#@ shawn get your shit together
kjupchurch-xx · 1 month
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⭐️ Perfect ⭐️
                            July 26th, 2024
                       Los Angeles, California
                Deadpool & Wolverine Premiere
Tonight was the night we'd all been waiting for, the night we've worked so hard for. Tonight was the premiere party for Deadpool & Wolverine. I'd been working with the director, Shawn Levy along with making sure Hugh and Ryan had everything they needed while on set. I developed a super close friendship with Hugh and Ryan during the long filming process. I'd also gotten close with Blake, Ryan's wife. To be quite honest, everyone on our crew is probably the only people I'd consider friends since moving to Los Angeles four years ago.
I've done several films as a director's assistant over the last three years, but this film had been the greatest project I'd been apart of. Blake and I were at my home getting ready for the premiere while Hugh and Ryan were with Shawn preparing to meet us at the premiere. Our stylist came by earlier to finish up Blake and I's hair and makeup. They had us both sporting cute up-dos with a more natural makeup look with lighter neutral colors.
"I wonder what the guys are wearing tonight." Blake said while slipping into her beautiful red dress.
I shrugged, grabbing my black dress, sliding it on, "I don't know. Shawn wouldn't say."
She chuckled, "He never does. Did your ex finally stop blowing you up? Wasn't he trying to like show up on set some of the days we were filming?"
I rolled my eyes with disgust, "Yes, and yes. It's so funny how you ignore someone when you're with them and cheat on them but once they leave you on your ass, you want their attention."
We grabbed our stuff and headed towards the door as we saw our ride pulling up the driveway, "Have you met anybody you're even interested in yet? Best way to get over someone is to get under someone else."  She smirked.
I laughed, shaking my head as we climbed into the SUV that was picking us up to shuttle us to the event, "Shut up, Blake. You're stating to sound like your husband."
She laughed, smiling at me, "You say that like it's a bad thing."
I looked at her, sarcasm dripping through my facial expression and my voice, "It is."
She took a hesitant breath, "Seriously though, someone asked me about you."
I looked at her curiously, "And who would that be?"
She smirked, "Hugh. He was at our place the other night while you and Shawn stayed behind to finish up cutting scenes."
My jaw dropped, "What did he say?"
She shrugged, "He just asked us how long you'd been single and if he seemed like your type. He said he thinks you're gorgeous."
I turned to face her, completely flabbergasted, "You are so full of shit, Lively."
She burst into laughter, "Ask Ryan!"
I widened my eyes, shaking my head, "He's more full of shit than you are!" I failed to contain my laughter at this point.
She giggled, "Just watch. Pay attention to how he looks at you at the premiere. You'll see."
I playfully rolled my eyes, "Okay, Blake."
Had Hugh actually talked to Ryan and Blake about me? He was a nice guy. We'd become friends since we met on set over a year ago. We'd done some press together and make each other laugh, but for some reason, I doubt he'd be interested in me. Not that there's anything wrong with me, he's just one of the biggest A-List celebrities in the world. He's also not even one year out of separation from his wife of 27 years. Dating is probably the last thing on this man's mind.
The rest of the ride was pretty quiet. I couldn't shake my thoughts. I think he's handsome, he's absolutely ripped and his personality is out of this world. His accent is pretty sexy, too.
As we pulled up to the premiere location, Blake and I exited our vehicle, "Let's go, girls." Blake said, channeling her inner Shania Twain causing me to smile.
"Where's the boys?" I asked as we walked down the corridor.
Blake checked her phone, "They're waiting to step onto the red carpet. Which is..." she trailed off while looking down the corridor, "Right down there on the left."
I nodded, trying to hide my nerves. I've been on other movie sets, I've worked with other stars but I've never done a red carpet event. What if I fall and bust my ass? What if my dress malfunctions? So many what-ifs. As we arrived to the end of the corridor, I see Hugh, Ryan and Shawn waiting for us. Blake walks over to Ryan and they share a quick kiss.
"Anyone else feel like a 3rd wheel?" I jokingly said towards Hugh and Shawn, causing Shawn to shake his head and laugh, "Every time I work with these two." He said.
Hugh hooked his arm around mine, "You can be my date tonight." He gave me a smile.
I blushed, looking towards Blake as she gave me a silly 'I told you' look while hooking her arm around Ryan's. "Ohhhh, Big Deb's gonna be pissed!" He spat jokingly causing us all to laugh.
Hugh shrugged, "Oh well. She's the one that wanted to end things. Time to move on. Plus, I don't want to be the nerd showing up without a date." He said with a laugh and cheeky grin.
Ryan looked at me, "Fuck you, your first time on the red carpet and you're going as Hugh Jackman's date. I had to fondle his balls just to get him on this film. You lucky, lucky girl."
I shook my head, about to ruin my 2 hour makeup job from tears hitting my eyes at this point due to laughing so hard. "Guys, I'm pretty sure we need to go out there." I chuckled pointing towards the doorway that led to the red carpet.
We all nodded in agreement and made our way out. The sound of the thousands of photographers, fans screaming and journalists on the red carpet filled my ears. I felt Hugh tighten his grip on my arm, whispering in my ear, "Don't be nervous, you're gonna do great!" Causing me to smile.
We all posed for pictures as the reporters went wild. Hugh had not been seen in public with anyone since his split last year, so this was a big deal. The movie we'd all worked our asses off on was a big deal. The shouting was unreal and unbelievably loud.
Blake and Ryan went to another spot to do solo photos, leaving Hugh and I to ourselves on the carpet. A reporter took this as his perfect moment to approach us with rapid fire questions I was bracing myself for.
"Hugh. Kaitlyn. How does it feel to be on the red carpet tonight?" He asked, shoving the microphone into our faces.
We at looked at each other, "It feels great, mate. Glad to be here." Hugh said with a smile.
"Like he said, we're honored to be here." I said with a big smile.
"Kaitlyn, this is your first time on the red carpet." The journalist said matter of factly.
I nodded in agreement, noticing Hugh has not taken his eyes off of me. "It is."
The journalist continued to pry, "First red carpet and you're on Hugh Jackman's arm, how does that feel?" He asked.
I blushed, "Ryan Reynolds paid me to be his date. Someone had to take one for the team." I smirked, causing the journalist and Hugh to laugh.
As we continued our walk down the carpet, Hugh moved his hand from my arm to around my waist. We talked with many more journalists and posed for hundreds of photos before heading off the carpet to the back of the venue. There were some artists that were due to perform for the event. Some of them included Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Jelly Roll, etc.
Hugh looked over at me, "Noldsy paid you, huh?" He joked.
I joked, "Only a few hundred."
He playfully gripped his chest, "Ouch."
I threw my hands up signaling defeat, "If it helps, I'm glad I took one for the team and you weren't stuck holding Shawn on the red carpet."
He grimaced playfully at the sight, "You're certainly the prettier one."
I snickered. "Am I?"
He nodded with a cheeky smile, "Loads, sweetheart."
I'm starting to think Blake may have not been as full of shit as I'd thought. We made our way back to Blake and Ryan catching up in the crowd to watch the musical entertainment of the night. Taylor Swift took the stage first, causing Ryan to fan girl. Ed Sheeran came on right after, all was great until he began performing his hit song 'Perfect'. All of the couples in the crowd had begun slow dancing. It was a romantic, sweet song but being single in a crowd of couples was depressing.
I felt a presence behind me as a hand made its way to my lower back, "Care to dance with me?" I heard in an Australian accent.
I looked over my shoulder to see Hugh smiling a bit nervously. I turned to face him and gave him a nod and small smile, allowing him to pull me into his arms for a slow dance. We both swayed to the song, singing along, never breaking eye contact. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping he'd kiss me. I could tell he was thinking about it as his eyes kept trailing from my eyes to my lips as he held me close, continuing to sway to the sound of Ed Sheeran serenading the crowd.
I slowly bit my lip as I noticed his eyes glance at my lips again. His face slowly coming closer. I could feel Blake and Ryan's gaze on us wondering what was about to happen. Did I even know what was about to happen? Did I want to know? Before I could process any more thoughts of my own, I felt his lips on mine. They were soft and he smelled so damn good.
I know we're standing in a room full of hundreds of thousands of people, but in this moment, it feels as if he and I were the only two people in the room. The kiss was slow and passionate.
He slowly pulled away, still swaying me and looked at me, "I'm sorry, but I've had a crush on you ever since we began working together. I've wanted to ring you so many times and tell you, but I didn't want to complicate things on set."
I smiled pulling him for another kiss, nibbling on his bottom lip before pulling away, "Ryan actually didn't pay me to be your plus one."
He chuckled, "I know."
I looked up at him, "Can we go somewhere else? Somewhere more private?"
He nodded, grabbing my hand, leading us through the massive crowd of people. As we made our way down out of the concert venue back to the corridor, we noticed Blake and Ryan already ahead of us.
"Ah Pal, gettin' lucky, huh?" Ryan smirked.
Hugh and I laughed, "We are too. It's okay. Embrace it. Embrace the amounts of great sex you're about to have." Ryan continued while nodding his head as if he were a love guru.
"Goodnight, Ryan." We both said in unison watching Blake, who was unable to control her laughter at this point.
Hugh and I made our way to the car and of course couldn't escape the sea of paparazzi. Except this time, we didn't pose for pictures and continued to the car. There were pressing matters that needed to be attended to first. Once we got into the car, we instructed the driver to take us to my house.
Hugh rested his arm around my shoulders, "How long have you known?"
I looked at him, confused, "How long have I known what?"
He looked at me seriously, "That I have a thing for you."
I shrugged, "I actually didn't. Blake mentioned it to me earlier, but I assumed she was full of shit. Kind of like the time you told Ryan to come to your Christmas party in an ugly sweater so he shows up and everyone else is in Dior."
Hugh laughed, "Love, you're anything but an ugly sweater at a party full of people wearing Dior."
I began laughing, "You get the point."
He gave me the boyish smile that had melted my heart since the first time I saw him onscreen and pushed a fallen strand of hair behind my ear, "You are the most elegant, beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on."
I blushed, "You're not so bad yourself. I've actually had more of a school girl crush on you since the first X-Men movie."
He smiled cockily, "Really?"
I nodded, "Really."
He pulled me in for another kiss, this time pulling me onto his lap, deepening the kiss. I could feel his erection growing beneath me, causing me to pull away so we didn’t cause our driver to have a wreck before we made it back to my place.
“So what do we do now?” I asked casually, looking at him.
He shrugged, getting close to my ear, whispering “We’re going back to your place first, then I’m going to fuck you into the middle of next week. After that, we’ll cuddle. I’ll make you pancakes in the morning and after that, you’ll never want to leave.”
I chuckled pulling him into another kiss.
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apomaro-mellow · 3 months
Hot for Teacher(s) 13
Part 12
Steve didn’t realize how hard he was gripping the door handle, how stiff he’d gotten, how he had stopped breathing until the ghost of his past spoke.
“Hey there, pretty boy.”
He nearly choked on the intake of air. Billy was here. Actually here, out of the blue. Steve swallowed and found his voice.
“What’re you doing here?”, he asked, keeping his voice low.
Billy just smiled at him, smug like he knew he was flipping Steve’s world upside down. “I can’t visit my family?”
“We’re not-”
“Hey! There’s my tiger!”, Billy pushed past Steve, forcing him to turn and see Shawn sitting on the stairs, eavesdropping. 
Steve tried to reason and be rational. Billy had never outright hurt their son. There was no issue with him picking him up and hugging him close. Even if it made Steve’s skin crawl. Shawn gave his father a hesitant squeeze back, caught off guard by the sudden visit too. 
“I’ll ask you again Billy”, Steve said the moment Shawn was put back down on his feet. “Why are you here?”
Billy stuck his hands in the pockets of his jacket, then pulled something out. “Came to give my boy his birthday present.” He handed him a toy car, still in the packaging.
Shawn accepted, giving a small thank you. Steve remembered the way his body used to tense up or go into autopilot when his parents fought. He couldn’t do that anymore. He had to be present and protect his child so that he didn’t develop those habits. He walked over and put a hand on Shawn’s head. 
“You brushed your teeth right?”
Shawn nodded, then smiled big to show off his pearly whites. Steve smiled back, feeling lighter already.
“Go on to your room then, it’s past your bedtime. And don’t even think about sneaking in reading time”, he called after him as he scurried up the stairs. He waited until he heard the sound of Shawn’s door closing but he didn’t take his eyes off of Billy. He was watching his expressions. 
He had been watching Shawn go up the stairs and seemed to be waiting as well before his smile dropped. He went to the front door and for a moment, Steve had the hope that he would walk right through it and save him the grief. But Billy only shut it.
“His birthday was a week ago”, Steve said, arms crossed.
“I knew you were gonna give me shit for not getting the exact day”, Billy said, like he was a victim. “Cut me some slack, alright?”
Steve didn’t have to tell him that this wasn’t the first birthday he had missed, even when they had lived together. He wasn’t going to give him a whole laundry list of issues. He shouldn’t have to. Billy should know why he can’t just show up unannounced after two years of silence.
“I’m gonna remind you that you walked out. You left us. And we’ve been fine. You can’t just show up out of nowhere.”
“Why the fuck do you smell like another alpha?”, Billy growled.
Steve only faltered for a second but it was enough to make Billy advance on him and in two seconds they were toe to toe.
“And why the fuck does my pup smell like another alpha?”
The growl in his voice was enough to make him take a step back and Billy replaced it with one of his own, not letting Steve put any distance between them. He hated how much power this man had over him. He wanted to make him happy. He wanted to be loved by him. Now all he wanted to be as far from him as possible.
Where was Eddie? His real alpha?
“I don’t see a ring on this finger or a bite on my neck, so where do you get the idea that I’m yours?” Steve had this. He didn’t need Eddie before and he didn’t need him now. Whatever Billy dished out, he could take it.
Billy’s eyes glanced up the stairs. “I wonder if CPS would take issue with that.”
“Excuse me?”, Steve got whiplash so bad his head hurt. “What the hell are you-”
“An unbonded omega, parading a bunch of alphas around a vulnerable child? Sounds pretty irresponsible to me. And his stench is all over this place”, Billy scowled.
The accusations and assumptions and just everything had finally piled on enough. Steve saw red. He shoved Billy back. Hard.
“How dare you?”, he hissed. “How fucking dare you?”
“Watch yourself”, Billy said, grabbing Steve’s wrists in a bruising grip. “I left because I thought you needed some time to get yourself together. Getting knocked up made you this desperate, clingy thing. I thought you’d be better by now but it’s like you’ve gotten worse.”
Steve tore his hands away but that just freed Billy to push him back by the shoulders into a wall. All Steve was thinking of how loud the bump was. Did Shawn hear it?
“You should be glad. Isn’t this what you wanted? You, me, the kid?” Billy’s eyes softened the way he knew Steve was weak to. The look that made him appear as though he was changing because he wanted to be the father to Shawn that he never had.
But Steve wasn’t weak to it anymore. He didn’t know why Billy was back but he wasn’t letting him back in his life.
“Get out of my house. Before I call the police.”
Billy took his hands off then, held in the air like in surrender but with an expression that said otherwise. He even took a step back. His hands went back down into his pockets, casual and relaxed.
“You’ve always been like this. You don’t know what you want. One minute you want me, the next you threaten to call the cops on me.”
“Out”, Steve said, voice hardened as he pointed at the door.
Billy walked backwards towards it. “I’ll be around. It’s gotta be spring break for Shawn soon, right? Picnics, parks, concerts. And then summer. Bet he can’t wait.”
He opened the door and walked out and Steve didn’t wait even a second before locking it. He let out a breath as he listened. He could hear a car door close and then the vehicle drive away. He went to the window to check and it went down the road, disappearing into the night. 
Steve put a hand to his chest and his hands shook. He brought his shirt up to his nose and took a deep breath. His love, his alpha. Eddie.
He went upstairs and knocked on Shawn’s door. When he heard nothing, he hoped he was asleep, but had to check. Quietly, he opened the door, not wanting to wake him if he was. Shawn’s covers were pulled up high, only his eyes uncovered, like he was scared to be found but also wanted to see. Steve came in and turned the lamp on, giving the room a gentle glow.
“Hey bud.”
“Is he going to come and live with us again?” Shawn’s voice was small and whispery.
Steve put their foreheads together and stroked his hair. He hated that Billy had this effect on them. He kissed Shawn’s forehead.
“No, he’s not. Even if I have to tie him to a rocket and send him to space”, Steve said, trying to lighten the mood in the room.
Shawn’s hold on his blanket relaxed a little. The book they’d been reading was on the floor. Steve picked it up and put it on the shelf. He knew he was too anxious to get to sleep and that was probably true for Shawn too. 
“How about a midnight snack?”
Shawn’s reply was to throw the covers off and hop out of bed. “Is it a midnight snack when it’s not even midnight yet?”, he asked, taking his daddy’s hand as they walked out of his room.
