let you know we’re having something at my house next weekend. I think. We’re still waiting to hear if my dads gonna be out of town or not.” I nod my head, holding onto Sabrina as she silently sobs.
“Uhh if you want I can text you an update.” I stare at him in repsonse, shocked at his forwardness. 
“Um sure.” I say, pulling phone out of my purse handing it to him. 
He types his number into my phone and I slip it back into my purse.
“Get home safe. Sorry about Derek, Sab. He’s a dickhead.” she loudly sobs in reponse and his eyes widen.
“Text me when you’re home yea?” he says as we start to walk away. I nod my head and lead Sabrina and I back to her house. 
After Sabrina is finally done puking her guts out in the toilet I pull my phone out, remembering I told Rafe when we got home. I stop myself before pressing send. Why do I feel obligated to let him know anything about me? The crossed haze I was still lingering in decided to send a simple text just to get the feeling out of me. After taking off my makeup and changing into a T-shirt and shorts I hear my phone ding
Everything all good over there?
I look over to see Sab is already passed out on her side of the bed. I internally debated between responding now or waiting until the morning, he wouldn’t know if we were asleep or not anyways. 
All good!
I have hopes he doesn't respond so I can pretend like this isn’t fucking weird, but there’s also a small hope inside of me that he does. It’s probably best if I just go to sleep at this point. 
Rafe’s POV
I watch her stumble down the driveway, clutching Sabrina’s waist, her loud sobs echoing in the darkness. 
Chewing on the inside of my cheek feeling how dry my mouth is I walk to the back patio sitting down and start chugging my water.
“Y/Ns not too bad” Topper says, offering the blunt to me. 
“‘M good” I mumble, sitting back and finishing off the water.
“Yea, she’s a lot nicer than you described.” Kelce chimes in, takin the blunt from Toppers hand. 
“Didn’t she used to hang with your sister and those freaks from the cut?” one of the random girls sitting across from me says. I grit my teeth in response and roll my eyes.
“At first I thought she was odd since shes so quiet but maybe we just need to get to know her” another girl pipes in.
“Yea, you invite her next week?” Top asks me, quirking up his eyebrow.
“Yea, but who knows if she’ll even show.” I grumble, reaching behind me for another water.
“I hope she does she seems cool.” the same girl responds. Kelce nods in agreement. “And shes hot as fuck” he says, fist-bumping Topper. He giggles like a little girl and ashes the blunt. 
“You guys are annoying.” I say before standing up. “I’m heading out.” I say, reaching out my hand to dap up Topper.
“Dude why its early?” he asks in protest. I stare daggers down at him and feel my jaw clenching.
“Got shit to do with my dad tomorrow.” 
“Got it.” he says, and waves goodbye.
As I walk down the driveway I pull out my phone. There’s a few texts from random girls I ran into tonight, a few snapchats from some guys that probably wanted coke. But no text form her yet. I stuff the phone back in my pocket, heading home. 
When I finally reach the front door, I see Sarah and John B sitting on the living room couch.
“Hey” she says as I take my shoes off. I probably would’ve said hello back if John wasn’t in my house, but decided to wave her off and head upstairs. I turn the shower on, but before I jump in, I check my phone again and see that there’s no new messages. 
My mind starts to run wild, thinking about how soft her thighs looked in the mini skirt she was wearing. I love when she wears black, she always looks so confident in anything, but she shines best in black. She also always has her makeup done perfectly. I’ve always wondered how girls get a sharp wing. The way the fake blood dripped down her neck into the crevice of her chest made my blood run hot. I wonder what her neck tastes like. I got a whiff of her perfume, it was sweet like berries yet musky.
I finish up in the shower and dry myself off. I pull on a clean pair of boxers and climb into bed, checking my phone for the last time before I go to sleep.
Home :)
I feel my cheeks heat up in response. What the fuck is wrong with me, why am I blushing over the freak my sister hangs out with. Why have I been waiting for this fucking text to put my mind at ease. I debate on what to type in response, wanting to play it cool, but also curious about what happened with Sabrina and Derek.
I internally cringe before pressing send, and decide it’s best I go to bed before she has time to respond. 
Previous Chapter | Instagram AU | Next Chapter
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yandere-fics · 5 months
Runa x Rich Girl Darling
You awoke in the dead of night to the distant sounds of a struggle. There were a few more thumps, a muffled scream, and then silence. You laid there, sweating, scared, hoping for another noise. Yet, nothing. You sat up, your legs shaking as you sneaked out of your bedroom, bare feet pressing softly against the pristine floors, creeping down the long halls of your parents manor. Your mind raced with thoughts as you sneaked towards your parents room, were they fighting? Was it an intruder? Your parents had a top of the line security system and yet, your fathers friends had been dropping like flies. There was a serial killer on the loose targetting people like your parents - people like you.
You creeped towards their ensuite, peeking through the door and seeing what laid inside; crimson glistening like oil in the moonlight, dousing the carpets, the walls, viscera scattered around what was once a pristine white room fit for a psych ward. And in the middle were your parents, or at least, what they used to be. You gasped at the sight, your mothers eyeless gaze meeting yours before a shaky hand pointed to the corner of the room
"She's.... in... the closet..." your mother gargled, blood spurting out of the makeshift gills the killer had made of her neck. You looked towards the closet, shaking in fear against the doorway as you spotted a part of her face, one single eye staring directly at you.
You turned and ran, your heart pounding in your chest as you dashed for the guest room, ducking inside and locking the door behind you. She slammed against the frame soon after, her breathing was ragged and vile, she wheezed with every breath - she was the serial killer. You looked around the room desperately, the window was a four story drop into the hedges below, but you could at least make it seem like you'd jumped to throw her off. You grabbed the lamp from the nightstand and threw it through the window before scuttling under the bed, after a few more seconds she'd knocked the door from its hinges. She ran to the window, looking down below, trying to see if you were in the hedges below. Then she stopped, looking around the room.
