#@anon i hope you like it <3 bc i kinda had to cheat while making this bc lord knows there was way more dialogue in his scene asffhskj
moonkhao · 5 months
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I… don’t know what to do about my education, future, and family matters. Everything goes out of plan.
23.5 DEGREES | EP9
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kyufilms · 2 years
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ㅤㅤ ⌗ treasure ―︎ college life
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wc + genre/trope + cast + warnings ―︎ 3k words worth of slice of life: college au edition. ot12 nonidol!treasure. not proofread. lowercase intended. like, one mention of alcohol & an implication of needles, but i think that’s all?
request ―︎ hey jia 💜 i was wondering if i could request one of those bulletpoint lists for what you think ot12 treasure would be like as college students?
director’s notes ―︎ hi anon! i lost your ask (and numerous others) bc tumblr was being stupid, but i managed to save part of the original draft for this one in my notes app, so ty for requesting this <3 college au’s are one of my favorite tropes of all time, and i love college-centric stuff in general, so i might’ve gotten a little carried away bc i thought about this concept a lot,, even before i got the request :] i tried to use a variety of fields of study when assigning them to members (since i didn’t want to fall back on something music or performing arts related for everyone), though i had a little bit of trouble with deciding how to place certain members since i was still brainstorming while working on this </3 i also kinda cheated with junghwan’s bc it felt kinda hard to assign a field of study to him as he’s younger than me. i’m not fully happy with this because i feel like i strayed at some parts, and i could’ve worded things better, but lmk what you think! hope you enjoy :>
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⌗ choi hyunsuk / 최현석
i could go on for literal ages about my reasoning for this, but i can totally see hyunsuk studying fashion/apparel design.
sometimes he loses his focus in his general classes & ends up sketching out a new idea mid-lecture out of boredom, but he works even harder so he doesn’t fall behind.
at this point, he knows all of his friends’ measurements by heart because he always manages to convince bribe them into modeling the clothes he’s working on, whether it’s for an assignment or something he’s making for fun.
he loves trying out new styles & customizing all of his own clothes. he most likely has an instagram page to showcase all of his fits & his customization work, while his saved posts are organized into lookbook folders & inspiration boards.
if inspiration strikes, he’ll stay in the design studio as late as he can & won’t rest until he’s satisfied with whatever pieces he’s been working on. showing up to the first lecture of the day w/ a cup of coffee in his hand is pretty common for him.
he works part-time at one of his favorite department stores, which benefits him since it means he gets first pick when they get new shipments and he gets an employee discount on his own purchases. he probably offers sneaker customization services to earn extra money on the side too.
⌗ park jihoon / 박지훈
i feel like jihoon would have gotten into college with a sports scholarship or smth but chose to study broadcasting.
in class, he’s simultaneously proactive & serious, asking all the questions he wants to, no hesitation at all. he’s committed to trying his best to stay on top of his studies.
he’s definitely juggling a lot, but he wants to enjoy college life while being dedicated to his future, so he’s trying to find a way to make things work around his busy schedule.
as a member of the soccer team, he climbs the ranks pretty fast. he’s scary good, so no one’s really all that surprised when he gets bumped up to the position of team captain in his second year (or when they find out he has a fanclub 💀).
he works part-time at the shopping center; specifically at a smoothie bar that just so happens to be right across from where hyunsuk works. the two of them usually hang out or annoy one another whenever they’re on their breaks.
on top of the other stuff jihoon’s got going on, he’s also part of the broadcasting club. he always seems to know what’s going on, so if you need the details on something, he’s your guy. he could probably recite the morning announcements with his eyes closed if he really wanted to.
⌗ kanemoto yoshinori / 金本芳典
yoshi’s main focus is studying education because he wants to be a teacher, but he also minors in the fine arts :)
everyone you ask will tell you that he suits his major perfectly. he’s got a perfect balance of patience, care, and drive to work around whatever problems that come his way.
he’s a babysitter in his free time; half because it’s a job where he can be somewhat flexible with his availability so it works w/ his schedule, half because he simply adores kids.
when it comes to balancing his job with school, he sacrifices some of his sleep here & there, but he’s very thorough. he gets shy, but if he needs clarification, he’ll ask for it, and he’s actually pretty good at explaining things too.
maybe it has something to do with his major, maybe it doesn’t, but yoshi’s responsibility isn’t something that goes unnoticed. whether it’s school-related or not, it’s easy to see that he can keep his cool even when in stressful situations.
once in a blue moon, when his friends succeed in dragging him out to a party on a night he’s not working, he’s almost always the designated driver, but he doesn’t really mind it. he doesn’t really like to drink to begin with, so making sure that everyone gets home in one piece is fine by him.
⌗ kim junkyu / 김준규
i can’t really explain how i came to this conclusion, but i feel like junkyu would do well if he was studying psychology.
in his first year he was probably a dorky but adorable freshman with an undecided major. people seem to find that his clumsy, shy personality only adds to his charm, so it’s not surprising that he has admirers.
when he gets a little bit confused in class, his usual choice is to bite his tongue rather than ask a question. junkyu won’t ask for help until he reaches a certain point, he opts to keep trying on his own until it gets too much for him.
more often than not he gets roped into things by his friends. sometimes it’s a party that they want him to go to, sometimes it’s being hyunsuk’s model for new clothes. willingly tags along every now and then when yoshi’s babysitting, solely because the kids are sweethearts.
he’s stealing even more hearts as a resident assistant in his second year. despite his shyness, he’d end up being close with all the residents. it’s hard not to like him; he makes people feel comfortable. most of the time he’s laid back & has a hard time saying no, but he still tries to be responsible & enforces the rules, even if he doesn’t always like it.
ngl, he may or may not have applied for the RA position at first because he’s a homebody & he thought he could use it as an excuse to stay in the dorms since his friends always try to drag him out. still, he’s someone you can always rely on. he might joke around & act like he’s annoyed, but he’s not. he likes to make himself useful if there’s an opportunity.
⌗ takata mashiho / 高田ましほ
in my mind, mashiho would’ve gotten into uni on a full-ride sports scholarship & winds up studying sports medicine while double minoring in kinesiology & culinary arts.
all of his professors are quite fond of him. he’s another one of those students that actively participates in the lessons, and it’s clear he always tries extra hard, especially since he’s at school on that scholarship.
he might not be insanely tall, but don’t let his height fool you, he’s the basketball team’s secret weapon. his skills are insane, & he’s a different person on the court, so each game’s exciting; he always goes beyond expectations.
honestly though, if you thought jihoon was busy, you should see mashi. he might not have a job, but he’s got so much other stuff going on outside of sports & his studies, everyone’s a little bit curious as to how he balances all of it.
popularity check ― somehow, everyone seems to know mashi. he’s campus crush material & he’s got the fanclub to prove it. when he’s not studying or practicing for a game, you might find him with the dance club or the theatre kids.
overall, he just exudes good vibes and confidence, and that’s probably why so many people are naturally drawn to him. when he’s out, he can be the life of the party, but it’s pretty easy for him to have a good time just kicking back with friends. it’s hard to imagine someone not liking him.
⌗ yoon jaehyuk / 윤재혁
this is based off of that one fancall but jaehyuk studies both business administration & economics :)
even before people find out what his majors are, they’d already take a liking to him since he’s such a sweetheart. hearing what he’s studying only impresses others more.
i feel like he’d be part of student government. i could also see him giving the freshmen tours of the campus once he’s in his second year of studies, and he probably continues to do so every other year after that.
he’s got smarts to spare !! i feel like he’s that one person who’s always at the top of his class. he probably doesn’t even need to ask questions for clarification because he reads ahead of the current units they’re working on in class.
im 92.7% convinced he’d be the ultimate favorite student to any, if not all, of his professors. he’d always be prepared when he comes to lectures, and i feel like all the professors would genuinely enjoy reading through his thought process when they grade any of his work.
i could see him working as a student tutor on the side, though idk if it’d be for money or extra credit. it’s an easy but equally convenient way for him to review topics while simultaneously earning extra cash or extra points. even if he wasn’t getting anything out of it, i still think he’d enjoy helping other people better their understandings.
⌗ hamada asahi / 浜田朝光
i had a lot of ideas for asahi, but for simplicity i think he’d study art; specifically w/ a focus in animation.
something tells me he’d be part of the gifted program for fine arts. idk if it’d necessarily work like a scholarship, but i don’t think it’d be an easy program to get into. he’s getting the recognition he deserves for his talent.
when he’s in class he takes simple notes so he gets the general information he needs, but something tells me that he’d go back to redo them later on so that they’ll look nicer. it also helps him study, since he’s revisiting all the materials.
he probably has a bunch of sticky notes with doodles on them in his textbooks, & i feel like he’d doodle on his notes a lot too, but it’s not because he’s bored/distracted, it actually helps him focus & allows him to remember things better.
i feel like college is an even greater self discovery kind of experience for asahi more than any of the others. since he’s so introverted, people probably say that they hope he’ll learn to express himself outwardly the same way he expresses himself through his art. his friend group helps tho, so he’s working on redefining his comfort zone :]
for some reason, i can’t really see asahi having a job while he’s a student. he’d either be so wrapped up in art & studies that his free time kind of blends with them, or he’d keep to himself & his small circle of friends until he falls into a new hobby (which, unintentionally, would be music, but jihoon’s trying to convince him to join the soccer team/club).
⌗ bang yedam / 방예담
the idea of yedam not being involved with music at all feels foreign to me, but i could see him doubling up & studying music alongside communications.
he probably got into college through the gifted program for music, but he chose to study communications as well just to be practical and have some sort of backup plan.
yedam’s the type who stays in the studio more often than his dorm room. he’s always coming up with new song ideas, so his voicenotes app is full of little snippets of things that he came up with throughout the day.
if you happen to see him on campus, you’ll find that he listens to music more than half the time. he’ll always have a pair of headphones on him, whether they’re being worn over his ears or just hanging around his neck.
another popularity check ― the music department’s pride and joy. everyone on campus knows him, mostly because he always performs at events like the school festivals & talent shows. yet another person with a little fanclub behind him; his voice just seems to pull people in.
performs every week at an open mic night that a local coffee shop hosts. he’ll even take requests when there aren’t many people on the performance roster. definitely has a yt channel; sometimes he’ll sing originals while other times he’ll sing covers. half the student body is subscribed.
⌗ kim doyoung / 김도영
i was so dead set on this one pls i feel like doyoung would probably study biology & follow in his family’s footsteps as a pre-med student :]
campus!! crush!! somehow he’s the perfect balance between being a sweetheart & being a huge flirt. his busy schedule tends to have him all over the place, but that’s also how he gained popularity on campus.
probably gets involved with student government because of jaehyuk. he wasn’t really about it first because he already had a lot going on as a pre-med student, but he enjoyed it too much to give it up once he got a taste for it.
doyoung’s prepared for the worst; he’s like a walking first-aid kit & nurse’s office. definitely the person hyunsuk goes to ask for bandaids after accidentally poking himself one too many times while trying to design a new piece.
i’m convinced he’d be a teacher’s assistant. i don’t have an idea of which of his professors he’d TA for, but i know for a fact that he’s charmed all of the other students in the class and the professor themselves. the type to leave give people little hints/tips on what to study for while grading their papers if they didn’t necessarily do so hot.
if you’re ever looking for him on campus and he’s not assisting or sitting in the back of a class grading the papers, there’s a good chance you’ll find him in the library. he’s an assistant there on top of being a TA (and the head librarian always jokes about how they’d never seen so many people come in to study until doyoung became a library assistant).
⌗ watanabe haruto / 渡辺春虎
haruto’s studying music production & composition; he got in through the same program as yedam.
asahi’s roommate. he helps asahi get comfortable around others & is partially the reason why music is now one of asahi’s other hobbies outside of art.
rather than having a youtube channel like yedam, haruto posts on soundcloud for fun. he probably goes by an alias, but the stuff he puts out is semi-popular.
he likes to goof off & work on songs with his friends. at first he’d just mess around by himself & show asahi, but then he met yoshi & mashiho, so nowadays you can distinctly hear four different people in several tracks on haruto’s computer.
he’s not employed while he’s studying atm, but one of his professors mentioned that the campus radio station is looking for people to play songs & fill up the regular slots between the radio programs, so he’s been debating on whether or not he should apply for a position.
that one person who everyone’s unintentionally intimidated by. he does really well academic-wise, but he can be a little bit antisocial, so he doesn’t talk as much around people he’s not close to. others tend to find him hard to approach since he’s so tall istfg his responses can be short & they mistake his blank expressions/rbf as him judging them since they can’t really tell what he’s thinking by the look on his face.