“I think it counts”, Steve said.
When they got to the kitchen, Shawn sat at the table while Steve got some things from the pantry. Tonight seemed a good night for some hot milk with honey. Maybe some cinnamon and vanilla too. 
“You NEVER let me stay up on a school night”, Shawn said, a little in awe. 
“Well they’re also school nights for me”, Steve smiled as he turned the stove on. “And I can’t be late either.”
Steve stirred the pot, making a serving for them both and pouring it into two mugs. He came over to the table, bringing some cookies for them to dunk too. They sat and snacked, talking mostly about nothing. When they finished, Steve could tell his son wasn’t all that tired still, so they moved to the living room and turned on the tv. Steve gave him a choice between animals, oceans, or space and Shawn chose animals.
In silence, they watched and learned about different organisms that lived in the Arctic tundras. Steve felt his pup yawn next to him and knew he was down for the count. He gathered him in his arms and turned the tv off. As he was settled into bed, Shawn rubbed his eyes. 
“I kinda want Mr. Eddie to be my dad too. Instead of him.”
Steve didn’t know how it was possible for his heart to feel light and heavy at the same time. He sat on the edge of the bed.
“Can I tell you a secret?” He waited for his pup to nod before continuing. “I think he’d be a great father.”
Even if Eddie hadn’t been there for Shawn’s birth, something he already had on Billy, Eddie had more than proven himself as capable around children. Not just as a teacher but as…well, a father too. He kissed Shawn’s forehead and then got up to go to his own room. His hand itched to grab his phone and call.
He sent a text to Robin without hesitation. She’d been there during the last couple of years of his time with Billy. She knew what his sudden appearance would mean. He was hesitant to tell Eddie though. Things had been going so great between them. Would this throw a wrench in things? Would he decide that Steve wasn’t worth the trouble? What would that do to Shawn?
Steve took a breath and put his phone down. It was too late to get worked up after coming down with Shawn. His son was right, they both had school tomorrow. He contemplated a mental health day for them both, he hadn’t taken off a single day this year, so he had some available. He’d let Shawn decide in the morning.
For now, he got into the bed and let sleep take him.
Part 14
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @lololol-1234 @gregre369 @attic-cat-blog
@hippieg1rl420 @spectrum-spectre @a-lovely-craziness
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gtsdreamer2 · 11 months
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As much as you loved the thrill of being with Stacy, you had to break it off. The last straw was finding her rummaging through your research papers after she had forced your briefcase open.
"I couldn't help it!" she whined. "You never talk about your work and working is all you've been doing! I just wanted to see if it was almost done!"
"I told you, this is very secret, sensitive government information. The fact that I trusted you with the details of what my team is even working on should be enough for you!" You rubbed the sides of your head, a slight headache forming. Stacy fidgeted at being scolded before finding her spine.
"You're my boyfriend! Of course you should be able to tell me all about this! You should be proud of your work! I want you to open up about it! I want to see what you've been working on!" Her domineering attitude always surfaced when she was confronted.
"No. You're way too invested in this Stacy. You need to pack up whatever stuff you brought over since you've been staying here and go. I cant have you around when the project starts practical testing on monday." Her ears perked up.
"So it's almost done then?" She asked, trying to get info out of you.
"GET OUT!" You grabbed a handful of her stuff and pushed it into her arms ushering her out the door.
Stacy's mind was racing as she walked back to her car, hands full of personal items from her now ex's apartment. She was trying to collect her thoughts and formulate a plan. 'The device is almost done.' She thought to herself, starting to make a bullet point list of what to do next with what information she had. 'I have a spare key to Brad's apartment that he doesn't know I made. I copied his keycard for the lab, but I don't know if that's enough to get me in. Even if i do get my hands on it, I don't know how to work it since he caught me while I was still trying to make heads or tails of the schematics. 'I think I only have one shot at this and I need to act fast.' Stacy thought to herself. She opened her trunk and threw all her junk into it before speeding off towards the lab.
Stacy sat in her car in the parking lot of the lab, trying to manifest the will to enact her master plan. She took a deep breath before leaving the car to stride towards the lab. Her strides weren't very long. She was only five foot four in her heels that made a loud clack against the pavement. Her small breasts didn't so much as jiggle in her sports bra as she powerwalked to the door. Another deep breath and she was ready. 'Here goes everything.' She thought to herself before flashing her ex's badge over the reader. It turned green and the door lock clicked. She was in.
Meanwhile, you were trying to put all of your notes back together. You quickly realized that your keycard was missing. "Fuck!" You cursed out loud, realizing that she must be on her way to the lab. Knowing that phones don't work once you're in the building, you grabbed your keys so you could warn your coworkers who were hopefully in the building. You sped after your ex, hoping it wasn't too late.
Stacy confidently walked through the foyer past the empty front desk and into the lab area. She was trying to strut about the place as if she belonged there, but her heart rate was spiking. She reached the lab and finally laid eyes on the device for the first time. It sat in a glass case, the designated name GRP-MK1 on a little title card next to it. 'This is it!' She thought to herself, salivating at the thought of getting her hands on her prize. 'The Growth Ray Prototype Mark One.' She reached her hands out towards it.
"Hey, you can't be in here!" A male voice called out. She recognized it. It was your coworker Shawn. 'Shit shit shit shit shit!" She thought, before turning around and beaming the biggest, fakest smile she could muster.
"Shawn!" She exclaimed warmly, trying to act as if nothing was amiss.
"Stacy, what are you doing here?" He said puzzled. "You shouldn't be in here. "Where's Brad?"
"I thought he was here!" She said innocently. "He gave me his keycard and told me to bring him lunch so we could have a little date before he had to go back to work." She made big puppy eyes at her ex's coworker. "Maybe he forgot about me. He always seems to be forgetting about me. Do you think he could be cheating on me Shawn?" She started to force tears to well up in her eyes, forcing a wave of empathy to wash over the man that could make or break this whole operation.
"He said he was so excited to show me the first stages of the practical testing too!" She made sure to use the same terminology that Brad has used so Shawn would think she came by this information in a morally acceptable way.
"Well..." Shawn started, "I don't think he's cheating on you Stace. He talks you up all the time. You're his little firecracker of a girlfriend." She bristled at the word 'little' but tried not to show it. "Maybe he gave you the wrong day? Practical testing isn't supposed to start until tomorrow. Today is Sunday. There's no one here but me, and I'm just going over all the specifics so that everything will be ready by then."
Her eyes lit up with all this new information. Knowing it was just her and him, her demeanor shifted. "That's really too bad." She pouted, walking over to Shawn. "I really really wanted to see the device work. Stupid Brad was so excited to show me that he gave me the wrong day. And I'm busy tomorrow, so I'll never get another chance to see it. After he talked it up so much to me and everything.."
"I'm sorry Stacy. I wish there was something I could do to help." She gave him her best pleading face at this point.
"Well it's ready isn't it? Can't you just give me a teensy demonstration? Pretty please? No one has to know." She put her hand on his chest now. "Besides, don't you want to see that it works before tomorrow? I would hate for you to be doing all this work alone tonight and for something to not work tomorrow. They could blame you." He immediately saw her point.
"Well...I was going to say no and kick you out of here since you don't have any kind of clearance, but its nice to talk to a girl once in a while. You're right though, I should make sure it's calibrated correctly and ready for the real demonstration tomorrow. Just sit right over there behind the blast shield and I'll get it all set up. You're in for a treat." Shawn's ego began to flare and he was getting excited about showing this little cutie what they've been working on. 'Sure she's Brad's girl, but he isn't here.' He thought.
He grabbed an apple from the break room and brought it back to the lab. Stacy was sitting right where he told her to like a good listener. He set the apple on a pedestal. He than carefully picked up the GRP. He fiddled with the settings far away enough from Stacy where she couldn't see what he was doing. She cursed under her breath. "Almost ready?" She said in her cutesiest voice.
"Ya, we're there." Shawn replied. "Standby." He lowered his safety goggles a and walked back behind a line that was a certain distance away from the apple. "Ok. We're recording. On my mark in three, two, one. Engage." He fired a soft green light from the gun that hit the apple spot on. Once it found its mark, the beam locked and began to pulse into it. Stacy watched in awe as each pulse caused the apple to in turn pulse larger. It trippled in size in a matter of thirty seconds. She could feel a wet spot forming between her legs wishing that she could trade places with that apple. "Disengage in three, two, one. Power off." He switched the gun to off and the beam thinned and ended its connection to the hulking fruit.
"Is it safe to come over there now?" You said, not even trying to hide your manic excitement. He nodded and you quickly walked over to him. "That was incredible! It works even better than Brad said it would! I bet that's because you were the last one working on it! You're such a genius! And a stud!" Shawn was blushing now. He cleared his throat.
"Yes...well that was what you wanted to see and all I needed to test before tomorrow. I hope you're satisfied now." He began to put the gun back where it went.
"Wait!" She blurted, louder and more desperate than she intended. Shawn was taken aback. "I mean..." She said mousily. "Did it work? I can tell it looks bigger, but is it safe? Is it gonna blow up or something? Is that as big as you meant to make it? Can you make it small again? Sorry, I'm kind of dumb and don't really understand how it works or any of the science behind it. Could a smart guy like you make me feel at ease and explain it to a silly girl like me?" Shawn's ego flared again.
He held the device in his hands and turned to face her, delaying the return of the ray to its home. "That's a lot of questions for someone who isn't even supposed to be here." He paused. "Hell you seem just as interested in this stuff as your boyfriend. But I'm in such a good mood after the test worked, what the hell. First off, it worked just like it was supposed to. We had done the calibrations for this specific fruit with the hopes that the energy input over the time we alloted for would result in about a three times gain in overall mass. It looks like we've achieved that. Secondly, it's totally safe. All this GRP has done is deliver the proper nutrients and signals to tell the apple to 'grow' in a sense. The ray signals the cells in the organic material to accept the nutrients in the beam, get absorbed, and the cells then go through forced mitosis. The longer the beam stays on the organic matter, the longer the cells continue to go through the multiplication. So healthy cells make more healthy cells and result in growth. There are settings to localize the beam on different parts of the organic matter, so like you can make a giant banana without having a peel that's thicker than tree bark. It's just all in the settings." He seems so proud of his work. "Oh, and no, we can't shrink it down. We haven't worked even a little on the hypothesis of sucking the nutrients back out. Once it's big, it's big. Which is good for what we need it for." She liked that answer.
While her mind was racing with all the new information that had just been mansplained to her, Shawn twirled the raygun around like a six-shooter and pretended to fire a shot at Stacy before blowing on the tip, mimicking a cowboy in an old western. She opened her arms wide as if pretending (hoping) to be shot. Shawn just stared her down and gave her a puzzled look. "I wasn't gonna use it on you, Stace. Don't worry." Worry was the last thing on her mind as she gave a nervous giggle in reply.
"I know that. Of course you're not. You wouldn't want me to become more woman than you could handle." She batted her eyelashes at him and gave another silly giggle. "But..." She pressed on, "...what would have happened if you did?"
"Well trials on animals don't start for another few months at least. I mean, I've been tinkering with the settings for it sure, but we'd have to start with like bugs and mice and stuff first." Stacy stuck out her bottom lip.
"And here I thought you could help me get a little bit...bigger." She said accentuating the last word as she stuck out her tiny chest towards Shawn. "How about just a teensy bit? I could be the perfect test subject. I'm right here and I'm ready and we don't have to tell anybody. You said the apple was safe and you've been fiddling with the settings for animals. I'm an animal Shawn. Shoot me. Show me what that big brain of yours can do with that gun you've got there. Pretty please?" She laced her fingers together and pleaded her best.
"I guess it couldn't hurt." Shawn replied nervously. "I know it'll work and as long as I'm only growing you the smallest bit, no one should know. Stacy squealed with delight as she skipped over to the pedestal the apple was resting on. She picked it up with both hands and hefted it's weight a few times before gingerly setting it down and taking its place in the blast zone. She kicked her feet back and forth like am excited school girl while Shawn fiddled with the settings.
Meanwhile, you were tearing up the road doing eighty-five trying to get to the lab as quickly as possible. You had finally pulled up as Shawn had finished dialing in the machine.
"Alright, I've set it to all the proper specifications. It should work just fine on you and it should only add an inch. Two at the most. Are you ready?" Shawn seemed overconfident in his abilities, but after growing the fruit and also being spurred on by this small cutie in front of him, he couldn't not be.
"You have no idea." She replied, feeling the arousal flood her body at the prospect of finally getting to grow. "Hit me!" She demanded, opening her arms wide like before.
"Standby." Shawn began. "We're recording. First animal subject. Set for twenty seconds at one to two inches. On my mark in three, two, one. Engage." Pulling the trigger, the beam shot out and hit Stacy square in the chest. Immediately her whole body was flooded with an intense euphoria as each cell drank in the nutrients and received the signal to divide and multiply. 'Fuck. It's happening! It's really happening! I feel it!' Her whole body felt hot. Every nerve vibrating with pleasure, every neuron screaming for more. Her time was almost out though. She was too lost in the pleasure to hear Shawn counting down. "Disengage in three, two on-" just then you threw open the door to the lab after using the backup access panel to get in.
"Shawn, what the fuck are you doing?!" You screamed. Shawn meanwhile was focused on you now and failed to switch off the device after the alloted time. Stacy squirmed in pleasure as she felt her clothing grow tight against her expanding body. She tried as hard as she could not to moan or cry out or draw any attention to herself so she could grow as long as possible.
"I can explain! I wanted to make sure that everything was ready for the demonstration tomorrow so I was going to try it out and then your girl wanted me to make her a little bigger and
.." Shawn returned his focus to Stacy now, who has been basking in the beam for upwards of a minute by now. "Disengage!" He said frantically as he turned off the beam.
Stacy was taking up a considerable amount more of the pedestal than before. Even sitting, you could tell that your ex had grown substantially. "Mmmmph. Thanks Shawn. That was incredible. Even better than I could have imagined. She stood up and the seams on her jeans split. "Fuck that's hot. I outgrew my damn pants. Oh hi Brad." She said nonchalant as she strutted with her new, longer legs over to Shawn. She had grow. About a whole foot and was now slightly taller than the man holding the gun. "What do you think?" She asked, giving him a little twirl.
"I think I messed up and made you too big. I'm sorry! You only wanted to be a teensy bit bigger and now you're taller your boyfriend." He looked so small and pitiful to her while apologizing.
"Who, him?" She gestured over to you. "Oh he broke up with me earlier today. I'm actually single now if you think you can handle all this, big boy." She was still incredibly aroused, but she wanted so much more. "Oh and don't worry about holding down the trigger for longer on accident. I think that was for the best. After all, I'm not done. I want you to turn it up and hit me again."
"Stacy, what are you-" you began, but she quickly cut you off.
"Shut the fuck up Brad. I've been waiting years for this little project of yours to finally become a reality. I've always dreamed about becoming bigger. I've fantasized about it since I was a little girl. And up until now I've never felt like anything more than a little girl and certainly never been treated as anything more than such. But now you've finally helped me become so much more! Too bad we aren't together anymore though. Truly. This new body of mine feels like it could have really given you a good time. Growing has really turned me on!" She rubbed her hand over the remains of her denims before tearing them away to reavel the tightest soaked pair of pink panties, holding on for dear life. She then turned her attention back to Shawn. "Now Shawn, I'm not going to tell you again. Hit me." She took another step closer to him as he tried to back away but found himself cornered against a wall of the lab. Stacy struck like a snake and placed her hand over Shawn's on the gun. She placed the nozzle straight against her top, which could barely contain her still hardly sizable bust, and squeezed his hand against the trigger.
The beam shot out directly into her chest as the pleasure exploded once more through her cells. "Mmmph! Yes! There it is again! I don't have to hold back about how fucking good this feels now!" She let out a loud moan as the growth resumed. Panting and pressing against Shawn, she humped the air as her cells responded to the beam. You ran over to try and break the connection, but Stacy was too strong now. In her euphoric state, adrenaline surging through her, she kicked you clear across the room, knocking the air out of your lungs. As she lifted her leg to send you flying, her panties tore away, utterly defeated by her growing hips.
At eight feet, the pleasure had finally built up to be too much. Stacy released her grasp on the ray and fell backwards, spasming in orgasmic bliss as the beam was finally shut off from Shawn. She topped out at nine feet tall, taking up a significant amount of the floor as she came down from her high. Meanwhile you looked on from the other side of the room as your ex lover shook and cooed at her own magnificence.
This was your one chance you thought to yourself. "Shawn!" You croaked with what little air remained in your lungs. He broke away from his fixation on the post climax giant before him to look at his floored coworker. You made a key turning gesture towards him to signal him to lock the device away. He quickly turned away from Stacy and made a dash for the case. As soon as she realized what was happening and shot to her feet.
