banyun-gong · 7 months
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안유진, An Yu-jin 2003年9月1日Dunsan-dong, Daejeon, South Korea T173cm
안유진 AN YUJIN (@_yujin_an)
IVE 아이브 (@ivestarship) • Instagram
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ive-net · 1 year
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[_yujin_an] ME after the show👟👟 #AD #FendiFirst1
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bo1908 · 2 years
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generation24 · 14 days
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안유진 ❀ An Yujin
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kangshxrtie · 12 days
ch. 22 ⤍ PICK ME
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you started your stream with your usual energetic greeting, glancing at the chat as it started to flood in with messages. you leaned back in your chair, smiling, ready to dive into the updates.
"so earlier today, i filmed this video with leeseo and wonyoung," you began, trying not to laugh too hard at the memory. "first of all, never let wonyoung behind the wheel—she scares me. she couldn't keep her hands on the wheel because she freaked out every time the car moved even a little. now, leeseo? that kid is wild. for some reason, she's actually good at driving." you paused for effect. "like, way too good for her age."
user1 idk who even let wonyoung behind the wheel. she's literally scared of driving.
you nodded, laughing softly. "i was wondering the same damn thing," you replied, shaking your head.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ when do i get to drive you? 😏
you raised an eyebrow at the comment. "you driving? should i be scared?" you teased.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ of course not. i'm a great driver!
"i don't know... should i let zuha drive me around?" you asked your chat, knowing exactly how they'd react.
user2 hell no
user3 run yn
user4 ur def not making it out of that one
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i love being a mod. there's so much power here.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i'm banning everybody who said i can't drive!
you couldn't help but laugh at her response. "you can't just ban my whole chat, zuha!"
reinyourheart wait how is kazuha a mod b4 me? i've known u longer
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ 🤷🏻‍♀️ i'm just good like that.
🗡️_yujin_an damn imagine not being a mod
reinyourheart even yujin
reinyourheart she prob doesn't even use it
🗡️_yujin_an actually 🤓☝️ i use my mod powers all the time to run polls. i'm also an og y/n sub so i got mod
reinyourheart y/n plz mod me since apparently you're just giving mod to anybody these days
"i don't trust you enough to give you those privileges."
reinyourheart but u trust yujin???
"well, not really, but she's our leader," you joked.
reinyourheart banning u from my chat now
"that's fine, i never watch your streams anyways," you quipped, earning a playful gasp from your chat.
reinyourheart 😮 fake
"i'm joking. please don't actually ban me," you said, breaking into laughter. as your giggles faded, your eyes caught an interesting question in the chat.
user1 what type of person do u want to date?
the question made you pause for a moment. "i've actually been thinking about this a lot recently," you admitted.
you leaned forward, ready to dive into your answer. "so, first of all, i like someone with a cool and relaxed personality, but they also need to be bright enough to make me laugh—even with the corniest jokes." as you said this, your thoughts drifted toward someone in particular.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i feel like i can satisfy those requirements
you chuckled softly but kept going. "i also want to date a morning person, so they can help me fix my sleep schedule."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i hate sleeping in
"i really hope they can speak japanese too, 'cause i wanna visit japan so badly."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ me
you grinned, ignoring her comments for now. "another odd requirement—i want them to be good at ballet. it's a talent i just really admire."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ me 🙋🏻‍♀️
"oh, and if they look like bae suzy, that's a huge bonus," you added with a nostalgic smile. "she was my ideal type when i was younger."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ pick me! choose mee!
"and another weird one—they need to randomly start stretching or doing squats whenever they feel like it. bonus points if they have abs. that's just..." you sighed dramatically. "so hot."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i literally fit all the requirements
you finally broke, laughing as you read her string of comments. "i don't know if anybody can really line up to all these standards," you shrugged playfully.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ am i even here rn 😞
"y'all, if you know someone who meets all these standards, let me know," you told your chat, laughing at how many people were either playing along or just laughing at the interaction.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ chat suggest me #ynxzuha
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ imma start banning ppl that type any other name
"you can't threaten my chat like that, zuha," you chuckled, reading her messages aloud.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ chat she noticed me
you shook your head, smiling. "but since you're here, what do you think of all these suggestions?"