"Silly girl. All that money and yet it couldn't buy you a brain. A pretty nightgown like that would have been caught on the glass if you really jumped out this window. But don't worry, I'll tear it up for you anyway. Since that's clearly what you want"
You squealed as she pulled you out from under the bed by your ankle, she dragged you along the carpet before flipping you onto your back, she slapped you accross the face hard enough to momentarily knock the fight out of you while she duct taped your wrists together. Once you were bound she pulled her blade from her hip, plunging it into your shoulder. You screamed as it scraped against your collarbone, your eyes filling with tears as you tried to escape from under her.
"Why are you screaming? There's no one left to hear you" she giggled as She pulled the knife out of your shoulder and prepared to slam it down into your chest - but she hesitated.
"Please.... please don't... I don't wanna die... please..." you sobbed, meekly holding your trembling hands up as tears ran down your face, the pain from your shoulder wound making your head go fuzzy. She sofly held her bloody hand to your cheek, tilting her head as though she was inspecting you. It was now you realised she was an elf, a pale one, she looked sickly as though she was far from nature.
"P-p-please let me g-go... I won't tell a-anyone... I swear..."
Her hand made its way to your mouth, her thumb flicking your quivering lip. You stared up at her as she leant in, putting the knife aside as she pressed her lips to yours, softly planting a kiss on your face. Her lips were cold and her tongue tasted of metal, you took the opportunity and bit down, not hard enough to do any real damage but hard enough to get her off of you. You awkwardly shuffled to your feet, dashing out the doorway to the hall, barely making any distance before her knife found its way to your throat as she dragged you back to your parents room.
"PLEASE STOP, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!! PLEASE!!" you cried as she threw you to the floor, locking the door behind you and pulling your hair to force you to look at your parents corpses, her knifes blade at your throat, still slick with their blood
"Their lives were so easy to take. Their insides are just as ugly as their outsides now. But you'd be such a pretty corpse... inside and out..."
"Please don't kill me... pleaaaaase..." you sobbed, a warmth growing betwen your legs, tears streaming down your face.
"What...? Nononono baby no... I wouldn't kill you... I'd never kill you. You're my soulmate... how could I ever do something to horrible to you? I'm sorry I made you feel that way, I'm so so sorry!"
"S...soulm-" before you could finish your sentence her tongue was back in your mouth, her knife still against your throat, she was grinding herself against your back as she verociously made out with you. You tried your hardest not to participate, not to squirm, you needed her to know you hated this...
Her free hand began to roam your body, squeezing your hips, fondling your breasts, tweaking your nipples through your bloodstained nightgown. She took so much pleasure in your little squeaks and cries. Her hand made its way down between your legs, sliding under your waistband and feeling your soaked pussy.
"Awwww did you pee yourself love? That's ok. I won't tell anyone. I kinda like it~" she teased, her fingers poking and prodding everywhere they could find, however once they made their way to your clit, your tears came flooding out once again. You sobbed and cried for her not to do this, you didn't want to feel good, your parents were dead, mutilated right in front of you, this wasn't right, you wanted to go home. You wanted to go to bed and wake up from this horrible dream. You begged and pleaded for her to let you go, you'd never tell anyone about what happened here, you'd give all your money away, you'd do anything. And yet, your words fell on deaf pointy ears.
"Shhh it's ok love. I know I scared you back there. But this is good. Just grind on my leg, ok? Grind on my leg and go dumb." She whispered, positioning you on her thigh, forcing you to rock back and forth on her. You bit your lip as you stifled a moan, her hands were getting curious again, making their way up, up, up. The room smelled of blood and her fingers smelled of piss, it was gross. So gross. But maybe if you went along she would let you go. Just maybe she'd-
A sharp stinging pain made its way through you as her fingers dug into your shoulder wound, you cried and arched your back, causing her to pull you down harder onto her thigh.
"OW OW OWWWW PLEASE DON'T PLEASE DON'T HURT ME" you begged, grinding back and forth on her thigh, her fingers were teasing your wound now, and she was moaning almost as much as you were. She was getting off to this, getting off to your pain, getting off to how embarassed you were. She stuck her fingers back in, causing you to scream again, this time they fingered in deeper, brushing the nerves, the pain was agonising and yet it brought you closer and closer to orgasm.
"You're so gross. Are you gonna cum in front of your dead parents huh? Pretty rich girl gonna cum? Hmmm? I'll stop after you cum~" she mocked, her fingers poking and prodding as you were now completely fucking her thigh
"Say it. Please! I need you to say it so I can cum too!"
"S-say what?!?!"
"Say 'pretty rich girl is gonna cum'! Please please please please" she whined, now thrusting her thigh back into you.
"P-p-pretty rich girl is gonna c-cum!!" You cried, tears streaming down your face, the two of you were moaning loudly, still facing your dead parents, your body was betraying you, forcing you to get off while this psycho violated you. You edged closer and closer to orgasm, as did she.
"More!! More!! Say it more!!! I'm gonna carve you... I'm gonna carve my n-name into you!!! You're gonna cum from it and... and I'm gonna cum too.... i'm gonna cut you and make you bleed, gonna make you mine... my pretty girl... my pretty rich girl... I'll take you home with me and ngh-"
She gripped her knife in her hand, pressing the tip against your thigh, giggling to herself
"S-stop!! Stop!!! I don't... I don't want to... what are you-"
"I'm gonna carve... 'Runa's pretty rich girl' on your thigh, ok? And when I'm done... you're gonna cum... ok? It'll feel good."
"Nononono please!! Please I don't want to, Please don't hurt meeeee!! I'm scared of pain, please I-"
You felt jolts of sensation wash through you as the knife pierced your skin, despite your squirming and how much you were rocking your hips, she was still carving into you so neatly.
"Please stop! Pleaaaaaase!!!"
"Not yet, don't be a pervert and cum before I let you. Now don't shake as much, or I'll need to start again on your other thigh."
"It hurts!! It hurts too much!!"
"Read it out to me. Tell me what you are."
"I-I'm a pretty rich girl!! I'm a pretty rich girl!! I'm R-Runa's pretty rich girl!!!"
"And what are you gonna do?"
"I'm gonna cum!! R-Runa's pretty rich girl is gonna cum!!!" You screamed, shockwaves pulsing through you as you dangled on the edge of climax, the stinging pain all over your body pushing you over the edge.
