#<insert ''I was there Gandalf'' meme here>
desert-anne · 2 years
kind of fascinating what seven years of unfettered internet access has done to the splatoon fanbase
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sotwk · 10 months
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About This Recommended Fics List:
All the Tolkien fanfics in this list meet the following qualifications:
Fandom: All-inclusive Tolkien (LotR, Hobbit, Silm, RoP) Type: One-shot Length: approx. 1,000-6,000 words Ship/Pairing: Any, including OCs and Reader Inserts Rating: G or PG-13 Content: No excessive angst, violence, or death. No unresolved stress. Happy endings only!
Disclaimer: I (@sotwk) have not personally screened all of these fics for their content. There may be triggers. Please read descriptions, take responsibility for your own media consumption, and observe the Golden Rule: Don't Like, Don't Read!
Link sources are either Tumblr or Ao3. Some Ao3 works are locked to registered users only.
This list of comfort fics is a collaboration and compiled through the recommendations of Readers. Thank you to everyone who contributed!
This remains a work in progress, and I will continue to accept recommendations. Please send them via DM, Ask, or Reblog. We need more, please!
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Last updated: 1/23/2024
Hush Now by @entishramblings
Mirage @sileastral
You’re the one who’s calling me to heaven by @cauliflowertree
A Shield Against the Snow by @scyllas-revenge
A Thief in the Night by @scyllas-revenge
The Floor Is Molasses by @scyllas-revenge
Anything But This by @minaturefics
Just a Little Longer by @theelvenhaven 
The Weft Between the World by Antarctica_or_bust
Alive and Alight by @minaturefics
Fair Enough by @middleearthpixie
Wildest Dreams by @scyllas-revenge
Blue Moon by @epilogue-and-prologue/@absentmindeduniverse
An Idiot's Guide to Gift-Giving by @scyllas-revenge
Wrong Conclusions by @minaturefics
Arda University by @lady-of-imladris
Over Joy by PurpleProsaist
Days for which they sit and wait by BloodwingBlackbird
Mahal's Gift by @lemonsprite
Unfairness by @errruvande
Serenade by @glassgulls
Three Weeks on the Nimrodel by @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras
Sending Memes by @ironmandeficiency
Elucidative by @shrubdaddy
Winter Forest by @wordbunch
The Cruel Nature of the World by @entishramblings
What Haunts Your Heart by @entishramblings
Bottled Up by @heilith
Merry [Seeking recommendations!]
Pippin [Seeking recommendations!]
Better Company by @wordbunch
Let Met Take You Dancing by RaisingCaiin
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Primary Sources by bunn (@cycas)
Why Hobbits Eat So much by Madkat89
Sweets by @blairsanne
Lost My Way by @lathalea
Sapphires by @lathalea
Catch Her by a_daydreaming_writer
Porridge by @fili-urzudel
Insecurities by @bookworm-with-coffee
Royal Jar Opener, Reporting for Duty by @unendingwanderlust
Heavenly Inferno by midearthwritings
The Pairing Ceremony by dumbassunderthemountain
You Are My Happy Place by SmartassUndertheMountain
Liantë by WritingsOfAHobbit
In The Woods of Ered Luin by @enchantzz
A Long Lost Home by @babe-bombadil
Dead End by @fizzyxcustard
The Arrival by @lathalea
Strong by @lathalea
Nothing by @entishramblings
Goodnight by @heilith
Under A Starless Sky by My_Marvel_Musings and RinzlersGhost
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here, at the end of all things by Dalliansss
Warmth by @on-a-hill-by-the-sea
Stay the Night by @theelvenhaven
Golden by molerein 
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My shadows by @thesolarangel
Dating shy Elrond by @thesolarangel
Perfectly Proper by @wordbunch
Stay by @scriberated
Covered in Colours by myfavouritelunatic
It’s the Last Thing I Wanted (It’s the First Thing I Do) by Helholden
Stay by @scriberated
Covered in Colours by myfavouritelunatic
It’s the Last Thing I Wanted (It’s the First Thing I Do) by Helholden
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Divider credit: @saradika-graphics
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I don't have a scene that lives rent-free in my head so much as I still have an impression of every single fic of yours that I've ever read.
