#<- me waking up in the morning to play ER
stinkrascal · 3 months
i had dreams about elden ring last night oh man it’s bad now
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sunsetsimon · 10 months
thank you anon for this request! enjoy :)
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your eyes are heavy and tired, squinting at your bright phone screen as you check the time. it's 2:13 in the morning and you're drenched in sweat. you remember parts of your dream that had twisted into a nightmare, your third one of the week.
rubbing your eyes, you take a few gulps of your water from your nightstand, suddenly feeling extremely dehydrated. it had only been an hour since you'd fallen asleep and you were fully awake now. heaving a sigh, you pull back the blankets and slide out of bed, sneaking away as quietly as possible as to not wake simon.
you move quietly through the kitchen, refilling your glass with water and putting away a few things you'd left out from the night before. the bedroom door squeaks as simon pulls it open, walking to the kitchen to check on you.
"what you doin' up this late?" simon asks, voice rough with sleep. he'd only fallen asleep 30 minutes ago, his nightly insomnia kept him up as usual.
"had another nightmare," you whisper, "scared me pretty bad."
"come 'ere," he reaches for your arm, pulling you into his warm embrace. your head rests against his chest, listening to the pound of his heart as he holds you tight. simon may lack the right words to comfort you, but he holds you in his arms until you melt in his touch.
planting a soft kiss on your forehead, he lovingly pets your hair before pulling away, "'m making tea, go put on that show you've been watchin'."
you end up awake for another hour, but the anxiety eases just by having simon by your side. the two of you eventually drift off while you lay with your head on his chest, falling asleep with the show still playing.
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lvnleah · 5 months
Passing Shadows | Leah Williamson
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Summary: You’re a nurse and your job gets a little too much so your fiancé, Leah, helps you do a different career.
Notes: this isn’t my favourite one-shot but it was too cute not to post. I also put a lot of work into it to scrap it <33
Your footsteps echoed through the dimly lit hospital corridor. The night shift had been gruelling, and your eyes drooped with exhaustion. You longed for the warmth of your bed, the soft embrace of your pillow and Leah’s arms. As you pushed open the heavy exit door, you knew that Leah’s day was just beginning whilst yours was ending.
You were a nurse down at the local hospital in the emergency room. You mostly worked night shifts, they began at 8pm and ended at 8am. You were always rushed off your feet, you never knew what each day was going to be like.
Whilst you were running around, sorting medicines and scans out for patients, Leah was at home sleeping. Your life’s were far from the same.
You’d been with Leah for six years now, engaged for one and were soon hoping to start the IVF process at some point in the following year. You met Leah when you were a student nurse, you were twenty and Leah was twenty-one when you met.
You and your friends from university had decided to go out one night and that's how you’d met Leah. You were both tipsy and ended up hooking up that night, the next morning you woke up tangled together in the sheets. Ever since then you’d been inseparable. Things happened quickly and before you knew it you were dating and moved in together, you’d never looked back.
You got into your car and placed your bag on the passenger seat, you linked your phone to the car and played your music. You listened to your playlist, one Leah had made for you, as the sun rose above the road ahead of you.
When you arrived at your and Leah’s apartment you set your bag in the hallway, Leah’s football boots and bag were still there so you knew she was still at home.
Leah stood at the over, making you and her some breakfast. "Hey love," Leah smiled, leaving the oven and waking over to you. "Long night?"
You nodded, melting into Leah’s embrace as she pulled you into her chest. "The ER was chaotic, I’m so tired."
Leah's eyes softened. "You did so well, love. I missed you," she confessed, her fingers brushing against your side.
"I miss you too," you whispered. "More than I can say. I feel like we’re spending no time together at the moment.”
Leah's lips curved into a half-smile. "Maybe it’s time we do something about it," she suggested. “You’re burning yourself out, love.”
Your heart skipped a beat. You’d never expected Leah to say it out loud. You’d been dancing around your feelings for months. You knew deep down Leah was right and maybe it was time to do something about it.
You’d been a nurse for four years now and things were getting too much, you didn’t enjoy your job as much anymore. It was time for you to do something else.
Leah let go of you and walked over to the oven, she turned it off before coming back over and picking you up. As she lifted you effortlessly, you clung to her, your heart racing. The warmth of her body pressed against yours, you buried your face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her familiar scent—a mix of vanilla and other scents.
"Where are we going?" you asked, your voice muffled against her skin.
"To the couch," Leah replied softly. "We need to talk. Jonas has let me skip training today, I explained what’s happening, so don’t worry.”
She carried you across the small kitchen and settled you down on the worn-out cushions. The morning light streamed through the window, casting a soft glow on Leah's face. Her expression was serious, yet there was tenderness in her eyes.
"Love," she began, sitting beside you, "I've watched you pour your heart and soul into your work. You're an incredible nurse, but you're drowning. The long hours, the emotional toll, it’s taking a toll on you."
You nodded, tears threatening to spill. Leah understood you better than anyone. She'd been there during your late-night shifts, holding you when you came home exhausted, listening to your stories of life and death in the ER.
"I can't keep doing this," you admitted. "I need a change."
Leah's fingers traced patterns on your thigh. "What do you want, then? What would make you happy?"
The question hung in the air, heavy with possibility. You thought about the dreams you'd buried—the baking classes you'd abandoned, the travel plans postponed indefinitely. The desire to create, explore, and live beyond the hospital walls.
"I don’t know," you shrugged as Leah drew patterns on your knee, “I just want to be with you. I want us to go back to how we were.”
Leah's smile was soft and understanding. "You loved to bake when I met you, your cookies were out of this world.”
A soft laugh escaped past your lips, “I always dreamed of owning a bakery like my Nanna.
Growing up your Nanna Olive owned her very own bakery, it was called Olive’s Bakery and you used to spend your weekend there up until the age of sixteen. She passed a few months after you turned sixteen and even though you begged your parents to keep the bakery, they sold it. Your heart broke and since then your baking slowly stopped.
“You should open a bakery," She leaned in, brushing her lips against yours. "I’ll help you and I’m sure Beth, Viv, Katie, Jen and the other girls will too."
Her kiss was a promise—a promise of change, of love, of a future beyond the ER. And as you melted into her, you knew that this was the beginning of something beautiful.
You nodded, a smile written over your face now replacing the frown, “Owning a bakery would be better for when we start our own family.”
Leah giggled, “It would be,” she agreed, “wouldn’t have to worry about you and our baby all night long.”
“You’re such a stress-head, Mrs Williamson.” You laughed, cupping Leah’s face and pulling her closer to you.
She pecked your lips, “Can’t help it that I’m so in love with my wife, Mrs Williamson. Now let’s get you to bed, get you some rest.”
You didn’t protest when Leah scooped you up from the couch and carried you into your bedroom, instead you melted into her arms and let her take care of you. You let her pull back the sheets and tuck you in before crawling into bed beside you.
Just over a year later you were living your dream. A few days after that conversation with Leah you handed in your two week notice and left nursing behind you for good. After that you took a few months off and spent some well needed time with Leah and your families, you began to find yourself again.
You began the starting process to open your own bakery after you and Leah returned from your trip to Rome to celebrate your seven year anniversary together, one that wasn’t spent working for the first time in over four years. You viewed a couple buildings with Leah but nothing felt right until one night you were laid in bed and made a discovery.
“Leah!” You screamed, despite the blonde being sat beside you.
Leah jumped out of her own skin, “Jesus woman!” She laughed, “No need to shout, love. What's wrong?”
“I can’t believe this!” You grinned, staring down at your phone, “Nanna Olive’s old bakery building has come up for sale and I’ve just been asked if I want to buy it!”
Happy tears formed in your eyes as you flipped your phone round to Leah’s view, “This is literally perfect, Le!”
Leah leaned over and kissed you lips before wrapping her arm around your stomach, “Love that’s amazing! Are you going to buy it?”
You nodded, “Yeah I am, it’s fate.”
You placed an offer and less than 24 hours later it was accepted, you cried your eyes out when you found out. A week later you’d already started renovating the building, you tried your hardest to get it as close as possible to what it was like when you were a teenager with the help of Leah and the Arsenal girls.
Two months later and the bakery was finished, it looked and felt exactly like it did when you were sixteen despite it being ten years later. You began to figure out recipes and after many failed attempts you finally sorted a menu out, most of the baked goods came from the book of recipes your Nanna Olive had passed down from to you.
A month later and it was opening day. Opening day was a nerve racking experience for you, you just wanted to make everyone proud and you did just that. Leah and all of the Arsenal girls turned up for your opening day as well as all of your family and friends. Customers hurried in and out and six months later you were the go to bakery in town.
As you began to close down the bakery for the evening, the bell chimed above the door. You stopped wiping the counters and turned around to see Leah standing there. She had her football bag in her hand and a soft smile written over her face.
You rounded the counter and walked over to Leah, putting your arms around her neck. You brought her in for a kiss, “Hi my love, how was training?”
“It was good,” she pecked your lips as her hands trailed down your hips before finding your bump. “How are my girls?”
You were currently twenty three weeks pregnant with Leah and yours first child. A daughter to be precise.
“Our girl is doing just fine,” you whispered, your voice filled with love and anticipation. “She’s strong, hasn’t stopped kicking all day, reckon she’s going to be a footballer just like her Mumma.”
She chuckled, her breath warm against your cheek. “I can’t wait to meet her,” Leah smiled as she felt your daughter kick against her hand. “God, they are strong kicks!”
With the help of Leah, you finished closing down the bakery. You both ended up snacking on some leftover cookies and lemonade before making your way home.
As you laid in bed that night, Leah’s arms wrapped around you, she kissed your forehead, “I’m so proud of you y’know? What you’ve done over the past year is amazing.”
You smiled at her, “Thank you, love. I couldn’t have done it without you and everyone around us. If it wasn’t for that night I'd probably be stuck nursing still.”
And there, in the quiet darkness, you both drifted off to sleep. You fell asleep in Leah’s arms, something a year ago you would’ve yearned for all night long. Now you didn’t need to because you had the life you’d always dreamed of.
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Injured (Jenni's Version) II
Jenni Hermoso x Child!Reader
Summary: Mama's dog comes home
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Life in Mexico, you find, is not that different to life in Spain.
There's a few differences though. They don't speak Catalan here, or, not in the part of Mexico that you and Mama live. They speak their Spanish differently to you and Mama but everyone is very friendly.
You like your ballet teacher and you love your classes.
Life in Mexico is good, you decide.
Mama holds your hand all the time. She is happy and smiley and sometimes attacks you with kisses and cuddles when you aren't paying attention.
Mama still plays football and you come along to training but days off are spent in the living room together building a train track and playing with one of your new trains on it.
You've just packed away the trains you were playing with when Mama calls for you downstairs.
You hurry down just as Mama opens the front door.
Tio Rafael smiles to you as he steps inside and you hide behind Mama's legs.
He's your new Tio because he's Mama's brother. You've never had a Tio before because Mami had a sister and Tia Alba didn't date boys so you had no one in your life to become a Tio.
He exchanges words with Mama but you're focused on the dog by his feet.
You've meet Mama's dog a few times before Mama was Mama so you recognise him.
"Hi," You say softly and he leaps up at you, trying to lick your face," Stop it! That tickles!"
Tio Rafael bids goodbye to Mama, saying something about meeting up with her in a few days after sightseeing but leaves the dog.
You look at him.
He looks at you.
"Is Tio's dog staying here?" You ask and Mama laughs.
"This is our dog," She explains to you," Rafa was just looking after him in Spain for me. I thought, since I brought you home, I should bring him home too."
"He is little," You say as he explores the house, snout pressed to the ground.
"You're little," Mama says back with a little laugh, hoisting you up onto her hip," Alright, what movie did we want today?"
At the end of a day off, Mama sits you down with her to watch a movie together.
She calls it tradition and you like that.
You love it, actually, because Mama sits on the sofa with you and snuggles beneath a blanket. Sometimes, she'll rake her fingers through your hair and you'll go all limp and boneless.
Those times you don't get to stay awake. You always fall asleep before the movie is finished and it's hit or miss if you wake up in your own bed in the morning or in Mama's with her.
Mama usually helps you make this decision. You don't know why you struggle with choosing but you do so Mama puts you on her lap and shows you all the options.
"That one!"
You love movie night but not really for the movies. You love it for Mama and the cuddles she gives you and the way she smiles and the way she holds you close.
That's why you love movie night.
You couldn't care less about the movies. It's all about being with Mama.
The little dog she's brought home is not like Nala. Nala was fluffier than this dog and a girl as well. This dog has short fur and he's a boy.
You like him though and giggle when he leaps up onto the sofa with you and crawls into your lap even though you're sitting in Mama's lap.
He licks your face a few more times before curling up on your legs.
"He likes me!" You whisper to Mama, careful to not disrupt him.
"Of course he does," Mama says warmly," He knows you're family."
You grin at that, like every time Mama references that you're a family. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and you lean back against her again.
Her arms wrap around your waist and her ticklish kisses flutter across your cheeks.
Mama's dog looks up as you try to wriggle away, shrieking with laughter.
He whines a little at you and rockets forward to hit Mama in the face with his snout, giving out a little yip of warning.
"Hey!" She laughs," She was mine before she was yours!"
But Mama's little dog sneezes in her face before curling up on your lap again.
He follows you to bed tonight too, when Mama takes you to your room and reads you a bedtime story. He jumps up onto your bed like Nala did when you were little.
He turns around in a little circle before settling at your feet, resting his head on your ankles.
Mama laughs. "Are you sleeping with Bambi tonight? Alright then. Don't keep her up all night."
"He won't," You say," We're tired."
Mama gives you a kiss on the forehead and pulls the covers up to your chin. "Love you, Bambi."
"Love you, Mama."
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yoongiseesawmp3 · 1 year
secret - jeonghan & seungcheol (m)
summary: new boyfriend!jeonghan & ex!seungcheol. your relationship with jeonghan is still new, and your breakup with cheol is still fresh. the three of you used to be close, but time, new jobs, and moving to different countries pulled you apart. now jeonghan is back home, filthy rich and very single. so are you. after some fun at a party, you start dating jeonghan seriously. will cheol’s return send you back into his arms, or will you stand by your man? or, perhaps, a mysterious third thing will happen instead :)
word count: 27k (don’t look at me)
warnings: afab reader. eventual threesome. lots of sex. lots of cum, creampie, cum mixing, cum eating? oral (m and f receiving). bondage. use of the color system. use of a vibrator in public. fingering. car sex kinda. some ass slapping? use of the word slut. 
waking up at jeonghan’s was still a new experience for you. it’d been a few weeks since he asked you to move in with him, but it amazed you that you could open your eyes to an angel laying right next to you. today is no different. you rolled over after the first signs of morning woke you up, and you see jeonghan asleep with his hair slightly in his face, lips pouted in a silent snore. you brush the strands away from his eyes, and he lets out a noise between a hum and a groan.
“i’m sleeping,” he tells you.
“you’re doing a great job.”
“go back to sleep.”
“can’t, i’m bored now.”
“you’re insatiable,” he scolds, eyes snapping open because he knows what ‘bored’ really means. you spend the rest of the morning tangled in his sheets. er, your sheets. you live here now. jeonghan’s your boyfriend. isn’t that wild?
your relationship with jeonghan started because you were both bored. casual friends since college, you’ve known each other for years and never really knew each other. you weren’t confident you knew his last name until you heard it at graduation. after you graduated, you didn’t hear from him much, but that was more your fault than anything else. you broke his best friend’s heart. you were public enemy number one, until you weren’t anymore. 
you and seungcheol dated all through college. you fell in love fast, something so sickly sweet it made people around you gag, and a little jealous. let’s be clear though: jeonghan wasn’t one of those people. when you were with cheol, you were 100% his, and jeonghan respected that more than anything else. he was a good friend to cheol, and by proxy a good friend to you. nothing more. until he wasn’t anymore. 
your break up with cheol was messy. graduation took you both in different directions, and egos made it impossible for you to find a compromise. deep down, neither of you wanted to break up, you knew it was just the circumstances tearing you apart. but you chose your career and so did he, a stab to the chest that was self inflicted on both sides. when cheol chose his career, he also inadvertently chose jeonghan. they got jobs at the same great company abroad, and their twenty something brains couldn’t comprehend just how much fun they could get into as two handsome men with a lot of money. 
you’re doing well for yourself too, thanks for asking. not as filthy rich as the boys, but you were living comfortably. you kept in touch with a good chunk of your college friends, catching the way they tried not to gossip too much about seungcheol’s shenanigans overseas when you were in earshot. that’s how you heard jeonghan was in town a few months ago. he was going to a party that night, and just as the idea pops into your head your friend turns to you and asks if you want to go. 
the party, it turns out, was boring. the people there were also boring. what was exhilarating as hell was catching jeonghan’s gaze on you when you both knew it shouldn’t be. he’d play coy, turning away for at least a second before finding you again. finally tired of the conversation you can’t seem to escape, you keep staring back at jeonghan until he decides to come over and say hi. 
“y/n,” he smiles that cheshire cat grin at you, pulling you in for a polite hug. “it’s been so long.”
“i know,” you agree, a similar smile plastered on your own face. “i see you haven’t cut your hair since you left?”
“what, you don’t like it?” he laughs, shaking his long locks out so that his bangs fall slightly into his eyes. he looks good, you find yourself thinking. he took the black tie memo on the invitation seriously, wearing a suit so stunningly fit to his body you know it must be custom. 
“no, i like it,” you nod. “it’s a little douchey for a business man, but you make it work.”
“i thought being a douche was part of the job though?” he asks, and it’s your turn to laugh. jeonghan takes a sip of his drink, surveying the room before he turns back to you, “nice party.”
“sure,” you nod. “a little boring though.”
“stuffy too,” he tries, eyeing you carefully. “you wanna join me on the balcony?”
you knew going out there with jeonghan was a bad idea. you knew you shouldn’t be talking to him. you knew a lot of things were wrong with this scene, but too much of you wanted to see where it would go. turns out, it would go downhill pretty quickly. 
you joined jeonghan outside, letting the cool air brush off your nerves. you look at jeonghan and find him staring at you again, so you ask, “is my makeup smudged or something? you keep looking at me.”
“i can’t admire beautiful things?” 
“nice,” you chuckle, looking down at your shoes next to his. “did you want to say anything special? or are we really just out here to breathe some air that doesn’t smell like chanel no.5?”
“it’s been a long time,” jeonghan says again, and you nod. “are you seeing anybody right now, y/n?”
“hah, no,” you shake your head. “kind of on a break from men, if i’m honest. i started attracting too many weirdos not worth my time.”
“shame,” jeonghan tsks. “must have been hard for you.”
“yeah,” you agree, finding his eyes again, “boring too.”
“are you bored right now?” jeonghan asks. “because i’m pretty good at killing time.” 
“are you?” you challenge, and jeonghan hums. you feel a smile breaking across your face, your stomach doing flips as you say, “prove it then.”
that was about six months ago. if the owner of that venue’s asking, no you didn’t fuck jeonghan out on the balcony that night. anyone else asks and the answer would be yes, but you’d say it with a touch more dignity. you don’t know what attracted you to him so much that you had to have him right there. maybe you had been on your strike for too long, and you were just horny. or maybe it was the idea of something familiar. something safe. close to home. close to-
you’re ripped out of your thoughts by the sound of jeonghan calling your name. he had started a shower for himself before work, and now he’s all but begging you to come join him. why else would he have two shower heads, if not for you to spend some quiet time with your boyfriend who wants to dote on you before you start your day. or maybe he has them so it was less obvious to the builder that he wanted a shower he could have copious amounts of sex in. really, his obsession with shower sex probably needed to be analyzed by somebody, but he swears he likes it for ease (already naked) and just one personal reason (soapy boobs). 
the past six months have been...interesting to say the least. you really care for jeonghan, you do. you always have. but getting to know him in this new sense was different. every day was a surprise with him. part of that was due to his job, a not-so-9-to-5 that he ditched his crazy life in europe for so he could be closer to family. he left a life of beautiful food, beautiful places, and seungcheol behind for a better opportunity. maybe that’s what bonded you so quickly. despite not really wanting to, you’d both abandoned seungcheol without meaning to. 
you don’t talk about him much, only getting an update from jeonghan every so often when cheol deigns to text him back. they still work for the same parent company, so sometimes their paths cross in meetings or cheol has to call to confirm numbers with jeonghan’s new domestic team. other than that, there’s nothing to say. you’ve moved on (mostly) so you assume he has too. and now that you have jeonghan, you don’t have to worry about your feelings for cheol anymore. 
jeonghan asked you to move in with him mostly because he was bored. he had just renovated this huge penthouse, and after throwing a couple rager parties there he realized it was too lonely when everyone left and it was just him there, alone. you’d been trying to make a career change, so he convinced you by promising you could stay rent free and save up for when you get a new job and most likely take a pay cut. plus, he doesn’t worry about rent here either. he paid for it upfront, in cash. 
once you saw the penthouse, you knew you had to say yes. it was a dream, but what sold you was the view. standing at the floor to ceiling window, jeonghan’s hands around your waist, was the first time you’d felt something stir so deep in your heart for years. you haven’t said i love you yet to jeonghan, but then again neither has he. you know you care for each other through your actions. there’s love there, even if it’s unspoken right now. that’s part of what makes dating jeonghan so thrilling. you never know what he’s going to do next, a scheming smile on his lips and an exciting adventure planned for you no matter how big or how small. 
jeonghan is pretty adventurous, to say the least. he likes taking you to new restaurants where you’re not really sure what you’re eating. he loves whisking you away for weekend trips to places neither of you have ever been. his favorite though is bending you to his will, pushing you farther than you’ve been pushed before, just to see what it would take to make you crack. 
the sex with jeonghan is phenomenal. another aspect of your relationship where you never know what to expect. he likes to keep you guessing and gasping his name out in cracked moans. you started talking about things to do for his birthday, and when you asked what he wanted his only response was “you.” to some people that would be romantic, but you know it’s a challenge. it sent a shiver down your spine, much like his gaze whenever you catch his eyes at an event or get a random text throughout the day. you know when he’s bored it really means something else, so it’s become a code word of sorts. at tiring work parties or other obligations he wants out of, all he needs to do is look at you and yawn and you know to meet him in the closest secluded corner for a quick fuck. if he texts you that he’s bringing you lunch at work, you go ahead and tell your coworkers you’re taking the full hour, because you’ll need time to catch your breath and redress once he’s done with you.
today is one of those days, despite jeonghan’s best efforts earlier. you had a shitty morning after jeonghan left for work, almost forgetting your lunch, missing your train, all to come in and find out your biggest project to date is completely changing course. you were so frustrated you could cry, and when you texted jeonghan that you made it to work safely he knew something was off. he didn’t press though, knowing you well enough that asking what’s wrong instead of waiting for you to tell him will just start the waterworks early. instead he keeps his phone unlocked on his desk, completely ignoring whatever his assistant seungkwan is rambling about. 
“we need you to sign off on this, jeonghan,” seungkwan insists, pointing again to the document on jeonghan’s desk that he’s ignoring to watch your three dots appear and disappear again. he half asses his signature without reading the document, and seungkwan snatches it away from him. jeonghan will talk to him about that later. for now, he picks up his phone to read about your awful day and let’s out a quiet “aw baby” for you. as soon as seungkwan leaves there’s another knock at the door. jeonghan knows he’s getting into meeting after meeting now so he types out something sweet and encouraging before he puts his phone in his desk, standing to welcome whoever is on the other side of the door. 
jeonghan’s message boosted your mood, slightly. he knew how to sweet talk you, promising a bath, wine, and your favorite movie tonight when you get home. it was enough hope to get you through the day. that and imagining a cartoon anvil falling on this man in your meeting who keeps mansplaining the platform that you built. you’ve almost had it when you notice the clock, and you tell the team everyone should break for lunch. you all but run back to your desk before anyone can stop you, and when you’ve barely sat down you get a text. 
“coming for lunch,” jeonghan simply says, and your heart skips a beat. you contemplate eating quickly before he gets here, but he says he’s so close by that you don’t even have a chance. you dig for your food in the break room fridge, knowing you won’t get a chance to eat if jeonghan’s coming. at this point it’s mostly for show, because you can’t make it obvious that you’re leaving just to stress fuck your boyfriend. you tell your manager you’ll be taking the whole hour anyway, and then scurry outside just as jeonghan’s expensive car pulls up to your building. he slows the car to a stop in front of you, the window already down so he can call out, “hey sexy, you seen my girlfriend around here?”
“sorry mister, my mom told me not to talk to strangers,” you joke back, and your bad mood lifts when jeonghan laughs.
“get in baby,” he says, watching you intensely as you slide into the front seat. he frowns at the food in your lap, picking up the grocery bag you shoved your lunch into before you left. “what is this?”
“a picnic?”
“there are dinosaur nuggets in here,” he grumbles when he takes a peek. he looks up to you and asks, “you were gonna eat this for lunch?”
“yeah,” you shrug. “i didn’t have time for breakfast because someone took too long in the shower, so i had to pack something.”
“i didn’t even know we had these in the house,” jeonghan continues, looking at the chicken nuggets like he’s never seen something so foul. he carefully ties the bag and then tosses it into his backseat, much to your dismay. he looks at you with a cheeky smile, his hand squeezing your chin as he starts to maneuver the car out of the parking lot. “look back there baby, i picked up real food for you.” 
“i don’t wanna eat yet,” you say shyly, but jeonghan doesn’t hear so you have to repeat yourself. “i don’t wanna eat yet. don’t need all that sloshing around when you fuck me in a minute.”
“oh i’m gonna fuck you huh? and what if i just wanted to share a meal with my beautiful girlfriend?” he asks in fake shock. you lean across the armrest to kiss his cheek as you reply, “then i’d ask who you are and what have you done with yoon jeonghan.”
‘good girl,” he chuckles, expertly pulling the car into a parking spot in the empty spots at the back of the parking lot down the street from your office. for your sanity and jeonghan’s reputation, you pray there aren’t security cameras over here.
“so how was your morning?” you play coy as you watch jeonghan turn the car off. something passes over his face as he responds, but it’s there so shortly you don’t know how to read it.
“fine,” he clears his throat. “lots of meetings. almost got in a bitch fight with seungkwan because he didn’t want me to leave, said i’d be late to my next meeting.”
“he knows you well.”
“yeah, whatever,” jeonghan says as he twists in his seat to look at you directly. his hand is back on your chin, lifting it up so he can trace your lips with his thumb as he asks, “what was so bad about your morning?”
as you explain your trials, jeonghan slowly moves his hand from your chin down to your neck, across your collarbone, and down to the hem of your shirt. he carefully untucks it from your slacks, listening intently as you speak while unbuttoning your blouse slowly. when you get to the part about the jerk who assumed you didn’t know anything, jeonghan’s hand was working it’s way past your panties, his fingers dipping down to your entrance. he interrupts you only to ask, “damn baby, you this wet for me?”
“i’ve been wet since you texted me,” you say like its obvious, and jeonghan smiles proudly as he tells you to go on. you start recounting your meeting from hell, voice shaky now as his fingers circle your entrance and collect your slick so he can move them up to your clit, rubbing gently without applying too much pressure. when you’re finally done speaking, jeonghan captures your lips in a kiss, pulling back only slightly so he can tell you, “i’m sorry baby. you know you could always come work with me, and then no one would treat you like anything less than a queen.” you sigh instead of responding because jeonghan’s slipped two fingers into you, your arousal providing enough glide that he didn’t have to work you open with just one. he hisses when he feels how warm you are, and jeonghan is reminded for the millionth time why he’d follow you to the ends of the earth and back. your eyes. your smile. the way you cuddle into his neck when you don’t want to get out of bed. and the glorious feeling of being inside you, whether it’s his fingers, his tongue, or his cock. he can’t get enough of you, and he knows you feel the same way because you’re already bucking your hips, begging him for more. he pretends not to hear you, just fucking his fingers into you slowly as he listens for the lewd squelch of your pussy around him. 
“how’s it feel baby?” he asks quietly, and you whisper back that it feels good. “just good?”
“need more, hannie,” you whine, and he tuts.
“not yet,” he says as he checks the clock on the dashboard. “we’ve got time. you want another finger instead?”
“please,” you breathe out, and you watch him capture his tongue between his lips as he focuses on fucking you slowly. to fill the silence you ask quietly, “what did you bring for lunch?”
“i’m literally knuckles deep and you’d rather talk about the sandwich i bought you?” jeonghan laughs in disbelief. “i can’t believe you woman.”
“i told you, i didn’t eat this morning. i’m hungry.”
“need something in your mouth?” he asks, and as it so often is with jeonghan, you know this is a challenge. you think about what the right answer might be, and when you nod he lets a smile creep over his features as he says, “use your pretty little hands to get my cock out, then.” 
you do as he says, gasping when you lean over to reach his crotch and feel jeonghan’s fingers slip deeper. with shaky hands you undo his belt, looking up to make sure jeonghan’s watching. his dark eyes glint at you from above, and you blow him a kiss before unbuttoning his pants to find he’s not wearing any underwear. you look back up and see his shit eating grin, shrugging as he says, “what? i was running late.”
“you’re a menace,” you hiss, his fingers scissoring inside you. he does this a few more times as you take his cock in your hand, and when you lick the tip he stills completely. 
“don’t tease or i’ll stop right here,” he warns, so you get back to work, welcoming his cock past your lips and hollowing your cheeks so you can bob on his cock quickly. you’ve done this enough to know jeonghan wants something quick, messy, something that will make you embarrassed to face your coworkers after. you’re constantly shocked by his willpower though, moaning around him as his thumb finds your clit and starts drawing lazy circles. the vibrations of your moans shoot straight through jeonghan, but he shows no sign of mercy or that this is even affecting him at all. 
you groan and bob your head faster, using the saliva pooling past your lips as lube to stroke the rest of his cock. you pull off of him to catch your breath, jeonghan whispering encouragement above you as his hand stills at your core. he only starts moving again when you lean down to kitten lick his balls, legs twitching ever so slightly at the contact. you’re happy to have some kind of reaction from him, your ego boosted enough that you take a few more playful licks before holding him by the base and tapping his cock over your lips and waiting tongue. he watches you amused, waiting for you to give in, and when he shoves yet another finger inside your pussy you moan so loud your eyes roll back slightly, and jeonghan admires the way a little bit of drool drips past your lips onto his seat. he swipes it up with his free hand and pops the finger in his mouth, winking at you as you watch. 
you take him back into your mouth, ready to come and wanting to show him how good you can be, so you swallow around him until his cock is hitting the back of your throat and your nose is nestled against his lap, the smell of his expensive detergent drowning your senses. you’re brought back to visions of him fucking you senseless in his king bed, the sweet smell of fresh linen mingling with the scent of sex as jeonghan pulls orgasm after orgasm out of you. you shudder just at the memory, and he chuckles as he asks what you’re thinking about. you start to pull off of him to reply, but his hand stops you, chuckling as he says, “good girls don’t talk with their mouth full.”
you let him hold you down on his cock, giving up on sucking him off as you feel yourself get closer to release. jeonghan knows, so he holds you in place while he works you up to your orgasm, almost shrieking around his cock. you look up at him just as his eyes flutter, his hips sputtering as he starts to come. he keeps working you to your own high, and feeling jeonghan twitch as he comes down your throat sends you over the edge. his seat is almost ruined he thinks, seeing the way your release drips down his wrist. he groans as he watches you shake below him, always thinking you’re a work of art like this. he can’t help but admire it, and when he’s sure you’re done he moves his hand from the back of your head, reaching for your chin to carefully pull you off of him. you stick your tongue out for him to see that you swallowed it all, and he coos as he finally pulls his fingers from your core. he could be nice, he thinks, and just let you lick them clean, but instead he runs them across your face and watches as you lick at the arousal left behind. he swears he sees more drip out of you, and he has to look away or else you’ll never leave this car. 
“you ok baby?” he asks as you try to clean yourself up and avoid the puddle you left in your seat. 
“i’m great,” you say hoarsely, looking in the glovebox for napkins just to find a vibrator and handcuffs instead. you hold them up and jeonghan just smirks, saying, “i didn’t know what kinda mood you were in. i’m like a boy scout, gotta be prepared.”
“you don’t happen to have any of my makeup in this magic glovebox of yours do you?” you ask as you look at yourself in the rearview mirror, heart still racing from your high but somehow picking up speed when you see how fucked out you are and jeonghan barely did anything. he could drive you crazy, you think. when he softly pushes your arm off the center console to reveal everything you could possibly ever need (gum, jeonghan’s favorite lipstick on you, wipes, hand sanitizer, a pair of panties? and your favorite concealer and mascara) you think you could cry. this is what you mean when you say jeonghan loves you through his actions. he further drives that home as he reaches back for your lunch, mumbling to himself, “can’t believe she was gonna eat dino nuggets.”
when you come home that day, you’re giddy like a schoolgirl. because everything with jeonghan is still so new, sometimes it just hits you that you have a boyfriend. a boyfriend that you live with, and that always makes sure he’s home before you are so he can wrap you in a hug and kiss your forehead as soon as you get through the door. you’ve pavlov’d yourself into expecting this every time you get back from work, but today when you open the door and call out his name you’re met with silence. your eyes sweep across the living room and notice his briefcase tossed onto the couch, so you know he’s here somewhere. you head to the kitchen, stomach growling, and try to find a snack before you go searching for jeonghan. 
as you’re cutting up a mango, you hear soft steps padding down the stairs and jeonghan’s hushed voice on the phone. you strain to hear what he’s saying, wondering if this is a work call or something else. maybe he’s booking a reservation he doesn’t want you to hear about, but too bad. you leave the kitchen with the plate of mango in your hands, quietly joining him on the couch as he gives you a strained smile. you smile back, kissing the corner of his mouth before holding up a piece of mango for him, humming contently when he takes it despite saying something to whoever’s on the other side of the phone. you’ve ascertained that he’s setting up a meeting, and while you usually don’t pay too much attention to the specifics of his job you can tell he’s being vague. you watch him a little longer, absentmindedly licking the mango juice off your fingers before whispering that you’re going to your room, and jeonghan nods at you before smacking your ass as you walk away. he chuckles quietly when you let out a squeal, but his heart drops to his ass when he registers what’s being said on the other line.
“what was that?” seungcheol asks, and jeonghan’s hand heats up where he just touched you. “you need me to let you go?”
“no, no, i was just getting my mail and bumped into my neighbor,” jeonghan lies easily, hoping cheol is gullible enough to buy it. 
“big important guy like you i figure you’d have someone to do that for you,” cheol laughs, and jeonghan gives him a pity chuckle before bringing the conversation back to the matter at hand.
“so when’s your flight?” 
“end of this week,” seungcheol sighs. “i’m not ready to leave yet, man. i’m gonna miss how beautiful everything is here.”
“life on this side of the world isn’t too bad,” jeonghan tells him. 