⌗ park jeongwoo / 박정우
jeongwoo has absolutely no clue what he direction he wants to go in, so he hasn’t declared a field of study yet.
roommates with jaehyuk. junkyu’s had to drop by and tell them to knock it off on more than one occasion because they’ll get too loud without realizing it.
he’s on the basketball team with mashiho, but during the off-season you’ll probably find him goofing around on the field with some of the other people in the soccer club.
knows he has to pick a focused area of study sooner or later, but he’s not really sure what he wants. he’s kind of testing things & looking into a new focus every other week to try and find something that sparks his interests.
works part time at is probably on the verge of being fired from a cafe, but he’s usually only taking peoples’ orders, manning the register, or doing dishes. atm, his boss is just keeping him around since he makes up for his not-so-great coffee skills by bringing in a crowd, but he’s trying his best.
a bit of a social butterfly. despite not knowing what he wants to study just yet, the fact he’s made friends in several different departments has helped a lot. everyone on campus, regardless of their major, has probably seen jeongwoo lingering around their building once or twice, and whenever someone initiates conversation he’s always polite.
⌗ so junghwan / 소정환
junghwan’s still in high school & trying to decide what he wants to do in the future.
he’s sort of interested in a few different fields of study, but he wants to see what they’re like before he makes a final decision on what he’ll go into.
all his friends that have already graduated have been pestering him about going to the same university as them when the time comes for him to enroll.
though he’s not done with high school yet, several schools have already been keeping an eye on him & his potential. there’s been buzz about how some places want him in their sports programs; some are even talking scholarships.
he’s a full-time student as of right now. junghwan’s too busy studying for the college entrance exams to be working at the moment, but he’s a bright kid. his teachers are pretty sure he’ll pass with flying colors; they surely won’t hesitate to give him recommendations if he asks.
he’s probably asked jaehyuk or doyoung to help him study for his upcoming exams just to be prepared, but it’s somehow become a group-study thing because everyone else either tags along or invites themselves to the session. still, he’s grateful. they try to help him as much as they can & tell him not to worry so much since he’ll do just fine.
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treasure taglist | @rutowonz @acaiasahi @yogurteume @koishua @enhacolor (fill out the ‘membership club’ form in my pinned post to join!)
network tags | @kflixnet
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© kyufilms | please refrain from copying, translating, or reposting any of my works, regardless of whether or not it’s within or outside of this website. the content that i write is strictly fictional & made for entertainment purposes only.
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inactiveanimeblog · 3 years
HEYY the anon was me btw loll
what i WANTED to say before tumblr so RUDELY deleted my ask😒 was what if instead of the reader cheating on obito (which is what i usually see) obito gets super drunk one night and hooks up with someone. and when the reader finds out she’s devastated bc obito always tells her how much he loves her and this is the last thing she’d ever expect him to do,, and he apologizes and everything and ofc she’d forgive him she’s so madly in love with him blah blah blah.
anyways (this is kinda cliche lolll) one night they get into this huge argument and obito storms out and gets drunk and cheats on her (again) and he feels really guilty the next day and the reader always believes him when he says he’ll never do it again (spoiler!! he does it again) and their relationship will never be the same and it’s just overall super toxic.😆
and ik this is super OOC for obito cuz he’s a simp in the show lmaooo, but i rlly love your writing and i thought you might like this idea and ik your requests are closed nd i’m so so sorry but i really had to leave this in your inbox asap😣
tw : toxicity, manipulation, cheating, break up, angst
OMG R U TRYING TO MAKE ME SAD ;( NOT WITH MY FAV CHARACTER NOOOO! READERS LEAVING HIS ASS! even tho i love obito more than anything. also not really a fic but just a quick lil drabble ! hope this is fine <3
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this is the second time obito’s done this. cheat on you. the first time he did, broke you and almost broke your relationship. however after a long talk and trying to understand where he was coming from, you forgave him. you didn’t think he was gonna do it again, you know he loves you. but hearing him say those words once more, you questioned if he ever truly did love you.
“i promise y/n i didn’t mean it.”
“please i love you so much.”
“don’t leave me. you’re all i have.”
it pained you to leave him. the cracks in his voice while he was trying hard not to cry replaying in your mind. you’re very well aware how sorry he is, but after this happening yet again you can’t trust him. sometimes you wonder if you shouldn’t have been so hard on him while you were leaving.
“i’m packing my shit and staying at a friends until i get my own place.”
“i don’t ever wanna hear from you again.”
“don’t bother trying to see me anymore. we’re done.”
he stood in the doorway, tears brimming in his eyes while watching you pack everything up. every second he watched you, his heart broke a little bit more. he would have done anything to keep you from leaving, even blocking you from door.
“move out of my way obito.”
“i can’t. i don’t want you to leave.”
he even went as far as taking your luggage and throwing it back on the bed, trying to unpack everything again. at this point you were agitated, tired, and broken. you took your things out of his hands and placed them back in the suitcase, not once looking him in his eyes. you knew if you looked at him, then you wouldn’t have the courage to leave.
“y/n look at me. we can fix this.”
“it won’t happen again, it was a mistake.”
“obito, i swear to fucking god. don’t do this to me right now. can’t you see where i’m coming from? you cheated on me not once, but twice. you’re so selfish, you think you can do whatever you want, then come home and have the nerve and tell me you regret it? i was worried sick about you last night, wondering where you were, calling your phone, and you didn’t even come back until this morning.”
there was nothing he could say that would make you stay with him, it would have been a miracle if you did stay. his anger replaced his sadness and he threw a few things around the room, his voice got louder, and a vexed look was on his face.
“i don’t understand why you can’t forgive me.”
“this is childish y/n, stop acting like a kid.”
“you don’t love me, if you did you would stay.”
you’re almost glad he started saying these things, because if he didn’t you knew you would have missed him much more. you knew what he was doing, you knew he was trying to manipulate you into staying with him. and it wasn’t gonna work, not this time.
you grabbed your things without saying a word, completely ignoring the temper tantrum he was throwing, and threw everything in your car. he watched you the entire time, his yelling falling on deaf ears, and the last thing you said to him was
“i hope you learn your lesson obito.”
before pulling out of the driveway and leaving.
tears finally fell down your face and sobs escaped your mouth while driving to your best friends house. this was gonna be a lot harder to get over than you thought.
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pappydaddy · 2 years
Ohh totally the writers regressed Steve's entire development to be solely Nancy's love interest again. His other relationships suffered so much, especially the one with Dustin. He seemed so angry with being paired up with him it was so ooc. Like it's actually criminal that we got a Eddie and Dustin hug before Steve and Dustin, like wth.
Even his relationship with Robin was watered down to push for Stancy. I still stand by the fact that Robin should have been the one who jumped in first to save Steve, but then Eddie wouldn't have given his true love speech to Steve later. And Robin actually pushing Nancy to persue Steve, while being Steve's bestie and probably knowing how fucked up he was after the breakup. The writers don't see heaven for this I'm afraid. Robin needs to talk some sense into him, like please.
I'm so mad at the writers, I hope they look through fan reactions and see that 80% of the fandom doesn't want this kinda shit. Plus it's so fucking unfair to both characters. Steve got rejected twice there at the end and he was clearly hurt, if he takes her back after all the shit Nancy put him through (cheating, calling him bs and making him insecure about his intelligence) what kinda message is this for his character? Like does he really feel so insecure about himself, so worthless that he doesn't think he deserves better??? Or worse if the writers kill him off for Nancy I'm gonna commit a crime if they do that.
And Nancy deserves an arc that isn't centered around guys, let her be single and move away to persue her dream career. Nancy won't ever be the perfect woman for Steve to carry his 6 kids, she said herself in season one. I fucking hate how they ended s4 with setting up Nancy cheating on Jonathan in s5 like she did with Steve in s2. Plus most likely not even facing any repercussions for her behavior because the show excuses any mistake so idk she gets a fee pass for anything really. I tried to like her but after s2 I just can't bring myself, the only scenes where I truly started to appreciate her more were the ones with Robin tbh.
My dream dynamics or hope for s5. Steve and Robin plus party all together fighting evil monsters. We deserve Steve and El interactions, Steve comforting Dustin and Lucas. Plus for once let him actually display feelings, I want to see him grieve Max and feeling guilty for not being the protector like he thought he was. Plus the arc I hoped for s4, realizing he doesn't need romantic love, he already has a family rn and that friendships can make you just as happy. Like I really thought for vol2 he would finally move on and come to that realization but instead we got a love confession.
Nancy and Jonathan can do their investigation shit, stay far away from the group like they always do every season and talk about their feelings like mature adults they claim to be. Like the Duffers talked about s1 pairings definitely Jancy was together for 80% of the time despite Nancy dating Steve so please just go back to that lol.
Sorry this was kinda long, but every time I see Stancy content or discussions I get once again so angry at like everything. We could have so much better but nope.
Obx anon
oh my gosh! it's great to see you again obx anon! how have you been lovely?
i agree with you full-heartedly! i loved nancy in season one and (a little less bc of the steve situation) in season 2, but in season 3 i liked her again because her storylines were something other than conflicted feelings for a boy. in season one, the writers were laying the seeds for nancy and jonathan (even tho they had jonathan take pictures of her???) so they had her dating steve as a way for her to break free of the good girl in the suburbs mentality. this is seen with her losing her virginity, going to the party, shotgunning, etc. they used the relationship with steve to give her character depth and create a change within her.
then in season 2 she ruined steve which allowed for steve's character growth. this growth had the kids involved with it. steve went from king steve to momma steve and that was because of the kids. even in season 3 when he only had dustin and erica with him, he was still momma steve. then he started chucking fireworks at the mind flayer and he was momma steve saving el because he had the kids.
there was no momma steve content in season 4. it was annoyed and borderline king steve content. i hated that scene where he tried to go with nancy and he was visibly annoyed that he had to go with dustin. like i was excited for some steve and dustin content - i look forward to steve and dustin content. on top of that, there was no robin and steve.
everything with steve was so ooc in season 4. i also hate how it seems like they are trying to make the viewers hate nancy. she doesn't seem to be someone who it whishy-washy, yet, every other season she is unsure of her relationship.
but, i did read natalia agreed that robin and nancy would be a good pair and that it would be cool to see that relationship. i feel like that would also explain why nancy seems to jump between steve and jonathan. she seems to be drawn to any guy that is showing any form of affection/romantic interest to her regardless of her relationship status. so, maybe (and i am just brainstorming here), what if she doesn't have romantic feelings towards steve or jonathan? what if she feels like because they like her and she is a girl and they are boys, she should like them and date them?
but, back to canon. i was also upset that there seemed to be no resolution in the two-day jump of any of this. nancy can break up with jonathan if she wants, but steve and her better stay friends. there was also no steve/dustin dynamic. or steve/robin dynamic other than steve seeing her talking to vickie. but i think seeing this shift proves how nancy and steve wouldn't work. (a) they want two completely different things in life like you pointed out and (b) they bring out the worst in each other.
tik tok seems to love stancy and i've had to hit not interested so many times bc it keeps showing me stancy content and i hate it. i feel much better on tumblr where there are so many people who agree with me about this. also, i saw someone on here say that hopefully steve admitting he saw nancy having his six-kids for the longest time was steve's way of saying 'i am finally getting over you and moving on and being happy'. but we really won't know until season 5 comes out (which i hope isn't long from now).
and don't worry lovely! i hate stancy so much too. it fills me with rage that people cannot seem to realize how bad they are for each other. i am also mad that they ruined steve's character (slightly) in this season and i hope they don't ruin it further.
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aquagustd · 2 years
What's happening?! Why everyones behaving weird and sus and idk it's really muddling especially Jungkook, Yoongi and Taehyung. Why Jungkook is hiding almost everything about his relationship with Sora. It seems like Jungkook already knows something about Sora and he's like forced to not disclose those to others. Why protecting her from her wrong doings? (Even Jungkook was worried about why oc was doing at the Mall, whereas Sora was cheating on him with someone unknown. Just like "Club thing" oc mentioned). Above all, his breakup with Sora was his best day ever and yoongi points out that too. Still Jungkook whispered something and burst out laughing. What all these mean?
And there is Yoongi, who knows alot about Jungkook and his next moves. But he's not willing to share Jungkooks secrets with oc and evade further misunderstanding. Instead Yoongi is kept hiding things from oc. (Here Yoongi might know what exact deal with Jungkook and Sora, but still clearly mentioned so can't make assumptions furthermore).