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ idk but i think that kazuha girl is pretty cool. i think u wld like her
you pursed your lips in thought. "hmm... i don't really know. i'll have to think about that one."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ trust
"i guess i'll trust you," you said, playing along. "but what are you doing right now? you should join me."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i cant im filming leniverse rn
you gasped. "what do you mean? stop watching me and go film!" you teased, mock-scolding her.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ we good. they're not rdy yet
"alright, just don't get into trouble because of me."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ talking to u is more important tho :/
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ nobody tell chaewon i said that
"there's a reason i act the way i do—it's because she says stuff like this," you said with an exaggerated sigh.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i miss u lets hang out soon
"we literally hung out yesterday," you reminded her, laughing.
user5 u did?
user6 i miss when y/n updated us
you nodded, leaning into the camera. "yeah, because we filmed the collab!" you added, catching yourself before revealing too much. "when will that be posted, zuha?"
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ shld be posted next week
"okay, tell your team to edit me well," you said with a grin.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i will.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i hv to film now talk l8r
"bye, zuha!" you waved dramatically, just as you got a perfectly timed message from yujin that she was almost ready.
"so, today we'll be playing games with yujin, who should be here soon," you announced to your chat. no sooner had you said it, you heard the familiar ping, signaling that yujin had joined the call.
"y/n, why didn't you warn me?" yujin exclaimed, her voice full of exasperation.
you blinked. "what do you mean?"
"leeseo just showed me what you all did in the video today."
"oh, that! yeah, she's crazy with it," you laughed, remembering the madness.
"she was all like, 'you wanna see what i learned?' and i'm thinking, sure, why not—'cause i'm actually curious about what y'all filmed. next thing i know, she reverses fast and does a freaking j-turn. i've never been so scared in my life."
"she did it first try, too. i was just sitting there, in shock."
"i just wish i had talked to wonyoung first," yujin muttered.
"i'm so glad you're the driver in the group. no way we'd be alive if wonyoung was behind the wheel."
"oh, absolutely," yujin agreed quickly. you both laughed before getting connected to the game, ready for the chaos that would follow.
zuhasgf connected
as soon as yujin's character appeared in the game lobby, you rolled your eyes, and immediately opened the menu, kicking her out without hesitation.
"alright, i'm in the game," she announced, unaware of what you'd just done.
"huh? y/n, did you just kick me out?" yujin's voice sounded confused.
you tried to act innocent. "wait, why'd you disconnect?"
yujin groaned, realizing. "you literally just kicked me."
"i think you need a new username," you replied.
"i can't get back in—did you ban me?" yujin chuckled.
"don't blame me because you can't get in the game," you said.
zuhasgf connected.
you immediately kicked her out again, this time banning her completely.
"y/n!" yujin yelled in disbelief.
"i told you to make a new username. i'm not accepting this one," you said firmly.
"just unban me!" yujin demanded, still laughing.
"are you trying to join with the same character?" you asked.
"yeah, did you unban me?"
"...of course," you lied smoothly.
once yujin finally decides to change her name back to normal, you two load into the game, the screen fades in, revealing your pirates standing confidently on a dock, the vast ocean stretching behind them, with a rugged ship rocking gently in the harbor.
"i don't have a shovel, so you're gonna have to do all the digging," yujin lazily announced.
"yujin, if you don't put some type of work in, i might actually fight you," you shot back.
you walk off in the opposite direction when you spot something off in the distance. "there's a ship here," you inform yujin.
she started her pirate roleplay. "arghh! i'm on my way!" yujin replied in a raspy pirate accent, rushing toward the ship with exaggerated enthusiasm.
suddenly, your screen started shaking violently. "what was that?" you muttered, trying to steady your view.
on the other end, you could hear yujin losing her mind, screaming incoherently. there were no actual words, just pure panic as she mashed buttons in a futile attempt to do... something.
while yujin flailed, you spotted an ocean crawler emerging from the sand. remaining calm, you casually pulled out your gun and shot it. meanwhile, yujin continued screaming in terror about something you couldn't even see.
then, out of nowhere, yujin set off an explosion—right next to you. the entire screen flashed red as both you and the surrounding enemies were blasted back.
"oh my god, yujin! what the fuck!" you yelled, your health bar dangerously low as you quickly ate some food to recover.
"you're welcome!" yujin chirped, completely ignoring the fact that she had almost killed you along with the monsters.
the battle ended, and you both wandered around the island, eventually stumbling upon a mysterious shipwreck. a spectral pirate appeared out of thin air, launching into an overly dramatic speech about ancient pirate lore.
