#<- top ten things that make loop have to ponder in the sunlight about
lanternlightss · 2 months
incredibly silly to me. that i am pairing up nameless “touch adverse” bard with loop… and their entire deal
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preyed-llama · 6 years
Suits You
word count: 3671
genre: fluff
Ship: royality briefly mentioned analogical
Summary: When Roman walked in with a smile and two suits, Patton knew he was done for. OR Why Roman is rarely allowed to plan dates because does it look like they’re billionaires?
Authors note: Maybe you don’t enjoy this, but I had fun writing it, so what if it’s for a dying ship in a dying fandom?
Patton hummed along to the song on the radio as he continued to clean the room. All that was left was to dust, put in air freshener, cut some flowers from the garden for the vase, and vacuum the floor. Virgil had called him old fashioned for listening to the radio, and maybe the music wasn’t as nice as he’d hoped, but at least he could note any ones he especially enjoyed.
It was a particularly nice day, the sky was sprinkled with white clouds and the soft, cool breeze chilled the house. The windows were all opened, and the sunlight illuminated his small house. The old women complimented his garden every time they saw him and would always accept the spare pastries his boyfriend and he hadn’t managed to get through.
The backyard was surrounded by trees and flowers, bird particularly liked the tree near their bedroom window, which was nice to pretend to be royalty in a fantasy world as they dance around the room to a slow song on the radio, but not particularly nice when Patton had stayed up until five watching cartoons only to be woken up two hours later by birds that didn’t seem to know the meaning of quiet, which they probably didn’t, since they were birds. On good days, he could scatter bird seed on the window sill and have a few fly down to join him. They stayed there with him until Roman burst into the room with a new idea, startling the poor birds.
He turned off the radio and grabbed the vacuum, all that dusting had left the floor a mess. He hummed a familiar song as he vacuumed the floor. Spring cleaning was fun to him, which others found weird and would comment on it regularly. He couldn’t bring himself to throw away anything -if it was broken, Roman had to take it outside and dump it in the bin- so he took spring cleaning as a chance to rearrange the room into something nicer, something less cluttered. The fresh flowers in the vase made him feel better, he knew they’d wilt soon, but it was beautiful, and Roman always loved flowers.
The air freshener helped make the room feel safer, he particularly liked the forest one. Usually the house smelt of cookies from his baking, he didn’t mind cooking so much. It was a stress relief and besides, it made others smile, so even if he couldn’t feel good about himself, then he could find happiness in the way others brightened up at his food.
The moment he turned off the vacuum he switched the radio on again, it was in the middle of an ad. Patton tuned it out as he put the vacuum out and set up the air fresheners. He stepped back and admired his handiness. The windows were clean, the floors were clean, the room was neatly arranged, the stray bits of paper were tucked away, the beds were made, and clothes washed and put away, and the books were set up properly. He couldn’t help but smile. The house was tidy and felt homely. It was lived in but not messy. He felt good for once, and on such a beautiful day.
He walked out to the garden, he could hear the music playing from the radio. It was faint, and he couldn’t recognise the song, but it felt nice regardless. There were a few birds in the tree. They were small and grey, their eyes seemed focused on Patton. He walked to the windowsill and picked up the bird seed before he spread it out. The bird watched him for a few moments before they dropped to the windowsill and started to eat.
The flowers were different shades and types, they had the cliché red roses in the corner, some pink tulips sat under the windowsills, and a patch of blue hydrangeas in the corner. The tree hung over the tulips and another tree sat at the back of the yard. A metal seat sat in the shade of the tree. Roman and Patton would sit out there with warm drinks and books as they talked about their lives and childhoods.
He cut off two roses and three tulips before he carried them inside carefully. He filled the vase up with sugar water and set the flowers into it. It made his neat house feel like a cottage from a fairy tale. It sounded as fanciful as the stories Roman would make up, about princes and kings. He glanced at the clock and decided to bake some cookies, they would be ready to eat when Roman got home.
A lot of his friends were fairly successful. They’d all been out of college for about 5 years, all of their fields were enough for them. Patton had decided to become a vet, it was a tough job, but the animals were honestly worth it. Roman had been an actor, he spent all of high school obsessing over the stage, he had wanted to be an actor since he was ten, which was hardly a surprise if you met him. Their best friend, Logan was the head maths teacher at the nearby high school, and Logan’s boyfriend was a game designer. Patton enjoyed his job, although he did enjoy his days off, even if they were spent doing chores rather than reading or watching tv like others would prefer.