"Cum then. Cum in front of your slaughtered parents. Cum like the degenerate you are. You're such a fucking pervert. Such a gross pervert. So nasty and gross. Covered in piss, sweat and blood, you're disgusting. You're so f-fucking disgusting." She moaned, reaching her own climax alongside you.
The two of you were sweating, breathing heavily, but the silence was broken by your tears. Once the orgasm had washed away you were left with the horrifying reality, and all you could do was sob
"Love? Love what's wrong?"
"I-I'm disgustingggg, my parents are dead and... and I just had sex with their killer... you cut me and hurt me and called me all those horrible things... I don't... I don't deserve to live... I'm fucking disgustingggg" you whined, Runa suddenly seemed more panicked than you, sweeping the hair out of your face and laying you gently on the floor.
"Shh shh shh nonono please don't cry! Don't cry love don't cry!! I didn't mean anything I said... I really didn't. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."
"I'm sorry!! Please forgive me, please!! I'm sorry, please forgive meeeeee" she cried, throwing herself on top of you, her tears mixing with yours as she rubbed her face against you
"I-I f-forgive.. y-you"
"Y-you promise?? Say it again! Please!"
"I... I forgive you..." you sniffled, now being held in Runa's arms. She shushes you to sleep, you were bruised, bloodied, your eyes heavy from sobbing, barely able to keep them open. Your eyes fluttered asleep, hoping when they opened again you would be out of this nightmare.
"I forgive you."
Holy crap that was so good
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lectorel · 1 year
Rabbit Heart
(Inspired by the Mage in a Wolf Pack original fic series on AO3, you'll need to read a few of those first.)
Jaime . . . floats. One step out and to the left of himself, ice-numbed to sensation. Wake. Work. Obey. Cast, in the short moments when he was given back a sliver of his strength. Bow. Obey. Eat. Sleep. Wake. Lay Limp. Wash. Work.
Hums, sometimes, tuneless little things that taste like memories. ‘digger, digger, singer of songs…’
This doesn't change, when he is passed to other masters. The lines change, but the pattern stays the same. Wake. Cast. Work. Strip. Obey. Sleep. Wake. Eat. Jaime exists entirely unmoored from time and place, in the smothering fog of over-extension and apathy. 
He rarely notices when one master becomes another. Mostly when the new had a taste for flesh the old had not, or the reverse. His current masters are kind, in the careless way hunters are prone to. A person is given orders. An object is used. There is power in breaking a person to heel, but all ruining a tool proves is carelessness. 
If he is sick, if he’s injured, he’s likelier to make mistakes or mishandle a spell. So he is fed, and given clothes to cover his body, and treated if he is injured. He is a useful thing, to be maintained and then forgotten when unneeded. 
Like all tools, there are some uses he is better suited to than others. Jaime is not allowed to heal - no hunter would be careless enough to let a mage, even a collared one, work magics on their bodies. But neither is he required to bind and chain unwilling captives. Instead, he is set to warding chicken coops, warming water for the wash, repairing damaged walls and decaying fences. Simple things that require neither force nor strength of will.
They don't travel - or at least never enough of them at one time that he is left without supervision or required to accompany them. Jaime has never bothered tracking the passage of time, but he thinks he's been in this place for a while. He mostly remembers now how to get from one building to another, can plan a path to accomplish his duties without too much doubling back.
It is an easy life, and Jaime knows that easy never lasts. Sooner or later, he will be put to the work he was first collared for. There is no point in waking.
Jaime floats, and his body obeys.
Runa had noticed the problem by mid-summer, but back then, she’d believed her pack would fix it. It’s nearly winter now, and her faith has run out.
The adults of the pack refuse to see it, refuse to understand, because the mage had hurt uncle Dimitri. They were angry, and they wanted someone to blame. The mage was an easy target. But all the pretending in the world couldn’t change the truth. And the truth was, he’d never acted out of malice.
Malice would require the mage to remember people existed when they left his line of sight. The mage had to be ordered to bathe himself. and occasionally ended up frozen in place because he'd forgotten what he was ordered to do and the collar’s bindings forbade him from acting without permission. All he’d done was obey his Alpha, the same as Runa is supposed to obey Lada.
He isn’t capable of intending harm. There’s something fragile in him, like the lightning-struck tree Runa found two summers ago. From afar, it had seemed healthy, as if it had escaped the storm with only a few branches lost. But when she’d gotten closer, she’d seen the long seam where sap had boiled and split the tree open from the inside. It had survived the first winter, but it’d never woken after the second.
The mage, too, is slowly dying, and Alpha had ordered everyone not to help him.
Runa had never disobeyed her parents or her alpha. Not really. Little rules sometimes, like going to bed on time or taking turns, but never the big rules. The ones that even the adults had to follow. And the rules about the mage were big rules - Alpha had explained that to all the puppies in very careful words.
But Runa had already known the rules - if you can’t kill something cleanly, you don’t kill it at all. If someone isn’t pack, you don’t bring them into the den. If someone wants to leave, you have to let them. If a person’s hurt, you need to help them.
Alpha is the one who broke the rules first, her and all the other adults; she put the mage in a collar like it wasn’t the exact thing the pack had killed hunters for doing to uncle Dimitri. Alpha is wrong, and she keeps pretending she’s not, keeps saying that the mage is an exception.
It’s dangerous to have magic now, in the Heartstone pack. Alpha has made it that way. And Runa is the only one who knows it’s Toby, not the mage, who keeps the candles lit all night.
There are uses for collared mages. Alpha made that very clear. Runa isn’t going to let the pack collar a second one.
Alpha makes the mage sleep in the storage shed, with only a worn fur to keep out the cold. With the first storm of winter threatening, the pack will either need to move him inside soon, or let him freeze. The adults are still fighting about it, which makes now the only chance Runa has to get them all away.
The night is dark, only a single sliver of moon to light it, and the wind cuts through Runa’s sleeping shirt like a knife. Toby whines in his sleep, but doesn’t wake. The shed door isn’t locked properly - Runa jammed it a few days ago, when she oiled the door hinges to keep them from creaking. She slips inside, soft as a fieldmouse through grass, and shakes the mage awake. 
“We’re going now, sweetheart,” Runa says softly, pulling the mage to his feet with her free hand. “Can you hide us?”
