#<- its silly :3 bc i can add some symbolism in characters w/ it
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steven-reblogs · 4 months ago
“Of course! I’m sure he’d love to know what you think about it!”
[his wings went BRRRR habby steven.]
“Not with that attitude! Hire people. Use them as bait.”
[woe! He is technically helping Chip atm but. Fuck it let him help his kids. Anywho! Hi key! Take a Steven!!]
[Aaanyways, Steven probably jumpscared it, so uh, they probably dropped the bloody crowbar]
“UH- H. HI??”
“…please don’t yell at me-“
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rbtomeat · 5 months ago
probably the biggest thing is having a good, easy set of tags on this site honestly 😭 id keep them probably as simple as you can as youre starting out, just to make things easy and to decrease the likelihood of tumblr breaking them later on ( if you were to include things like fancy text or symbols, etc )
typically, people use the following Terms for their tags :
visage, mirror, vanity, face, etc : to use for visual representations & faceclaims of the character! style, closet, fashion, etc : if you'd like to post about what they'd wear! aesthetics : general photos / gifsets / etc that you feel fits sonnys vibes!! :D musings / study : for all the fun, angsty, silly, loving types of posts that you think fit his personality! his behaviors! all that fun stuff! anything you feel falls under your vision for his portrayal <3 answered / thread : for any in-character writing / replies between you & a writing partner! typically from things sent in thru the inbox for answered, and then back-and-forth writing for threads. drabble / headcanon : a post where you just go in and YAP about them! can be about anything, however long or short dont matter! its just all those sweet lil tidbits about sonny you wanna share with everyone! :D ooc : a tag for yourself when you're posting something out of character or replying to something ooc! like how mine is [ renee - the yappening. ] !! queue : dont need a tag for this right away but, you could down the line set up a queue system to auto-post things for you when youre away from the screen!
and there several others that can eventually be added down the line, such as relation tags for writing partners' muses once dynamics get really developed! ^_^
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i'd very heavily suggest keeping the tag format you choose to go with simple & easy to remember & type out! at least until you're more used to the tag system on tumby and are ready for them to potentially break if they get too complicated!
so! you can keep them strictly to just those terms directly - though that means ofc your posts would pop up in those tags across tumblr overall i fear.
so you could try simply layouts like:
( aes. ) / sonny w. | sonny w. / aes. | * ( aesthetics. )
things like that, just as some examples! and interchange the terms as you make them ( ie switching out aesthetic with musings, then with visage, etcetc! ).
i would refrain, personally, from writing out his full name in the tags ONLY because that could make your posts more visible to general fandom searches. i have alot of ( unfortunate ) experience on that end when i talk about luda mae & thomas hewitt. so, i would try to keep them basic and easy for you to remember & type out in the just case tumblr hiccups at all and messes them up if you were to add anything fancy to them! (:
but you can still mess around layout-wise for your tags if you wanna try making them a little more creative! ^_^ just if you DO use fancy text, i'd advice keeping the rp terms as normal text if anything bc tumblr tags dont recognize fancy text as actual text and it wont properly save them!
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once you ave an idea of how you wanna format your tags, its time to make a post to list them all in & publish so tumby will save them!
so you can set up your tags within a new post itself like the below, that way you just have to copy/paste them into the tag bubbles on the bottom! (: using the below format as an example.
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and then just one by one copy-paste into the bubble, press Enter,
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and after Enter, the bubbles will look like the below when youre good to paste the next one!
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till you've got them all separate and in each bubble like below! tumblr will Only Save up to 20 i believe in a single post! so any tags above 20 would have to go into a new tag dump post! (:
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once theyre all set, checked over for any mistakes/etc ( highly recommend jic theres any bc you Can Not fix or edit them once theyre published! ), you would click Post ( blue button on bottom left ofc ) and your tag dump will look like the below when published! :D
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and from there when you want to tag a new post / reblog with a specific tag, once the tags are saved as the post is published ( may take a bit of time to register & need a page Refresh too most likely! ) then once you start typing it into the tag bubble on new posts or reblogs, it'll pop up as the first suggested tag like the Aesthetics one in the second cap below does! (:
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pennyfynotes · 7 years ago
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8.2.18 // 4:30pm // school subjects and AP exams oh my
so i recently (ok not so recently i’m sorry super busy rn) got an ask from an anon about subject specific tips and ap exams. this is the masterpost i told you to look out for ;). there are no ap exams in college, but some of the stuff is still applicable. i did my best to be as comprehensive as possible and dump everything in one place. hope this is helpful! xoxo, m ps. guess where the actual tips are?    if you said “under the cut” then you’re right bc i’m predicable af
tips by subject:
languages (i took spanish): 1. flashcards are your friend. i don’t care if they’re digital (would recommend quizlet or studyblue) or paper, but they help immensely with either vocab or things like remembering literature.