The cookies were set in the oven. Patton tidied up the kitchen as he hummed along to the song on the radio. He picked up his phone, a message from Roman sat at the top of the screen. ‘I’ll be late home, my love.’ It read. Patton quickly responded and set down his phone. He pondered what other jobs he had to do. Roman had bought groceries earlier in the week, and he’d gotten the new movies they were planning on watching. Patton sat down at the table and opened up the computer, maybe if he just had a look at some online shopping he’d find something interesting.
Quite some time and almost 130 dollars later, he had found many things interesting. A jacket made for a cat that he’d never be able to own since he was allergic, but Virgil was thinking about getting a cat, so that would be perfect. A book that sounded interesting. A jumper that had a cute cat on it and a hoodie with a crown, a sword and shield on it for Roman.
He looked guiltily at the computer after he’d purchased them. He set the computer down and glanced at the clock, Roman would’ve gotten out of work twenty minutes ago. The radio continued to play music through the house as the soft breeze continued to hit Patton.
A knock on the door made him pause. He walked over to it and opened it. Roman stood outside, a bouquet of red roses sat on top of two suits. Patton blinked several times, his eyes darted up to Roman’s before they dropped back down. His heart hammered in his chest as a smile bloomed across his lips. He picked up the flowers and kissed Roman chastely before he held the door open for him. Roman walked inside, a large smile on his lips.
“Good afternoon, my love.” Roman greeted as he set the suits down on the table. Patton followed him into the other room. He had completely forgotten about the time Roman had suggested getting suits. He looked over them. One was a light grey suit with a light blue shirt and a dark blue tie, and the other was a deep red vest and deep red blazer with black dress pants and a white blouse.
He looked up at Roman who was putting the flowers into a spare vase. “Wow, Roman! These look really nifty! Uh, what are they for exactly?”
“Well, my dear, Patton. I was intending on taking us out this evening to a fancy establishment, perfect for two princes like us.” Roman said as he set the vase down and turned to face Patton. A blush bloomed on his cheeks as he looked down at the suit, the smile was impossible to hide. “Our reservation is in an hour.” Roman added.
Patton raced forwards and hugged Roman tightly. “I love you.” He murmured as he felt Roman hug back. “But you can’t always spend our money on such fancy things, Roman.” He tried to say sternly. Roman kissed him and Patton’s mind blanked in favour of focusing on the kiss. He pulled back from the kiss when a strong scent hit his nose. He gasped and grabbed the mittens from the counter. He carefully pulled out the cookies and set them on the stove. Roman watched them with a smirk. His hand started to move towards the hot cookies. Patton knocked it away and tipped them onto a cooling rack.
Roman’s arms snaked around his waist as he dropped his head onto Patton’s shoulder. “They smell splendid, my stunning sunlight.” Patton beamed and set the oven mitts onto the kitchen bench. The radio played a rather quick song, but Patton nudged Roman’s head off his shoulder before he turned to face him anyway. He looped his arms around Romans neck before the two of them swayed to the music. It might not have been the song from a fairy tale, but they were happy, and their happily ever after didn’t need the perfect song, because any song was perfect when he was dancing in the kitchen with his boyfriend.
They rocked back and forth in a peaceful quiet. Roman slowly turned them as he hummed along to the song. Patton rested his head on his arm and moved closer to Roman. The room smelt of forests and cookies as the music danced around them. “The house looks splendid, my love.” Roman said quietly. Patton smiled and let out a peaceful sigh and pressed a kiss to Roman’s neck.
Several songs later they separated and grabbed a cookie each. The cookies were cool and the chocolate didn’t exactly melt in his mouth, but Roman still grinned and kissed Patton. “Oh, Patton! The cookies are delicious! So magnificent and superb.” He gushed as he quickly shoved the rest of the cookie into his mouth. Patton beamed at him and picked up another cookie from the cooling rack.
“Thanks! It was pretty whisky, but it’s nice and egg…cellent.” Patton laughed as he laced his fingers with Roman’s. Roman rolled his eyes fondly and ate another cookie, a small smile on his lips.
