qwimblenorrisstan · 3 months
The Clandestine Culinarian Pt. 2 | Azriel x Reader
Summary: After you’re introduced to his family and move into the House of Wind, you begin training with Azriel as a way to pass time and cope with your losses, but something unexpected happens, and a seed of jealousy begins blooming in another female’s heart.
Word Count: ~2.8k
Warnings: Mentions of blades, family deaths, itsy bitsy angst, nothing too bad.
A/N: I feel like this isn’t my best work but it pulled me out of writer’s block so whatever, lmk if you want a part three, hope you enjoy it <3
Requests are open!
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When you woke in the morning, Azriel was gone, probably off to his room, or house now that you thought of it.
You weren’t sure why you expected him to still be there, or why a little bit of you felt disappointed that he wasn’t.
Stumbling out of bed, you found some clothes in the closet that looked like they’d been borrowed from you for the time being, a few dresses and some pairs of tunics and pants. You ended up putting on a simple romper that went down just above your kneecap, a light flowery purple. Your niece would’ve liked it, you thought.
Miraculously, there were fresh toiletries and supplies in the bathroom, and so you brushed your teeth so hard your gums bled, and pulled a brush through your unruly hair until it finally settled down a bit.
After what felt like an hour of trying to smooth down the loose ends, you gave an exasperated sigh and moved on to slip some shoes on your feet. When you were finally all dressed and ready, you looked in the bathroom mirror at your reflection.
You looked…fine. Not overly bad, but the lasting effects of your grief were still obvious in the slight redness of your eyes, or the hint of puffiness in your cheeks where tears had rolled down the night before.
“I’m going to be fine.”
You murmured to yourself while staring into the mirror. You were upset and sad and angry, but the world didn’t stop, and neither could you.
“Y’know, usually when I want to feel good about myself I just go flirt with the ladies, but to each their own-“
A low, brusque but amused voice drawled from the doorframe, making you jump and spin to face him, one hand over your now-racing heart.
“Mother above, you scared me!”
You said, sighing and shaking your head before looking up at the stranger.
Not exactly a stranger, you reminded yourself. The General. You could recognize him almost immediately, his large muscular body, the stubble on his face, and his golden hazel eyes, not to mention the dark black hair that was tied back in a man-bun right now.
He only chuckled at your fright, giving you nothing short of an idiotic grin. A hint of sympathy was behind those eyes, you thought.
“So you’re the lady friend Az brought, huh? Welcome to the family, then.”
He said, not elaborating any further as he slung his large arm around your shoulder and began guiding you out of your room, into what seemed like a dining room. A glimmer of something knowing also lurked in his eyes.
The High Lady, Feyre sat down in one of the chairs, Nyx bouncing on her knee and eagerly shoving a piece of bacon down his throat while Rhys watched and snorted in amusement. Another female, Elain, was in the kitchen, cooking up a large breakfast for the entire family and seeming happy while doing it. Nesta seemed to be helping if only to have a taste of the bacon while it was still steaming hot how she liked it.
“Go have a seat, I’ll have our Elain make you a plate.”
He said, releasing you from his grasp if only to push you towards the table. Before you could manage thanks, he’d already strode off into the kitchen, arms wrapped around Nesta’s waist as he pressed little kisses into her neck from behind.
You hesitantly sat down in one of the chairs, feeling a bit out of place in this family’s home. Feyre and Rhys both glanced up at you, sharing a glance between themselves before she gave a polite nod and warm smile, going back to feeding Nyx.
“Ah. I hope you slept well, at least. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes.”
Rhys said, still glancing over at Nyx and quietly snickering before turning his full attention to you. As you opened your mouth to speak, his expression turned a bit serious, making you pause a moment.
“I hate to tell you like this, but because of the…business, you and your family were running, nothing can be held against Kier or his men. I’m truly sorry I can’t-“
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.”
You cut him off, feeling bad for it but then going on, watching as his violet eyes almost widened. You knew that nothing could be done from the moment Kier’s men had stormed into the bakery. There was nothing Rhys could’ve done to save them, and nothing you could’ve done either, other than shutting down the business.
“You’re already letting me stay in your home, with your family, and providing for me, so please, don’t apologize for anything.”
You finished. He paused a moment, before giving a slight dip of his head as a nod, that he wouldn’t do it again despite what he might believe.
Elain and Nesta came out, plates in their hands while Cassian trailed behind with another few in his, and they passed them out to everyone, including you. It was a healthy variety of normal breakfast foods, scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, hash browns, etc.
They all sat down and began digging in while talking, and you weren’t about to not follow their example.
