#<- ik its just merch but just in case
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yoonnzii · 6 months ago
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oh-gh0st · 2 years ago
for ppl who use clip studio. did you know there's a remove jpeg crust feature
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littledeadpotato · 2 months ago
Blue period 11
I didn't think I'd be reviewing manga, and I probably won't, but this one I have to do.
(If the art doesn't have credits underneath, its by the author; Tsubasa Yamaguchi)
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In case you don't know, Blue period (1) is a manga by Tsubasa Yamaguchi about Yatora Yaguchi, a highschool student, who gets inspired and finds passion for art. He wants to get into one of the best art schools in Japan, since it's one of the few school (if not the only one) that's not private.
In volume 11 tho, We're at a part where Yaguchi is in uni but needs money, so he gets a job at a community art class with kids.
(I rate comics/graphic novels/manga a bit differently. Enjoyability > actual quality. Shitty way to rate ik but who cares🤷‍♀️)
Rating: 5/5⭐
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(For the God of me i cannot find who made this art, but there's a chance it's Official since I can't find any post that's not reposted and its also used for fake merch. If you know who the artist is, please let me know so I can Credit them)
Spoilers ahead!!!
What makes this volume so special? Well it's not in a school setting. The whole art uni thing is very stressful to both the reader and the characters. Since it's spring(?) break, Yaguchi doesn't have to do any art. But this is still a manga about art. But this one focuses more on one's relationship with their art and others' art. And any artist has experience with that. Alot of people hate their art, and honestly I do too.
Since I like parting things, the book has 2 parts, each is focused on one kid in the art class.
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Shoya is bored in the class. He has trouble finishing his assignments, he's mean towards his classmates (and Yaguchi) and violent. Yaguchi tries his best to make Shoya interested but it just doesn't work. One day Shoya's mother comes to pick Shoya up from the class, when she sees Shoya's painting, she says:
,,What's so great about this painting? It doesn't look like he did that good of a job to me..."
Which is, you know, Something to say to a 5 year old. Shoya is understandibly not happy about that. But one day, Yaguchi finds him playing some games while walking home. And Yaguchi finds out Shoya is really good at drawing mechs. He talks to the teacher, and Shoya can draw whatever he wants to in class! Yayyy. He also makes this football game for their exhibition. Shoya's thing is that he doesn't enjoy art because he knows what he likes. No one enjoys drawing everything.
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Sae has alot of passion for art. But she has alot of other classes. Even though Sae has barely any time to play with her friends, she still paints at home. And I mean this girl loooves painting. Well until her dad points at another painting (which as far as i know, wasn't even made by a child) and says:
,,Oh, that kid's painting is really good! How about trying to do something like that?"
We're back to this point, where the kids' confidence and how they think about themselves and their art is very much connected to how other people see it.
She starts comparing herself to the other kids. Hashida (who also works there now lol) also notices her painting has changed. When he says he likes her painting, she says:
,,Thank you, Hashida-sensei! But it's not good at all. Im worse than Shikahara-san. Ahhh. Why am I so bad...? I want to get better. I've been practicing so much, too..."
AND I HAVE NEVER RELATED TO A 5 YEAR OLD MORE. Like this young girl is already at this part of making art. Me and my art teacher actually talked about this, and she said this change from having fun with art to being critical of it happens around/after the age of 10.
The kids will have an exhibition! And one day in class, they present their art to the class. When they're presenting, Shoya compliments her painting. And I'll just write down the whole presentation.
,,My painting... is bad because the subjects are small. The colours are dull, too. And the bear looks messed up. It's creepy, crappy and just awful. Why is it... that I can only make something like this? Shoya-kun went out of his way to say something nice about my work... but... he can do that because he's better than me. How nice! How nice that everyone's great at art. [...] I dont wanna do this anymore! [...] My colours are messier than Miku-chan's! I can't draw mechs like Shoya-kun! I can't make cute paintings like Yuichi-kun! I cant paint like Shikahara-san! How nice that everyone's great at art!"
