#<is drowning in ideas
sanchoyo · 5 days
I’ve always been interested in things like choose your own adventure stories or when community polls choose what happens in a story. Tbh I would love to write one (I know there’s a way to do this on ao3, the choose your own adventure part not the poll one as far as I’m aware) it’s just a matter of 1. Making time to do it 2. Deciding what story/fandom to write it for 🤨
#I have a lot of wips and stuff going on stewing and marinating behind the scenes rn#and a lot of stuff I WANT to do soon#or post art fight#I need to draft ch 3 of tm2 (a lot of it IS drafted but I’m considering entirely swapping ch3/4s orders around -_-#for reasons that boil down to ‘I think it would flow better) but maybe not? aaaa#it doesn’t matter either way I need to sit and sketch pages of that#+me seriously considering a manga adaption of the ps tmm game#I think it would be fun if after drafting a script and a set number of pages it was a collab effort of the fandom like each person does 1-2#pages with certain criteria. like those (fandom) animated episodes artists do but with a comic??#it would need to be all type set by one person to make sure it’s legible tho#and I’m gonna be honest ive organized small events before but smth like that would be a LOT of organizing wrangling and communicating#but it could be fun!!#I also want to start doing more art stuff in general like on schedules tho like perhaps do fanart Friday every week or something.#another solo zine. or even a fandom zine or some kind but make it free and Small Scale bc that’s The Vibe I enjoy#SO MANY THINGS IN MY BRAIN HELP.#<is drowning in ideas#I also wanted to make a pony sona and draw Valerie DP after seeing that good edit last night andkckfkck#can I do both before AF starts??! we will find out!!!#i knooow I’ve been posting a lot on my art blog I will queue them if I do these I swear I will give u guys a breather#sanchoyorambles#long ramble short I want to write more fics but also have 3849594 art ideas going#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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wasyago · 5 months
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a random cleo in armor
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Over the course of the game, roll a d20 every so often.
This measures the progress of a different, unmentioned party of adventurers who are on their own quest to stop an unrelated threat to the entire mortal world.
If you get a one they fuck up and die so the world abruptly ends with no warning.
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doydoune · 2 months
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Hazakura Temple, February
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3cosmicfrogs · 2 months
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Spring hunt.
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doctorforks · 4 months
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fyodor dostoevsky collecting white haired men for his harem since the 15th century
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whump-or-whatever · 1 year
This is a reminder to leave your whumpee absolutely ruined.
Leave them shaking like a leaf, hardly able to draw a breath.
Leave them covered in so many bruises they can barely move without wincing.
Leave them absolutely blanketed in scars that will never fade.
Leave them rocking back and forth, tears streaming down their face in the midst of a panic attack.
Leave them unable to be near another person without eyeing them warily and flinching every time they move.
Leave them so out of it they can’t see, can’t hear, can’t speak, can’t move, can’t think.
Leave them stumbling and tripping over their own feet, scrambling to get back up each time as they try to escape.
Leave them struggling against the encroaching darkness as they bleed out.
Leave them half-drowned, soaked to the bone, clothes clinging to them as they sputter and gasp on the floor.
Leave them shivering, teeth chattering, trying to rub warmth back into their body.
Leave them delirious with fever, head lolling, eyes unfocused, covered in a thin sheen of sweat.
Leave them begging for mercy, promising to do anything just to make it stop.
Leave them exhausted, barely able to keep their eyes open let alone put one foot in front of the other.
Leave them so broken they can’t bring themself to care about anyone or anything.
Leave them a blubbering mess, stumbling over their words trying to say the right thing to please whumper.
Leave them so mortified by everything that’s happened to them that they don’t even want to be found anymore because they don’t want people to know.
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sleepy-light · 7 months
Even more requests from insta
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layaart · 13 days
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I read an arc of A Dark And Drowning Tide recently. It was good.