And Taehyung, he is really sus here. What is his real deal with Deiji? He had all 7days text back oc but no he was busy spending time with Deiji. And when oc caught him and Deiji together, he was desperate to talk things out and clarify everything, why? Is he working for Yang too? What if Deiji is his fiancée? Idk it's just me or not, but I noticed one thing that, Taehyung didn't put effort in inviting oc to the Charity event until his mother voiced it out. BUT he was really BUSY discussing the same matter with Deiji. Whoaaa....I'm literally loading my brain with overthinking. 🤯🤯🤯
And last but certainly not least, Junho. The paintings of his says the tattooed guy is Jungkook that's what everyone's assuming but you never know, it can be anyone who's with tattooed arm just like Jungkook. It might be the UNKNOWN who was with Sora. It is kinda clear that Sora was behind this shitty attempt to destroy that poor little soul. Like we don't know what is Junho actually seeing while painting. I think it's time, either oc or Jungkook dig out the truth straight from Junho instead of blaming each other and meanwhile letting Junho's condition worsen even more.
This is for Author, last time, more specifically "Chapter 9.1" I did write down my assumptions and feedback but I haven't heard back from you, maybe because it contains spoiler? Or maybe you didn't notice idk, but I hope you response to this one. ✨️💜✨️
yes jungkook is being super sus about his relationship with sora & it seems like yoongi is in on it too 🫣 but yoongi would never hurt oc right? so we have nothing to worry about ig 👁
tae had the weekend to call oc !! not 7 days. since it was like friday when they last saw each other and then monday when she saw him at the mall but yeah totally !! that’s still a lot 🙄 & then he only called oc when she saw him irl smh.
wait why would deiji be his fiancée 😭 why would he work for yang 😭 he just pulled a shitty move on oc. & he didn’t invite oc bc it’s his mother’s event and he’s just helping to organize it, etc. that’s why she invited oc. she was going to eventually.
ooooooh you could be right 👀 like it could be anyone with tattoos…why did we all think of jk. it seems like the only way to find out is to ask junho himself atp
i checked my asks & i didn’t get any from you after 9.1 was it on anon?? i can’t find it :( maybe it didn’t come through :( but tysm for reading & leaving your thoughts <3 i’m glad you enjoyed the latest part !!
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gaykey · 3 years
Itsay anon here ❤️ tbh the reason I don’t feel bad at all for teh is bc of his weak ass explanations and excuses... your boyfriend of three years, your BEST FRIEND, caught you cheating and realized you are totally into someone else (bc you didn’t do ANYTHING to hide it from him since you think only about yourself, MAY I ADD!!!) and the one thing you have to say it’s that you never thought about breaking up with him?! Really?! What the fuck does that even mean, when you go and declare your feelings for someone else, just to get shot down?! Bc that’s what happened!! Jai is an asshole, ok, but honestly i’m not even mad about his behavior... it was crystal clear to me that he was doing all that just to get teh into the play’s character, and it should have been clear to Teh too. Teh knows Jai is involved with that lady, and when they talked about Jai’s ex is obvious that he’s still into him... yet teh still chooses to get himself involved with him. He still chooses to kiss him and prioritize him over his actual boyfriend and to LIE to oh aew’s face telling him it was just a rehearsal and to don’t misunderstand what he saw. Ultimately, Teh is the one who’s in a relationship and fucks it up over a “connection” with someone who just acted towards him like Teh kinda wanted him to. I personally think that Jai is a dickhead, but I don’t care about his motives and I don’t think he’s to blame for anything that happened. When Teh follows him like a lovesick puppy and basically tells him that he loves him, all the while not giving a fuck about Oh Aew sitting right fucking there, that’s on Teh. Serenading him while duetting with his fucking boyfriend, that’s on Teh. These are disgusting things to do to someone you “love”. I swear to god i felt so humiliated and like 1 cm tall while i was watching those scenes, bc i kept thinking how cruel it was to put someone through something like that. so, again, what the fuck does that mean that teh never meant to break up with Oh Aew??? How was that supposed to work out??? Even the way Teh repeats that he loves Oh Aew and that he wants another chance feels cheap and performative. He should be begging, he should be devastated seeing Oh Aew like that, but he’s just scared and confused. Ultimately i feel like their break up shakes him just because he didn’t expect Oh to be so firm and strong and bc he doesn’t know how life is supposed to be without Oh Aew in it, not because he’s still in love with him... and that’s what’s sad. Oh Aew is clearly still in love and devastated (when his friends all cuddle him on the floor... my fucking heaaaartttttttt), Teh is just... shocked? Lonely? I don’t know, but his pain feels like something entirely his, not /theirs/. He has a fuckload of growing up to do, he has to learn the real meaning of love and respect and accountability, and the fact he’s so quick to jump on the management deal even at those conditions tells me he just wants to put everything he did wrong behind him and to never think back about it again... IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT TEH, YOU DUMB FUCK.
And about my poor baby Oh Aew... we already saw people hitting on him out of nowhere, so maybe he’ll get some love elsewhere. I really hope he does 😭 i just remembered how surprised he was when bas held his hand in public, after all the shit teh pulled in ep4... he really needs to see how big and full of promises is the world out there 😭 my baby 😭😭😭 seriously i need him to be so loved he doesn’t know what to do with himself 😔
Tbh i feel like they’re gonna end this season with them broken up and if there’s a third one that’s where they’re going to make them find their way back... after they’ve lived a little and experienced/conquered the world as individuals. That would be the only way i’d accept a reconciliation, tbh 😤
anoooon yeeees
god just yeah to all of this.
what does that mean?? so, teh you never thought about breaking up with oh aew, but you thought if, and actively did cheat on him so?? what? you just expected him to go along with it?
oooooooh teh not necessarily being sad about oh aew leaving him because he loveshim, and he's heartbroken, but more because oh aew not being in his life doesn't fit into his perfect plan be had, and he doesn't know how to deal with that...!
oh man that HITS.
it's been made very clear from the first ep that teh likes the idea of oh aew more than the reality. or at least the idea of the younger oh aew he knew. not this more mature, more confident, more independent person he's become.
god, yeah, i'd honestly love if they did a third season about their reconciliation
a bit like we best love, where they're older and have more life experience, and have natured. so their love feels more......worked on? does that make sense? earned?
grown and evolved maybe fits better.
anyway, yes yes yes, thank you for this! i love your insights <3
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tendoki · 4 years
pulling up with a baby with tendou bc of the quarantine and how the team would react pls 🥺 i feel like coach washijo would be happy and would try to convince yall to let the bby go to shiratorizawa 🤣
anon ive been having the worst day but this request made me lose my shit thank u so much GOOD LORD LMFAOO
I did my best to do this request JUSTICE lol. it turned into general baby havin hcs but I hope you like it regardless!! its rlly long so my bad 🥺
Shiratorizawa reacting to Tendou + his s/o leaving lockdown w a mfin BABY
OK. so he was prob at your apartment when the lockdown was announced
so since all his shit was already there, he had clothes and a toothbrush n it was just generally more convenient for him to stay at your place
he did! he messaged his mom to let her know where hed be, she Didnt Mind lol (we dont know much ab tendous family so?? aah)
now. not saying yall spent all ur time fucking. but u 100% did
and since u ran out of birth control and condoms pretty soon into quarentine......... 👀
both of u sorta just went
both of you were pretty in love anyway, and even if things didnt work out, you guys figured that youd always work together to be the best parents for the kid you could possibly be
which led to were ur at now. a measly week out of quarantine. n ur being rushed to the labour ward.
shiratorizawa closed for the rest of the academic year, which meant that as a 3rd year, you guys and a lot of the team wouldnt see eachother in uniform again
but not to worry!! to make up for the missed celebrations theyve organised a prom and a couple days where 3rd years can come in and give proper goodbyes to everyone, including the coaches!!
everyone on the team showed up, because they wanted to say bye to their senpais 🥺🥺
but. that's like 3 months from ur labour
so when u n tendou pull up to the school, with a 3month old CHILD they r. astounded.
they know its u guys' tho
literally theres not even the possibility for a JOKE that u cheated on tendou because the kid has the same fucking hair.
it's only a little tuft (u know what anime babies look like lol) but that nose n that hair? TENDOU SATORIS GENES CAME THRU
the baby has ur eyes. and compared to the rest of its tiny little face?? they're fucking HUGE
you guys let ushijima hold him (I feel like youd have a son?) and ngl ushi cries.
it's a single tear but tendou will INSIST that waka was SOBBING years afterward
everyone is so attached to the kid sorry
the baby is so attached to semi tho!!! the second semi reaches forward to hold the kid and poke at its fat lil cheeks, hes giggling and blubbering up at his uncle semi 🥺
he offers to help you guys go shopping for more baby stuff 🥺🥺 and when his mom finds out ab the kid (team sleepovers were at reons house n u were ALWAYS invited so she LOVES U sorry I make the rules)
she gives u some of reons old baby clothes!!! n ur LOSING ur mind because WDYM THIS TALL MFER WAS ONCE LIKE A FOOT TALL AND WEARING A BLUE BEAR ONESIE???
she doesnt judge u for being a young mother!! I imagine she was too?? Reon is real respectful n I'll be damned if she isnt just as sweet
the coaches are already on your ass about toddler volleyball. they call up a couple friends and have already organized a group for teaching young Young YOUNG kids how to play despite ur son being. 3 months old.
the whole team is Maybe in love with your son
sorry. it's our son now. shiratorizawa owns ur kid :/
when shirabu is holding your boy. the whole team watches as semi get jealous????? over a kid that's NOT his???
hes petty and tells him that hes holding him wrong (hes not)
washijo is obsessed with ur baby. hes so proud of tendou. insisting that ur son being 'the size of a FAT volleyball' is a great sign for his skills in the court
the whole team. is offering money. they know u 2 are JUST out of highschool and with quarentine, are probably pretty low on cash??
BUT !! I 100% hc that tendou draws!! nd hes been doing a shit load of commissions for like. years LOL
n hes always saved that money!! he only spent it on shounen jump, which dont make too much of a dent in the money pile lol
besides he took emergency comms the second you guys found out ab the pregnancy
if you draw/write/do any work from home that's gets you money, then you do that too!!
he forces u to do less work than him tho because hes WORRIED AB U N THE BABY 🥺
but you guys appreciate the offers from your friends!!! Reon and Ushi's mom both volunteer to baby sit when you guys want a date night, thus ur child creating one hell of a friendship between the ex-captain and his vice's mothers 🥺
I'm not gonna go thru ALL the team members reactions
but they're all really happy!! ofc they scold tendou for not using protection and are MAJORLY GROSSED OUT KNOWING THAT THE TWO OF U HAVE INDEED HAD SEX
even tho the fact that satori is a Horny boy should be universal knowledge by now
the team is there for you guys while the baby grows up!! the second the kid can walk ushi is kneeling down and teaching him to spike
tendou is just as bad and insists that his son is a prodigy and should be a pro volleyball player already
ur son is a mamas boy n it breaks tendous heart ngl
u make up for it by having a daughter a year or two down the line 😳 n shes OBSESSED with her dad it's cute but also BABY ur 4 please stop sleeping in mommy n daddies bed 🥺🥺🥺
also ur sons first words
oh boy
u can tell that the whole fuckin team has been teaching ur son volleyball stuff
u came home n ur son is sat in the living room SURROUNDED by ur (other) boys
ur (main) boy starts blubbing and bouncing at the sight of his mama 🥺 (or dada/other parent if ur an afab trans person!!!)
you tell off the team for tryna get ur baby into vball when hes barely 6months at this point
but before the boys all leave 🥺🥺 ur son grabs his favourite uncle semi and just goes
'sehtah!!!' (setter)
ngl tendou n u r kinda pissed that ur babies first words werent mama or dada. but then u see how happy semi is n u both just 🥺
semi is soft for your son and as the kid grows up hes still attached to him
he cant get away with being a brat though, boys got a whole mfing TEAM of dads/uncles PLUS grampy Washijo are ready to scold this boy
your son (and future daughter) are both SO loved though
theyve always got SOMEONE they know they can depend on
the team loves tendou and they love u, so OFC they ADORE any kids u guys have EVER.
they stay in contact with both of you even if you split up later on, they care enough about you guys that the y/n tendou powercouple is something every new generation of shiratorizawa volleyboys are taught about and introduced to
they're guaranteed a spot!! they dont even have to work for it lmfaooo
mostly because coach threatens to leave the school and work with karasuno if they dont confirm them a place
it's an empty threat but it WORKS
the worldwide lockdown of 2020 is something you and tendou remember fondly forever 🥺
even if it was in bad circumstances the two of you made something so positive
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golbrocklovely · 4 years
My curiosity is getting the best of me so i wonder, just based on interviews and videos Colby has done where he talks about this ex. Do you think his ex girlfriend whom he was in love with and claimed to be clingy with was the same one he cheated on because it seems like different people to me. In one video he said he felt the relationship ended because he was clingy and couldn't see himself not being around her without his day getting ruined. And he said he was so miserable when it ended he wouldnt leave his room. Basically this relationship consumed him. But the girl he spoke of in Sams vid he said he cheated because you could feel the relationship had run its course and they hadnt really been talking...In this last vid he said he's been heart broken twice so could be different people.
