#<- not sarcastic btw i’m genuinely just trying to appreciate the positives in my life even as i suffer
twinprime · 2 years
i’ve been sick for days and i just had to pay a $200 medical bill bc i thought my insurance covered one of my procedures but apparently not and i have to spend $100 on an oil change for my car bc it only takes full synthetic and i still need to do my taxes and im stressed about work bc im still waiting to hear back about the job i interviewed for a month ago and they haven’t released the hiring results yet. but still i thrive
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lavender-annd-lilac · 2 years
This is a thanksgiving post so I’m going to tag as many ppl as my brain allows, if I missed u I’m sorry 😭 there might not be anymore room left in my brain but there’s still lots of room left in my heart 🫶 and if I haven’t left a comment in a while it’s prob in my drafts so someday u will get hit with a wall of text accompanied by several out of date memes from outta nowhere lol
So Canada had our thanksgiving a while ago, but I feel like a lot of y’all are American so I just want to say ❤️ty everyone for tolerating my unhinged comments and even reblogging them at the risk of offending/alienating your followers❤️
Here are a few things I’m thankful for 🙏
1.) Ty for not blocking me when my comments are like:
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2.) Ty for liking my bizarre comments that derail the current train of thought like:
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3.) Ty for your positive response to my comments even when they offer little to no insight eg:
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4.) Ty for understanding that when I leave comments like:
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I’m just trying to express sincere appreciation for your fic in the only way I know how
5.) Ty for not sending me cease and desist letters when I make bad puns like:
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6.) Ty for being patient through my rambling comment intros addressed to no one in particular like:
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7.) Ty for accepting my unconventional endorsements like:
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8.) Ty for not deleting my comments when I’m being annoying like:
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9.) Ty for putting up with tags like:
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10.) Ty for answering my silly questions like:
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✨And TY for all the fics u guys write, the gifs/img edits u make, when u post little jokes, or thots, or stuff about your day, or opinions on life, or pics of your pets ✨
As u can prob tell I’m not the best at leaving like, genuine heartfelt praise-type comments…. so I do my best to leave genuine heartfelt memes and gifs 💖 but I want y’all to know that your work means a lot to me beyond the haha moments even if I don’t talk about that stuff 😳
I’m like the Rick Grimes character in Love Actually who can only communicate his affection through cue cards (except replace cue cards with my parody-style comments):
Btw this makes u guys Kiera Knightly 🤩
A lot of the time I might say stuff that inadvertently comes off as rude or sarcastic but what I actually mean is that I admire u and TO ME Y’ALL ARE PERFECT 💗
@imyourbratzdoll @thenhewaswrongaboutme @secretswiftymarvelfan @blindmagdalena @georgiapeach30513 @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @straywords @cherienymphe @junipermuses @luxeavenger @syntheticavenger @rustytricycle @littlelioncub43 @wayward-blonde @xieyaohuan @makeyoumine69 @royalsweetteaa @abbatoirablaze @lloydsbitch @hansensgirl @charnelhouse @navybrat817 @sunshinebuckybarnes @sidepartskinnyjeans @thetrashstache @kinanabinks @the-iceni-bitch @honeystevie @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @boxofbonesfic @st3rgirl @runa-falls @angrythingstarlight @heli0s-writes @traitorjoelite @fortheloveoffanfic @venusstorm @jtargaryen18 @onsunnyside @speechlessxx @adrinktostopyourthirst
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revengeisourlullaby · 3 years
Hi I just read “everything happens for a reason” (loved it btw) I was wondering if you could make a sequel to it? Y/N is still try to get over her break up with Thor and Loki reassures her that she is more than enough for him. It would be more vanilla though. (Sorry that this is so long🥺)
it’s not long at all, don’t worry! i was actually contemplating about making a sequel to it. so i already have smth in the works! i’ll have it done probably by the end of the week :))
edit: I’m so sorry for this being so late!! I know I said a week and then my life went up in chaos. Forgive me for my untimely posting. Regardless, here is the sequel to the Loki fic, Everything Happens For a Reason. Hope you enjoy! 
Warnings: None. Just fluffy Loki
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 2.3K
You awoke to the pitter-patter of the New York rain falling against the window yet again. You thought the worst of it happened yesterday while you were running away from your problems. Speaking of problems, the last thing you wanted was to go back home. Even though it wouldn’t be until later this evening, you felt that your apartment was forever tainted with the betrayal you witnessed. Going back in there would be like playing a broken record. Forever stuck in the limbo of what was.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you rolled over to feel for Loki, but instead, you were met with room temperature sheets, another body vacant from the bed. Your stomach sank. Had Loki lied? It wouldn’t be beside him but with you, he was so transparent. It felt like cigarettes were being put out all over your skin, your nerves were fired up in all the wrong ways. You sat up in the bed and pulled the sheets up to your chest along with your knees. You felt your body become lethargic.