2. charts are also your friend. conjugations giving you a hard time? write out a chart of the different tenses and the conjugations for each subject. put down some of the irregulars too.
3. acronyms/pnemonics are also also your friend. a lot of these already exist, you just have to go find them. i’m pretty sure i still remember what “wedding” stands for for the spanish subjunctive.
4. it’s ok to start over. it’s easy to start a sentence based on what you’d say in english. you’re doing fine until *bam* you hit that word/phrase you really need but you have no clue how to say it. whether it’s an oral or written exam, take a few seconds to think about it and, if you can’t figure it out, just back track. restart the sentence and rework it. better to do that than to lose all your time thinking of one word you may or may not know.
5. skirt around things. if you can’t remember how to say fridge but you really need to say it for something, just say “machine that keeps food cold” or something. it might sound silly,  but it gets the point across and removes the road block.
6. make a list. no, not a to do list. if there’s phrases you find yourself reaching for all the time, but you can never remember, make a list of them and their translations. it might be because its a phrase/part of a sentence structure you use a lot in your native language or whatever. make that list and drill just those few phrases into your head. it’s helpful
english/language arts: 1. proofread. i guarantee you’ll find a mistake, a sentence that makes no sense, or one that just sounds cringy. thank me later.
2. have a damn thesis. its ok if you just need to write and spit words/ideas out for a while to figure it out. but figure it out.
3. conclusion ~= introduction. for those of you who didn’t get the tilde, it means not. yes, they both tie your points to your thesis but they are not to same. do not just reword the same information in the conclusion. push your ideas just a little further. i usually like the push them a little bit outside the realm of what i talked about in my paper. for example, if i focused on the first 5 chapters of the book in the rest of my paper, i’ll expand the ideas to the rest of the book. or if i’m talking about female characters and focus on just one or two, i’ll use the conclusion to potentially connect it to another.
4. have favorites. pick a few fav transitions, sentence structures, and fancy vocab words. basically build a toolbox. this way you won’t have to think as hard when you want to “spice up” your work.
5. summaries only go so far. once you get to higher level english classes, there will be a lot of analysis of specific imagery, or wording, or dialogue. reading cliff notes is only going to give you the plot and none of this. if you don’t have time to read and you’ve been assigned a pretty standard english novel/play/whatever, take the time to look up some famous quotes or symbols. they’ll probably come up in discussion and this will help you look less unprepared.
6. have on question/comment ready. if your teacher/prof is into discussions and grades on participation, it’s handy to write down one (or a few) things. it’s easy to forget what you were going to say while you follow the discussion and it sucks to get docked points for not saying anything. even if it’s just a thoughtful question, jot it down.
history: 1. lol prob my weakest subject, just go see the apush (ap us history) section bc i don’t have much more for you than that.
science: 1. back to basics. i say it all the time, i’ll say it again. really understand basic concepts. they will come back. i’m serious.
2. pattern recognition. science problems are often times about recognizing patterns. once you identify the type of problem it is, even if you’ve never seen the exact one/something similar before, solving it becomes way easier.
3. make a recipe book. tied to the last one, but once you recognize a type of problem, you need steps to solve it. go through any practice problems you’re given to determine all the “types” of problems. once you’ve categorized them, make yourself a step-by-step guide on how to solve.
4. flashcards. you’ll have to know polyatomic ions or random biology facts. see languages tip #1 for more.
5. note your errors in lab. if you do something wrong, don’t just try to brush it under the table and forget about it. not that it’s a big deal, because its not, so don’t freak out. they’re just great opportunities to note sources of error. i mean obviously dont write in your lab report that you weren’t paying attention and mixed the wrong chemicals, but something like “we may not have waited sufficient time for the product to dry” can explain why you got 800% yield.
6. have a toolkit. kinda like a recipe book, but just a collection of straight facts that come up often. knowing common molecular weights and chemical properties (is ammonia acidic or basic?) will make things go faster. like i said earlier, polyatomic ions are also great.