Just a thought and a whole lot of curiosity.
oh my god, sorry this is so long but i have a lot to say (and a little bit of proof maybe????)
it's so weird you bring this up, anon, bc i was literally gonna make a post of tweets colby has made over the years that are about love and whatnot, so i've been in the mood to talk about his love life for a while.
at first, i was more incline to think that the girl he cheated on and the girl he broke up with in 2016 were not the same, bc how can you say you're heartbroken from a relationship that you cheated on, you know?? but now, i do think it's the same girl.
let me explain.
looking at his tweets from 2016, you can tell he is in love bc a lot of them are really sweet and lovey-dovey. the tweets start around feb. and even a little bit before in jan., one of them reading “I like your face, that's why I stare” on feb 22. i think somewhere between feb-apr, he meets this girl and they start dating. he starts tweeting things like “I'll be here for you as long as you're always here for me” on march 22, and “All I see is you”, so you can tell he's already headed straight towards Love-ville, you know lol
what i think happened is that he and this girl were in love with each other, but he loved her a lot more than she loved him. he even claimed that he fell really fast in his previous relationship (which i think is this one). so i think what happened is, he fell for her really quickly, and even though she loved him, it wasn't the same or as much as he loved her. and as he had stated in the 'truth or drink' vid he did with sam, things were going downhill for about two/three months before they broke up. in june he's tweeting things like “I need you, don't let me down” on the 6th, and even “Flaky people ..” on june 27, which could be referring to his gf at the time. that same day even he tweeted “Oh my love, can't you see that you're always on my mind ?”, so i think to some extent it was this back and forth of 'i love you, but you keep pulling away from me and i'm tired/hurt from it'.
i think to some degree, he fell too fast and she was uncomfortable with it. so this is when she was starting to take a step back, maybe asking for space a bit, which is what he meant by when their plans would get cancelled, he would be upset. in july he's tweeting 'You don't understand how much you really mean to me' on the 14th and 'I won't let go' on the 30th. i think he could tell they were drifting apart, but he wasn't ready for it to happen.
by august, and no offense to colby if he ever see this, but he sounded kinda desperate but also really upset. i mean i would too if the person i was in love with was pulling away and i wasn't ready for them to leave (bc who the fuck is ever really ready, you know?). he tweeted “It's all because I care too much” on aug. 3, and “Your forever is all that I need” on aug. 13. he was also talking about needing a mental vacation a bunch, and even saying “Get rid of the people in your life who don't treat you right” by aug. 21. what i think is before he went to new york, his gf and him had a bit of a fall out of some sort, where maybe they said they should go on a break, step away from each other bc things weren't working out.
then, by aug 28, he tweets “Well hey NYC, you're looking beautiful tonight”. the next day he tweeted “"I'm no palm reader, but I doubt that's the sign I was looking for"” so i think somewhere within the those days, he might have cheated. also, no joke, on aug. 31, he tweeted “Protect your heart”, so by then, i think he had made his mind up about the relationship. he also had said in the 'truth or drink' vid, that even tho they were already kinda separated since they weren't really talking or seeing each other anymore, it was still cheating bc they were still technically 'dating' and hadn't broken up.
sept. 1, he tweeted "There's no turning back now". sept. 2, he then said "You know where your heart belongs as soon as you step back and just think. Have time to yourself" and "This trip has taught me so much.", so by this point i think they broke up. a couple days later on the 5th he tweeted "I need a girlfriend who's willing to be my best friend. Someone who cares for me just as much as I care for them. Someone who would go on insane adventures with me, and would wanna see the world. Both committed to each other. 100%. Someone who shows that they TRULY care", and then on the 8th "I can be hard to deal with sometimes. I get into bad moods that seem to change me as a person. I'm working on it. Only getting better", and then finally on the 9th "Someone come keep me company".
so to sum it up quickly, they got together early 2016, he fell really fast while she wasn’t falling as fast, she started pulling away and he got hurt by it, they had a fall out/pause in the relationship, he cheated on a trip, came back, and then they broke up.
hopefully this all makes sense. also, looking at his other tweets after this, you can tell the lovey-dovey feelings he once had weren't really there anymore, and he was a lot more closed off then normal. it took until 2018 for him to start opening a bit up again, but even then nothing fully stuck. personally, i think the other heartache is from before LA, like back when he was in hs, but it could have been something a bit more recent. maybe not someone he technically would have called a gf, but maybe someone he was hoping to be with but things fell thru? not sure entirely.
i also think he got his heartbroken first not by a girlfriend, but by a friend of his before he met sam. there a video where it is briefly mentioned and i honestly think that's why he has some trust issues, or at least that's where it started from. but if you want me to talk about that, just ask since this is already way too long lol
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briteboy · 7 years
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WHO is Santi and WHERE is his face?
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i am LIVING for your warm & colorful posts right now!! your editing is so amazing and it brightens my day everytime i see a new post of yours *.*
THANK YOU!!!! <3 i am so happy/relieved to be using warm colors once more, i feel like myself again. don’t get me wrong, i do like evoking different moods, but sometimes (a lot of the time, especially with santi) too much is too much. today’s posts were HOPEfully my last emo edits..............for now
LOL I actually made a comment about Fiona naming a cat/dog (once Pets comes out) Rodrigo. I'll go back underground now haha (still a great story, cant wait to read more) -Runaway NONY
OH I DIDN’T EVEN SEE THAT wtf. either tumblr ate it or i accidentally scrolled past it i’m sorry. i always enjoy seeing messages from anons who return to my inbox! but lmAO that’s a good idea. i actually met the most perfect dog today and now i know the breed and name of dog santi needs immediately
Hii! If you dont mind me askin, how do you edit your darker screenshots? I always end up making them too light or too dark to see a thing :( Thank you!
hmmm idk what to tell you about making them too light or too dark, because that’s a very specific thing that really depends on the picture. BUT i know that the dodge tool is my bff for brightening up dark pictures while still retaining some of the darker elements you want in them (aversely, the burn tool will help darken parts), messing with the exposure can also really help, coloring can also help too, selective color is my bff especially with blue shadows and orangey skin...this is kind of a broad answer, i’m sorry, but if you needed help with something specific, let me know!
I remember you answered an ask and said you drew tears when you edit right? Is there a reason you don't use CC tears?
i answered this like two weeks ago but i can’t find it so whateveR i’ve used cc tears a few times but there’s only like three of those in existence and my characters have cried a LOT. i feel like it would be kinda weird if they had the same tears every time. also there are just some variations that i like to customize myself by drawing, like sometimes they’ll be full on sobbing, sometimes just one single tear...it just depends on the situation, that’s why i draw ‘em.
Santi is my favorite Harvest Moon character.
idk shit about harvest moon so idk how to respond to this :[ here’s a small picture of michael cera with a cactus
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Would you recommend buying a macbook for playing sims?
if a macbook is what you already have, then yeah, i’d say it suffices without many problems. if you’re specifically going out and buying a computer with the knowledge that you’ll be playing sims on it, then mmmmmm i’d probably say no...but it also depends on if you’re like gonna get REALLY into storytelling and cc n shit or if it’s just casual gameplay with a mods folder that’s like 5 gb or less...if it’s the latter i think it should also be fine. but yeah it just depends on what kind of gaming you’re planning on doing.
How can I read your story from the beginning? Is there a link or something? I keep seeing it on my feet and it looks so great!
thank you! there’s a button at the top of my page that says “story directory” but if you’re on mobile you can just go here or copy this link: http://femmesim.tumblr.com/tagged/story/chrono
I've talked to u like once before and I'm to shy to talk to u again... Why am I like fish?
we are all like fish if you really think about it lmao but really just reach out my dude! if we talked once then y’know you already broke the ice so just go for it!! i am here and ready to talk about all the things under the sun
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Do you use Topaz Clean?
hi hello so maybe I am just a blind bean but may I ask how in god's name do you get your images to be so crisp? I have everything set up, but it seems as if when I do my thing in Photoshop, everything turns out lookin like a blobfish. I'm not sure if you use another person's topaz settings or if you have your own. Thank you so much if you do respond bc I was too much of a wuss to message you *cries in Spanish*
OMG well it’s mostly just resizing, smart sharpening, and most importantly topaz clean (see above) that makes them so crisp. i also use the sharpen tool on sims’ faces, and the smudge tool when something is particularly pixelated or whatever. everything i do is listed in here! UR NOT A WUSS *hugs you in spanish*
youre my inspiration to be a better writer. I know i'm good and giving characters depth and backgrounds and coming up with a rough story idea. but i rush things and i'm not great at putting it into a good story so ya. My story on simblr started out as casual gameplay but i wanted it to be more and i'm trying to get better @ everything
OMG ;_________; it sounds like you are a good writer already, and it’s awesome that you recognize your strengths while also acknowledging that you need to work on some things as well. i try to do the same and i think that’s what keeps me level headed. it sounds like you just need to dedicate some time to planning, that way you start to realize all the nuances of your story that come together to flesh out that initial rough idea. you seem to have a positive attitude, so that’s great!! you’re already getting better and better, i know it <3
now Santi's song is Post Malone - Congratulations
OMF LMAO u sent this when santi finally got to mexico and it’s fitting
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sos i was listening to the song fight song by rachel platten when i saw the photoset of santi making it to mexico and now i can't stop ugly crying please make it stop
This is so random but like, can I just say that you're so amazing like?? Why?? You're so sweet and funny and I love you very much ok
AKJSKJDFKJS THANK YOU THIS IS SO NICEEEE ;-; i try but a lot of the time i feel like a sarcastic asshole lmao thank u for thinking otherwise <3
Am I the only one who's like... really mad about pets being NPCs? I just feel like being able to control them was the best part. I don't really feel like the EP is worth it without them. Like, don't get me wrong, I understand that the team worked really hard on it, but I feel like they didn't do it as well as they could have.
hmm i’m kind of meh on that front because like on one hand i did like controlling pets and the novelty of the fact that you could just see their different interactions firsthand, but ultimately i think i’m okay with not controlling them because it makes it more realistic for me and honestly they’re probably more likely to take care of themselves a little bit more if they’re automated, because i’m just thinking about ts3 pets and how i literally had to make them go pee outside otherwise they’d pee in the house...even if they were well trained and stuff lmao. plus there might be a cheat or mod that lets you control them, like there was in ts2? so don’t lose hope yet.
hey your blog is AWESOME, i read through your stories in a day and am obsessed (kind of in love with gianni) ❤ what are some of your favorite ts4 blogs? i'm trying to find more awesome blogs to read through during my miserable journey of trying to get the game to work on my computer lol
heyo here’s some! thank you btw, and i hope your miserable journey ends soon :{
(I really need to get this off my chest) ok so my aunt is currently in a critical condition after having a kidney failure and she's in desperate need for a new one and I'm the only one in my family that's a match (so far) but I'm not allowed to donate bc I myself have severe health issues affecting my day to day life that would make it extremely dangerous for me to remove a kidney. I'm so fucking frustrated you don't understand like I just want to cry most of the time
first off i’m so sorry that this is even happening to you ;__; and you’re an amazing person for being willing to help out your aunt like that, so just know it isn’t your fault that you’re unable to. don’t guilt yourself for it okay? is there any other possible donor at all? i wanna know how this situation ends up. i really hope your aunt will be okay. just stay close to your family for support and don’t blame yourself.
