#?selkie txt
starfxkr · 4 months
Selkie!Reader always wanting to cuddle when going to sleep because seals sleep in piles together to stay safe and she can’t sleep properly otherwise🥺
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𓇼 ࣪ 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ⭒ 𓆡 ⭒ㅤ𓈒ㅤׂ 🫧𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𓇼 ࣪ 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ⭒ 𓆡 ⭒ㅤ𓈒ㅤׂ 🫧𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𓇼 ࣪ 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ⭒ 𓆡 ⭒ㅤ𓈒ㅤׂ 🫧
doing this with jj and john b after they bring you home <3 jj is convinced you're a mermaid and john b is telling him they don't exist while pulling random household objects out your mouth. they both let you shower and they're arguing amongst themselves until you step out naked as they day you were born like "okay sleep! lay on the big rectangle!" and they're both "??? what do you mean lay on the bed"
so you grab their hands and throw them on with a surprising amount of strength, rearranged them until they're pressed together and you climb in-between them and pass out. they however are still awake for a bit because jj keeps sniffing you saying you smell like seaweed
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queen-selkie · 3 months
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girldraki · 9 months
receiving flack for our “simon can be a femme lesbian without changing any aspect of his presentation” take. many geniuses are disrespected in their time
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kumomist · 11 months
would paimon asking ‘melusines can paint?’ be ableist or racist…
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domesticangel · 4 months
gosh your selkies having full-face seal whiskers is such a brilliant design choice, i love it so much!! do you mind if that's a thing others give their own selkie ocs? totally understand if not!
I don’t mind at all omg I’m just glad you appreciate their wheeskers CRIES🥺🥺🥺 PLEEEAAASSEEE give ur selkies whiskers, absolutely underrated part of seals’ funny little faces BUT TOGETHER WE CAN CHANGE THIS😤❤️
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olruggioofthetorch · 1 year
My writing sample portfolio has 5 selkies, 2 cyborgs, 3 tieflings, 1 elf, and a vampire. That seems fine.
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alukaforyou · 1 year
lately im only interested in splurging on clothes / accessories lol. i love bts but passed on the suga concert and i revisited my childhood interest in bjds now that im actually able to afford them but i was like. these r cute. but wat can i do w them 😭 so i got some sunglasses instead.
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karmanticmoved · 2 years
I'm thinking about selkies again . Exploding my mind
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42deg · 2 years
I want the selkie pink puffer coat so BAD. like I have a decent winter coat but it's not cute!!!! this is PINK with BOWS. I'm not even a puffer coat fan I like fitted wool coats and ski jackets but this coat is driving me insane
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starfxkr · 4 months
Omg😂 The fact I have the idea of a Selkie!Reader that doesn’t really understanding how prices work and she tries to pay for food with gold coins. Or as Selkie!Reader calls them, ‘shinies’ that she played with as a kid when diving down to play in old wrecks!
she's pulling out doubloons like pippi longstocking like "yea I used to chew on these but lots of humans go crazy for em idk why" GIRL ITS GOLD
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queen-selkie · 8 days
The hurt I experienced as a teen girl never ever went away. I'm reminded or see something from my past, sometimes, and it still cuts through my heart like a knife. Time has not bothered to dull any of my wounds.
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cintipede · 1 year
it is my seal sunday
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justbelievinginmagic · 3 months
˗ˏˋariadne's threadˎˊ˗ series masterlist
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pairing(s): hyunjin x fem!reader, hints of jisung x reader if you squint, hints of jisung x hyunjin if you read between the lines; all of the characters are intrigued by the reader tbh
series summary: The tale of the LABYRINTH was by far your favorite book to read - even now in adulthood. Wishing for the goblin king to steal you away was your favorite past-time growing up. Everything changes one stormy night when your wish to be stolen away by the Goblin King comes true and a honeyed blonde fae man appears in your bedroom to whisk you away to be his - body, mind, and soul. Do you take his fantasied offer or shall you fight through his Labyrinth in order to reclaim your humanity & free will?
