#<- soley for the whole 'ralsei looks like asriel' thing
dreamsy990 · 7 months
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cleaned up some deltarune / kh doodles i did in class
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the original sketches + one extra shitpost for your viewing pleasure
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also. i tried making roxas blue and it didnt work but heeere he is
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askfallenroyalty · 3 years
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[img id: two versions of Feylow, a boss monster darkner made from a daffodil. He’s young in the first design, based of a not blossomed daffodil. He has a leaf like dress, with a brown sash. The older design’s robes mimic’s Asriel’s King robes in design. The cape end trails out like daffodil leaves. His hair flows out in a daffodil’s 6 petal shape. The face and coloring mimics Chara’s goat form in AFR. A gold-beige with darker gold edges and spots. It looks like blush and freckles.]
superkirbylover said: my idea is something like... what you could do is have feylow originally be an unbloomed flower of sorts, then at the end they "bloom" into their true self (tazetta).
the way feylow blooms is based on chara's perception and interaction with them specifically, so when chara finally realizes they want to detatch from the past and move forward, that represents the "blooming" process. that's a super rough idea though, haha, could not be what you wanna follow
gosh SKL coming in and saving my ass here asdlfjasldf
(the design is NOT final, this is just my first draft of this version of the character)
to keep Tazetta as simple as possible (cause like, lets be real, OG feylow was convoluted and hard to explain. too much going on). Tazetta now soley represents Chara’s reluctance to grow up. -no more death/mirrors/bla bla. it’s a a more metaphorical rebirth with growing up, and less... literal. as it was in the OG version. this also means the trans allegory is dropped... ): Tazetta is more about Chara than Asriel now, so it doesn’t really make sense to foreshadow Asriel’s transiton with them.
Chara, Frisk, MK and Suzy (who will have more time before this to be fleshed out, i’m not just throwing them in out of no where.) all fall into the DR world. After exploring a bit, Chara turns Asgore’s flowershop into a darkworld between the time cyberworld is closed and Kris makes their fountain. Ralsei is like “brooooo this isn’t how things are supposed happen” and has to have Chara close the fountian before kris makes there’s or the Roaring will happen. Oopsies!
The whole darkworld will be garden themed, Chara (and a first time reader) assumes Feylow is a golden flower instead of their daffodil specifically. Feylow grows into the Big Bad Villain Flower King -so i’m assuming Feylow is still using he/him pronouns in this version. Just as Ralsei (could) represent Kris’ monstersona theory but uses different pronouns (likely to show even if Ralsei was made to be that ideal, he’s grown into his own person and gains his own self actualization) same can be said for Feylow. Still a he/him for the Flower King connection.
He represents Chara’s fear they’ll be forced into this royal position like Asriel. Their fear is to become like like him, turning into some strange monster who they don’t recognize anymore (monster puberty metaphor being added into the allegory here).
Basically, the Fake-Asriel aspect is mostly removed, Feylow still acts like a replacement brother but it's way more clear that Feylow is an extension of Chara rather than their idea of Asriel. Chara is replacing Asriel with themself essentailly, symbolic of how they’re trying to remove their family so they can be alone with their flowers (and self.) Because it’s easier to use your imagination and create art and garden then to deal with your family and your inevitable mistakes. The Asriel aspect is still there but it’s a small part of the bigger picture.
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