“yeah sure, with all the mail you’ve been getting i bet it’s nice,” cheol teases, and jeonghan should’ve known his friend would see through him quickly.
“whatever,” jeonghan laughs. “just let me know when you’re in town and we’ll get dinner before the meeting.”
“you’re a classy man, yoon jeonghan,” cheol says, and jeonghan’s throat constricts ever so slightly. if only his friend knew who was in his bed right now, maybe cheol wouldn’t be so kind. 
jeonghan tiredly trudges upstairs, ears perking up at the sound of music coming from the bedroom. he cracks the door to see you leaning against the copious amount of pillows, scrolling through your phone as you snack on the mango at your side. you look up at the sound of the door, smiling softly at jeonghan. you’re about to beckon him over, but he takes a deep breath and says, “i’ve got to tell you something.”
“oh,” you breathe out, a little worried about what it could be. you pat the spot next to you regardless, and jeonghan perches on the bed cautiously, almost like he doesn’t want to be close to you when he says what he has to say. you’re nervous for a moment, but the way he’s looking at you isn’t what you expected. he’s not about to tell you he did something wrong, he’s about to tell you something he’s afraid of.
“seungcheol is coming back,” he starts, and before you can even react he says, “he can’t know about us.”
“he-what?” you ask, and jeonghan reaches for your hands as he settles on the bed, trying to bring you closer as he explains, “he’s coming back to work at my company. i didn’t hire him, i swear. we apparently acquired whatever business he was running, so now he’ll be managing it under me. he called to tell me the good news. he’s coming back this friday. and he can’t know that we’re together.”
“why not?”
“because it’s...weird,” jeonghan says nervously.
“what about us is weird, jeonghan?” you ask, and he can tell he messed up.
“no, baby, that’s not what i mean,” he tries to backtrack. “i just. for a little while. it might be best for you to...not come around so often?”
“what, so i just stop coming to your work parties?” you ask, and jeonghan closes his eyes as your frustrations rise. “can’t come visit you on my days off? and when you invite people out after work for drinks, i assume he’ll come with you. so i’m just supposed to sit at home all the time now?” 
“honey, i’m sorry,” he says softly, his eyes meeting yours and you can tell there’s a little bit of hurt there. “i just don’t know how we could explain this to him, and it’ll be hard enough getting him integrated into the company. i don’t want this to fail before it even starts, so, for now, he can’t know. but you’re still my number one, baby. i don’t know how you could ever think otherwise,” he says softly, brushing your hair behind your ears. you’re quiet as you think of how to respond, and you let jeonghan use his hand on your neck to guide you in for a tender kiss. against your lips he says, “i’m sorry.”
“don’t be sorry,” you sigh, leaning back in to kiss him again. “i’m proud of you for acquiring his company, that’s big,” jeonghan nods, “and i agree, it’d be too weird to explain. honestly i don’t know that i want to see him at all. but this means i’ll see less of you,” you pout, and with jeonghan’s hand still on your neck you feel his grip tighten.
“impossible,” he whispers, pecking your lips quickly before swiping his tongue over your bottom lip. “mm, you taste like mango.”
“lemme taste something else,” he says with a smirk, and soon you’ve forgotten what he came in here to tell you in the first place.
a different version of you would’ve been upset that you could forget cheol so easily. for a long time, you thought he was the great love of your life. but if both of you would pick something else over each other so quickly, maybe your love wasn’t that great after all. you had settled into your life without seungcheol, so it makes sense that you forgot about his return so quickly. 
for seungcheol though? he’s wondering if he should call you. at least let you know he’s gonna be back in town. he won’t say that he’s staying, he’ll open the conversation and see what you do with it. he just wants to see you, see how you’re doing. a selfish part of him wants you to see how well he’s doing too, and he thinks for a moment that he should get the gang back together and invite jeonghan. he decides against it only because he wants some time alone with you to apologize. if this goes well, then he can think about jeonghan coming along. 
when cheol picks up his phone to call you, jeonghan is staring sappily into your eyes over dinner. you’ve had a rough week at work, so jeonghan insisted on comfort food at his favorite fancy place. he wanted to pamper you tonight, starting with giving you the shoes you’ve been salivating over for weeks now. he helped you get dressed and took his time kissing every inch of your skin that he could reach. now, over a plate of the most delicious pasta you’ve ever had, jeonghan is listening to you passionately talk about god knows what. he could listen to you talk like this for hours, but you stop mid-sentence and start looking for something. 
“what’s wrong baby?” he asks, reluctantly letting your hand slip out of his so you can twist around in your chair.
“i’m looking for my phone, it’s ringing,” you mumble as you struggle to untangle your purse from the back of your chair. 
“but baby,” he whines. “we’re on a date.”
“you know my mom usually calls me around this time,” you point out as you find your phone. “i at least need to check that it’s-”
“what?” jeonghan asks, noticing the confusion on your face. “not your mom?”
“no? it’s a weird number,” you say, showing him quickly. it looks familiar, and when jeonghan realizes why it’s too late. “hello?” you ask quietly, not wanting to be the annoying person on the phone in a public place, but curiosity got the best of you. 
“y/n?” seungcheol asks, and your breath catches in your throat. “y/n? hello?”
“seungcheol, hi,” you respond, looking at jeonghan with your eyes wide. he sits back in his chair and groans, but the sound of the restaurant covers it up. “um, what’s up?”
“how are you?” cheol asks, and you give him a curt response. “listen, i can tell you’re out doing something, but i just wanted to let you know i’m coming back home. i mean, i’m leaving my job in europe and taking on a new role here. with jeonghan. kind of. it’s his company. whatever, i’m rambling, i just wanted to let you know-”
“hang up,” jeonghan mouths, and you shake your head, listening to cheol talk himself in circles a little more. jeonghan reaches across the table and tugs on your arm but you swat him away, whispering a fierce warning to stop. 
“sorry, seungcheol, um, that sounds like a great opportunity,” you tell him once he’s finished up. “t-tell jeonghan i say hi. and good luck with everything, really.” you hate to rush him off the phone like this, but the way jeonghan is staring at you has your stomach doing flips. there’s no way cheol can be onto you so soon, but you tried your best to keep him off the scent. you just hope it works. “it was nice hearing from you, bye cheol!”
“yeah, sure,” he says suspiciously, looking at his phone to confirm that you did in fact hang up on him. your response was weird, awkward, which is understandable. but the weird part is that you completely ignored his invitation to meet for lunch. you sounded distracted, so maybe you didn’t hear him. maybe you didn’t want to see him at all. or maybe you were out with someone who wouldn’t like their girlfriend making plans with some random guy. whatever it is, cheol is onto you, but what keeps him content is that he knows your paths will cross again soon, planned or not. 
jeonghan was quiet after you hung up, mostly playing with the food on his plate as you watched him. you tapped his foot with your own beneath the table, skirting it up toward his calf when he doesn’t respond. you feel a warm hand grab your ankle, and jeonghan’s eyes are staring at you sternly as he asks, “why did you answer it?”
“i was curious.”
“but i told you not to answer it. then i told you to hang up, and you didn’t listen.”
“it’s my phone?” you say incredulously. “i’ll answer it if i want to.”
“but it was seungcheol,” jeonghan says. “he could figure out what’s going on.”
“why are you so insistent on cheol not knowing about us?” you ask. “like, i get not wanting to hurt his feelings. but he’s not here right now, and you’re being kind of a dick.”
“baby, i’m sorry,” he sighs. “i’m just afraid of you getting hurt.”
“you and cheol have a lot of history,” jeonghan says carefully. “i guess i was trying to protect you from being around him and, i don’t know, getting upset over what happened. that you’re not with him anymore.”
“how could i ever be upset when i have you taking care of me?” you ask softly, looking for jeonghan’s hand so you can squeeze it assuringly as you say, “baby, yes, cheol and i have history. but you’re my now and my future as long as you don’t break me during sex some day.”
“got it,” he finally laughs, taking a deep breath. “sorry for being weird about it.”
“it’s ok,” you tell him. “you being possessive like that was a little hot.”
“down girl,” he teases, squeezing your hand now. “we’ve got two more courses here before we can leave.”
“have i mentioned how much i love this food, by the way?” you ask, and that sends you both into an easy conversation about food and how you want to do a pasta making date night. jeonghan takes his phone out to make a reminder for himself to find the best class in the city, and he sees a message that makes his heart stop. it’s from seungcheol, short and sweet.
“we need to talk,” it says. jeonghan locks his phone then, putting on a smile to cover up the way he just started to sweat.
you and jeonghan enjoy a sweet weekend together, having two blessed days where you don’t go anywhere. saturday is spent mostly sleeping, only leaving your bed for necessities and to find another book when you finish your first one. as you’re scanning the bookshelves jeonghan put up in his room just for you, he admires the way his old dress shirt hangs off of you. he doesn’t know why you insist on sleeping in his old clothes, but it warms his heart nonetheless. he loves that you don’t wear much underneath, so it’s not hard for him to pull you in for a hug just for his hand to brush you in places that send goosebumps across your skin. he wants you to hurry up and pick a book so you’ll come back to bed, his hands itching to skirt across your waist and pull you into his chest. 
he knows you’re both serious about each other. like you, he knows this is love without it being spoken. but he almost said it this morning, it almost slipped off his tongue as he woke up to the sound of clinking coffee mugs. he smiled sleepily at you as you placed his on his nightstand, grabbing your now free hand to kiss your palm and each of your fingertips. you claimed the warmth of the coffee in this heat is what caused your cheeks to flare up, but jeonghan knows better. he watched you proudly as you shuffled to your side of the bed, all of a sudden very happy that you’re here, his, and living in this space with him. 
you take a delicate sip of your coffee before you crawl back under the covers, and jeonghan admires the way you relish the taste, eyes closing slightly and a content smile on your lips as you finally rejoin him in bed. you yelp as he pulls you closer, hooking an arm around you so that you’re laying against his chest with his lips at the crown of your head. he thinks about saying it then, those three words, but your polite “let go of me, you freak” shakes him out of his thoughts, chuckling as he loosens his grasp so you can grab your book and then lay back down in his arms. you hold the book so that he can read along with you if he wants, but he’s still tired, so instead he lets himself drift off as you speed through the pages. 
when you finish your book, your first instinct is to get up and replace it on the shelf it came from. jeonghan always scolds you for keeping a messy nightstand, so you try to get in the habit of returning finished books as quickly as possible, but when you turn to look at the man in question you coo and decide that admiring your sleeping angel of a boyfriend is the better option. you reach out a hand to trace his eyebrows, down the soft slope of his nose, ending at his mouth. you press a kiss to your fingers and trace the outline of his lips, giggling when his top lip twitches at your touch. you love his lips, love the way they feel against your skin, the way they stretch across jeonghan’s perfect smile when he tells you something cheeky. you lose yourself for a moment as you play with them, maybe flicking your thumb over his plump bottom lip too hard because next thing you know there’s two strong arms holding you captive. jeonghan peeks an eye open at you, sheepish smile on your face as he asks, “what the hell are you doing?”
“playing with your lips,” you reply easily. “they’re my favorite toy.”
“oh these?” he asks, pouting his lips as he feigns going cross eyed to stare at them. he loves to make you laugh, the sound breaking him from his silly expression and into a fit of giggles similar to yours. you press your forehead to his as you calm down, your breaths mingling together as they steady out into the same inhales and exhales. “i really like waking up next to you,” jeonghan admits quietly. you look up to make sure he sees your eyes as you respond, “it’s kinda my favorite thing now, so i’m glad you like it. even when i have morning breath.”
“good thing you drink coffee like an addict,” jeonghan teases, tickling your nose with a strand of your hair. “because right now i’m just getting cafe bustelo and brown sugar.”
“mm,” you hum, “i want another coffee,” you say as you try to get up, but jeonghan’s vice grip stops you. 
“kiss first,” he says sternly, and you feel your cheeks warm as you lean back down to press your lips into his. he deepens the kiss briefly, letting you pull away to say, “hm, you taste like brown sugar too.”
“and you taste like cinnamon,” you smile, loving that spending so much time with you has turned jeonghan onto your favorite coffee recipes. “now let me go and i’ll make you a new one.”
“fine,” he sighs dramatically. “but come back quick.”
“you’re clingy today,” you notice, and you look at him fully. “is everything ok?”
“yeah honey,” he smiles, but there’s a hesitation there. “i just..you know i’m yours right?”
“of course i do hannie,” you smile back, and he nods. “anything else?”
“if i’m yours, you know that means you’re mine,” he smirks, and you nod again. “no complaints?”
“hm, you could do laundry a little more often-” you start to joke, but a pillow comes flying for your head. with a laugh you reach out for jeonghan’s leg under the covers, giving it a reassuring squeeze as you ask, “are you sure everything’s good? this is weirding me out.”
“i’m good,” he shrugs. “wanted to be sure.”
you watch him closely, but you decide there’s nothing further to discuss. you reach for his coffee mug and he passes it to you, only jerking it back once or twice when you reach for it. once you start pouting he gives in, handing it over with ease. you’re gone and back within a few minutes, two new drinks in your hands, but jeonghan’s eyes are closed again so you place his drink down before kissing his forehead lightly. you put your drink down and finally return your book, looking for your next victim. when you lay back down you stick to your side of the bed, not wanting to bother jeonghan. you’re obviously unaware that he was watching you the entire time you searched for a new book, but once you’re settled with the amount of pillow to back ratio you hear him mumble something into the blankets. you lean closer and ask him to repeat, and you hear a soft, “will you read to me?”
he’s never asked you to do this before, and you’re not sure how romantic it will be to read a thriller novel to your boyfriend, but you do it anyway. something’s gotten into jeonghan, you’re not sure what, but something’s on his mind. you’ll let him come to you about it, but even as you read the book out loud you barely process the words. you’re just worried about the change in jeonghan over the past few days, and you think you know what, or who, the culprit is. 
jeonghan had to welcome cheol into the office next week. he’s starting this week transitioning back to life at home, then he’s coming in closer to the weekend to finish up his paperwork. he starts next monday, and jeonghan has promised him dinner one night this week. he does this with any of his new employees, no matter their status. he takes them out for a meal, gets to know them, makes them feel welcome as part of the company, and everyone loves him for it. it’s why so many people fight to get the chance to work for him, and it’s also the reason why nobody wants to leave once they do. jeonghan takes care of his people. he defends them, wants the best for them, and can mediate any problem no matter how big or small. he’s the perfect boss, the perfect boyfriend, he’s just...perfect. 
but lately, he’s been having doubts. he’s been doubting himself, his relationship with you. he won’t admit it, but he’s afraid of you seeing cheol after all this time and wanting to go back to him. he never understood how you two could split so easily, so his biggest fear is that whatever feelings may be laying dormant will come back with a vengeance the moment you and seungcheol are back in a room together. that’s why he tries to talk about him as little as possible despite being on the phone with him all the time. seungcheol is a hard worker, so he’s already got questions for jeonghan, clients to bring over, applicants to interview for his assistant. jeonghan admires the tenacity, but he’s walking on eggshells around you so the topic of cheol never comes up. that becomes nearly impossible when seungcheol reminds jeonghan of their promised meal together, and jeonghan tries to pick a night when he knows you’ll be tired and therefore fine with him going out. 
he decides on tuesday night for dinner with cheol, and everything seems fine at first. you’ve got to go into the office early for a slew of back to back meetings, so you assure jeonghan you’ll be exhausted when you’re done. whatever “company thing” he has to do tonight can be done solo, and you tell him you’ll be expecting a kiss when he gets home, even if you’re asleep. he takes a slight breath of relief and promises he’ll be sweet to you when he gets back, pleased that it seems the topic he’s avoiding won’t have to come up at all.
tuesday comes, and you were fine with going home to no jeonghan, but as your day dragged on you realized there was no way you’ll be leaving on time. thing after thing keeps getting dumped on you until you’re on the verge of a freak out, and you text jeonghan to get some clarity. you tell him your day’s been awful, you’ll be home late, the usual, and he doesn’t respond. you’re so busy you don’t even have time to be upset about that, because as soon as you put your phone down you’re getting an email that almost makes you cry frustrated tears. you work on though, the only thing getting you through is the idea of falling into jeonghan’s arms as soon as you walk through the door. 
jeonghan didn’t respond to you because seungcheol ended up coming into the office today, eager to set up his office and get straight to work next week. it was a surprise for sure, seeing his friend after so long, but thankfully they fell back into their usual rapport once the awkward pleasantries were over with. jeonghan had been busy helping seungcheol organize his desk, explaining some of the more important files that seungkwan had already placed in cheol’s office for him to review. jeonghan was trying to save some of the business talk for their dinner tonight, but they ended up having a working lunch instead, jeonghan divulging all of the things he’s needed his best friend for in their time apart. 
“shit, is that the time?” cheol asks as he checks his watch. jeonghan looks at his phone then, seeing messages from you and wishing he could answer immediately. he’ll wait until he’s back in his office just to be safe. “i took up your whole day, i’m sorry.”
“no worries,” jeonghan waves him off. “it was nice catching up. it’s gonna be good having you here.”
“i’m really excited to get started,” cheol says.
“no shit, couldn’t tell,” jeonghan laughs. “but we’ve basically gone through everything i was planning to say at dinner. welcome to the team, this is the company culture, stay on top of your tasks, blah blah. come to me if you ever need anything, and uh, don’t drink the hazelnut coffee in the break room. it’s disgusting.”
“got it,” cheol nods. “i can’t believe i kept you here this long, if you need to leave, we can forget dinner.”
“no, i have time,” jeonghan thinks for a moment. “i should at least take you to this whiskey bar down the block, i think you’d like it. i do a lot of client meetings there.”
“sure, let’s go!”
the bar ended up being closed. who knew tuesday was a slow day for whiskey, because apparently it’s always closed on tuesdays and jeonghan had no clue. he feels bad that he’s not giving cheol the promised welcome meal or a nice drink on the company’s dime, so when seungcheol asks to see jeonghan’s place he has a hard time saying no. 
“i’m sure you’ve got a great home bar,” cheol says, “and i’d love to see your place. if that’s ok, of course.”
“um, let me just-”
“check with your girlfriend first?” cheol asks, and jeonghan stops cold. he tries to play it off, shaking his head with an excuse on his lips, but when jeonghan looks up at him there’s a knowing look in his eyes. “you don’t have to hide it. i knew there was always a reason you sound distracted on the phone. just didn’t know sly yoon jeonghan could be held down by anybody.”
“haha, yeah, it’s a miracle,” jeonghan laughs nervously. “but, um, no, i don’t need to check with anybody. i was just. yeah, sure, yeah, we can have a drink at my place. but i need to make it quick, sorry,” he starts to lie, “my meeting with london tomorrow just got pushed to the ass crack of dawn, so it’ll be an early night for me.”
“just one drink,” cheol nods, clapping his hand on jeonghan’s back. “send me your address. you want me to bring flowers as a housewarming gift, or is that too much?”
when you’re finally leaving work, it’s about three hours later than normal. you took a break to eat dinner, so that added to your time, knowing that jeonghan would have a hissy fit if he knew you worked late and didn’t eat. your meal added on to your time, but it definitely didn’t diminish the amount of work you had to do. by the time you get back to your apartment, you’re tired, you’re frustrated, and those tears from earlier are creeping back again. you text jeonghan when you’re close by, and again when you get into the lobby and ask if he picked up the package that came. nothing all day, and now suddenly he can’t seem to respond quick enough.
“wait for me outside,” the text reads, which you think is odd, but whatever. you check the mailroom anyway, shuffling along on autopilot as jeonghan loses his mind upstairs.
why? because cheol is still here. jeonghan forgot how easy it was for drunk cheol to go off on tangents, and he’s in the middle of one now that doesn’t seem like it’ll slow down in time for jeonghan to shoo him out the door without running into you. he’s trying to run through each solution when he hears your key in the lock, stopping cheol mid-sentence so he can smirk and say, “guess the lady of the house is home?”
jeonghan shoots up to intercept you, trying to stop the door from pushing open too much to reveal you to cheol or vice versa. but he’s too late. he can tell by the shock in your eyes, followed quickly by tears. you duck back out into the hallway and he follows, closing the door behind him and praying to god that cheol stays put. 
“baby, baby what’s wrong?” jeonghan asks, holding your hands to his chest as you try to calm down. your lip trembles as you explain, “i just had the worst day at work, i’m so tired of this job, i’m exhausted and frustrated and i wanted to come home to you and i was already about to cry but then he’s in there-wait, why is he in our house, hannie?” you ask, a bit of understandable anger in your voice. “i thought he couldn’t know about us,” you all but spit out, and jeonghan lets his head hang as he explains.
“i thought i’d be able to get him in and out before you got back,” he starts out. “i’m sorry i didn’t respond to you all day, but everything got away from me, and the place i was going to take cheol was closed, and he asked to see the apartment and i couldn’t really say no.” 
“well get him out of there,” you hiss. “i can’t handle this right now.”
“handle what?” jeonghan asks, and you groan at the jealousy in his voice.
“hannie!” you whine. “you know what i mean. i was trying not to cry all the way home and now there’s a man in our house and i have to cry in the hallway. my day can’t get any worse.”
“i’m sorry,” jeonghan says. “i’m sorry. i’ll get him out. but...”
“what?” you groan, and jeonghan looks at you shamefaced. 
“baby, if you don’t want to see him you’ll have to hide in the lobby or something. otherwise i bring you back inside and you have to address him there, or you stay out here and see him then.”
“i can’t just hide behind you?” you ask quietly, and he shakes his head. “‘fraid not, my love.”
“you’re in the shit, yoon jeonghan,” you say with an accusing finger under his chin. “you owe me.”
“you know i’ll make it up to you,” he whispers, dipping down to give you a chaste kiss. he leads you back to your door, pushing it open and clearing his throat when he sees cheol sitting with his head almost between his knees on the couch. “seungcheol, i can explain.”
“i don’t want to hear a word,” he says, standing up to get in jeonghan’s face. “some friend you are. how could you not tell me?”
“i’m sorry, i-”
“leave him alone,” you pipe up, and cheol’s anger turns to you briefly. once he looks at you, really looks at you, it all fades away and a soft ache replaces it. “seungcheol i think you should leave.”
“you’re a guest in our home, and you’ve overstayed your welcome,” you hold your ground, but still don’t make eye contact with him. it’s comical, actually. you really are hiding behind jeonghan as you watch cheol leave.
“i can’t believe this,” he scoffs, gathering his things and pressing past you both. he looks back at you passingly as you close the door in his face, and your heart stirs in a way you don’t understand. the way cheol was looking at you burns into the backs of your eyelids, and you shake your head to get rid of it. jeonghan’s soft lips on your neck pull you back to reality, and he falls into another round of apologies. you turn around in his grasp, resting your head against his neck before you say, “jeonghan, it’s alright. let’s just go to bed.”
it’s safe to say that seungcheol is pissed. what’s infuriating about it though, at work he acts like nothing’s wrong. in meetings, through emails, on conference calls, cheol is the perfect associate. in the hallways though? the elevator? the break room? jeonghan feels ice shooting daggers through cheol’s gaze whenever their paths cross. he needs a chance to explain, but cheol won’t give it to him. he’s hurt that his friend would do this to him and keep it a secret, but what hurts just as much is that you’d date his best friend, hell, you’ve moved in with him, and cheol had no clue. from either of you. it’s hard to process that two people who were once so important to him could betray him like this, and with each other. he’s content to keep his relationship with jeonghan completely professional, hopeful that if he plays his cards right he’ll never have to be around you for extended periods of time. 
the first test of that comes this friday with a company celebration for the acquisition of so many new accounts, cheol’s included. he has to go, and he knows you’ll be there a majority of the night. he’s ready to dodge and weave, staying on alert for where you are at all times. but the moment he lets his guard down, you’re at his side, ordering a drink at the bar. you didn’t notice it was cheol or else you never would’ve approached, but jeonghan has been talking to some creepy accountant for so long you needed an out. cheol glances to the side and sees two glasses in your hands, sadly meeting your eyes as he acknowledges that one of them must be for jeonghan. you open your mouth to say something, but he’s disappeared into the crowd before you can even say hello. 
you get back to jeonghan to find him typing on his phone, and a quick peek tells you that he’s asking seungkwan to remove said creepy accountant from the premises. you smile as you hand him his drink, putting your hand under his chin so you can steady yourself to kiss his cheek. he lets you once, but then he turns so he can steal a kiss before you realize what’s happening. it makes you laugh, and the sound rings out across the corner of the room. 
“shh, baby,” jeonghan laughs. “can’t let everyone here know you’re having a better time than they are.”
“it’s a nice party though,” you tell him. “they should all be enjoying it.”
“i hope so,” he sighs, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to hold back the strands that have fallen out of place, only for them to drape back over his face softly. 
“you look sexy, by the way.”
“do i?” he smiles, and you nod, kissing his cheek again. he uses this as a chance to whisper in your ear, “and you’re stunning as always. i can’t keep my eyes off of you.”
“hannie stop,” you giggle, letting your face heat up as you pull away from him again. he drapes an arm around you now, pulling you into his side as he turns to face the rest of the room. with his lips closely pressed to your hairline he whispers something else that makes your skin erupt in goosebumps.
“i’m not the only one who can’t stop staring,” jeonghan says, turning you until you’re facing seungcheol from across the room. he’s right, cheol’s eyes are locked in on you and jeonghan. weird, considering he couldn’t get away from you fast enough earlier. even now his gaze holds strong, and you feel your blush deepen, this time from embarrassment and something more. “he’s been watching you all night.”
“stop,” you repeat, and jeonghan chuckles so lowly that you feel the sound rumble in your own chest pressed next to his. “he’s angry.”
“you think so?” jeonghan asks, his own gaze following yours to stare at cheol. “think we should talk to him?”
“actually, i do,” you say, breaking the stare down to look up at jeonghan. “or at least i should. you’re a good man, hannie, but i’m afraid you’d both get so cocky you wouldn’t be able to get through to him.”
“you think that’s a good idea?” he asks with a touch of warning in his voice. “he’s been hard to get through to all week-”
“and maybe if i talk to him, i can fix that,” you reply. then, quieter, almost like you don’t want to admit it to yourself, you ask, “come on, don’t you miss him?”
either you’re right and jeonghan does miss his best friend, or he’s scared to acknowledge that you might miss him too. regardless he nods and loosens his grip so you can step away. cheol watched that whole exchange, so he sees you coming. when you get close he tries to hide, but you don’t care, you call out his name loud enough for the partygoers around you to part like the sea just to get you through to him faster. 
“cheol, hi,” you say with a shy smile once you’re close enough to speak at a normal volume. “um, i didn’t get to say anything earlier at the bar, so i’m sorry i yelled just now.”
“no worries,” he says curtly. 
“i just..wanted to get your attention,” you continue, watching him unsure. “i want to talk, if that’s ok.”
“i don’t wanna hear it,” he replies, and he’s about to turn away but you place a delicate hand on his arm, squeezing lightly as you say, “no, really. we need to talk.” 
you can feel jeonghan’s eyes on you as you lead cheol out to the balcony, major deja vu to the first night you and jeonghan became something. crazy how things come full circle, you think. you catch jeonghan’s eyes from across the room and nod at him, but his face is unmoving, watching you apprehensively with something close to worry in his eyes.
out on the balcony, cheol tries to keep as much space between you as possible. you tried joining him at the railing but he slid away childishly, and then when you took another step in his direction he moved to the chairs like he was going to sit down. you can tell there’s nervous energy behind his dark brown eyes, so you let him scramble for a minute before calling his name.
“cheollie,” you whisper so softly that the wind almost takes it away. the sound of his nickname falling from your lips stops him cold, his sad eyes looking up at you as you begin to explain. “none of this is what it looks like.”
“you sure about that?” he scoffs, finally sitting down at one of the chairs in front of you. you remain standing, leaning against the railing, and you can see the flash of jeonghan’s suit through the windows. was he listening?
“jeonghan and i started dating a few months ago, after he moved back home. we hadn’t even talked since you and i...broke up..but we were at the same party, and we started hanging out-”
“i don’t need to hear that,” cheol says dismissively. “i need to hear you and jeonghan apologize for not telling me. my two best friends. the two people i used to be closer to than anybody else, leaving me for each other?” 
“that’s not what happened though,” you whine.
“y/n please,” he rolls his eyes. 
“no, seungcheol, you’re not listening to me,” you say sternly, crossing your arms over your chest for good measure. it’s just a bonus that it makes your dress shift ever so slightly, showing the lacy edge of your bra underneath. cheol’s eyes are shamelessly on your chest as you go on. “jeonghan and i never did anything to betray you, other than choosing what was better for our lives, our careers, in the long run. if i remember correctly, you had a couple choices to make too, and i think you chose exactly the same thing. so whatever butt hurt feelings you have? get over it. we’re all here now. you and hannie need to work together, so put your big boy pants on and work. that also requires you to at least say hi to me when i see you at these events.” you take a breath before you go on. “i know it may not be easy..but it’s what we all have to do. got it?”
“yes ma’am,” cheol nods, standing and crossing over to you. he moves so that he’s barely caging you in, making sure you can’t leave as he says, “but just know. i’ll be mature about this. i’ll be the best god damn employee here, and i’ll treat you like a queen if that’s what it takes to make you stop pouting. but you and i both know we belong together.” he pauses so he can try to read your face, continuing with his dark eyes staring you down. “so know that every day i come into work. every fancy party i’m at. all i’m going to be thinking about is you.”
“cheol, i-” your voice is cut off by the sound of the balcony door opening, and your heart stops until you see vernon, seungcheol’s assistant, poking his head outside. 
“hey, you’re missing the toast,” he tells cheol, who hasn’t turned around at all. he nods and says he’ll be there soon, vernon stepping back into the party unnoticed. cheol holds your gaze a moment longer before finally turning away.
“it was nice talking to you, y/n,” he says once he reaches the door. he sends you a wink before slipping through the door. “hopefully i’ll see you again very soon.”
you can’t stop thinking about what cheol said out on the balcony. you rejoin the party a few moments after him, sticking to the back as you listen to jeonghan lead the toasts to all their new employees, a brighter future, his usual charming boss speeches that everyone just eats up. you’re pressing your fingers to your lips, thoughts flooding through your head, when you hear your name called out and suddenly feel a roomful of eyes on you.
“and personally i just want to thank my rock, y/n, for being my voice of reason,” jeonghan says. “you’d be surprised how many of the important decisions i make here are actually because of her, so i’d like to raise a toast to her and all the other unspoken heroes of our company-” as he continues on, everyone’s focus shifts, but you feel one set of eyes still on you. you turn and find cheol, staring at you knowingly with a champagne flute in his hand. he tilts it toward you with a wink before swigging it down in one gulp, and you turn away when you catch yourself admiring his jawline. when curiosity gets the best of you and you look back, he’s gone. 
once the event is over, you go back to jeonghan’s office to wait for him to politely talk to people until they get the hint that they need to leave. jeonghan says this is the reason he has a couch in his office, so you have somewhere comfortable to wait for him after parties, but really he got it because he doesn’t always want to fuck on his desk. you wonder if tonight will be one of those nights, but you think that question is answered when jeonghan walks through the door and collapses on top of you in exhaustion. you wrap your arms around him, a hand instantly falling to the back of his head so you can play with his hair. he hums into your neck, placing a single kiss on your skin before his breathing evens out. you lay like this for a while, content to stay like this all night, but you know you need to tell him about cheol. 
“hannie,” you whisper, and his lack of a response makes you think he’s actually asleep. you push him up by the forehead, giggling when he looks at you confused and mumbles, “what.”
“hey cutie,” you whisper, kissing his forehead. “get up, you’re crushing me.”
“deal with it.”
“jeonghan, seriously,” you say, and he finally lifts himself up, staring at you expectantly. “i need to tell you about cheol.”
“tell me tomorrow,” he says before falling back onto your chest. “don’t feel like getting pissed off right now.”
“you’re both annoying,” you grumble, and that gets his attention. 
“he was annoying?” he asks, his cheek still pressed against your chest. you can feel his warm skin on yours, and his cheek is pushed up so that his face is smushed. it’s cute, but you can’t get distracted. “tell me more.”
“he’s mad,” you start, “so i was right-”
“you’re always right-”
“don’t be a kiss ass,” you say sternly, and jeonghan chuckles. “what?”
“now i’m just thinking about your ass,” he says with a cheeky smile, peeking an eye open at you. 
“jeonghan!” you whine. “can you please take this seriously! i tried talking to cheol about us, about all of us being mature about this, and he was really...he made it seem like..”
“like what?” jeonghan asks, sitting up suddenly. “he made it seem like what, y/n?”
“like he wasn’t over me,” you whisper, and jeonghan sees red for a moment. “he didn’t try anything. he didn’t want to be anywhere near me, n-not that i tried getting close to him! but like, i tried talking to him at the railing and he ran away, and then i could tell he was staring at my chest and he was like, super vague but still upset, and he said something about us being meant for each other and i just-”
“do you agree with him?” jeonghan asks, and you stop. “do you think you’re meant for each other?”
“hannie, i...he’s upset,” you reply, not giving him the response he wants. “he didn’t want to hear me explain anything, but he’s obviously hurt. he said he was going to change his attitude at work, but i don’t think this helped as much as i thought it would.”
“he’s the most stubborn man in the world, y/n.”
“oh so that explains why you two used to get along,” you tease, running a hand through jeonghan’s hair. your hand settles at the back of his head as you say, “i’m happy with you, hannie. you make me feel like the special-est girl ever. don’t look at me like you’re worried.”
“i’m not worried about you,” he says, turning so he can press soft kisses onto your wrist. “i’m worried about him.”
“whatever,” you shrug. “cheol is gonna be cheol. this will get easier with time.”
“hm,” he hums, lips still against your wrist. “speaking of time, how late is it?”
“late,” you reply. “we should go.”
“late?” he laughs. “that’s not a time baby.” 
“i don’t have a watch,” you shrug. “and someone is laying on me, so i can’t reach my phone.”
“should i buy you a watch?” jeonghan asks, that glint in his eyes whenever he’s ready to spoil you. “maybe we should get matching ones.”
“minnie and mickey mouse?” you suggest, and he laughs. 
“we’ll go shopping this weekend,” he promises before he hoists himself up, pulling you with him. “let’s go home now baby.”
it’s been a few days since the party, and you haven’t stopped thinking about cheol. it’s really bothering you, but you don’t want to bring it up to jeonghan again because you know it’ll just upset him. you’re thinking about what you should do as you make dinner tonight. you were able to come home early, excited to surprise jeonghan after such a stressful couple of days. he hasn’t said much about cheol, only that he’s been keeping to himself while still getting his work done. you figure this is how it should be, cheol doing his job and leaving the two of you alone, but there’s just a sliver of your heart that wants more. you’re thinking about it as jeonghan walks through the door, calling out your name before following the smell of food into the kitchen.