And after that I took a 20sec break ;P!
As far as i know, there are 2 ways people can react to making art around others. You either envy their work and take it as a learning experience to appreciate their art. But I, someone who's about to do entrance exams into art school, cant afford to do that. Or you can just fall apart under the pressure of "everyone is better than me". And it's easy to do that when you have a goal and everyone could be your enemy. You cant appreciate their art and love art together. Because they're better than you and you have to get better. Art isn't about how much you study. Art is about how passionate you are. How much you want to make art. If you hate everything you make, is there a reason to keep doing art? For some yes. For some no.
Sae quit the art class.
Before she does, Hashida asks her to do a collab. They just paint random things. React to the other's painting. Hashida says this (I'm sorry for so many quotes but they really stuck with me srryyy):
,,I'm actually bad at making art. I love art. I love people who make art and i make art myself, but the more I get to know other people who make art... the more is makes me think I can't go as far as them. I respect people who can keep their brush moving with tears in their eyes. I think you're truly amazing for jumping into painting like you did. Even when you feel miserable or think you have no reason to praise your own work."
Which again. SAME. Back to parents, when Sae shows the painting to her dad, he tears it in the half to give half to Hashida. They stick it back together. But you know...
If I read this volume without the other 10, I'd probably think it was just kids and being whinny about art. But when you read through so much of the stuff these people go through just to make art. And how they struggle. When out of nowhere, its like 'I fucking hate this'. This book just keeps you think 'Why? Why? Why? Why do they do that? Why dont they just quit?'. And your relationship with your art and art overall is important. It's not like you can look past the fact that you fucking hate what you just did and hate that you're only capable of such a bad thing. Art you create is often hard to love, especially when its competitive.
But art is still art. And it's such a pity that people who would love art and creating it crumble under the pressure of others.
Be gentle and loving to yourself and your art.
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Art by: https://x.com/pplaksana
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lacesoflove · 18 days ago
hihihi im going anon for this because some of this fanbase (like you mentioned) are genuinely cruel, but I wanted to start off with I’m really glad to hear from your account. I wish you nothing but good health and I hope you’ve been able to find yourself in a better place now like you deserve <3 the internet is a cesspool, so I can only imagine how overwhelming everything feels even on the scale of running a blog,, again I wish you nothing but the best :)
to comment on your slushy noobz rant, I think you are so right and it’s such an unfortunate thing that SO many fans will never accept that truth. it is so insanely icky to platform idubbbz IN THE BIG 2025? and with chase and claire, like c’mon… why do we keep giving these white creators who show no remorse for their blatant mockery of the black community so much grace?? what did they do to earn that ‘pass’ other than the fact that they’re white and made you laugh a couple times? its not like they’ve had sincere apologies (that I’ve seen atleast, please correct me if I’m wrong)
asomeone who’s been a fan since 4freakshow, it’s really disappointing seeing the lack of change — I am a fundamental believer that you can improve, and accountability is really everything, but when there’s no accountability??? how will you ever really change? they don’t want to admit their faves can be problematic and it’s very reminiscent on the dsmp fan base like you said, as a survivor myself .. I’m sorry ik.. it was so infuriating that people could be more upset over their comfort streamer being EXPOSED as a horrible person instead of the fact they’re a horrible person. people forget these are grown adults, they can defend themselves in this case particularly!
I love slushy noobz btw!! I don’t think they’re horrible!! but that doesn’t mean I won’t hold them accountable for this weird behavior — like we should hold anyone that has a platform accountable if they do something wrong! I’m not calling for their cancellation or anything, but it is very possible to see the flaws in something you enjoy, especially when these ‘flaws’ are pure ignorance?
it feels like a breath of fresh air hearing opinions from slushies that can call this out, because hopefully people with a mental maturity past 12 can draw conclusions for themselves, and maybe think twice before blindly sending death threats over someone that they don’t really know.
i’m going to let this inboxed message just be my final statement for the time being - i don’t think i’m gonna reply or alnowledge messages where theyre clearly not even making an effort to understand where other people are coming from and if people want to continue asking me for like my input and my thoughts on the issue, whether it be the patreon or the racism shit, i refuse to regard people who use micro aggressive language
also thank you anon for your sweet words <33 some of the messages and stuff have been overwhelming but ive been black, poor and queer on the internet for like all my life, you get desensitised to people calling you a brokey for criticising merch prizes or sensitive when it comes to questioning creators’ close associations to literal racists.