The mage blinks, once, twice, eyes only half-focused on Runa and Toby’s sleeping form. Runa holds up the command token, thumb pressed to the center symbol, and pushes her will into it. Unlock. Not a full release - only the collar’s keybinding, locked away among Alpha’s things,  could do that - but enough for something like awareness to flood into the mage’s expression. 
“We’re leaving, all three of us,” Runa repeats, and asks a second time, “Can you hide us?”
“. . . You’ll be faster without me,” the mage says, after a long, long moment. “If you steal me, it will be. Bad.”
Runa tilts her head in acknowledgement. “Staying would be worse.”
 “If you do, when they catch you, they will kill you,” He looks at Runa for a single second, gaze darting to Toby’s sleeping form and then away before she can interpret the expression he wore. Runa hears an echo of familiar candace in those words, and wonders if he’s ever heard the rabbit song, before the Alpha chained him. 
“They might,” she acknowledges. Six months ago she couldn’t have imagined the possibility. Now, though, all her certainties about her family have been shattered. However - “But first, they must catch me.”
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brostateexam · 1 year
Getting hacked is very much like catching a nasty flu. It begins with an infection of malware—malicious software that spreads across a network—and ends with a feeling of deep enfeeblement. In late 2012, not long after the New York Times reported on a corruption scandal involving China’s former prime minister, the newsroom got a bad case. AT&T, which maintains the Times’ servers, notified the company that suspicious activity had been detected on its network. An internal investigation revealed an attack on a dramatic scale: Chinese hackers had broken into email accounts, stolen the passwords of every employee, installed forty-five pieces of customized malware, and begun spying on fifty-three employees, seeking information about anything related to the Chinese prime minister’s family. Day after day, using the methods of the Chinese military, the hackers started at 8am and worked sometimes until midnight, deploying remote-access tools, or RATs, that enabled them to steal a tremendous cache of sensitive information and even to activate a computer’s microphone and Web camera, transforming it into a secret recording device. It was a complicated and devastating infection—a near masterpiece.
It took four months of tracking for the Times to finally expel the hackers from its network. The Chinese government denied any involvement. But the more the newsroom looked into what happened, the more it became clear that the attack was part of a “far-reaching spying campaign,” according to a Times report, that pried into multiple outlets; the Wall Street Journal soon confirmed that Chinese hackers had broken into its system, and there were attempts made on the Washington Post and Bloomberg. The event ushered in a stunning realization for journalists: that the most powerful asset they had—confidentiality for their sources via secure channels of communication—could no longer be guaranteed. Not only were news organizations vulnerable to cyberattacks, they were targets.
Runa Sandvik was living in London when she first heard about the hack—and it stunned her. She was twenty-five at the time, a cybersecurity expert working for a grassroots operation aiming to help anonymize the internet. A few years later, she was called into an interview at the Times headquarters for a new role: head of information security. Sandvik was told that the newsroom wanted to hire someone who could ward off the possibility of another major attack and help reporters deal with cybersecurity threats as they arose. Sandvik was the obvious person for the job. “She’s been the first in so many instances,” Susan McGregor, a researcher at Columbia University’s Data Science Institute, told me. “She appreciates the vagaries of journalism and what it looks like to work through censorship resistance from inside a news organization.”
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triada-literaria · 2 years
Reseña La pequeña Eve
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Tenía muchas ganas de leer a la autora después de todo lo que había oído sobre ella y la verdad es que me ha encantado.
La historia me tuvo intrigrada desde el principio. Reconozco que a ratos era un poco confuso en algunos aspectos y había cosas que no terminaban de encajar. Pero poco a poco, cuando vas juntando las piezas de la historia y todo va cobrando sentido te das cuenta de lo perfectamente calculado que lo tenía la autora.
Los personajes, incluso hasta el más despreciable e inmundo, están muy bien construidos.
Lectura recomendada para los amantes del suspense y del terror gótico.
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dizzy-pixels · 1 year
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I went over L&L magic and how it
works, so I wanted to do Sweet
Enchantments magic system next.
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The magical world exists in spaces alongside the human realm. These spaces are much bigger on the inside, and traveling between them requires crossing through the human world. Emeril explains using an apron/pocket analogy, wherein the apron is the human world and its pockets are the magical world.
The magical world is full of magicians. Magical specialties sometimes run in the family; other times they're random. Magicians can be born to have a specific type of magic. These are charm, luck, memory, emotions, light, dark, transfiguration, glamour and plant. Each magic type has a corresponding sigil for it.
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Charm Magic
Charms make an object or person want to please the spell caster; for example, Runa's turnips are compelled to want to help her, and the desire makes them come to life in order to lend their help.
Luck Magic
Luck magic increases the luck of the user or whoever the spell is cast on. Lucien gives the heroine a minor demonstration in his first season by casting a luck-boosting enchantment on her and then challenging her to a game of cards: each of them draws one card, high card wins. When she pulls the higher card on their first draw, he adds the further rule that her points will double each time she pulls a card that's in sequence with her last draw. Despite the heroine shuffling the deck twice, every card she draws after that is exactly one higher than her last card.
Mood Magic
Mood magic can change the emotions of other people. Emeril describes it as seeing and changing colors.
Memory Magic
Memory magicians manipulate memories of others. They can amplify good memories, soften bad ones, and can also remove memories altogether.
Plant Magic
Plant magicians are able to manipulate plants and flora. They are also able to speed up and slow their growth as well as bring any plant back to life.
Sight | Glamour Magic
Sight magic and can create illusions of things that aren't really there. Magicians with glamour magic can make existing objects to look like something else. Because it only gives the appearance of looking like something else, when touched you can still feel the original object. The caster can see through the spell at will, and the more complex the glamour, the higher the chance it will fail. 
Transfiguration Magic
Transfiguration magicains can transfigure almost anything, but whole duplicates never last very long. For example they can transform a rope into a real ladder, but not forever.
Light Magic
Light Magic is one of the most powerful and well respected magic in Sweet Enchantments. Light Magicians specializes in healing, barriers, and wards. Very powerful light magicains are able to mask their presence from other magical beings and radars.