“is it my birthday or something?” he asks with a happy smile on his face. 
“hm, no?” you think for a second. “just wanted to do something nice for you.”
“you’re an angel,” he says as he walks over to join you, his arms wrapping around your waist and head falling to the crook of your neck. “you have perfect timing too, my day sucked.” 
“aw hannie,” you try to turn around in his arms, wanting to watch him as he explains what went wrong, but he holds your waist firmly so you won’t move. 
“keep cooking,” he whispers into your neck, kissing at the spot behind your ear that sends a chill down your spine. “let me blow off some steam before dinner. just tell me when it’s too much, got it baby?” you nod, but you hear jeonghan grumble, “use your words y/n.”
“got it,” you whisper out, and you feel jeonghan smile against your skin. he keeps kissing up and down your neck, moving your hair out of the way so he can kiss right where your neck and shoulder meet. you feel his tongue against your skin and then the sharp pang of teeth, jeonghan working on marking your neck. you let him work, trying to focus on not burning the food, but he’s making it incredibly difficult. 
“turn the heat down baby,” he advises you, noticing your lack of attention. “don’t want you to ruin dinner because you were distracted.” you do, your breath shaky when jeonghan’s hand slips from your waist to cup your pussy through your shorts. your breathes start coming in little gasps as he gives you the least amount of pressure possible. you groan frustrated, and he chuckles against your neck. “impatient baby.”
“i’m almost done cooking, hannie,” you tell him. “hurry up.”
“turn the stove off then,” jeonghan rasps out. “we’re staying right here.” his hand slips to the edge of your shorts, his fingers pushing the fabric of your shorts and panties aside to feel the arousal pooling at your core. “you don’t want me to stop, do you?”
“no what?”
“no sir.”
“good girl,” he whispers, nipping at your ear as his fingers dip to your core. he loves feeling you falling apart on his fingers, you’d think you’d be used to this by now. but feeling him sink two fingers into your core has you shaking in his hold, grabbing onto his arm for leverage. you try grinding down into him, wanting more, but jeonghan is ever patient and ignores your attempts to feel more. he takes it slow, dragging his fingers in and out at an excruciating pace. it’s not enough, so your mind starts to wander to other times jeonghan has had his way with you in the kitchen, folding you over the counter, kneeling between your legs as you cook, and you jolt as your mind starts conjuring up images of cheol doing the same. your eyes fly open, jeonghan so tuned into your reactions that he chuckles as he whispers, “feel good baby?” and your heart starts to race. he doesn’t know. he can’t read your thoughts, so he doesn’t know what you were just imagining. but you feel...wrong. you feel like you’re doing something forbidden, not allowed, as you let jeonghan work you toward your high with thoughts of cheol still flashing through your mind. 
“i’m c-close hannie,” you breathe out, trying to anchor yourself in this moment. you feel him biting your neck again, leaving another hickey you’re not sure you’ll be able to cover up. 
“let me hear you then,” he says, fingers finally working faster, trying to make you come. you moan freely, feeling jeonghan’s hard cock pressing into you from behind. your eyes start to roll back as you come, letting out a soft moan, “oh, cheol-”
jeonghan stops.
all the air leaves your lungs, and you gasp as you try to cover, but jeonghan shushes you, arms tightening around your body as his lips graze your ear. “what did you just say?”
“don’t lie to me,” he whispers. “what. did. you. say.”
“i-i said ch-cheol,” you stutter, jeonghan’s fingers still inside you, feeling the way your walls clench around him as you mention he who must not be named. “hannie, please, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to, i-”
“should i call him?” jeonghan asks, and you hate the way your body reacts to the idea. “let him hear you moaning so pretty for him while i’m playing with your pussy? or should we skip that and just invite him over here to fuck you?” he asks, hands pulling from you so he can turn you around and cage you in against the counter. he gets closer, eyes angry and a little turned on as he asks, “you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“hannie, no, i want you, need you,” you say, afraid to touch him as his hands work at his belt. he’s got his cock out in record time, lazily stroking it as he watches you.
“you want me, you need me, but you want him too, don’t you?” he asks, and you could cry at how frustrated you are right now. you let jeonghan lift you onto the counter, spreading your legs as he pulls your clothes to the side. he taps his cock over your clit, reveling in the way you whine for him. “come on baby, talk to me. told you to use your words.”
“i-i don’t want cheol,” you say shakily. “i want you, jeonghan.” that’s all he needed to hear, slamming his cock into you as you let out a choked sob. he’s relentless, fucking you so fast you’re not sure how you’re going to hold out. instantly his thumb is rubbing over your clit, wanting to make you come as fast as possible. considering how close you were, he doesn’t wait long, a scream of his name ripping through your chest as you release around him, but he doesn’t stop. proudly, he smiles as he fucks into you, watching your pussy swallow his cock as he says, “what do you think cheol would do if he was here right now?”
“answer me,” he says, eyes finding yours and holding your gaze. you can see the way his pupils are blown out, lust taking over him, and you realize with a gasp that he’s enjoying this. he’s mad, sure, but this is turning him on. the thought has you clenching around him hard, and he smiles evilly before he goes on. “you think he’d want your mouth? or would he want your pussy?”
“b-both,” you stutter out, jerking in jeonghan’s hold as you get closer again. “he’d want both.”
“hm, greedy. just like you,” jeonghan tuts, bringing his thumb up to your lips before asking you to suck, you hold onto his wrist, steadying yourself as you suck on his thumb while he fucks you, and you can’t believe you’re about to come again. “hold on honey. wait for me.”
“jeonghan i can’t-”
“you will,” he says sternly, switching his pace so he’s thrusting into you so deep you feel like he’s going to split you open. your pussy keeps clenching down on him, making it hard to move, and when he looks up and sees you with his thumb still hanging from your mouth he groans, holding your chin as he watches you slowly unravel. he admires the way your eyes flutter first, then your jaw goes slack, whimpering as he thrusts into you to help you come. your body starts to shake and he can feel you spasming around his cock, his hips jerking as he starts coming deep inside you. he thrusts lazily until you’re both spent, your sensitive body jerking at every movement. he finally pulls out, moaning as he watches his come spill out of you. he looks up at you with an evil smirk, asking, “should i send a picture to seungcheol?”
“jeonghan, i’m sorry,” you sigh again, head falling to his shoulder. “that didn’t mean anything, it just came out.”
“but why did it come out?” he laughs nervously, stroking your hair as you latch onto him. with your arms firmly around his shoulders, you wrap your legs around his waist and he carries you into the living room. then he sits down with you in his lap, looking up at you softly as he asks. “what were you thinking about in that pretty head of yours?”
“i was thinking about you,” you start honestly. “and how you love fucking in our kitchen, for some reason-”
“i just love fucking you,” he admits as he plays with the strands of your hair falling over your shoulder. “so you were thinking about me and that made you moan cheol’s name?”
“no, i um,” you clear your throat. “i don’t know. he’s just. it’s been on my mind a lot lately, i guess. so my mind wandered. it just came out,” you say earnestly, cupping jeonghan’s face, “i’m so sorry.”
“don’t be,” he shrugs, a sad little smile on his face. your thumbs rub over his cheeks as he stares at you, and he opens his mouth to say something but stops. 
“what?” you ask, knowing there’s something else on his mind. “say something baby.”
“you’re not over him,” he says sadly, and you feel tears in your eyes as you shake your head. “you’re not, and that’s ok.”
“but hannie, i love you i don’t know why i can’t-”
“you love me?” jeonghan asks, and you stiffen. you’ve never said that to him before, and this is how your stupid brain lets it come out?
“i do,” you whisper, “i love you so much, yoon jeonghan.”
“but you love cheol too,” he says quietly, and you nod. 
“i think i still love him,” you admit. “but i don’t understand why, because i know i love you.”
“well,” jeonghan sighs, hands snaking around your waist again. “for what it’s worth, i know i love you too.”
“really?” you sniff, and he presses a soft kiss to your nose.
“i’ve known it for a while, actually,” he tells you. 
“you love me,” you smile.
“and you love me,” he nods. 
“i’m sorry,” you pout again, and he shakes his head.
“don’t be. you love me right?”
“i do,” you nod, kissing his chin as you wrap your arms around him. 
“then that’s all that matters,” jeonghan says quietly, and you sit together like that, wrapped in each others arms, minds racing. 
this isn’t how you wanted to tell him. you wanted the moment to be right, your confession of love needing to be special because jeonghan is special. he means so much to you. you haven’t felt this kind of love since..well, since cheol. jeonghan treats you like royalty and you want to treat him the same, so you’re torn at the thought of not being able to love him fully. but as you’re struggling to accept this, jeonghan has one thing running through his brain.
he needs to talk to seungcheol. now.
the next few days with jeonghan are insanely soft. you’re not sure if it’s because both of you let your feelings be known, or if it’s both of you trying to cover up the other feelings that were revealed a couple nights ago. either way, you’ve been in heaven. the rest of the work week flew by, both of you taking turns making each other’s favorite meals and then cuddling on the couch, not wanting to be far from each other for more than a few minutes. it’s like the early days of your relationship all over again, and you love it. 
jeonghan was serious when he said he was going to buy you a watch though, so he takes you shopping first thing saturday morning. you whine at him not wanting to sleep in, but he makes a good point that the mall is unbearably crowded after lunchtime. so you reluctantly drag yourself out of bed, making coffee while jeonghan picks out a couple outfit he insisted you wear. you smile when you see what he’s chosen, two red flannels and your favorite pair of jeans. you try to keep him at bay as you dress, but he grumbles at you as he pulls his own clothes on.
“so mean to me, the man you love,” he says in disbelief, watching as you pull on a white tank top to wear under the flannel. “nice tits.”
“sorry,” he smiles. “do you wanna eat before we leave or get something on the way there?”
you spend some time following jeonghan around this very fancy department store, helping him pick out new work clothes. he begged you to stay with him, not wanting to lose you to the purses he saw you gravitate towards when you walked in. he grabbed your hand and held on tightly, only letting go every so often to hold up a new shirt or jacket to ask for your opinion. jeonghan usually gets everything tailored, so trying things on isn’t that much of a concern for him here but he happily lets you slide your hands down his arms, slipping off the flannel so you can see what the blazers look like on him. he loves watching you step back in thought before (usually) deciding he looks great and he needs the suit immediately. really, having you here is no help to his wallet, but it boosts his confidence like hell. 
he’s about to ask you about a pair of pants when he turns and sees a flash of red moving through the racks behind you two, but he doesn’t pay it any mind. for now, he decides he’s looked at enough clothes and grabs your hand again to go find the jewelry counter. he called yesterday to place an order, and you’re mostly here to see if the watch fits. when you get to the counter you start looking in the glass to see what you might like, but jeonghan’s voice brings you to the end of the counter. he’s thanking the worker as they pass over a velvet box that jeonghan handles with care, looking up and beckoning you to come closer.
“do you like it baby?” he asks, showing you the silver watch with pearl inlays on the timepiece. you gasp and jeonghan laughs with the worker as she says, “i think she likes it!” you reach your hand out and let jeonghan secure it around your wrist, nodding proudly at the perfect fit. he looks back to the attendant and says, “i’ll go ahead and take the other one i called about.”
“sure thing,” she says before heading to the storage room behind her. she comes back with a similar box and jeonghan holds it under his arm as he closes the box your watch came in, knowing you won’t want to take it off now. they’re already paid for, so he offers his free hand to you and you carefully move your newly adorned arm to link through his. as you start walking through the store you think you see a familiar face up ahead, but it’s quickly obstructed by jeonghan’s fast pace.
“wait, did you get something?” you ask, stopping in the middle of the store. let me see yours.”
“i was serious about us matching,” he replies, handing you your box so he can open his. he shows you an almost identical piece, the only difference being a single pearl that connects the two clock hands. 
“i love you,” you whisper to him, like it’s a secret the world shouldn’t know about just yet. you cup his face and kiss him, whispering against his lips, “thank you. you’re too wonderful.”
“y/n?” a deep voice calls from behind your boyfriend. you separate from jeonghan and see cheol standing a few feet away, a look of not-so-hidden disgust on his face. “what are you doing here man?”
“same as you,” jeonghan says comfortably, draping his arm across your shoulders. “you mentioned getting some new suits and i realized it’s been a while since i got any new work clothes, so we started here and now we’re probably on our way to that fancy cooking store y/n loves so much.
“nice,” cheol nods, looking at you both awkwardly. you notice then that your heart is beating quickly in your chest, and you hope jeonghan can’t feel it. 
“hey, we’re all matching,” jeonghan points out, gesturing between the three of you and your shirts in various shades of red. “that’s cute.”
“right,” cheol nods awkwardly, regarding you both with a strange look in his eyes. you know that look, he looks like he’s trying to hide a secret. “well, um, enjoy the rest of your day.”
“bye cheol,” you say meekly, jeonghan waving as he turns you both toward the exit. you slap his side once you’re far enough away, and cheol rolls his eyes when he hears jeonghan’s unmistakable laugh. 
that was weird, he thinks to himself. yesterday jeonghan was out of character, talking to cheol for far too long in the break room, wanting to know about his weekend and what his plans were. when cheol told him he was going shopping, jeonghan didn’t mention anything about needing to go himself. he just asked where cheol planned on going, and then he’s here the same time as him the next day. that’s not a coincidence, is it?
after you spend too much time and too much money at the next store, you leave with bags in your hand that you immediately push onto jeonghan when you find him waiting for you outside. 
“jesus woman,” he laughs, “did you buy us a new kitchen?”
“no, just some things we needed,” you say innocently, and jeonghan sighs as he tries to balance the bags in his arms while still typing on his phone.
“what are you doing?” you ask, reaching out to help him but he swats you away.
“i’m texting cheol,” jeonghan says nonchalantly, and your heart drops to your ass.
“i invited him to lunch,” jeonghan says, looking back up at you again. “that ok?”
“um, i don’t know,” you reply. “should we? i mean, are we good?”
“i’m good,” jeonghan nods. “i think it would be nice. maybe we can try going back to normal.”
“o-ok,” you say, unsure of your boyfriend’s intentions. “so, where are we going?”
“we’ll meet him there,” jeonghan says, holding his arm out for you to grab onto. “come on, let’s go to the car.”
when you got to the car you didn’t expect jeonghan to put the bags away and immediately pull you across the center console to sit in his lap. he’s holding you down by the waist, capturing your lips in a kiss that he deepens just to moan into your mouth. you don’t hate it, but you also don’t know what’s gotten into him. you push away from him slightly, his lips chasing yours, but you put your fingers to his lips to hold him off.
“baby. talk to me. what is going on with you,” you state more than ask. 
“i wanna do something,” he says mischievously. 
“that’s obvious,” you say as you roll your eyes, and jeonghan nipping at your chin makes you swat him away and sit up fully. “what do you want to do. drive me insane?”
“yep,” he nods. “open the glovebox.”
“what did i say?” he asks, and you stop talking, reaching awkwardly over to the glovebox to find the bullet vibrator and handcuffs still there from a few weeks ago. you hold them up, and jeonghan says, “put the cuffs away. too noticeable.”
“what do you mean?” you ask, confused. “jeonghan, what are you up to?”
“do you trust me?” he asks, and you nod. “words, honey.”
“of course i trust you,” you tell him, placing your hand on his cheek. he hums as he nuzzles into your touch, kissing your palm. he opens his own hand, and you pass him the toy. he turns it on to the lowest setting, pushing your flannel out of the way so he can trace it over your chest. you jolt in his lap when he traces over your nipples, smiling when he sees the buds poking through the thin fabric of your shirt. “hannie, we have to go to lunch-”
“to see seungcheol,” he says, eyes watching your chest erupt in goosebumps as he continues dragging the vibrator slowly over your skin. 
“yes, and it’d be rude if we invited him and then we were late,” you scold, “so whatever you want to do get to it. or, better yet, wait until after.”
“why would that be better?” jeonghan asks, looking up at you darkly. “you wanna see cheol so you have more to think about when i make you come later?”
“that’s not what i me-eant,” you struggle to say, moaning a little at the end when jeonghan presses the vibrator over your clothed cunt. he pushes it up a few levels and you let out a shaky breath as you try to keep yourself from grinding down. 
“give me a color baby.”
“good,” he smiles, unbuttoning your pants as he keeps talking. “here’s what i want you to do. i want you to take this and keep it in your pussy while we have lunch. can you do that for me?” 
“hannie, i...” you trail off, eyes holding his gaze as you realize he’s looking at you the same way he did a few nights ago. that dark lust is still there. that signal that he might be into this more than he’s letting on. there’s a plan brewing in that pretty head of his, and you let out a shaky breath as you think.
“baby, i need a color,” he repeats. you hold his gaze a little longer before whispering, “green.”
jeonghan is a piece of shit. you hate his guts right now, watching you so happily as you listen to cheol describe his life in europe. you’re struggling, trying so hard to not make it obvious that you literally have a vibrator inside you right now. jeonghan is staring at you with stars in his eyes, and cheol is trying to ignore it, but he can’t stop himself.
“listen, man, did you invite me out to make me jealous or something? i’m sure y/n told you what we talked about at the party,” he says, glancing at you and considering your expression for a second. you look...off. he can’t place why, so he turns back to jeonghan. “i’m not gonna do anything, but come on. be mature about it.”
“i had no ill intentions inviting you out today,” jeonghan says. “we really wanted to catch up, didn’t we y/n?” and all you do is nod. “she’s been wanting us to get back to normal, so i thought this would be a good start.”
“this was your idea?” cheol asks you, and you open your mouth to speak, shifting uncomfortably but soon realizing that was an awful idea. the vibrator has slid up so it’s pressed right against your clit, and your eyes flutter slightly as you try to speak.
“i mean, i wanted you to-” you take a breath, “to get along since you work together. but lunch was his idea,” you explain, pointing a shaky finger at your smug boyfriend. “but i want to hear more about europe. did you go to italy at all?”
“oh my god, you’d go crazy over there,” cheol smiles at you softly. “lots of cool food, amazing coffee.”
“sounds nice,” you smile back, and watching the two of you makes something warm stir in jeonghan’s chest.
“baby, tell him about that pasta you tried making,” jeonghan teases, and you roll your eyes. 
“i thought i would try to make fresh pasta,” you start telling cheol, “but i fucked up. i started boiling it and the pasta just...dissolved?”
“it was disgusting,” jeonghan nods. “like a big eggy blob.”
“ew,” cheol says, looking down at the eggs in his noodles. “don’t ruin my appetite for me dude.”
“sorry,” jeonghan laughs, looking at you carefully. he can tell you’re close, so he decides to let you have a break, turning to cheol. “so be honest. how’s work?”
“you mean aside from our assistants having some kind of beef?” cheol laughs, and jeonghan joins him. “it’s good..” you stop listening, instead focusing on the vibrations between your legs. you press your thighs together looking for more pressure, and as the boys talk about some work drama you cover your mouth to hide a silent scream as you come. you play it off as a yawn, but cheol looks at you curiously. “y/n, you ok? are we boring you?” he laughs. if only he knew what that word meant to you and jeonghan.
“oh no, profit margins and revenue blah blah is sooo interesting,” you tease, shooting them both a glare. “no, i’m just really tired. someone didn’t let me sleep in this morning-”
“we had errands!” jeonghan whines, and cheol watches you two fondly.
“i think i might go splash some water on my face,” you tell them, looking at cheol so you don’t see the way jeonghan will react to you leaving. cheol catches himself staring, but he realizes now why you look different. it’s subtle, but he’d recognize it anywhere. you’ve got that kind of glow you only have when you’ve just come. cheol watches you leave, and then turns back to jeonghan. 
“she ok?” he asks, and jeonghan shrugs. 
“yeah, but we may not stay long if she’s not feeling well,” jeonghan covers, and cheol watches him closely, but eventually decides to leave it alone. surprisingly, he was having a good time. so he let’s himself enjoy this, returning your smile when you come back from the restroom (vibrator securely in your pocket now). “all good baby?”
“yeah,” you nod. “sorry, guess i haven’t slept enough this week.”
“you need to take better care of her,” cheol says to jeonghan, sipping his drink as he waits for him to respond.
“she’s the one that stays up late!” jeonghan whines, and you try to kick him underneath the table. “whatever. pay for your own lunch then.”
“i got you,” cheol says instead, and jeonghan feels a pang of jealousy shoot through his chest. whatever, he thinks to himself. his plan is going well. he’ll just let this play out and hope it works in his favor. 
cheol is still thinking about your lunch together when he goes back to work on monday. it was...nice. like really nice, being back around you and jeonghan. he almost felt comfortable with you again, but there was something about the way you acted that made him suspicious. 
he’s got a long day ahead of him, so he needs to stop thinking about you. it’s hard though, being back, so close to you yet so far. he loved you so much, still does. and he knows you do too. but jeonghan...
speak of the devil, there’s a knock at the door to cheol’s office as soon as he sits at his desk. he tries not to groan too loud before telling them to come in, and he’s a little surprised to see that it’s jeonghan. they weren’t supposed to meet until 10, why was he here already?
“you got a crush on me or something?” cheol teases as jeonghan makes himself at home and sits in one of the plush chairs in front of cheol’s desk. “we’ve been around each other a lot lately.”
“you’re a handsome man, what can i say,” jeonghan laughs, and cheol can feel his ears warming at the compliment. “no, i wanted to catch you before your first meeting. i’m afraid i have to reschedule on you.”
“aw, darn, you mean we don’t get to argue about budgets until seungkwan breaks it up?”
“i like to think of it as negotiating,” jeonghan replies, and cheol rolls his eyes. 
“you’re such a boss. i never thought you could be this professional,” cheol tells him. 
“it’s weird right?” jeonghan laughs, and they spend a few minutes reminiscing over their adventures as crazy kids loose in europe. jeonghan checks a watch that looks so brand new it seems to sparkle, and he stands with a sigh, telling cheol, “so i’ll get kwan to set up a new meeting with vernon?”
“sure,” cheol shrugs. “or whenever you have the time. you don’t need an appointment to come talk to me.”
“oh that reminds me,” jeonghan says, stopping with his hand on the door. “y/n wants to have you over for dinner, so text me when you’re free. it’s a standing invitation.”
“um, jeonghan?” cheol calls, and his friend stops with his back to cheol, smile creeping over his lips. “how is she? like, is she sick, or something? i just noticed on saturday that...”
“that what?” jeonghan asks, turning back to face cheol. “she seemed all right to me. maybe a little distracted.”
“yeah, distracted,” cheol says as he narrows his eyes at jeonghan. “you weren’t..doing anything, were you?”
“what do you mean?” jeonghan fakes innocence, cocking his head to the side. 
“never mind,” cheol brushes it off. “i’ll text you to let you know when i’m free.”
“sounds good,” jeonghan waves behind him as he leaves, smug smile on his face as his plan falls into place.
when you come home from work later that week and find cheol on your couch, you’re shocked. well, this has happened before, so it’s not as shocking as that first time, but if you had a nickel, right? it’s weird that it’s happening again, and you have deja vu to that first night seeing cheol again after so long. he can tell you’re surprised, so he wants to go find jeonghan in the kitchen and sucker punch him. 
“um, are you here for dinner?” you ask, and cheol nods. 
“i thought jeonghan had told you, i’m-”
“sorry baby,” jeonghan says, leaning against the wall near the kitchen, drying his hands. “we talked about this at work, and when you said you made too much of that pork thing i figured it was a good night to have him.”
“yeah, that’s fine,” you nod. “heads up would’ve been nice though, what if i said something embarrassing when i walked in?”
“y/n, we dated for four years, you can’t embarrass yourself around me,” cheol says, and you look at jeonghan to read his reaction. he just shrugs and says, “he’s right. you have no shame.”
“i meant what if i said something embarrassing for you,” you correct him, gliding toward the kitchen to kiss jeonghan on the cheeks. “what if i came in here calling you snookums, then all the guys at the office would know you’re a big softie.”
“snookums?” cheol laughs from the couch, and you turn to him with an accusing finger.
“watch it, or i’ll tell jeonghan what your nickname was.”
“what was it?” he asks anyway, an evil smile on his face. 
“sweetcheeks,” you and cheol say together, and jeonghan laughs.
“because he’s got cute cheeks?” he questions, and you shake your head.
“butt cheeks,” you clarify. “he’s got a nice ass.”
“whoa,” cheol chimes in, and you ignore him. 
“she never talks about my butt like that,” jeonghan says, and cheol laughs nervously as you move past jeonghan into the kitchen. you’re checking the pork you left in the slow cooker this morning when you feel a presence behind you, and assuming it’s jeonghan you say, “a text would’ve been nice.”
“hey, i told him i shouldn’t just show up like this,” cheol’s voice replies instead, and you jump at the unexpected sound. “shit, sorry.”
“no, it’s ok,” you laugh it off, turning to find him awkwardly standing behind you. “it’s really fine that you’re here, cheollie. promise. i wasn’t expecting it, but hannie was right, we’ve got plenty of food.”
“are you making that thing we tried in vegas?” cheol asks hopefully, and he does a little happy dance when you nod. a couple years back, a pair of your friends from high school got married in vegas and invited everyone they knew. you and cheol went for the ‘ceremony’ but stayed a couple days longer for your first real trip together. there was one restaurant you visited just about every day so you could go back and try everything on the menu before you left. you both agreed that this pork was the best thing you’ve ever had, so when you found the recipe online the other day you knew you had to try it. “do you need help?”
“um, could you make the sauce for me?” you ask, and he nods before walking to the sink. “bowls are above the microwave, utensils by the sink.”
“you y/n-fied jeonghan’s kitchen?” cheol teases. “isn’t there some kind of system you always used when you put dishes away? there’s a reason everything is where it is.”
“well i knew i would be cooking in here the most so i kinda made it mine,” you say, and a whine from the doorway makes you turn. you see jeonghan pouting and you roll your eyes, turning back to the meat as you say, “tell me i’m wrong and i’ll sucker punch you.”
“baby, we have a guest, be nice,” jeonghan mumbles as he opens the fridge, asking you both if you want something to drink. he falls into working alongside cheol, chopping veggies to go with the pork and making sure the lettuce is clean for the wraps. 
“y/n, taste this,” cheol says, and you turn to him as he offers a spoon. he makes an airplane noise as he brings it to your lips, and you close your mouth to glare at him. he accidentally bumps the spoon into your chin, spilling a little on you. 
“you’re a child,” you grumble, tongue licking at the sauce on your lips. “but damn. that’s good.”
“right?” cheol smiles, turning to jeonghan to do the same, sans plane noises this time. you watch fondly as jeonghan tastes, humming cutely to signify his approval. everything is done for the most part, you just need to let the pork brown in the oven for a minute so you all take your drinks and head back to the living room, obliviously sitting down on the couch in a line, jeonghan, you, cheol. jeonghan immediately places his hand on your thigh, and you see cheol’s hand twitch to do the same. he catches himself though, looking up to see if you caught him just to find your eyes staring back. you’re about to say something, or you want to, at least, but jeonghan asking for the tv remote interrupts. you point behind cheol and he finds the remote, passing it across you to jeonghan. 
you watch jeonghan pick something to watch, but it mostly ends up as background noise when he turns excitedly to cheol to ask about some show they both used to be obsessed with. you listen at first, but you lay your head down on jeonghan’s shoulder and close your eyes for a moment. jeonghan doesn’t miss the way cheol admires you like this, and he almost mentions his plan now. but it’s not the right time. instead, he lets you rest, only shaking you awake when he hears the timer in the kitchen going off. he and cheol watch you leave, and when jeonghan notices cheol’s eyes following your ass he smiles. 
“do you need help baby?” he calls, and cheol is up and in the kitchen before you can reply. he sees you struggling to reach the nice plates at the top of the cabinet, so he comes behind you with a hand at the small of your back to reach above you with ease. you look back at him, eyes glancing down at his lips so briefly, but he’s tuned into your every movement. he catches it, smirking like hell as he goes to set the table. jeonghan comes into the kitchen next with your discarded drinks, and as you start taking the food he says he’ll get the utensils. 
“um, where do you want me to sit?” cheol asks when you enter the dining room, and you look at the table and back at him, shrugging. 
“wherever,” you reply. “we barely eat in here, so we don’t have assigned seats.”
“can i, um,” he clears his throat, “can i sit next to you?”
“sure,” you nod with a shy smile, pointing to the spot closest to you. “i’ll probably sit there.”
“so you do have assigned seats,” cheol squints at you, and you giggle as jeonghan finally comes back in, drinks and utensils balanced dangerously in his hands. cheol rushes to help and you say you’ll grab the rest of the food, leaving the two men alone. 
“where are you sitting?” jeonghan asks, watching where cheol points so he can place the drinks accordingly. “don’t try to lay a move on my girlfriend.”
“i would never,” cheol says, looking at jeonghan with a slight challenge in his eyes. “same as you?”
“right,” jeonghan nods, and you come back in to some tension. you awkwardly walk past them, the smell of the pork pulling their attention like cartoon characters smelling a pie. they start complimenting you without even trying the food, cheol pulling your chair out for you politely as you sit down. he helps you show jeonghan how to build the perfect wrap, and when you’re done demonstrating you hold the one in your hand up to your boyfriend. he leans forward, looking between you both as he takes a bite, moaning openly at how good it is. “fuck, that’s delicious.”
“damn,” cheol hums, cheeks full of food as he looks at you, “you’re unreal. this tastes exactly like it did at the restaurant.”
“i think she’s a witch,” jeonghan jokes, and you kick him under the table. 
“behave, you two,” cheol warns, a joking lilt in his voice, but you and jeonghan listen obediently, everyone falling silent as you start piling your plates and feasting on the delicious food. there’s really no talking, which is fine, but when the meal is over (plates cleared) the boys bicker back and forth over who’s going to do the dishes. 
“cheol’s a guest, he shouldn’t have to do your chores,” you weigh in, and cheol drapes his hand over the back of your chair as he looks at jeonghan smugly.
“baby,” jeonghan whines and you shake your head. “you’re mean.”
“you’re meaner,” you reply, standing and stacking plates so it’s easier for jeonghan to take into the kitchen.
“how am i mean?!” he cries, and you hold his gaze, trying to remind him of the last time you ate with cheol. a smile slowly breaks out over his face, and cheol coughs delicately behind you. 
“should i leave you two alone?” he jokes, a hint of seriousness in it though. he doesn’t want to overstay his welcome, but you and jeonghan insist he stay, so he relaxes. he grabs two more drinks for you and himself from the kitchen, playfully sticking his tongue out at jeonghan stuck at the sink. 
he comes back into the living room to you sprawled on the couch, so he leaves your drink on the coffee table before sitting in the armchair. you look up at him cutely and pout, saying, “you’re so far away.”
“i’m right here baby,” he lets slip, and when your eyes bulge slightly he backtracks. “shit, sorry, i didn’t um, sorry.”
“it’s ok,” you say, holding his gaze. “so. tell me more about europe.”
“what else do you need to know?” cheol chuckles. “i feel like i’ve droned on about it.”
“you haven’t said..everything, i’m sure,” you say, and cheol gets it. you want to know if he was with anybody else, his ego boosted at your subtle jealousy.
“i haven’t?” he asks, and you know he’s teasing. “i’m not quite sure what you mean, y/n.”
“um,” you sit up before continuing, “any uh, any lucky ladies over there heartbroken that you’re back home?”
“probably a few,” he nods, and you scoff. “i don’t care about them though.”
“oh,” you say meekly, still holding his gaze. 
“never did, if i’m honest,” he goes on. “my heart wasn’t in it.”
“sad,” you point out and he nods. 
“i’m glad to be back though,” he says with finality. you’re about to respond but jeonghan comes back in and plops down on top of you, pushing your body down into the cushions.
“hannie, we were talking,” you mumble into his chest, not able to move with his lanky body draped over you like this. 
“just talking, huh?” he whispers just low enough for you to hear it. “i have something i wanna talk about.”
“cheol,” jeonghan calls as he sits up, and you follow, trying to fix your hair as you listen. cheol quirks an eyebrow at you both, and jeonghan says, “you’re still in love with y/n, right?”
“what?” he asks, caught off guard. “i mean, i, i don’t know what you want to hear, man.”
“the truth,” jeonghan admits, and cheol stares for a moment before he says quietly, “i do. i love her.”
“good,” jeonghan smiles, turning to you next. “y/n? you love cheol, right?” 
“hannie,” you whisper, and he shakes his head. 
“to cheol, baby, tell him,” he whispers back, and you look at cheol as you say, “i think i still love him. yeah.”
“perfect,” jeonghan smiles, looking between you both. “and you love me?” he asks you, to which you agree. he turns to cheol and asks the same, and cheol hesitantly nods. “so we’re all on the same page.”
“no, i don’t think we are,” cheol says, and you nod, pulling his hand to your lap as you ask, “hannie, what are you doing?”
“i want to see you two kiss,” jeonghan says, eyes searing into yours. you gasp, eyes flicking over to cheol, and you catch his hands twitching on the armrests. you look back to jeonghan, who’s waiting expectantly. “what do you think?”
“i think you’re crazy,” you whisper, and his expression falls only slightly. 
“it’s just one kiss baby,” jeonghan says with a shrug. “i won’t mind. i’m sure cheol won’t mind. i know you want to,” he says, and you don’t respond. “it’s just one kiss, you can do it for me,” he says again, and your heart picks up speed when cheol pipes up.
“yeah, y/n, it’s just one kiss,” he smirks, and you glare at him.
“you stay out of this,” you point, and he puts his hands up innocently. you look back at your madman of a boyfriend and see the way he’s looking at you, and it’s weird. you know that look. you know he wants this. he’s...hopeful? and you think saying no would hurt his feelings. you look back at cheol, who’s watching you in a similar way, and you breathe out, “fine. one kiss.”
“get to it then,” jeonghan says, patting your thigh as you look between the two men again. your skin feels like it’s on fire as you stand, walking over to cheol knowing they’re both studying your every move. you stop in front of him, suddenly self conscious. you don’t know what to do, so when jeonghan says softly, “sit in his lap baby,” you do it, hands carefully placed on cheol’s shoulders as you straddle his lap, hovering over him. you hear shifting behind you, guessing that jeonghan is moving so he can see better, and then you flick your eyes up to cheol. his pupils are the size of saucers, and you can’t help but let out a little whimper as his hands fall to your hips. 
“get comfortable,” he says, “can’t kiss you so stiff like this.”
you let him push you down into his lap, one hand staying on your hip as the other comes up to cup your chin. he lifts it softly, bringing your lips to his in a delicate kiss. your skin erupts in goosebumps, memories flashing back at hyper speed. the feeling of cheol’s lips on yours is intoxicating, and you instantly want more. your lips chase his, eyes still closed as he pulls you away, and the sound of the two men chuckling pulls you back to the moment. 
“how was it honey?” jeonghan asks behind you, and watching cheol you respond, “it was good.”