OR - When tempted by an intoxicating offer by Hyunjin the Goblin King, you fight against him to find your own sense of self once more while in the Labyrinth.
warnings/tags: inspired by the 1986' movie Labyrinth, follows majority of the movie's plot points with divergence, 3rd person POV, use of Y/N, mature topics, strong language, faerie lore!!, all of skz show up, txt cameo that i love, tension, slow burn enemies to lovers, unequal power dynamics, manipulation, fear, faerie drugging, labyrinth runner!reader, goblin king!hyunjin, banished!jisung, hunter!chan, knight!changbin, junkland boss!jeongin, sluagh!minho, boggart!seungmin, gancanagh!felix, selkie!yeonjun, changeling!soobin, knight!hoseok, knight!seokjin, war generals!ateez, more tags to be added.
word count: 55k written; ongoing
part 1 - a deal, a deal, a deal!!! (posted 4/12/24) part 2 - never go that way. (posted 4/15/24) part 3 - onwards & downwards. (posted 4/28/24) part 4 - the oubliette. (posted 5/7/24) part 5 - forwards is backwards. (posted 5/12/24) part 6 - the hunter and the hunted. (posted 5/29/24) part 7 - the wild hunt. (posted 6/5/24) part 8 - tba!!
extra content for ariadne's thread: how i visualize skz in the world --- (will be updated as more boys are revealed in the story!)
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selkie-assist · 5 years
Do you think you could make your links available on mobile somehow? I don't have access to a computer to view them:(
My blacklist is not negotiable! If you don’t like it find another kin blog!
I won’t do anything with incest ships. This includes Corrin x Nohrian/Hoshidan siblings or Corrin x Azura/Shigure.
I won’t do anything with pedophilic ships either. This includes Corrin x Second Gen Units and Robin x Second Gen Units.
Other than that, I’m pretty comfy with basically every fire emblem ship, including crossovers!
I won't do anything with Soleil orientation discourse. My only opinion on this discourse is just that she’s wlw.
I will do requests regardless of the character’s canon gender. What I mean by this is if a trans girl kins Leo but was a trans girl in her canon, I’ll do something for trans girl Leo if it’s requested. I’ll do the same for trans boys and nonbinary folk! This includes if you weren’t kin with that character yourself, but they were still that gender. (For example, in my Soliel kin, Shigure is nonbinary and I often refer to them with they/them because of it!) How ever I won't do anything with genderbends.
Requests asking for cishet stuff will just be deleted! I can and will turn all your faves gay and trans. ;)
Anyways~ Onto info!!
For icons!!! I can do pride icons! They can be aes flags too, but pls know that if I go against the op’s dni (I am pro-mogai, anti-truscum, ace and aro inclusionist, and an anti for some quick reference) I won’t use it. for the lesbian flag i just go with the orange to pink one instead of the only pink one, know that it’s because the creator of the pink one is really icky if you’re unaware of that. And since I did say I’m pro-mogai, I don’t mind doing mogai identities as long as it’s not harmful.~
If you’re sending in a canon call don’t be afraid to send in multiple asks, I’ll post them all together. Please be as specific or vague as you want! Be clear if you want to meet specific character, avoid specific characters, want people only from your canon, and the age range. While the age range isn’t necessary, PLEASE state if you are a minor or over 18. If you’re 18+, minors may not want to interact and vice versa, so even if you’re comfy with anyone, know that they might not be comfy back. And if someone does have an age range (ect. “I’m 18+ and only want to talk to other 18+ folk”) RESPECT THAT. As a final point, if you’re 18+ and only want minors to interact, you will be blocked. If you’re a minor and only want people 18+ to interact, it’ll just be deleted.
Portrait edits are currently only available for characters in heroes! Please be more specific on things colourwise- for example don’t say “darker skin” because that is far from specific and can be from a light brown to a very dark brown. I can give characters hair dye streaks, freckles, face stickers, pride buttons, and minor edits in general along side full colour edits. I can also give characters objects from other characters, but note that the art styles may not mesh the best with all non-colour based edits. I will not lighten skin tones.