how did you get photoshop for free? I'm trying to find a link that won't give me a virus, but I had no luck yet
the pirate bay is ur friend
Ok I gotta rant. GoT does NOT deserve the hype/amazing ratings. Like, sure the cinematography is pretty great and they have ok actors but the freaking script is so mediocre I actually think I could write a better one. Me. A 16 y/o tiny child. There are so much better shows out there! Hell, even Supernatural has a better script than GoT
whenever ppl agree with me about how much GoT sucks i grow stronger and stronger even the actors are iffy at this point. watching daenerys act is painful, jon snow is wooden as hell, it’s just bad. ur 16 yr old self has more potential than these writers tbh. it’s just completely mediocre; it started out as something great because it followed the same layered storytelling pattern as the books, but it’s diverged from that completely because the writers got too caught up in the hype. and you’re right, it doesn’t deserve that hype! omfdkjsgkj i’ve never watched supernatural but i haven’t heard good things. that’s a low bar
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crushsuggestions · 7 years
crush the asks
below the cut i answered a bunch of crush related asks! i’m sorry if i didn’t get around to you, hopefully i can do these more often!
ask: i miss his voice and i miss holding his hand. i miss how his laugh made everything feel okay and how his smile warmed my heart. all i seem to want these days is his affection but i don't think I'll ever achieve that again. and it's utterly heartbreaking.
i’m so sorry! just remember that even if you feel bad now, it will pass, no matter how impossible that seems.
ask: my crush is like hella embarrassing but he's so nice to me. he always calls me babes and i tell him to not but like i don't really mean it. and he's got gREaT leGS, and this stupid fringe that's definitely too long and he makes me laugh. i still feel like nothing will ever happen between us, and next year we're not gonna have any classes together and i worry we'll just kinda stop talking :/:///
set up some sort of connection! you could jokingly ask for their number/skype/whatsapp, whatever you feel like, so you can talk more! whatever happens, good luck!
ask: hey! i have a real crussshh but the person is quite wild, and it's hard to see him regularly... what can i do? have a good day xx
similar to the other anon there! ask for another method of contact that they’d feel okay talking to you on, whether that’s texting or something online! you have a good day too! <3
ask: he likes someone else.. :/
aah, i’m really sorry, that sucks. i really hope you’ll feel better soon, just remember that it’s not really either of your faults, in you for liking them in the first place or you for liking them. best wishes to you anon, i hope you feel better soon <3
ask: Is it wrong for me to have a crush on someone while I'm in a relationship? Like, I'm not going to cheat on my gf for this person or flirt with them, its more of a crush where I stare and fawn over them. I would never hurt my gf like that but, I feel wrong.... am I?
i’d say that feelings are just feelings sometimes. you’re not consciously wanting to go out and have a relationship with this other person and you clearly love your gf. it’s about recognising that as a crush and not acting with it like you’re doing right now. feelings happen! but i’m glad you’re being a good person about it <3 <3
ask: do you have any advice on how to get over someone you see almost every day?
i’d say one of your best bets is to clear the air. if you can talk it out with them, phrasing it as a ‘crush you used to have’ or ‘something you’re getting over’, you might be able to clear some of the tension, whether that’s all in your head or in real life. if you can, try and stop looking at them as a crush (or ex crush) and just as a person or friend. i know that’s a bunch easier said than done though, so i wish you lots of luck <3
ask: sososo,, there's this kid and hes super cute and sweet and im rlly gay for him. buttt im also super awkward and afraid to talk to him about bc i dont know what he'll say or if he feels the same. any advice for overcoming that fear to give things a shot? xx
start up communication before actually asking them out, proposing those kind of feelings! whether that’s walking over to them and talking about something they did/said or just plain saying you think they’re sweet! it’s a good idea to get to a place where you feel comfortable talking! when it comes to the actual introduction, you could even ask a mutual friend to introduce the two of you? also, slow deep breaths, lots of hyping yourself up :D good luck!!
ask: not to sound annoying but did my ask not get answered because it was about having multiple crushes? is that not allowed on this blog. sorry
no, it’s totally okay!! there’s a lot of asks in my box at the minute and i’m really slow at getting around to them because i don’t want to spam people with asks. it’s almost never about the actual content of the ask (unless the ask is intentionally malicious in the situation or towards me i guess ‘:D)
ask: My more than crush is in the philipines. She i told her about how i felt towards her a week or two ago. We talk every everynight usually until 2am about all types of things and i usually just gush to her about how perfect i think she is.I feel really strong feelings for her and every time i tell her she says i don't feel this way and that i'm lying in a wierd voice and it sounds like she's getting flustered. What do i do now?
i’d say you should probably talk honestly about your feelings! if you’ve put forward that you like them and they don’t return your feelings, that’s totally okay on both sides and you can continue the friendship. if she doesn’t feel that way, i think it’s best to leave off on the subject, even if you’re unsure how valid that is, you have to respect her feelings!
ask: I met my crush online over a year ago and I've had a crush on him for 10 months. I think he might like me back but I'm not sure because I don't know if he's actually flirting with me or if he's treating me the same as his other friends since he's generally an affectionate person. He often tells me he wants to hold my hand, hug me, and he loves me, but I'm still not sure that he has romantic feelings for me. I asked him out in August and he said no but that was a while ago, so should I try again?
often with people, you can’t really tell their feelings by their actions, one of the main things you can do is talk it out. instead of asking them out this time and making your feelings clear, you could pull them aside and ask what their feelings are to you. if you can, keep the tone light and friendly, so it doesn’t get too odd for either of you, but i think that might be the best course of action. good luck!!
ask: god i am in love with two diff friends but im also in a relationship w a v cute gal (i love her but its not rlly working idk???) and shit aaaaaaaa i am dying of frustration bc itd be so shit to break up w her bc shes absolutely smitten and i have no idea how to deal???? idk im not making any sense sorry
i really think that if you don’t think it’s working with your current partner, that’s something you really need to address. while you might feel like you don’t want to hurt her, it might not be too nice to not talk about the fact that you don’t think it’s working with her! that’s something very important to talk out and be respectful before considering pursuing another relationship!
ask: so I've had a crush on my best friend for a while and she seems like she could like me back now...how do I hint that I like her???? i have no clue how to flirt, what should i do? thanks so much, i love your blog btw
you don’t have to hint at all! if anything, to avoid getting feelings confused, it might be more clear to have an honest, friendly conversation about it! that’s a little harder than flirting, but it might be worth it in the long run.
ask: I told my bf I loved him when he was really upset about something but I'm not sure if I meant it in the same way I loved him when we were just friends and now I'm thinking I said it too soon? I'm kinda freaking out a bit any idea what I should do?
it’s totally okay, i promise. it might not have been the right time to say it, in terms of them being upset, but it’s okay to be honest with how you’re feeling. if you wanted to clarify with them and speak about that, it might help clear your head a little!
ask: Ok so I have this one friend who I call my son bc apparently I Am The Mom Friend and ANYWAY he's in my drama class and the other day he asked if I had any feelings for anyone in drama but in the 'do you have a crush' voice and I Do in fact have a crush on someone in the drama class but I panicked and was just like 'well there's that girl we all hate and I freaking hate her' and he was like wow that's the worst thing I've ever heard you say about anyone and dropped it but WHAT IF HE KNOWS????????
i don’t know in the slightest gosh!! i think it’s probably best to clarify what you want to say when you talk to him again or if it’s not brought up again, i suppose assume that they didn’t take it that way?? absolutely your choice! <3
ask: There is this girl I really like. We hung out on Monday and we went to a park. I really like her, she's beautiful, funny, has an awesome taste in music and I just really like her. But I think she only like me as a friend. I don't know what to do 😭
the best thing you can do for your benefit is respect her feelings and understand that she doesn’t want a relationship! don’t stress yourself out over it, deep breath, do your best to let it go. there will be lots of awesome people who like you right back, this just isn’t one of them!! aah gosh, wishing you the best though anon <3 <3
i’m sorry it’s not too much. i love all of these asks and i’m really glad that people are interested and enthusiastic about my blog but i do have 1,248 asks right now! i’m desperately trying to get around to them, please don’t get mad at me if i don’t get around to yours fast enough/at all! i’ve had a lot of not too nice anons recently and while i understand how bad it feels to be ignored, you also have to respect i’m a person too here! 
aah that’s negative. i wish all the anons the best up there, let me know if posting in a chunk like this works for you!
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womanaction · 7 years
btvs/ats/community (hope i'm not doing too much lol) for the fandom meme
are you kidding me anon i live for this!!! thank you!
the character i least understand: like...anya probably? from a storytelling standpoint i don’t think the writers really agreed on what to do with her and from a relating standpoint she’s 1000+ years old and a former-then-again demon. they just didn’t really go into her character enough for me to say i understand her, and i think it’s easy to write her on a shallow level.
interactions i enjoyed the most: the easy thing to say is probably my ships right, and it is true that spike/buffy is my otp maybe mostly because i’m endlessly fascinated by their dynamics, but i also really love the og scoobies hanging out and especially the willow/xander friendship. beyond that i also loved tara&dawn and spike&dawn. and buffy&cordy, which i do ship but i brotp it more than otp most days. either way is good though.
the character who scares me the most: willow bc of below answer
the character who is mostly like me: willow. definitely willow. i’ve thought about making a photoset w characters i id w the most and she’d be dead center. i sometimes can’t even enjoy her character, especially at cringey moments, because of that, and i recognize that her worst qualities are some of mine too. i don’t think i’d try to destroy the world but thankfully i shouldn’t ever have the opportunity.
hottest looks character: faith? i totally change my answer every time bc i’m a cheating bisexual (this is the one scenario where that stereotype is correct)
one thing i dislike about my fave character: i’m going to use buffy as my fave here bc i’ll talk about cordy below. (i like to think about myself as having 3 types of faves in each fandom: the fave to watch, the one i id with, and the one i’d die for. buffy’s the latter.) writing-wise i dislike how we lose a lot of access to buffy’s inner mind. person-wise i guess her black-and-white thinking? it’s pretty necessary to her work and it’s obviously not as bad as like...riley’s but i think it’s detrimental to her in that she doesn’t seek out the help she needs. she wants to be all-slayer or all-buffy, she wants things to be all bad or all good.
one thing i like about my hated character: i guess my hated character is riley bc using a villain seems cheatish (i thought saying warren, and he makes star wars references). i actually have a lot in common with riley, which i’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, but i really like how he tried to be involved with buffy’s family? like obviously later in s5 that turned into him acting weird and entitled about it but at the beginning when he’s trying to befriend dawn and such is sweet and good. 
a quote or scene that haunts me: ummm all of them tbh. but to pick a random one i think a lot about the scene of buffy just staring at the water coming out of the faucet. also another water-related one, when i watch the body i’m always struck by the weird water purifier/cooler thing you see in their kitchen bc we had that exact same one in the house i lived in before my father passed away. getting personal i guess but the first time i watched it that floored me.
a death that left me indifferent: all of them affected me a lot i feel but jonathan’s definitely had less impact than i feel like it should given he’d been on the show for like 5 seasons by that point. and i like him as a character! i guess it got really subsumed into andrew’s character arc which kinda sucked, and it was played up more as a villain moment.
a character i wish died but didn’t: none of them i love my kids
my ship that never sailed: faith/buffy!!!! why...
the character i least understand: maybe lorne? again like with the anya thing this is a character with a potentially fascinating backstory and a very unique perspective and we get just a little taste of it. love him though
interactions i enjoyed the most: i really loved the whole gang’s interactions tbh but wesley&gunn’s friendship deserves a special shout out. also doyle and angel did so much with that bond in so few episodes. and i also really liked lindsay’s interactions with angel for some reason, idk. maybe because he brings out angel’s petty side.
the character who scares me the most: probably angel, right? not angelus but when angel himself teeters into Badness territory. i’m both scared of him and scared for him.
the character who is mostly like me: either fred or angel. i get compared to fred a lot irl and online from people who’ve seen it mostly bc i have the same vague face concept as amy acker and also a southern accent, and i am in stem and whatever but i never felt like there was a lot there for me to latch onto. imo fred was a major missed opportunity too, they didn’t flesh her out nearly as much as they could have. anyway they’re both kinda awkward and introverted and same.
hottest looks character: uhhh it’s cheating to say faith here again i guess but i’m doing it anyway.
one thing i dislike about my fave character: so i love cordy to death (obviously) i loved her almost immediately on buffy and only managed to love her even more but obviously she is very self-centered and could be a better friend sometimes...i guess...and i’m not gonna mention the travesty of her writing in s4.
one thing i like about my hated character: i guess that’s gonna be wesley? who i don’t hate at all i just felt like everything started getting drawn into the Orbit of his Manpain in the later seasons BUT i love dorky!wes to death. like “rogue demon hunter” wes. that’s the wes for me.
a quote or scene that haunts me: like not to be obvious but the “nothing we do matters, all that matters is what we do” MURDERS me every time like i honestly find so much meaning in that. but i also think about cordy accepting the demon at the end of “birthday” and almost cry every time she’s just so brave and strong and willing to be better and i’m upset.