“just good?” cheol pouts, and you slap his shoulder, getting up before you lose your courage. 
“i’m, uh, i need to go shower,” you say quickly, avoiding their eyes. “thanks for coming over cheollie. i mean. whatever. thanks for coming.”
you’re gone so fast it’s like there’s a gust of wind in your wake, and cheol looks at his best friend before asking, “what the fuck man?”
“i have a proposition for you,” jeonghan begins, “only if you’re up for it...”
finding cheol in your apartment is becoming more common than you’d like. well, it’s not that his presence is unwanted. it’s just that jeonghan likes to stay unpredictable, so you never know when you’ll come home and find seungcheol on your couch, in your kitchen, in your bathroom? you presume jeonghan is up to something, you just don’t know what yet. he hasn’t asked you to kiss cheol again, though. that was...interesting. 
you’ve been trying so hard to forget cheol. you were with jeonghan and you knew you loved him, so you wanted to be there for him in every sense. you tried your best to forget about how cheol made you feel, about how you felt for him, but as soon as your skin touched, as soon as your lips grazed his, everything came flooding back. for a good period of your life you thought cheol would someday be your husband. now, after several whirlwind months with jeonghan, you’re conflicted. you love them both, and you don’t know what to do about it. 
jeonghan does. 
he knows exactly what he’s doing, inviting cheol over so you never have a chance to talk yourself out of seeing him. he knows exactly what he’s doing when he undresses you in the hall before you shower together, leaving your panties on the ground purposefully for cheol to see them later. he knows what he’s doing when he takes the armchair in the living room, leaving you and cheol to sit so awkwardly far from each other on the couch. jeonghan watches in amusement the way your eyes always flick back and forth to each other, never seeming to look when the other is staring. he knows you both want something. he just needs to sit you down and tell you that he wants something too. 
one particular night, you had a feeling you’d find cheol when you came home. you expected it at this point, surprised now when jeonghan would tell you it was just him. today your inkling was correct, and you open the door to jeonghan at the couch, casework laid out on the coffee table while he yelled to cheol in the kitchen. you walk over to him first and press a kiss to his cheek, glancing at the work and piecing together that it was budget stuff he and cheol are constantly bickering over. you get up to say hi to the other man, almost colliding with him as he leaves the kitchen, two drinks in hand. you press your hands to his chest to stop him from spilling everything all over you, and you absentmindedly rub over his pecs as you say hi. he smirks down at you, chest warming at your touch. you catch yourself wanting to stand on your toes to press a kiss to his cheek much like you did to your boyfriend, but that’s not appropriate. you excuse yourself so you can go change, leaving the boys to do their work for a while longer. they get through a couple pages before cheol turns to jeonghan expectantly. 
“what?” he asks, barely looking at his friend. “pouting at me won’t get you the money for that advertiser you want.”
“when are you gonna tell her?” cheol asks instead, and jeonghan stills. he told cheol about his plan the night of the kiss, and not so shockingly he was on board. they laid out some ground rules, negotiating much like they are now, but cheol was all for it. jeonghan just had to mention it to you, and he was sure it wouldn’t take much convincing.
“we can talk to her tonight if you want,” jeonghan shrugs, focused on the papers in front of him. 
“how are you so casual about this man?” cheol scoffs as he leans back in his chair. then in a quieter voice he says, “you ask me to fuck your girlfriend and you keep talking about it like it’s a business deal.”
“we have an agreement,” jeonghan points out. “so it’s kind of like a business deal.” 
“but she’s your girlfriend-”
“and she’s your ex,” he cuts cheol off, finally meeting his judgmental gaze. “we both know her really well. we both know she’ll be into it. the agreement was just...a formality.”
“a formality?” 
“so no one gets any funny ideas,” jeonghan says sternly, eyes flicking to the hallway when he hears the bedroom door open. soon you’re walking into the living room, a pair of his boxers and an old sweatshirt replacing your work clothes. jeonghan doesn’t miss the way cheol checks you out as you sit down, throwing your legs over jeonghan’s lap even if he was trying to work. 
“i can’t believe you still have that,” cheol smiles, speaking to you as jeonghan starts clearing the coffee table. cheol points at your sweatshirt and says, “you stole that from me two years ago, remember?”
“i didn’t steal it, you left it at my apartment!” you argue, and he shakes his head.
“no, i left it at your apartment once and then you wore it to my place like a week later. i took it off of you and hid it so you wouldn’t take it back,” he says, and you can feel yourself blush as jeonghan looks in your direction. “but then when i was packing that apartment up, hm, suddenly that shirt was missing again. guess i finally know where it ended up.”
“oops?” you offer, and cheol laughs. 
“i’m glad you kept it,” he says shyly, eyes darting over to jeonghan ever so briefly. he’s holding onto your thighs, rubbing them softly as he watches you with a strange look in his eyes. 
“sorry baby, i can go change,” you start to say, sitting up so you can get off the couch, but jeonghan presses a careful hand into your stomach to keep you in place. 
“no, keep it on,” he says. “i don’t mind.”
“o-ok,” you stammer out, stomach doing flips at the heat coming off of your boyfriend. he keeps watching you, and after what feels like forever he eventually speaks.
“baby, i have something to ask you.”
“um, should we go to the bedroom then?” you ask, and he shakes his head. 
“later,” he tells you, hand leaving your stomach to grab your own, lacing your fingers with his. “how do you feel about me and cheol?”
“hannie, we’ve talked about this, i care about you both a lot but i love you,” you emphasize with a squeeze of his hand in yours. he smiles softly as he brings your knuckles to his lips, kissing each one as he speaks. 
“not what i meant, but that’s good to hear,” he says lowly. if cheol didn’t already know what he was going to ask he’d be straining to hear, but he’s been imagining this moment for weeks. he could practically speak with jeonghan because he’s so sure of what he’ll say next. “no, baby, i wanted to know if you’d be ok with fucking me and cheol. or letting us fuck you. it’s your choice, really.”
“what?” you breathe out, looking at both men in disbelief. as shocked as you are right now, you can’t deny the way your stomach just flipped. 
“we can have sex and he can watch, you two can have sex and i’ll watch, it’s whatever you wanna do,” jeonghan continues, and his eyes darken when he feels your legs shift in his lap. “come on baby, use your words. we know you want this.”
“i-i don’t know,” you whisper, looking to cheol who’s staring back at you like he wants to devour you. it sends a familiar shiver down your spine as you look back to jeonghan, his hand coming up to brush your hair back behind your ear.
“yes you do, pretty girl,” he encourages. “do you want to?” you nod. “words baby.” 
“yes, i want to,” you say quietly, and cheol feels his dick twitch already. 
“what do you want?” he asks, and he watches proudly as you and jeonghan turn to stare at him. you take a shaky breath as you decide.
“i want you to fuck me cheollie,” you answer, looking at jeonghan as you say, “then i want you hannie.”
“let’s go to our room then baby,” jeonghan says before he pulls you in for a kiss, pulling you up with him as he stands. your lips stay latched onto his as you walk, until you feel a pair of strong hands pulling you by the waist. cheol’s chest collides with your back, kissing from the spot behind your ear all the way down your neck. he’s making little marks, but he’s doing it so quickly you wonder if jeonghan told him not to leave any. when he sucks on the part that always had you shivering, jeonghan takes your open mouth as an opportunity to dive back in, his tongue gliding past your lips as cheol pulls you onto the bed with him. jeonghan keeps kissing you as he drapes his body over yours, cheol brushing more of your hair out of the way so he can kiss along your jaw.
“you’re gonna have to let go of her man,” cheol mumbles, sounding only a little bit pouty. jeonghan pulls away from you with a pop, your lips still pursed as he helps turn you around. you feel jeonghan’s hand at the back of your neck as he pushes your face toward cheol’s your lips meeting his in a tentative kiss. you feel sparks ignite across your chest. despite all the forgetting, despite how you feel for jeonghan, you still missed cheol deeply. he missed you, and he can’t see himself letting you go anytime soon. his hands are holding onto your hips for dear life, which makes what jeonghan’s trying to do a little more difficult. he pushes cheol’s hands up so they settle at your sides, holding onto the soft skin of your stomach. meanwhile jeonghan is pulling his boxers down your legs, hissing when he sees you weren’t wearing any panties.
“damn baby, it’s like you knew what we were planning,” jeonghan smirks, tracing his thumb over your swollen pussy lips. you jerk in cheol’s hold, and he takes this as a chance to separate from your lips, peeking over you at jeonghan to ask, “she not wearing any panties?”
“nope,” jeonghan replies, still watching the way your arousal drips out of you, pulling your lips apart as you try to hold back little moans. 
“looks like somebody’s still a little slut for me huh?” cheol asks, whispering into your ear. if jeonghan weren’t watching you react to it right in front of his eyes, he would clock cheol for calling you such a thing. but with a shudder of his own he realizes you like it, your entrance clenching around nothing as cheol continues whispering foul things into your ears. “bet you’ve been thinking about this for weeks. months, maybe? how often did you think about me fucking you?”
“answer him,” jeonghan chimes in, and he hears you let out a shaky breathe before you respond. as soon as you start to speak, jeonghan licks a stripe from your entrance to your clit, struggling to reach your bundle of nerves at this angle. he pulls you up by the ass so you’re straddling cheol with your knees tucked up enough to arch your back, pussy on full display for your boyfriend. “sorry baby, i didn’t hear that.”
“just that one t-time,” you reply, jeonghan’s hands tracing around your pussy but never touching where you need him most. 
“tell me the truth, baby.”
“a c-couple times,” you admit. “wh-when we were in the kitchen. when, um, when we were in the shower a few days ago. and....today. when i was coming home from work.” jeonghan is quiet, the room eerily still, but then you hear and feel jeonghan spit directly onto your pussy, spreading his saliva around to mix with your arousal.
“what were you thinking about?” jeonghan asks, his fingers massaging your pussy without touching your clit. “tell cheol.”
“today,” he adds. “what were you thinking about today?”
“i was-” you gasp when jeonghan’s fingers trace over your clit, “god, i was thinking about sucking your dick.”
“really?” cheol asks. “always so cock hungry. she like that with you, jeonghan?”
“all the time.”
“you like making your men feel good?” cheol asks as he strokes your hair, and you nod. with his hand still on your head, he softly starts pushing you down, saying, “well then show me what i’ve been missing, love.”
you feel jeonghan back away from you, letting you shift down the mattress until you’re at eye level with the bulge in cheol’s dress pants. you settle on your stomach, fingers tracing over the outline you know so well. as you tease cheol you feel jeonghan between your legs, kneeling behind you so he can grab your waist and hold you in place while he eats you out. 
you gasp when you feel jeonghan’s tongue at your core, slowly licking up every drop you let out as you undress cheol. you remember how big he is, taking a small gulp when his cock springs to life after you pull his boxers down. you stroke it a few times but you know he doesn’t like to wait, so you lean forward to suck his tip past your lips. the way he groans makes you clench, and jeonghan continues licking, dipping his tongue to your entrance to let you suck him in as he eats you like a man starved. 
“don’t tease me baby,” cheol growls, his hand tangled in your hair as he starts pushing you further down his cock. jeonghan rubs his thumb over your clit and you gag around cheol, so he pulls you away for a second to breathe. “fucking missed this.”
“don’t get used to it,” jeonghan says into your pussy.
“no promises,” cheol replies, sighing as you go back to swallowing him slowly. the foul sounds coming from your throat are no match for the way jeonghan is devouring you. he brings two fingers up and hisses as he watches your pussy take them in, and he moves so he can suck on your clit while he finger fucks you. you keep bobbing on cheol’s cock, whines coming from deep within your chest. cheol takes over for a minute, his hands in your hair guiding you, and he curses as he watches saliva spill past your lips. when jeonghan hits that spot inside you cheol watches in awe as your eyes roll back, moaning over his cock and sending shockwaves through his body. he’s trying his best not to fuck your throat, but he wants so badly to let go. to have his way with you. it’s like jeonghan reads his mind, because he pulls back just long enough to say, “don’t hold back, cheol. let her have it. fuck her like you used to.”
he looks down at you, fucked out gaze and a polite nod confirming you want that too. cheol’s grip tightens, bracing himself before he starts fucking into your mouth recklessly. he’s close, but he won’t come until you do. he just hopes jeonghan is feeling generous. 
and he is. jeonghan is always happy to make you come. unlike cheol, he never wants you to hold back. jeonghan always wants you to come, but once you start he may not let you stop. you can feel yourself getting closer, jeonghan’s lips sucking your clit alternating with delicate touches of his tongue all while his fingers keep a steady pace at your core. you make the mistake of looking up at cheol, seeing the way he’s staring at you, and the overwhelming feeling of his eyes on you and jeonghan’s touch sends you over the edge. you start to come, jeonghan coaxing you through it, and as your throat constricts around cheol while you moan, his dick twitches once, twice, and then he’s coming down your throat. jeonghan pulls you off of him while he’s still coming, the last few spurts falling over your lips and chin. cheol watches in shock (and a little arousal?) as jeonghan pulls you to his lips, licking up the bit of come you couldn’t swallow. he kisses you, obviously wanting you to taste yourself on his tongue. cheol can’t believe he’s getting hard again, but when jeonghan drops you back down to his lap you can’t help but laugh.
“i’m not the only needy one, huh?” you tease, flicking at his red tip. 
“don’t get cocky baby,” cheol smiles. “we’re just getting started.”
“what do you want to do next?” you ask as you swipe your hand over your chin. you look between them both and jeonghan nods to cheol.
“ask him,” jeonghan replies. you turn to see cheol with an evil smile, and he asks, “you still use the color system?” you and jeonghan nod, but cheol shakes his head. “need you both to say yes.”
“we do,” you say with jeonghan. cheol keeps watching you both, an idea brewing behind those beautiful brown eyes of his.
“have you ever tied her up before?” he asks jeonghan, but his eyes stay on you.
“please,” jeonghan rolls his eyes. “we did that before she was even my girlfriend.”
“where do you keep them?” cheol asks, this time expecting you to answer. 
“um, box under the bed,” you reply, and you watch him slide off the mattress to kneel on the floor. he looks for a moment, mumbling about there being multiple boxes down here. “it’s the black one.” he’s quiet for a moment, so you ask, “did you find it?” his head pops up, silk ties in one hand and something else in his other. 
“what is this?” he asks jeonghan, and that’s when you see he’s holding a dildo. “your dick doesn’t work or something?”
“that’s not for him,” you answer instead, and cheol looks at you in shock. he looks back at the dildo, then to jeonghan who shrugs, a cute blush on his cheeks. “put it back, unless you want me to show you what we do with it.”
cheol scrambles to return it to its box, crawling back on the bed so he can reach for your shirt. “take this off, baby.” you start to do as he says, and he turns to jeonghan, same fiery look in his eyes as he says, “you too.”
“what?” jeongan sputters, and cheol holds firm. 
“get undressed, i’m tying you up too,” he explains, and jeonghan looks at you for support. 
“what are you doing cheollie?” you ask, a hand reaching out to cup his cheek. he leans into the touch, kissing your palm before he replies. 
“this is your punishment,” he says, looking to jeonghan who’s only wearing his boxers now. “both of you.”
“why?” you ask, checking on jeonghan yourself. he looks fine with this, but the way he’s staying quiet has you worried.
“you both left me,” cheol says, his eyebrows furrowed as he unties the silk. he looks up at you, then jeonghan, and asks, “is this ok? what color?”
“green,” you and jeonghan reply, and you look at your boyfriend again. he smiles at you, blowing a kiss, and cheol tells you both to lay down. he sits between you, and starting with you he leans over your body to take your right wrist and tie it to the headboard. he moves to jeonghan next, and you watch closely at the way jeonghan’s eyes keep flitting down to cheol’s lips. he ties jeonghan’s left wrist to the headboard, leaving each of you a free hand still on the bed. cheol uses what’s left of the silk to tie your left wrist to jeonghan’s right, and he smiles when you instantly grip jeonghan’s hand in yours. 
“i’m gonna fuck her, is that ok?” cheol asks, dangerously close to jeonghan’s face. he nods, whispering his approval. cheol looks to you and you nod, trying to reach out for him but only getting so far. cheol chuckles darkly as he undresses fully, your breath catching in your throat at getting to see him bare like this again. you’re staring but you don’t care, drinking in the way cheol’s muscles ripple with every movement. you watch as he grips his cock, bringing it to your clit and tapping it over the sensitive bud a few times. you yelp when he slides his cock through your folds, the tip catching on the hood of your pussy. you want him to do more, but he just watches you squirming beneath him in amusement. “baby?”
“hm?” you reply. 
“can you do something for me?” 
“anything,” you breath out, squeezing your eyes shut as you feel him rubbing his tip against your clit again. “anything, cheollie. just fuck me, please.”
“needy baby,” he tsks, sitting back as he speaks. “i need you to make hannie feel good for me while i fuck you, can you do that?” 
“but i’m tied up-”
“you can still move your hand, can’t you?” he asks, gesturing to your hand on the mattress that’s squeezing onto jeonghan’s for dear life. you shake his hand off and reach over to his lap, smiling when hannie let you trace his cock through his boxers. his hand covers yours, guiding your movements, and cheol mumbles, “yeah, just like that baby.” 
“need help, cheollie,” you whimper, cutting through jeonghan’s whines and cheol’s intense focus on his friend’s cock. he looks at you concerned, and you tell him, “i need help getting his boxers off.”
“you can do it on your own,” cheol encourages, and he watches you struggle to pull the waistband of hannie’s boxers down enough for his cock to be free. you look at cheol who reaches for your hand to kiss it softly. saying, “see? you can do anything, pretty girl.”
“say something nice to hannie too,” you pout, and both boys feel their stomachs flip. cheol looks at jeonghan, from his eyes down to his lips and then down to his cock. when he looks back up at his best friend he says, “hannie has a really pretty cock.”
“he does,” you agree, using your mobile hand to reach up and stroke his cheek. his own hand gets in the way and you giggle, but jeonghan is a blushing mess. you don’t get to see him like this often, but when you do, you eat it up. 
“keep looking at him like that baby,” cheol says, shifting at the end of the bed. “gonna fuck you now. want him to watch you come undone on my cock.”
“he knows what it looks like,” you whisper, and jeonghan smiles at you. you lean forward to kiss him, pulling back with a gasp when cheol thrusts his cock deep inside you. jeonghan can’t help but moan with you as cheol fucks you, your pussy remembering every inch and every curve. he finds a rhythm quickly, holding you down even though there’s no where for you to go. he tears his eyes away from your pussy swallowing his cock to see you disobeying him, not doing anything to please jeonghan. he reaches for your hand and wraps it around hannie’s cock for you, once again your boyfriend covering your hand with his to help you. he curses under his breath as you jerk him off, and you whine at the feeling of cheol fucking your pussy like he’s never fucked you before. 
you can tell you’re dripping, and you feel some of jeonghan’s precum spilling over your hand. you bring it to your mouth to lick clean, jeonghan moaning so pornographically it makes cheol’s dick twitch inside you. you go back to stroking jeonghan off, focused on making him feel good so you can ignore the way you wanna cry because of cheol’s cock. he’s not having that, knowing you’re holding back. he knows your body better than anyone. better than jeonghan, even. he lifts your legs above his shoulders, your thighs squeezed together as he fucks you deeper, and his next thrust rips a scream from deep within your chest. he keeps fucking you, watching as your pace on jeonghan’s cock shows how badly you’re falling apart. if jeonghan weren’t helping you, cheol is sure you would’ve stopped by now. you’re letting them both use you however they want, and cheol can’t help it, he comes again, this time painting your walls with his come. 
he keeps fucking you, but he gets a new idea. he starts untying your arm from the headboard, stilling inside you but hissing as he feels you clenching on his cock. he lets you catch your breath before he pulls out, admiring the way his come leaks from your pussy. he grabs you by the hips to push you over to jeonghan, sitting you up over his cock. jeonghan moans when he feels some of cheol’s come drip onto his cock, and cheol whispers in your ear, “fuck him for me, baby. show me how good he makes you feel.” 
cheol and jeonghan both watch in awe as you sink down on hannie’s cock. once you’re settled on his lap, cock fully sheathed inside you, you let out a choked moan and cheol feels himself get hard again. he always wanted to see you fuck someone else. you’d talked about it before, but it never happened. he can’t believe he’s watching it now, his best girl and his best friend, and he can see the love in your eyes as you bounce on jeonghan’s cock. you know what drives him crazy, both of you moaning softly as you ride him. you sit for a moment, resting your legs, but cheol slaps your ass and tells you to keep going. you listen, fucking jeonghan like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do. his hand reaches up to tweak at your nipples, your hand tied to his trying to push him away. 
“what’s wrong, honey?” he asks. “too much?” and you nod. “too bad. if it’s too much then you need to come.”
“want you to come with me hannie,” you tell him, and he shakes his head. 
“you know the rules honey. you come first. now if you want to come, come.”
another scream rips from your throat, a few tears falling past your eyes as you ride through your high on jeonghan’s cock. he waits until you’re still on top of him before he starts fucking up into you, the aftershocks of your orgasm jolting you with every thrust. cheol watches as you come again, this time triggering jeonghan’s release. cheol lays down so he can watch your pussy flutter around jeonghan’s cock, both men staring mesmerized at their come dripping out of you. without saying anything they both reach down, swiping fingers through the mess between your legs. you open your mouth, waiting for them to shove their fingers in, moaning at the taste of both of them mixed together. you hiccup when they finally pull back, and cheol helps you carefully lift yourself off of jeonghan. he’s about to say he’ll be right back with a wash cloth, but as soon as you hit the pillow you start drifting off to sleep. cheol looks at jeonghan who shrugs, asking quietly, “can you untie me now bro?”
they’re quiet as cheol undoes the silk, and after jeonghan stretches his sore limbs he shakes you carefully. they both chuckle at the way you wake up, fond smiles staring back at you as you mumble, “what? i’ll kill you.”
“we need to get you cleaned up, honey,” jeonghan whispers before kissing your cheek. he looks to cheol as he says, “will you keep her awake while i start a bath?”
“of course,” cheol nods, watching jeonghan walk to the en suite bathroom. he looks back at you, staring sleepily up at him, and cheol reaches out to stroke your hair. “hey baby.”
“hi cheollie.”
“how you feeling?” 
“good,” you hum, watching as cheol moves to lay down next to you. “i missed you.”
“i missed you too,” cheol replies, still playing with your hair. he brushes the sweaty bit away from your forehead, cupping your face after and just admiring you being so close to him again. he never thought he’d get this chance again, and he wants to thank jeonghan for being a freak and making this happen. he also needs to figure out how to make sure nights like this can happen again. now that cheol’s got you, he’s not letting go. he notices it’s been a few minutes, just you and cheol staring at each other, and then jeonghan’s voice pulls cheol back to reality.
“baby?” jeonghan calls, and cheol gets up to help pull you off the bed. you stumble into his chest, wrapping your hands around his waist and waddle walking with him to the bathroom. jeonghan laughs loudly when he sees you two, heart full at the soft smiles you’re sharing and the shy tint on cheol’s cheeks. jeonghan gestures for you, and cheol helps you walk on your shaky legs over to the bathtub. they help you step in, and once you’ve sat down you look to them sadly.
“what’s wrong?” cheol asks, and your pout deepens. 
“neither of you are getting in with me?” 
“baby, i don’t think the three of us will fit,” jeonghan chuckles, reaching out to stroke your hair just like cheol was a few moments ago. jeonghan carefully traces your features with his thumb as he whispers sweet nothings to you, and cheol moves toward the door. he knows you just had a threesome, but this feels like something he shouldn’t be watching.
“where are you going?” your voice stops him, one foot back in the bedroom. 
“um, i was gonna wash up in the guest room,” cheol says. “jeonghan said i could stay there tonight.”
“our bed is big enough for all three of us,” you say as you lay your head on the edge of the bathtub. you yawn as you keep talking, “you can just sleep with us. i mean, technically you already did.”
“um, i don’t want to overstep-” cheol tries to say, but jeonghan cuts him off.
“stay,” he whispers, something in his eyes that cheol can’t read. “she’s right. it’ll be cozy, but there’s plenty of room.”
“i can sleep in the middle so you won’t get cooties from each other,” you chime in, and cheol breathes a sigh of relief. 
“ok, if that’s fine,” he nods. “i’m still gonna shower in the other bathroom. you two do whatever you want in here.” 
“you heard the man,” he hears you say as he picks his clothes up from the bedroom floor. 
“you’ve had enough tonight honey,” jeonghan tells you, and cheol laughs as he hears you dramatically whine, “hannie!!”
once cheol takes a shower, he pulls on the clothes he brought to sleep in and suddenly feels too self aware. he’s in someone else’s home. he’s in your home, your’s and jeonghan’s. he shouldn’t have a space here. he shouldn’t feel as comfortable as he does. he definitely shouldn’t be sharing a bed with you two tonight, but as if jeonghan knew, he’s standing at the door, calling softly, “come on cheol, y/n keeps whining that you’re not in bed yet.”
“she gets needy when she’s tired,” cheol points out, and jeonghan nods enthusiastically. 
“i know,” he agrees. “but it’s kinda sweet, isn’t it?”
“jeonghan?” cheol says quietly, and his friend steps into the room to hear him better. “thank you. for trusting me. with her. with this.”
“sure,” he nods, visibly nervous, but not for the reasons cheol assumes. “i mean, you’re the expert here, really. i just. i’m glad you were up for it. she really liked it. i..really liked it.”
cheol is about to say something else when his phone ringing stops him. he chuckles and holds it up for jeonghan to see, who rolls his eyes. cheol answers, speaking loud enough for you to hear him down the hall. “what do you want?”
“is jeonghan with you?” you ask, and cheol hums confirmation. then they both hear you yelling from the bedroom, “then come back here!!!”
“i’m getting water, do you need anything?” jeonghan asks as they both leave the guest room. 
“i’m good,” cheol waves him off, and jeonghan says he’ll be right back. cheol walks back to the bedroom, stopping in the doorway. you’re on your phone, but you let it fall to your chest when you hear a presence at the door. “hey. jeonghan’s getting water.”
“ok,” you reply, scooting over to make room for him on your side of the bed. “come lay down.”
“is it against the rules if i kiss you goodnight?” cheol asks jokingly, but you shake your head no, and jeonghan adds from the doorway, “no, it would actually be kinda rude if you didn’t.” cheol watches jeonghan walk around him, placing a glass of water on your nightstand. he kneels on the bed to reach your lips, kissing you softly before he walks around to his side of the bed, leaving you to look at cheol expectantly. he bashfully gets on the bed, on instinct grabbing you by the waist as he lays down. he looks at you before leaning in, kissing you softly and whispering good night before he pulls away again. 
“night cheollie,” you whisper back, reaching for jeonghan behing you. you manage to pull his arm around your chest, tucking it under your own arm so his hand is at your chest. you press a kiss to his knuckles and whisper, “night hannie,” and you knock out pretty soon after that. 
“are you gonna turn the light off?” jeonghan asks, and cheol notices he’s been watching him. your head is so low on the pillows that jeonghan can stare directly at cheol, and he watches as his friend turns around to flip the light off. cheol returns, finding jeonghan’s eyes still watching him.
“you waiting for a goodnight kiss or something?” cheol teases, and jeonghan shakes his head.
“not unless you want one,” he challenges, and cheol stares back, mind obviously somewhere else. “what’s wrong?”
“why her?” he asks quietly. “why did you start dating y/n, of all people? i’m happy for you, please don’t think i’m not, but...it hurt, finding that out. it hurt from both sides. so..why?”
“because i missed you,” jeonghan whispers back, something sad in his voice. “i think we both did, and something about this, about us, just made it seem like you were here.”
“anymore questions?”
“not right now, no,” cheol shakes his head, hair falling into his eyes. “but it’s...good to know.”
“we can talk about it more tomorrow,” jeonghan says, situating himself so he’s more comfortable. he closes his eyes before he says, “you need to rest cheol.”
“yeah,” he sighs, knowing he’s got too many thoughts floating around for that to be a possibility. “night jeonghan.”
you wake up in the morning to sounds of snores. usually it’s just jeonghan’s soft, airy snores you wake up to, but today it’s like there’s a thunderstorm happening. that’s when you remember cheol, and as if on cue, his arms tighten around your waist and pull you closer to his chest. jeonghan’s face was laying on your shoulder, so he falls slightly and wakes himself up. he blinks up at you a few times, smiling when he finds you staring back.
“morning baby,” he whispers. 
“morning my love,” you reply, and he kisses along your shoulder. “how’d you sleep?”
“good,” he nods. “i didn’t wake up at all, which is surprising with snore master over there.”
“i can hear you,” cheol grumbles. “go back to sleep.”
“no,” you and jeonghan say in unison, and cheol groans. 
“you’re annoying.” you roll over so you can wrap your arms around cheol, jeonghan grabbing onto your waist and propping his head on your shoulder. cheol peeks an eye at you both and says, “you’re annoying. but kinda cute too.”
“who, me or hannie?” you ask, and cheol pretends to think about it.
“sweet,” jeonghan smiles, kissing your shoulder again as he slides out of bed. “i’m making coffee. you gotta get up if you want any.”
“how long did it take him to figure that one out?” cheol asks while you watch jeonghan get dressed.
“like the second date?” you guess, and jeonghan nods to confirm. you look back at cheol and say, “he’s pretty smart. he also learned not to interrupt me when i’m reading like way earlier than you.”
“no fair, i told him that,” cheol pouts, and jeonghan whines back that he wouldn’t remember something like that. they bicker back and forth, cheol’s pout getting more and more pronounced. you lean forward and kiss him mid-whine, stilling nervously with your lips still on his. you look around and find jeonghan watching you, and he shrugs. 
“if you weren’t gonna shut him up i was,” he says as he walks out the door. “no more kissing without me though, i’ll feel left out!” 
“so he’s ok with us kissing,” cheol smiles at you, and you smack his shoulder. 
“we fucked last night, yeah he’s fine with us kissing.”
“well! that was last night,” cheol starts, fiddling with your hair like he always did when he was unsure of what to say next. 
“what’s wrong?” you ask, and he looks up at you sadly. 
“i can’t leave,” he whispers. “i don’t...i can’t be without you again.”
“cheollie,” you sigh, threading your hand through his hair. “let’s go talk about it, ok? you won’t lose us again, i promise.”
cheol follows you like a lost puppy into the kitchen. he nods politely when you ask if he wants coffee, and his heart flips when you hand him a mug made exactly how he likes it. jeonghan’s got yours ready, so you all stand around the kitchen drinking quietly. you’re staring at cheol, and his eyes keep nervously flicking over to jeonghan. finally you turn and reach for jeonghan’s hand.
“hannie, i have a question,” you start. jeonghan grabs your hand in his and kisses it before telling you to go on. “is it ok if cheol stays a few more days?” 
“a few more days?” he asks, looking to cheol for confirmation. he doesn’t want to meet jeonghan’s eyes, but when he does, he relaxes instantly. that thing cheol couldn’t read last night is back. the way jeonghan’s looking at him right now is the same way jeonghan looks at you. that gives him enough confidence to nod, clearing his throat as he says, “yeah, um, i could stay in the guest room? but. i was wondering. if we could maybe...”
“date?” jeonghan finishes. “like, the three of us?”
“maybe?” cheol squeaks out. 
“sure,” jeonghan nods, looking to you and then back to cheol. “you wanna go out today?”
after a quick breakfast at home, you all get ready to run some errands before the actual “date” jeonghan claims to have planned. in reality it’s just dinner and a movie, his treat, but he keeps talking it up like it’s gonna be the best night ever. and maybe it will be. you never knew you could feel so loved, but you realize now that being with jeonghan and cheol gives you more than enough. you happily watch your boys argue over the best snacks at the grocery store, cheol swearing up and down that he knows what you like best while jeonghan argues that maybe your tastes have changed over the years. they’re both right, though. you like both. all. put everything in the cart, boys included. you’ve never been happier, and seeing the two of them together shows you how much they care for each other, too. 
one of the stops on your list of errands was, surprise, shopping for a new outfit. you needed something to wear for a big investor’s dinner coming up, and it was funny to watch the boys bicker over who would pay for your dress. it was also very distracting and borderline disrespectful to have them comment on every piece you tried on, their comments getting bolder and both men getting antsier the longer you sat them through this torture. you told them you were doing one final sweep of the store, hoping to find something that really jumps out, and when you return you push them both into separate changing rooms to try on some pieces you found with your boys in mind. it gives you a moment alone to try on the last dress and admire it without any heckling, but when jeonghan steps out of his dressing room he lets out a low whistle.
“you look hot as fuck, baby,” he tells you, arms wrapping around your waist and his head falling to your shoulder. his hands drag across your stomach, admiring the beading, and he tries moving a sneaky hand up beneath your chest. the sound of cheol coming out of his dressing room diverts your attention, and you make grabby hands for him to join you in front of the mirror. 
there you stand, smiling proudly at your boys. you look gorgeous, and they look...confused? cheol looks at himself in the mirror, then at jeonghan, then turns to you and asks, “did you make us try on the same outfit?”
“what?” you laugh, pulling jeonghan from behind you so he can stand at your side. with both of them on display, now it’s easy to see that you gave them the same clothes. you’re almost drooling at the way that they both effortlessly make a pair of slacks and a button up look so sexy. you grab their hands closest to you, swinging them as the boys stare at their reflection.
“his thighs look better than mine,” jeonghan points out.
“sure, but your clavicle is very tantalizing,” you tease, kissing his cheek. when you turn back to the mirror, you see jeonghan’s blush and give his hand an extra squeeze.
“why’d you do this?” cheol pouts, still looking at the three of you in the mirror. “i feel silly.”
“sorry, i’ve just always wanted two boyfriends,” you start out, “because i want to dress them like twins.”
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Summer Breeze 2
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Warnings: age gap (reader is 22, Andrew is mid 40s), dad’s friend, Andy being Andrew, other dark elements. As usual, be mindful of your content consumption.
I also beg of you to leave me some tuppence in the form of a comment and/or reblog. You are cherished!
Enjoy, my loverlies.
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You sit on the edge of the dock, watching the ripples as the sun drifts up the horizon. You forego the Adirondack chairs so that you can dip your toes in the coolness of the lake. It’s peaceful. The crisp water in the glass adds to the subtle coolness in the air. 
The dirt mulches as you hear someone descending from the house. You can assume who it is before they tramp onto the dock. You continue to watch the sky as you hear Andy sit in one of the chairs. He sighs as he so often does. 
“So, you don’t drink coffee,” he breaks the calm with his gravelly timbre, “how do you wake yourself up for all those early morning lectures?” 
You turn your head and glance over your shoulder. You shrug and look back out at the lake, “I guess I just get through it.” 
“Mm,” he hums and you hear him slurp from his cup. “Bad habit. Better not to have too much caffeine.” 
“Sure,” you agree, “guess I just never had the desire to try.” 