"No!" She screamed, lunging after Shawn as he shut and locked the device away inside a metal gun safe. "Open it! I'm not finished!" She roared trying to intimidate Shawn with her sheer magnitude.
"No way!" Shawn said, clearly oblivious to the predicament that you were both currently in. "We outnumber you two to one, and now that the GRP is safely locked away, we wont let you get any bigger than you already are! Look at you! You're like ten feet tall!"
"I know! Stacy bellowed with glee, "It's amazing! I feel so so good! No more 'little firecracker.' No more submissive pixie girlfriend. No more shy reserved daughter." She swung her arm into Shawn then as you were finally gaining the ability to breathe again. He only flew a few feet, but he hit the ground with a hard thud. As you began to crawl towards her, she put both of her arms on the gun safe, violently pulling at the handle to no avail. Then she spotted you.
"Help me open this, wont you honey?" She said, feigning sweetness. She picked you up with two hands by the back of your shirt and pressed your face against the cold steel front of the safe. She put her face right next to your ear as she whispered. "Don't make me make you. You know I can."
You felt her big strong hand pressing into your back. You knew she was strong enough to break you at this point. You were cursing Shawn under your breath for letting things get this out of hand. You were cursing yourself for letting her trick you out of your keycard in the first place. She increased the pressure against your back again in an attempt to force you into compliance. And then you did. "Ok." you muttered, defeated. You pressed the code into the safe and the light on it turned from red to green as you heard the lock click open. Stacy tossed you aside like rubbish and then opened the safe. Now, for the first time, she held the gun solely in her hands. You and Shawn were both struggling to get back on your feet as the mini giantess fussed with the settings.
"It's really intuitive once you get into it." She said out loud as she started turning all the dials way up past their recommended limits. "It does help that I got to skim through your notes honey." She smirked, looking down at you. She was getting aroused again at how much further she would be looking down at you very shortly. "And adjust this for my tits. This for my muscle mass. This for...well all of me. Setting the timer to automatically shut off after...never." She giggled as she rigged the gun to never stop after it was switched on. "Now I just set it up here out of the boys' reach aaaaand." She got into position and flipped the switch. Immediately the whole room glowed with the brightness emanating from the gun as it funneled an otherworldly amount of energy directly into Stacy's chest.
Her whole body burned in an inferno of pleasure as her cells struggled to take in the nutrients and information from the beam. "Aaaah, it feels so good! Fuck! I feel like my each of my cells is getting themselves off to this fucking feeling! All of her muscles contracted as the cells drank in enough energy to burst. Her whole body glowed the color of the beam as she felt her orgasm start to build. Then, in recognition of the beams orders, all her cells started to multiply at an exponential rate. Her body doubled to twenty feet as she doubled over to not break though the roof. Then she doubled again, lifting the gun and cradling it in her hand as she destroyed the building that previously caged her. Shawn was crushed by the debris, but a steel girder protected you as the sides of the building collapsed around you. All you could see was smoke and falling rubble, but your ears were ringing with the laughter and moans of your power-drunk ex girlfriend.
"More more more! She screamed as she stood up to her full height of 50 feet, the GRP shooting out from her hands at her as she held it gingerly away from herself. She doubled again to one hundred feet and took a few steps in the opposite direction from where you were trapped, crushing everything underfoot. 'She doesn't even feel the lives she's taking' You thought to yourself as your manic pixie giant doubled again.
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"Bigger!" She cried as she doubled again to two-hundred feet now before the gun sputtered out and stopped. Dropping the gun and then dropping on her ass, Stacy began to vigorously touch herself, making sure to relish in the pleasure of her new size before the euphoria wore off. She cupped her finally stable breasts, squirming and moaning as her juices flooded the crushed city in front of her.
Finally coming back to reality, Stacy looked around. "Oh boyfriend!" She called out lovingly. "Where are you? I need you to make me another one of those rayguns because that one broke. I'm still not done!" She gave a giant pout before looking at the rubble, picking you out of it, and bringing you close to her face. "You don't have a problem with that, right dear? Not that you have a choice either."
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dreamwatch · 3 months
Breaking The Law
Written for @corrodedcoffinfest
Day #1 - Prompt: Firsts | Word Count: 999 | Rating: T | CW: None | POV: Eddie | Tags: school shenanigans, Eddie is a little shit, first band name + first gig, two for the price of one! | AO3
“Mr Munson, Mr Williams, my office. Now!”
It’s not that he’s not used to being called out in the middle of the hallways of Hawkins Middle School; Eddie’s academic career has not been without drama. But the principal calling him out? That’s not normal. And here’s the thing: he hasn’t done shit wrong lately. The talent show is in a week, and he’s not doing anything to jeapordise that. Wayne’s taking the evening off work and everything. His nose has never been cleaner.
He and Jeff share a look before following Principal McKenna into her office. They’re both clueless, and Jeff is about as cleancut as they come. 
She slaps a piece of paper on to her desk. “What’s the meaning of this?”
“Uh,” Eddie starts, but he’s so lost Jeff butts in.
“It’s the sign up sheet for the talent show, ma’am.”
“I’m aware Jeffrey, but I want to know what is the meaning of this.” She points to their entry.
“That’s us,” Eddie grins.
The old bitch glares at him; he wasn’t even being smart-assed! 
“I will not have students performing under this name in this school, do you understand?”
“What’s wrong with the name?” asks Eddie innocently.
“Your band is called Jock Itch, Edward. That’s entirely inapropriate. I will not have that on our posters and I am not announcing students on stage to…” she gestures furiously to the sign up sheet, “that. You have until noon tomorrow to change it, that’s when the posters are printed. If you don’t change it, you’re not playing.”
“What?!” wails Eddie. “That’s not fair!”
“Don’t push me, Mr Munson.” She gives them both another firm stare. “And I want to know what song you’re performing. It needs my approval. You’re dismissed.”
Eddie kicks just about everything he can find all the way back to Jeff’s house, Matt and Shawn straggling behind them.
“It’s so fucking unfair, man. Bitch hates me.”
“So we’ll change the name, it’s not that big a deal,” says Matt. “It’s just a name.”
Eddie whirls around to face him, continuing to walk backwards up the hill. “It’s a good name! Fuck jocks, man, who cares about offending them.”
“Well, Mrs McKenna clearly,” adds Shawn.
They spend the rest of the afternoon on the floor of Jeff’s garage scribbling away in notebooks, the ocassional shout of a potential name the only thing breaking the silence.
“What about Blood Monkey?” offers Shawn.
“Hate it,” replies Eddie.
“Blood Sacrifice?” Matt. Jesus.
Jeff cuts him a look. “She didn’t like Jock Itch, dude, I don’t think she’s going to like Blood Sacrifice.”
“Nothing with blood!” shouts Eddie. “Okay, no one say anything for ten minutes. Just write names and then we’ll share, okay?”
The sound of scribbling and scratching, pens and pencils on paper, is interspersed with quiet mutterings while they all concentrate. Eddie doesn’t even work this hard in class. 
Jeff slaps his pen down. “Okay, what have we got?”
They huddle together, notebooks and scraps of paper sprawled out on the floor. Eddie’s eyes flick up and down the pages. 
Steel Funeral
Evil Primordial
Dark Cadaver
Astral Cannibal (Shawn’s suggestion, honestly Eddie’s getting more and more worried about that dude by the day)
Lords of Hate (Not bad)
Demonic Candle
Fucking hell.
Eddie runs his hands up and down his face because he needs to do something to stop himself from going off half-cocked. He takes a breath.
“Look, these are… I mean, some of them are okay, but we can’t use these. These are way worse than Jock Itch.” He’s handing notebooks back when he sees it, in Jeff’s neat handwriting. 
Corroded Coffin. 
“I like that one.”
Jeff smiles shyly. “Thanks man.” He shrugs sadly. “Shame we can’t use it.”
They all deflate because he’s right, there’s no way that’s getting past McKenna. But Eddie is a godamn genius, if he does say so himself.
“There’s more than one way to skin a cat.” He grins at his brothers in arms. “I think we have a name.”
“The Tigers of Roane County? That’s your name?” Principal McKenna raises an over-plucked eyebrow as she stares at the slip of paper Eddie hands over.  She looks at them sceptically, her eyes on Eddie just a little bit longer.
Eddie rocks on his heels. “Yeah, well, you know. It’s like, rock and roll but also ‘Go Tigers’ right? Like, school pride?” He can feel Jeff’s eyes boring into him, they’re probably on stalks, but he can’t look.
“Fine,” she says on a sigh. “And song?”
“Make Your Own Kind Of Music.”
She leans back, hand to her chest. “Oh gosh, I love that song!” And then she’s writing their band name on the sheet and adding the song title and they’re on the bill. 
Fucking. Yes!
On the night Wayne gives him a hug and wishes him luck, and it’s the best feeling in the world. They head backstage, which is now full of cheerleaders and like, what the fuck? How is that a talent? It’s just shit they do for school. But then some cute kid with pigtails is waving pom poms and wishing him luck and he’s so tongue tied he can’t even reply to her. He can feel the blush all the way to his toes.
And then they’re next.
They huddle together. “Okay,” begins Eddie. “Remember. No matter what happens, stick to the plan. We’re fucking awesome and one day that’s gonna be Madison Square Garden. Got it?”
“Got it!” they reply.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen. We have a rock and roll band for you now. Please give a round of applause for The Tigers of Roane County.”
They walk out onto the stage, Eddie sweating buckets; it’s different when there’s a room full of people. But then he sees Wayne. “You’ve got this,” he mouths at Eddie. And he has.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are Corroded Coffin, and this is Breaking The Law!”
Principal McKenna is a problem for later.
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topazy · 7 months
Teen spirit
Pairing: Carl Grimes × reader, Maggie Greene × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 5.07
“Why can’t Maggie be in here?”
An older woman with auburn hair named Deanna smiles at you. She was in charge of Alexandria, and she would be deciding if your group would get to stay or not. You didn’t mind talking to her initially, but what made you uneasy was her videoing your conversation and not allowing your sister to sit in the room with you.
“I won't bite,” she smiles. “I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable; I just want to ask you a few questions.”
When your group first arrived in Alexandria, everyone was made to hand their weapons over, and now being asked personal questions... it felt intrusive. Deanna straightens out old-fashioned flora curtains before wiping her finger along her bookcase, which was fully stacked. She smudges the dust between her fingers, then turns to you and asks, “How long have you been out there?”
“Uh, I’m unsure. Two years maybe.”
She sits down in the chair across from you and asks, “How did you all find each other?”
“When someone got shot, they were brought to my family's farmhouse so my dad could help save them.”
She looks intrigued. “Is your father a doctor?”
“No, he was a veterinarian.”
“Smart man. I’m assuming because you’re referring to him in the past tense, he’s no longer with us.”
“I lost my daddy not long ago.”
“Have you lost anybody else?”
“I lost my big brother Shawn, mom, and cousin Arnold all on the same day. Walkers attacked them. My dad and sister were killed by people.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” she says, sounding sincere. “How old are you?”
Deanna shakes her head and says, “You are far too young to have lost so much. I truly am sorry. So, as far as I’m aware, Rick is the leader of your group.”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“How do you think he does?”
You thought you could handle a few more questions, but tears began to swell. You didn’t like being asked anything because it brought everything you'd been through back. “Rick is a good person; everyone in our group is. We’re a family.”
Your group was given two large houses to stay in for now, but so far everyone has just gathered into one and is taking turns cleaning up. Being in the walled-off community felt like being in a TV show where the rich housewives live in the suburbs. The only thing you felt was normal was Daryl cutting open a possum while sitting on the porch. Your eyes widen when Rick walks outside; he has showered and shaved off his beard, making him look like a completely different person.
But then again, you looked different. After showing Rosita how to braid your hair, a nice blonde woman named Jesse dropped off some clean clothes for you to wear, along with toys for Judith.
“Has anyone been there yet?” You point to the house next door.
“I don’t think so,” Carl says, looking up at his dad. “Can we go check it out?”
Hesitantly, Rick agrees. “You can go look; just be quick and stick together.”
The house next door was nearly identical, aside from a few decorations. Growing up on a farm, you’d never dreamed of living in a modern home built like this. Carol had come with you to check it out; she was now leaning out of the kitchen window, talking to the people who live in the house next door.
When you hear a thumping noise coming from upstairs, you jump and grab Carl’s wrists. “Shit, sorry.” Feeling heat rush to your cheeks, you let go. “I’m just on edge.”
“It’s fine.” Carl offers you his hand. “I get it; I’m scared all the time too.”
He loosely holds onto your hand as you walk up the stairs, and when you reach the room, the noise is coming from Carl. He pulls out his knife and waits for you to do the same before pushing the door open. The room looks like a typical teenage hangout spot; the floor was covered in magazines, comics, CDs, and weirdly designed pillows with posters of bands you’ve never heard of before pinned to the walls.
“It’s weird, isn’t it?” Carl says, “These are probably things we would have been interested in if things were different.”
“Not me,” you sigh. “I would never have been allowed magazines with half-naked women on the cover. Shawn was grounded for two months when Maggie found a magazine with a woman wearing nothing but a bikini under his bed.”
Carl laughs while kicking a dusty blanket aside to see what’s underneath it. After a few moments of silence, he says, “You never talk about your brother much.”
A fleeting smile tugs at your lips. Being the youngest, Shawn completely doted on you, and as a child, you would follow him around like a shadow. He always had time for you. His death hit you so hard because you thought he would always be there to protect you, but he died trying to save your mom from walkers.
“Hey? You okay, you kind of zoned out there.”
Hearing Carl’s voice, you snap out of your thoughts and back to reality. “Yeah,” you say, smiling at him. “I was just thinking that my brother would have really liked you.”
You bite the insides of your cheeks to stop yourself from laughing. Judith looks so confused as an elderly couple. Natalie and Bob Miller fuss over her. It was clear there weren’t many kids around, and this was the first time anyone had seen a baby in years, so they were all excited to see Judith.
“Is that Jesse?” Carl asks quietly.
You look up and see his dad talking to her, “Yeah, she’s nice.”
“My dad seems to like her. He says we’re to go to her house later and meet her son, Ron.”
It was weird; the idea of being a normal teenager was starting to freak you out.
After showing you around his home, Ron led you and Carl up to his bedroom to introduce you to his friend Mikey and girlfriend Enid. You were still trying to wrap your head around the idea of returning to school in the afternoons, which was held in a garage, when Carl nudges you with his elbow to gain your attention.
“Sorry, what?”
Ron chuckles. “I said cool bracelet; where do you get it?”
“Em, Carl found them,” you mutter.
“Neat, kind of like a souvenir of the apocalypse.” He pushes his bedroom open. “Enid, Mikey, this is Carl and y/n.”
After an awkward introduction, Ron lists the different things that they do while hanging out, such as reading comics, playing video games, and playing pool. The fact they had electricity from solar panels was mind-blowing enough, but seeing all the stuff they had was leaving you speechless.
You smile at Enid as you sit on the edge of Ron's double bed, while Carol joins the other boys in playing video games. You thought it was a little bit in bad taste; they were playing a zombie video game, but don’t mind watching until a particular scene happens: one of the players finds a sword and begins decapitating the undead.
You and Carl exchange a look before you excuse yourself. “I gotta go; I need to help Maggie with something.”
Rick isn’t the slightest surprised when he enters Carl’s new bedroom and finds you in it as well. You were staring out the window in his room that overlooks the woods outside, watching as walkers gathered on the opposite side of the wall. While Carl lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Rick sits at the edge of the bed, asking, “How was Ron’s house?”
“What do you think of this place?” Carl asks him.
“Well, I think it seems nice.”
“Yeah, I like it here. I like the people, but they’re weak. And I don’t want us to get weak.”
The people here don’t have a clue what it’s like on the outside, and if the walkers broke through the wall, most of them would be dead in five minutes.
When Rick leaves, you go and sit on the floor with your back against the bed. You pick up one of the comics Carl found earlier, place it in your lap, and start to flip through. Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you look up and ask, “What?”
Carl looks as if he’s struggling to say something; after a moment, he swings his arm lower and links his fingers with yours.
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leclerc-s · 11 months
series masterlist
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, daphnejones and others
maejones got peer pressured into telling the world who nonsense is about. if you’re my sister or daniel, ignore this post. i’m begging you. remain oblivious as to who the song is about.
view all comments
danielricciardo maeve! what the hell is this? (i love the song, don’t tell your sister)
↳ daphnejones this is a public instagram comment section.
↳ maejones that's not my name
user14 oh so his dick is good
user21 so max is winning on and off track
charles_leclerc i could’ve gone my whole life without knowing who this song is about.
baileywinters you look hot babe. dump your boyfriend and date me instead.
↳ landonorris i exist you know, your boyfriend?