Aesthetics!! Please include colours unless it’s a pride aesthetic, since it’ll just be the flag colours. A THEME IS MANDATORY IF THE CHARACTER IS NOT FROM AWAKENING OR FATES. I’m mostly familiar with those two games so I can do an aesthetic for them based on how they are in canon, but that’s a lot harder for other characters and I will just delete it.
And about stimboards, PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST THIS IF YOU DON’T STIM. I don’t mind neurotypicals requesting, since they can stim, it’s just not as common as in ND folk. It’s not for aesthetics, even if I try my best to make them look appealing. You can rb them if you don’t stim, I don’t care, just don’t request them. When you are requesting, please try to be as specific as you can! Say what stims you don’t want included, if you have trypo, if you don’t want hands, can’t stand blades, are uncomfy with furry paws, don’t want animals, no fast-paced gifs, ect ect. Even if you’re worried about it sounding weird tell me, I won’t judge you.
You can check my “#?Selkies Samples” tag for examples of my stuff!
As a final note, you can request as much as you want when requests are open but send them in different messages. Adding more than one request into one message stresses me out immensely and I will not be able to do it.
Before you follow, know my stances on some stuff that’s important to me!
I’m anti-truscum and pro-mogai/imoga. Call me a tucute if you want, idc.
I’m an ace and aro inclusonist! Exclusionists are aphobes and never cared about “keeping ‘cishets’ out” they only want to hurt ace and aros.
I’m pro self-dx. As long as you put tons of research into the subject and talk with those who know for sure they have it + are open about it being self-dx, it isn’t harmful. It can be impossible to get diagnoses’ for things, especially if you have ablest parents, are afab, and/or don’t have the money.
I’m pro-otherkin! I’m other kin myself.
I’m an ‘anti’. What that means is I’m against shipping pedophilia, incest, and abuse even in fiction, and am aware that fiction effects reality. 'Anti-anti’ is a dumb label that’s clearly dancing around saying that they’re a pedophilia/incest/abuse supporter and apologist.
I’m obviously anti-pedophilie (map/nomap/nop/what ever term they’re using to seem less threatening) if that wasn’t clear by now.
So, I’d prefer if you don’t follow me if you are:
Truscum. I’ll likely block you if you even interact with me.
Anti-mogai. Neutrals are fine tho.
Ace/Aro exclusionist or neutral. It stopped being about gatekeeping a long time ago, you can’t be neutral on this when it’s constantly exclusionists telling aces and aros that they aren’t real, that they aren’t hurt for their orientation, and always having their communities invaded and ripped down even after exlusionists said that all they wanted was for us to make our own community. We did that. They tore it down and continued to mock us and yell at us all while getting our identity wrong, describing it incorrectly, and refusing to listen to our voices. It isn’t about if we’re lgbt or not anymore. It never was.
Pro-shipper ('anti-anti’)
True crime community (I mean the sexual and romanticizing stuff!! I’m super into true crime myself so don’t worry about this if you’re just interested in crimes and mystery.)
Okay! I’m Selkie! I’m a trans man and I only use he/him. (I’ve considered using neopronouns but haven’t found any that were right. I might try some out on this blog in the future though.)  I’m mentally ill and nd. While I am currently a minor, I’m fine with people of all ages interacting and talking to me.
I’m asexual fictosexual/romantic, and (gray)aromantic mlm.
Anyways!!! Onto my kins! I mentioned otherkin, so I’ll quickly say that I’m vampire, fox, and werewolf kin. And while I’m not sure if they count as other kin at all, I’m a Kitsune (the Fates/IF kind specifically, not the Japanese folklore kind, and this is because I kin Selkie), as well as an Absol, Vulpix, Sylveon,and Umbreon from pokemon!
For fire emblem kins specifically, I am Selkie (Hence the theme! also, trans man), Veronica (trans man), Soleil (trans man??), and Henry (trans man)!
I’m 100% okay with all doubles~ While my mod name is Selkie I’m also fine with being called Soleil or Henry! Call me Veronica though and perish by my claws.
there you go, nonny!
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mrgirl · 2 years
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something about a second skin x
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olruggioofthetorch · 2 years
Can you believe tinsel's both transgender and trans species
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