Am I worth anything to anybody? Am I really that disposable?
Hot, stinging tears began to fall from your eyes. Self-doubt and deprecating thoughts filling your brain. Perpetual questions of wondering your worth not only in romantic fashion but just in life came to be the spearhead of your worries. Everything felt intrusive and counterfeit. Maybe he saw you as easy and knew you would give up easily to him in your state of vulnerability. You just wanted somebody to be appreciative of you.
Maybe he and his brother weren’t cut from that different of a cloth. Sliding out of the bed you went to put on your clothes from the night before in hopes of getting out of the hotel without too much trouble. But when you bent over to pick your jeans up from the floor they were damp and cold and it made you feel even worse. Your hoodie was in a similar condition and to top it off, you couldn’t find your underwear to save your life. You groaned out loud and felt trapped in this opulent room and everywhere you looked was a painful reminder of everything bitter and vile.
You climbed back in bed and decided to just wait for your clothes to finish drying up. Unsure of when that would be because the rain outside was creating a thin layer of humidity in the room. Sighing you curled into the fetal position and held onto an extra pillow hoping that it would provide you with some semblance of comfort. Your tears started up again and there was a pain beginning to build in your stomach. You wanted to scream. You wanted to release yourself of all the negative energy that was boiling within you. Clutching the extra pillow to your face you let out a wail that you had been holding in for far too long. All the pent-up energy from yesterday of trying to hold your own against the perfidy Thor presented you with and now you were struggling with the concept of Loki using you and your vulnerability for a cheap fuck. You were curled up in a hotel room, naked and crying about everything. You felt pathetic. You just wanted to sleep forever. 
With the last sniffle leaving your body you took a deep breath and shuddered into your body. Your breathing labored and shallow, you tried to calm yourself down in hopes of falling back asleep. But those hopes were dilapidated when you heard the hotel room door click open. You thought about faking sleep but the idea of faking anything took up too much space to even think about carrying out. So you opted to just lie still and wait for anything to be said to you. Maybe it was just one of the housekeeping people and they would leave upon seeing someone still in the room.
“Y/N, you up yet?”
Housekeeping would’ve been too easy wouldn’t it?
Sighing you meekly responded to Loki, tears and sorrow welling up in your eyes and throat once more.
“Yeah, been up for a little while.”
He caught on to it immediately. Your position in the bed, the lack of tone in your voice. He knew he should’ve waited but he thought a surprise of something would lift your spirits even more. Time was simply not on his side and you arose long before he anticipated. Making his best judgment at the situation he was debating which road of sentiment he should walk down. He didn’t want to make things worse for you.
Loki set down a bag, the crinkling catching your attention and you looked over your shoulder to see where he was. 
He went to get food? He hadn’t skipped at all?
Instantly you were filled with regret, upset with yourself for jumping to conclusions about the situation at hand. You couldn’t help it though, your ability to have trust within someone else was smeared, and regardless of Loki’s reassuring words the night prior, the pain had yet to subside. Upon seeing your face, Loki saw the residual puffiness in your face and how the tip of your nose was heated and slightly swollen from your crying before he walked in. 
“I’m sorry, Loki.”
Was all you could muster, wordwise. You sat yourself up in the bed and wiped the residue of tears from your face trying to make yourself appear as normal as possible. Wrapping the sheet tightly around you, you finally faced him. Loki stepping lightly to the edge of the bed. 
“Did you think I left...for good?”
You rolled your heads towards him, cynicism clear on your face. A bit of sarcasm was thrown into the mix but it was all a guise to somewhat shield him from the pain and embarrassment you were feeling. Looking at the wall in front of you, a dry response left your lips.
“Yes. What else was I supposed to think? My mind was running through all the possible reasons as to why you left. And the one that kept nagging was the idea that my vulnerability yesterday was used to an advantage other than my own.”
Sadness no longer colored your emotions but rather numbness. You weren’t sure what to feel. You wanted to trust Loki and you believed that you could but time was definitely needed. With another sigh, you continued.
“And then you walk in here with bags of stuff and I look like a fool for being so dramatic in nature.”
“Well that’s nothing new for us now is it?”
Loki’s quip back at you had your eyes narrowing into thin slits but again was quickly washed away because something about him made the circumstances seem not so perilous. You bowed your head, feeling that you had said enough. In place, Loki’s voice filled the silence.
“My intention was for you to still be asleep by the time I returned. You seemed so peaceful. The last thing I wanted was to wake you from that state of rest. I figured I’d be back in time to properly surprise you with some gifts.”
You smiled a bit, feeling the angst start to fade away, but quickly to feel it fade into guilt. But you weren’t allowed to stew in it for too long, for Loki standing up from the bed caught your attention distracting you from your thoughts.
“Before it gets cold, I got us some breakfast. And..”