“Sounds like you have self-control,” he tuts, “definitely don’t get that from your dad.” 
You nod and reach for the glass of water. You’re not sure what to say to that. Your dad has a couple beers each night, you know it’s not great, but he’s harmless. 
“It’s nice that you can come up here. I know he was nervous about it. Didn’t think you’d like it,” Andy continues. 
“Oh, yeah, er, thanks for letting me.” 
“No problem,” he replies swiftly, “don’t mind. I’m more concerned about Jacob and his buddies. You let me know if they give you any trouble.” 
“Um, I don’t think they will,” you turn the glass in your hands, “but thanks.” 
“Mm, well I know how boys that age can be,” he intones. 
His statement tweaks your brow. You’re not sure what he means. Jacob and his friends are harmless. They’re like most guys you deal with in college; they talk a big game with each other but in reality, they’re not doing much more than staying up playing video games or some roleplaying table game. None of them are frat material. 
“So do I,” you balance the glass as you stand up, “I’m gonna walk around a bit. Explore before everyone else gets up.” 
“Right,” he sits back and sips his coffee, his shirt still open, exposing his hairy chest as he pays little mind to it, “be careful of bears.” 
“Bears?” You echo, “right.” 
You leave him as your sandals clap loudly. The ominous warning has you on edge. You forgot there would be more than cottage folk up here. You try not to think too much of it. You’ve heard bears usually avoid people. 
You stop by the back deck to leave your glass there for your return and trod back down the steps. You head off around the side of the cottage and to the dirt road behind the vehicles parked in the lot. You peer into the trees that line the way in and swat away the buzzing bugs.  
After another year on campus and with your last one ahead of you, you can’t help but bask in the remote serenity of it all. Your dad promised you a beach day and while your sad not to have friends of your own there to sunbathe with, it will be a good opportunity to do some reading. You continue on your trek until you feel like you might get lost and turn back. 
As you come back in sight of the porch, the morning birds tweet their good mornings. You hate to go back inside. You’re usually a homebody but up here, you could never put another foot indoors and be content. 
You climb the stairs of the deck and follow it around to the back. You grab your glass and the last mouthful of now lukewarm water. A distant splash draws your eye and you stare out at the empty dock, the water ringed and rolling towards the horizon. 
You stare out, trying to find the disturbance. It breaks through the water as Andy’s head pops up from the water and he pushes back his dark hair. He wades around, stretching his arms wide as he kicks himself through the shallow. 
You should go inside but the soft pink sky keeps you hypnotised. Your eyes flick past the body in the water as the sun warps the sky in shades of violet and pink through the stringy clouds. It’s like a painting. You peer up at the hues and grip the glass as the subtle blue slowly edges out the other colours. 
The water stirs loudly again and your gaze is drawn back to the thud on the deck. You gulp back a gasp as Andy turns his naked back to you and stretches his arms wide. From there, you can only make out his form, grateful that his finer features are left vague. 
You quickly retreat from what you shouldn’t have seen. You should’ve just gone inside. You go around the front so that you don’t give yourself away with the door.
Forget it. No big deal. It’s just a mistake. As long as he doesn’t know, it’s nothing to worry about. 
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scribblesofagoonerr · 1 month
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— where's my yeehaw hat? | Glastonbury Series
fourth and final part of this mini series that i forgot to post, but here it is... and hopefully this doesn't majorly flop.
pairings: leah williamson x reader!monkey
summary: the third day of the festival and monkey gets high.
chaos fc masterlist
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“Rise and shine, Monkey!” You can hear the familiar voice of the blonde trying to wake you up by shaking you gently, “Wake up, sleepy head.”
Letting out a grumble in response, you refuse to even open your eyes, “No, I’m sleeping– Why’re you so loud?” You’re in no mood to want to wake up, but that might have something to do with the fact that you didn’t sleep too well the night before.
That was really your own fault though.
You had so many questions to ask and you just had to ask them then and there.
“Oh, really?” You hear the blonde laugh in amusement, “But I have so many important questions to ask you though, really important questions!”
“Wha… G’way Le, I’m tired!” You grumble, swatting her hand away from trying to continue to nudge you like she does.
“Yeah, but these questions are super important!” Leah tells you with a certain eagerness in her voice, “Didn’t you want to know whether lightning mcqueen needed car insurance or life insurance?” She wonders, teasing you.
Oh, she’s really playing you at your own game here? Damn it.
“Le, man. Leave me alone,” You grumble back with some hope of going back to sleep, “I’m trying to sleep here!” Keeping your eyes shut, you try your hardest to snooze again.
The blonde snickers to herself, “So was I when I was woken up this morning. It’s not so nice now, is it?” She jokes.
“G’way, it’s too early– I want more sleep!” Your patience is short and you can feel yourself ready to snap at any given minute.
You’re certainly not a morning person at all and you definitely do hate being woken up.
You’re a nightmare most mornings.
“You can’t sleep, there’s the whole day ahead of us. We have to get up and pack the tent away otherwise it’ll be too late to do it tonight,” Leah makes the point of telling you which leaves you confused about where you will be sleeping tonight, “Come on, sleepy head. Time to get up!”
“I’m still tired,” You murmur, prying one of your eyes open as you look at her, “Why’re we packing the tent away? Where will we stay tonight?” You ask, confused.
“At a hotel,” The blonde answers as she feigns her sympathy for your exhausted state, “Oh, really? I wonder why that is then, huh?” She wonders.
“I’m tired,” You repeat in a low voice.
Leah exhales a sigh and shakes her head, “Please don’t tell me you stayed awake all night.”
“I didn’t stay awake all night,” You mumble as you slowly sit up and let out a yawn.
“Really?” Leah questions, not believing your word.
Shrugging your shoulders, you crack your neck and yawn once again, “I fell asleep at some point, but I don’t remember when. Probably like, er 5 I guess.”
“I wish you wouldn’t do that,” Leah scolds as she winces faintly when she hears the noise of your neck cracking, “Fantastic, I guess I’m dealing with a grumpy Monkey today then– Come on, get up. We’re going to make the most of the day!”
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“Hi girls!” Grace is the first one to spot you where it had been arranged to meet up with them.
“Morning,” Leah waves to her friend, checking behind her to make sure you are keeping up and aren’t dawdling about.
Like you really had much choice about that.
Even though you did try and fall asleep on the floor after you took the tent down, the blonde still didn’t let you unfortunately but you can’t understand why.
All you want to do now is sleep and you can’t help always being so tired though.
“Hello!” Holly smiles and greets her friends.
“Who’s ready for the last day of the festival?” Josie questions in a cheerful voice.
“Let’s do it!” Grace shouts aloud.
“Urgh. Why’re you all so loud?” You grumble in complaint and scowl at them, “Shut up!”
“Don’t be rude, Monkey!” Leah chides, giving you that all too familiar look you have seen so many times.
“But they are being loud and I’m tired,” You whine in protest, wanting nothing more than to collapse and sleep on the floor right here where you are.
It looks like a somewhat comfy spot.
“Oh I can see that somebody isn’t in a good mood today,” Holly jokes, trying to reach out and ruffle your hair.
Growling at the older blonde, you dodge her wandering hand from your hair and shuffle closer to Leah, “No shit Sherlock.”
“Monkey, stop it,” Leah warns you, continuing to give you a firm look, “Someone didn’t sleep and decided to stay up and ask me daft questions instead.” She explains to the rest of the girls.
“I’m so tired, I want more sleep!” You whine in response, you’re not a huge fan of this walking malarkey that you’re being forced to do.
The floor seems comfy right here to take a nap.
“So, I guess you had fun trying to wake her up this morning then?” Grace jokes.
“Well it wasn’t the easiest– Monkey, get up off the floor!” Leah begins to explain as she spots you lying down on the floor in the midst of walking through to the first stage where you are to watch an acoustic performance.
“I’m tired,” You murmur in disagreement.
The blonde clicks her tongue in disapproval, “Get up, you’re literally in the middle of a field.”
“I’m gonna take a nap right here,” You mumble before you begin to close your eyes.
“Monkey, no,” Leah inwardly groans as she pinches the bridge of her nose, “Get up!”
“I take a nap right here,” Repeating the words, you keep your eyes shut in the hopes that you might drift off to sleep again.
You can hear the rest of the girls laugh in amusement.
“Oh my God, I literally feel like I’m having deja vu here,” Leah speaks aloud, no doubt having that usual frown on her face, “Get up now!”
“Seems like you might have your hands full today here, Le, eh?” Holly comments, looking between you where you're lying on the floor curled up and the blonde who looks on the verge of a breakdown.
“Monkey, get up from the floor! This is ridiculous right now– You can’t sleep here!” Leah shouts in frustration, very much aware of attracting attention from people looking over at you as she kneels beside you and shakes you, “Get up, now!”
“Nooo- Leave me be, Malfoy,” Swatting her hand away from shaking you, you still keep your eyes shut with a hope that you can still sleep, “I’m tired!” You add.
“Malfoy?” Josie questions, stifling her laughter.
Grace laughs in amusement, “Is that because of the hair cut?” She asks.
“It’s the nickname that Monkey gave her,” Holly chimes in as she grins at her cousin.
“Just wonderful,” Leah huffs and shakes her head, “Monkey, get up! You can’t just lie down here on the floor because you’re tired, it serves you right that you should have gone to sleep at a decent enough time!”
“Mean Malfoy,” You murmur while keeping your eyes shut still much to the blonde’s annoyance, “I’m tired! Why couldn’t we just leave the tent up and I could sleep in there instead? Or even in the car?” You ask.
“And miss out on all the fun today?” Holly teases you.
“I’m not telling you again,” Leah is starting to lose her patience with you and your need to lie on the floor and sleep, “Get up off the floor!”
“Nuh uh, I want to sleep!” There’s so much noise around, you wish the blonde would kindly leave you alone to nap in peace because right now, you’re unbelievably tired.
“I’m not letting you– You know what, fine!” Leah throws her arm up in the air, having very much given up on the gentle approach of trying to get you up off the floor before she reaches down and lifts you off the floor to stand up, “You’re not sleeping here, I’m done arguing with you about it.”
“Why? I just want to sleep!” Whining in protest, you can’t help but throw your head back, “You’re being mean and not letting me sleep!””
Leah exhales a sigh and shakes her head, “You can sleep on the floor, but not here. First you’re going to walk over to the stage where we’re going to watch the next performance and you can lay down there,” She tells you, “I’m not leaving you here, end of story.”
So with these words in mind, you do begrudgingly walk across the rest of the field over to the stage without any further protest.
“We're here, finally! I’m taking a nap, right here!” You cheer aloud, quite happy enough to make yourself a bed comfortable with jackets and bags to plonk yourself down on the floor.
“You’re not really going to sleep there… Wait, is she asleep already?” Holly is taken by complete surprise that you have indeed managed to curl and fall asleep on the floor in the middle of the girls.
“No way,” Grace looks shocked.
Josie laughs in amusement, “Seriously?”
“Monkey can sleep anywhere as long as she’s comfy,” Leah murmurs, shaking her head fondly as she slips her own jacket off and crouching down to lay it on top of you to stop you getting too cold.
“Even in the middle of a field?” Holly questions, bewildered at your actions.
Leah hums in confirmation as she stands up, “Yeah even here apparently.” 
“I seriously cannot believe she’s managed to fall asleep in the middle of a field with this many people around,” Holly murmurs in amusement.
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“I can’t believe she’s still out for the count,” Grace is left dumbfounded by the fact your still sound asleep in the middle of a packed out festival, “How on earth can she be comfortable like that?” She questions.
Leah shrugs her shoulders and takes a sip of her diet coke in her hands, “I guess she must be so tired that she will crash wherever she can.”
“Is she not sleeping well again?” Holly asks as she frowns.
“I don’t think so, but even if she’s having trouble, she won’t talk about it,” Leah admits, her concern is evident for you that you are once again not sleeping well, but despite how much she tries to get you to open up and talk to her about it like you usually would, you’re more quiet and reserved.
The blonde is glad in some ways that the festival has brought out your joy once again, even if it’s just to overshadow your low mood.
“That sounds like Monkey,” Holly murmurs, feeling sympathy for you. 
Of course she isn’t as well known about your past, but being introduced to the family, she’s gotten to know you better and can’t help but feel concerned regardless.
You start to stir and wake up now feeling hungrier, “I’m hungry. Can we get pizza?”
The nap on the floor definitely did help you out with that situation.
“That’s all you can think about now?” Leah lets out a laugh and shakes her head, “Good nap?” She teases you, lightly.
“Told you I was tired and I wanted to nap,” You stifle a yawn as you try and wake yourself up more, “I slept and now I’m hungry again, so… Can we?”
“And yet you really did fall asleep in the middle of a festival,” Holly chimes in, amusedly.
Shrugging your shoulders, you look at them, “Why’d you all seem so surprised? I’m comfy, I don’t care where I sleep!” You tell them.
“See? I told you girls,” Leah waves her hand as a gesture to prove her point.
“Yeah… I think we realise that now,” Grace murmurs, speaking on behalf of them all.
“I suppose that we can look for some food if you want too,” Leah agrees with your need to eat again, “We’ll go and have a look round now while we have time.”
Groaning in disagreement, you’re not keen to wait around for them, “Ah man come on, I don’t need any babysitters– Can’t I go look around on my own? Nothing will happen. I’ll be totally fine!” You insist.
What’s the worst that can happen?
Leah frowns and bites her bottom lip anxiously, “I’m not sure I like the idea of you wandering around here by yourself,” She admits before she pauses, “There’s a large crowd but we’ll go together instead.”
“Urgh, seriously?!” You huff in frustration and throw your head back in annoyance, “You guys take forever to walk though!”
“Is she telling us that we’re old?” Josie asks, offended.
Grace hums in agreement, “I think so.”
“Hurry up, I’m hungry!” You whine in defiance, not patient enough to wait for them as you go to walk ahead.
“We’re coming now. Will you just be patient?” Leah mutters and shakes her head, trying to keep up with your pace so you don’t get lost.
“I don’t think patience is in Monkey’s vocabulary,” Holly jokes with her cousin.
The blonde exhales a sigh and pinches the bridge of her nose, “You’re telling me… Monkey, wait a minute– Don’t run off… Okay, she’s bolted again. Fantastic,” She mutters aloud.
Holly pats her cousin on the shoulder, “Relax, Le, she’ll come back around soon. Don’t worry, your frown will stick like that if you continue,” She jokes, noting the way Leah had her usual expression on her face, “She’ll come back soon.” She repeats.
“Yeah… Yeah, you’re right,” Leah nods in agreement, “She’s got no monkey, she’s bound to come back soon enough when she’s hungry.” She adds, trying to remain positive.
Of course that's where Leah was severely mistaken due to the lump sum of cash you had withdrawn from the machine.
“Pizza… Pizza, where are you? This was so much easier to find the other night!” You mumble to yourself, looking around for the place that you visited the other night on the way back to the tent.
Elsewhere in the middle of the festival, you wander through the crowd and bump into a tall man who’s dressed in colourful, tie-dyed clad clothes smoking weed.
“Whoa! You’re like, super tall and super colourful– How tall are you? Or maybe I’m just super short,” You yap on to this man like you’ve known him for a while.
The man can’t help but laugh at you, “I think you’re just short, kid.”
Shrugging your shoulders, you continue to whitter on to the man, “Huh, I guess so– I’m stupidly short for my height,” You pause, “Hi, I’m Monkey. Wanna be friends?”
“Monkey? That's some sort of nickname, huh?” The man looks at you amusedly as he continues to pop gummy bears in his mouth, “Hasn’t nobody ever told you that you shouldn’t talk to strangers?”
“Well, if we make friends, then we wouldn’t be strangers, no?” You ask, innocently as you grin at the man, “You’ve got gummy bears! They’re my favourite thing to eat, but I have to watch how much sugar I eat sometimes which sucks.”
The man chuckles at your continuous yapping on, “Oh yeah, well I’m all for sharing. Do you want some?” He offers, holding out the bag for you to try one.
With your eyes lighting up, you're eager to try one as you take a couple out of the open bag, “Thanks, I love gummy bears!” You tell him, excitedly and without any hesitation you pop them in your mouth as you think they are just regular sweets.
“Glad you like them,” The man grins, “Just take it easy, kid.” He adds, ruffling your hair.
You start to giggle uncontrollably as the effects of the edibles quickly take hold, before you plonk yourself on the ground beside the man without much care in the world.
“This is… So cool. I feel… I feel like I’m floating,” You continue to giggle.
The man grins and slumps down on the floor beside you, “Just enjoy the vibes, Monkey. Festivals like this are all about feeling free.” He tells you.
“Yeah… Free,” You murmur, staring blankly in front of you as you smile dopely, “I like that.”
You sit with the man and get lost listening to the acoustic music in front of the nearby stage that you had ended wandering towards without realisation while the full blown effects take over as the colours around you seem more vivid and the sounds become more intense.
“Are you with anyone here, kid?” The man wonders, curiously as he looks around, “I think people might be worried about where you are.” He notes.
You continue to sit there dazed, “Yeah… I’m with people, Malfoy’s no doubt looking for me,” You admit, feeling truly high as the sky, “But I’m having too much fun right now.”
“Well, just make sure you stay safe, alright?” The man asks you.
Grinning in agreement, you nod slowly before you tilt your head right and left in an even slower motion enjoying the feeling it had, “Yeah… I’m good.”
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“Where could she have gone?” Leah is worried since you still haven’t returned back any time soon, “I knew she would end up getting lost in the crowd somewhere!”
“She might have got distracted,” Josie chimes in, noting the blonde’s concern.
“Or she might have just headed over to watch the performance,” Holly adds as she senses the worry in her cousins’ voice, “Don’t worry. We’ll find her!” She reassures her.
Continuing to look around with her worry becoming even more evident, Leah is literally kicking herself at the fact that she lost you.
“Wait, look over there!” Josie pauses and points with her index finger in the direction to where you’re sitting on the shoulders of the man’s that you made friends with earlier, laughing and throwing your arms up in the air without a single care in the world, “Is that… Is that Monkey?”
“Who the hells’ shoulders is she on?” Holly asks, confused as she looks over to you looking like you’re having a blast.
Leah’s eyes widen in shock horror, “Oh my God,” she speaks aloud before she’s rushing towards where you are, “Monkey! Get down from there right now!”
“Leeeeeaaaaaah!” You squeal in delight at seeing the blonde, who didn’t look all that impressed since she had her usual grumpy face that she always has when you're in trouble, “Hey! Check it out, I made a new friend!”
“Get down!” The defender repeats, firmly.
“But this is the best view ever!” You whine in protest, swinging your arms around in the air.
Leah continues to look at you furiously, “Get down, now!”
“Buzz kill,” You murmur and with the help from your newfound tall friend, he helps you off his shoulders as Leah grabs you by your arm, “Tall man, this is Malfoy! Malfoy, this is tall man… He’s super fun! You, however, are not.” You introduce the two of them.
“Er, hi… Bye,” Leah looks at the questionable man before she pulls you away, “What the hell, Monkey?” She looks at you, holding you steady as you sway side to side.
“I’m having fun!” You exclaim as you giggle uncontrollably.
“What is going on with you? You’re acting different,” Leah questions, wearily as she tries to figure out what is going on with you.
Giggling continuously, you’re hardly bothered by the blonde standing in front of you, “I’m… I’m fine, I told you I’m having fun!” You repeat.
“Leah, something isn’t right. Look at her eyes,” Holly notes, looking concerned.
Grace looks at you in concern, “Yeah, she looks really out of it.” She admits.
“Did someone give her something?” Josie questions, confused.
Leah’s eyes widen as she tries to keep a steady hold of you, “Monkey, did you eat something from that guy?” She asks, her voice changing to sound more concerned than angry.
“Tall man had sweets that he shared,” You tell her through a fit of giggles, “They were so good! Like those little gummy bears that I always eat!” You add.
“Gummy bears?” The blonde repeats with furrowed eyebrows before it dawns on her what you mean and her concern turns to anger, “Oh, God. No, those weren’t normal ones, Monkey!”
“I don’t know whatever they were, but they sure did taste delicious!” You dopily smile at the blonde, who looks at you furious, “Can I get some more of them?” You wonder, eagerly.
“Okay, alright, let’s not make a scene here,” Holly states, trying to calm Leah down, “I know you’re probably angry, Le, but we just need to get her somewhere safe and figure out what to do.” She makes the point, looking at you wearily.
“There’s a first aid tent nearby that we can her too,” Grace suggests, gesturing to the left of her.
“Nuh uh, I don’t need to go there– We’ve still gotta watch Shania Twain!” You gasp in horror as you look at them with wide eyes, “I didn’t miss it, did I?” You ask.
“Wha… No, you didn’t miss it,” Leah tells you before she snaps her head round in realisation, “We’re not going anywhere right now other than the first aid tent for you to be checked out!” She declares, sternly.
“Awh, shucks!” You huff in protest before you dragged in the direction of the tent where Leah all demands you’re checked over to make sure you’re fine, which no surprise, the medic in the tent reassures her that you will be and you just need to sip some water, “See? Can we go and watch Shania now? Pleaseeeee!”
“Fine,” Leah is reluctant to agree but there’s not much more that can be said, “But you’re sticking with me and I don’t want you running off again!”
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“Let’s go girls!” You scream loudly with the high effects of the edible gummy bears in your system making you seem far more alert than previously as you stand with the older girls ready to watch Shania Twain perform on the Pyramid Stage.
“Glad to see you still have energy to keep going kid,” Grace jokes, trying to ruffle your hair but it’s difficult with the way you're swaying left and right.
“If that’s what we’re calling it now,” Leah mutters in disagreement, shaking her head as she’s not too fond of you being high right now but there’s not much she can do about it.
“Aye, yo! Where’s my yeehaw hat?” The realisation soon dawns on you that you currently don’t have your cowboy hat on you that you most definitely remembered to wear down so you’re confused as to where it could now be, “I need it for this!”
Holly looks at you puzzled, “Your… Your what hat?”
“My yeehaw hat! You know, the one I brought the other night!” You insist, trying to figure out where it is.
“Oh, she means her cowboy hat,” Leah realises as she plonks it on top of your head.
“My yeehaw hat!” You cry in joy and clutch a hold of it excitedly, “You found it!”
Josie looks at you in concern, “Should we be worried about her, or is this just her usual free spirit?” She questions Leah.
“Well, usually she’s menace and she’s pretty high right now both of them combined is somewhat concerning,” Leah can’t help but laugh at your current state, “I guess she’s going to be like this until it wears off.” She adds.
You giggle and adjust your glow in the dark glasses, “I’m like a disco ball! So many lights, so many colours! Can you see the sparkles?” Continuing to dance around in your cowboy hat and glow in the dark glasses, you’re having the best time right now.
“Uh… Not really,” Holly tries to keep up with your antics, “It’s great that you’re having fun though!”
“Yeehaw!” You exclaim aloud as you swing your arm around, “Man, I feel like a woman!” You scream the lyrics to the familiar song you have heard one too many times.
“She’s definitely in her own world,” Grace states as she chuckles.
“Hey Lord Farquaad, can I sit on your shoulders? I wanna get the best view!” You question hopefully as you grin playfully at the blonde, who looks ready to protest, “Pretty please?”
“Wha… Alright fine,” Leah begrudgingly agrees even after you had somewhat offended her before she hoist’s you up onto her shoulders, “Up you go, but hold on tight so you don’t fall!” She warns.
“You’re all set now, kid. You look the part!” Grace states, nudging you playfully.
“Don’t diss my fit cos’ you're all jealous, gurl, innit!” You joke, putting on an accent and grinning at the older girl with a newfound confidence in you now you’re somewhat high still.
“Oh well that is different,” Holly remarks, amused with your antics now, “You’re strange at times, kid,” 
You faux a gasp and look down at her while clutching your hand on your heart dramatically, “I’m not strange, I’m unique. Right, Lord Farquaad?” Looking towards the blonde for confirmation.
“Will you stop calling me that,” The blonde grumbles in disagreement of the nickname that your best friend had so kindly given her and with your love of Shrek, of course you’re going to continue with it.
“Why not? It suits you sooo well!” You peer down and grin at the blonde dopily before you continue to swing your arms up in the air, “You’re a grumpy Lord Farquaad at the minute though! Cheer up!” Playfully continuing to pat her cheeks and smile at her, you enjoy your time on the blonde’s shoulders.
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“Whoa, slow down, you,” Leah is quick to take a grip of your arm, already ahead of you running off, “First things first, let’s go and get you some water to help you, er, calm down.”
“But Le, we’re gonna miss it,” Huffing in disagreement, you begrudgingly are led over to a food truck to purchase a bottle of water.
“There’s no rush to go there, we’ve got plenty of time,” Leah remarks as she pushes the bottle of water into your hands, “Now drink up.”
Cracking open the bottle of water and taking a large gulp of it, “Okay, okay. I’ve drank now! See? Can we go and watch Avril Lavigne now, please?” You all but plead with her.
“Make sure you drink all of it,” Leah gestures to the bottle in her hand, “Then we will go and watch her. I just need you to calm down a bit first.” She tells you.
“How long will this… Energy last?” Holly looks at you wearily.
“I don’t know, but I’m hoping with a bit of water it might sober her up,” Leah winces, shaking her head as she encourages you to keep drinking, “Drink all of it, Monkey.” She reminds you.
You eagerly down the rest of the water in the bottle and toss it in a bin, “Alright! I’ve drunk it all now– Now can we go, pleeeeeeease?” You beg, bouncing on your toes.
“Fine,” Leah replies in agreement, once again making sure to take a grip out of your arm in case you do indeed try and run again, “No you don’t, I’m not letting you wander off again and make friends with a random stranger.” She states, sternly.
“But we’re gonna miss it!” You let out an exaggerated huff to show your impatience about having to wait.
“We’re not going to miss anything at all. Stop being impatient,” Leah remarks, trying to stay calm the best she can.
“Yeah we will,” You murmur, trying to tug your arm away from her and be able to dash off ahead of them, “Come on, hurry up. God, you’re all so slow!”
“We’re going as fast as we can,” Josie says, amusedly.
“Not quick enough,” You turn back round in a flash to look at the older girl and stick your tongue out at her, “Huuuuuuuuuurry up!”
“I think I preferred it when she was walking around like a zombie,” Holly chimes in.
“You and me both,” Leah murmurs in agreement with her cousin, “Monkey, calm down. There’s no rush to get there.” She adds as you try and pull her arm since she’s still got a tight hold on you to avoid running off.
“Time’s running out!” You whine impatiently, eager to run in the direction of the stage where you can’t watch Avril Lavigne perform live, “We need to hurry up. We’re going to miss the beginning of it cos’ you’re all so slow!” You grumble in annoyance.
“We’re almost there now,” Leah remarks, rolling her eyes as she walks over to the stage where your energy doesn’t let up, “See? We’re here, no need to have a meltdown over it.”
“I’m just excited to watch her!” You exclaim, trying to push your way forward to get a good view of the performance.
It’s not long before the music starts up and you continue to remain bouncing around energetically and singing your heart out to all of the songs in the set, “Why do you have to go and make things so complicated!” You scream out the lyrics to the song that you’ve grown up listening to, being able to watch her perform live is such a cool experience for you.
“Seems like she’s loving this even if she’s still a bit high,” Grace speaks to Leah, amusedly as she watches you enjoy yourself despite the high you’re still on.
Leah hums in agreement with her friend, “Yeah she’s having the time of her life so it seems, I’m glad about it.” Her words were nothing but the truth, knowing how tough you have been finding things recently so it’s nice to see you let your hair down even if you did end up high to no fault of anyone apart from your own.
You continue to dance around in joy, “I see the way you’re acting like you’re somebody else, gets me frustrated!” There’s not a single care in the world right now as you listen to the music, living the dream like you are.
“Woo, go monkey!” Holly encourages, grinning and clapping her hands.
Leah watches you dance around freely and can’t help but smile as she leans over to Holly, “At least this way she’s somewhat safe and having fun. I just need to keep a better eye on her and make sure she’s not wandering off with another random stranger again.” She tells her.
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By the time that Burna Boy was set to perform, you were starting to feel the comedown from the edible gummy bears and your energetic behaviour is soon phasing out for you to become tired and grumpy once again, with having little energy to even want to walk about.
“You doing okay Monkey?” The concern in Leah’s voice is evident as she can see your dipping slowly as you're reluctant to even stand up without slouching against her.
“I’m… I’m tired,” You murmur, trying to fight and stay awake.
“Do you want to go back to the hotel instead?” Leah questions, wearily as she is more so concerned about your comedown hitting an ultimate low.
Shaking your head in disagreement, you continue to lean up against her so that you won’t fall down, “No, I still wanna watch this performance.”
“What’s going on?” Holly wonders, concerned.
“Monkey’s tired,” Leah explains briefly as she tries to keep a steady hand on you to stop you from collapsing from exhaustion.
“You do look pretty out of it,” Grace notes the tiredness on your face.
“I think she’s starting to come down from the edibles,” Leah explains, exhaling a sigh, “We’ll watch Burna Boy and then we need to think about going to the hotel. I think it’s all catching up to you now, isn’t it, eh?” She asks you, gently as she keeps a protective arm wrapped around you.
“M’ okay, I just want to sleep, Le,” You answer, trying to continue to fight the tiredness while standing up.
Leah frowns and nods in agreement, “You can soon enough, but in a proper bed. You can’t fall asleep here.”
“Why not? Floors comfy like before, innit,” You murmur without much care in the world considering you had managed to fall asleep so easily earlier on.
“You know she will again if she’s tired enough,” Holly chips in, amusedly.
Leah exhales a sigh, “I know, I just think it would be better to wait until we head back to the hotel before you fall asleep,” She admits, not to keen on the idea of you falling asleep on the floor again.
“I don’t care. I’m tired– I wanna sleep!” You slouch against the blonde weakly as your eyelids grow heavier as you listen to the music in the background. 
“Alright, alright, there’s no need to get grumpy again,” The blonde mumbles, finding small humour in the situation, “Just hang in a little longer and we’ll go back.” She promises.
As much as you try to remain awake, it is starting to become incredibly difficult as you just want to lie down and sleep, so you do so much as when you find a spot on the floor, curling up in a ball and closing your eyes, being able to drift off to sleep.
“Le, I don’t think she couldn’t wait to sleep,” Holly jokes, gesturing to your sleeping body on the floor, “The kids completely out of it.” She adds.
“Wonderful,” Leah exhales a sigh as she looks down and finds you well and truly fast asleep curled up on the floor, “I guess she really couldn’t wait after all.”
“You’re going to have to carry her back to the car,” Josie points out.
“Oh Monkey,” Leah sighs and takes pity on your sleeping form before she kneels down and lifts your unconscious body into her arms, “Looks like we’re cutting the night short. I need to get her back to the hotel to sleep.”
“We’ll lead the way,” Holly states, carefully guiding her cousin through the crowd.
“Thanks Hol,” Leah speaks gratefully as she follows her cousin through the crowd of people with you protectively in her arms,
You continue to stay asleep with your head resting against her shoulder, you’re completely none the wiser about the journey back to the car park. Nor do you even realise being sat down in the backseat of the car and buckled in with the state of sleep that has taken over you.
Luckily enough Leah has managed to book the same hotel as the rest of the girls so they all climbed into the blonde's car, Holly deciding to sit in the back with you so she could make sure you are okay in the state that you’re in.
“We’ll be at the hotel soon enough kid,” The blonde murmurs to you even though you're completely out of it to even hear you, “We’ve got you, don’t worry. Just sleep.” She adds.
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The next time you wake up, you don’t have any single recognition of where you were or how you got here, last you remember you were at the festival dancing to the music.
Now you’re here in a hotel room…
“Where… Where am I?” You ask, confused as you sit up in bed and look around the room trying to figure out when and how you got here.
Leah shoots up from the other bed and rushes to your side, “Ah, you’re awake! We’re at the hotel.”
“Hotel?” You question just as confused while you rub your eyes, “What happened to the festival?” You're trying to figure out what happened for you to end up here.
“You fell asleep,” Leah stifles her laughter and shakes her head, “You don’t remember? Apparently you couldn’t wait to sleep and crashed out on the floor… Again.” She teases you lightly.
“Oh,” You frown and try to remember what happened before that, “I don’t remember falling asleep though.”
“You were out for the count completely,” Leah remarks in amusement, “I had to carry you back to the car and even then you remained asleep until now.” She explains to you.
“Oh,” You repeat quietly as the events of the day start to dawn on you, “Wait! It’s late now– I can call Kyra! She’ll be awake now!” You exclaim in realisation at the time difference meaning your best friend would be awake now finally.
Leah shakes her head in disagreement, “No, no, sleep. It’s already been a long day– You’ve fallen asleep twice at the festival. I’m sure that you can speak to her tomorrow instead.”
“Seriously? Come on, Le!” You plead with the blonde.
“Fine,” Leah gives in your pleading as she rolls her eyes, “Don’t be on the phone for too long though! You need sleep and don’t think you’re getting away with being high either.” She adds.
“What does that mean?” You question, confused.
“It means that you’re most definitely grounded for this stunt that you pulled,” Leah states, firmly.
You huff in response and slump your shoulders, “Wha… I really did think they were just normal sweets though!���
“And you still shouldn’t be accepting sweets from random strangers,” Leah tells you while pursing her lips, “Now go on and phone Kyra like you’re so eager to do, tell the pest I said hi while you’re at it.” With that being said, you eagerly pull your phone out of your pocket and begin to FaceTime your best friend on the other side of the world and ramble on the phone to your best friend, happy enough to hear her voice finally.
It won’t be too long now until you see her at least, just another month or so, maybe?
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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robilover · 3 months
-🐣 anon (can u see the link? It's a knight!robin 🥺)
AAAAHHH KNIGHT ROBIN!! I loved how the artist drew her, she’s so charming. thank you for reminding me of that beautiful art, 🐣 anon <33
Medieval!AU: Knight!Robin Headcanons !
pairing(s): knight!robin x princess!reader
cw: purely sfw, men and homophobes dni.
god, imagine knight!robin being your knight in shining armor, who’s assigned to be (mainly) by your side!! she vowed to protect you, the beloved princess of her kingdom.
she would always wait down the stairs every morning when you wake up to greet you with a smile. as soon as you reach where she was at, she would hold out her hand to you and take your hand in hers, planting a soft kiss on your knuckles. you would blush every time she does this because of how charming she is!
“good morning, my lady!” robin greets you with a smile.
“good morning, robin. I thought I told you to call me by my name?” you replied with a shy smile. robin let out a soft chuckle at that before replying.
“oh, my apologies, my la— I mean, y/n.” she smiled, as you could’ve sworn that your heart skipped a beat at her smile and the way she said your name.
since she is always by your side, she would be very protective of you!
you would always have to reassure her that nothing will happen since she’s there for you. you feel very protected whenever she’s around. she’s a very skilled and trained knight, after all!
