#<- this is not to imply MTX people aren't also treated like shit btw
genderkoolaid · 7 months
Honestly really pissed that the larger community cares more about someone getting banned from social media than the dead kid. One is truly small potatoes when we have children being beat to death at their own school.
I wouldn't say that it's small potatoes– tumblr has been a genuinely important place for a lot of trans people, especially trans youths. I know it was fundamental for not only realizing I was queer but also being exposed to leftist ideas for the first time. It's also an important place for social interaction for many disabled people who struggle to be able to engage with local communities. That fact that the CEO is pulling this anti-transfem shit is genuinely scary and a serious issue given how important social media is in many people's lives.
That being said, I do think that there are people on here who are not giving Nex's death the attention it deserves. And I don't want to make assumptions, but given how so many fucking people on this website have thrown around terms like "theyfab" and specifically mocked pre/no-T FTX people for being cringey and privileged and not understanding what it was like to REALLY experience violent transphobia... well. It's pretty aggravating. Regardless of what the autopsy reports will say, Nex and another trans person were beaten up in the girls bathroom (which they were forced to be in because of transphobic laws). It kind of fucks with the narrative that FTX people are whiny & "want to be oppressed."
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