“I forget how much of a bitch cooking can be,”
Nesta said, before taking a bite of toast.
“Yeah, guess we are a bit spoiled back home, huh? Living in a sentient House and all.”
Cassian said with that big idiotic grin, nudging her with his elbow as he swallowed. That comment alone made you swirl with questions.
“Sentient House?”
You asked, raising a brow. That only made Rhys chuckle and shake his head.
“Yes, Cassian and Nesta live in the House of Wind. It’s a sentient home right off of Velaris, on the border almost.”
He replied, a smirk on his lips.
“Don’t forget Az, he’s quiet but he can be a menace when he wants to be.”
Cassian said with his mouth full. Nesta rolled her eyes and swatted him for talking with his mouth full, at which he dramatically acted like he’d suffered a fatal wound.
“You don’t know the half of it. Once he rearranged my entire personal bookshelf in reverse alphabetical order. It took me an entire day just to sort them back out.”
She said, huffing just at the memory alone. You couldn’t help the little bit of genuine laughter that escaped your lips from that.
“What did you do to piss him off that bad?”
You then asked, and Nesta smirked, clearly enjoying thinking about what she'd done to poor Azriel.
“I gave them some money and told them to go have fun. They ended up winning a jackpot that Azriel had to go claim the money for. You should’ve seen the owner’s face when he realized that the shadows had won, I don’t think the shadowsinger has set foot in that place since.”
She said, and Cassian began laughing at that alone, while Rhys and Feyre snickered, and Nyx began giggling and babbling over a hash brown. Cassian’s face went thoughtful for a moment before he glanced up at you.
“You know, you could start training with Az maybe. It’s sort of a custom for our newcomers to start training.”
He said, glancing at Feyre and then at Nesta, who both raised a brow at him. Elain then spoke up.
“He’s always on missions, though. Wouldn’t the inconsistency make it useless?”
She asked in that annoyingly innocent tone, almost like she was a child trying to please their mother with how dainty and sweet they were. You didn’t know why it annoyed you as much as it did, the fact that she knew his schedule, and was actively discouraging you from spending time with him.
“He’s not on too many, things have settled down since the war ended. I think it could help keep your mind off things, too.”
Rhys said with a little nod as if confirming this.
“It’d be more practical if you moved to the House, then. It gets a bit too quiet sometimes, so we wouldn’t mind.”
Nesta said with a shrug, studying you intently for a moment before going back to eating her breakfast, halfway on Cassian’s lap already.
“I’ll ask Az after breakfast, I’m sure he won’t mind.”
Cassian said, before shoving another mouthful of fried egg in his mouth, at which Nesta cringed and gave him a look, playfully disgusted.
“You want me to what?”
“Train her, just in the mornings like what I do with Nesta and her friends. It'll get her mind off of things.”
“Cassian, you know that I can't commit to that with my work-”
“I think you're just scared of females.”
Cassian retorted, in the most serious tone he could manage while Azriel gave him an incredulous look, annoyed.
“I am not scared of females.”
He said firmly, glaring at his brother.
“Oh yeah? When's the last time you've had a hookup?”
Azriel’s mind went frustratingly blank at that. He huffed, before replying.
“I don't see how that's relevant.”
Cassian let out a hoot of laughter, only making the crimson blush creeping up Azriel’s neck progress further.
“See? You are scared of females. Are your nightmares haunted by the sight of pussy?”
Cassian said, making his voice quiver on purpose with his last sentence, making a little ‘oooooh’ sound as if a ghost were haunting Azriel. Azriel only scoffed, shaking his head.
“Fine. I'll train her if you'll stop tormenting me.”
He said, a begrudging resignation in his usually firm and cold tone. Cassian gave a grin of triumph, clapping his brother on the back as he walked past him.
“Good. Treat her well, she's been through a lot.”
He said, before walking out and leaving Azriel alone in the cold office he owned in the House of Wind.
He seemed to have snuck into your life much faster than you'd expected him to.
You’d moved into the House of Wind, which hadn’t been difficult given your lack of actual things to pack and move, and very slowly adjusted to living in a sentient House.
It still scared the shit out of you when the bath would randomly start running at the perfect temperature, with all the oils you loved, at the exact time when you were thinking about how much you’d like a bath. Or the times when perfect meals would show up, both healthy and also satisfying your specific cravings, and how the House almost adjusted to fit your needs every time, providing you with everything you needed, clothes, entertainment, food, water, and more.
The training was a different subject, though.