“my princess.. er, y/n, are we heading to the woods? you know that you are forbidden there,” robin said with a concerned and worried tone. “if the king finds out, he might replace me with a stricter knight..”
“don’t worry, robin! it’ll only be for a little while. it’s fine, he won’t,” you giggled as you led her to the woods. she sighed and decided to go along with you.
as soon as you reached a stream, you took your shoes off and went over to the water. robin was quite surprised at this but decided to just take her armor off and follow you. duh, she’s still wearing something underneath that armor of hers.
both of you were then just playing in the stream, your feet both in the water as you both splashed at each other, giggling like two people in love.
...some of the knights caught the both of you all wet because of the water. one of them decided to snitch (out of jealousy) and told the king about it.
the king, your father, scolded you and robin for going into the forest without permission. it was dangerous, you could’ve been in danger, he said. however, you did your best in defending yourself, by which robin did as well—she did most of the talking.
in the end, the king couldn’t resist both of you. you are his beloved and only daughter his kingdom has. besides, he entrusted robin with you and he was glad that you weren’t hurt; he dismissed both of you.
you were escorted by robin to your room. you could hear her sigh.
“I told you that the king will find out.” she chided softly. you let out a small giggle.
“but it ended up well, no?” you shrugged. it was your turn to sigh, but it was out of fondness.
“thank you, robin.” you would say as you leaned up and kissed her on the cheek. without waiting for her response, you went in your room, closing the door at robin’s face.
robin was left dumbfounded, her hand reaching up to her cheek as she blushed. she held back the urge to squeal as she earned a kiss from her princess! ah, what a happy day for the knight <33
155 notes · View notes
gallilovesf1 · 5 months
P2 Into You: Jealousy
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🏁 Character Introductory 🏁
Pairings (applied to the whole fic): Sergio Pérez x FemHorner!Reader, Toto Wolff x FemHorner!Reader, Lewis Hamilton x FemHorner!Reader
Warnings: Slow burn, mentions of sexual topic, Dom/Sub dynamic, Soft Dom! Sergio, Dom! Toto, angst, cheating, fluff, mentions of death, Mad Christian Horner!!
Author's Note: kinda cliffhanger ending, I'll be posting the 3rd chapter by Sunday! Enjoy!(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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You sighs as you went to the bathroom to remove your make up and take a cold shower, you decided to play some music while you shower, you opened your playlist from Spotify, playing “Too Sweet” By Hozier, you sing a long as you turned off the shower and dry yourself, you put on some comfortable clothes to sleep in.
Laying in bed, you decided to read before you sleep, A poem by Homer “The Odyssey”. You enjoyed reading this kind of book as you felt warmth reading them. After a few hours of reading you feel sleepy as you yawn and put the book down on your bedside table, turning the lamp off after.
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Sergio couldn't sleep, he wanted to message you but scared to wake you up, he sat on his bed, hands on his hair as he curse at himself, “Fuckfuckfuck-” he sighs, ‘If only I'm brave enough to tell her that I love her…’ he thought, he went back to sleep, hoping that it'll be ok.
The next morning, Sergio woke up by his alarm, grabbing his phone. It's 6:30 in the morning, he sighs as he stretches his arms, standing up to go and take a shower.
Soon later, You woke up, feeling so tired from yesterday, you sat up grabbing your phone as you message Sergio and your brother a good morning before standing up and went to take a shower, the cold water on your skin made you shiver and feel more awake, your phone rings as you turn off the shower and dry your hands as you saw a call from an unknown caller ID, You answered it, “Y/N horner speaking, who's this?” You asked, “Hey, Y/N, It's Toto, Toto Wolff?” You frowned, “Hey, Mr.Wolff-” You said a little confused, “Please, Call me toto, You're making me feel old.” He chuckled, God his voice, the way he chuckled He's making you fall for him! You chuckled, “Aren't you old?” Toto smiled upon hearing your words, “I just wanted to say sorry for our unexpected meeting yesterday, and I hope you're ok.” “I'm ok, Toto, Thank you.” You smiled, “So, I was thinking, if you're free after qualifying later, is it ok if I take you out for dinner? So I can make up for yesterday.” He said.
Toto's waiting for your answer, he's expecting you to say ‘Yes’ to him, fingers tapping on his legs as he waits for your answer, “I'll let you know later, But it's a yes.” You said, as you heard toto sighs in relief, “Perfect, I'll see you later on the paddock, And also Good morning.” You smiled upon hearing his words, “I'll see you later too, Toto.” You said as you ended the call.
Smiling like a fool, you continued your shower as you can't help but smile upon hearing his deep voice, the way he chuckles and sighs, it's just a simple thing but God it's given you butterflies, you sighs ‘Get yourself together Y/N he's older than dad!’ you said loudly to yourself.
You went out in the shower, drying yourself up as you put on your clothes to wear in the paddock, you decided to put on light makeup, you put on a Red Bull polo shirt as you grab your bag and went to knock on Checo's door.
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Checo's putting on some clothes when you knocked on his door, “Checo, it's me, Y/N” you said as Checo hurriedly put on a Red Bull shirt, “Yeah, Just a minute-” he said as he looks at himself in the mirror, while you wait, you messaged your brother to meet you and checo in the lobby, Checo opened the door eyes widened seeing you, “Guau, eres hermosa…” you chuckled, “What took you so long to open the door?” Checo Opened the door widely, letting you inside, “I was getting ready then you knocked-” he sat down on the couch looking at you up and down, “You ready to leave?” you asked checo, as you catched him looking at you, “Oh..yeah, let's go-” he said as he grabbed his phone and sunglasses, “Do you need one?” He asked you, gesturing the sunglasses in his hands, You nodded, He gave you his glasses, “Vamos, mi sol” he said, putting on his cap, he opened the door, “After you-” “Thank you, Checo.” You smiled at him.
You met your brother in the lobby, waiting for you and checo, “Jeez, what did you two do? It's almost 9:00 am, dad's gonna kill us-” you and checo chuckled, “Such a drama queen-” you roll your eyes playfully at your brother as the three of you went outside to get inside the car and went to the paddock, the three of you exchanged conversation as you mentioned your call with toto earlier, “What??? Thee Toto Wolff asked you on a date?!” Your brother exclaimed, “dummy it's not a date! It's a ‘Dinner’, that's what he says-” you say as you hit your brother's arm, while checo just silently listens to you and your brother, “What did he tell you? Just dinner?” Checo sounded annoyed, “he just told me that he's sorry for bumping into me yesterday, that it's very rude of him, that he'll take me to dinner after the qualifying so he can make it up for me-” you explained as you smiled at Checo, who seems mad…? “Right..” he says in almost a whisper, “I can drop you off later if you want?” The Mexican offered, “That'll be great, Checo!” You smiled brightly at him.
Checo smiled, seeing you smile at him made him calm, he doesn't know why he is mad of you going out on a dinner with toto, he has no right to be mad at you, nor be jealous, he's just your best friend and nothing else.
The car stopped as you arrived in the parking lot of the paddock, Checo opened the door, holding out a hand for you, “Thank you..” you said shyly, your brother went out on the opposite door, “Why don't I get the same treatment, checo? I'm your best friend too!” You and checo chuckled upon hearing your brothers words, the three of you encountered some fans along the way, you, checo, and your brother signed some merch, posters, and other stuffs, being a horner made you famous too, also having a pretty face and a sunshine to a paddock made you a couple of fans.
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Finally, the three of you arrived in the paddock just in time, “What took the three of you so long, look at the time, Y/N.” Your dad said, looking disappointed at you as always, “Just ignore him, Y/N.” Checo said, Patting your shoulder, “We'll be back.” He said as your brother and checo went to their changing rooms to change, leaving you in the paddock amongst the mechanics.
You got bored as your brother and checo went out for some interviews, you wandered around the paddock to see some friends to other teams, to say hi to the other drivers too, most of them are your friends as well, you visited your friend Lewis at the Mercedes, “Lewis!” You called him, seeing him talking to bono, “Y/N-” he waved, you walked towards them, saying hi to bono as you hugged him, “So, how's it going?” Bono asked, “Well, same old me, how are you bono?” You returned the question, “I'm doing ok too-” he smiled, “Well I hate to leave but toto needs me, see you around, Y/N!” He says as he left, leaving you and Lewis, “I'm glad that you're comfortable around the paddock already.” Lewis says, smiling at you. “Well, I'm trying to be comfortable, I'm glad that everyone's been friendly-” you said shyly, you and Lewis exchanged topics as you felt someone's eyes watching you, you looked to the side to see Toto Wolff, looking at you. You smiled at him and waved shyly, he gave you a subtle nod, lewis noticed you, “You know toto? I mean…” you look away from toto returning to lewis, “I just met him yesterday, I kinda bumped into him…” you chuckled remembering the memory from yesterday, “He's tall and you still bumped into him?” He teased you, “Ugh, stop it- I know it's stupid-” you said as you and Lewis chuckled you saw toto approaching you and Lewis, You felt his gaze fixed upon you, “Lewis, Bono needs you.” He smiled to lewis as Lewis says bye to me and left me with toto, who's looking down on me, a smirk is displayed on his face, “Good morning, Y/N.” “Hi, Mr. Wolff- I mean Toto, good morning too-” you said slightly panicking at your words, “You ok?” He said, hands on your shoulders, You nodded, “I'm ok, just feeling a bit overwhelmed, that's all.” You smiled awkwardly, “Why? Is something or someone making you feel overwhelmed, Y/N?” He removed his hands on your shoulder and put it in his pocket, still looking at you, “I- No I don't think so..” he leaned a little, “Am I Making you feel overwhelmed, Y/N?”
Your cheeks turned bright red with his words, you do feel overwhelmed by him, the way he touched your shoulders, the way you smell his scent, you felt intimidated with him, you look up at him, his body towers In Front of you, “Answer me, Y/N.” He asked you again, You we're about to say ‘Yes’ but you heard your father call your name, ‘Great’ you thought, “Y/N!” Your father calls you again as he approaches you and toto, “What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the red bull paddock?” your father says coldly, as he looks at toto from up and down, “And you, what are you telling her?” He pointed a finger to toto, “Nothing, Christian, I was just telling her to be comfortable around the paddock.” Toto says as he smiles at you, “Right, whatever, go back to the paddock Y/N I Will not ask again.” You sigh, “Bye toto, fancy seeing you!” you waved goodbye at him as you disappear from the crowds, “You shouldn't talk to her like that, she's just saying hi.” Your dad scoffed, “If he's saying hi to you then I won't allow it, don't go near my daughter toto, this is your first and last warning, Leave. her. alone. Understand?” Toto chuckled at your dad's words, Toto nodded, leaving horner as he went to talk to bono and lewis, soon enough your father arrived in the red bull paddock too, “Why are you talking to him, Y/N? Did he do something to you? Did he touch you?” Your dad asked you ridiculous questions, “God, dad no- I was talking to lewis when he approached us and he just says hi then you arrived, plus, why are you mad? I'm just talking to Toto-” you said confused, “Toto isn't a nice person, Y/N, You know that, he's our rival, our team's rival, you shouldn't be talking to him or making friends with, you don't want an issue and rumors to walk around the paddock, you know the media, Y/N.” your father warned.
“Fine, ok dad, I won't talk to him.” You sigh in defeat, “Don't be mad at me, Darling, I'm just protecting you from him.” “Dad, I'm fine, I can take care of myself, he's a nice person.” You tried to convince your dad, “I know him better, Y/N, so please listen to me?” You just nodded, “Thank you..” your dad says as you roll your eyes to his words.
You don't see toto as a ‘Bad person’, he's kind, charming, a charismatic person, he's one of the respective people in the paddock, you liked him.
You heard Checo call your name, you turned to face him, “Hmm?” You say looking at him as he stopped In Front of you, “You ok?” Checo asked, seeing your worried and annoyed expression, “I'm ok, it's just dad-” “what about him?” You sigh as you start telling him what happened between you, toto, and your father, “Why Are you with toto, anyways?” He questioned, “I was just saying hi to him when dad approached then everything fucked up-” you chuckled. He smiled, “I'm just glad that they didn't beat each other up.” Checo pats your shoulders, “So what time will you be going to dinner with him?” He asked as you remember that he offered you a ride earlier, “oh, we haven't discussed it, it's too awkward honestly, I can't even talk to him, he's too…intimidating.” “Hmm, I see, give me a call whenever you need to go, ok?” Checo gave you an assurance look, you nodded, “Thank you, checo, really, you're the best. I don't know what I would do without you.” You gave him a gentle touch to his arms, making the Mexican blush, “It's.. it's no problem Y/N.” He smiled, looking to his side to hide his blushing face.
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TAGLIST: Tell me if you want to be added!
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Shaving cream
Summary: Pablo lets you try to help him shave hehe
Pairing:Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: none/ cute Pablo / maybe slightly smutty?
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You were cuddling with Pablo on the couch after he returned from his training for the last part of the season and when he nuzzled his face into your neck his growing stubble tickled you making you giggle in response.
He moved his head looking up at you curiously and you touched his face feeling his growing stubble under your fingertips as he realized what you were referring to.
"We came back from Sevilla so late and I had training early in the morning so I had no time to shave, nena. I'm sorry.." he said and you smiled thinking he is adorable that he thought you cared about such silly thing. You would love him even with a full grown beard (maybe not that much hehe).
"Let me do it?" you said and he was caught off guard raising his eyebrows while his smile grew. He wouldn't even let him mom help him when he first started shaving but seeing those big eyes of yours made it impossible to refuse.
"Fine..but you have to be careful not to kill me" he said and you laughed at his comment jumping off the sofa and reaching your hand for him.
"Right now??" he said whining still feeling his legs hurt after intense leg day training.
"All you have to do is sit and I'll do everything" you say as he stood up grabbing your hand and walking towards the bathroom.
"I love the sound of that nena ;)" he winked sitting on the edge of the bath smirking suggestively and you rolled your eyebrows at his snarky comment grabbing his shaving cream.
"Maybe take off your shirt so I don't get shaving cream on it?" you say and he kept his smirking face and you knew he was going to keep teasing you about every little comment.
"If you wanted to check out my abs, all you had to do was ask nena. They are all yours mi amor.." he took his shirt off quickly and you couldn't help but check out his fit body (he was your boyfriend after all) but then return your focus on the task at hand after leaving a quick peck on his lips.
You applied some shaving cream on your hand before gently applying it onto his face while his hands rested on your hips as he did his best to make you distracted, que fofo!
"You look like Santa now, bebé" you smile washing your hands before he pulled you back to him puckering his lips signaling he wanted a kiss.
"We will get shaving cream everywhere if you keep distracting me!" you smirk down at him but couldn't resist to give him a kiss whenever he asked careful not to get shaving cream on your face.
"Alright, now be still so I don't kill you" you used his words and he chuckled when you took his shaver form its case walking back towards him.
"Maybe it's better is you sit on my lap...that way we are same height and your hand is steady?" he suggested although you knew exactly why he suggested this position but you innocently smiled straddling his lap and sitting down before starting to carefully shave his face.
"Tu eres tan bonita.." he said and you stopped looking into his eyes giving him a smile as a 'thank you' before continuing to do your work.
"I really like your lips..and your dimples when you smile..and your hair when it's all crazy right when you wake up..and your eyes when you really want something from me..and.." he kept complimenting you and you felt your cheeks get red as you felt yourself getting distracted.
"I literally have a razor against your neck..stop distracting me if you want to live" you say and his hands start massaging your hips..damn it Pablito!!
"If you kill me, who would watch Disney movies with you, scratch you back before falling asleep, let you play with my hair whenever you want...or please you, mi reina? hm?" he was kissing your neck at that last part and you pulled the razor away closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling he created.
"Let me finish this amor!!" you whined and he smirked nodding his head and raising his hands up in surrender before sitting back and letting you continue.
In order to reach every side of his face evenly, you had to move a bit on his lap from time to time and Pablo certainly reacted moving himself in 'discomfort'...it was hard enough not to think about how gorgeous you looked while helping him shave let alone feeling you rub against him from time to time..it was torture!
"I almost cut you! Stop moving Pablo!" you say and his hands grip your hips making you stop once more to look at him in frustration since you were almost completely done.
"You try staying still when you are grinding on my dick princesa!" he said grunting when you moved to sit on top of him hitting your core to his now clearly aroused crotch.
"It's cute how you get horny so easily cariño.." you teased and he grabbed the razor from your hands standing up with you in his arms (legs wrapped around his waist) before cleaning his face with a towel and taking you to the bedroom as you chuckled at his silly actions.
Again, short but sweet ;) <3
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neptunes-curse · 1 year
How They All Found Out || ER
You and Eddie were doing a good job of sneaking around with your realationship. But slowly, as you two start to fall more and more in love, it gets harder to hide your feelings from the band.
pairings: Eddie Roundtree x Fem!reader
warnings: me messing with the timeline for the fic’s sake, cussing, talks of kids in the future, allusions to sex
authors note: Djats is my new favorite thing. Let me know if you guys have any other requests, i’d be happy to write them.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You and Eddie starting seeing eachother on the break of the SevenEightNine tour. It was perfect timing, you didn’t have to hide, since it was always just the two of you. You got along so well, It felt like you were the only people in the world. Nothing else mattered. The two of you would lie in bed all day, no worries but eachother. It was all perfect. That was, until, Billy got out of Rehab and the band got together again. Then everything got hard.
Eddie Roundtree (Rhythm Guitarist): That first month or two, man, those were the days. Just me and my girl, nothing else to worry about. It was all so easy. And don’t get me wrong, when we [the band] got back together, I was thrilled. It just meant things would get harder for Y/n and me.
You and Eddie were lying in bed together one morning, the sun shining through the windows of your now shared bedroom. Your head was lying on his chest while his hand rested on your lower back. The only thing you were wearing was (his) a tshirt and your underwear. It was a perfect, peaceful scene. But, inside your head, everything was the opposite. Billy had just gotten out of Rehab. Which would normally be good, but all it did was make things more complicated. The band would start practicing again. And you didn’t want what you had with Eddie to just stop. You hadn’t talked about what you were, but you were sure he would want to stay together. He acted like your boyfriend. And that was all the mattered, right?
“Eddie, what do you think will happen when we start practicing again?” You asked, tentatively. You had been thinking about asking this question for a while. If Eddie was going to end it, you wanted it over with. Rip the band-aid off, right? He turned his head toward you and smiled slightly. “Well, what do you want to do?” He started, “I mean, I dont want to stop this. I like you, a whole lot.” You felt your face heat up. You felt like a 13-year-old girl with her first crush, but you didn’t care. Eddie had that effect on you. You replied, “Me too. It’s just- Would you mind if we don’t tell the others? Just for a while.”
Y/N L/N (Bassist): When you’re a woman in a band, people say a lot of shitty things to you. They’ll question your ability to play, say others are better than you. Back then, what other people thought meant a lot to me. I didn’t want to be “Eddie Roundtree’s Girlfriend.” I wanted to be known as me.
You could see his smile falter. You didn’t want this, but it was for the best. The best for you, atleast. You’d still have lots of time together, right? Everything would be the same. That’s what you kept telling yourself.
“Yeah, sure. As long as I get to keep kissing you.” Eddie said. You were glad he was taking it well. He puts a smirk on leans over to kiss you. You laugh and put both your hands on the side of his face to pull him in. He adjusts himself to be on top of you.
Maybe this would work out better than you thought.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Practice with the band has been going great. It was four months after Billy had gotten back. He was doing a lot better, and you were proud of him. You guys were playing more than ever, just trying to make up for lost time. That meant waking up early and staying in the studio til the late hours of the night.
The downside of this was that you and Eddie got less and less time together. You could see his longing glances across the studio, when the rest of the band was there. He just wanted to be together, which you could understand. You would take every opportunity possible to sneak into his room, most times just to talk. You wanted to be near him, to hear his voice and feel his touch. It was getting increasingly harder to not do so in front of others.
One night, after a long practice, you were struggling to sleep. It had been happening for nights and nights in a row. You weren’t sure why, most likely due to all the stress of the rehearsals. You had tried everything from counting sheep, flipping yor pillow, you even smoked a cigarette or two. But nothing helped. After tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, you decided you would head into the kitchen to get a glass of water.
You slowly rolled out of your bed, your feet touching the cold floor beneath you as you walked to your door. You quietly opened the door, slipping out of your bedroom. The last thing you wanted was to wake the whole house up at this hour. Quickly, you scurried into the kitchen. You stuck your hands out to feel around for the cabinet holding the cups. But, instead of your hands finding a knob, you felt a mop of soft, blonde hair.
“What the hell,” Eddie quickly turned around to face you, loudly shutting the cabinet holding the glassware. “Eddie!” You scolded him for being so loud. You placed a hand over his mouth, symbolizing for him to be quiet. He tried to stifle a laugh as he grabbed the hand in front of his mouth, encasing it in his much larger hand. “Funny seeing you here, baby.” Eddie smirked as he placed one hand firmly on your hip, still holding one of your hands. You laughed quietly, a smile reserved only for him starting to appear on your face. He leaned down to kiss you on the forehead. “I’ve missed you.” Eddie said. You laughed quietly, quickly responding, “I saw you five hours ago, remember?” He rolls his eyes at you. “Not like that. I miss being alone with you.” He says suggestively. He slowly starts tracing patterns on your hand with his thumb.
“Well, we have alone time right now… why not make good use of it?” You smirk. Eddie leaned down to kiss your jaw, moving down until he reached your neck. Your wrapped your hands around his neck, slightly turning your head to give him better access. You were fully wrapped up in the kisses before you realized where you were. He was kissing you in the middle of the kitchen! Anyone could walk in! “Eddie,” you started, but he ignored your call. “Eddie!” you said it much louder this time, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear. He stopped his trail of kisses, leaning his forehead against yours. He was so close to your lips, if he leaned in any further they would touch.
“We shouldn’t be doing this right now. Atleast not here.” You said. You bit your lip immediately after, pulling back your words. You knew it wasn’t right, but you missed him so much you couldn’t help it. “I know you don’t mean that.” Eddie said, tauntingly. He pulled a hand up to your lip, untucking it from under your teeth. “You bite your lip when you lie, sweetheart. You’re not very good at it.” He whispers to you. What happens next, you couldn’t control. You crashed your lips into his, hungrily looking for more.
Eddie places his hands under your thighs, and you jump up, wrapping your legs around him. His hands trace circles on your bare skin, making your heart jump. While your lips are still on his, he carries you to the counter, placing you down in front of him. His body is between your legs. Eddie is kissing down your neck, leaving light hickeys wherever he wants too. Those will be a problem for tomorrow. But right now, you’re fully in the moment. His hands are now under your shirt, and you can feel your heartbeat rising.
You’d been waiting for this forever. At this point, you’d forgotten you were in the middle of the kitchen. You needed him, and he needed you. The last time you were able to be together like this was weeks ago. All the pent-up tension between the two of you was being released with each kiss. Eddie grabs the end of your shirt, signalling for you to take it off. You do, and he kisses your shoulders and chest. But all the sudden, he stops. You look down at him, confused.
“Eddie? Eddie what happen-“
“Woah.” Warren says, startling you.
You turn your head, your face displaying total shock. Of course, someone would walk in! Just your luck. You quickly pull your shirt over your head and hop off the counter. This would take some explaining.
“You guys? You guys are hooking up?” Warren continues. His mouth is wide open. He’s laughing, rather loudly too. “I would’ve never guessed, man!”
The three of you stand there, all in total shock, for about a minute.
Warren Rojas (Drummer): It was crazy. I mean, we all knew they [Y/n and Eddie] had something. But I would’ve never known they’d been fucking. I always wondered why they didn’t tell anyone.
“So,” Eddie said. He looked at you for guidance.
“Please don’t tell anybody, Warren. Please.” You were practically begging him. You looked at him with your best puppy dog eyes and pleading smile. You could feel Eddie brushing his fingers against yours, almost for comfort.
“You guys don’t have to worry about me. I‘ll keep your secret.” He said. “I better be best man at the wedding, though.” Warren laughed.
“It’s not-“ Eddie said.
“Yeah, yeah. Can I atleast get some food though?” He said motioning to where you guys were standing, blocking the fridge.
You both nodded and scooted over very akwardly. You looked up at Eddie and all you could do was laugh, leaning into him. You placed your head on his chest, and he reached his hand up to cradle the back of your head. You were both laughing quietly. The situation was really ridiculous. You had been so careful, you never thought you would get caught. But it’s only one person who knows, right? And Warren wouldn’t dare tell anybody.
When Warren finished with whatever he was getting from the fridge, he started to walk away. When he was almost to his door, he turned to face you and Eddie. He looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it. He settled with an akward wave. With that, Warren was gone.
“So, where were we…” Eddie said, slowly starting to kiss yor jaw. You put your hands out, putting space between the two of you.
“I’d rather not have the entire band walk in on us, Eds.” You say. Your decision still stands, about not wanting the whole world to know of you and Eddie’s realationship. If you could even call it that, really. “But, maybe if we went to one of our bedrooms…” You trail off. Eddie doesn’t have to hear anymore. He is dragging you off to his room.
Eddie Roundtree: That was a good night for me. For us. I think it really made me realize what I wanted for us. Y/n still didn’t want to come out in the open with our realationship, which I understood. But that didn’t mean we couldn’t have something just between us. So I asked her to be my girlfriend that night. And she said yes. *smiles*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
About two months or so after the Warren incident, the band was back in the studio recording. You were working with Teddy Price again. It was a miracle he let you back, considering how terribly the last tour ended. He suggested you bring in a new voice, someone who could bring more traction to the band. He suggested Daisy Jones. So, the band got to work on your new song Aurora, with the help of the wonderful Daisy.
One late night, the whole band was out with Daisy at Chateau Marmont. It was one of her many parties, which were always marvelous. You were wearing a short black skirt, matched with a white halter top with red floral detailing. You put together this outfit especially for a lipstick you wanted to wear, that was gifted to you by Karen, for your birthday. It was a gorgeous deep red color that complimented your skin perfectly.
You arrived at the Chateau a little later than everyone else, and you quickly found who you were looking for. Eddie. You made your way across the room to him. His face lit up with an all too familiar boyish smile. Eddie was standing alone next to the drinks, nursing a beer. He reached down to the cooler and grabbed you one, popping it open for you.
“Here you go, Y/n.” Eddie said while holding out his hand with the open beer. You took it with a smile.
“I’ve been looking for you all night, baby. Where have you been?” said Eddie. He takes a quick sip of his beer, admiring you. You can see his eyes flick up and down, from your legs up to your face. You could tell they lingered on your chest, which was exactly what you wanted. “I like this shirt.” He says, winking. You scan the room, making sure nobody is watching. You slowly take his hand and place a sloppy kiss on his lips. You start to lead him into a close bathroom.
“Are you sure Y/n? I mean we just got here, and you said you still wanted to keep us a secret.” Eddie says, looking at you concerningly. But you can tell, by how Eddie is looking at you and how he’s standing, with one hand holding yours and the other tight on your ass, that he really wants to sneak into the bathroom aswell. He was looking out for you, which was always something you admired about him. He was always considerate.
“It’ll be quick.” You smirk. You both make it into the restroom. You turn and lock the door behind you.
Around 30 minutes later, Eddie emerges from the bathroom. You both decided he would go first, just in case someone you two knew was by the door. This way nobody would become suspicious. He walks out back into the party, which has gained guests and volume while the two of you were away. He navigates through the crowd to find another beer. While searching for that, he finds two people from the band. Karen and Daisy were standing in the corner together. They wave Eddie over and he walks towards them.
“Hey Eddie, where have you been?” Says Karen. Daisy and Karen both smile at him, whilst exchanging looks. Eddie doesn’t catch it at first. He starts a conversation with them. But soon, after a while, Karen and Daisy burst out into a fit of laughter.
“What, what is it?” Eddie says, irriatated. Are they laughing at him? He hasn’t done anything embarrassing. Karen and Daisy don’t answer his question, they just continue to giggle.
“What’s funny?” Eddie restates himself. Now, he is just as much confused as he is annoyed. Did Billy tell them something? At this point, he was ready to leave and find somebody else to talk to. He was just about to walk away when Daisy grabs his hand.
“No, Eddie, wait,” She says between laughs, “We’ll tell you what’s funny.”
So, he turns backs around and crosses his arms. He could be doing much better things than being laughed at by two band mates. He looks around the room, impatiently waiting for their answer.
“Did you realize you have lipstick on your face, Eddie? Red lipstick?” Daisy says.
That’s what they were laughing at.
“And it looks an awful lot like the one I got Y/n for her birthday.” Karen adds.
Karen Sirko (keyboardist): Oh my God! It was hilarious! Eddie comes out, and he has lipstick everywhere. His lips, his neck. And at first I was like, “Oh, good for him.” but then I realized that it was Y/n’s lipstick! The one i got her for her birthday, even. God, that was the highlight of my week.
Eddie reaches a hand up to his lips, and sure enough, deep, red lipstick residue is on his hands. The trail goes down his neck, too. He keeps trying to rub it off to the best of his ability. He laughs akwardly, looking down. Daisy senses the akwardness and tries to comfort him.
“Hey, i’m really happy for you guys. You two will be a great match, i’m sure.” She smiles, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
Eddie looks up, smiling back at her. “Would it be okay if you guys didn’t tell anybody for now? We aren’t ready to tell everyone yet.” He says.
Daisy Jones (vocals): Eddie and Y/n? They were adorable. You could just tell that he was in love with her. When he would play, the only person his eyes went to was Y/n. As for Y/n, she was the same. When he walked into the room, you could see her smile. If I wanted my future to be like anyone’s, It would probably be their’s.
Karen and Daisy both nod. Eddie felt really bad about them finding out. Y/n had asked him to keep it a secret and he was dumb and messed it up. But, hey, Warren already knows. So two more people shouldn’t be so bad? And Eddie trusts Karen. He wasn’t sure about Daisy yet, but Y/n seemed to love her. He’d have to tell Y/n soon.
Y/n L/n: I wasn’t mad at all. It was really my fault for not noticing the lipstick. I helped him wipe it off after that, and I have to admit, he looked really silly. I can’t believe he left the bathroom looking like that.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
It was Julia’s first birthday. Camila had put together a celebration with balloons, banners, and an adorable little pink cake. It was all out together in their new house’s backyard. They had a housewarming party a while ago. It was one of the best parties you’d ever been too. Being surrounded by friends who loved you always made you feel better.
At Julia’s party, you and Eddie were playing with her. She had brought a couple Barbies outside and was acting out a scene with them. You and Eddie were doing it with her, going along with whatever she says. “We go swim!” Julia moves her Barbie over to a nearby puddle, grabbing both your hands and making you move yours over too. “Weeeeee!” Julia makes the Barbies jump up and down in the puddle. While they were jumping, she moves them around wildly in your direction and they splash your sundress.
“Woah! Julia!” You say, holding her hand to settle her down. “You got me all wet!” You joke, fake scolding. She giggles, apologizing, “I’m sorry Aunt Y/n!” You smile at her. How could you be mad at such a cute face? You grab Julia’s hand while standing up, and point in her dad’s direction. “It’s okay, Jules. Why don’t you go find your dad while I go clean up?” She follows your directions and runs over to her father, Billy.
You stand up, swiftly brushing the dirt and grime off your hands and dress.
“You’re really good with Julia, Y/n” Eddie says.
You smile widely at him, laughing happily. “You think so? I always imagined myself with kids when I was younger.”
“It just got me thinking. We could do that one day.” Eddie says, looking down at you fondly.
“Have kids?” You ask. It was true, you always thought you’d have a family. Two, even three kids. Maybe a dog, too. But that was all back in Pittsburgh. You weren’t sure if that life would fit into your life style now.
“Yeah. Big house, white picket fence. Some kids running around. Wouldn’t you like that, Y/n?” He says. You two were dangerously close, in the middle of Billy and Camila’s yard. Everyone you knew was there. But at the moment, it only felt you and Eddie were present. It was like the world closed in on you, and it was just him and you left. You liked the close, intimate feel. Even though you had been dating for around a year, you had never talked about your future outside of being in the band.
“Yeah, I think I would like that.” You say happily. You liked this side of Eddie. The warm, inviting side. You really were beginning to see a future with the blonde. The two of you stood, in the middle of the yard, just looking into each other’s eyes. Words didn’t need to be spoken. It was a silent “I love you”.
Eddie Roundtree: Yeah, I remember that day. She just looked so beautiful, playing with Jules. She was so kind, always was. You couldn’t help but love her. *smiles*
You are quickly snapped out of the moment by Camila calling to you.
“Hey, Y/n!” Camila says. She walks up to you and frowns. “I heard about your dress. I’m so sorry, i’ll talk to Jules after the party.” She apologizes.
“No, it’s okay. I’ll just wash it when I get home.” You respond. You look down at your blue sundress, taking a look at all the muddy spots. “I think i’ll go inside and try to find a washcloth. I’ll try to get some of the mud out.” You say. Camila nods.
“I’ll come with you!” She exclaims. You flash Eddie a sweet smile goodbye, and he winks in return. Eddie turns to go talk to Graham as you go inside with Camila. As soon as you shut the door, Camila starts to smile suspiciously.
“You and Eddie, hm?” She questions. You freeze, simply in shock. You were going to have to dig yourself out of a big hole. Plus, you were never good at lying, especially to Camila. It was like she could see through people. You always envied it about her.
“What do you mean, Cami?” You ask. You begin to make you way to the sink, avoiding her eyes.
“Don’t try to fool me. I see the way he looks at you, Y/n. It’s like you hung the stars and put the moon in the sky. He loves you.” Camila smiles. She digs through the drawers of her kitchen before handing you a white washcloth.
“I don’t,” You start. The question had totally caught you off guard. Was it love? Had you fallen in love with Eddie Roundtree? “I don’t know how he feels.” You stutter. Guess there is no hiding it now.
You begin to wet the washcloth, but your mind is anywhere besides this room. Is Camila right? You always knew you had something special with Eddie. But you’d never thought about it this much to be honest. With the baby conversation today and Camila’s conversation with you right now, you are seriously considering it. Things between you and the blonde wasn’t just hooking up anymore and it hasn’t been for a long time. It felt as if things were suddenly gettin for serious, and you were not going to say no to it.
“Well I think I know how you feel.” The girl says, poking you in the side. You laugh with her, moving your hip out of her reach. You shake your head in response, but the radiant smile on your face tells otherwise.
When you recover from the laughter fit, you begin to blot the muddy fabric of your dress with the cloth. Cami settles down as well. She peeks out the window and smiles, “Looks like everyone is about to sing happy birthday. I better go get the candles. Come out in a second, yeah?” She says. You nod, waving her goodbye.
Just before she is about to walk out the door, she turns around and teases, “Oh, and Eddie will be out there, too. You might want to hurry.” She winks at you mischievously before shutting the door and hurrying over to where Julia and Billy were.