a death that left me indifferent: wes again? i’m sorry y’all are gonna murder me. it’s not that it left me indifferent but after cordy and fred died...and not long after lilah either and lorne is over here shooting lindsay...i didn’t have many emotions left sorry 
a character i wish died but didn’t: uhmmm none of them honestly except if s4 was a character
my ship that never sailed: WELL honestly angel and cordy never got to be together at all...but they did admit they loved each other...but my only other real ship here was wesley/lilah so idk, they were both tragic and barely happened so take ur pick, joss whedon hates my happiness :/ oh wait snap! i was actually a little invested in angel and kate before that arc got thrown out the window. so them i guess.
the character i least understand: excluding like...todd...of the main cast probably shirley. not that i don’t understand her exactly but it’s yet another case of writers not really knowing what to do with a character and her writing sometimes being very uneven. obviously it’s a comedy so i’m not expecting in depth explorations of every detail but i did feel like there were lots of blanks about her past/motivations/etc that just got ignored. still love her though.
interactions i enjoyed the most: well obviously i love annie/abed platonically or romantically...and i also ship britta/jeff so them too. there wasn’t nearly enough britta/annie which i also ship both ways. i also loved the weird dynamic with annie being pierce’s favorite...and shirley&jeff!! underutilized but always good. 
the character who scares me the most: hmm i was really worried about jeff for a while there.
the character who is mostly like me: annie tbh her perfectionism and drive and anxieties are just.....right there in my brain....always.  
hottest looks character: annie, alison brie is a flawless goddess of sexiness and humor. that said thanks to aforementioned identification i can’t crush on annie per se? but divorced from personality she wins for sure.
one thing i dislike about my fave character: so my favorite to watch is britta and i had a really hard time with some of her cringier psych-major material bc i’ve known so many irritating psych majors like that. mmmmmmmmnnnnnnnuuuugh. hard to sit through. good stuff but cringey
one thing i like about my hated character: i really don’t hate any of the characters? i guess picking pierce out of the mains i liked his moments of kindness and especially whenever he tried to bond w jeff. good stuff 
a quote or scene that haunts me: the whole ending of “virtual systems analysis” honestly...some Strong Identification w both annie and abed happening there.
a death that left me indifferent: i mean i guess if hickey really died in s6 as implied in that one screenshotted email or whatever that, since they didn’t go into it, but otherwise i guess when star burns [fake] died
a character i wish died but didn’t: uhhhhh none i love my kids
my ship that never sailed: annie/abed, i can’t shut up about it (that said i’m glad it didn’t sail tbh bc i don’t think i would have liked what the writers would have done with it probably but still)
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steves-on-a-plane · 7 years
New Request Q
Ok, so what follows is every request I currently have waiting around for me to write. As of 5/21/17 there are 13 requests and 11 remain unwritten. Unlike the last list, I don’t think I’ll be tackling these in order, but I am going to try and get everyone’s requests out in a fair and timely order. Requests are ALWAYS open, and I would especially love if anyone has request for Avengers other than Tony, Steve or Bucky. (I can also do DC characters, Once Upon a Time, Star Wars or Harry Potter!) Feel free to PM me if you have questions about a request you’ve sent in to me! <3
Request #1: Hi, I have a quick question!!! I'm looking for a Steve x reader multific, where the reader has a boyfriend/fiance. The reader finds out that her s/o is cheating on her and she immediately calls Steve, asking if he'll help her move out of boyfriend's apartment. He helps her move but they have a small confrontation with the boyfriend and Steve gets defensive. But after everything is moved out, Steve and the reader go out for food and the reader gets drunk off of her ass. When Steve and reader the restaurant, Steve takes her to the new Avengers compound and he lets her sleep in his bed. But she asks him to sleep with her (nothing dirty...). When he's in the bed, the reader asks him why he never made a move on her and he says he always wanted too. Be never did because of them being friends and he didn't want to ruin that. He kisses her on the neck and tells her to go to sleep. -erieann19
2. The King Of Debate Loses His Crown
Request #2: “Hiiii! I have a request! Can you make one about tony where he and the reader are engaged and they fight about the wedding bc she wants something little and he wants a big big wedding.” -Anon
Request #3: “Hi! I know that you are full of request but I would lovee two imagines. One where Steve is in love with Tony’s wife (the reader) bc she treats him like Steve and not the Captain and he kisses her but she stops him and tell him that she loves Tony and it’s not right.
4. The Trouble with T’Challa
Request #4: The second one about my baby T'Challa where he falls in love with the reader who is an avenger all this after the CACW movie while the team is in Wakanda with him Thank you! And don’t worry about the time it will take to be posted.” -Anon 
Request #5: “Hello darling! Can you make an steve x reader imagine where he falls sleep during sex because he is so tired! The reader gets mad and lefts him without sex for a week and the team teases him! Haha i thought it would be hilarious! Tks!” - Anon
Request #6: “Oh gosh I love your Imagines <3 Can I request a Bucky imagine where you're a couple now for quite a Long time but you both wanted to go slow, so you haven’t slept together yet. One time Bucky calls you to his Apartment and when you arrive he has already set up a dinner and is all dressed up. Later that evening you want to make the next step and Bucky carries you to the bedroom and you end up having a sensual, passionate and loving night together? :) I love Your Imagines & I'd love some smut hihi” -Anon
Request #7: “OMG I had such a crazy dream last night so an idea popped up haha. Would you write something where Bucky is a mechanic and one time you go there cause your motorcycle broke down and you've heard he's good. So when you get there he's wearing a muscle Shirt, is all dirty and Looks pretty hot with his metal arm. So after you watch him fix your bike you can't resist the way he also Looks at you, so it happens that you end up in shower together. Later then he asks you for a proper date? :)” - Anon 
Request #8: “I know you don't have time and it's all cool but I thought of another one of course Tony Stark. So reader and Tony are going to have their little girl baptized Tony gets kinda worried due to danger. But Tony wants to make Cap godfather and reader(who ever you choose) need some more fluff happy writing :)”  - @tonystarksgirl 
Request #9  “ Jealous Eyes! Steve's ending is adorable!! Any chance you could do another part for him? He gets to the tower and they have an adorable reunion and Steve is all staring at her stomach and she puts his hand on it and its just all fluffy and adorable!!” @iamwarrenspeace
Request #10: “Hello Darling. Ugh I'm having a nasty flu at the Moment and i feel just horrible. Would you mind writing something where Buck is your boyfriend and Comes back after a Long tour and finds you also sick on the Couch. He's immediately totally worried and tries everything to help you and make you better and it's just fluffy ? I hope that is fine with you. Aww I just imagine him to be a great boyfriend :(” -Anon
Request #11: “Hey Sweetheart :) I just fell in love with OUAT and thought I could request a Jefferson imagine :) Maybe where you're his big love but dont remember him. Then he keeps you at his house and you slowly start falling for him. One night after a small fight he Ends up kissing you and you end in passionate lovemaking that night. In the morning you both wake up cuddled together and you tell him that you remember him? :) Awwww thank you so much if you write this :*” Anon
Request #12: “Hi! I was wondering if you could write an imagine where Bucky and reader have been in a relationship for almost six years and they fight bc he is drifting apart but in reality hes nervous to ask her to marry her.” -Anon
Request #13: “Yep I got another one ! How about reader comforts Tony after he has one of his PTSD episodes. I leave all the fluff to you to make Tony feel better. Perhaps she wakes up from Tony tossing,turning and talking in is sleep from New York. Thanks !” @TonyStarksGirl
Request #14 “You knooooow how I love your imagines! I was wondering if you could make an imagine where my baby tony is so worried and jealous bc of the reader spending too much time with T'Challa (idk in my head steve and tony are now very happy in wakanda and the reader is an avenger) thank you!” Theonethingforyouu
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imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to Part 21: Final Chapter - Who Are You? Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^ 
*screams with you* I hope you enjoyed it TaeTae anon!
Anonymous said: Im not ready to read it, i dont want it to end
I was sad and kinda feeling empty to end it but at the same time I’m happy that it’s over because I worked so hard on it and it’s nice to see it finished! :3
I hope you liked the plot twist dear! Thank you so much for reading :)
Thank you so much darling ^^ It makes me really happy to hear that ^^ Thank you for being so kind :)
@loverofskinnyjeans said: Oh my gosh Who Are You was so good! I’m so sad it’s over! Also… a dream?! Are you serious?! 😂 I’m so shell shocked by that, I didn’t even think about it ending that way but it was so cool 😁I don’t really know how to organise my thoughts but that was soooo good and I loved the whole story and just yay! I’m sorry this message is such a mess 😅 your writing is really great and I can’t wait to see what else is going to come from your amazing mind! ❤️❤️❤️
It was the ending I had planned since the start, so I’m so happy you enjoyed it my love :) Thank you so much for taking the time each week to read it and always messaging me with such wonderful words and giving me your thoughts. You’re amazing, love!
Anonymous said: WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL SARA?!? IT WAS ALL A DREAM?!? That is one detailed dream lol. I gotta say, although I’m kinda bummed that she didn’t end up with Jackson, that was a really interesting ending :) I’ve never read a story like that before~ I’m glad I discovered your blog a few months ago ^_^   And can I just say, I’m pretty damn excited for I Won’t Stop You~ Go Tuesday’s!   P.S. The new aesthetic of your blog is BEAUTIFUL ;)
*giggle* Yup! It was inspired by an extremely vivid dream I once had that really shook me~ I’m really happy you discovered my blog too! Thank you for reading and enjoying Who Are You? and I hope that you will love the future chapters of I Won’t Stop You too! - and , yay!! Thank you so much for loving the new layout ^^ The words on the header are lyrics from a song I wrote 2 days ago~ heh :) 
Thank you so much for loving the ending *hugs* That means a lot to me! Thank you a million times ^^ I love you more!!
Anonymous said: Omfg im a dumb sht i don’t get the last part of the last chapter. is it like jackson was just at his room?
The last part of the chapter is Jaebum with the reader in her room - watching her as he sleeps and thinking about how much he loves her. And we can also see Jackson in his OWN bed back at the DORMS (I have written this in the chapter ^^) and he is looking at the readers picture and wondering about his own feelings. It’s a mirrored image between the two boys that is a direct parallel of the love triangle experienced when we put their two dreams together.
Anonymous said: That ending caused me to unfollow you
Bye bye darling!
Anonymous said: Oh I feel so stupid right now.. I totally overreacted last weak. You’re ending is painfully perfect! I’m still so sorry about what I said last week. This ending is genius! Wish you a happy new year and lot’s of love btw! <3
Don’t feel stupid! And don’t be sorry at all~ It’s your opinion and you were 100% entitled to it :D Thank you for reading my love ^^ I hope you have a happy new year too *hugs*
Anonymous said: What the actual fuck
Anonymous said: You need Jesus in ur life
I already have Jesus in my life. He goes by the name of Im Jaebum *wiggles eyebrows*
Anonymous said: That was absolutely amazing. A worthy ending for such a fantastic series. I am so, so proud of you. ❤ X  -P.S. : Happy New Year!!! 🎆🎉
Thank you so much! Ahhhh I’m smiling so much while reading your message c: c: c: Happy new year to you too my love!
Anonymous said: Girl I and everybody reading Who Are You needs an epilogue of Jackson meeting the girl of his dreams and having cute babies cause he did not deserve that ending 😢😢😭😭😭😭 but the series was soooo good congrats on finishing another great series 💙 (cont.) I also think you should seriously write a book like if you had a pro read the series and tie a few loose ends then your story could be a legit book and I’d buy that ish so quickly 😫 again good job 👍💙
Ahhh I seem to have broken a lot of Jackson stan heart’s :c I apologise for this! hehe, but thank you so much for saying all those wonderful things ^^ I think it might be expensive to create a book! TT And I write for free~ I would feel really bad about putting a price on my writing when I just wanna have fun lol >< But thank you so much for telling me that anyway! *hugs*
@armysyehet said: Thank you so so so much for ‘Who are you?“ Because of timezones, I was always excited on Mondays just because of you and this story. I cried, I laughed, I truly enjoyed this. Thank you, Sara
I’m glad I could make you cry and laugh throughout my series! You’re welcome, and thank you so much for being amazing *hugs*. I truly appreciate it!
Anonymous said: I AM SHOOKT WTF
Good shookt or bad shookt?!