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revelisms · 11 months
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These two don't do well in rain 🐀
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rebouks · 2 months
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Previous // Next
HELP! Robin’s eyes shot open as his breath suddenly caught in his throat, causing him to choke violently. He knew what a panic attack felt like, but this wasn’t it-.. it felt as though someone had thrust him into an ice-cold bath and forcibly held his head beneath the surface until he was forced to inhale, his limbs too tired to claw himself free of his invisible assailant. … [Levi gasped and spluttered as Robin grabbed a hold of his waist and yanked him above the surface, his frantic flailing threatening to sink them both if he didn’t calm down] Robin: It’s okay, I’ve got you! [Robin fought to control his own breathing as Levi gasped and heaved beside him, coughing up lungfuls of pool water between shuddering breaths] Robin: Are you alright? [Levi shook his head, covering his face with shame as he began to sob] Robin: C’mon, the office can call your paren-… Levi: [hoarsely] NO! [Robin paused as Levi struggled to catch his breath] Levi: I d-don’t want them to k-know! Robin: Okay, uh-… Jude: Hey! Why’d you run off like that? Juniper: Oh-.. what happened?! [Robin faltered as he looked up at his cousin, unsure how to explain his sudden departure] Robin: Can you ask the office to call mom n’ dad? Just tell ‘em I freaked out or something, they’ll come get me. Juniper: Okay-.. let’s go! [Jude barely got a word out before Juniper dragged him toward the hall, leaving Jacob scratching his head] Jacob: Shouldn’t we be calling his parents? [Robin shrugged loosely and avoided Jacob’s gaze, not wanting to discuss the fact that their classmate was frightened of his parents’ apathy, rage, or both]
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muppenthings · 5 months
HEYOO!!! Love your art and ocs btw. So may I ask if you can please make one shot where Gorm is saving someone from drowning? Ik this is weird but you gotta know that imma weirdo so..
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I'm happy you like them! This was entertaining to draw. ;)
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thearvariblues · 5 months
Listen, if I got a dollar every time I went completely feral over a sweet angel man called Pete falling for a pathetic bitch with a bunch of daddy issues, I would have two dollars, which isn't a lot but it's still weird it happened to me twice.
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rockphos · 6 months
★— creepypasta headcanons bcs I'm bored :3
made this with my bsf (he has no idea what creepypasta is)
TW!!! : mentions of alcohol, abuse, mentions of murder (ofc), smoking, organ eating (basically cannibalism), TELL ME IF I MISSED MORE !!
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Jeff The Killer :
a bit abusive and possessive
his room is an absolute mess, a yellow stained matress, monster cans in the corner of his room n everything
absolutely REFUSES to buy a new knife, he thinks he doesn't need a new one
probably smells like gas
instead of him blinking (he can't because bro has no eyelids) he rolls is eyes back :3
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Ben Drowned :
ABSOLUTELY FUCKING STINKS due to how he stays in his room all day
his computer is both fast and slow at the same time
only gets out of his room to eat (rarely eats since he's a ghost)
picks fights with jeff
had a invader zim phase
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Ticci toby :
has a hard time sitting down lmao, he tried to sit properly but failed
his fingers are covered in bandages due to how he keeps biting his nails (i mean he can't feel pain so 🤷)
this man REEKS of marijuana and pine wood, no questions asked
he lets his anger out on killing people, which happens often
sharpens his hatchets once in a while :3
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Eyeless Jack :
definitely smells like men's cologne or organs
he works out sometimes on weekends, I don't see how he doesn't
is a great cook but doesn't cook often, he prefers eating organs
his teeth are sharp, perfect for chewing organs :3
still good with first aid, patches up toby when his fingers bleed
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note : i ran out of ideas lmao, anwyays first post !! ALL OF THESE ARE OOC(?) but happy advanced new year!! :33
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lucabyte · 4 months
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Standalone post of my doodles for @samhainian's AUs of sorts from this post which you should go read because oouuuuh,,,,,
There's a lot of possibilities with how either of these go, mostly depending on how honest Loop is upfront (or how caught red-handed they are, so to speak). Since... Well, the party is loving. That's the point of the story! They just learned this!
But. How do you even begin to explain this. Especially when you aren't fully over it yourself.
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mishoru · 7 months
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Don't you think I look pretty curled up on this bathroom floor?
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