His sentence trailing off into a strain as he bent over to the side of the desk in the front of a room to pull out yet another bag.
“I picked you up some clothes to wear for today. Figured wearing the ones from this past evening was morally and aesthetically dull and trudging back to your apartment would be in poor judgment. It’s not much but enough for the day and for our date this evening.”
Your eyebrows shot up into your hairline completely forgetting about what you agreed to with Loki during your session of pillow talk while you were drifting in and out of sleep. 
He really meant that? Wow, okay.”
“Oh come now, you hadn’t forgotten already had you?”
Loki was mocking you now. Fully aware that by your initial reaction you had forgotten. 
“Look, in my defense, I was drifting off to sleep.”
“Mhmm, sure Y/N.”
Setting the bag in between the two of you on the bed, Loki looked at you, eyes urging you to dig in the bag.
“You happen to have another shirt I can throw on before I start eating? My hoodie is still damp and-”
Loki reached into the bag full of clothes and pulled out an oversized graphic tee cutting your sentence off and holding it out in front of your face.
“Thank you.”
You were genuinely surprised and grateful. It was such a simple act but the fact that Loki went out of his way to get you clothes and food following a night of such intensity made you feel warm and finally appreciated. Something you hadn’t felt with previous relationships, especially with your last. Taking the shirt from him, you looked for the tag and pulled it out with your teeth.
Loki side-eyed you, his comment made obviously in somewhat of jest. You chuckled and wormed your way into the shirt. Once pulling it over your head you finally dug into the paper bag that was still surprisingly warm despite the time that had gone by. The smell of a breakfast sandwich filling your nose and your stomach growled in response, eager to be fed. Loki made a sarcastic remark but you couldn’t be bothered with responding the second you placed the sandwich to your lips. 
The satisfaction of the food also gnawing away the ritual morning agitation you were always burdened with. Nothing but soft smacks and soft moans of enjoying your food filled the space. A sign that obviously, the food was worthwhile. Loki had looked at you eyebrow raised and chuckled to himself watching you be completely lost in the sandwich.
“If I would’ve known you’d be tearing the sandwich up like that I would’ve purchased three.”
Your eyes rolled and simultaneously you were thinking about how he got all this stuff in the first place. Mouth still full with food, your speech a little muffled.
“Speaking of purchase, how’d you buy all this anyway.”
“Mischief always finds its way, darling.”
“I think the word is pronounced thievery, Loki.”
“Same difference.”
It’s almost as if all the trauma that you suffered through yesterday had never happened. Being with Loki and the playful banter that was his character made everything feel at ease. You felt happy, actually and most importantly you didn’t feel guilty for it. Was the timing a little brisk? Perhaps, but in the end, what really mattered was your happiness and right now it felt that you had found it. 
Finishing up with your sandwich you balled up the wrapping and threw it back into the bag. Standing up from the bed you excused yourself to go to the bathroom. Turning on the light you saw a plethora of toiletry products that you hadn’t brought. A toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, lotion, a few makeup products that you knew were picked up in pure confusion, and some leave in for your hair. Your eyes widened and you let out a belly laugh.
“Jesus Loki, did you raid the fuckin Walgreens on the corner.”
“Hey if you don’t want it, with the flick of my wrist it will vanish. Choose your next words wisely.”
You knew he was playing and you decided one last epigram would satisfy your bratty nature. Peeking your head out from the bathroom, you bowed in a dramatic courtesy.
“Thank you my king for so valiantly stealing all the toiletries from our nearest corner store. My gratitude is eternal. Like that?”
“You’re impossible.”
Walking back to Loki, you stood between his legs and raked your fingers through his slicked-back hair. A softness took over your features, appearing small and doe-like to Loki as he looked up at you.
“Thank you, Loki, really. I know we bust each other’s balls but I really appreciate you. I can already foresee how tightly I’m going to be wrapped around your finger. You already have me falling for you at a speed that is impractical to calculate.”
“My Y/N.”
Hearing the adoration layered in his tone made your heart warm and the possession of your name falling from his mouth made your body shiver. Realizing how quickly you could get used to this.
“Now you’ll finally see what it’s like to be on the receiving end. Ever since we stumbled upon each other I was enamored with you. I couldn’t bear to see you with another and that another being none other than my brother was like a fiery blade that I had no power of removing. When I fell for you I knew I was irrevocably destined to be yours. Regardless of the circumstance. And now, if you are willing to take my hand in this journey I would like to make you mine.”
You pressed your lips together in a firm smile before showing your teeth, feeling overwhelmed with reverence for the man in front of you.
“I’d be more than happy to accompany you. Even more so for this evening.”
Loki lightly smiled and then leaned up to press a gentle kiss to your lips. The air light and emanating the tender yet sardonic romance that was beginning to brew between your long-lost lover.
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