You still could barely do the stretches Azriel tried to work you through. His lithe, muscular body could pull it off flawlessly, which you supposed was a given for someone who had centuries of practice and experience. Most of the time, it only succeeded in you being sore and aching in the mornings, and that was how it went for what felt like years, though only a month had passed.
There was one thing you particularly enjoyed about your training, though.
“Like this, your arm should be hooked around, but not depending on it too much..”
His voice was quiet but strong, confident, and sure as he always was in his silent way as he guided you. His own muscular body, donning no shirt, performed the same exercise you were supposed to be doing, and mimicking poorly.
You couldn’t help but be distracted by the winding tattoo that seemed almost alive as the rising sun cast an orange glow of light against his body, creating a perfect contrast and mixture with his already-tanned skin and midnight hair. Not to mention the light purple color that was projected onto the ground through the thinnest parts of his wing’s membrane, the sun casting light against it as well.
Azriel had grown closer to you in the month you’d been around him, and you’d noticed him observing you intently as if to catch every little habit and quirk about you. You’d been watching, too, seeing the way his fingers might twitch if exposed to the cold, or how his wings fluttered ever so slightly when a cool breeze went by, and all of the things he tried too hard to conceal and lock away.
You snapped out of it, seeing him watching you with a blank stare, only a glimmer of suspicion and curiosity in his dark hazel eyes.
“Sorry, I got distracted.”
You said, shaking your head to get yourself back into the headspace of training, where you could forget your grief and sadness, and become something new, something freer and unbound.
Azriel knew he was pushing it when only one and a half months into your training he slowly began introducing you to swordplay.
He didn’t give you a real sword, over his dead body would he provide a real weapon to a beginner, you had to earn your steel, but for now he gave you a worn wooden one. The same one Nesta had used when Cassian had started training her.
You’d seemed unsure about it, but accepted it without complaint, as you seemed to do with most he did these days. He had caught himself several times, the lingering glances, his hands ‘accidentally’ brushing against your waist, the sparkling heat in his veins when he saw you in those tight Illyrian leathers, trying to obey him and go into the positions he showed you.
He was wondering if you’d caught him, though he already knew the answer.
It was nearly impossible to resist the urge when his shadows screamed and cried silently out for you when they tried to shove you two together and force him to confront you with his suppressed feelings and desires. He’d never felt them so strongly attached to someone other than himself before, and it made him a bit uneasy.
However, it all came to a climax when today, for what felt like the hundredth time, he knocked your wooden sword to the ground and had you pinned beneath his gaze, but this time, his sword against your neck, hands holding you down, something different happened.
It felt like a warmth blooming throughout your entire body, as if someone had lit the butterflies in your stomach on fire and they were now exploding and popping, sending waves of heat and shock throughout your being. Though you didn’t know what was fully happening, your instincts did.
Azriel stumbled back as if he’d been hit, staring wide-eyed at you, and as you opened your mouth to speak he immediately disappeared in a flurry of shadows and darkness, winnowing somewhere.
Training was over for today, you assumed, as you tossed your wooden sword to the ground in the training ring and walked inside, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened, and why he’d seemed so utterly shocked.
You knew he had his eyes on Elain, helping her harden and cook and spending time with her and seeming all too happy about it while training with you seemed like pulling teeth to him.
You tried to shake it off as you headed back into your room to decompress in a hot bath.
The word had hit him like a brick at that moment, and the next thing he knew he was hiccuping and sobbing, mumbling out words to Rhys in his office.
His brother held him close, not questioning what he said for now and just listening.
“She’s my mate, Rhys, and I don’t even think she knows it, but I don’t..how am I going to tell her? She doesn’t want me-“
He’d sobbed into Rhys’ shoulder, his brother quietly shushing him. It had been too long since Azriel had cried, centuries almost, and this had just broken the dam and let the flood tear through his body. The shadows seemed agitated as they swirled around the room, poking and prodding at the furniture and whatnot.
“It’s okay, Az. One step at a time, just breathe, okay? Take a deep breath, and let’s calm down.”
Rhys said in the most soothing, soft tone he could manage, one usually only reserved for Nyx and sometimes Feyre if she was lucky.
However, unbeknownst to either of them, a third person listened in. A female who’d had her eyes on the shadowsinger longer than that new girl thrown into the mix. Elain Archeron believed she was a far better match for Azriel’s stoicism and reserved nature, only she should get the privilege of seeing behind those stone walls he’d built up. A feeling of twisted jealousy and possession curdling in her sweet, loving heart, unlike anything she’d felt before.
That new girl suddenly being Azriel’s mate? That wouldn’t do.
Not at all.
Part 3
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