“I suppose so, Sugar.” He mused as he broke his cookie in half. He shoved half into his mouth as Patton giggled and continued to munch on his cookie. They stopped after two cookies and headed to their bedroom, their fingers laced together and their suits in their hands.
They both quickly changed and turned to face each other. Roman was stunning, his brown eyes and dark blond hair complimented the red as his dazzling smile lit up his face. He combed a hand though his straight hair as Patton stared in shock for a few moments before his face broke into a large grin. “Ro! You look amazing!” he looped his arms around Roman’s waist and hugged him tightly.
A hand came up and tangled into his curly brown hair as his glasses were shoved into his face, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. “Thank you, my darling. You look absolutely stunning and so gosh darn adorable.” Roman said as he rested his head on Patton’s. His freckles managed to make him look adorable in any outfit and his curly dark auburn hair contrasted nicely with his suit.
They separated after a few moments and quickly kissed before they parted ways. Patton turned back to the mirror to tie up his tie as Roman walked down stairs to put the cookies away. They met at the door after several moments. They walked down to the car in a peaceful quiet. The bird sung them out from where they were perched on the tree. Patton sat down into the passenger seat as Roman smiled at him. They turned the radio on and started the journey to the ‘fancy establishment’ as Roman had called it.
The city passed their windows as the sunset. Patton found his thoughts drifted to his job and his boyfriend before they made their way to the tv show he was watching. The cartoon was just so cute! The story had just sucked him in. He was dragged out of his thoughts when the engine was turned off. He looked up the restaurant, it was certainly fancy, and probably fairly expensive.
They had a red carpet that led into the multi-story building. Fancy lights lined it as people in smart casual and fancy attire entered the building. Patton would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little scared, and he did not agree with lying… about most things. Emotions were a bit of a grey zone for him. A smile bloomed on his lips as he stepped out of the car and carefully closed the door to their car, which seemed out of place when compared to the expensive cars everyone else seemed to own. He laced his fingers with Romans as they walked up to the restaurant.
A woman waited by the door. She had a large book, presumably of names. Roman smiled at her with one of his charming smiles that made Patton’s heart skip a beat. It was cocky but caring. “Roman Prince.” He said. The lady grinned and led them into the building.
Chandeliers hung from the roof, and with help of the lamps mounted on the walls, they illuminated the room incredibly well. The windows were large and shaped like an archway, the were all open revealing the shadowy world outside. The walls were a creamy yellow with chestnut brown wooden trim around the bottom and up higher on the wall, just above the arch windows. The wall above the trim was white, as was the roof. The tables and chairs were made of dark, almost black, wood as a cream white table cloth covered the tables. A bar sat at the back of the room as several waiters and waitresses walked around. The tables were filled, which was incredibly shocking since there was over a hundred of them. Patton found his nerves growing as he saw more and more people.
He sat down in the chair Roman had pulled out for him and looked at the menu. The food was complicated and mostly French dishes. It all seemed ridiculously overpriced. He considered just getting a garlic bread, it seemed like one of the cheapest things on the menu. A waitress walked over and filled up two glasses with water before she asked about drinks. Roman said a long and complicated name that Patton could only guess came from somewhere in Europe. It was probably France or Italy considering the rest of the menu.
The music was filled with classical music as Roman pondered the menu. The waitress poured two glasses of sparkling wine and left them to themselves. Roman took a sip as he set the menu down with a stunning smile. Patton found a smile breaking across his lips as Roman grasped his hand. The waitress came over a few moments later with a plastered-on smile. They ordered a chicken confit as Patton got a Caesar salad, it felt a little awkward at first. He couldn’t help but glancing at others, he had no idea how they’d react.
“So… I got into a movie. I’m actually the main character.” Roman announced as he rested his head on his hand. He looked at Patton like he was the most amazing thing in the world. Patton’s brain cut out for a second as a blush formed on his cheeks before the words caught up. His mouth fell open as he stared at Roman wide eyed. He failed to form words as a smile grew more and more.
His voice came out in a high-pitched squeak. “Oh, my goodness! That’s amazing! What movie?” He had leaned over the table at some point as his other hand covered his mouth. Roman laughed and rubbed his thumb over Patton’s hand.