@moonlighthollow said: OMGGGGGGGG IT’S OVER BUT OMG WHO ARE YOU? IS SO FUCKING GOOD I SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU! It was all a dream! That’s such an amazing plot twist❣❣❣❣ you’re amaziing ahhhhhh 😍😍💕💕💕 (sry for fangirling like a fucking Weirdo😅)  oh and happy new year😅💕🎇
Yes it’s finally over aaaaaahhh! I love you more dear :D And yes! Well, it was all just 2 dreams~ Jaebums dream about himself cheating and Jacksons dream about marrying the reader in the future lol ^^ You’re not a weirdo! I love you very much c: haha~ Thank you for reading the series and for always being so wonderful! I hope you have a happy new year too my dear ^^
 i hope you enjoyed it even though you weren’t prepared for it!
Anonymous said: O K A Y FIRTS OF ALL thank you so much you made my sundays so much better, i love this serie and yeah i really wanted her to end with Jackson BUT now that it was all a bad dream and jaebum wasnt an asshole i loved the end💜💜 keep the good work sara
I’m so happy that I could make your Sundays better! And yes >< I realise that a lot of people would have wanted her to end up with Jackson~ But at the same time, Jaebum only had a dream about himself cheating and Jackson was the one who dreamt about marrying the reader! heh ^^ Thank you so much my love :) I’ll keep working hard!
Anonymous said: sara, tbh I’m so fucking confused about the ending. would you mind explaining it to me??? bTW THE WHOLE SERIES WAS LIT ♡
I’m not sure which part about the ending you’re confused about! But i’ll try my best to condense it for you ^^ Jaebum had a dream about himself cheating on the reader. His dream ended when the reader decided to give him a second chance when they were both sitting in her living room. He had this dream for two reasons. 1) he took strong painkillers for his back and went to sleep, but the painkillers caused him to have crazy, vivid dreams. 2) He is terrified of hurting/losing the reader - so his mind automatically went there in the realm of his nightmare. When it comes to Jackson back at the dorm (Jaebum was in the readers apartment) - Jackson simply had a strange dream about marrying the reader and having kids with her in the future. In the last chapter, Jackson thinks to himself that it’s weird bc when you put the two dreams together, it feels like a story. And so the last part of the chapter is Jaebum with the reader in her room - watching her as she sleeps and thinking about how much he loves her. And we can also see Jackson in his OWN bed back at the DORMS (I have written this in the chapter ^^) and he is looking at the readers picture and wondering about his own feelings. It’s a mirrored image between the two boys that is a direct parallel of the love triangle experienced when we put their two dreams together. Thank you so much for reading it and enjoying it! I hope I could help explain it for you :)
@hi-chew97 said: Sara, I can’t believe it’s finished. It was such a great story and I like the little angst kind of ending. I love the "who am i?” In italics. I kind of guessed Jaebum would be dreaming this entire time but Jackson having the same dream? That hit me hard when Jackson started questioning things about his feelings. With the angst ending, I thought Jackson might do something in the future because his dream felt so real filled with love. I hope (more like wish) Jackson gets the ending he deserves! (cont.) Other than that, I’m glad Jaebum highkey reflected his love with Y/N and going to keep it strong even if it was a nightmare. It’s true though at times, when you’re in a relationship, nightmares like that do happen and honestly I had something like that and I just cried tremendously… it was the worst feeling but waking up to my “significant other” comforting me was the best. These kind of stories I live for!!! —-wait there’s more to say LMAO (cont.) FINALLY/- anyways, I really hope you make another one like this. It lifts my mood every Sunday ❤☺💕 Thank you for the hard work you’ve done for yourself and readers. Take a rest Sundays now for a bit ❤✨ (cont.) And happy new year my love~~~~
Thank you so much for this long and detailed message! I really appreciate your thoughts and analysis of everything that went on. You understood it perfectly~ And I know what you mean! Those kinds of scary, vivid dreams are quite common when you’re in love with someone because it’s what you fear a lot within a relationship. I will definitely be writing another GOT7 series in the future! But I’m going to focus on my Jungkook Vampire series and my requests for while now~ And yes, I will take nice rests on Sundays too heh ^^ Thank you so much my love, and I hope you have a happy new year too ^^
@memento-moree said: you deserve it ! I’ve just finished reading and I totally understand the ending. I am in no way upset with the way you wanted to end this. I feel sad for Jackson but then again, it’s nothing but fiction, and the story belongs to you <3  ! Do you plan on writing more got7 stories ? Btw, I crave for way too many bodies in got7, please judge me and put sense into my head lol I guess we’re not that far from each other, since i’m from France hehe Good job again author-nim <3
Thank you so much my love, thank you for understanding the ending and respecting that it’s my choice to end the story whatever way I wished haha ^^ And of course I plan to! Now that this series is over, I have more time to focus on my scenario request queue~ Which is where I write how other people want me to write! haha ^^ Ahhh from France c: I’m in the UK! Thank you so much my dear~ (ps I really love your account name~)
@trdemistakes said: i love !!! the last chapter of who are you? it’s so good! i definitely didn’t expect this ending but it’s probably my favorite chapter, it’s so well written!! good job girly! love you and all of your works :)
Thank you my love! I’m really happy you enjoyed the series :) I love you more and i hope you have a wonderful day!
@barefaced-k-idols said: Omg Sara the ending was great!!! I’m glad that y/n didn’t end up with a cheating scumbag but with a man who realized how important she is in his life (cont.) And Happy New Year!!! 🎊
It makes me really happy that you enjoyed the ending ^^ And yep! Sometimes, dreams can teach us valuable lessons that we can incorporate into our own lives ^^ Happy New Year and thank you so much!
@wonderful39530 said: 😭😤 I can’t believe it’s over!!!!😤😭 Who am I now that “Who Are You, Im Jaebum” is now over??😤😭 HAPPY NEW YEAR Sara!!!🎉🎊😭😤At least I still have Tuesday’s!! Will you be putting a new story in place of Who Are You,Im Jaebum?😤
Happy New Year to you too my love! Thank you so much for always reading and liking what I post ^^ I will continue writing my scenario requests queue for now and updating my Jungkook Vampire AU! But I won’t be starting another series for a few months :D
Anonymous said: I’m crying I feel so bad for Jackson 😭😭 This has been the most emotional and most detailed series I have read so far its amazing. Bravo Sara! i really look forward to any upcoming series’ and the story of 'I Wont Stop you’
Aww i’m sorry that it made you cry! But it makes me happy to hear you say that it was emotional and detailed :) I tried very very hard! Thank you so much and I’m glad you’re enjoying I Won’t Stop You, too! ^^
Ahhhh thank you so much babe! I love you so much too (’: I’m really happy you loved the story! Thank you so much for reading it :D
Anonymous said: As a JB biased girl I have absolutely enjoyed Who Are You sooo much! That ending 😍 amazing! You gave me something to look forward to on Sundays and now that it’s over I don’t know what I’ll do with myself😆 it’s been a privilege to read your writing and look forward to your future stories! Thank you and I can’t see what you write next!💕
I’m glad it made you happy since you are JB biased ^^ It was always going to be a Jaebum x Reader story, and I had planned it to be that way ever since I began writing the series :D Thank you for reading it and enjoying it! I’m currently writing a Jungkook Vampire AU series so I will continue to focus on that and my scenario requests queue for a while! Thank you for all your wonderful words ^^
Anonymous said: I actually didn’t suspect the story to end that way. I thoroughly enjoyed it all and applaud for doing what you wanted to do 👏 I’m looking forward to what you have in store for us in the future
I know there will be some people who will think i’m awful for ending it the way I did - but just as you said, I did what I wanted to do. I will never play things safe just to please people. Because you can’t please everyone in life ^^ Thank you for reading my story, I really appreciate it!
Anonymous said: Can I just say that I absolutely lOVED THE ENDING TO WHO ARE YOU!!  I JUST READ IT RIGHT NOW AND I FEEL HAPPY AND SAD BC y/n IS HAPPY AND JB DIDNT REALLY CHEAT BUT JACKSON AT THE END BROKE MY HEART . You are an amazing writer and I love your fics!! Please don’t stop writing!!
Thank you so much for living the ending :) I’m glad I could make you feel all those feels! heh~ I will keep writing, so long as it is fun for me :D Heh~ Once again, thank you so much - you’re really awesome! Have a wonderful day my  love ^^
Anonymous said: “i cannot please everyone” I love this sentence. And yes, i don’t like the way a story can have 2 endings you know!!!
Exactly~ There is no single way to please everyone. So, I will just do what makes me happy! ^^ Thank you so much!
Anonymous said: Sara, Happy new year!! I’m one of the biggest fan of your scenarios :) The first thing I wanna tell you is thank you for updating the last part of 'Who are you?’!! And I really like the way it ended as being Jaebum stan ;)))) Since JJJ(Jaebum, Jackson, Jinyoung) is my favorite trio, I enjoyed the whole stories so much!! Can’t wait for your next scenarios, I will support you forever XD Hope you have happy winter holidays!
I’m so so happy that you enjoy what I write ^^ I really appreciate that lovely. Ahh so this JJJ part of the story was great for you! I’m glad it was about your favourite trio heh :) Thank you so much, and I hope your winter holidays were wonderful! ^^
Anonymous said: Today i read the chapter 20 because i couldn’t the last sunday BUT if you would have ended the story in that chapter i wouldn’t have liked it… So yes, i loved the chapter 21, i loved the story and i love how you think about second opportunities
Thank you for reading and liking the story my dear ^^ And yes, this ending leaved us with the impression that there could be some tension for them in their world in the future ^^ heh~ Thank you again, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
@fano2001 said: Omg it was a dream!!..I’m so happy that nothing actually happened phew! Thank you sooo much for sharing your beautiful writing in this blog,you are really good i felt that i’m in the story like you said some details it was soo good I loved it.. Keep your good work and i hope that i’ll see some good series for yugyeom too haha.. Have a nice day/night and thank you again
Well, it was 2 dreams! Jaebums dream about him cheating and Jacksons dream about him marrying the reader heh~ I hope to write series about all members in the future! So I hope you’ll enjoy them too c: Thank you so much for reading what I write my love ^^ I really appreciate it. I hope you have a good day/night too! ^^
Anonymous said: You get a lot of anons, so it probably won’t be easy to recall. Last week I said that if this all turned out to he a dream, I was screaming and deleting. You really did me in (positively). I was like, “…i cant be mad at Jaebum anymore? What the hell? B-but Jackson” 😂 even at the end I was like, “b-but Jackson…”. Needless to say, I’m so glad you chose to end it the way YOU wanted. Haha, hope Jackson gets some love soon b/c this and 'A Heavy Heart’ (my request) were just brutal for him (½) and i see you have more Jackson angst coming up 😢. He ain’t even my bias, but I love him so. Why are we so mean to fiction Jackson? But I digress, I cannot thank you enough for all the work you put into this series. You are such a wonderful writer and beautiful person. I look forward to everything else you plan on contributing to this fandom and hope 2017 treats you well. Happy New Year! 2/2
I remember you! Don’t worry c: I remember a lot of what people say to me. I see everything that everyone says about/to/concerning me. I can even see what people say about me on twitter for very few people know who I am *shifty eyes* heh~ Thank you for respecting my choice to end it the way I wanted to. That makes me incredibly happy ^^ And ikr! a lot of people always request angsty Jackson fics and it breaks my heart >< But I chose to do Jackson very dirty in this fic, so I am not innocent either hehe~ Thank you so much my love and I hope 2017 treats you well too! Happy New Year :)
@aurora-vii said: Yeah you rock my world sara! 😙 finally #teamjaebum.. you make me squeal in front of people like some crazy woman… omg 😱😍😘💑
I made you squeal ahhhh I’m sorry! It’s okay, I know you’re not some crazy woman lol ^^ Thank you so much for reading the series, and I’m so so so happy that you enjoyed it ^^
I’m sorry for making you scream in anxiety! That wasn’t my intention hehe~ I know you don’t know how to feel, but thank you so much for reading nonetheless c:
OH NO DAMN YOU PLAYED YOURSELF >< Ahhhh I’m sorry that happened to you :c
@is-this-username-available said: I am speechless!! The plot twists, what happened overall, the ending!!! all incredible❤️! I’m a little sad to see it end… The story literally had me in tears! It made me sad, it made me happy, and it always left me wanting more😅 you truly are an amazing writer 💜💜
Thank you so much for enjoying everything from beginning to end, it really makes me so happy and I am truly appreciative of this ^^ I’m glad I could evoke all these emotions from you in some way ^^ Thank you again, and I’m very thankful that you read it and liked it, too :D
@yumygeom said: Bro this one got me crying
*dries your tears* it’s okay now, shhhh~
Anonymous said: OMFG VDIABDSKJS “WHO ARE YOU” WAS SO FREAKING AMAZING!!!! Seriously, I had no idea how u would write te final chapter, and u just surpassed my expectations I LOVE IT and also all those 'who am i’ and 'who are you’ references JUST AAAAAAAA SO GOOD
I’m so happy that I could surpass your expectations ^^ I’m glad you picked up on all the Who Are You references. Actually, throughout the entire series, there were small references to the whole thing being a dream. But people only started picking up on them once I deliberately made them bigger and easier to spot ;) Thank you so much my darling!
