#<- lying BADLY too literally the least believable lie ive heard.
sheila--e · 3 months
There's a surprising amount of fanfics where illuso, through some sort of time bending magic or necromancy reasons, gets brought back to life and Giorno's like "yeah lemme pardon him. even tho he tried to kill us and he sucks." just so Sheila has a reason to not feel like he's super righteous and good and confronts him or wtv. Like first of all if illuso came back, Giorno wouldn't fucking pardon him he'd send him over to Sheila so she can actually kill him this time. This man tried to murder them, they considered people traitors for less 😭😭 also if u want a reason for Sheila to feel "let down" and angry at Giorno there's like, a thousand reasons u do not need to make up an ooc scenario for it I promise you....
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