#<- this came from me thinking about meteon just now
astrxealis · 2 years
i really really really want to write more for gbf oh MAN
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Meteon headcannon
@luka-sanfireprincess​ asked: Meteon is such a sweetheart, there really needs to be more headcannons with Meteon! 
Thank you for requesting and I hope you like this as this is a light-hearted romance 🥰
Characters: Meteon 
Pairings: Meteon/reader
Warnings: N/A
Words: 749
Meteon confessing his feelings for you
As you stand there in the wide field, gleaming sun on your face, you can’t help but notice just how amazing Meteon is.
Riding his speedship, Blue Orbit, he gives a shout of excitement as he is racing throughout the barren practice field. And to your surprise, he rode towards you, slowing down to a stop.
Opening the door to his speedship, he got out and proudly stated, “That was great practice! What did you think, (Y/N)? Did I do pretty well?” 
Seeing that he has on such a big smile, you couldn’t help but smile back and answer, “It was amazing as always, Meteon!” Your heart fluttered as each word came out of your mouth, mostly due to being lovestruck by such an amazing guy. 
Nodding as he is satisfied with your answer, he replied back, “I’m glad to hear that from you, it means a lot to me.” Your heart skips a beat and your cheeks start to warm up. 
Taking notice at how you reacted, he walked closer to you, practically leaning towards you. “Is something the matter?”, asking in curiosity, he was merely a few inches away from you. 
Blushing a lot more, you barely answered, “Yes, I’m fine! Nothing’s wrong!!” Trying not to embarrass yourself, you decided to step back from him. Or so you hopefully thought, as you stepped back, you accidentally tripped back and almost fell.
Meteon quickly reacted and grabbed onto your arm and pulled you in order to balance yourself. Pulling you into his chest, he wrapped his other arm around you to make sure that you don’t fall. You felt his heart beat fast as he was holding you.
Clearing his throat, he asked if you were ok as he let you go. “I’m ok, Meteon. Thank you for not letting me fall just now.”, you smiled awkwardly as you two stood around.
He once again cleared his throat and you noticed how he is glancing to his right side, his cheeks practically red. Giving a mischievous smirk, you poked his cheek, “Are you ok? You seem a little embarrassed.” 
Looking at you with a small pout, he said, “I’m not embarrassed.” Teasing at him some more, you pestered, “Are you sure?~ Your cheeks are pretty red and you’re acting strangely.~”
Dropping his pout, he started to retaliate, “Speaking of acting strangely, you didn’t answer my question. You were the one acting strange first.~” He goes on to poke your cheek as well, giving a playful smirk.  
He can be competitive at times but now, you can’t help but think how adorable he is. You brought your hands to his face and placed them on his cheeks.
You immediately felt heat rushing into your hands as Meteon looked surprised, not expecting your action.
“I’m so lucky to get to know an amazing guy like you. You make my days and adventures a lot more fun and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”, you said warmly.
Holding your hands, he said, “Well, I can say the same about you. You’re so inspiring and have accomplished so much and you never give up. Honestly, there aren’t enough words to describe how amazing you are.” 
As soon as he finished what he said, he took one of your hands and placed a light kiss on it. He put your hand down and gave a sharp inhale, “(Y/N), I like you. A lot actually.”
Your heart was pumping so hard as you’ve realized that Meteon feels the same towards you. You gave him a huge hug and was ecstatic, “Meteon, I like you too! I’ve been trying to get my feelings out to you but I was too nervous.”
He hugs you back and says, “Hey, it’s ok. We’re not in a race against time and I’ll always be here for you. I’m glad that you’ve finally told me.”
Feeling happy about Meteon’s mutual feelings for you, you asked, “Hey Meteon, can we have a race? I want to let all of my excitement go out!”
Releasing you from the hug, he gave a thumbs up and winked, “Let’s do it! Hm, loser has to give a full story about when they started getting feelings?”, he chuckled, possibly to the fact that he knows that he’s going to win.
“I guess I’ll have to really focus on winning this time!”, you laughed as you ran to your speedship. “We’ll see!”, Meteon shouted as he ran to his speedship as well.
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