7. brush up on some simple arithmetic. similar to the tool kit, this will just make things go faster. being able to quickly add things and calculate easy percentages (ex: 30%) will make things like hw and exams go faster. i’m of the opinion it’s always good to know how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide w/o a calculator (on paper, not all in your head)
bonus: math #5 and #7
math: 1. see science #1
2. see science #2
3. see science #3
4. see science #4. see a pattern here? you might wonder why you need to flashcard math, but it’s good for learning equations or the names of certain techniques. if the prof asks you to solve something using X technique and you don’t know what that is, that’s gonna pose a problem. also good for the unit circle (don’t get me started)
5. figure out your speed. this is applicable to most everything, but i find it most relevant for math. is it better for you to speed through the whole exam and then do it all again/check it over 2x? or for you to take it slow so you know you got everything right the first time? personally i use the first approach, but i’m a fast taker and prefer to have time to process between repeating problems instead of staring at it forever once and never looking again.
6. science #7. a lot of teachers will expect you to be able to do this.
7. go over the material a couple times. also applicable to everything. i find it’s easier to remember things when i know that concepts are connected. you might have learned X 3 weeks before Y, but if you go back over, you might realize they’re closely related. this will help you if you’re not sure on a test because you can reason through things using the connections you’ve drawn
tips by ap course (obv look at the subject above bc i will be giving *really specific stuff* here that i’ve gathered from experience. they’re also ordered by when i took them, sorry it’s not super logical but i didn’t want to forget one)
general ap course/exam tips: 1. practice exams. you need to be familiar with what will/will not show up. you don’t always need to simulate and real testing situation, but i’d recommend doing at least 1-2 that way. also *know how many questions they’re are you so can pace yourself!!!!*
2. college board is pretty good about giving topic breakdowns. use those. go through and figure out what topics you’re solid on and which need more work. the above tip is to help decipher what the topics actually mean bc it can be confusing.
3. give the free response a quick flip through. do the ones you’re confident on first.
4. make sure you know the policies/what you can bring. don’t want to forget something. also once our test administrator tried to stop us 10 minutes early, but we were on top of our shit and all gave her a death glare bc we knew when we were supposed to finish.
ap chemistry: 1. polyatomic ions and molecular weights. know them
2. chapter/section reviews (in addition to class notes) and how-to guides. my teacher made us make them and let’s just say your girl did *really* well (and i’m damn proud of that one)
3. do a quick skim of the free response. applicable to most exams but, the year i took it, they’d just remade and re-curved the exam and put *way* too many free response. like no one finished them. if that’s still the case, make sure you do the one’s you’re confident on. also, i did not get to like 3 questions and still got a 5. they may have fixed this idk. (sorry this is redundant but i wanted to give this ap chem exam specific info)
ap environmental science: 1. there is a lot of damn information here. i would use chapter outlines and pick out key terms, policies, and events etc. treat this like a history class.
2. for the exam, use common sense. most of the time, the most environmentally friendly answer is the right one. if you just have a general gist of the course and its topics, but don’t know a lot of details, go with your intuition and you should be fine. i didn’t have a lot of time to study for this one and this method worked for me.
ap calc bc: 1. memorize standard derivatives. power rule, sin and cos, chain rule. that’s important.
2. similarly, memorize standard integrals.
3. don’t forget +c for indefinite integrals. just don’t.
4. similarly, if it’s definite, don’t forget to evaluate at the end! super easy thing to do, but also super easy way to lose points if you forget.
5. if the integral looks complicated, that probably means there’s a “trick” involved. u substitution, integration by parts, trig substitution. something like that.
6. memorize some standard series’, operations, and types (arithmetic, geometric etc)
7. if you’re looking at a word problem, understand what is dependent on your variable and what isn’t (in other words, what’s a constant). for example, if it says the water flows into the barrel at 50 mL/s and flows out at 1/5 times the volume, that translate to F = 50 - (1/5)V. don’t make things more complicated by trying to write everything in terms of V (in this example). also, your equation might just be a constant term or just a variable term doesn’t have to be both.
8. know what your derivative is with respect to/what it really means. aka if your problem is talking about flow and volume, how are they related to each other? flow is the change in volume *with respect to time*. so if i differentiate volume with respect to time, i get flow. if i integrate flow with respect to time, i get volume. this also helps you make sense of word problems.
*disclaimer*: it is been 5 years since i took this class and i have taken quite a few math classes after. i apologize if i introduce anything that is a little irrelevant.
ap spanish language: 1. flashcard. like seriously. there’s gonna be vocab involved.