Dark Magic
Dark magic revolves around curses, harmful enchantments placed upon others. It can also be used to counteract and mitigate curses cast by others, which is how Zain employs his talent for dark magic on behalf of the cafe's customers, but others with the same power are not so scrupulous. Within magician society, dark magicians are regarded with deep suspicion, with many assumptions and unfounded rumors about them. In Zain's second season, he tells the heroine that parents sometimes abandon children if they have dark magic due to the fear and prejudice surrounding them, contributing to a vicious cycle as those abandoned lash out against the society that rejected them.
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Magician Eyes
A magician's eyes have a unique pattern in the iris. Lucien has a pentagram, Runa has a lotus blossom, Zain has a four-pointed star, Roman has a multi-ringed pattern, Liora has three spirals, and Emeril has four swooping lines like the petals of a flower. Magicians aren't human, some just look more like it than others, as Runa puts it. 
Magician Sigils
In Sweet Enchantments, verbal spells are a bit of a myth and nowadays incantations are only used in very complex spells with many different components. Instead, Sweet Enchantment magicains use sigils to cast spells which are drawn in the air with their finger. They can also use their sigil to make calls to other magicians. If someone gets a call, their sigil will light up in the air next to them, and they can accept or decline the call. Normally some identifying mark, such as the caller's face, will show on the receiver's sigil like caller ID.
The Sound of Magic
Each magician's magic is described as producing a particular sound, usually musical. Lucien's is a woodwind hum, Runa's is brassy and trumpeting, Liora's is harp strings, and Zain's is bass piano. Kamila's is a soprano choir and Merik's is a chitter like insect wings.
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Scrolls are magical items that allows anyone to use magic of any type, useful for those trying to use magic outside their specialty. They are said to be finiky and is needed to be read carefully before performing the magic. A single scroll can only be used once.
Are substances made from magical ingredients. A particular potion, Stardust, is made from a plant called Illucium Bundle and is very expensive.
There are rings that allow its wearer to enhance or limit the amount of magic they can use.
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Well that's it for extensive summary
of the magic of Sweet Enchantments.
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celtfather · 3 months
Celtic Dance Party #667
It’s a Celtic instrumental dance party on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #667. Subscribe now!
The Drowsy Lads, Fig for a Kiss, Runa, Dublin Gulch, Lúnasa, Louise Bichan, Telenn Tri, The BorderCollies, Charlene Adzima, Fialla, Bealtaine, Dancing With Hobbits, The Crowfoot Rakes, High Octane, Conor Mallon
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Enjoy seven weekly news items for Celtic music and culture online. Subscribe now and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2024 episode. You have just three weeks to vote this year. Vote Now!
You can follow our playlist on Spotify to listen to those top voted tracks as they are added every 2 - 3 weeks. It also makes it easier for you to add these artists to your own playlists. You can also check out our Irish & Celtic Music Videos.
0:10 - The Drowsy Lads "The Green Mountain (Reels)" from Wide Awake
5:20 - WELCOME
10:04 - Fig for a Kiss "The Trip to Pakistan" from Wherever You Go
15:25 - Runa “Jutland Set" from When The Light Gets In
20:38 - Dublin Gulch "Kerry Rose Hornpipe" from Tap 'Er Light
23:27 - Lúnasa "The Blue Fiddle" from Live in Kyoto
28:38 - FEEDBACK
31:15 - Louise Bichan "Pinnacle" from The Lost Summer
36:00 - Telenn Tri "Hope Rising set" from The Cat's Meow
39:57 - The BorderCollies "The Sweetness of Mary  -  Clumsy Lover" from To the Hills and Back
43:28 - Charlene Adzima "Jimmie McGetrick's/John Naughton's/Tom Ward's Downfall" from The Initiation
46:39 - THANKS
50:02 - Fialla "Bull Set" from Home & Away
54:47 - Bealtaine "Frieze Britches" from The Founders' Room
57:33 - Dancing With Hobbits "Folk on Foot" from Dancing With Hobbits
1:00:31 - The Crowfoot Rakes "Maid Behind the Bar (Live)" from Off She Goes
1:02:22 - High Octane "Lazy Sloth" from High Octane
1:07:28 - CLOSING
1:09:32 - Conor Mallon "Tullycrine" from Unearthed
1:12:46 - CREDITS
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to follow the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. Subscribe to get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Finally, remember. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on your environment.
Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn.
This podcast is for fans of Celtic music. Not just the big names you’ve probably heard of. But also the Celtic bands in your neck of the woods, at your festivals.
It is here to build a diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. If you hear music you love, please email artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. Musicians depend on your generosity to keep making music. So please find a way to support them. Buy a CD, Album Pin, Shirt, Digital Download, or join their communities on Patreon.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com.
Back from the Isle of Man
Plastic Free July.  Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single - use plastics?
Today’s show is an all - instrumental podcast episode. I have a lot of great music to share as well as a fascinating observation. In the past, it is the Celtic songs that were voted on the most for the Celtic Top 20. But I was looking at the last few weeks. And it’s the Celtic tunes, the instrumentals, that are dominating your voting.
That is fantastic. So keep those votes coming. But I guess that also means I should do a Celtic song episode in the coming weeks. I’d love to know what your favorite contemporary Celtic songs are. By that I mean, what original songs by Celtic musicians do you love the best?
I have found several songs on this podcast that were covered by other Celtic artists. I might do a show like that in the future too. We shall see. But let me know your thoughts.
Thanks also to our Executive Producers, author Rie Sheridan Rose (www.riewriter.com), and Richard Trest of the Middle Tennessee Highland Games & Celtic Festival (www.midtenngames.com) on Sept 7 - 8, 2024 at Sanders Ferry Park, Hendersonville.
If you are a Celtic musician or in a Celtic band, then please submit your band to be played on the podcast. You don’t have to send in music or an EPK. You will get a free eBook called Celtic Musicians Guide to Digital Music and learn how to follow the podcast. It’s 100% free. Just email Email follow@bestcelticmusic and of course, listeners can learn how to subscribe to the podcast and get a free music - only episode.
You are amazing. It is because of your generosity that you get to hear so much great Celtic music each and every week.
Your kindness pays for our engineer, graphic designer, Celtic Music Magazine editor, promotion of the podcast, and allows me to buy the music I play here. It also pays for my time creating the show each and every week.