Camila Dunne: Oh, Gosh, they were an amazing couple. I would’ve never known, but once I did, it just felt so obvious. They were perfect together, and I mean it. You could just tell by the way they looked at eachother. As soon as his eyes fell on Y/n, they turned into hearts. And vice versa.
Normally, you would be freaking out. You just gave away the secret of your realationship to yet another person. But right now you were on cloud 9. Eddie Roundtree might love you. And you might love him back.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
When Aurora was finally finished, the entire band was thrilled. Everyone had working together, and it turned out perfectly. You could feel it was about to be a big hit. The single, Look At Us Now, was already topping the charts. You had Daisy’s and Billy’s perfect vocal chemistry to thank for that.
Everybody was getting ready for the album cover shoot. It had been scheduled for weeks. After much bickering from Daisy and Billy, they decided on a desert shoot. The whole band was wearing tan, blue, and brown costumes, some more extravagant than others.
You and Eddie, though, had different plans. You snuck into his room late the night before. Everyone was staying in a hotel, as the photo shoot location was about 3 hours out of town and nobody wanted to drive that far so early. So, while everyone was getting ready, you and Eddie were lying in bed together, enjoying the solitude of the morning.
You were brushing stray hairs out of his face, to make sure you could see his beautiful eyes. Atleast you always thought they were beautiful. He was looking right back at you, with a dopey grin on his face. “I love you, Y/n.” He whispered. And you whispered it back.
After ten more minutes of this lovesick haze, you sat up, grabbing your watch that layed onnthe bedside table. Your face froze with shock.
“Shit, Shit, Shit! Eddie, it’s already 9:30. We were supposed to be down five minuetes ago!” With those words, the two of you flew out of bed, hurrily throwing on coats and blouses and brushing knotted hair from last night’s activities.
Meanwhile, downstairs, everyone was waiting on you two. Daisy, Karen, Warren, Camila, Billy, even Julia, all sat downstairs around a couple tables. They had finished breakfast a while ago, as it was now 9:45.
“Okay, where the fuck are they?” Billy said, tapping his foot. Karen and Daisy shared a look, Warren snickered, and Camila avoided his gaze. But Graham was clueless.
“I’ll go get them. I’m done eating anyway.” The younger Dunne brother said, hopping out of his seat next to Karen. He walks up to the elavator and steps inside, pressing the button of the band’s floor.
Meanwhile, you and Eddie were still frantically trying to get ready. You were applying a nude lipstick while Eddie buttoned up his shirt. You were no where near ready and you figured time was running out.
Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. You both freeze, making eye contact in the mirror.
“Probably just maintenance.” You reason.
“Yeah, just maintenance.” He agrees.
But you both quickly found out you were wrong when Graham’s voice sounded from the other side of the door. “Eddie, man, get up! You’re already thirty minutes late for photos.”
Oh, so it wasn’t maintenance. It was Graham. And Graham didn’t know. You and Eddie had started to consider telling everyone for good, but it had been so easy how it already was. You had settled into a routine of secrecy. It would just be so much harder to stop.
Graham knocks again, sounding impatient. You quickly pull out a curling iron to atleast get half your hair done while Eddie rushes to the door.
“Hey, just give me five more minutes.” He says before shutting the door in his face. Your boyfriend quickly rushes over to you in the bedroom, as you had given up on the hair curling idea after the front two pieces.
“What are we going to do, Ed?” you ask. He places a reassuring hand on your cheek, brushing a piece of hair away from your face.
“I’ll go out first. I’ll talk to Graham for a little before moving on downstairs. Then, he’ll go to your room next door and knock. You’ll slip out of here and try to walk a little ways down the hall so he doesn’t notice you came out of my room. Just pretend you were getting ice or something.” He says. You nod, trying hard to listen to exactly what he says.
When Eddie finishes speaking, you place a gentle kiss on his cheek. “For good luck.” you say. He smiles and embraces you quickly before heading for the door, motioning for you to hide on the other side of the room.
“Sorry about that Graham. Woke up late.” You can hear Eddie say from the other side of the wall. You press your ear up against the wallpaper trying to listen to more.
“I get it. I’m going to knock on Y/n’s door too. She must’ve overslept as well.” He pats Eddie on the shoulder before moving on to your door down the hall. You hear the steps of boots which you assume means he’s far enough away. You make your way to the door and open it very slowly. You manage to squeeze out of the half opened door. Now, you shut the door quietly before walking a little ways down the hall, like Eddie said.
“Hey, Y/n!” Graham calls out, and you stop in your tracks. “Where’d you come from?” He asks.
“I was just getting ice. Down the hall. At the ice machine.” You manages to sputter out. You’d never describe yourself as a nervous person, but right now, the nerves where like butterflies floating in your stomach, in your brain, and throughout your whole body. Graham furrows his brows at you, not very convinced by your efforts.
“I’m going to go ahead and get some breakfast.” You say quickly, speedwalking down the hallway. You thought you handled that pretty well.
Graham Dunne (Lead Guitar): She had come out of Eddie’s room. It was very obvious. Y/n was also always a terrible liar. I knew they were hooking up way before that ever even happened.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Karen Sirko: I think everyone knew they were in a realationship by that point. Daisy and I had a bet on when they would tell us.
Daisy Jones: It eventually came out when we were on tour, so Karen won technically. But they were just so shit at keeping secrets we all figured out a long time ago.
Warren Rojas: I was actually best man at Eddie’s and Y/n’s wedding. It was probably the best wedding i’ve ever been to. But don’t tell Lisa that. *winks*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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sant-riley · 2 years
Okay yk what idc I got alot of thoughts of Puerto rican! Reader with the boys, I am not sorry, I need to get this out of my system. so I'm giving her the codename of Teddy :) sorry if that ruins the immersion!
General hcs/thoughts I have with the boys from mw2:
Ghost could destroy an entire pernil by himself. He actively looks forward to it every single Thanksgiving despite him literally not being American and thus doesn't celebrate it. "L.T, don't tell me you're going over to her house just for some pork." "Why yes Johnny, I am." He is not sharing with a single soul, he will break someone's fingers. (Teddy makes him his own at this point so the others can have a try)
Soap fucking chugs Coquito like it's nothing, bc technically it isn't compared to the stuff he has back home. At first he was apprehensive but now he usually goes home with a bottle. He will share but if he sees someone wasting it he will be pissed. It is hard as fuck to come by in Scotland if not the base.
Price very much enjoys the cleaning playist Teddy has, she told him how growing up that that was how her mom told her it was time to get her ass up and do chores. He finds himself playing it early in the morning while he does documents to wake himself up.
Everyone's favorite song round let's go
Soap's favorite - Suavemente
Ghost's favorite - Anhelo (totally not bc he danced with her to this one)
Price's favorite - Danza Kuduro
Gaz's favorite - La Vaca
Alejandro being surprised when he sees a short Hispanic woman with two big ass European men. "Tu con estos dos? de donde eres chiquita?"
Soap fucking pushes himself in and answers for her, a smug little smile from all the little Spanish he picked up. Ghost just rolls his eyes and tries to not groan. Soap being a showoff.
The solidarity between the Vaqueros and Teddy 🤝 different countries but there's alot to have in common.
Teddy cursing in Spanish at the top of her lungs and Alejandra and Rudy snorting. "You kiss your grandmother with that mouth?"
The boys have in fact danced with her when she's feeling homesick, each one. Soap and Gaz don't mind doing it in public where as Ghost and Price rather do it in their rooms/her room. Ghost and Price will say its good exercise but we all know the truth.
When fresh food is available, they'll ask her to make the food she eats off duty. It's different combinations of rice and beans, along with meat always.
Everyone fucking devours tostones btw. Literally they have to buy so many plantains to make sure everyone has their fill or there will in fact be a fight.
SHE MAKES THEM HELP MAKE PASTELES!! It's a whole assembly line. Christmas is a war zone in of itself trying to make the shits.
Ghost drinks Cafe bustelo straight out the machine. No one else can stand the stuff bc it's too strong.
When sofrito has to be made, everyone makes Soap cut the onions lmfao, the worst part of the entire process.
Everyone starts to saying spanglish around base, Gaz switching from English to accented Spanish is a interesting sight 😭 Teddy mocks him as if she isn't to blame.
"Really? Nuevo? Do you know what that means?" "Oh for fucks sakes."
Okay I'm tired and my fingers hurt from typing all of this lol I'll add more probably at some point!
If you'd like to be tagged in future works, please comment under my rules that are pinned to my blog!
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yeehaw4yoongi · 2 years
Iced Americano | JJK
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Pairing: jk x barista female reader
Rating: 18+ | minors dni | nsfw
Word Count: 5.9k
Warnings: drinking alcohol, kissing, some swearing, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, fingering, mentions of cum, titty play, mentions of food/eating, mentions of milk (but literally just milk nothing nasty is being done with the milk), shower sex, dom-ish jk
Genre: fluff, smut, non-idol au, strangers to lovers, some angst
Summary: You wake up thinking today would be like any other day but you were wrong.
A/N: Hi tumblr! This is my first stab at writing any kind of fanfic. I'm new to all the warnings, categories, and abbreviations so please bear with me. Thinking about doing a part 2 since I feel like there is so much build up in this half, so if you enjoyed it, please comment, reblog, and like!
Today started like most of your days do. The alarm yanks you out of your slumber at 4:30AM and you drag yourself to the shower. You have about half an hour to get to the bus so you can make it to work at 6:00AM. You sprint to your stop and make it just as the bus pulls up. You won’t be late today.
As you ride down the dark city streets you make a list of everything that needs to be done to open the cafe by 7:00AM. You take inventory of everyone out and about already hard at work. Street sweepers and stall keepers mill around setting the scene for the world that has yet to wake. Despite the start time, you love the opening shift. It’s where humans on different paths cross as night transitions into the morning. Party people with pupils the size of the moon and 9 to 5’ers alike find themselves convening in the queue for coffee. The day goes by as usual. Taking orders, making light conversation, steaming milk, and cleaning up empty cups make the morning go by quickly, and before you know it’s nearly time for the shift change. By now the freshness of the morning ceases to exist. You’re covered in coffee grounds and sweat has taken its toll on your makeup. You switch out the till drawer and head to the office to count the morning’s takings. Once you finish, you collect your bag and head back into the bustling cafe. It’s a small space so you weave your way through the crowded shop. You stop by the counter on your way out to bid your workmate adieu and that’s when you notice him. 
His tall slender frame leans against the counter as he orders an iced americano. He reaches for his wallet and you notice the tattoos on his hands. You don’t allow yourself to keep looking. Instead, you push passed him and the other people queuing and head for the door. One of your workmates shouts behind you “see you tomorrow!” and as you turn around to wave you meet eyes with Iced Americano. For a split second, your heart plummets into your stomach. He looks down at his phone and you’re released from his grip. He seems unfazed but the depth of his glance has shaken you. Walking down the street toward the bus you brush off the interaction. This city is full of attractive people. You serve them every day. What made him different? 
“Never mind,” you tell yourself as you climb the steps to the top deck of the bus. You have errands to run and a friend’s birthday dinner to go to tonight. As the afternoon wanes you forget about Iced Americano and go about getting ready for the evening’s festivities. You make your best effort. The restaurant you’re going to for the party is one of the nicest Italian places in town and you want to look the part.
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The city sparkles as you make your way through town in the cold. You see the restaurant down the road. The warmth practically flows out of the windows. As you enter, you’re met with a scene of beauty. Peach-colored light is defused through sheer fabric dressed around each of the fixtures that hang from the ceiling. They reflect off of the polished brass glass rack hanging above the marble-top bar and bathe the marble walls in a rose gold hue. Vintage mirrors hang above a row of pale blue booth seats that run parallel to the bar and give way to the dining room. You stand at the door and take it all in. Scanning the dining room you realize you’re the first of your group to arrive. The maitre d’ pulls out one of the plush mint green bar stools and motions for you to take a seat. You order yourself a glass of wine and pass the time looking through your phone. As you wait, the bar fills up around you. Your phone buzzes and it’s your friend saying they’re nearly there. You motion to the bartender to close out your tab. He places the bill on the bar. When you look down you see something familiar out of the corner of your eye- a tattoo and more importantly the hand it belongs to. How long had Iced Americano been there?  Your eyes never leave the tray the receipt is on as you slide it towards you. That’s when you hear his voice. “What wine are you drinking?” You mess up your signature but decide there’s no way he was talking to you and so you push the tray back toward the bartender and place your card back in your wallet. It’s when you get up to tell the maitre d’ your group has almost arrived that you meet Iced Americano’s gaze. Turns out he was talking to you. He looks at you with an inquisitive brow as he awaits your response. 
“I, I uh, it’s the Cabernet” you manage to blurt out through your shock. The bartender nods at Iced Americano and he orders the Cabernet. “Thank you,” he says with a wide smile. You stand there looking up at him for what was probably only 2 seconds but feels like much longer. Just then your friends swan in and swallow you up in their hugs and kisses of greeting. You look back at Iced Americano and smile and give him a small wave as you head to your table. 
Your seat at the table faces one of the mirrors hung on the walls. You and your friends order two bottles of wine and some small plates to start. You’re wrapped up in the comfort of their company. Everyone is sharing the highlights of their day and listening as the birthday girl lists off all of the presents she’s gotten. As the server brings the wine and serves a sample to your friend you look up into the mirror. Sitting at the table directly behind you is Iced Americano with two others. His seat at the table gives you a clear view of his face in the mirror’s reflection. You try your best to stay engaged in the conversation happening at your table but the image in the mirror pulls your gaze back to it. His face is kind and his eyes are soft and doe-like. The curve of his jaw is sharp. Even through the vintage mirror, you can tell his bone structure resembles that of a statue. You’ve lost yourself in his image and he must have felt you staring because his eyes look up to meet yours. You’re rendered breathless but you don’t divert your eyes. The server pours your glass of wine and you refocus on the table. 
Several food courses and drinks go by before the bill inevitably arrives. Your party wraps up and as you collect your things to leave you steal another glance at Iced Americano in the mirror hoping it won’t be the last. You make your way out with your group and wait with them as each of their cabs arrive. Standing alone on the sidewalk outside of the restaurant you watch your Uber get closer and closer to picking you up but you’re not ready to go home yet. You look behind you through the restaurant window and see Iced Americano sitting at the bar. You decide to throw caution to the wind and cancel the Uber.
The liquid courage running through your veins makes it easy, a little too easy, to take the seat directly next to the man that has captured your attention. You don’t say anything to him as the weight of your decision begins to hit you. It’s too late now, and when the bartender asks what you would like you say, “He and I will have an espresso martini,” and motion to Iced Americano sitting next to you. He looks at you with a surprised look and you grin. “Did you order that for me?” he asks with a chuckle. You nod. “What’s your name?” you ask. He responds, “My name is Jungkook. It’s nice to meet you.”
You sit at the bar nursing your drinks and talking. He’s in town working for a couple of days. You mention being a barista but don’t mention where. You talk about traveling and the places you’ve been, comparing notes on cities you’ve both visited. He is incredibly well-traveled and regales you with stories about his time spent on the road. As you chat the restaurant starts closing down. Eventually, the bartender makes the last call and Jungkook asks if you’d like to take a bottle of wine to go. The idea sends a tingle up your spine. You initially thought the espresso martini would be the nightcap but your shift doesn’t start until the afternoon the next day, and why wouldn’t you get a bottle of wine to go? You answer him, “I’d love to. I know a place we can go with it.”
When you step outside the cold air hits your lungs and the warm blur from inside the restaurant sharpens. You are greeted by the sounds of cabs passing by and people chatting and laughing as they make their way to the train station. The city lights shine and wrap you up. You feel safe under them. The libations from dinner and the impromptu nightcap make your mind feel light and optimistic like anything could happen. As though somehow this moment is the beginning of your life. 
You start walking down the road and turn to see if Jungkook is following you. He’s still standing at the door holding the wine and thanking the staff for a wonderful meal and exquisite service. Waiting for him a few paces along the sidewalk you take the opportunity to admire his whole form. He’s tall with broad strong shoulders. His turtleneck hugs his arms and chest and his slacks are perfectly tailored - a statue. As he walks toward you he asks, “Where do we go next?”
The two of you make your way through town passing the theatre district down to the river. You find a bench along the bank and take a seat to watch boats pass while lights on the other side twinkle in the background. He had the forethought to ask the bartender to uncork the wine but you both forgot cups. He playfully pulls the cork and takes a swig straight from the bottle and then hands it to you. It’s cold out but you don’t feel it. Maybe it’s the wine? Maybe it’s him? Either way, you never feel uncomfortable. You talk with him about what brought you to the city and how you love being there. He listens intently and seems to hang on to your every word. Time flies as you take turns drinking the wine and before you know it, the bottle is empty. You sit there with him in the dark a bit longer looking out over the water. The silence between you is pleasant. You can feel his arm up against yours and you fight the urge to take his hand at that moment.  
He looks at his phone and breaks the silence, “Let’s walk back to where I’m staying and I can get you a cab back home.” By now, you know that even if you didn’t desperately want to walk him home, you’ve had so much wine that there’s no way you can get into a vehicle without walking it off a bit. As you stroll up to the beautiful historic hotel, you see there’s a town car parked in the front. “This is for you,” Jungkook says with a smile and motions to the car. Going home is the last thing you want to do but you don’t want to force anything. You thank him for the ride and tell him you hope he has a great remainder of his stay in town. As you turn toward the car, Jungkook takes your hand in his and pulls you toward him into a hug. You breathe him in and he smells like clean fresh laundry. “Thank you for showing me around,” he says releasing you, “I had a great time.” You go to respond but don’t get the chance. He leans in and gives you a gentle kiss on the lips. “I’ll see you around,” he whispers in your ear with a sly smile and you stand there stunned. He notices that you’ve been caught off guard and walks to the side of the car and opens the door. That’s your cue. You get into the backseat and he closes the door behind you, giving a small wave as the car pulls away from the hotel. 
Your whole body buzzes as you ride through the city. When you get home you realize you never exchanged numbers. As you sink into bed you replay the events of the evening in your mind. Every look, every word, every brush of his arm against yours. The kiss cycles over and over. Even if it was just tonight, it was worth it. 
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The next day you have a slow morning. By some miracle, you aren’t hungover but the booze has made you feel sluggish. You think about Jungkook as you get ready for work that afternoon and while heading to the bus stop. You think about him as you ride through town and as you walk to the cafe. You can’t shake him and you don’t want to. Deep down you tell yourself not to get your hopes up. What are the chances of you seeing him again? Despite you trying to manage your expectations, you watch the cafe door your entire shift hoping he’ll appear there. Patron after patron comes in. No Jungkook. Finally, you give up hope that he’ll come in but that doesn’t stop you from thinking about the night before. You spend the rest of the shift on autopilot, stuck in your endless daydream. You close up the shop and head back home. You have to open up the next day and can’t afford another late night. Riding the bus, your mind drifts to last night. It remembers the feeling of his arms wrapped around you. It remembers the feeling of his lips pushed against yours and the feeling of his breath on your ear. 
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Once again, your alarm startles you awake at 4:30AM. Another day, another shift. You’ve accepted the idea that your evening with Jungkook was only a brief encounter and one of the many perks of living in the city. You never know who you’ll meet and what will happen. The memory will live fondly in the back of your mind for a while until time inevitably reduces it to a blip on the timeline of your life. The shift goes by as normal and you greet and serve the first arrivals into the shop. The morning is peppered with the regular corporate types and rave stragglers. You spend your time chatting, catching up with them, and listening to what they have planned for the rest of their day. As the lunch rush starts to pick up, the queue for service extends to just outside of the door. You’re nearing the end of your shift but there’s still a lot to do, so you move from the till to behind the coffee machine to help your workmate with the influx of coffee orders flooding in. 
As you steam the milk at the end of the counter, you grow tired and the awareness of what’s happening around you disappears. It’s just you and the milk pitcher. You watch the milk swirl around in the jug making sure not to burn it. With your focus on the upcoming orders you never see Jungkook enter the cafe, but now he is standing at the end of the counter and says, “Hi” breaking your focus. When you look up and see who the greeting comes from, you almost don’t believe your eyes. The chances of you meeting again seemed slim and yet here he is. You realize that you’re fully staring at him, mouth agape. You try to respond like someone who has spoken before but your “Hey! How are you?” comes out as more of an abrupt shout. He doesn't skip a beat and tells you that he was meant to leave town the day before but that he still had some things to wrap up and extended his trip a few days. You’re delighted by this news but you do your best to stay cool and nonchalant. His drink is a few places behind others in line but none of the other patrons matter anymore. You make each drink and just slide them to the end of the counter as you and Jungkook chat. He didn’t know you worked here and mentioned how he was in the cafe a few days ago. You pretend not to remember. Finally, his drink is up. Unlike the coffees before his, you take extra care and gently slide the drink directly toward him. He asks you for a lid and as you go to put it on, there is a brief fumble. He doesn’t anticipate you putting the lid on for him and reaches to secure it as you place it on top of his cup. His slender fingers and soft palm land directly on the top of your hand. You both look up at each other and giggle. He takes a sip of his drink and thanks you for making it just right. You swoon and he notices. He says that he’s been given tickets to a show later that night and asks if you’d like to go with him. You exchange a glance with your workmate standing to your left. She has completely stopped making espresso shots and is waiting for you to respond to him while nodding her head as though to say, “Say yes, fool!”. You quickly turn back to face Jungkook and tell him, “sounds great”. Noticing that the number of people waiting for their coffee has caused a crowd to form, he takes a pen from his bag and writes his number on a napkin, and hands it to you. “Send me your address. I’ll pick you up at 7.” 
As soon as you finish work you text him your address. [See you soon.] he replies. You race home and start the process of getting ready. No task is spared as you prep for a night on the town with quite possibly the most beautiful man on the planet. You try on all of your clothes and then all of your roommate’s clothes before finally deciding on what you’ll wear. You put on the designer perfume your grandmother gave you for your birthday. Promptly at 7:00PM your phone buzzes. You give yourself a last look and take a deep breath. When you open the front door, there is Jungkook sitting on the street in an Aston Martin. He gets out of the car and goes around the other side to open the passenger door. He’s wearing black combat boots, fitted black trousers, and a knit charcoal grey crew neck sweater over a white collared shirt. You walk toward him and he takes your hand to help you into the car. He gets into the driver’s seat but before he puts the car back into gear, he looks over at you and says, “You look amazing.” You thank him and reciprocate the compliment even though “amazing” doesn’t even begin to describe how gorgeous he looks. He is fucking hot with his black hair combed in a way that exposes a bit of his forehead. You fight the urge to lick your lips as you watch him wrap his tattooed fingers around the steering wheel. 
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You arrive at an elite member’s only Burlesque club in Soho. The hostess shows you to a cozy private booth with soft cushioned upholstery and oversized pillows that line the back. As the two of you settle in, the manager stops by the table to drop off a complimentary bottle of champagne. Jungkook smiles when he sees her and stands up to greet her with a hug and cheek kiss, as though they’ve met before. He introduces you and she winks as she greets you. She says, “Any friend of JK is a friend of mine. If you need anything at all, just ask for me.” A server comes by and takes your drink and food order just as the lights in the club dim and the spotlight flicks onto the stage. Jungkook makes sure your glass never runs dry as one beautiful woman after another takes the stage. Each one of their performances is glamorous and sensual. As the show goes on, the two of you inch closer and closer to each other until he takes his arm and puts it over your shoulder. You allow yourself to let your guard down and lean your head to the side to rest it in the nook where his chest meets his shoulder. You stay there until the show is over. 
The club isn’t far from his hotel and as you stroll down the street it dawns on you that that’s the direction you’re heading in. You brace yourself for another town car. When the hotel is just within eyeshot, Jungkook makes a random but smooth turn onto a narrow alley and points out some street art on the wall. As you follow behind him trying to see what he’s talking about he turns around and slowly walks back toward you until you’ve backed yourself onto the wall opposite of the one he was looking at. He walks right up to the point where you’re nearly touching and then stops. You turn your gaze upward to look him in the eyes and he says, “I’m just kidding. I wanted a private place to kiss you.” He leans in and lays a small kiss on your lips. And then another. You kiss him back as you slowly wrap your arms around his waist and draw him in closer. For a few moments, the two of you stand there entwined seemingly suspended in time. It feels like you’re levitating. He opens his mouth and slides his tongue into yours, triggering all the butterflies in your stomach to a frenzy. Pulling back, he lays a few more small kisses on your lips before bringing your arms up around his neck and wrapping his arms around your back to pull you into him again. You stand there in silence breathing in unison. As you stroke the hair that grazes the nape of his neck he leans into yours and kisses it softly. Kissing your neck he says, “Do you,” another kiss, “want,” another kiss, “to come up,” another kiss, “with me?” You reply into the night sky as your head rolls back, and his kisses drift further down your neck,  “Absolutely”.  
Your heart pounds as you walk through the hotel doors but you aren’t nervous. Facing the front of the mirrored elevator doors, Jungkook stands behind you. He admires your reflections for a moment and you watch him as he drapes his left arm over the front of you while using his right hand to caress the left side of your face and turn it up to the right to meet his for a kiss. The doors ding open and you walk into the elevator. He pushes a button near the top floor and the doors close. 
You are standing on opposite sides of the elevator and with each floor that passes the tension between you grows. It takes everything you have not to throw yourself on him but you test the waters and ask, “Why are you all the way over there?”. His demeanor shifts and when his gaze meets yours, you see a fire burning in his eyes. He takes the two steps across the elevator, looks over at the buttons, and smashes the Emergency stop. The elevator halts. Facing you, Jungkook raises his hand and places his thumb on your lip, applying some pressure while moving it carefully and with purpose until your mouth is slightly open. He starts to lean in, slowly sliding his thumb and index finger down to the tip of your chin, and lifts your face until your mouths meet in a deep and passionate French kiss. Your face rests gently in the palms of his hands. The way he kisses you feels like he needs you to breathe. “Can I touch you?”, he asks, his voice nearly a whisper but not quite. As he waits for your response, once again you find yourself answering into the sky but this time you’re met with your reflection in the mirrored ceiling of the elevator. You look yourself in the eyes as they roll back into your head and you whisper, “Please”. 
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When the elevator doors open Jungkook slides his fingers out from your now-damp underwear and leads you into an immaculately decorated suite. He flicks on a lamp and then another and you stop at the end of the entryway to take in the space. 
As you admire your surroundings, Jungkook asks if you’d like a glass of wine while he pulls back a heavy curtain to reveal a private terrace with a breathtaking view of the city. You walk over to where he’s standing by the window and look out. The city lights twinkle in a panorama. He asks you again if you’d like some wine but you are too distracted by flashbacks of the elevator ride up when he slid his middle and ring fingers inside of you as he rubbed your clit with the bottom of his palm to notice Jungkook waiting for your response whilst you look out over the city. He clears his throat and you are suddenly very aware of him waiting and see him looking at you out of the corner of your eye. 
You turn toward him and say, “I think I want something stronger,” as you move your hand over the front of his trousers to find what you actually want. You land on the task at hand and you feel him twitch slightly under your palm, as he begins to harden at your touch. Looking up at his face, his eyes are closed and he lets out a soft moan as he exhales. You keep your hand where it is for a bit longer before moving it up toward his waist until your fingers are touching the bottom of his sweater giving it a light tug to signal that it’s time for him to take it off. He crosses his arms over his torso, reaching to where your hands are resting near his waist, and pulls the sweater up and over his head. While his arms are still mid-air, you reach up and start unbuttoning the white collared shirt. You lay a kiss on the skin that is exposed with each undone button. He is breathing heavier now. You only get halfway through unbuttoning his shirt before he takes you by the waist and turns you toward the window. He puts his hand on your back and presses you into it just enough to indicate that he’s the one in control. His hand moves down your back to your hips and guides them into place. His other hand is busy lifting your skirt and resting the fabric on your lower back to expose your ass. “If you want something stronger, that’s what you’ll get”. You hear his zipper coming down and his belt clink as he unbuckles. The glass is cold against your palms and arms. The city continues to glow in front of you as you feel him slide your panties down. 
The anticipation begins to bubble over and every part of your body throbs and screams out for him. You let out a whine when he starts teasing you with his tip, before slowly and gently sliding every inch of him inside of you. You both moan softly and relish the first moment your bodies fully meet each other. Jungkook pulls out nearly leaving you but slides himself deep inside you again. He repeats this a few times and then proceeds to slowly and steadily fuck you from behind. Each thrust is deliberate and forces you to feel all of him as he strokes your g-spot. You can feel the pressure inside of you starting to build and he can too. He gradually quickens his pace remaining consistent with the depth and cadence of his strokes. Your head gets cloudy as your orgasm continues to mount. “Fuck!” you exclaim as Jungkook starts to hammer into you with a rhythm where you cease to see straight anymore. You try to regain your composure but all you can do is plead with him not to stop- never stop. “I won’t,” he barks through gritted teeth. You come so hard that your legs nearly give out and he’s quick to catch you with one arm around your torso to keep you from buckling. He never misses a beat and the waves of your orgasm keep crashing over you. 
When he feels you reach the other side of pleasure, he pulls himself out of your warmth and gently rubs the head of his cock across your ass cheeks as he releases onto them. You feel the warm trickles of his cum roll down as he steps back to admire his work. Still bent over and facing the window you look back at him over your right shoulder and see him standing there with a naughty smile stretched across his face while he pulls up his trousers. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he says. In an effort not to make a mess of your skirt, you unzip it and bring it up over your body and head. You drape it over one of the armchairs and hear the shower turn on in the other room. As you walk toward the sound you remove your top and drop it onto the floor. 
Entering the bathroom you are met with a fully naked Jungkook. The form that you’ve admired through turtlenecks and fitted trousers is now on full display. He has a striking physique and you can tell that he takes time to maintain it. He is lean but still muscular. He’s strong but has made an effort not to overdo it so that it looks almost effortless. You can see all of his tattoos now and you’re surprised by how many there are.  
Steam spills over the top of the walk-in shower and he opens the door and beckons for you to get in. He takes the sponge hanging on the wall and squeezes some soap onto it. The scent of gardenia wafts through the steam as he creates a lather and drags the sponge along the different parts of your body, paying particular attention to your ass making sure to remove whatever is still left of him. He wrings out the sponge and hangs it back on the wall. As the warm water continues to cascade down, you turn to face him and wrap your arms around his waist to pull his body close to yours. You rest your head on his chest and feel him breathe. Still captured in your embrace, Jungkook turns the two of you as a unit so that you are facing him as he slowly sits down on the banquette that is built into the shower. You continue to stand. You place your hands under his chin and tilt his head so that he’s looking straight up into your eyes. You lean down to kiss him. He kisses you back gently and when you move your head to change angles you catch a peek of his face through your partially closed eyes. His brow is furrowed as though he is savoring every second of this kiss. His expression is soft and sincere. It makes you feel like at that moment, you belong to each other. Like you want to take care of him. To protect his heart. To make sure he always feels cherished. You start to lose yourself in your head as you continue to caress him. The emotions rising into your throat border on heartbreaking. You know this is a fleeting moment. Nothing is promised after tonight. 
You pull back from the kiss and start to straighten your stance, while he glides his mouth down your neck and chest until he has one of your breasts in his mouth. You feel his tongue circling your nipple as his hand takes your other breast into it. He rubs his thumb over your other nipple while using his free arm to keep you close to him. Gently, you comb your fingers through the wet hair on the back of his head and hold it as he transfers his mouth to your other breast. You reach down between his legs as he continues to suck on your tits and find that he is hard. 
Jungkook adjusts so that he is sitting on the very edge of the banquette to make it easier for you to straddle him. As you lower yourself down onto him, he pulls you in so close that it’s hard to tell where he starts and you stop. Your arms are wrapped around his neck and your face is pressed against the side of his. Once you feel that he is completely inside of you, you start rocking your hips back and forth slowly. He moans when he feels your core grip around his cock. Breathing in unison, every slight movement becomes more gratifying than the last, transporting you to an alternate realm. Nothing else exists as you allow yourself to surrender to the intimacy of this moment. No one can see you. No one will ever know the energy exchanged here tonight. It belongs solely to the two of you. “Give it all to me, baby,” Jungkook coos in your ear, as though he’s cheering you to the finish. Your ears pop when you come and for a moment you are totally paralyzed as you let out a silent scream and throw your head back while palpable bliss courses between you. As you slowly grind on him you bring your face to his eye level and kiss him while he comes inside of you. Even after he’s finished you stay connected on the banquette while the water continues to run so you can stay in this moment as long as possible.
Dawn starts to shine over the city skyline as you climb into the big hotel bed. Jungkook pulls the heavy curtain across the window and the room descends into nearly pitch darkness. He crawls into bed next to you. You’re both still naked and your skin is warm and clean. The two of you lay in the darkness talking for a while. You talk about how beautiful the burlesque dancers were at the show and about how delicious the food was. Your conversation wanders aimlessly as you curl up into the nook of his neck and he reaches down to pull your leg over him. He holds on to the bottom of your thigh to keep it draped over him. His breathing starts to deepen and you are lulled to sleep by every inhale and exhale. You smell gardenias as you doze off.  
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Series Masterlist
Kind of a sequel to Say No to Me, but can be read as a standalone fic
Fandom: Narcos
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader
Rating: 18+ (warnings: mild choking, name calling, Papi kink, Mami kink, handcuffs, crying, spanking, fingering, mild cuckolding kink. Justification of violence and American imperialism?? Idek you guys)
Word count: 5.8k words
Summary: Shaken to his core by witnessing Colonel Carillo shoot a kid, Javier comes home guilty and questioning the role he plays in the war against drugs.
A/N: Say No to Me did soooo well, so I wrote a little more about about Javi and his wife. Hope people like this too 🥺🥺🥺. Warning: The characters’ views on violence and geopolitics are not my own.
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“I don’t see the difference.”
“What do you mean you don’t see the difference? Those assholes poison this country, poison the US. We’re trying to stop them.”
It was their first argument. Leave it to him to bring work home and argue about it with the pretty professor he’d been dating. His job was always a point of contention for them. She didn’t care that he flaked out on dates, forgot to turn up for dinner with friends and slinked into bed late at night with no explanation as to where he’d been. No. What she worried about was the fact that he was a man with a gun.
The first time he met her outside the restaurant the both of them frequented, he was on a raid where her friend happened to live. He’d opened a door, gun in hand, just like he opened many other doors in Columbia in his quest for men associated with the Medellin cartel. He’d surveyed the rest of the place like he always did. Behind the woman was her. The beautiful woman he’d been buying buñuelos for at the restaurant like he’d buy a drink for a woman at a bar. The woman who’d smiled at him in a silent thanks each time the waitress brought her the buñuelos he ordered for her. The one who reciprocated by sending him coffee.