He slinked back as he glanced around, a few people were looking at him, presumably because of the strange noise. “Well. It’s The Devil in the Details. It sounds rather stupid, but I promise the plot is far more incredible. It’s about a man who takes down the worst of the worst, the most corrupted. He is a monstrous, terrifying, emotionless man who was nicknamed that by the media. I am the wonderful main character. Isn’t that incredible. All I have to do is channel my inner Logan and it’s bound to be superb!”
Patton snorted and took a sip of his wine as the waitress set down his food. “Well that certainly sounds amazing, Ro! I’m so proud of you!” He reluctantly released Roman’s hand to pick up his fork and eat something. The conversation started to drift from one thing to the other as they both ate their meals, enjoy the peaceful sound of the restaurant. People talked as the music continued to boom.
The waitress kept walking passed and topping the glasses up as one song shifted to another. People entered and left, some looked like royalty like others looked like they were meeting their partners parents, which wasn’t actually as bad as Patton imagined it, but that’s because Roman’s parents loved him before Roman and he had started dating. He slipped from that thought as he pondered aloud his next one. “What if we got a dog? Maybe a big dog… or a small dog to match our small house… but a dog would scare off the birds.”
Roman hummed for a second as he finished a mouthful. “We could.” He said with a smile. “A small inside dog. It possibly wouldn’t scare off the birds.” He took a sip before his eyes widened as his mouth twitched almost impossibly wider. “We could get two dogs.”
“Yeah! So they wouldn’t be lonely when we went out. Maybe we could get a third, so they could all be best friends!” Patton said excitedly as he stabbed more salad with his fork. “and we could get them beds and jackets!”
Roman laughed and smiled fondly at him. “How about just two, three seems like a little too chaotic. But we could dress them up as characters every Halloween and go on walks with them.” Roman sighed, “Patton, my dear, I think we are onto the best decision we’ve ever made.”
They laughed quietly as they finished the meal. Patton couldn’t seem to wipe the smile off his face or remove the thought from his mind all evening, not that he minded at all. The rest of the meal passed peacefully. Patton no longer felt self-conscious in the big hall. Maybe he was different to everyone else in the hall, maybe a little less fancy, but Roman was there to fight off all that fear with a charming smile and sentences that could possibly be spells in some other universe.
The air was cold as they walked out of the restaurant, Patton could hardly feel it when Roman’s arm was wrapped around his waist and he talked about people he met. They sat down in the car and started the car. Immediately music started to pour out of the radio as Roman and Patton smiled at each other. Patton slid off his jacket and tie as Roman pulled out of the parking lot. Patton rolled the window down and turned the radio up. It was only several minutes before they were both singing along loudly. Patton had his hand hanging out the window as he shouted the lyrics. Roman was grinning like an idiot as he sung along to the radio almost as boisterously as Patton.
The frigid air whipped through his hair and pushed it out of his face as goose bumps formed on his arm. His heart hammered in his chest as a smile remained plastered on his face. Every breath felt like a weight was falling off his chest as he let his eyes fall shut. He continued to sing along, his voice quieter and more peaceful. He had a long day and he felt so peaceful.
The radio was turned down as Roman spoke quietly. “Do you want to watch some films when we get back to our home?” Patton hummed and nodded, his eyes peeled open. The world felt so peaceful. He checked his phone, it was barely passed 8 o’clock. He could certainly stay up much longer than that. He turned face Roman and smiled widely. Roman glanced over at him from the corner of his eye, his lips curled up to as his attention moved back to the road.
It took awhile until they were home. When they did, they quickly entered the house and got changed into their pjs. Roman wore some tracksuits and a hoodie with a crown on it as Patton pulled out a set of pjs with cats on them. They laid in front of the tv as Winnie the Pooh played, neither decided they wanted popcorn, sure it was practically a crime to watch a movie with no junk food, but they were both comfortable and warm cuddled up against each other, besides they’d just had dinner.
Patton fell asleep halfway through the first movie and Roman carried him to bed. He tucked him in and quickly brushed his own teeth before he joined Patton under the blankets. Patton rolled over and wrapped in up in a hug as he mumbled in his sleep. Roman smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead before he rested his head on his pillow and fell asleep to the sounds of Patton mumbling about mermaids and toast.
@sassysoysauce @rileylastname
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