↳ baileywinters hi babe, please ignore my previous comment, i was only joking (no, i wasn't)
↳ landonorris i can also see that comment
↳ user59 i love this couple right here
user35 are we just gonna skip over the fact that these two are together again?
↳ user48 right?! talk about hard launch!
daphnejones i didn't need to know this about your love life mae. somethings are better kept a secret. also, when the hell did you two get back together?
↳ maejones calm down ms. 'only bought this dress so you could take it off'
↳ isabellaperez she wrote 'do the girls back home and touch you like i do' and wants to get you in trouble for 'said you like my eyes and you like to make 'em roll.'
↳ rowantodd the line 'i know heaven's a thing, i go there when you touch me, honey' exists daphne
↳ danielricciardo need i remind you, of 'carved your name into my bedpost, cause i don’t want you like a best friend'
↳ landonorris clearly only she's allowed to be horny in her songs. also maejones don't write about my best friend like that ever again.
↳ user24 they really came for daphne, save it for the group chat guys.
↳ maejones hi alex!!
georgerussell63 i refuse to believe that my favorite song on the album is about max verstappen.
bradleywillsimpson can’t believe people thought the song was about me when max verstappen exists
↳ maejones right? why would i write a song about you, one of my best friends?
↳ bradleywillsimpson i’ve got nothing on max verstappen but i'm also offended that you don't see yourself writing a song about me? you wrote seven, for max, and you weren't dating?
↳ maejones that's different because we dated. you and i never did.
user87 mae saw people saying the song was about bradley, dylan, and shawn and said, "hell no, let me set the record straight."
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daphne jones when the hell did you two get back together? and why weren't we informed of this?
max verstappen oh look at that christian's called me for a very important meeting and my phone needs to be shut off
isabella perez fucking liar, i'm literally sitting next to my uncle, who's laughing at a tiktok my sister sent him. daniel ricciardo so a liar and a coward, what's new?
mae jones in our defense, you guys just never asked
alex albon we were supposed to know you two were on speaking terms again? max verstappen daniel knew
daniel ricciardo oh shit! what the fuck max?!
daphne jones you knew? and you didn't say anything?! how could you? natalia ruiz this is betrayal in the worst form daniel.
bailey winters i would pay good money to know what jos thinks of a song mae wrote while being horny over max
mae jones i’m and i quote, ‘a fucking distraction for his son’ max verstappen the best distraction lando norris ugh love, gross dulce perez don't you, i don't know, have a girlfriend?
penelope trevino don't you people, i don't know, have jobs?
carlos sainz ignore her, she hasn't been properly caffinated yet carlos sainz she gets snarky when she's sleepy mae jones penny! what is your honest opinion of nonsense?! have i hit mayores status? penelope trevino i cannot believe the words that just came out of your mouth. you are a child. but yes on the horny scale it's close to mayores.
lewis hamilton i feel like we shouldn’t be encouraging this behavior.
max verstappen you’re just mad no one has written a song about you lewis hamilton i apologize for viewing you two as those idiot teenagers i met years ago. i’m telling seb. george russell the fatherly duties fall onto you and nando, stop involving seb!
sebastian vettel this is the crap i had to deal with everyday. have fun dealing with them
fernando alonso don't retire. i beg. the least you could've done was take some of them with you. sebastian vettel i'm taking my daughter with me? lewis hamilton bullshit as long as mick is in the mercedes garage she'll be here
alex albon i could've gone my whole life without the words, 'said you like my eyes and you like to make 'em roll.' being written about max verstappen
esteban ocon just when i had gotten over dress being about daniel, mae tells us nonsense is about max. i'm sorry max but i won't be able to look you in the eyes for at least a month
lando norris i’m afraid this will be the only thing max will be asked about at the next confrence
isabella perez my uncle is traumatized and so is christian
max verstappen YOU PLAYED IT FOR CHRISTIAN? isabella perez of course it's my duty as the youngest red bull team member to embarrass you and my uncle
george russell if you say some stupid shit like the rock i'm going to punch you alex albon IT RHYMES WITH CLUCK!
isabella perez red bull will be blasting nonsense, i'll make sure of it
carlos sainz as will ferrari george russell cluck boy will never know peace as long as we're around lando norris i think we're all in agreement to blasting nonsense? yuki tsunoda yes, we are. charles leclerc that has been the most intimidating threat towards cluck i've ever seen
pierre gasly yuki could beat him
lewis hamilton in a race right? lewis hamilton right? pierre gasly sure we'll go with that
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maejones posted a new story
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moments before disaster with max *queue isabella playing nonsense on a loop*
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i don't even know what inspired this 😃. this is a complete 180 turn from seven, i apologize for this dumpster-fire. but anyways FERRARI DIDN'T LET US DOWN FOR ONCE! LET'S ENJOY THIS MOMENT WHILE WE CAN!
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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racergirl-112 · 1 month
Push Me Over - Chapter 5: Caught or Caught up in You?
OOOO it's getting good. 😏
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GIF credit to callmefirefly
The next morning, Hugh’s alarm blared, reminding him he had a movie to film, but then he looked down at the woman wrapped up in his arms. She looked so peaceful, he didn’t want to wake her, but he knew he’d get his ass kicked if he didn’t get to set. He nuzzled his nose into her hair and kissed her before slowly getting out of bed and into the shower. His thoughts of last night flooding his mind. She made him feel 25 again and their chemistry was off the charts. He wasn’t looking to jump right into another relationship so soon, but he wasn’t saying no either. 
He finished getting ready and Dani was still sleeping. He scribbled a message on a piece of paper and kissed her forehead before leaving. Keep it together man. 
Dani’s alarm went off a short time later. She opened her eyes and realized this wasn’t her place and that meant last night hadn’t been a dream after all. She rolled over to reach for Hugh, but he wasn’t there. Instead there was a note. 
Had to get to set early, but you looked so beautiful sleeping, I didn’t want to wake you. I’ll see you later on set. 
           Love Hugh
Dani pulled the sheet up with the note in her hand, a huge smile crossing her face. She wasn’t sure why in the hell this man was making her feel like a High School girl and her crush finally falling for her, but he was. She knew she’d better get a move on and get a cab to her place and get to set. 
After a record time getting back to her flat and getting ready, Dani made it to her call time with 10 minutes to spare. 
“Where were you?” her assistant Kayla asked. 
“Sorry, my alarm didn’t go off. I rushed over as fast as I could.” 
“Well, time to get you into hair and make up, so let’s go.” Dani nodded and followed Kayla. 
Hugh and Ryan were waiting for the next scene to be staged as Hugh was scrolling his phone, a smile crossing his face. 
“What’s that smile, Hugh? Are you just happy to be in a movie with your best friend?” Ryan asked, mockingly. 
“No, just having a good day.” 
“That’s not just a good day. Is someone making your day good?” Ryan asked, eyebrow raised. Hugh stayed silent. “Ah shit, Jackman is already in is slut era.” 
“Keep it down, man,” Hugh said. 
“Who’s the lucky lady?” 
“Someone and that’s all you need to know for now.” 
“Ryan, Hugh, let’s get ready to shoot,” Shawn yelled out. As they staged the shot, Dani came walking on set, watching off to the side. She caught Hugh’s sight and he smirked at her, sending that heat wave feeling through her body. What they didn’t know was that Ryan had caught the interaction between the two of them and now was questioning if Dani was the someone Hugh didn’t want to mention. 
They had been shooting all day and it was now time for the scene where Dani entered the picture. She was one of the superheroes who had been banned to the void and was helping Deadpool and Wolverine get to the others to get out. 
“Alright,” Shawn began. “Stargazer, is going to find you two in the minivan and take you two back to the lair. There will be some witty banter and we’ll go from there. And action.” 
Deadpool and Wolverine are lying outside the minivan after the fight sequence. The sun has begun to rise and Wolverine slowly begins to open his eyes. Above him stands a beautiful brunette and he thinks he’s dreaming. 
“Hey, hey, are you two dead,” Stargazer asks, standing over the two of them. 
“Wait, you’re real?” Logan grunts, clearly in pain. Stargazer feels down her body. 
“Last time I checked, I feel pretty real. Maybe it's because you’re 200 years old or something.” Logan snarls, but is fucking turned on at the woman standing before him. 
“Yeah darlin’, I’d say you look pretty real and so does your smart mouth.” Stargazer rolls her eyes as Wade begins to stir with a smartass response. 
“And cut,” Shawn yelled. “Ryan, want to come take a look to see if we need to re-shoot anything?” Ryan looked at Hugh and Dani and walked over to where the cameras were set up. 
Dani stood there, waiting for her next direction. All the thoughts of that scene and her being here were racing through her mind when she heard someone say something. 
“You did a great job,” Hugh said, breaking her from her thoughts. 
“Thank you. It was pretty nerve-wracking. Good thing I already have a smart mouth, or so I’ve been told,” she smirked. 
“You’re playing with fire princess,” he groaned. Shawn called Hugh over to look over something, but before he walked away, he heard Dani say something. 
“Good thing I love setting fires.” Hugh knew this woman was going to be the death of him. 
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double-vandammage · 2 months
Title: Rude Awakening
Word count: 2,573
Rating: 18+
Ship: Bret Hart x Shawn Michaels
Tags/Warnings: Enemies to lovers, Bret POV, Handjob, Blowjob, Alcohol
Also posted to my a03: aa_beatrix
Here is my first fanfic in probably 6 years. I'm so nervous about it, but I hope you Hartbreak shippers like it. I'm fairly new to this ship so please be gentle. 🥹 Thank you to the encouragement of my sis @taydaq, @imabillyami, @crxssjae, and @superkickme 😘
Let me know if anyone wants to be tagged in future fics, I do plan on writing more. 🫣
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Bret sat silently by his motel window, watching the rain gently glide down the glass. What a shit day he had, it was only fitting the weather was also terrible. The promo he had just cut with Shawn weighed heavily on his mind. He was so tired of the little prick. Night after night he had to observe Shawn flamboyantly parade around the stage. Not only did he have to watch the annoying spectacle, but also endure the man occasionally shake his bare ass at the crowd. The fans ate it up and he couldn’t fathom why. They were close once, it seemed a lifetime away. Thunder cracked, startling him from his thoughts. The universe was telling him to relinquish any thoughts of Shawn for the rest of the evening. He didn’t want Shawn in his head more than was required, especially while he was alone in his motel room. Bret made his way to the bed, climbing under the covers and slowly he drifted to sleep.  
Abruptly there was an aggressive and continuous rap at his door. Bret was barely able to open his eyes as he dazedly glanced at the bedside clock. The time read 2:00AM. “Who the fuck-?” he grunted as the knocking became louder. He whipped the blanket from his body while quickly swinging his legs over the mattress. “I’m coming dammit.” he spat, stumbling to the door in his sleepy stupor. He put his eye to the peephole. “Jesus Christ…” none other than a Heartbreak Kid disruption. “Hey! Big daddy cool! Open up big sexy!” Shawn half yelled, half giggled. Bret opened the door, “wrong room shithead. Some of us are trying to sleep.” Shawn was drenched. He had clearly spent some time in the rain. “Whoa.” Shawn raised both hands up in defense. “This isn’t Kevin’s room?” Bret made a show of moving his hands up and down his own frame, “clearly it isn’t you asshole, what are you drunk?” Shawn put his index finger and thumb together, “Mmmm…maybe just a pinch.” 
Rolling his eyes, Bret took in Shawn’s appearance. He was soaked, so much so he had created a pool of moisture on the motel floor. He was a mess. “Do you know which room Kevin is in?” he asked, not wanting Shawn to be his problem this early in the morning. “Hmmm…well I thought this was his room…so I guess…no.” he said with his signature smile, chuckling to himself. “You wouldn’t mind if I bunked here tonight, eh Hitman?” Shawn asked while running a hand through his wet hair. Bret thought this must be some cruel joke the universe was playing on him. The last thing he wanted in his room was a drunk wet dog named Shawn Michaels, but he couldn’t let him wander aimlessly up and down the halls, slamming on random doors, and calling for big sexy. 
Bret crossed his arms, “shit. Fine. Do not drip on anything.” Shawn grinned, “Thanks Hitman, you’re the best there is and ever will be.” he said, pushing Bret to the side and slapping him on the arm. Bret closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “The bathroom is to the left, I can get you something to change into.” He closed the door and turned to find Shawn already on the bed. “Are you fucking kidding me Michaels? You’re super fucking soaked. Get off the bed, now.” Shawn rose, propping himself on his elbows. “Oh man…I am?” he asked, real concern in his voice. “Uh, yeah. Get up.” Bret demanded. Shawn moved almost intentionally slow, the blankets getting more and more saturated. 
“Dammit Shawn. Get your ass to the bathroom.” he said, grabbing Shawn’s arm, shoving him towards the open doorway. “Alright, alright. Ya don’t gotta be so touchy.” Shawn almost immediately began stripping off his flashy costume. He shook off his vest and began removing those hideous chaps he insisted on wearing. He kicked off his boots next and in doing so Shawn had noticed Bret leaning against the door frame observing. Bret in an instant knew exactly what he was about to do. Shawn turned, his back facing him and commenced shimmying his tights down to wiggle his ass at him. “Like what ya see Hitman?” he taunted. Bret kept his face stoic, but could feel his cheeks beginning to flush. “Stop that shit and just get cleaned up would you?” he urged moving away. Shawn smirked, pulling his tights completely off. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”  
Bret began pulling the blankets and sheets off the bed, discarding them onto the floor. He could hear the water start to run and eventually steam wafted outside the door. He pulled out a plain white t-shirt and gray sweats from his suitcase for Shawn to wear. Bret climbed back into the bed to try and get some more sleep before they had to be on the road again. The shower stopped and after a few minutes, he felt the empty side of the mattress shift. “Absolutely not boytoy.” he murmured. “Oh come on Bret, there’s not even a couch in here.” Shawn whined. “Not my problem. This is already obnoxious without having dry blankets, you are not sleeping up here.” Shawn in a child-like tantrum, huffed off the bed and onto the floor with one of the pillows. Within minutes he was fast asleep.
Outside rain still poured and thunder intermittently boomed, a particularly loud burst was enough to rattle Bret awake again. The clock registered at 5:00AM. He could hear Shawn’s slow and steady breathing, surprised Shawn didn’t also wake. Rolling to the opposite side of the bed, Bret peered over. Shawn was lying on his side facing him. Long blonde hair fell down around his shoulder and pillow. His bangs draped over his eyes. Shawn was beautiful, anyone could see that. Bret found his eyes had lingered, observing the white t-shirt he let the man borrow had slightly uplifted, revealing a small glimpse of Shawn’s tanned stomach. Quickly he averted his gaze and rolled back over. Squeezing his eyes shut, focusing on the sounds outside in an attempt to stifle an unresolved hunger he had no business feeling towards the Heartbreak Kid.
Unable to rest, he again got out of bed to reside by the window in the lone chair. He needed air. He opened the window just enough to feel the cool misting of rain against his face. Minutes later he heard Shawn stirring, a small groan escaping from him as he stretched. Shawn sat upright, dreamily looking at Bret. “Can’t sleep Hitman?” he mumbled. Bret ignored him, keeping his view to the window. “I gotta take a leak.” Shawn yawned as he shuffled towards the bathroom. Bret listened as Shawn fumbled around in the dark, hearing the toilet flush and sink run. He came out in the middle of another yawn, “Fuck me, I’m gonna be sore. You think people will believe me when I say I’m sore after spending the night in the Hitman’s room?” he laughed. “Don’t even joke about that shit Shawn.” Bret spat. “I’ll kick you out right now, don’t test me.”
Shawn cautiously made his way to stand in front of him. “Come on, would it be so terrible? Maybe this is exactly what you and I need.” Shawn said, reaching out a hand to brush the inky strands of hair from Bret’s face. Bret caught his wrist, stopping him. “Don’t.” Shawn only invaded his space more, moving his leg to part Bret’s thighs. His free hand tilted Bret’s chin upward so he could meet his stare. “I know you look at me. Just like I knew you were looking at me over there.” he said, nodding his head in the direction of the bed. Bret jerked his head away irritated, but Shawn hadn’t released his grip. Shawn lowered himself, his mouth inches from his ear, “I like it when you look at me…”.
Bret felt many things for Shawn Michaels. Desire he could always snuff out, now he wasn’t so sure. Shawn closed the space between them, placing his lips to Bret’s temple. Bret involuntarily let go of Shawn’s wrist, finding he was nuzzling into Shawn as he continued to trail light kisses around the side of his face. “Touch me Bret…” Shawn sighed into him. Bret moved his hands to Shawn’s waist, tugging him forward so the younger man was situated between his thighs. Shawn moved his hands to cradle his face, lifting him slightly from the chair into an eager kiss. Bret let his own hands find their way under his t-shirt, running his fingers up Shawn’s back. “Come here.” Bret breathed against Shawn’s lips, guiding him to straddle his lap. 