"this is actually the longest speech i've ever heard. argh," yujin groaned.
you decided to pull out a ukelele from your inventory. yujin, never one to be outdone, joined in with her singing about finding the pirate captain, her voice cracking from the strain of trying to stay in character.
later, while you were still outside playing music, yujin's shrill voice pierced the calm.
"three ghost ships!" she shouted.
"let's go. we must go on an adventure!" you replied, dramatically diving into the water, heading for the ghost ship, determination in your heart.
however, as you swam, the tide came in, forcefully pushing your character back. you struggled against the current, while yujin, oblivious, had already made it onto your ship and was sailing away.
"yujin! get your ass back here!" you screamed, frantically swimming after the ship. "i'm literally sinking!"
after what felt like an eternity, yujin finally circled back for you. gasping for breath, you managed to pull yourself up onto the deck.
relieved to be back on board, you stood at the front of the ship, surveying the ocean ahead. you felt the wind in your face, the waves crashing against the hull. surely, yujin could be trusted to steer the ship... right?
but then you noticed something alarming. "yujin... we're gonna crash into this rock!" you said, your voice tense.
"anchor!" yujin screamed, but it was far too late. the ship slammed into the rock.
"we're gonna die on this ship. not even from the battles, it'll be from your terrible driving," you groaned.
"naww, we're good," yujin said confidently, somehow managing to reverse the ship and sail around the obstacle, acting like nothing had happened.
you decided to climb up to the ship's bowsprit, balancing precariously on the beam as the ship cut through the waves. "is standing up here a good idea?" you asked, already knowing the answer.
"argh! of course it is!" yujin replied without hesitation.
"is playing music as we go into battle a bad idea?" she asked, joining you upfront with her accordian, strumming an out-of-tune melody.
you pulled out your ukulele from the inventory, matching her energy, and for a moment, it was peaceful—just two pirates making music.
then, without warning, the water around you started to churn. from the depths of the ocean, a massive kraken emerged, its tentacles towering above your ship.
both you and yujin screamed in unison as chaos ensued. you were flung into the water but somehow kept playing your ukulele, refusing to let the music die.
"it's sucking us in!" yujin shouted, her voice on the verge of panic. "load the cannons! we gotta fight this off!"
"can we even fight this thing?" you asked through fits of laughter, doubting your chances.
you quickly switched to the cannonballs, aiming at the monstrous tentacles, firing off shots as fast as you could. you felt like you were making progress, but then you noticed the ship was being dragged deeper into the abyss.
your screen flickered and went dark with a red outline. "what is even happening?" you groaned as your character faded into the ghostly realm.
as a spirit, you wandered aimlessly, spotting another figure. thinking it was yujin, you approached, only to realize it was a random player—a man who's character gave you a casual nod.
"later, dude," he said, disappearing into the void.
you eventually respawned back with yujin, both of you standing on the remains of your ship, now just floating debris in the ocean.
"well, that was a great sea of thieves adventure. we lost everything," yujin said, pulling out her accordion.
you pulled out your ukulele, shaking your head but smiling. "yeah, it was great."
"the fucking kraken..." yujin muttered.
"literally right before the pirate ship, too," you said.
"literally the most random shit," she added, laughing.
"crazy," you agreed, both of you still basking in the aftermath of the chaos.
"anyway, i guess we have to end here," yujin said, the energy winding down.
"yeah, we do," you agreed, starting the stream wrap-up.
you exited the call with yujin, turning your attention to chat. "alright, chat, it's about that time," you said, leaning back in your chair with a relaxed smile. "i'll be live tomorrow for some more games, maybe with a few friends, but i haven't locked anything in yet."
you glanced at the chat as messages rolled in, then continued. "also, keep an eye out—our channel's dropping a new video soon, so make sure to check that out when it's up. but yeah, that's all for today!"
you gave a casual wave. "thanks for hanging out, and i'll see you next time." with a final smile, you ended the stream.
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jihyoruri · 1 year
Does y/n have an ideal type? Like her naming a female idol when they ask her about her ideal type on variety shows.