Like, sometimes I'll find a fic, read it, think "well, that was neat!", go to leave kudos and be met wit the "you've already left kudos here :D"-message. Insert Gandalf meme here.
Couldn't happen with your stuff. I think I remember pretty much everything from The Bearing of Iron, The Guiding of Death remains a beautiful rendition of Hades and Persephone, I still sometimes get flashes of "this song would be great for Ray's Addams!Toni fic!". And even The Limitations of Wax, which I don't think I actually ever finished (I came here already with a severe case of Steve Rogers Isn't All That >:() but I sure remember those two assholes who sold Toni's story to the press.
So. No single scene. But a whole bunch of vibes.
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theplantbish · 3 years
Everyone's pushing a lot of work on me, and this one person was like "oh don't you remember? We agreed about this in a meeting last spring :)" bitch I started working here during summer!
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Bear with me here, but I am firm in my belief that the tapestries in the Halls of Mandos function like movie screens, showing either important events or important people (often said important people are just going about their daily lives).
So all the dead members of the House of Finwe just sit around a tapestry with imaginary popcorn and watch the world. Some of it is tragic and moving of course, but so much of it is benine (they spend the majority of the second age trying to figure out who Gil-galads parents are).
But once things start happening in the third age (in which our movie-watchers have previously split their time alternatively encouraging Galadriel to deck Saruman in the face, and getting weirdly invested in Shire politics) they quickly develop a favourite hero. Said hero is Eowyn. She reminds them all of Aredhel, and by the time she joins the army they’re all in mass support of everything she does.
What I’m saying is that once Eowyn actually fights the Witch-King, she has the entire House of Finwe cheering her name, and when she wins they all riot so hard Namo kicks them out of the Halls. Naturally both Maedhros and Anaire (once someone tells her about it) lament the fact that they couldn’t marry Eowyn instead of their current husbands, and the rest of the family vehemently insist that Arwen chose the wrong mortal.
HCanon I absolutely ADORE THIS. However, if it doesn’t culminate in Gandalf being forced to go back to ME to “go get our girl” under pain of death until Eowyn is like “no I’m good” at which point Olorin has to haul ass *back* to Valinor, while a very upset Faramir is protesting that he’d like to see the undying lands, pretty please with a cherry on top. (I love Faramir very much and im sorry)
Also, just to be clear: they know Saruman is bad news pretty early and are angrily yeeting popcorn, almonds, and the occasional knife whenever he shows up on screen. At first Namo thinks its just them being Overly Aggressive, and honestly, the Feanorians aren’t quite sure why they hate him so much either. But at some point Saruman does turn evil and the valar do concede that when it comes to being oddly in tune with exactly who is “a traitorous piece of shit” the shiny murder family (minus Celebrimbor who is a kind and innocent soul) takes the cake.
Further bonus: they demand occasional cuts to Maglor, which is then spliced in comedically, in a “Meanwhile Maglor” segment which could well be the same clip over and over. *insert that meme where the child wipes away a movie screen characters tear*
When Frodo first shows up, he is almost crushed by the whole family demanding to meet the mayor. Frodo is really confused who “the mayor” is and if he is also “the potato man” until he finally exclaims “Why that’s SAM!” He is swiftly informed that no one ever calls him that, jeeze, but yes that’s “Sam.” Where is “Sam.”
They also go after Galadriel for giving Sam that tree and magic dirt because she really upset the balance of power there, but did she even consider that?? NOOOOO. She didnt.