Shawn smiled into their kiss, feeling Bret’s growing excitement beneath him. Shawn slid his hand down, teasing at Bret’s erection. “I knew you always had a hart on for me.” he joked. “Do you ever just shut the fuck up Michaels?” Bret gasped in between Shawn’s stroking. Their mouths fought for the upperhand, Bret captured Shawn’s bottom lip and bit down roughly. Shawn withdrew, taken aback, “Damn hitman.” he snickered, testing his lip for blood. He hated Shawn and this was probably a huge mistake, but all he wanted to do was make Shawn shut up. Swiftly he grabbed Shawn by the thighs, hoisting him up, and threw him to the bed. Shawn bounced onto the mattress, promptly grabbing at Bret’s shirt to yank him forward. Bret landed a quick peck to Shawn’s mouth before moving to devour his neck. Strategically he removed the pesky white t-shirt from Shawn, creating a makeshift tie to bind Shawn’s wrists.   
He ran his tongue down to Shawn’s shoulder; tasting sweat, motel body wash, and a hint of rain water. Not an ideal flavor, but damn did it taste good on Shawn. Bret flipped Shawn effortlessly onto his stomach, keeping hold of his bound wrists. He swept Shawn’s hair to the side, kissing the nape of his neck. Shawn arched into him, craning his neck to meet Bret’s lips. His fingers felt for the waistband of Shawn’s sweatpants, sliding his hand under the fabric, not surprised to find he wasn’t wearing underwear and grasping his cock. Letting go of his wrists, he tapped the side of Shawn’s hips, signaling Shawn to prop himself on his knees. Shawn read him easily as if inside the ring and elevated his backside, pushing against Bret’s groin, breaking their kiss and keeping his face down to the mattress.
“Holy shit, Hitman…I want you.” Shawn sputtered as Bret began to steadily pump Shawn’s dick. “Fuck, I’ve always wanted you, Bret.” he mumbled into the bed. How long had Shawn wanted him? Was it nearly as long as he wanted Shawn? Over the years he had indulged himself in the occasional sexy boy fantasy and every time he loathed himself for it. He was a complete hypocrite with each jab at Shawn for shooting that girly mag. Now he had Shawn under him, unapologetically jerking him off. He brought his free hand to clasp Shawn’s throat, easing him upward so he could relax against his chest. Bret continued his deliberate rhythm, relishing the low moans and the way Shawn began to thrust into Bret’s hand. “Jesus. Don’t stop.” Shawn whimpered, burying his face into Bret’s neck. He could tell Shawn was getting close, his panting becoming more rapid.
The feeling of Shawn nestled into his body was intoxicating. Sure, they had their physical history in the ring which was intimate in itself but maybe Shawn was right after all. Maybe this was exactly what they needed. What they couldn’t settle on the mat, they could settle behind closed doors. Bret pressed his lips to Shawn’s forehead, “You know I still hate you?” he said, his words muffled against Shawn’s skin and damp hair. “This doesn’t change anything between us.” The hold he had on Shawn’s neck became a little tighter. “Even with my…dick in your hand, you still…manage to be all business.” Shawn choked out as Bret’s pace began to quicken. Bret covered Shawn’s mouth, muting the wail expelling from him as he erupted into Bret’s hand. Shawn clawed at his hold with his own constrained wrists, his hips rutting wildly into Bret’s palm as he rode out his orgasm.       
Bret released Shawn, letting him drop to the mattress. He lay there exhausted, chest heaving and glistening with sweat. Shawn twisted his wrists from the tied up shirt, easily exiting his confines. “Bret baby…” Shawn with eyes still glazed over, rolled to face him. “Please, let me make you feel good too.” he begged, crawling between Bret’s legs to play with the drawstrings of his sweats. He lifted Bret’s shirt, kissing gently at his stomach. The touch of Shawn’s lips pressing at his skin made him shiver and the thought alone of the blonde going down on him was damn near enough to make him come. Against his better judgment, he leaned back and let Shawn take control. 
Shawn slid his sweats and underwear down, revealing his throbbing erection. Without much pause, Shawn took him into his mouth. He let his eyes flutter shut, Shawn clearly had done this a time or two. His mouth felt so warm, so good, his tongue hitting all the right places. He clutched at Shawn’s hair, allowing his fingers to entangle themselves. “God damn Michaels…” he managed to groan as Shawn licked up the length of his cock. He wasn’t going to last much longer. Shawn was unrelenting as he held tightly to Bret’s thighs, keeping him in place as his hips bucked desperately into the heat of Shawn’s mouth. He couldn’t help the mangled cry Shawn managed to pry out of him as he came. “Holy shit.” he breathed, unable to form anything else articulate. 
The rain seemed to intensify outside the window, brisk air filtering in and caressing their moist bodies. Shawn had positioned himself on top of Bret’s stomach, his chin resting on crossed arms. “I bet you didn’t hate me just now.” he purred. “Fuck you.” Bret smirked, propping a hand behind his neck. His dark eyes met Shawn’s baby blues. “What now?” Shawn asked. Bret’s other hand traveled down to brush the hair from Shawn’s face, tucking a rogue lock behind his ear. “I don’t know. We have to get up soon.” Shawn emitted a breathy sigh, “Let’s stay like this a bit longer.” he insisted. The Heartbreak Kid’s eyes closed as he leaned into the way Bret lazily threaded his fingers through his golden hair. 
Internally Bret felt the need to run, this dangerously bordered on affection. He should shove the younger man away, tell him to get lost, and figure out what to do before their next show. However, his needs and wants were very different. He had said nothing would change, but deep down he knew neither of them believed that. Would they fall back into their rivalry or back into bed? What was to follow after, they couldn’t know now and they didn’t have to address it just yet. This sweet silence was preferred to all the bullshit they put each other through. Even if they had got it wrong, they could figure out the details later. Before the other knew it, the sound of the rain mixed with their slow breathing lulled them to sleep. 
This quiet moment was theirs to keep.
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tryingtograspctrl · 6 months
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SUMMARY - You moved to Woodsboro 2 years ago and quickly became friends with Marlon and Shawn, you did your best to make friends with their friends but you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable around them because of those two... and your feelings were very valid.... Title inspired by the song "She" by tyler the creator. I reccomend you listen to it.
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You jolted up at the sound of your alarm clock blaring. You reached over smacking your hand against it to quiet it down while simultaneously blowing out the candle you seem to always leave lit, one day you were gonna burn the house down.
"I don't know what it is that you've done to meee, but it's caused me to act in such a crazy wayyyy." You sang along to the radio as you brushed your teeth.
You got dressed as quickly as you could knowing Marlon and Shawn would be in the driveway any minute.
You met Marlon and Shawn when you first moved to Woodsboro around 2 years ago.
Your parents had been killed in a car accident and you had no other living relatives in your hometown so you were forced to move in with your Aunt in California.
She traveled often due to work so you only saw her a couple weeks out of the year.
You didn't mind it though, you liked to be alone, sure you'd get homesick sometimes, missing all your old friends but Marlon and Shawn filled the empty space well.
The hardest part for you was mourning the loss of your parents and adjusting to a new school, nobody liked being the new kid. Plus there was a lot of attention on you due to your appearance, you had been a big girl your whole life and people always tried to use it against you, but you loved your body no matter how other people felt about it. You cherished every curve and every inch.
The eyes could be annoying though, people acted like they've never seen a plus size black woman before.
"Heyyy slow down a little girl, I'm Shawn you must be new here?" The tall dark skin man stood in front of you, hand extended for you to shake.
You looked him up and down, scoffing before attempting to make your way around him.
You knew plenty of guys like Shawn, one of the schools golden boys who every girl wanted to be with, and every guy wanted to be. You had met plenty of jackasses like that back in your hometown, the ones that would play friends with the big girls and the weird kids for shits and giggles with their asshole friends.
"Damn i just wanted to show you around, why you so harsh on a brother?" He stood in front of you again.
"Listen, i don't need any help. I can find my way around on my own, ok?" You snapped placing your hands on your hips.
"Whatever you say." He held his hands up in defense.
You looked down at the paper the lady at the front desk gave you, a schedule with your classes and which room they were located in.
"It looks like you have science first period, i do too. I can take you there." Shawn pointed from over your shoulder.
You jumped slightly at his voice, not realizing he had been following you.
"Fine." You gave in, he seemed too hard to get rid of and you didn't feel like putting up a fight.
He walked ahead making sure you kept up behind him.
"I never got your name." He peeked at you.
"Y/n." You spoke softly.
"Y/n, that’s pretty. Listen my brother Marlon is in this class too, i just wanna give you a heads up, he's super loud and goofy but he's got a good heart don't take him too seriously ok?" He looked down at you.
"Ok." You nodded.
You both walked in together and despite the teacher's best effort to get you to do the whole awkward introduction thing Shawn had stopped him, explaining that you were tired from the big move and just wanted to get settled.
You smiled a little at him, you really appreciated that especially since you'd get super anxious speaking in front of other's. Maybe you shouldn't have judged him too quickly.
"Damnnn the new girl is fione! Yo i'm Marlon what's your name baby?" He pulled his desk closer to yours, the legs making an awful screeching noise as they moved across the floor.
"Hey man get out of her face, and stop being so damn loud it's 7 in the morning." Shawn glared.
"My bad a brother can't be jolly in the morning? Who pissed in your cheerios?" He huffed.
You giggled at his antics shaking your head.
"At least someone appreciates me." His eyes lit up.
"I'm y/n." You shook his hand.
"Pleasure to meet you madame." He spoke in a terrible french accent lifting your hand to kiss it.
You laughed swatting at him.
"Hey you're a lot nicer to him than me." Shawn frowned.
"What can i say, i like funny guys." You winked.
Back to present
You smiled fondly at the memory as you laced up your shoes.
"Here she comessss, the beauty queen!" Marlon sang as you walked out the front door.
He got out of the car and opened the door for you bowing.
"Stop it boy." You laughed getting into the car.
"Did you sleep good?" Shawn asked kissing your cheek.
"Yeah i did, how was the party last night? Sorry i couldn't make it." You asked applying your chapstick.
"Eh it was fine, nothing crazy. You coming to the big game tonight right?" He asked taking his eyes off the road for a moment.
"Of course, i couldn't miss the biggest game of the season." You smiled at him.
He smiled too shutting off the car once he found a place to park.
"You guys go ahead i'm gotta go use the bathroom first." You grabbed your bag shutting the door.
Small time skip
You shook your hands out as you made you way across the courtyard.
"That bathroom never has any paper towels." You shook your head talking to yourself.
"Hey y/n?" Someone called out to you.
"Oh hey Randy." You turned around.
"I haven't seen you in the video store in a while, a bunch of new releases came out." He jogged catching up to you.
"I've been busy studying, my grade in math has tanked and i'm trying to get it up before the end of semester." You frowned slightly.
"Hey if you ever need help i can tutor you, i'm great at math." He placed a hand on your shoulder.
"That'd be great thank you." You smiled brightly at him.
"Of course, and when you get the time stop by the store. I got something for you." He smiled.
"I will, see you later." You waved turning back around and walking toward the fountain.
"What did that creep want?" Tatum asked a look of disgust on her face.
"Don't be like that, Randy's sweet." You frowned.
"Yeah trying to sweeten his way into your drawls, i don't trust him." Marlon scooted towards you as you sat beside him.
"Awww you jealous?" You pinched his cheeks.
"Jealous? of Randy? Girl have you seen me?" Marlon stood flexing.
"Feel that girl." He pointed at his bicep.
You just laughed squeezing his arm.
"Alright come on muscle man before we're late." You grabbed your bag.
"You're coming to the game right?" Sydney tugged at your wrist.
"Yeah of course i'll be sitting right in the front." You nodded.
"That's great, we'll need our favorite cheerleader." Stu spoke up for the first time that morning.
You laughed brushing it off as a joke.
You looked over at Billy to see him already looking at you, staring directly into your eyes.
Your face fell and chills ran up your spine, but you quickly recovered doing your best to smile at him.
"I was thinking we could stop by that mexican spot after the game, you know like a celebration dinner." Shawn suggested.
It took you a moment to peel your eyes away from Billy but you eventually did, nodding in agreement.
"Whatever you want." You relaxed in his embrace.
Part two: here
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babydollmarauders · 2 years
trevor zegras x fem!reader
part of the Midnights Fic List
summary: in which y/n has been dealing with hate from Trevor’s fans and journalists constantly speculating when they’ll get married.
specific lyrics: “i been under scrutiny. you handle it beautifully. all this shit is new to me.” and “all they keep asking me is if i’m gonna be your bride. the only kinda girl they see is a one night or a wife.”
not my gif
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“y/n, when are you and Trevor gonna get married?” a reporter asks as i walk through the hallways of Honda Center, away from the Ducks dressing room and up towards the seating. i send a stiff smile their way and continue walking, effectively ignoring their question.
i’ve been dating Trevor since we were sixteen. five years together and you’d think i would be used to this by now, but it’s harder than one would think.
of course Trevor and i have talked about marriage, when you’ve been together this long, it’s inevitable that you’ve talked about it. but we’ve mutually decided to wait until it feels right for us. we’re only twenty-one after all. but it seems that it’s the only question i get asked nowadays.
sure, when i ran into reporters in the past, they may have asked me this question a couple times, but usually they just asked me what it was like to be high school sweethearts with an nhl player or what kind of things Trevor does at home to get ready for a game. but now it’s always ‘when are you guys getting married?’ and ‘y/n has Trevor proposed yet?’.
having been dating Trevor since his USNTDP days, it’s definitely different dealing with him now having real fans and him being approached at restaurants for pictures. i don’t mind it, but it can get to be a bit much when with his fame comes hate towards me. girls telling me i’m not good enough for him or that they could treat him better and whatnot. every photo i post on instagram has at least twenty comments saying such things.
i’m sat on the couch waiting for Trevor to get home from his game. i left right after it ended, Trevor texting me that he had to do interviews and that Jamie would drop him off at home.
@y/n11 just posted
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Liked by @jackhughes and 14,628 others
@y/n11: the secret is out, i’m actually just @trevorzegras personal photographer 📸
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@user1: y/n using her boyfriend for clout again lol
@user2: alexa play treat you better by shawn mendes
@jackhughes: i’m stealing Louie next time i visit
@y/n11: good luck, Trevor might actually disown you as a friend if you try
@jackhughes: @y/n11 sounds like a win-win situation to me
@user3: how has it taken me months to realize she changed the number in her username to match Trevor’s jersey number? didn’t she used to be y/n46?
@user4: yeah, and before that she was y/n9 to match his usa number. they’re so cute 😭 i wonder if she’ll change her username to y/nzegras when they get married
@trevorzegras: and you’re the cutest photographer there ever was
@y/n11: i wanna smooch your face 💋💋
@_alexturcotte: whipped
@trevorzegras: @_alexturcotte i don’t see you with a girlfriend so which one of us is really winning here?
@user5: oh look, another post of Trevor. anyone wanna take a guess on what her next post will be? hint: it probably won’t her ugly ass
@_quinnhughes: miss you! come visit soon!
@trevorzegras: aww miss you too Huggy!
@_quinnhughes: @trevorzegras did it look like i tagged you? you can stay in Anaheim
@y/n11: miss you too Hugs! i’ll come with Trev on their next game there and root for you! 🧸
@user6: lmao she’s rooting for another guy? slut. bet she’s bounced around to all Trevor’s old teammates + Quinn
i scroll through the comments on my recent instagram post, seeing all the girls insulting me or saying i use Trevor for fame. am i not allowed to post my boyfriend anymore just because he’s in the NHL?
i didn’t realize i had tears welling in my eyes until one drops onto my screen. wiping it off, i hear the front door open and shut, Trevor arriving home. i listen to the mundane sounds of him slipping his shoes off and dropping his keys into the dish by the door before i hear his footsteps coming towards the living room. i hastily wipe away my tears and sniffle before he can see that i’ve been crying.
“hey, baby.” i say, my voice not quite recovered from my throat being closed up while i was crying, but Trevor doesn’t seem to notice. he takes the seat next to me on the couch, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me in so my head lays on his chest.
“hi, love. did you see that goal i made for you?” he asks and i chuckle.
“i did. you did amazing, babe. i’m so proud of you.” i tell him, wrapping my arm around his waist and squeezing him tighter to me. he drops a kiss to the top of my head and i can feel the smile on his lips.
“lemme see that pretty face.” he whispers, nudging my chin up with his hand. but when i look up at him, his smile drops. “hey, what happened? why were you crying?”
he rubs at my cheek with his thumb, tracing my puffy under eye with the tip of it. i shake my head slightly.
“it’s nothing, Trev.” he shakes his head and scowls.
“it’s not nothing if it made my girl cry. now tell me.” he says.
“it was just the comments on my instagram post. there were these girls—” i cut myself off, not knowing if i want to tell him what they said.