I would like to expand the player!y/n lore and say Jennie is her ideal type 🫣. A senior idol she gets flustered around and blushing whenever she talks about her.
oh her ideal type is definitely jennie, I see her being a big blackpink fan because she loved their girl crush concept when they first debuted, that’s what made her want to become an idol (just for her to be in a elegant concept 😭)
the only people that can get her flustered is probably jennie and wonyoung (it girls fr).
yn is the first one out of the girls beside wonyoung and yujin to get a personal Instagram account and if you look at her following it looks exactly like this:
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seulcaty · 1 year
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@ _yujin_an
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lenteur · 2 years
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a brief summary of _yujin_an for @caratonce 💙
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zarisluvr · 9 months
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@for_everyoung10, @_yujin_an, @liz.yeyo
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renzybrooo · 4 months
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pinktape-fx · 4 months
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banyun-gong · 1 year
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安兪眞(An Yu-Jin)(안유진, アン・ユジン,2003年9月1日)T:172cm 韓國女藝人 / 歌手 / 舞者, 經紀公司 : STARSHIP娛樂,限定組合 IZ*ONE 成員,音樂組合 IVE 隊長。
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안유진 AN YUJIN (@_yujin_an) • Instagram
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ive-net · 11 months
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[_yujin_an] 순진한 가면을 벗고 토끼를 드러내봐🐇🐇
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aembunpagi · 7 months
Klaim Wajah
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Stage Name: Yujin (유진)
Birth Name: An Yu Jin (안유진)
Birthday: September 1, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: @_yujin_an
0 notes
kangshxrtie · 2 years
ch. 2 ⤍ collab?
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you started your stream, posted about it on socials, and waited for a decent number of people to be on it before putting your face cam on and speaking.
"alright so update. i know i said y'all would never see me again if y'all clipped it but people lie and i am a liar"
user1 we knew
user2 you could never ditch us, we pay your bills
user3 i clipped it and have no regrets
"i will be honest after stream i did follow kazuha, and she did follow me back. my biggest flex at the moment"
user4 that should've been me
"but other than that i will be ignoring the fact that yesterday even happened" you shook your head in approval at your thoughts, "so there should be no reason to mention it anymore"
"plus she only knows me because of that one clip. she'll never wanna really meet me"
"she said what! y'all we need to make this happen!" you shouted excitedly once you read the comment forgetting about everything you said earlier.
naoi.rei actually down bad
"i mean... i guess we could collab. i'll probably dm her after stream or something" you said awkwardly.
_yujin_an Y/N CAN PULL?
"of course i can yujin" you rolled your eyes at her comment.
_yujin_an y/n gets no bitches
"what did i ever do to you?"
naoi.rei no rizz 😭
"why are y'all both attacking me right now" you exclaimed, "you know what i'm banning both of y'all from the stream"
you proceeded to ban both of them making a mental note to unban them later so it wasn't permanent. you should've known that it wouldn't help anything because yujin came into your room like she owned the place or something.
"hey chat. it's y/n's favorite roommate" yujin greeted the stream as she grabbed a random chair in your room to sit down on.
"least favorite" you corrected, "wonyoung's my favorite"
"i changed myself to number one on the list though"
"that doesn't matter. you haven't done anything to be my favorite"
"i bought you food!" she exclaimed.
"you did... but you're still annoying"
"you're annoying" she retorted.
user6 the yujin & y/n beef will never end
"but anyways i came in here to ask if y'all wanna see a y/n x kazuha collab?" yujin asked your chat.
you stayed silent, not wanting to show how happy you were at the possibility.
user8 collab of the year????
"she's on the same team as sakura and chaewon. we can make this happen" yujin said.
"and you didn't tell me sooner" i gasped, "fake friend"
"do you not keep up with what they do" yujin gasped, "fake friend"
"this isn't about me this is about you not telling me sooner" you tried to deter the conversation.
"well i'm telling you now. so is the y/n x kazuha collab happening or not" yujin held her phone up as a fake mic to your mouth.
"i mean if kazuha's down i'm down" you shrugged not being able to decline it on stream.
"let's go! we did it chat" yujin cheered before taking her exit.
you continued to stream for a couple more hours, just playing some chill games and talking to chat.
once you ended stream you checked twitter to see if people were hyped about the possibility of the collab, only to see kazuha's direct response.
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kopievie · 9 months
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[SNS] 231215 IVE YUJIN Instagram Update (@/_yujin_an)
"연말 시작✨💫"
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