@coppertopging said: How dare you play with my emotions this way?! I’m a hot mess!! Damn you and your talented writing!!! I can’t handle this… 
I apologise for playing and toying with your emotions my love >< But, thank you so much for reading it! *hugs*
Why end it with a dream? Why not? ^^ It’s just a story! lol :) Thank you for reading!
Anonymous said: So all was a dream 😂😂 lol yass jaebum WIN
It was all 2 dreams~ Jaebums dream about him cheating andJacksons dream about him marrying the reader heh ^^
Anonymous said: I- I just read your entire JB scenario… you’re lucky I was so hooked that I didn’t even think about saying my reactions as I went along- just… dang… that was intense. In my heart I want to bug you into making a sequel series, with Jackson as the love interest, building up from the end of this one and how random crap happens and she ends up with Jackson (IT WAS A JB FANFIC WHY AM I SHIPPING HER W/ JACKSON?!?!) but I don’t think my heart can handle it… PLEASE DO BUT PLEASE DON’T I CANT bro
Awww I’m sorry she didn’t end with Jackson :( But!!! I have nice Jackson scenarios planned for the future, so hopefully they can mend your broken heart a little ^^ Thank you for reading it regardless my dear!
@callmessam said: I love the ending Sara! What a twist that JB and Jackson were the ones dreaming! But ofc, I love that she ended up with JB 💓 I really am going to miss this, but I’m also glad that JB is no longer feeling miserable. Thank you for this amazing series!
Thank you so much for loving the ending! That really makes me happy that you enjoyed it :D And yes, JB is no longer feeling miserable but Jackson is thrown into a world of doubtful emotions ;c Thank you for reading it my love! *hugs*
Anonymous said: Happy New Year sara ❤ I’m the exam girl HAHA anyways I thought I should introduce myself because I never did wtf but I’m dee and let’s get straight to the point! 'Who Are You’ finally ended T-T that was so amazing?? really amazing??? I’m really happy about the ending btw hehe but I’m just curious on what alternate endings you were going to make tbh! the whole series caught me off guard, I’m so glad I came across this and hopped on the train ride :’) thank you so much for everything, I love you ❤
Hello Dee! It’s nice to finally put a name to your anon ;) Thank you for loving the series my dear! The alternate endings would have been 1) where she ends up forgiving Jaebum and stays with him and 2) Where she ends up not forgiving Jaebum and gets with Jackson. But I just decided to do my own ending in the end ^^ I was only making those other endings to please everyone else - and that’s not the reason I write. I DO write scenario requests that are tailored to what people want. But this - this ended how I wanted it to end ^^ Thank you so much my dear, I love you too!
Anonymous said: Sara~~! Wow, who are you is finished omg. I really really love the ending! Thank you for your hard work even on sundays and holidays. ^^ also: damn, our birthday is coming up! XD happy 2017! -unnianon
Hello unnianon! And yes, it’s really finished now! Thank you for loving the ending and for reading. And yes! Our birthday is soon ahhhh and so is Jaebum’s! I’m being pathetic and baking him a cake he will never see lol *cries* Happy 2017 to you too my love c:
Anonymous said: You are such a talented writer. I’m so sad you turned such a wonderful story into something so terrible with the ending! But of course it is your story so it’s your choice and your talented either way! I will just focus on the good parts before the ending. I feel like a good story needs closure for all parties in the end and maybe an explanation as to why the dreams were so vivid. Also you did Jackson dirty!! Please don’t take this as hate but constructive criticism. Just something to work on
Thank you for saying that I am a talented writer. I really appreciate that. But I can’t help but feel sad when you say ‘something so terrible’ lol it just turns your compliment into a backhanded one. But, alas - you are entitled to your own opinion, as am I. But I am confused at you saying there was no explanation as to why they had vivid dreams. Jaebum had this dream for two reasons. 1) he took strong painkillers for his back and went to sleep, but the painkillers caused him to have crazy, vivid dreams. 2) He is terrified of hurting/losing the reader - so his mind automatically went there in the realm of his nightmare (as I explained in the story, it’s possible that you missed it because you hated it so much! TT) And Jacksons dream, well, don’t you ever have strange and vivid dreams that you can’t understand? I once had a dream about me killing tiny puppies and rubbing their blood all over my walls. Why did I have that dream? Your guess is as good as mine, my love. I understand that you’re not hating, but it is MY ending, and I can’t please everyone and I won’t apologise for something like that ^^ Thank you for reading it even though you disliked the ending, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
@mintiie-ice said: So it was all a dream 😶 and not one she was having but rather Jaebum and Jackson? That’s a pretty good twist 🤔 I’m somewhat glad I began reading Who Are You before it was finished because when I come across completed series I have a habit of skimming the last chapter to see if it’s one with a happy ending. But anyways so Jaebum’s dream gives him an insight as she said  it’s 'something he’s afraid of’ and now he’s certain it won’t ever happen but at the same time it raises a question like (1) Jacksons dream where it a question of 'does he have those sort of feelings for her?’ I interpret the end the end to be the same like their dream… it’s a question with an open end that’s left to our imaginations. Was the dreams they had brushed off, mostly in Jackson case because Jaebum with be monitoring Jackson with her, or was the conclusion the same as the dream because his last line he stutters(?) as if he’s uncertain that, that is really all he is to her… but the main point is… (2) Jaebumie really didn’t cheat! 😭 it was just his own nightmare and fear, although it is kind of weird to dream of yourself cheating on the person you love and can’t live without 🤔 but dream are mysterious and weird that way so… 😶 I wrote an essay just now >.< wow…
It was all two dreams ^^ Jaebum had the cheating one and his ended with the reader agreeing to try and give him a second chance. And Jackson had the dream about him marrying the reader in the future and it ending with the reader dying on the plane ^^ Your end deductions are something I always enjoy reading! And i’ll certainly miss them now that the series is over ^^ And also, have you never had a dream when you see something from someone else point of view? I have those dreams a lot actually! It inspired me to do it this way c: And remember, he took super strong painkillers so that’s probably why his dream was so awful. Again - since I take a lot of strong painkillers, I experience this too ^^ There are a million and one different ways to interpret dreams, but I believe that always trying to find an answer to your dreams can drive you to the brink of insanity lol (again, I have experience in this too haha!) Thank you so much for your message and thank you for reading each chapter too. I hope that you enjoyed it, for I really enjoyed writing it and posting it for everyone to read :)
@nathjaebum said: I’m very emotional rn sara. You and your story Who Are You are masterpieces. I’m not disappointed with the ending you made cos it’s really the BEST. Honestly, I was surprised with the plot twist, PLOT TWIST INDEED!  you are so talented and so nice.
I’m really happy to know that you enjoyed the plot twist! I’ve never done a story where it was all ‘just a dream’ (or in my case, two dreams lol) so I’m happy that i got to do that in this way! Thank you for your kind words about my and my series :) And thank you so much for reading as well ^^ Have a wonderful day!
*counts down with you* shhhh, it’s okay my love - deep breaths now, okay? That’s it~ heh^^
Anonymous said: Can i say that ur Who r u series is the best story I’ve ever read! And I hope u continue doing what u love bc u r an amazing writer! Fighting! Can’t wait for many more! ^^
Thank you so much! I’m really happy that you enjoyed it ^^ Have a great day/night my dear! ^^
26 notes · View notes
actuualtrashh · 7 years
Do them all (:
These are a lot but come off anon!! And thanks for the ask!! :D
1. Last kiss- ex bf
2. Last phone call-my good ol’ pals last night 💞
3. Last text message- my friend tim letting him know that our class got cancelled bc he never checks his emails lol
4. Last song you listened to- I make boys cry by adult mom
5. Last time you cried-umm… yesterday
6. Dated someone twice-yea
7. Been cheated on-lol yea
8. Self harmed-uhh, yea…
9. Lost someone special-yeaaaaa
10. Been depressed-yeeasds
11. Been drunk and threw up-nope… I’ll drink but not a huge fan
12. had sex-noppeeee
13. How many people have you had sex with this year?-zero
15. Made a new friend-yes! I love making new friends 😁
17. Laughed until you cried-yeaaaaa
18. Met someone who changed you-yup
19. Found out who your true friends were-yes! And I’m glad I did!!
20. Found out someone was talking about you-yes, good and bad but idrc
26. What did you do for your last Birthday- yesterday was my birthday and literally did nothing. Actually, I worked and got a lot of shit at work bc the people I work with are really immature and don’t know how to be serious. And my parents were working too so
27. What time did you wake up today-6:00 am
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for-at the moment I have nothing but I guess you can say… payday lol
30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time- well I have two of them, an older sister who I see like three times a year and my brother who lives with me… so I guess I saw them both a year ago? Like Christmas or something? Idk
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life-my high school and middle school experience
32. What are you listening to right now- Heart Tattoo by Joyce Manor
33. When is the last time you had sex?-I am a v
34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now-my goddammm self
35. Most visited webpage-my canvas for school lol
36. Favorite colour-purple, blue and plum
37. Nicknames-deedee :-)
38. Relationship Status- 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
39. Zodiac sign- Taurus
40. Male or female-female
41. Primary school-I went to 2.
42. Secondary School-a magnet/charter school that focused on math, science, and technology.
43. High school/college-I went to school like 5 mins away from the beach for high school even though I live 18 miles away from the school and it was a charter school. For college I go to cc that’s 12 miles away from my house lol
44. Eye color-brown
46. Height- 5"2 :-(
47. Do you have a crush on someone-maybe
48. What do you like about yourself-sometimes I’m really nice and I love being nice bc I believe in karma but this is also my weakness
49. Piercings-I have my ears pierced but I don’t wear earrings lol
50. Tattoos-I want some but atm I don’t have any
51. Righty or lefty-Righty but I can draw w my left and I can also write with my left but it takes a little time. I always wanted to be a lefty bc I thought it was cool so in middle school I practiced writing with my left so I’m not that bad at it now :-)))
53. First piercing- ears when I was like 1 or 2 years old lol
54. First best friend-I don’t remember … yikes
55. First hookup-never!
56. First Bestfriend- can’t remember
59. Eating- nope but I’m v hungry
60. Drinking- I just finished a small cup of coffee
61. I’m about to- finish this post and take a nap in my car because my class was cancelled smh
62. Listening to-Blonde hair, black lungs by sorority noise
63. Waiting for- my sustainability club to start in 2 hrs
64. Want kids?-maybe! But in like 10 years or something like that
65. Get married?-maybe?!
66. Career- idk exactly but now I want to study life tbh
67. Lips or eyes-personally, eyes
68. Hugs or kisses-both!!
69. Shorter or taller-taller than me at least
70. Older or Younger-older? Depending on what tho
71. Romantic or spontaneous-both??
72. Nice stomach or nice arms-does it really matter?
73. Sensitive or loud-sensitive
74. Hook-up or relationship-relationship!! I ain’t about the hooking up life bc I’m an emotional person that gets attached too quickly lol yikes
76. Kissed a stranger-no!
77. Drank hard liquor-yes lol
78. Lost glasses/contacts-always! I’ve worn glasses since the 2nd grade and these are probably my 20th pair tbh
79. Had sex-nope
80. Broken someone’s heart-I hate myself bc i think my first bf ever
82. Been arrested-nope
83. Turned someone down-yea
84. Cried when someone died-my grandpa and cousin
85. Fallen for a friend-yeaaaaa
86. Yourself-sometimes
87. Miracles-kinda
88. Love at first sight-not really tbh but I have hope lol
89. Heaven-🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
90. Santa Clause-nope
91. Kiss on the first date-depending if the feelings are mutual
92. Angels-yes!
93. How would you label yourself?-an approachable person? Idk?
94. Someone You Pray Everyday For- i don’t really pray
95. Did you sing today-yes, I get lonely while driving alone and being stuck in traffic
96. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About-that’s a secret
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?-beginning of middle school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For-to find myself and be happy
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?-🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
100. Do you like the way you look?-nope!
0 notes