“hey, what? ‘there were these girls’ what?” he asks softly.
“these girls were commenting that i was using you for clout, and that i was ugly. and another one said that i’ve probably gotten with you and all your friends.” i whisper. his face contorts in disbelief before dropping into an angry frown.
“don’t listen to them.” he tells me. i open my mouth to rebut but he speaks again. “i’m serious, y/n. don’t pay them any attention. i know you’re not using me. i mean, you put up with my annoying, class clown ass in high school. if that doesn’t speak wonders then i don’t know what does.”
i giggle and land a light smack against his chest.
“i happen to have liked your annoying, class clown ass.” i tease.
“and i still wonder why.” he shrugs. “as for the other comments, you’re gorgeous, princess. you’re so beautiful. i still can’t believe i get to wake up every morning and see that pretty face. i can’t understand for the life of me, why you stay with me when you’re so out of my league. but i’m so grateful that you do, because i can’t imagine where i’d be and what my life would be like without you.”
i smile at his sweet words and lean up to kiss his lips.
“i love you.” i mumble against them.
“i love you too, babygirl.” he presses one more quick peck to my lips before pulling away “also, i know you’ve never been with any of my friends. i mean, c’mon, why would you want them when you can have this?”
he sweeps a hand down his body and i bark out a laugh. he smiles down at me, running his hand through my hair before he stops it at the back of my neck, pulling me in for another, deeper, kiss.
“you know, i’ve been thinking.” he tells me when he pulls back.
“oh that’s never good.” i say.
“ha ha ha.” he narrows his eyes at me, slipping the hand from the back of my neck in order to use it to shove my forehead, making me fall back onto the cushion of the couch behind me. “i was thinking, maybe next year?”
“maybe next year what?” i ask, face contorting in confusion.
“maybe next year we should get married.” he says. i pop back up into a sitting position quickly, nearly hitting my head against his. he chuckles and tucks a lock of hair behind my ear.
“Trevor Zegras did you just propose to me?” i ask, my tone incredulous. “on our couch?!”
“yeah, i guess i did.” he says. “what do you say? you wanna be my wife?”
“i could hit you right now.” i tell him.
“so, it that a no?” he asks, an eyebrow raised in questioning. i shuffle onto his lap, straddling him and grabbing his face in my hands.
“there is nothing in this world that i want more than to be your wife.” i whisper, leaning my forehead against his.
“oh thank god.” he sighs. he sticks his hand in his pocket, shuffling around in it before pulling his hand back out in a fist. he opens his fist to reveal a ring box. “because i’ve had this ring since we were eighteen.”
tears sting my eyes, my heart leaping in my chest as i pull my head back from his. he opens the box, showing off a beautiful white gold ring with a pear cut diamond and a twisted halo design.
“since we were eighteen?” i ask. “but that’s the year that we were fighting all the time.”
“yeah, and you stayed. despite all the stupid arguments, you still made sure we never went to bed angry at each other, and you stuck by my side.” he takes the ring out of the box, slipping it onto my finger before pressing a kiss to my knuckles.
“i love you so much.” i whisper before capturing his lips with mine. he pulls back a second later to mumble out his own ‘i love you’ before he resumes kissing me.
but then a thought pops into my head and i pull away, furrowing my brows at him.
“why did you have the ring in your pocket right now?” i ask him.
“well i had this whole plan that i was gonna bring you out on the ice before warm ups and ask you there but, when it came down to it, it didn’t feel right. i wanted the right moment. and now felt right.”
@y/n11 just posted
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Liked by @colecaufield and 43,793 others
@y/n11: forever with you sounds pretty great @trevorzegras
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@trevorzegras: i’m pretty damn lucky that i’ll get to call you my wife 🤍
@jackhughes: finally! i was beginning to think he would never use that damn ring! congrats guys
@y/n11: you knew about the ring?!
@jackhughes: @y/n11 who do you think helped him pick it out?
@colecaufield: congrats you guys! can’t wait to be the best man
@jackhughes: think again bud, i’m gonna be the best man
@_alexturcotte: @jackhughes i think we all know that I’M gonna be the best man because Trevor likes me best
@y/n11: @jackhughes @_alexturcotte thank you cole! and i hate to be the bearer of bad news but the best man will definitely be Louie … gotta go 🏃‍♀️
@_quinnhughes: congratulations! so happy for you two!
@y/n11: thank you Huggy! get ready to go suit shopping because i can’t imagine anyone else being my man of honor
@lhughes_06: damn, Z beat me to it. i was gonna ask you this summer at the lake house! happy for you though 🥲😪
@y/n11: aww sorry Moosey! keep an eye out just in case forever doesn’t work out
@griffinzegras: can’t wait for you to officially be my sister!
@y/n11: aww you’ve been my baby brother for 5 years but now it’ll be legally true! can’t wait to boss you around!
@griffinzegras: @y/n11 i take it back @trevorzegras any way that you wanna take her back to the pound?
@trevorzegras: @griffinzegras nah, i like this one. i’mma keep her
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migueloharaslave · 8 months
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WARNING!!!!!!!!! NSFW WILL OCCUR HERE SO SKIP IT IF U WANT OR WHATEVER (obv it's not the best cuz im still new to this pookies)🗣🤪🫶
"You always do this shit. Why do you keep asking me that?" Shawn groaned in annoyance as he slammed the refrigerator door.
"Well I can't help it. Sometimes it just feels like you don't even love me anymore. You haven't even took me on a date in a fucking year." You choked back tears as you studied his movements. Shawn then decided to walk up to you, he pushed you down onto a chair, pointing a finger at you. "You're a bitch. You constantly fucking say 'do you even love me anymore?' Of course I fucking do. I don't take you on dates because your always busy with that dumb job. Plus, I think your cheating. Who's that guy you've been texting.. Miguel? Yeah, you didn't think I saw that on your phone? What fucking guy asks a girl 'You free tonight?' You got something you wanna tell me?"
You stared up at him, you felt tears form in your eyes as you stared at him. "M-Miguel is a friend. He's just a friend I've met at work! I wouldn't cheat on you and you know that. I see him nothing more than a close friend. Sometimes we hangout and eat dinner together that's it." You choked back your tears as she you stared at him, fidgeting with the bottom of your shirt.
"Uh-huh. Whatever you fucking say. I'm going out, don't call me." Shawn scoffed as he stormed off out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.
You stared off into the distance before bursting out into tears, all these bottled up emotions were now coming out. You've been dealing with this toxic relationship for so long.. You didn't know how to get out of it though. You felt so attached to him.. emotionally. He's the only boy to ever lay eyes on you, sure you may had a huge glow up since highschool, but deep down you still felt insecure. You sniffed as your last few tears dropped, then you heard your phone vibrate against the table, you picked it up and saw it was Miguel. You wiped your tears away as you cleared your throat and answered.
"Hey." You said in a soft voice.
"Hey.. You sound weird. Are you alright?" Miguel responded, furrowing his brows at the tone of your voice.
"Yeah, just allergies." You giggled.
"Yknow.. If anything is bothering you, you can always talk to me." Miguel spoke in a stern voice.
"Tell me."
"I don't know.. I just don't want anything bad to happen."
"Nothing is going to happen, I wouldn't let a thing happen to you. Talk to me."
"It's my boyfriend."
Miguel scoffed.
"Well anyways, Shawn is accusing me of cheating. Just because we hang out. He thinks just because you asked me if im free tonight that I'm hooking up with you or some shit, it's annoying. I would never cheat, I love him so much."
"Oh... I see. So, he's jealous of me?"
"I guess."
Miguel smirked, "He's jealous because I'm treating you the way any other man would treat a wonderful woman like you. 8 years together and still no ring, he's not worth it. Not at all."
"But I love him. He's just going through a lot.."
"And he takes his anger out on you."
"Well.. I don't mind."
"Are you being serious right now?"
"Yes, I'm not a good girlfriend to him anyways."
"Whatever, stop talking about him. Let's focus on us, hm?"
"Great. Soo.. still gonna go out with me tonight?"
"We're not going out together. We're two friends hanging out."
"Still, you wanna go? I have no plans.. "
"Yeah, I'm going still."
"Great, I'll pick you up."
"Okay, bye."
"Bye." You hung up.
"Love you too." Miguel whispered at his phone. He sighed and sat it down on the table. He chewed on the inside of his cheek. God, he was head over heels for you. Although you two barely even met, he felt so close to you already. Call him obsessed with the way he remembers every single detail. Miguel stood up, and walked over to a window, looking out at the city. He had a great paying job, which was the reason he would be able to afford all of those dates. And there should be no surprise that he lives in a penthouse, his apartment was black and red themed, definitely gave off a romantic vibe.
..You put on a white sweater with a casual jean skirt along with white legwarmers to give it a more cozy vibe, and black boots to top off the outfit, the outfit was cute so of course you did a half up half down hairstyle while slipping a white bow in your hair. You were fixing your lashes that you were putting on before you heard the doorbell ring, you gasped when you knew it was Miguel. "Shit!" You scattered around the room to find your purse, you snatched it up when you found it laying on the ground. You made sure to spray yourself with some perfume before dashing out to the door. You took a deep breath before opening it, looking up.. you saw Miguel.
Miguel.. That man knew how to take your breath away. He wore a white sweater and jeans.. just like you did. You glanced down at what was in his arms.. purple roses?
"Heh, seemed like we decided to match." Miguel chuckled to himself as he invited himself in ,walking past you  he looked around, peeked around the corner, then back at you. Scrunching up his nose he asked, "Where's that boyfriend of yours?"
"He went out.." You closed the door and bit your lip as you watched him, eyes examining his strong build before he handed you the flowers.
"Purple roses, just like you told me you liked. I thought since you liked the color purple and roses that'll I'll get you both instead." Miguel hummed.
"Thank you, they're beautiful." You smiled to yourself, you grabbed a empty vase, feeling it with a little bit of water. You sat it down on the middle of the table, taking the roses out of the plastic before slipping them into the vase smiling at them.
Miguel looked at you, his eyes seemed to narrow as he watched the way you moved across the kitchen. You were kinda like a swan, all graceful and soft with your movements better yet you could be a goddess. A goddess who deserves more in her life then some poor idiot. Miguel scoffed and looked off to the side as he just thought about your boyfriend, the way he treated you.. he hated it.
"What's wrong? You look upset." You looked at him before stepping close to him. Miguel turned his head to look back into those eyes of yours, he licked his lips as he felt his throat go dry.
"Nothing." Miguel closed his eyes and sighed, that vanilla perfume you wore was starting to drive him crazy. "Let's go, Hopefully you don't mind walking. It's not too far from your apartment."
"Fine with me." You smiled.
You two made your way out of the apartment making your way down the streets of Nueva York, the streets were crowded so you held onto Miguel's arm as in hopes to not lose him. Soon, you two made it to the restaurant. It seemed to be a fun little colorful spot filled with laughter and a live jazz band playing.
Your eyes widened with excitement at the vibes this whole place gave off, it was so colorful.. it smelled absolutely amazing, there was nothing but happiness all around. You and Miguel found a spot to sit next to near the band so you could watch them play.
Miguel pulled out your chair, when you sat down, he pushed it in before sitting down himself. He watched you as you smiled watching the band play, seeing your smile.. the way your smile stretched across ear from ear, the way your dimples showed. It felt like he was trapped. Trapped in this curse you had put on him, he bit his lip as you looked over at him, you two locking eyes. He felt his heart pound in his chest, only God knows how long he has been staring at you.
You looked up as a waiter walked over with a big grin, handing you two a menu. "Hello, hopefully you two are enjoying your evening so far. I'll be your waiter, any drinks I can start you guys off with. We have soda, water, some wine.. and don't miss out on our little deal for couples!"
"Oh we're not a couple. Just friends." Miguel cleared his throat, you nodded your head in agreement.
"..Oh. Well, how about you skip over that deal." The waiter chuckled nervously.
"Uhh.. I'll have a coke. You, Miguel?" You smiled at him.
" I'll have iced tea." He looked back at you.
"Okay, okay.. I'll get those ready right quick!" The waiter walked off.
"Thank you for bringing me here. I like it.. It's been awhile since my boyfriend and I been out together, it just feels nice to not be trapped in that apartment." You sighed as you looked into the distance.
Miguel reached his hand across the table, placing his hand on top of yours. He dragged his thumb across the back of your soft hands. "Leave him."
"What?" Your frowned at him. "That's a weird thing to say." You laughed.
"No, I'm being serious."  Miguel squeezed your hand, "I.. I think I'm in love with you. You're so beautiful and just overall perfect, someone like him doesn't deserve you. I can treat your better, I wanna be yours."
You stared into his eyes as you listened to his love confession, you shook your head. "No.. No I can't. Miguel.. I have feelings for you too but I just can't leave Shawn. He's.. He's my boyfriend, he's the only guy I've ever been with."
"Let me be the second and last guy you'll ever be with."
"Miguel." You cocked a eyebrow at him.
"Y/N." Again, he rolled your name off of his tongue in such a way that it made your body ache for him.
The waiter came over and sat your drinks down, holding up her notepad as she smiled at you both. "What can I get for ya?"
..About a good hour and a half later, you and Miguel were walking down the street. "Wanna come over to my place, maybe we can watch a movie or two..?"
"Sounds nice" you smiled softly.
"Great. Let me call a uber."
And after a good ten minutes, you finally arrived at his place. When he opened the door, you gasped. "Oh my god.. It's like a vampire lives here." You joked, looking around. Everything was so nice, way better than your old apartment. You started to walk around, dragging your hands along the wall as you made your way over to the window that overlooked the city. It was night, so the city lights were so bright, everything looked like dream as if it could take your breath away.
Miguel followed you, moving to stand right behind you. "Nice, isn't it?"
"Yeah.." You whispered, looking up at him.
Miguel brushed a strand of hair out of your face as you two locked eyes, his lips parted as his heart nearly skipped a beat. He felt as if his heart was running laps around his lungs as if it was going to do a back as if.. and something soft touched his lips before he knew. Suddenly, his hands found their way to your waist, pushing you closer.
You wrapped your arms around Miguel's neck, closing your eyes as you leaned into the kiss. It was so passionate, you had to part your lips just to deepen the kiss. The feel his hands on your waist was driving you crazy.
Suddenly, Miguel pulled away, He stared into your eyes. "God you drive me crazy.."
"Where's your bedroom?" You asked with a smirk on your face. Suddenly your at home life didn't exist, suddenly Shawn didn't exist. Suddenly Miguel was the only man you wanted, suddenly.. you were in his bed.
You two continued to kiss, practically trying to eat each other's face off at this point. You were desperately lifting Miguel's shirt up, trying to get a glimpse of those muscles. Miguel pulled away, lifting up his sweater and tossing it aside. He exposed those strong abs along with those strong pecs, god the way his body slimmed down at his waist honestly drove you crazy. You bit your lip as you caressed those strong arms of his giggling as you sat up, allowing Miguel to take off your sweater too.
Miguel leaned in, pecking kisses along your neck. He mumbled soft praises along your tender skin, hands on your waist dragging down to your skirt. You couldn't help but feel desperate, the way he unbuttoned your skirt with ease, nearly tearing it off he finally toss them aside, exposing your panties to him. Miguel kissed your ankle before pecking kisses down to your inner thigh, he looked up at you with hungry eyes. He licked his lips as he leaned forward, catching your lips in a kiss once again as he brought his hand down, pressing his palms against your clothed cunt
You let out a small whimper in response which caused him to chuckle. You felt your body heat up as you started to grind your hips against his hand, god how long has it been.. your boyfriend hadn't touched you in what felt like forever, better yet he never made sex feel this exciting. Miguel's pulled out off the kiss to catch his breath, his eyes narrowed as he stared into your eyes. He hummed as he leaned down, pecking kiss down until he reached your lace trimmed panties, he pulled them down gently. He looked up at you, smiling softly. "Tell me when I should stop. I want to make you feel good, not hurt you. You're everything to me.. I want you to have every good thing in this world, mi amor." His words was so smoothing and comforting, the way he talked drove you crazy.
You bit down on your lip as you sat up on your elbows watching the way he propped your legs up on his shoulder. You gripped down onto the sheet when you felt him lick at your slit, your voice hitched when his tongue started to circle around your clit. "M-Miguel.." You whispered, bringing you hand down to grip onto his hair as he started to gently suck on your clit. Miguel pulled away and giggled, dragging his tongue along your clit before pushing it inside of you drove you crazy  the way he gently pushed in it out, flicking against your pulsing walls.. everything was pushing you to the edge.
Suddenly, Miguel grew bold, which is exactly why he pushed a single fingers inside, watching your reaction before he slipped a second inside. "Oh g-god.." You cried as you leaned your head back, your walls clenching around his fingers. Miguel started to thrust his fingers in and out at a gentle pace, then he started speeding up as he leaned in and started sucking your clit again. He looked up at you, watching the way you reacted to the way he made you feel.. you were so beautiful, the way your chest heaved when you took a deep breath.. he couldn't help but chuckle.