She never saw him the same again. She stopped meeting his eyes when before, she’d always looked around for him shyly. She stopped eating at the restaurant, opting instead for takeaways he found her eating in her car. He’d confronted her, sweet-talked her and gotten her to take his buñuelos again. Talked her into having coffee with him every morning and took her back to his place to fuck.
They always wondered out loud to each other what life would be like had he not done that.
“I wouldn’t be picking up dirty socks from all over the apartment.”
“And I wouldn’t find hair clogging the drain. But I would also be perpetually single.”
“And that’s a good thing or a bad thing?”
“Bad thing. No wife to come home to. No one to wake me up with a warm wet mouth around my cock.”
“Te amo, Cariño. Eres mi corazón, mi conciencia.”
If he weren’t a married man, he would have driven to the brothel he used to frequent before he decided he would go on a date with her. He’d take the first willing woman he saw and fuck his pain, his frustrations, his failures into her. She’d be nothing but a warm wet thing in which to bury everything for a bit of cash.
Doing that with his wife didn’t take away the pain or the frustration. It produced guilt. Finding hand-shaped bruises and bite marks on her body made her hide her face in his chest to keep her sweet shy smile away from him. But it just made him feel undeserving of her, like he was tainting the one truly good thing in his life with his violence and brutality.
Her black and white perspective on his job changed eventually. Marriage wouldn’t have been possible without it. For the first time, he felt a pang of guilt for deceiving her into marrying him. When it was just coffee and sex, she insisted that he keep his gun and badge away from her sight. They scared her. He felt offended that she wouldn’t accept him whole.
Eventually he stopped hiding work from her. She grew comfortable with his gun on their bedside table along with her pretty night lamp, books, personal diary, jewelry, and framed picture of their wedding at the embassy. She no longer flinched when she wrapped her loving arms around him and found his gun tucked in the back of his jeans.
He changed her, turned her into someone who could casually listen to him vent about the day to day violences of his job. Turned her into a woman who shared a bed with the kind of man who stood by as his colleague put a gun to a kid’s head and pulled the trigger. He wanted to drive off to the closest bar and drink himself to death, but as though on autopilot, he’d already driven himself home. He parked the jeep in the garage, leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.
What should he have done to stop Carillo? Could he have stopped him at all? It wasn’t as though he knew what the man would do… Or maybe he did. He couldn’t plead innocence over Carillo’s actions when he was the one celebrating his return, knowing fully about his cruel tactics. He sensed something was off when Carillo made those kids kneel on the ground, hands on their heads. Some of them still had baby fat in their cheeks. The Colonel knew what he was going to do. It was why he left Steve behind.
Steve was given immunity from these cruelties. While he’d been a bachelor when he first met Carillo, Steve was always the family man with a pretty wife to go home to. And now a baby. Now, he was also a family man with someone awaiting his return. Did Carillo not know that? Did he not see the glimmering gold band around his finger? Or did Carillo see something in him that indicated he was prepared to witness such horror? Something that said he lacked a heart unlike Steve. How did Carillo manage to go home to his wife and kids? How did he hold them in his bloodied hands?
She’d opened the jeep door and he hadn’t heard a thing. He was truly out of it.
He whispered her name as she cupped his cheek, taking all the comforts that her touch afforded. He closed his eyes and swallowed as the guilt set in. The kid’s parents would need comfort tonight, not him. He didn’t deserve this. He should pry her hand off of him, reject her gentle touch. Stop her from tainting herself further.
She leaned close to him and he hummed gratefully for the proximity that allowed him to breathe in the fresh scent of her citrusy soap and her coconut shampoo.
He said her name again, like a prayer, like she was his god and he, a devotee who sought her for salvation. “It’s going to be okay, mi amor. Whatever it is…It’s going to be okay.”
“I need you,” he said as he nuzzled into her neck.
“You have me, Javi. I’m right here, whatever you need. Okay?” She swept her fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp, already taking care of him.
He hopped out of the car with a renewed energy now that he had her permission. “Need you right here, baby,” he muttered hurriedly and curled an arm around her waist, picking her up and placing her on the hood of the jeep. He tugged at the satin tie holding the robe together, untying it to reveal her in her purest form. No underclothes, no jewelry except her rings, just her. He palmed her shoulders and pushed the garment off of her, holding himself back from ripping it off when she took a few seconds too long to free her arms from the sleeves.
He spread her legs apart, mumbling, “Need to see you, querida. Need to see your pretty pussy.”
He placed a hand on her belly and pushed, forcing her to lie back down on the hood. It had to be uncomfortable, but he couldn’t think beyond getting his dick wet. She said whatever he needed, so he was going to take whatever he needed. He was going to take everything he could out of her, leave her spent and unable to offer him anything more.
He pushed her legs wider, spreading her out obscenely for his eyes. Her body held marks of their passion. Her knees were bruised from kneeling at his feet and bringing him pleasure with her lips. Bruises of various colors were scattered all over her, tainting the pure smooth skin she brought into their relationship.
She left her marks too. If he looked in the mirror, he would see the crescent shaped scars she’d left behind, some still healing from spilling blood for her. He would find that her name was etched on every scratch and bite she left behind, claiming him as hers and contrasting between the scars he did not ask for, scars he earned chasing sicarios on rooftops.
Javier was marked by all the successes and failures of this perpetual chase of the bad guy. He’d tripped, fallen, jumped from balconies, been shoved into walls, pistol whipped and grazed by bullets.
She’d asked him for one thing only when he was on one knee in front of her— Give me all of you, Javi. So he did. He came home every evening, touched her with hands covered in the blood of the innocent collateral damage in this war.
He bent over her and pressed his chapped lips on her plush ones as his hand found her breasts. She tasted sweet as she always did. There was something beyond the sweet treats she was so fond of. It was just her, just the sweetness of her heart and the kindness of the words uttered by those lips. Once upon a time, she did not like his taste. Their first kiss had her pull away, face scrunched and the lips that’d rejected him complaining about the taste of cigarettes. He used to keep a pack of gum on him at all times- in his pocket, in the glove compartment, on his bedside table, in the living room just to rid himself of the vile taste of his terrible days so he could drink her sweet moans from her lips.
She no longer complained. She’d gotten used to it, had grown to like it even. They didn’t want to waste time washing away the day’s traces before getting lost in each other. They took each other as they were, accepted the ugly and the gruesome, the sweat and the weariness, the mistakes and the guilt.
He released her from the kiss and nudged her chin up by his nose. She whimpered quietly and returned her hand to his shoulders to push his leather jacket off. He helped her out, shrugging the garment off and letting her hands run over his chest with only the thin gray shirt separating them. He nibbled on her chin, reining himself back so as to not bite too hard. She had to be a few orgasms in to enjoy such roughness. He fondled a breast in his hand, pinching his index and middle fingers together to tug at her nipple.
The vibrations of her moan as he kissed down her throat went straight down to his cock. He marked her all the way in his journey from her neck to her cunt. Kiss, bite, suck, nip. Kiss, bite, suck, nip. Kiss, bite, bite, bite—
Mine, mine, mine.
Fingers found her cunt faster than his lips that were busy marking her as his. He rubbed her with his tainted hand and she raised herself off the hood of his jeep to meet his hand. He pushed her back down and placed a firm hand on her belly, pressing down to send a message.
Stay down. Obey.
She stayed put, taking only what he gave. Slick coated the tip of his finger as he pushed between her pussy lips. “Were you touching yourself before I came home, querida?”
“Yeah,” she managed to voice.
“Couldn’t wait for me?” He asked as he pushed a finger in, roughly and with no mercy. She gasped silently as she squirmed on the metal surface.
“Sorry,” she whined as he found the spot inside her that drove her wild, one that her dainty fingers couldn’t reach. “Papi, ‘m sorr—” she shrieked as he pinched her clit.
“What did I tell you about touching what’s mine?” He asked, getting irrationally angry about her pleasuring herself. Useless. Useless on the job, useless at home. An absent and neglectful husband whose wife had to resort to touching herself.
“That everything that’s yours is mine too.” He could hear the smile in her voice as she recalled the sweet beginnings of their marriage even when spread out in the most vulgar way for him.
“Everything. Except this,” he said, palming her cunt. “Let me just have this. All for myself.”
“So you’ll be a good boy and share everything else? Lend my ass to some other guy, it’ll be f—” she gasped mid-sentence as he grabbed her throat and pulled her up to meet him face-to-face.
“You letting other guys in when I’m not looking, baby?” He asked, applying the slightest pressure around her neck. He knew she would do nothing of that sort. He wouldn’t either. For all his faults as a husband, he was loyal. But they liked pretending sometimes. It played into his insecurities a little, into his fears of being so inadequate for her that she had to look elsewhere. It wasn’t a fear for him sexually. Yet. But it angered him when she asked a colleague to do so much as put up a shelf in their living room. That was his job as her husband.
“Hmm, sorry Papi… He was right there and I really missed you,” she played along as she thumbed his lips.
“Told you you were all mine, baby…” he said, pinching her clit just hard enough to bring her the pain she craved from her. She jumped and wrapped her legs around him, the heels of her feet digging into his back.
“You just told me that just now! How was I supposed to know before this?”
“Put a ring on it, didn’t I?” He said before he took her left hand and thumbed her rings. “I put three on it, in fact. What else is a man supposed to do, hmm? Put a collar on you?”
Her breath hitched, letting him know that she very much liked the image he put in her head. He took it as his cue to continue, “Would you like that? Hmm? I’ll finally make you look like the bitch in heat that you are.” She tightened around his finger and dug her feet into his back harder as though she wanted to pull him closer.
“Hnnngg please!” She whined as she began fucking herself on his middle finger. He added his ring finger, making her fuck herself on the finger that showed the world who he belonged to. Showed the world that he belonged. Showed him he wasn’t a lone man, that there was someone home who gave a fuck. He pressed the pad of his thumb on her clit, circling it gently, barely touching as she used his fingers for his pleasure.
“Javiii!” She cried his name, her voice grabbing at his heart. He belonged. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled her flush against his chest, needing to feel her skin against his.
“Yeah, baby. ‘M here, I’m yours,” he whispered into her neck and sucked on that spot that was bruised from all the times he’d wrapped his lips around it because he knew it made her melt in his arms.
She moaned his name over and over— Javi, Javi, Javiii— and he drank in all of it as he fucked her with his fingers. It grounded him, her moans. Told him she was real, this life they had was real and pushed away the horrors he’d participated in. He was just Javi, her husband Javi who just came home from work and made her scream his name. Not Agent Peña.
“Come for me, Cariño,” he encouraged when he felt her nearing her peak. He continued doing what he was doing, kept up the pace, kissed her neck and squeezed her tits, taking turns between each one when she finally collapsed in his arms, dropping her entire weight on him as she gasped for breaths.
“Want more,” she whined, her voice raspy from screaming his name. She palmed him through his jeans, making him hiss before she moved up to his belt buckle and tugged impatiently. “Want your cock, Papi.”
“Greedy little thing,” he scolded before kissing down her neck. “I just made you come, didn’t I? You’re still shaking but you already want more?”
“Pleeeeease!” She cried, pushing his shirt off his shoulders and letting her hands roam his chest. “I missed you.”
“Missed me? I fucked you silly in the morning before you went to work. Did you forget?”
“Missed you all day. I thought about it the whole time, thought about your cock.” She said, palming him through his jeans. He managed a smirk, trying his best to not let her know how much her touch affected him already.
“Thought you were more professional than that, bebita. Did you rub one out in the restroom thinking of me? Take a break from teaching to touch this wet little cunt for me, Mami?” He asked as he touched her gently, knowing she was still sensitive from how he played her with his fingers.
She shook her head and nuzzled into his neck, her bashful smile catching his attention before she could hide it away from him. “Can’t disappoint my darling wife, now can I?” He teased, quickly unbuckling his belt and undoing the button and zipper of his jeans to free himself. She reached behind him and squeezed his ass before she grabbed his gun and set it aside on the hood.
The cavalierness of her action struck him. The woman who was frightened by the mere sight of his gun was now handling it casually. If he had noticed it any other day, he would’ve been proud. But not anymore… He had changed from the ambitious fool he used to be in Laredo. And he had changed her.
“Hmm yeah, don’t want your wife letting other men in her ass,” she teased as her hands roved over his torso, the pointed tips of her nails making the hairs on his arm stand up. She reached his dick and wrapped her hand around it when he decided enough was enough. He slapped her hand away, pulled her off the hood and turned her around before pushing her back down face-first. It happened so quickly that she didn’t seem to realize what had happened.
Usually, he felt guilty only after taking his frustrations out on her. Now, he felt the guilt had already begun to surround him, thickening the air he breathed until he felt it was choking him.
“Stay right there,” he ordered, holding her down as he reached into his pocket for his handcuffs. He snapped the cold metal around her wrists and leaned over to whisper into her ear, “I’m gonna take you rough, cariño. Can you handle it?” When she nodded, he asked her again, “Will you let me fuck you hard? That’s okay tonight? I need to hear a yes. A clear yes.” The nodding wasn’t enough for him. He didn’t feel right in the head and he needed her to be clear.
“Yes, Javi,” she said, turning a little, her cheek pressed on the hood as she met his eyes. “I want it. I’ll tell you to stop if it gets too much.”
“Okay,” he breathed out as he pulled his leather belt off through the loops of his jeans. As the leather cracked in the air, he noticed her ass clench. He grabbed a handful of her behind and let go before swatting the flesh. Mesmerized by the jiggling of her behind, he let her find reprieve for a few second before he repeated the motion for the other cheek. He reduced the gaps between each slap to her ass, enjoying her screams and cries, unbothered about whether they were waking the entire damn neighborhood.
When he felt she was adequately prepared, he folded his belt in two, holding the metal buckle tight in his hand and wrapping the excess leather around his fist to make sure he didn’t accidentally hit her with it. They liked leaving marks on each other, but none that would be as painful and permanent as the damage metal would cause. He reached between her legs and found her pussy, wet from her cum, making her let out the soft sounds he would lock up in the depths of his mind to look back on whenever he missed her.
“Love the pretty sounds you make for me, bebita,” he praised, pleased with himself as he caught her dazed smile. As much as he liked seeing her in the throes of pleasure, he liked it more when he could bring out her sweet smiles. It made him proud, knowing he could do that to her.
“Think you forgot the belt, Papi…” she said softly, her tone contradicting the depraved thing she was requesting.
“So eager,” he mumbled, his words buried by her scream when his belt made contact with her ass. “Quiet, querida. You don’t want to wake our neighbors. Don’t want them to run over here to check on you now, do we? They might accuse me of being an abusive husband and I will be forced to explain that my little pain-slut of a wife begs for this shit.”
She trembled underneath him, holding her hand up to seek comfort. He took her hand glady, entwining their fingers and giving it a kiss before he dropped it back down. She huffed in disappointment, making him feel just a little guilty for taking her comfort away from her. Promising himself that he would give her all the love and affection she needed after this, he slipped his ring finger inside her. He was met with no resistance and he enjoyed how she took him in, enjoyed how she dripped down his finger and coated the gold band with her deliciousness.
“You would like that, won’t you? My little exhibitionist. I knew you were one when you made me finger you in my jeep before I could take you home for a proper fuck,” he reminded her of their first time together, delighted in himself as she tightened around him. He gave her a few quick pumps before withdrawing abruptly to make her taste himself on his fingers. He tightened his grip around the belt and landed another one, the black leather kissing her skin. His hand effectively muffled her scream, but she bit down on him hard, making him hiss.
He fucked her mouth like he fucked her pussy, aloowing himself to be satisfied with how her tongue swirled around his fingers. Forgetting himself, he pressed himself against her ass, grinding to relieve himself just a little. She pushed back at him and he took a step back, realizing what he’d done.
“Mierda!” He cursed. This was not the right time to rub the rough denim of his jeans on her sensitive behind.
“Lo siento, mi amor…” he apologised, bending down to kiss her temple. “Just… can’t wait to have you.”
“Just a— just few more, Javi baby…then— and you can have me,” she breathed out between pants.
“How many more? How many can you take?”
“Four. Each. No breaks, just go. Alternate it.”
“Sí, Mami,” he nodded, taking her command. He crumbled up the soft tie of her robe and pushed it into her mouth before he stood back and took quick aims, raining her with one hit after another.
Her cries and screams were muffled by the cloth he’d shoved in her mouth, but he was certain she would be heard if someone happened to walk by the garage door. While this was a safe neighborhood thanks to it being embassy staff quarters, late night screams were unfortunately not a rare thing for the city. At other times, it chilled him to the bone and made him want to send an armed bodyguard with his precious girl wherever she went. Now, he contented himself with the fact that nobody would come knocking to check on the poor screaming woman.
He pushed his jeans down to his knees and lined himself up with her tight, wet heat before forcing himself in.
“Feel. So. Fucking. Good.” He grunted, alternating each word with a thrust into her pussy. She gripped him so tight, so good, so fucking good.
“Dios mío, Mami. Tan perfecto,” he spewed praises, grabbing her hair with his fingers and giving her a painful tug to force her to show him one half of her face. She was utterly debauched, freshly washed hair all tangled up in his hand, eyes glazed over with everything he gave her, lips bruised and swollen and cheeks covered in her tears. He was sick in the head, he knew that and God, she knew that too. He was a sick fuck, making her cry for him, getting himself harder in her cunt as he watched her spill more tears from his thrusts.
“Lo siento,” he mumbled, still giving her what brought on the tears in the first place. He knew she wanted it, she’d told him so several times, reassured him as she cradled him in her loving arms. She understood him, sometimes more than he did. She knew the depths of his wretched would and found herself a place in it rather than running away screaming.
But that didn’t make him stop apologizing, “Lo siento, Lo siento, por favor… Mi amor, perdóname, por favor—” his words caught in his throat and he let out a sob around her name. He let his tears fall, bent over her and slipped an arm around her shaking body to pull her close to himself. He buried his cries into her neck as his thrusts slipped out of rhythm.
She spat out the cloth that he’d stuffed her mouth. “Javi? Are you okay, baby?”
He shook his head, unable to hide himself from her any longer. “No te merezco,” he whispered.
“Uncuff me. Wanna— need to touch you,” she begged. He snapped her cuffs open, having left it unlocked for her safety. Her hand was on her immediately, comforting him with her touch.
“Javi…I got you, honey. I got you,” she reassured him, taking his hand in hers and giving him a squeeze. He peeked out a little like a frightened yet curious child and caught the gleaming silvery metal of his pistol on the hood. It simply sat there, too close to his wife, not inspiring the fear it should in her. He’d ruined her so much that she could simply have it in her line of vision when she took him.
“Lo sien—”
“Javi, Javi, it’s okay. Everything’s okay, mi amor… It’s alright.”
“Dime que me quieres,” he begged. He needed to know, needed to hear that she still loved him even though he doubted she would if she knew Agent Peña as much as she knew her husband Javi.
“Te quiero, te amo, Javi. Mi amor, mi corazón, mi—” she whined as he unknowingly hit a spot. All these years knowing her and he somehow didn’t know that this did it for her. He repeated the motion, thrusting in the exact same angle with the same vigor that made her cry so sweetly.
The world turned hazy around him and for just that moment, he was just Javi, just her Javi. He belonged to her and the pleasures she brought him, belonged right in her sweet pussy that made his lips moan her name over and over and— He let out sounds he didn’t recognize to be from his throat as she gripped him like a vice and he struggled with the in and out motions, needing to just bury himself in her for eternity and never leave. As though she’d heard his plea, she granted him the high he’d come home craving, pushing him over the edge yet holding onto him, keeping him safe, keeping him hers.
He stayed put even after he’d spilled inside her, needing the closeness, needing to surround himself in all her goodness whether he deserved it or not.
“Javi…What happened, baby?” She asked, caressing his hand with a tenderness that warmed his heart. “What were you apologizing for? What happened?”
He removed himself from her and turned her around to face him. He kept his eyes on the ground as he retrieved the robe that had fallen to the floor. He draped the fabric around her and she stumbled as she took a step ahead. He pulled his jeans up and zipped up before he surveyed her form. She couldn’t walk without limping. Fuck! He was the piece of fucking shit.
He picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him on his chin and then on his cheek, keeping her eyes on his as he carried her through the corridors. It was thankfully too late for anyone to be wandering outside.
He laid her out on the couch when they got home, opting to sit on the floor at her feet rather than next to her. She let him place his head on her lap and even massaged his scalp with her caring hand. He shut his eyes and let himself get lost in the feeling, needing the comfort despite being undeserving.
“You were right,” he spoke quietly into the night.
“About what, mi amor?” Another time, he was sure she would have laughed and said she always was.
“When you said you didn’t see a difference. Our first fight. You said you didn’t see the difference between them and us. ‘S bad no matter who does it, the violence. Guns.”
“That was a long— why are we talking about this now? Is that what’s got you so worried? Javi, I didn’t know what I know now. It was a very…reductive way of thinking about it. I told you that much later.”
He felt he’d manipulated her somehow, put the perspective of the bright-eyed young Javier who’d come to Columbia to be ‘the good guy’ who put bad guys in jail and saved the world or whatever the fuck he thought he was going to do. He had done good, sure, but the bad… Oh god the bad.
“Carillo is back.”
“Yeah, you told me…”
“Whenever we go on a fucking operation, the guys we’re trying to nab are always a step ahead of us. Escobar’s got informants everywhere. Kids. Some the size of your nieces. Couple teenagers. Bad situation at home, either they don’t have a choice, or they don’t yet understand what the hell they’re doing… I thought we were just going to scare them. We rounded them up, Carillo was doing the talking. This kid got too mouthy, you know that kind of teenager with the ‘fuck the police’ attitude and enough blind courage fuelled by his newfound independence… It just felt off, baby. I should’ve done something, but— This is how it’s going to go from now on and everyone will turn a blind eye because we’re just that desperate.”
“Javi… Tell me what happened.”
“He shot him,” he managed to say. “Carillo shot the kid. To make a fucking point.”
Her hand stilled in his hair and her eyes widened. “I want to think there’s a difference, but it’s getting harder and harder everyday to see it. Escobar’s using these kids to save his own ass and we’re killing them to send him a fuckin’ message.”
“You didn’t pull the trigger.”
It was a statement, but he replied as though it was a question. “I didn’t pull the trigger.” He was a piece of shit, but he needed her to know that he hadn’t gotten that bad.
“You can’t carry others’ sins on your back, Javi.”
“I was there when—”
“So were the others. And Carillo pulled the trigger. You think he’s at home apologizing to his wife?”
Yeah but you didn’t marry Carillo.
He shook his head and she took his face in her hand, cradling his cheek like he was something precious. “You do what you can, Javi. Your hands are as clean as can be for a DEA Agent. You can’t bear other men’s sins. And you can’t change how entire governments operate.”
“You wouldn’t have said that before.”
“Yeah. I wouldn’t have. Back then, I didn’t have to stay up all night waiting to hear my husband’s car arrive so that I could run to him and see for myself if he’d come home to me in one piece. I was on the outside before but now I’m in the heart of it, with you. I know you try to shield me from the worst of it. I see how you and Steve whisper about work instead of talking out loud. But I’m not naïve. I know you’re in danger most days and there are some things that you just have to do.”
“I have blood on my hands. I’m not the same man you married. And you’re not the same, I changed you. I made you believe in something I don’t believe in anymore, pulled you into my mess and—”
“It’s okay,” she declared with a quiet smile. “As long as it’s not your heart. As long as you’re not bleeding out on the streets. If you need to get blood on your hands to keep yourself alive out there, I won’t stand in your way. I don’t want you thinking about whether I would approve of the morals of what you did. I don’t care if I change. Change me, get the blood on your hands on mine and I’ll clean you up before I have to send you back out there. I don’t care who has to bleed for you to see another day. I’ll always take the man you are when you come home, no matter how much you have changed. I know in my heart that you’ll never do what Carillo did. I know who I married and it’s not a Carillo.”
She pushed his errant curls out of his face, bent down and placed a kiss on his forehead. “You are the same man I married. You have heart. And you want to do the right thing. Unfortunately,” she said, taking a deep breath. “There are just some things you can’t control and you just have to let go of it to face the next day. You can’t do that with others’ sins on your shoulders. You know you have enough of your own to lug around.”
She allowed him her comforts, her words and her touch and the warmth of her lap as he put his head down. He wasn’t wholly convinced by her words, but closed his eyes knowing she would be there when he came home. She would have him, broken down and full of guilt. He would come home to her for the rest of time and find salvation in her arms and that would be enough.
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songofsoma · 1 year
kinktober day 1: face-sitting
pairing: karlach x f!tav words: 1,374 rating: explicit
read it on ao3
Sleep eluded her tonight, that was for sure. 
Daefina had stared up at the stars for countless hours, hoping their peaceful glow would lull her to sleep. That plan had yet to be wholly successful. Instead, it had left her alone with her thoughts. In particular, thoughts about a certain woman lying next to her. 
Rolling over, she snuggled into Karlach’s side. She was so warm against the chill of the night air filtering through their flimsy tent. Daefina craved her in every aspect. She craved her closeness, to breathe in the faint smell of sulfur and amber that clung to her skin and feel the roughness of her scars as fingertips danced over battered skin. 
Even now, she found herself doing it. The arm draped over her chest trailing the gnarled lines of her shoulder, marking where she had been burnt. The ruggedness of her exterior was a dichotomy of her heart—so loving and tender—that watching Karlach finally live her life as herself only made Daefina fall harder for her every day. 
Daefina turned her face to kiss the unmarred shoulder. She hadn’t planned for her actions to wake Karlach, but slowly she stirred. 
First, she mumbled something entirely incoherent. And after a large yawn, Karlach groaned, “Is it morning already?”
She shook her head, then realized Karlach still hadn’t opened her eyes. “No. I didn’t mean to wake you, I’m sorry. Go back to sleep.”
“Hm,” she hummed, eyes fluttering open. “Why are you awake then?”
Daefina propped herself up on an elbow to look down at her. “Can’t sleep.”
“Do I need to tire you out?” It only sounded half like a joke. But the way Karlach’s eyes suddenly focused very seriously on her face made her realize the wheels in her brain were already spinning.
“Depends what you have in mind, Sparky,” she teased.
Karlach grinned, teeth glinting in the dark of their tent. “Come ‘ere then,” she prompted, beckoning her closer with a crooked finger. 
Daefina bent down, though it was Karlach who eagerly surged to catch her lips. Large hands cupped her face to draw her in closer. Her tongue swiped against Daefina’s bottom lip, begging to be granted access. Who was she to deny her? 
She was practically lying on top of Karlach in order to kiss her properly. Not that she seemed to mind. In fact, it was further encouraged when Daefina felt an arm slip beneath her and was guided to straddle her. 
Her hair that had long since fallen out of her braids hung around them like a curtain. It was as if they existed in their own little world within the canvas of the tent. Nothing could touch them except each other. 
Karlach’s hands slid up her thighs and beneath the loose tunic she wore to bed. Daefina shivered, even though her touch was like sitting in front of a roaring heart, both in temperature and pleasure. Fingertips played with the hem of her underwear at her hips. 
“Take these off,” she murmured against Daefina’s lips, still refusing to fully break their kiss until the last second. Mournfully, she had to pull away to execute Karlach’s command. 
With a bit of help from Karlach and awkward maneuvering, her panties were tossed to the side.
“Changed my mind. This off too.” She tugged on the nightshirt. 
Swiftly, Daefina stripped it off. Much easier than her bottoms in this position. 
As she perched on Karlach’s hips, straddling her, she couldn’t help but smile under the weight of Karlach’s gaze. Fiery eyes drank in every detail of her as if she were witnessing the sight of Daefina’s body for the first time all over again. It was like this most times. Karlach adored her too much to let any memory go to waste, those were her words. 
Finally, hands squeezed her hips and tugged her forward, much to Daefina’s surprise. 
“You want me to—?”
Her question was cut off by Karlach’s vigorous nodding. All prior evidence that she had been fast asleep moments ago seemed like hours in the past. “Sit on my face? Fuck yeah, I do.”
With a soft laugh, Daefina allowed herself to be guided until her hips hovered over Karlach’s face. She heard her breathe in deeply, unable to stop the blush that flooded her cheeks as Karlach moaned just at the scent of her arousal. 
“No wonder you weren’t able to sleep. Way too worked up.” Thumbs spread open her cunt as she admired just how wet Daefina already was. “Fuck, baby.”
She had no time to form a response before Karlach lifted her head, tongue running up the length of her sex. It elicited a gasp from her. There was not a chance to ground herself on her own, either. Before she knew it, Karlach was pulling her down to fully be flush against her face as her tongue eagerly continued its path.
Daefina couldn’t staunch her cry when her attention focused on her clit. Karlach circled and flicked it with the tip of her tongue until she squirmed. But the iron grip Karlach’s arms had wrapped around her thighs allowed her to go nowhere. She couldn’t slink away from this pleasure, not even when Karlach sucked the swollen bud greedily. 
As she teetered forward, she found herself grasping Karlach’s intact horn for support. It was rough against her palm and the engraved runes pressed into her skin, most likely forming indentations. She didn’t care and instead grasped it for dear life.
In turn, it made Karlach moan as Daefina inadvertently began to guide her movements. Daefina was lost in a blur of pleasure as hips ground against Karlach’s face. 
She took it in stride and adjusted Daefina’s hips so she speared herself on Karlach’s awaiting tongue. 
“Gods, Karlach,” she mewled, blissfully allowing herself to be led to fuck herself with Karlach’s tongue. It was nice having a big, strong girlfriend. It was easy for her to take control when Daefina turned mindless, too wrapped up in her ecstasy to think clearly. And Karlach loved it. 
She loved fucking Daefina so well that she couldn’t think. She loved it when she had to take over, assisting in every move of her hips to allow that satisfaction to continue. But, she also loved what Daefina did when her body just took over. Like now as she ground herself against Karlach, tongue still buried deep inside her. Every roll made Karlach’s nose bump against her clit, intensifying the feeling.
Daefina used her grip on her horn to press herself harder into her, moaning and gasping into the silent night as she clawed her way to the peak. And when her rhythm stuttered, Karlach anchored her in place and lapped at her clit like it was her last meal. 
It was more than enough to send her crashing into a climax.
She trembled and panted as the orgasm electrified every fiber of her being. And as she hunched forward, struggling to recover, Karlach continued to milk out every last bit of pleasure there could be had.
Daefina struggled to even out her breath, slowly coming to her senses again. She had enough to realize she was probably suffocating Karlach and scrambled backward to sit on her chest. Her lover seemed to be in a daze judging by the smile so big it threatened to crack her cheeks and a look of pure adoration in her eyes.
“That was fucking awesome,” she said dreamily. The bottom half of her face glistened and she seemed to be in no rush to clean herself up.
“I don’t know who enjoyed that more. Me or you,” Daefina mused, grabbing her discarded shirt to wipe Karlach’s face. 
“Oh, definitely me. Successfully fulfilled a fantasy I had no idea I had until now.” Her hands fell back onto Daefina’s thighs, not protesting as she was cleaned up. 
She snorted as she slid back down Karlach’s body to straddle her hips once more. “Glad I could help. Though, I’m not sure I can sleep after this.”
Karlach batted her hand away and caught the back of her head, pulling her down into a crushing kiss. “There’s no way I’m letting either of us get any sleep now. That’s a promise.”
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munson-blurbs · 2 months
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@corrodedcoffinfest Day 21: Hate This Town
Word Count: 638/Rating: G/Pairing: None/CW: allusion to poverty, school anxiety, 10-year-old Eddie Munson (Bug's writing about Eddie and Wayne? Shocking)/Tags: Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson, music, guitar
Divider credit to @silkholland
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May 1976
Wayne could barely keep his eyes open when he arrived home at seven A.M. The night shifts were kicking his ass; not to mention, the hour-long drive each way has his lower back in knots. 
Still, he had one more task left to complete before he could crawl into bed and rest. 
He poked his head into his nephew’s room. Posters of Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin hung on the walls, flanked by Eddie’s own sketches of various fantasy characters. 
“Ed? Time to get up for school.”
The lump under the blanket didn’t move. 
“Eddie.” Wayne tried again. “C’mon. You gotta get up or you’ll be late.”
“I’m not going!” A muffled voice called back. 
Wayne sighed and scratched his bald scalp. “What, you got a test today or somethin’? Book report?”
“Pop quiz?”
At this, Eddie pulled the blanket just under his chin, revealing his still-sleepy face. “If I knew ahead of time, it wouldn’t be a pop quiz.”
Wayne’s tired eyes sparkled. “Gotcha to wake up, though.” His hand gripped the sheet to keep the boy from burrowing underneath it again. “Now, tell me: why don’t you wanna go to school?”
There was no response for a few moments. Wayne nearly began dozing off until Eddie finally spoke. 
“I don’t like it there,” he said softly. “Everyone is really mean and no one wants to be my friend.”
The older man’s heart lurched at his nephew’s words, but he forced a small smile. “It’s tough being the new kid, huh?” He ruffled Eddie’s curly hair. “Y’just gotta find people who like what you like. Similar interests. Like music.” The racket Eddie blasted from the radio certainly wasn’t Wayne’s cup of tea, but he imagined that someone at Hawkins Elementary enjoyed it.
Eddie shook his head. “I’m too scared,” he admitted. “‘Cause I told one kid, and he called me a freak.”
Wayne frowned despite his best efforts to feign positivity. “Look, you can stay home today. But only today. You’re going back to school tomorrow.” He patted the bed twice as if saying ‘case closed,’ though he knew the conversation was far from over.
“Hey, wake up.” Wayne didn’t have a day off from work until Saturday. He and Eddie both preferred sleeping in on the weekend, but the older Munson had been up with the sun that morning. He chuckled as Eddie groaned and stirred. “C’mon, I have a surprise for you. Two, actually.”
Eddie’s bleary eyes flew open at that, and he shoved aside the covers to follow his uncle into the living area. 
“No way…” His words were whispered, barely audible above the refrigerator humming. 
Leaning on the old sofa was an acoustic guitar. 
Wayne put his hand on Eddie’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Bought ‘er from the pawn shop this morning.”
“But I don’t know how to play.”
“That’s why I went down to Music World and signed you up for lessons.” Wayne glanced down at Eddie. “It’s in a group, so you’ll get to meet people, too.”
Eddie said nothing; his gaze remained transfixed on the instrument in front of him. He brushed his fingers along the strings gently, as though he was afraid he’d break them. 
“It’s a guitar, not your sweetheart,” Wayne joked. 
The boy nodded, but his touch was still tender as he slipped the strap over his head. “When do I learn how to play?”
“First lesson is this afternoon, if you’re up for it.”
“Okay!” Eddie lifted the guitar back over his head, careful not to let it graze the floor. He looked around before turning back to his uncle. “Hold my sweetheart while I get ready?”
Wayne laughed, inhaling relief and exhaling worry. “You got it, kid.”
Maybe his nephew would find his place in this town after all.  
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