There were all those rumors of Sam’s mayor ship being blessed. Was she aware of that?? Of the ridiculousness she’d brought into what was normally Good Ordered Politics!!! Galadriel’s like “fuck yeah I did think about that actually, and can you Really say Sam doesn’t deserve a little bit of awe from the people there”
The Feanorians realize that, being Galadriel, Galadriel is RIGHT. And since they have no sense of a middle ground, they get in contact with their sleeper agent Maglor (who’s obviously a sleeper agent and very much in contact with them, shut up). Who will now fulfill my life’s ambition of forming a cult as a (in)famous bard. The cult of Samwise the potato man. Sam would like to know what the Fuck is going on and he shows up to Valinor with Questions. (please ignore this paragraph, I just want a cult)
Of course they’re also very pleased with Frodo, who is Small and a very precious little guy. Because we ALL love Frodo.
Thanks so much for the ask, your head canons are hilarious and full of life as always. Have a great day :)
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penny-anna · 3 years
most memorable scene for me is pippin and gandalf visiting the museum, specifically the bit with pippin saying he’d prefer gandalf was in a cult than a LARP group
also 🌈 for Half a Brick
aw that's a fun scene, ty!
🌈 What inspired you to write [insert fic here]?
oh i've actually answered this in the a/n of the fic! i made this meme & then got talking about in on discord which resulted in this conversation. which resulted in the fic.
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audiovisualrecall · 3 years
*tries to kudos a fic*
'You have already left kudos here'
*I notice that I already have this story in my ao3 bookmarks*
Insert Gandalf meme here
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trinrose3 · 3 years
Adding onto anon about the queer label:
For years, radfems and TERFs (they are different basically all TERFs are radfems but not all radfems are TERFs, and TIRF (trans inclusive radfem) rhetoric often goes onchecked on this site but that's a whole other discussion) have worked to make "queer" as dirty as possible, targeting young queer people - young both in age and simply people new to the queer community regardless of age. They pushed the "queer is a slur" rhetoric, which while yes queer has been used as a slur, so has "gay" but that still gets used as an umbrella term with little push-back, excluding biphobes/panphobes/aphobes/etc who don't want non-gay/lesbian people "appropriating" their terms.
This has also been used to fuel exclusionist arguments, like the huge... I'm going to be real and call it mass harassment against ace people on this hellsite. They were continually being pushed and pushed, essay after essay being posted by gatekeepers about how asexual isn't a real LGBTQ+ label. And back then was really when you wanted to check if they were using "LGBT" or "LGBT+" or "LGBTQ+" because there was also a push for "It's just LGBT and nothing else" as well as the "LGB alliance"/"Drop the T". (If you don't know about the "LBG alliance" Jammidodger, a trans guy on yt does a reaction video to Arielle, a TERF that decided to go full-on conservative when she refused to listen to criticism when attempting to talk about trans issues back in the early 2010s. Insert joke here about "Is this reactionary statement from a "leftist" TERF or from the alt right?")
If someone has personal reason to not want to be called queer for any reason, I won't call them that, but after all this mess that Gandalf, I have seen because I was here, I side-eye anyone who refuses to call it the queer community or pushes the "queer is a slur" rhetoric. After all that and still seeing "aphobe turns out to be a transphobe too" slope too often, I feel like I have good reason to have that suspicion too, so basically TL;DR: yeah, pushing to using "gay" as the umbrella term instead of "queer" is often just exclusionism. Even if they are not doing it intentionally, odds are they've internalized the rhetoric without realizing.
Okay yeah that was my thought behind the whole thing and I’m glad to see that I wasnt too far off
it feels like one of those memes you see and become extremely popular only to find out MONTHS later that it’s a dog whistle for fascism
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*sees you answered my ask* *insert gandalf meme* I have no recollection of sending that ask... do you think you know what post I could be coming from? I don't :U sorry I just have bad memory
Honestly I have no clue? I sorta assumed it was just general positivity bc im not sure what i did otherwise to prompt it lol. Especially since I haven’t been super active here. But if you dont know and i dont know….. then who’s flying this thing????
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