Suddenly, his pace quickened even more, his pace quickened suddenly and you let out a cry. "M-Miguel..!" You cried out his name, gripping onto the silk sheets of his bed, wrapping your legs around his head as you groaned. "I'm.. I'm gonna c-come.." You whined. You felt your thigh twitched, biting down on your lip you threw your head back, crying with pleasure. Suddenly, just as you were getting close, it all stopped.
Miguel had pulled away, "Not yet." He spoke softly, leaning in and gently kissing you, making you taste yourself on his lips. "But.. Please, Miguel.." You whined.
Miguel smirked as he leaned over, "You might as well get ready.." He grabbed a condom from the night stand, "It's gonna be a long night."
..After a night of nonstop loud moans and the sound of skin slapping against each other, it was finally morning.. and oh boy you woke up to something crazy. Not Miguel, but your boyfriend or.. ex spam calling your phone. You groaned as you sat up, glancing over at Miguel who was still sound asleep. "My god.." You hissed as you felt your thighs feel numb as you tried to stand up. Maybe you should start doing yoga again because you were not ready for this. You grabbed your phone and sighed, you stood up and answered the phone.
"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? You haven't been answering your fucking phone, You weren't at the fucking apartment. Your friends said you aren't with them. Where the fuck are you? Huh? Answer me damnit." Shawn grinned his teeth to try and keep his composure.
Just as you felt tears fill up your eyes.. and just as you were about to speak, Miguel snatched your phone. "Hello?" Miguel asked.
"Who the fuck is this? Why the fuck are you with my girlfriend?"
"..The same guy she told you not to worry about." Miguel hung up the phone.
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transparentkinks · 7 days
When Nora is depressed
I've been bedrotting for like a week now and I'm writing to cope with it. My brain works great :)
Hancock always helps.
“I just decided not to go.” Nora spoke firmly through the door. She was sitting on the ground leaning against the door. 
“Oh come on!” Piper kicked the door. “You’ve hardly come out all week!” 
Despite her protests, Nora could hear her walking away from her door. She let out a sigh of relief and stood to sink back into her mattress. 
Ever since she blew up the institute she’s been trying to let the celebration blow over. Her room has proven the most practical sanctuary. The one celebration she was pulled into was enough for her. For the rest of the commonwealth this was the best thing to happen in a very long time. She knew she should be celebrating. People were calling her a hero again. She didn't feel like one. 
She’d killed her son. She had no real family left. She knew the child synth her son created was waiting desperately to hear from her. He thought she was his mom. He was terrified that he was going to die. Her son created robots capable of feeling, gave them pain and fear, made one a child. What a cursed existence. Looking at him too long freaked her out. She knew she had to get her shit together. He was terrified she was going to die. Everyone thought something was wrong with her. She needed to be a mom, to be a general, to be something other than the husk she is now. 
Maybe they’d all be better off if she did die. What use was she? Some particularly capable monster. Able to cut a path through the commonwealth straight to her son, get close enough to wipe him and his legacy from the face of the earth. Who was she, but the mother of monsters? Another old world plague that won’t die. Another following in the legacy of her generation, poisoning the world for those that come after. The word hero made her feel sick. 
She’d found a mirror, mostly in tact. Hung it over her dresser. She’d break it by now if it wasn’t such a rarity. She looked so different now compared to before the war. So many new scars, more tanned. She couldn’t shave anymore. She had wrinkles and grey hairs from the stress. She felt disgusting, inside and out. She never felt clean, she was always a mess. Her body disgusted her. It just reminded her of the monster she made, and all the people she killed to learn the extent of it. She was a horrible mother, a worse leader. 
She thinks Nate would be disgusted with what she’d become. She wished Shawn just left her to die in that pod with the rest of the vault. She didn’t know what she could do now. Everyone needed something from her, needed her to be something. She’d practically started a cult and she didn’t even have it in her to actually run it competently. How many people died for her because she couldn’t keep her nose out of the commonwealth’s business? How many good people risked their lives on the daily at her whim? She wasn’t sure she could do it anymore. She felt like a monster. 
“Nora!” She could hear Hancock holler over his pounding at the door. 
“I’m not feeling well, just go away!” She yelled through her door, but before she could stand and brace the door to get her point across, he’d already kicked down her door. “Hancock! What the fuck?!” 
“Shit-” He sighed, taking in her and her room before striding up to her with a frown and grabbing her face. She grabbed at his wrists and he sighed. His grip wasn’t harsh, but he didn’t let her pry his hands away. “Nora, you look awful.”
“Gee, thanks” She sighed, rolled her eyes. Just what she needed. 
“I mean you look like you’ve barely slept in days. No one has seen you leave your room in days, you’ve only been talking through your door, and we don’t even know if you’re eating.” He shot her a pointed look, which she made sure to avoid by looking at the wall. “Nora what is going on?” 
“I’m just not feeling well-”
“That’s bullshit Nora and you know it. You can’t just hole up in your room and avoid it. You gotta talk to someone about whatever’s goin’ on. We’ve tried giving you space and clearly that ain’t working’” He sighed, thumbing at her cheek. “But me an’ the rest, we can’t just sit by and let you disappear like this.” 
He let go of her face, grabbed her hand and sat at the edge of her bed. She followed suit, looking down at her hand in his. “I don’t even know what to say” she sighed, pulled her legs close and hugged them with her free arm. 
“Then just talk, anything you’re thinking. I’ll just listen, okay?” She chanced a glance at his face. She looked away again quickly. He was looking at her, and he was frowning. 
“I just feel disgusting” she sighed. He started running his thumb over the back of her hand and she had to suppress a shiver. She opted to press her forehead to her knees and close her eyes. Try and ground herself. “I can’t look at what he made, Shawn, without wanting to breakdown. And he needs a mom so bad, and I want to be a mom. I thought I wanted to be a mom, but I look at what my son did and-” She was gripping her pants tight. “What kind of mother am I? How many people did I kill, how many died or risked their lives just for me to find out what kind of monster he was? What I made. What kind of leader am I? Running around fixing my own consequences and being called a hero for it?” 
“Nora, that’s-”
“My whole generation, people talk about before the war like some mystical past, but we’re the reason the world is like this. The mutants, ferals, synths, half of that shit was being made just so we could have more”
“We just poisoned the world.” She felt him squeezing her hand, his other on her shoulder. “Who the hell am I to mess with the world any more? A monster or the mother of them, I never should have stepped out of that vault. I should have died with the bo-”
“Nora!” He sounded angry. The second she lifted her head to look at him he grabbed her face and pulled her to him. Suddenly she had no choice but to look him in the eye, and it made her heart do something strange meeting his gaze. “You-” He pressed his forehead to hers, closed his eyes and took a weary sigh. “Nora you’re the best thing to happen to the commonwealth in a long time.” He leaned back and looked her in the eye, cut her off with a glare when he saw her open her mouth. “You never got a chance to raise your kid, and he tried to play games with you and the whole commonwealth because of it. I just don’t believe he would turn out like that if you raised him. As long as I’ve known you, I’ve watched you try so hard to be a good mother.”
“But I-” 
“No! Nora, you didn’t do shit. I’ve only ever seen you try to make the best of a bad situation. You faced down shit most people wouldn’t have dreamed of and survived, just to find your kid. And if you ask me, everyone here is better off for it. I ain’t ever seen you kill someone who didn’t have it coming” 
She closed her eyes and sighed. ”I mean it. Every life you took made the commonwealth a safer place. In case you forgot, you rebuilt the minutemen after everyone thought they were dead, and you restructured it so, I believe and I know you hope it will go on when you can’t lead anymore.”
“I don’t know” She mumbled. 
“Sunshine-, look at me” She opened her eyes reluctantly. The look he was giving her felt like he was gripping her heart and squeezing. 
“People can travel safely now, people have living standards like nothing these people have seen. You raised cities. Nora, do you understand how hard it was for some people just to get food and shelter before you showed up? I thought I was doin’ good with the bunkhouse in goodneighbor but you’re building houses. With power and plumbing. People have privacy, safety, fucking comforts, people who were sleeping in ditches before you showed up. It's not your fault your family got picked for a vault, It's not your fault pre war powers played with your life as much as everyone else’s. Its not your fault the world is fucked and people are cruel. I can’t say I understand what you’re dealing with right now, but I know someone who needs a reality check when I see one. You’re not a bad person Nora. You’re a damn hero.”
“I don’t want to be” She sobbed out. He was thumbing at her cheek, brushing tears away. “I can't be a hero again, its not-”
“You don’t get to choose whether to be a hero or not Nora. It's just what you become when you help people enough, especially when it comes to killing.” He pressed his forehead back to her’s. “Trust me, its usually the deeds that haunt us the most that turn people into heroes.” 
“It feels wrong-” She sighed. 
“I get that sunshine” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “But if you ask me, if anyone deserves the title it's you. I don’t know how you manage it but you’re a good leader. People fight for you and what you’ve given them because they've seen what you can do, and they believe in what you’re building.”
“I don’t know how to be that, if I can still be that” She raised her hands to his wrists. Touching him felt grounding. 
“But you’ve already been that. I don’t know what more you think you need to be, but I think you can take a solid break now. If you need time, or if you can’t get around to liking synth Shawn, I don’t think anyone is gonna hold it against you. It ain’t fair what he did to that kid or to you. He’s got support here, you know Codsworth Ada and Curie fawn over him, and you know Macreedy Nick Danse and I will be there for him. It's gonna be okay for both of you. Just, don’t go dealing with it alone and probably not eating for days.” Nora nodded in his grip. 
“I’m sorry” She knew she was still crying. 
“You’re okay. We just care about you, ya’ know? We know you’re from the past and all that but you got a life here, now, with us. We can’t have you drifting off into the past.” She nodded again, and he pulled her into a hug. “We should go out tonight like you said you would. 
“I really don’t wanna” She whined. 
“We don’t gotta go right now, but you’re not staying in here all night.” He spoke firmly. 
“Okay…” She sighed.
“And you’re not gonna be moping in here alone”. Hancock added. She hummed in response. 
“Just hold me for a while?” She requested. 
“Of course sunshine”
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 9 months
• Trick Williams x Reader
Summary: Shawn Michaels puts you into a trio with Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams. What happens when Trick gets a title shot with you at ringside?
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Leaning against the wall playing on my phone, I hear footsteps coming near me.
"Y/N! Just who I am looking for!"
I look up and see Shawn Michaels standing infront of me.
"What's up Shawn?"
"I need you to go take champ pictures with Melo. I think the fans will love it!"
"Whatever you say bossman!"
We both laugh and I look down at my NXT women's championship around my waist. I put my phone in my pocket and walk over to where they have the pictures set up. I am wearing a black and blue bralette that says "Y/N" on the front (kinda like Indi's), black and blue leather booty shorts, one black and one blue kickpads and black wrestling boots. I see Melo posing and taking pictures so, I stand next to the camera guy watching him. Carmelo has been one of my very few friends I have made since coming to NXT.
"Y/N! What brings you over here?"
"Shawn said I had to come over here and take some champ pictures with ya."
"Oh shit. Get your ass over here!"
He grabs my hand and pulls me to where we have to stand. We take a few pictures together. He grabs my arm and looks at me.
"Y/N. Wear this for the pictures."
He hands me a "Melo don't miss" shirt. I roll my eyes, take it from him and put it on.
"See?! Much better!"
We stand shoulder to shoulder, hold our belts up with our one arm and keep a straight face. Than I smile and look over at him. I put my title back around my waist.
"Well that was fun Melo. Thanks for the shirt."
I giggle and walk off to my locker room not noticing Trick Williams watching us from behind the camera.
Sitting in my locker room scrolling through my phone at all the pictures of me and Melo on Twitter, I laugh at all the comments about us dating and how there is apparently chemistry between us. I hear a knock on my door and get up going to the door. I open it and there is standing Shawn and Melo.
"Hey guys. What's up?"
"Y/N. Melo had this amazing idea where you, him and Trick Williams will be a trio in NXT."
I look at Melo than back at Shawn.
"I actually kinda like this idea. We are all pretty similar in wrestling styles. Yeah I will do it! But one thing."
Shawn and Melo look at me confused.
"Trick will need to win a title."
"She's right Shawn. Me and Y/N are champs. Trick needs to fight for a title next."
"Alright you two. I will go and figure out something for Trick. By the way, let me know if you see him so I can tell him about this."
Shawn shakes our hands and walks away. I look at Melo.
"Wanna go find Trick ourselves and tell him the good news?"
"Yeah sure. Let's go!"
We walk around the hallways looking for him until we eventually hit catering and he is sitting there talking to Fallon Henley and Brooks Jenson. We walk over to him. Melo sits down next to him and smacks his arm. I stand behind Melo putting my hands on the back of his chair leaning a little.
"Hey its Melo and Y/N. What's good you two?"
"So I've.... we've got some good news for ya. Shawn is making me, you and Y/N a trio group."
"And he is also figuring out to get you a title belt as well."
Trick looks up at me and smiles. I smile and look down.
"You two really did this for me?"
"Of course dude. We got your back."
"Oh my God. Y/N and Melo. You two are so cute. Thinking you can win this guy a title is hilarious."
Dom and Rhea walk into catering with a camera following them. This must be Shawn's idea how to get Trick a belt. Dom comes out and slightly pushes Trick into the table. I step between Trick and Dom and get in Doms face. Rhea pushes Dom back and gets in my face.
"Watch it Rookie. You don't know who or what you are dealing with."
"And you obviously haven't been here in quite awhile to know who I am or what I am capable of."
She laughs and whispers in Doms ear. Trick is standing behind me with his hand on my shoulder. Rhea gets in my face again.
"We challenge you and your boy to a mixed tag team match tonight. And if you and your boy win, he gets a chance at Dom Doms title."
"We accept."
Rhea laughs and pushes Dom out of catering. I turn around and look up at Trick.
"We got this."
"Yes we do. Let's go get ready."
We leave catering and go to our locker rooms to get ready.
I walk into gorilla wearing the same wrestling gear I had in the pictures and my championship around my waist. Trick is standing watching the TV with his back to me. I walk up next to him and put my hand on his back to let him know I'm there. He turns and looks down at me.
"Hey Y/N. You ready for this match?"
"I'm ready. Are you?"
"If we win.... excuse me... when we win, I hope it gets me a title shot at No Mercy."
I rub my fingers lightly on his back looking up at him smiling.
"I think you definitely will."
His music hits and we walk out of the curtains together not noticing that Rhea and Dom were taking pictures of us.
"Y/N. Trick. You two are so adorable. We saw your little touchy feely backstage."
Rhea and Dom come out not dressed to wrestle. I grab a mic from the camera guy outside the ring.
"What are you talking about Rhea? Aren't you two supposed to be dressed to wrestle us tonight?"
Rhea and Dom start laughing at us and pointing to the screen. The crowd gasps seeing the picture of me and Trick backstage. I roll my eyes and look at Trick. He gets hit in the back with a metal chair and I jump back seeing Damian Priest and Finn Balor. They start beating him up and I try to get them off but Rhea grabs my hair and knees me in the back. I drop to my knees and she pushes me onto my stomach. She puts her knee on my back and pulls my hair making me watch the rest of The Judgement Day beating up Trick. They put a chair around his leg and smack it with another chair. He screams and grabs his leg. Rhea comes next to me and starts laughing.
"You will pay for this Rhea."
"Will I Y/N?"
She slams my face down on the mat and they all leave the ring. I start feeling a burning sensation in my nose. I push myself up with my arms and crawl over to Trick.
"T? You okay?"
I put my hand on his side looking down at him. He looks up at me holding his leg.
"Y/N. Your nose is bleeding."
He sits up with his hand on my face. I shake my head looking at him.
"I don't care. Are you okay?"
"I'll be okay."
I help him stand up and climb out of the ring. I put his arm around my neck and help him to the back to the trainers room.
                     *in the trainers room*
I am standing next to him while the doctor is feeling his leg. I have a hand on his upper back trying to be comforting and watching the doctor. Trick looks over at me. The doctor pats his knee and looks at us.
"Ummm Trick. You just need to rest your leg but you should be good to go in a few days."
"Thank you doctor."
The doctor leaves the room and I am looking down at his leg. We hear a knock on the door than it opens. Shawn comes into the room and smiles.
"Trick. Y/N. Just who I was looking for. Trick. You got yourself a title match against Dominick Mysterio for the North American Championship at NXT No Mercy!"
"Oh thank you so much Shawn! This means a lot to me!"
Trick looks at me than back at Shawn.
"Y/N can be ringside right? Just incase Rhea decides to do anything."
"Of course she can! Better get ready. No Mercy is this Saturday!"
Shawn leaves the room and Trick turns to me. I smile really big looking up at him. He pulls me into a big hug. I hug him back giggling at how tight he is hugging me.