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A special thanks to our new and continued Patrons of the Podcast: Daniel Ide, Eric McFarling, Lorraine F
Go to our Patreon page.
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Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
The Celtic Invasion of Scotland’s Whisky Distilleries is now booked. The next Celtic Invasion will go to Galicia in Spain IF I can get enough people to explore that region with me. I need a minimum of 6 to make it happen. It’s not yet open, but if you’d like to join, sign up to our mailing list. #celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? Please email me. I’d love to see a  picture of what you're doing while listening or of a band that you saw recently.
How are you listening to this podcast? I’d love to know that as well. The show is available on a bunch of podcast apps like Apple Podcast, Amazon Music, Podcast Addict, iHeartRadio, Player.FM, Pocket Casts, Cast Box, Pandora, Podbean, and my favorite Overcast
Email me at follow@bestcelticmusic.
Thomas Michl emailed from the south of Germany: “Hello Marc,
in your last newsletter you ask about personal favourites and I do indeed have a band that I haven't heard in your podcast yet, but that I really like: The Rattling Kind with Eddie Sherlock (Dublin)
I would love to hear them on your podcast. Otherwise, I'm already looking forward to St Patrick's Day with good music from the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast ; - )
Kathy Glasgow replied to my St Patrick’s Day request: “I celebrated by getting my next semester of classes ready while listening to your podcast. I have them on my phone, so I was also listening to them today between classes. “
Ryan McKinney of O'McPub Band: “Marc,
Thank you for all you've done for Irish and Celtic music. We've listened for a number of years and I play in an Irish folk duo with my friend Joe.  We've been playing at pubs and wherever else they will take us for a few years now. We are finally going to try and get some of our versions of Irish tunes recorded but not exactly sure where to start.  Then I remembered you offer the ebook on digital music.  We would greatly appreciate your guidance and suggestions to make sure we think of everything.
Thanks again and hope when we get everything done we can someday hear ourselves on your podcast!
Hey BTW, the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is now a proud sponsor of IrishFest Atlanta in November. I’ll have more details in the future.
Check out this episode!
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futebolonlinesite · 5 months
Quais são as melhores estratégias de apostas para jogos de Dota 2 baseadas na análise do mapa?
🎰🎲✨ Receba 2.000 reais e 200 rodadas grátis, além de um bônus instantâneo para jogar jogos de cassino com apenas um clique! ✨🎲🎰
Quais são as melhores estratégias de apostas para jogos de Dota 2 baseadas na análise do mapa?
Estratégias de apostas em Dota 2
As apostas em Dota 2 têm crescido em popularidade ao longo dos anos, à medida que o cenário de eSports continua a se expandir. Para os entusiastas do jogo, desenvolver estratégias eficazes de apostas pode ser crucial para maximizar os lucros e minimizar as perdas. Aqui estão algumas estratégias importantes a serem consideradas ao apostar em partidas de Dota 2:
Análise da equipe: Antes de fazer uma aposta, é essencial analisar o desempenho recente das equipes. Isso inclui verificar seu histórico de vitórias e derrotas, bem como sua performance em diferentes mapas e contra diferentes oponentes.
Compreensão das probabilidades: Entender como as probabilidades funcionam é fundamental para fazer apostas informadas. Isso envolve não apenas saber como as probabilidades são calculadas, mas também ser capaz de interpretar o que elas significam em termos de probabilidade de vitória para cada equipe.
Conhecimento do meta do jogo: O meta do jogo, ou seja, as estratégias e táticas predominantes em um determinado momento, pode ter um grande impacto no resultado de uma partida. Acompanhar as tendências atuais do meta pode ajudar os apostadores a prever com mais precisão o desfecho das partidas.
Observação do draft: O draft, ou seleção de heróis, é um aspecto fundamental de Dota 2 e pode influenciar significativamente o resultado de uma partida. Observar o draft de cada equipe pode fornecer insights valiosos sobre sua estratégia e suas chances de vitória.
Gestão de bankroll: Por fim, é importante praticar uma boa gestão de bankroll ao apostar em Dota 2. Isso significa definir um orçamento para suas apostas, não arriscar mais do que você pode perder e não perseguir perdas.
Ao combinar essas estratégias com pesquisa diligente e análise cuidadosa, os apostadores podem aumentar suas chances de sucesso ao apostar em partidas de Dota 2. No entanto, é importante lembrar que o jogo é imprevisível e que nunca há garantias de vitória.
Análise do mapa em Dota 2
O mapa em Dota 2 é mais do que apenas o terreno onde os heróis batalham pela supremacia. É um campo estratégico complexo que desempenha um papel crucial no resultado de cada partida. Uma análise detalhada do mapa pode revelar insights valiosos que podem guiar equipes rumo à vitória.
Primeiramente, é essencial compreender a simetria do mapa. Embora os lados Radiant e Dire sejam visualmente idênticos, pequenas diferenças podem impactar significativamente a jogabilidade. Os jogadores devem estar cientes das vantagens e desvantagens de cada lado, adaptando suas estratégias conforme necessário.
Outro aspecto crucial é a distribuição dos objetivos. Torres, acampamentos de monstros neutros, runas e, é claro, o temido Roshan, são elementos fundamentais do mapa que devem ser constantemente avaliados e contestados. Controlar esses objetivos pode fornecer uma vantagem decisiva, permitindo que uma equipe assuma o controle do jogo.
Além disso, a visão e o controle de área são fundamentais. Warding estratégico pode fornecer informações vitais sobre os movimentos do inimigo, permitindo que uma equipe antecipe jogadas e evite emboscadas. Da mesma forma, o controle eficaz do espaço pode restringir a mobilidade do time adversário, limitando suas opções táticas.
Em resumo, uma análise abrangente do mapa em Dota 2 é essencial para o sucesso competitivo. Compreender a simetria, os objetivos e o controle de área pode fornecer às equipes uma vantagem decisiva sobre seus oponentes. Portanto, dedicar tempo para estudar e explorar o mapa pode ser a diferença entre a derrota e a glória nas terras de Dota.