2. understand what’s asked. for the persuasive email. *be persuasive*
3. toolkit. i mentioned this before but this was probably the most useful for this class. our teacher gave us a bunch of fancier words to use instead of causar (to cause) because that was a word we’d need a lot. the one that still sticks with me 4 years later is fomentar. have a few alternatives for these kinds of super common words, a good greeting and closing for your email, and a set of good transitions. *make sure you know how to use them properly*
4. write stuff down during listening. you can either answer questions during the first listen, then take notes the second to catch stuff you missed or vice versa.
5. it’s ok to backtrack in the speaking. don’t let yourself get stuck and just not say anything. it’ll freak you out for the rest of the exam and will rob you from showing off what you know. also take notes of things you want to mention based off cultural knowledge of the situation related to the dialogue.
6. don’t zone out. with everything going on and all the stress, it’s easy to zone out (esp during the conversation). don’t do it or you’ll have a hard time responding and freak yourself out (again)
7. don’t lose your place in the convo! they give you a sheet that shows you how many times the other “person” will talk. i lost track and said goodbye one segment early. it was bad ok. all these conversation tips are from personal experience.
ap statistics: 1. know the different kinds of tests inside and out. know the differences and the conditions. if you’ve got that, you’re like 75% the way there.
2. be familiar with sample vs population. it’s a bit confusing, but take the time to understand.
3. ok sorry i really don’t remember anything else. this exam really isn’t that difficult (in my opinion), you’ll be ok.
ap physics c: 1. free body diagrams. understand how to draw them *and draw them*. they will carry you through mechanics. draw gravitational force, normal if there’s a surface, and then any other given forces.
2. basic equations. you get an equation sheet, but knowing the equations means you know the concepts and the relations between them. big ones are f=ma and the equations relating position (x), velocity (v), and acceleration (a). also friction f=uN.
3. *normal isn’t always the opposite direction of gravity!!!!* gravity is straight down. normal is perpendicular to the surface.
4. vector components. please don’t just add vectors. break them down into components and then add or you are so fucked.
5. get familiar with triangles. this will help with the whole component thing.
6. kirchoffs rules are so helpful. know them.
7. understand the relations between voltage/potential and current in terms of the properties of circuit elements. that means the equations for resistors, capacitors, and inductors.
8. know how to add in parallel and series. it’s important. also! if the circuit is drawn “weird” a good way to know series vs parallel is that parallel elements share two nodes and that series circuits only share 1.
9. sorry i kinda blocked out E+M bc i didn’t know what i was doing (or so i thought). i still got a 4 tho so that curve is generous.
ap us history: 1. chapter outlines. pretty self explanatory.
2. make a timeline. put important events, sentiments, policies, and presidents. if you can associate these things together into time periods it will be easier. most of the time, any one question (esp long response or whatever they’re called) will only focus on 1 time period.
3. sentiments are important. if you know nothing else, know these bc they will help guide you through questions by reasoning even if you know nothing else.
4. gilder lehrman (or similar us history summaries). these are tailor specifically to apush bc they are organized by period (i think that’s what they were called?). i actually fell asleep listening to these bc i didn’t have time to study. they were mildly helpful, but every little bit helps right?
ap psychology: 1. chapter outlines/flashcards. this course is based heavily on key terms and less so on larger concepts.
2. ok sorry i took this online i remember literally nothing except how annoying my teacher was and that the exam was easy. if you know terminology i think you should do fine.
ap biology: 1. there is a lot. go through all the topics and make sure you’re solid. start with the big picture, then think about narrowing down.
2. know how charts work. things like pedigrees, punnet squares, and evolution trees (that’s def not the right term). some of the exam will just be interpretation of this.
3. i am so sorry i remember nothing else.
ap spanish literature: 1. flashcards. title, author, time period, short summary, key elements (a line, character, symbol). this is *so helpful*
2. think about the works in relation to each other. you might be asked to compare them. even if they ask you to compare something on the reading list with something new, you’ll be familiar with the points you might talk about.
3. know the lit terms. more flashcards. associate them with a particular work if you can/need to.
4. don’t freak on the listening. a lot of the recordings are old and shitty quality. take a deep breath and try your best. know that the rest of the test takers (excepting maybe natives) are experiencing the same thing.
5. use that tool box. see general spanish and ap spanish lang.
this is so freaking long and i think the moral of the story is that i blocked out my senior year ap exams. i hope this was helpful and, if you have more questions, or want more stuff like this, let me know!
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