#<- that is mumbo jumbo in general not @ u anon
stevebabey · 1 year
This is a thing that Steve definitely do just to pissed you off I’m 100% sure!!! Maybe you are at Target and you’re doing you’re own business, he sees that and understand how it works and then he calls you like: “hey babe look what I found☺️☺️☺️” all proud of himself, and then he shows you that thing, and you turn ALL red and whisper things like “turn it off!!! There’s other people in here!!” And he will definitely have that smug smile on his face and be like: “don’t act like you don’t like it” that son of a bit-
hey nonnie, sorry this won’t be quite the response you were looking for but respectfully, this behaviour would actually make me feel uncomfortable, not endeared. this is not at all an attack or reflection on you bb, i really hope it doesn’t come off that way, i just think if you give it another thought, it loses some of the charm — having a children’s toy repeat sex noises to make your partner embarrassed, esp in a smug manner and in public, is quite gross and so very bleh to me. again, i don’t think u meant this in any bad way but letting u know why i won’t write it :D
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onewfantaesy · 4 years
I am so sorry that people sent you hate for your stories. Personally, I find your fics amazing: not only are they beautifully written but also easy and fun to read. They always keep me on edge - I can't wait for updates. They are extremely therapeutic to me: fluff makes me happy but some angst helps me with my own traumas and problems - f.e. MitD. I'm often shamed for being chubby so to read about eating disorders helps me not to fall for it. Also you're my fav author so thank you and love you!
Honestly? I can ignore anon messages or messages in general. I can just delete them and block them, it’s whatever. But when I’m already getting that and then there’s a reply left on the actual post abt why I’m so messed up for posting it? Then I get mad. It is literally so easy to just ignore a post, move on to the next on ur dash or whatever, or block me if u rly think I write such terrible horrible fics. Literally just block me if u don’t like my fics! It’s easy!
And please don’t get sucked into an eating disorder. Don’t be tempted by it, it’s not worth it, honestly. It’s a damn trap. There’s nothing wrong w being chubby, nothing wrong w being overweight, but if ur unhappy w it, just try to lose it in a healthy way. Have healthy and realistic expectations. And if anyone ever needs someone to talk to or just listen to, both of my forms of messaging are always open.
I won’t lie, that PSA was written in the heat of the moment, but the message still stands. I’m still a real person. I’m not some fic bot. I know I pull a lot of ideas out of my ass and I’m not afraid to deny it, but I still have like,,,feelings lmao
Anyways I highkey feel like shit now today so idk how much more I’ll post. But can I just say, it makes me weirdly giddy that u guys have given Monsters in the Dark an acronym (MitD) it’s so stupidly easy and obvious but idk it makes me smile every time I see it lmao
Thank u for all the nice things u said. I’m so glad my fics are easy to read bc honestly I’ve tried reading some others lately and I feel like I feel lost in the mumbo jumbo of some of them lmao (does that make sense? My response feels all over the place I’m so sorry).
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