"Y/N.... there is something I really want to do right now."
"What's that T?"
"Ummmm.... find Melo and tell him what's happening!"
"Oh okay! Yeah let's go find him."
We walk out of the trainers room to go find Melo.
                     *at NXT No Mercy*
It is getting close to Trick's match against Dom. Me, Melo and Trick are standing in gorilla getting prepared. I am wearing a black bralette, and new custom black and blue shorts that say "Whoop That Trick" on the booty. I have a hoodie wrapped around my waist because it is a surprise.
"T? Y/N? Imma stay back here and get ready for my match. You two have a good time out there."
Melo winks at Trick and I look at both of them confused. Trick's music hits and we walk out of the curtains. I turn my back to the crowd and slowly untie my hoodie.
"Hey T! I got a surprise for ya!"
"Oh yeah! What's that?"
I fling the hoodie to the side and shake my ass a little for the crowd. Trick leans forward and reads my shorts.
"No way!"
He grabs his chest and moans a little. I look over at him and giggle.
"That is the best surprise I have ever gotten."
We walk down to the ring and finish our entrance. Rhea and Dom make their way down to the ring. Trick is standing in the corner and I am on the outside lightly rubbing his shoulders.
"You got this T!"
I pat his shoulders and climb down to the outside. The bell ring and the match begins.
It is getting towards the end of the match and Dom is sitting in the corner getting stomped by Trick. Dom grabs his foot and makes him fall onto his back. Dom rolls him up putting his feet on the rope and Rhea holding his feet. I jump up on the stairs than run across the apron and knee Rhea right in the face. Dom jumps up and grabs my arm.
"How could you do that to Mami?!"
I push Dom off of me and Trick rolls him up getting the win. I climb into the ring and jump into Trick's arms. He holds me around my waist.
"You did it!"
"With your help! And in front of my mom!"
He points over to his mom jumping and clapping at ringside.
"In front of your mom?"
I gasp looking over at her and get off of him. The ref hands him his title. He looks over at me.
"I'm also gonna do this in front of mom and the world."
I look at him confused. He grabs my waist, pulls me into him and kisses me. I gasp than wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back. The crowd is cheering and screaming for us. He pulls back looking at me with a big smile on his face.
"I have been waiting to do that for a long time."
I giggle looking up at him still having my arms around his neck.
"Well to be honest, it took ya long enough."
He smiles, lets me go than rolls out of the ring and over to his mom. I jump out of the ring and walk over to them. He hugs his mom and the lights kinda go dark. He grabs my hand, says goodbye to his mom than we walk to the back. We go to his locker room where Melo is waiting for us outside the door.
"Trick! Finally got those feelings out huh?"
I giggle and look up at Trick holding his arm. He smiles looking at Melo.
Melo smiles and pats Trick's shoulder walking around us leaving. Trick looks down at me. I have my head against his arm holding onto his bicep.
"Hey Y/N?"
I look up at him smiling. He puts his hand on my cheek looking at me.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes! Yes!"
He grabs my face and kisses me hard. I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back. We hear someone clear their throat behind us. We stop kissing seeing his mom standing behind us with her arms crossed. I giggle and blush really bad. Trick hugs his mom and starts crying. We celebrate with her and hang out in his locker room. Trick takes a selfie with me and his mom. His mom leaves and we say our goodbyes to her.
"I can't believe I won this championship in front of my mom and got the perfect girlfriend all in one day!"
I giggle and put my hands on his chest. He looks down at me and smirks.
"Wanna go home and "celebrate" our new relationship plus me winning this title?"
I bite my lip looking up at him. He smirks and puts a hand on my cheek.
"I will take that as a yes!"
He picks me up, throws me over his shoulder, grabs our belongings and heads out to his car. He sets me down and opens the door for me.
"What a gentleman."
I get into his car and he races around to the other side getting in the driver's seat. We head off to his place for a night to remember.....
The End
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carelesslywriting · 2 years
Mercy - Eric Coulter
This is day 3 of 10 for my 10 days of music prompt! There's still some open songs available on my pinned post to choose from if you'd like to request an imagine. Based off of Mercy by Shawn Mendes.
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1395 Trigger Warnings: death Note: These imagines are my own work and I do not consent to distribution of my work elsewhere!
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"You always do this shit, Y/N! I don't have time to spend with you, you know I work crazy hours and that's not my fault," Eric shouted at you, tightly crossing his arms across his chest as he glared over at you. 
You didn't ask for much from Eric, you know his hours, all you were asking for was some time spent together at the end of the night in some form. It's been what feels like weeks to you where you've only seen glimpses of Eric, and it's been starting to take a toll on you. Why couldn't he understand all you were asking for was 15 minutes of acknowledgment or even just a conversation before he went to bed or started his wind-down routine?
"I'm not asking for a lot, Eric," You retorted, feeling defeated before you even opened your mouth to continue. "This fight is the most interaction I've had with you in weeks! You don't even ask me how my day is. Even though you don't mean to hurt me, you keep tearing me apart," Your voice got quieter towards the end, and you decided to stop speaking there because you didn't want to break down and cry in front of him. 
"Bullshit," Eric responded, rolling his eyes. "Stop being so fucking insecure and maybe try being understanding. I'm so sick of this shit from you when I get home after a long day."
"Eric I'm opening my heart up to you about how I feel and you call me insecure? Why can't you ever be supportive? Why can't you ever just tell me that how I'm feeling isn't crazy, or that you miss me too and want to spend some sort of time with me when you can? I can't take this anymore, would you please have some mercy on me?" You begged, a tear falling from your eye. 
"Mercy? Seriously?" Eric asked, scoffing. "That's so pathetic. I don't have to comfort you for every little thing, that's not my problem." You wiped the tear that fell from your eye, looking down at the ground and taking in Eric's words. Nothing is ever going to change. You sighed, looking back up into Eric's cold eyes. 
"Fine, then I need you to set me free because this isn't fair to me anymore," You spoke, voice shaking, looking for any type of emotion from Eric. 
He stayed silent, just staring at you. After a minute of silence, you decided to walk out the door before he could even say anything. Your pride is all you've got left, and your heart shattered at the thought that Eric could just never take it easy on you or try to understand you. You felt like nothing but a puppet being pulled by its strings whenever you tried communicating anything that hurt you, and you didn't know if you could take any more. He always manipulated and weaponized your feelings against you. 
You took off running towards the chasm, more tears falling from your eyes as you thought of the past year and the relationship with Eric. You gave so much for so little in return, he didn't even care that you left. Lost in your thoughts, you didn't realize how slippery the bridge over the chasm was, or that Eric had followed you. 
"Y/N!" Eric yelled out, taking you by surprise. And snapping you out of your thoughts. 
You whipped around, in shock that he followed, but the next thing you felt was losing your balance due to your foot slipping. You cried out, trying to reach out to anything that could keep you from falling. You heard Eric shout out your name again as you just barely gripped onto the edge of the bridge with the fingertips of one of your hands. A final tear left your eye as you realized you weren't going to be able to hang on. You saw Eric's hand reach for yours to try and grab you, but he was a second too late. His face was the last thing you saw as you fell to your death. 
Eric shouted out for you, looking at the hand that almost had your wrist. It all happened so fast. He looked around frantically, not wanting to believe he had just witnessed you fall. The sound of your body as it hit the ground below was going to be a sound forever pierced into his ears. All the air inside his lungs felt like it had disappeared as he started to hyperventilate. He continued to shout out for you, tears falling from his face down to the bottom of the chasm where you laid. One minute you were together, and the next you were gone, just like that. 
"Y/N, I'm so fucking sorry," Eric cried out to the void. "Come back, fuck, COME BACK! Please Y/N..." 
A crowd began to gather around as Eric continued to call out for you. He hung over the ledge, arm still out like he would be able to save you from the fate you just suffered. Max and Four quickly followed the sound of the commotion and yanked Eric off the ground the moment they saw him leaning over the edge. Both men had to use all their force to wrestle him away from the edge of the chasm and into a more secluded area, away from all the people who ended up gathering around him. 
"Eric, what the hell happened?" Max asked. 
"Y/N.." Eric trailed off, "She slipped, I couldn't grab her in time."
Four's face instantly dropped. Eric fell back down to the ground, head in his hands as he quietly sobbed. He didn't care how weak he looked, he just lost the one thing he loved. He was always prepared to sacrifice his life for you, and instead of him dying, it was you. The pain he felt swelling up in his chest was unlike any type of physical pain he'd ever felt before. He was internally begging for the same mercy you just begged him for. His cold, hard exterior that he'd maintained for his entire life fell the moment you did. If he hadn't yelled at you, hadn't called you names, if he had just listened to what you had to say, if he had asked you to stay.. all the what if's were now running through his head as he silently begged to be woken up from the nightmare he was in. 
Eric jumped out from the seat he was in, breathing heavily as he ripped the wire off his head. He quickly wiped the tears on his face and looked around the room trying to reorientate himself to reality. He got up quickly, pacing the room and trying to ground himself as he kept repeating in his head that it was just his fear landscape and it wasn't real. 
Eric's fear landscape was complicated. When he was originally an initiate, this specific fear was mild. He was never too worried about pushing people away and losing them. However, after he met you, this fear gradually grew and developed into his worst fear. Every time he ran this landscape, it never got easier.  
It's hard to switch the coldness required to do his job off when it comes to you. The love Eric feels for you is complicated because of that. He's petrified of losing you, but he doesn't know how to not be argumentative and defensive when it comes to feelings. While he's been able to manage it for the most part within your relationship now, he's scared that might not be the case in the future. He wants to have that type of mercy for you, he truly doesn't mean to hurt you when he does. That's why he continues to suffer and run this landscape every week until he can figure out how to make it easier and beat it. 
Once Eric felt he had his composure back, he realized he was late for meeting you for a quick lunch. It reminded him of the landscape, how he constantly blew you off and tore you apart that way. With that thought in mind, he quickly hurried out the door to meet you. One small step at a time, Eric was working to be the type of guy he felt you needed.
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pinazee · 4 months
The Old and the Restless
The first episode to include another Spencer! Now, granted we don’t get much here other than henry doesn’t seem to get along with his dad and maybe doesn’t like the idea of his son being around him. Plus, I don’t think he’s ever mentioned again. I was hoping the introduction to grandpa spencer would give us some kind of reason for why henry is so controlling. We could possibly infer, strictly based on his personality, that grandpa spencer wasnt the most responsible and that henry, as elder brother, took on the brunt of taking care of the family. I mean, you could possibly even go as far as to say grandpa spencer had some run in’s with the law and thats how henry got interested in it- out of spite of his own father and thus leading to the idea that spencer sons resenting their fathers is like a family curse (i think thats actually a thing? I have a vague memory of someone saying it at least). But again, this is all speculation because we never see him again. Grandpas also act differently with their grandkids than their own kids too so who’s to say what it was like for henry growing up. Either way, this flashback really emphasizes how strict henry was, and the more flashbacks i see, the more saddened i get by how downtrodden little shawn is every time he shows up. Liam visibly shrinks when he sits next to him, its heartbreaking. But im glad his grandpa stuck up for him (which is probably why he never saw him again).
The way they pop up here makes me snicker
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I love the fast one they played on henry! Shawn knew there was no way he would help unless he thought he could use it as an opportunity to show him up (because his dads a grade A asshole).
I also have no respect for men who call other men girls as an insult, especially when one of those men is his own fucking son. So you gotta imagine shawns heard that kind of bullshit his whole life, so i kind of give him a pass when he makes fun of gus for not being manly enough, though thankfully that seems to dissipate in later seasons so we can call it character growth (though i think it was just the writers, or maybe james, who decided it wasn’t very funny and just hurt the character). Henry has a lot of ground to cover before he can get redeemed in my book. He’s just the worst. im having a much harder time with henry during this rewatch.
Gus is being absolutely adorable here. This episode really made it seem like Gus was henrys kid too, not only because he’s completely comfortable sleeping on his shoulder (I’ve never felt that close to my friends parents at least) but also because he’s giving shit to henry as much as shawn is and i love it! It makes sense too considering how often gus was at his house, henry practically raised him as well.
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This is a semi good shawn vs. henry episode. I wish they would have highlighted better how shawn and henry gather their information in different ways but it was more like Henry got some pieces and shawn got pieces but neither had the complete picture so they ended up just working together instead of against. I think i’d have preferred if henry was seeing all the same stuff but shawn actually came to the right conclusion, or that shawn showed kindness to the right person and got the key piece of info that way because ultimately its how he connects with people that separates him from henry (simply because henry is pretty good at seeing the same stuff shawn does a lot of the times is all).
“Just this time im going to teach you a lesson” just this time??? Thats literally all you do henry! Thats like your whole thing!
The way Henry says this makes it seem like he was struggling to call Gus his life partner haha
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Shawn and gus both knew of african gambian pouch rats, so i can only assume they watched a nature documentary together haha Sidenote: i randomly looked up african gambian pouch rat to see what they looked like and they’re being used to sniff out tuberculosis apparently?!? Crazy stuff man.
Lassie just wanted to straight up incarcerate a child. Thank god karen became chief over him- could you imagine??? Shawn would definitely have been locked up in the pilot. Gus wouldve been killed next to mira or something, juliet would still be in miami. Buzz wouldve been fired or killed by that serial killer. So many crimes would’ve been unsolved and so many people would’ve been locked up and innocent. So again, thank god for chief vick.
The indian blood bit gets a pass simply because of the line “they were here first” and gus’ response “im not hating on indians im hating on you” I dont think its terribly offensive but it is a dumb stereotypical joke. It just kind of makes me sigh and shake my head.
Why is gus always trying to get shawn to taste blood?? Does that show up later? Is this a consistent thing? Its just kind of weird considering gus is really squeamish around it? I think its Gus’ way of trying to prank him but he’s like really bad at it haha Also i didn’t like gus’ face there. It made it seem vaguely… nevermind. Its just weird lol
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I dont like the B story with juliet and lassie. I think i did at one point because juliet put the fear of god in him and inadvertently that same fear in the others which was fun, but this kids a fucking creep so i don’t think theres any combination of words that would cause this character to suddenly become respectful and it might be the most unrealistic thing to happen on psych, which is truly saying something. Its just one of those scenes you can’t overanalyze so I won’t! Its fun! (But like, thats what im doing here so jk). I did enjoy the “scared straight” subversion moment. Prisons great kids. Its like summer camp. Also his friends name is “white slavery” and idk what to do with that information except point at it with my mouth open in amusement.
I just like how lassie does his “strike two” and im doing that from now on.
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Overall its not one of my fave episodes but heres some gifs of some of my fave moments
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loveislandthegame · 4 months
thoughts on today's volume...i don't even know where to begin, this sucked and i'm honestly just appalled 😭 FB somehow managed to make a reunion worse than boat party
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FB is trying way too hard to make season 5 iconic, and it's just not happening. season 5 isn't bad in a camp way, it's just bad. a sensible company would've shelved that misogynistic, biphobic, & racist gaslighting-fest and apologised
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and this is a major problem throughout the entire volume so i'll just condense it into one thought right here: whoever wrote this clearly doesn't understand their playerbase. absolutely nobody cares about these unemployed messy flops hooking up with eachother, sexting, cheating—shawn forcing max to sleep in the hotel foyer so he can have mechanic roleplay sex in their shared room ???—and whatever other nonsense they're doing. i was not gagged, i was gagging
i didn't take the diamond scene to upstage sophie or whatever because i don't care, but of course we're still forced to kiss somebody else that's not our partner for the sake of some corny drama. i wish MC could've walked out of this villa the moment liam decided to recommend a "kissing game," like she's not in a whole committed relationship
then we get a podcast challenge i guess . at first i was happy to see theo, only for him to immediately blow MC off because he's ... a little hurt ? even though he was fine in the last volume ? literally everyone except claudia, bea, and tyler was treating MC like garbage this entire reunion. (once again, MC doesn't have any friends . just enemies and people tryna smash)
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several drawn out scenes of pure agony later, and my bby girl bella finally showed up !! she's the only saving grace of this pile of shit, and at this point i'm just glad they didn't ruin her too
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(RIP to the finn girlies, at least bella & my s6 MC are happily together ❤️)
bea confessed to MC, i still picked claudia . this would've been the perfect moment for an "I love you" from your chosen LI but instead they ask to move in. Lmao
claudia my love, you deserved so much better than this reunion </3
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for the first time ever i straight up skipped a group hug option, that's how you know i really was done with these mfs
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i cannot find the words that could properly describe how horrible this reunion was. a complete dumpster fire of an ending to an otherwise okay-ish season. to top it all off we have confirmation that season 9 is dropping in three weeks. FB is not even giving season 8 some time to marinate, stew, simmer, or whatever. you get what i mean ? (tbh more like rot...😭)
i need a nap after this. venus out 🫡
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