#=rfamilial bonds hc=
fenikkusunohisana · 4 years
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Important Bonds (Hisana POV) -Hitsugaya Toshiro...Ice fluff  
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🌸  Aside from Byakuya and Rukia, Hisana’s bond with Toshiro is very special to her. It is different from the other two but also similar in certain aspects. Despite the fact they may disagree on things and Hisana getting him fluffed up many times over :’D, at the core of it..there is something very soft and worth protecting. And as time passes and they spend more time together--aka he visits her--, it just..solidifies that connection. 
🌸  Hisana cares for him very much. And as he is very perceptive, she is intuitive and observes things as well. Sometimes she would speak too bluntly with good intentions..which..may not sit well with him. But she never regrets it because there’s a look in his eyes sometimes..that she is very familiar to her. And to see it echoing in his young eyes..is hurtful. So while it may not  be her place to say it...or be that intrusive..she would if it is important for his thick skull to know.  🌸  On that same wavelength, he also is able to read when she has had a very rough day. She is aware he sees it, despite the facade she may try to put on. Because she hates worrying him, worrying anyone she cares about. But he always knows. And sometimes they would speak about random things or just..sit in quiet, comfortable silence. His company a reassuring reminder that..she was not alone. Not to say Bya and Rukia do not provide it, they do. But with him, even though she hides her feelings and troubles, it is less of a strangle hold and. she is a little bit more at ease. The silent communication is a way of unburdening without saying anything..as confusing as it may sound. 🌸  It was a type of relationship that did not have an endless, swirl of despairing guilt, anger, self loathing and a sense of inferiority attached to it. Well..there was a little but not to the same extent as the other two. It was refreshing to not..live with her mistakes and guilt..at least for a moment. Hisana was not blaming the other two. No. Those feelings were all on her..but at least, she had not caused any direct harm to Toshiro to warrant such excessive and burdensome feelings. And she hopes she never will. To do that to someone like him..would fracture what remained of her struggling self.It would be devastating.  🌸  Whether Toshiro accepted it or not, he had a place to rest should he need it. He was always welcome to visit and shake off his worries..even for a few minutes. As he provides support by his visits, Hisana tries to return the same. Both are pretty stubborn though but..it is that stubbornness and unwillingness to share..refusing to burden the other..thinking they are undeserving of compliments...is also why..their dynamic is so interesting. Both would extend themselves for those important to them but when it comes to themselves, are just..hopeless.  However,  that’s all the more reason Hisana also tries so hard to make him feel welcomed. Make the visits warm and soothing...although her mouth sometimes would get her in trouble. 🌸  The point I’m trying to make is : Hitsugaya is an integral part of her life. She still does not know how it happened but it did. If anything were to happen to him, she’d be very angry and also very miserable. As she would extend her wings for her sister and husband, she’d do it for the ice floof. Even though he is capable of protecting himself far more than she ever could, she’d still try...even if she overextends herself in the process. Despite his genius status and his rank..he was still a kid. A lonely one at that..who had difficulties with important parts of being..a person. He falls within her protective circle whether he wants to or not. In this case, it isn’t a choice. He is already in there and she will occasionally peck it into his head..that he is very much loved.
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