Melhores estratégias de apostas em jogos de Dota 2
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
Os jogos de Dota 2 oferecem uma arena emocionante para os fãs de eSports e apostadores. Com equipes profissionais competindo em torneios de alto nível, é crucial ter as melhores estratégias de apostas para aumentar suas chances de sucesso. Aqui estão algumas dicas importantes para apostar de forma inteligente em jogos de Dota 2:
Conheça as Equipes e Jogadores: Antes de apostar, familiarize-se com as equipes e jogadores. Entenda seu desempenho recente, estilo de jogo e histórico de confrontos diretos. Isso ajudará você a tomar decisões mais informadas ao apostar em partidas.
Analise as Estatísticas: Estatísticas como taxa de vitória, desempenho em diferentes mapas e estatísticas individuais dos jogadores podem fornecer insights valiosos. Use sites especializados e ferramentas de análise para avaliar as estatísticas e identificar padrões que possam influenciar o resultado das partidas.
Acompanhe as Atualizações do Jogo: Dota 2 é um jogo dinâmico, com atualizações frequentes que podem afetar o equilíbrio do jogo e as estratégias das equipes. Esteja atento às atualizações do jogo e como elas podem impactar o meta atual, pois isso pode influenciar o resultado das partidas.
Gerencie sua Banca: Gerenciar sua banca é fundamental para apostar de forma responsável e sustentável. Estabeleça um orçamento para suas apostas e evite apostar mais do que você pode perder. Divida sua banca em unidades e aposte apenas uma fração dela em cada aposta.
Aposte com Consciência: Evite apostar por impulso ou emoção. Faça uma análise cuidadosa antes de cada aposta e aposte apenas quando encontrar valor nas probabilidades oferecidas.
Seguir estas estratégias pode ajudá-lo a melhorar suas chances de sucesso ao apostar em jogos de Dota 2. Lembre-se sempre de apostar de forma responsável e aproveitar a emoção do jogo com responsabilidade.
Táticas de apostas baseadas na análise do mapa em Dota 2
Táticas de apostas baseadas na análise do mapa em Dota 2
Em Dota 2, um dos principais fatores que determinam o sucesso de uma equipe é o controle eficaz do mapa. Compreender e analisar a distribuição das torres, a visão do campo de batalha e os movimentos dos heróis inimigos pode fornecer uma vantagem significativa, não apenas dentro do jogo, mas também para aqueles que desejam apostar de forma inteligente.
Uma estratégia fundamental é observar a progressão das torres. Torres derrubadas abrem caminho para o avanço da equipe, fornecendo visão e controle sobre áreas cruciais do mapa. Ao analisar quais torres estão em pé e quais foram destruídas, é possível antecipar os próximos movimentos das equipes e prever possíveis confrontos.
Além disso, a visão do mapa desempenha um papel vital no planejamento das apostas. Observar o posicionamento das sentinelas e sentinelas de ambos os times permite identificar áreas seguras e vulneráveis. Investir em visão é essencial para evitar emboscadas e garantir o controle do território.
Outro aspecto importante é acompanhar os movimentos dos heróis inimigos. Ao analisar suas rotas e padrões de movimento, é possível antecipar ganks e emboscadas, preparando-se adequadamente para contra-atacar ou evitar confrontos desfavoráveis.
Em resumo, apostar com base na análise do mapa em Dota 2 requer um entendimento profundo da dinâmica do jogo. Observar a progressão das torres, investir em visão e acompanhar os movimentos dos heróis inimigos são estratégias-chave para tomar decisões informadas e aumentar as chances de sucesso nas apostas.
Apostas inteligentes em partidas de Dota 2
Apostar em partidas de Dota 2 pode ser uma atividade emocionante para os fãs do jogo, mas é importante abordar essa prática com inteligência e estratégia. Compreender o cenário competitivo, as equipes e os jogadores pode ser fundamental para fazer apostas mais assertivas.
Primeiramente, é crucial acompanhar de perto o cenário competitivo de Dota 2. Isso inclui estar ciente dos diferentes torneios, como o The International e os circuitos regionais. Conhecer o formato dos torneios, as equipes participantes e seu desempenho recente pode fornecer insights valiosos para as apostas.
Além disso, conhecer as estratégias e estilos de jogo das equipes e dos jogadores é essencial. Cada equipe tem seu próprio estilo de jogo, que pode variar de agressivo a defensivo, de acordo com sua composição e preferências. Estar atento a esses detalhes pode ajudar a prever o desempenho das equipes em diferentes situações de jogo.
Outro aspecto importante é analisar o histórico de confrontos entre as equipes. Algumas equipes podem ter vantagem sobre outras devido a seu estilo de jogo ou química de equipe. Estudar esses confrontos passados pode fornecer insights sobre como as equipes provavelmente se sairão em futuros confrontos.
Por fim, é fundamental definir um orçamento e gerenciar suas apostas com responsabilidade. Nunca aposte mais do que pode perder e evite fazer apostas impulsivas baseadas apenas na emoção do momento.
Em resumo, fazer apostas inteligentes em partidas de Dota 2 requer pesquisa, análise e disciplina. Ao abordar as apostas com inteligência e estratégia, os fãs do jogo podem desfrutar de uma experiência emocionante e potencialmente lucrativa.
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akitasimblr · 2 years
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Household 2: Braylon, Beatrix, Candice, Colt, Runa
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«why is the young lady screaming at me?!?!». seriously, for a moment leo did think runa was about to tell him someone had left a baby outside his door 😳😁 it wouldn't be the first time...😂😂
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beatrix is what i call a fierce and loyal friend, leo 🤗
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a visit to the onsen bathouse 🫧
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OMG! RUNA!?!? *he totally deserved it, btw* 😂 and braylon's hug to heal xavier's wounded pride *smooth, braylon* 😏
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now seriously... xavier is a brat, i know; but come on! he is the bachelor!!! my boy is so unlikeable... 😳 mean and high maintenance trait is such a bombastic combo 😋
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werewolf time? not now, beatrix! 😭
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i am really confused here... is runa going after beatrix, the werewolf??! 😳😂😂
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i think candice wants to compete with cesca in sweeping judi off her feet... heheh! 😏🤭
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beatrix is defending leo because leo is his friend!! 😉
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FINALLY!!! and apparently runa joined in the fun too 😏 and no, i am not commenting on the fact that there hasn't been a kiss in this challenge yet... 🤨
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round 4 final results shall be posted tomorrow ;)
@solis-legacy @simsinfinitylt @obsoletepixels @jazzytrait @prossims
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alayne-stone · 6 years
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 Fics inspired by the S8 teasers. Header by @ward--runa​
History Repeated by Queenofthebees: Daenerys arrival fic; “She chanced another glance at Jon, the feeling of dread she had felt before only intensifying at the way he looked at Sansa with such pride.”Oneshot.
