writingstuffandmore · 5 years
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I tried to make an adorable chenie chen fan art but I guess I made him too much of a fluffy ball ❤😊
What do you think?
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writingstuffandmore · 5 years
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I am so in love with and weak for his pink hair.
Pairing:- Suho x reader
Genre:- Fluff
AU:- Mafia
Author's note:- So, I might have changed the plot and idea a bit. I hope that you will like it. Sorry for too much fluff, cringeness and anything lol 😂 Do give feedbacks. It means alot. Enjoy!
"Ma'am, how are you gonna tell him? Have you thought anything?" "No, I haven't Elda-ssi. I don't know how he will even react or accept the fact. And speaking of him, where is He ??? He should be by now. Its already half past 10." "Master said that he has some important meeting and so he might get late." "Thank you, Elda-ssi. Now you go and take some rest. I will call you if i need something." Ms Elda gave you a soft smile with that left the kitchen and went to her room. You went to the drawing room and sat on the couch and waited for your Mafia prince. Now, now i am not making a sarcastic remark. Your Mafia prince aka Kim Suho, is the infamous and ruthless leader of EXO which is known for all sorts of dirty work that can be possible in this world from smuggling of drugs, to rarest stones which have value running in millions and even billions like Tanzanite, Opal and more to the brutalized and evidence less killing of people, you name anything EXO will top the list.
But for you Kim Suho is Junmyeon, the most loving, caring boyfriend a girl could dream off. He never spoke or did any Mafia business when he was there with you and also the boys which one who doesn't know about EXO will think them as the dorky, lively, friendly and cheery people as a total contrast to dark aura, icy glares, rough and brutal handling.
"Yah, will you speak now or do you want more hot Tea to open up your senses." "No, please. I am sorry Su-Suho. They threatened my family. I didn't had other option." "Oh, please. Don't play this silly little game. I am very far from this typical melodrama and I know what people you have in your so called 'family'. Chanyeol and Sehun!" "Yes, boss." "Take our beloved family member to the basement and you know what to do right?", Suho said a sadistic smile brightening his face and a similar smile along with a sadistic glint appeared in the eyes of those two. " You ca- can't do this to me. I am your loy-". " You speak too much for your own good" Chanyeol said with a bored expression and gagged the man.
"Once you all are done leave for home. Report tomorrow 10. Its already 2 in the morning." Suho said while looking at the time in his expensive submarine Rolex watch.
It was around 3 when Suho entered the Kim Mansion. He unlocked the door and entered into an illuminated lobby with you softly snoring on the couch and television showing some old rom com movie. Suho softly laughed to himself by looking at you, light in his dark world pouting in dream and one of the cheeks squashed against the pillow. "Jagi, wake up. I am here now. Lets go to the bed. Wake up Love." After few mins, you opened your eyes and stifled a yawn. "Oh, sorry. I was wai-" "Shssh, I know baby. Why are you explaining me", Suho said with a soft smile and you blushed a bit. "Lets go to bed."
You were anxious and thinking about the topic which you discussed with Ms Elda in kitchen few hours ago while laying on the bed. "Babe, what are you thinking about?" Suho said as he came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair wet from the hot shower and his lean and toned muscles showing off. "Ah, Jun nothing." "We both know that something is up." With that he came and sat next to you and his hand drawing circles on your thigh. " You know that I wasn't feeling well. So, I went to the doctor for a check up. I-" " Did the doctor assigned to you didn't behave well? I shoul-" "Jun, calm down. The reports came." you whispered the last word. " You are scaring the shit out of me Babe, now. What happened? A- are you suff- suffering from Ca-" tears dwelled in his eyes. "No, you fool!! I am pregnant!!!" Oops did you just say that. "Wh- what?" "Yes, the doctor confirmed me the same. I am sorry. I know that y-" "OMG, we gonna have a baby. Our baby, our own tiny human. " Suho was practically jumping with excitement. " That means you are fine with me having a baby." " I know that we haven't discussed about having a family but i am happy to have one." With that Suho gave you a sweet and long kiss. After that he hugged you quite tightly. " Did I hurt the baby? I am sorry." "Its fine sweet-" "We need to work a lot. The boys will be so happy with this news. No clubs or anything. I will make sure that boys' girls come home and spend time with you. We need to decide the decor. What -" Suho continued rambling on .
You have never witnessed anything like this before. His excitement, love, the way his eyes beam up. He might be the ruthless Kim Suho for world but for you and only you he is different. People might not think as the best fairy tale but He is everything for you. He is Junmyeon, in truest sense the Guardian of you, boys and the unborn baby.
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writingstuffandmore · 5 years
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Pairing:- Sehun x reader
Genre:- Fluff
For my adorable @fallen-for-sehun and my unnie @ohsenhun
" Well done Ms Lee. Now, the most awaited moment is here. The question of who will be the Student of the Year will be named. The winner's name is Ms Y/-" *Beep- Beep* and you woke up to the ringing of the wicked Alarm clock. 'You stupid clock' you thought and got off from the bed. You drew the curtains and opened the window letting the bright rays of the Day enter along with some pleasant wind into the room and you wished yourself happy birthday.
Yes, today is your birthday meaning that you grew more older, taking up more responsibilities and completing your bucket list etc but something was missing and that something was someone, Sehun. Your Sassy but loving, caring and supporting boyfriend wasn't there with you to celebrate your special day but he promised that He will send you a present. You let a sigh out and went to the bathroom to freshen up, a long day is waiting for you.
After, the day at college got over you went home and changed your clothes into a black strapless jumpsuit and tied your hair in a high ponytail as your best friend and the boys were coming for a celebration. While waiting for them, you checked your messages. Most of them were from your boy
Sehunnie:- Happy Birthday love !!! I am so sorry that i couldn't be there. :(
Sehunnie:- But don't feel sad as your present will come soon. Okay ?
You:- Thank you for the wishes.. But, why are continuously after the 'present'? Are you coming back? Omg :)))
Sehunnie:- Sadly,no. I am not coming but I am saying about present continuously because I know that you will like it. No like it but love it !!!
You:- I miss you ! :(
Sehunnie :- Miss you more !!
The door bell rang and you closed your phone and went to open the door. ''Happy Birthday Y/N" they sang and even carrying a Big banner."You Guys are so extra" you said, "But you love us" and you all started laughing.
After exchange of gifts and cutting of Cake, there came a knock on door. You went to open it , there stood a young postman. "Ma'am here is your parcel". You took the parcel, thanked him and closed the door. "What's there inside?" "I don't know Jun Oppa, but its a bit heavy." You settled down on couch and opened the parcel.
Behold, there was a beautiful peach basket covered with a soft white net and upon a closer look, there was a handsome black and white puppy husky peacefully sleeping and beside him there again was a small box wrapped in gift wrapper. Once, opening the small box a delicate gold bracelet rested on the cushion. Tears dwelled in your eyes and you called up him. "Se-Sehun", your voice hoarse. "Babe, is everything okay?" "Thank you so much. It means alot... I really Love them." "I know, i know that i am the best boyfriend ever. Miss you baby. I will come home soon!!" "Yah, but I miss you too. Come fast".
With that you had the best day and best present ever.
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writingstuffandmore · 6 years
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Sometime back, I made a fan art of Prince Eun aka Baekhyun from Moon Lovers... 🌙❤
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