Home by The_Hawk_Eye: Second reunion fic, Jon’s pov: “The world is reduced only to the two of them. He can’t see anyone else around them. He doesn’t want to see anyone else. For Jon this moment belongs only to them.” Oneshot.
I will always return by The_wolf_in_me: Second reunion fic. Multiple povs “His body is tense and Jon can’t get enough of her smell. She smells like roses and wood and most importantly home. She smells like home, Jon is sure.” Multichapter.
In Ghost we trust by Queenofthebees: Daenerys arrival fic, Sansa’s pov; “Lady could smell falsehood, she could. And so can Ghost.“ Drabble.
In the eyes of a wolf by theshipshipper: Second reunion fic, Arya’s pov “He walks with purpose, his gaze fully locked on Sansa, before he steps into her embrace. There’s something there that Arya can’t quite place.“ Oneshot.
Invitation or Admission by KnottyCricket: Jon has just returned to Winterfell. Sansa spends more time in his company than she used to. Drabble
Jon and Sansa Reunion 2.0, Obviously by Hypomone535: Second reunion fic. Jon’s pov; “Oh, it was so sweet to see her again.“ Drabble
Reunion by RebelBelly: Daenerys arrival fic, Sansa’s pov, jealousy;“ Her hair was as silver as everyone had always promised Targaryen hair to be. Her eyes a colour Sansa couldn’t name, but they felt piercing. As though just her look was hot on Sansa’s skin.” Oneshot.
Second Reunion by vivilove: Sansa’s pov; “ Everything else around them seemed to melt for that heartbeat or twenty that passed as he approached” Drabble.  
Take what is yours by RunningRedRiot: Sansa’s pov, jealousy; “Nobody steals from a wolf. Not even a dragon.“ Oneshot
The Reunion We Deserve by ode_to_an_inkwell: Multiple povs, revelations;” “His sister?” Daenerys said. “Is that typical sibling behavior in Westeros?” Oneshot.
The wolf who hears the heart’s desire by theshipshipper: Arya’s pov, secuel to “in the eyes of a wolf”.Oneshot.
This Is What I Live For by junsnow: Second reunion, “Jon returns to Winterfell and into Sansa’s arms. Though her welcoming is sweet and warm, he can’t help but notice the underlying tension, sharp and quiet, threatening to burst whenever she lays her eyes on their visitor.“ Oneshot,
To the open arms of the sea by wolfwithwoodenteeth: Second reunion, Jon’s pov; “This is it, the moment he’s been yearning for and dreading at the same time. He rides through the gap as soon as he can, slowing down until he can leap out of the saddle. The household is still gathering to receive their guests, but his eyes keep searching.” Drabble.
Towards a Storm by QueenOfSloths: Jon and Daenerys arrive at Winterfell. Sansa won’t accept a new ruler easily. Conflict ensues. WIP.
Trust me by Queenofthebees: Daenerys arrival; “Sansa stared down at their joined hands. The feeling of tears behind her eyes took her by surprise and she took a breath to steady herself, her face once again impassive.” Drabble
United Again by ALCzysz17: A short insight into Sansa’s thoughts as she waits to receive Jon and his party. Oneshot.
Victory by mountainsbeyondmountains: Daenerys’s pov, things don’t go like she expects; “You won already, Your Grace,” Tyrion said mournfully. “Enjoy your victory. There are no lands left to conquer. And there are no more dragons.” Oneshot.
We can be human together by verati: Daenerys’ arrival is overshadowed by the reveal of Jon’s parentage. After Bran discloses the secret Jon seeks solace in the godswood. Sansa finds him. They dance. They fight. Oneshot.
Winterfell by The_wolf_in_me:“Daenerys steps closer with her lips pursed together just enough so they can form a slightly believable smile. With no desire to hide, her hand finds it’s way into Jon`s open palm.She clutches his hand in her own and Jon stiffens only for Sansa to notice.” Drabble.
Winterfell is (not) yours, your grace by Authors_Restraint: “Daenerys’s arrival at her lover’s ancestral home doesn’t go as she expects.” Oneshot.
Winterfell is ours by wolfwithwoodenteeth: First kiss. Pre-parentage reveal. Oneshot
What to Fight For by misssunnybluesky: Daenerys arrival fic; “The dragons had arrived to claim Winterfell. Two dragons in the sky and the mother of dragons before her. But, she stood tall, because this was her home.” Multichapter.
We are wolves series by Charmtion: A dragon has come to Winterfell - but it is wolves that strike fire in its crypts.
You bent the knee. Not I. by verati: In which Jon tries to let Sansa know he is playing the game of thrones with one word: “Please.”And Sansa misunderstands his meaning. Oneshot
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jonsa-creatives · 5 years
Hi. You don't know what happened to the ward-runa blog? Is she different blog now? I liked her arts and her blog.
Hi anon!
I totally agree! Their art is fabulous! And don't worry, they haven't disappeared - their new url is @kingjjon
Here's some of my favourite pieces of their art - if you're not following them, you should be!
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ktwproductions · 5 months
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This is the working cover for my comic!
You can find the link to the Backerkit below!
Witches, Ward, belonging, war. Umbra and Nero are about to find out just what it means to be a witch in Candar.
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beavesaintmarie · 5 years
ward--runa replied to your post: that 4th wall discussion between jon and tyrion in...
�� that scene is painful to even think about. I yelled at my screen watching it. What did Jon even do to deserve it jfc
the moment when tyrion asked jon if he would’ve murdered those people and he said he didn’t know. lol my heart broke. 
it was so pathetic and so grossly OOC. idk how anyone can rationalize that as being anywhere near close to the jon snow we’ve always known. 
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jonstarks · 6 years
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send me a 🎁 and i’ll reply with a random picture i have on my phone 
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