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ineedsleepleavemealone · 4 years ago
Some random headcannons
(I ship erasermic so some of these relate to that)
I guess this also needs a warning: some more mature things if you squint hard enough
Also the ships in this are: erasermic, kiribaku, tododeku, and a tiny tiny bit of momojiro (sorry if I forgot one)
~ Mic is actually kinda sad and breaks down alot when hes alone because of the stress he goes through, aizawa is the only one he will break down infront of ~ ~ Aizawa secretly loves giving mic piggyback rides. Change. My. Mind. ~ ~ Bakugo is nicest and softest when he is sleepy, and more open with his feelings when he is tired (especially to kiri, I ship them too😭✋) ~ ~ When sero cooks or cleans he will put on spanish music and dance to it. ~ ~ Dabi is kinky™️ ~ ~ Dabi will tease e v e r y o n e ~ ~ Dabi makes up stories of how he got burnt, like: Twice: so- uh how did all this go down * gesturing to scars * Dabi: oh, while sneezing Twice: but how does tha- Dabi: *sneezes and uses his fire* Twice: oH- ~ ~ When 1-a all become pro heroes, deku will wear everyone's merch ~
~ When bakugo is working out, when he does push ups he will get kirishima to lay on him for "additional weight" (we see you bakugo👀👀) ~ ~ Shoto can make snowflakes with his quirk. I. Rest. My. Case. ~ ~ shoto likes dancing in the rain or snow, well not dance just like being with deku ~ ~ Shoto will make little things out of ice and give them to deku (all might figures👀👀) ~ ~ Occasionally in the dorms everyone in 1-a has a movie night ~ ~ Ojiros tail wags when hes happy ~ ~ This is cannon because I've seen the official art, but I hc that bakugo likes animals and animals love him cause he smells like caramel and his hands are warm ~ ~ One word for aoyama. S e l f i e s ~
~ Shoto didnt know how to ride a bike so when they all moved into the dorms 1-a taught him ~ ~ When bakugo walks into the dorms common area he says stuff like "it smells like bitch in here" and "ughhh if I stay in here to long the bitchyness might affect me" ~ ~ All the girls in 1-a: sleepovers™️ but every time mineta will try to get in lmao. It. Never. Works. ~ ~ Shotos birthday present to everyone is endeavors credit card number😂he will also go clothes shopping with all the girls just because he can use endeavors credit card ~ ~ Tokoyami is actually really good at drawing and loves writing poetry ~ ~ Bakugo is the oldest in 1-a which is cannon. I feel like he would be the type to brag that he's the oldest and would use it as an excuse to do what he wants ~ ~ The dekusquad and bakusquad have groupchats ~ ~ Bakusquad play video games together and eat pizza together all the time ~ ~ The dekusquad gc consists of iida talking about homework, positive memes, and todoroki not understanding anything happening on there ~ ~ Jirou has a music playlist for every situation. Every. Situation. ~ ~ The best jeanist said bakugo couldn't learn how to style hair so katsuki "I am the best at everything" bakugo learnt how to do hair and now all the girls and kirishima go to him and make him do their hair ~ ~ Kirishima needs his hair dyed red when his roots start showing, so bakugo dyes it for him ~ ~ 1-a loves playing games like truth and dare and never have I ever when they cant sleep or are just bored ~ ~ Bakugo sleeps at 8. pm which is cannon, but still wants to be the best at whatever they are doing, so he still goes if they are playing or watching something but always. Always. Falls asleep, and he falls asleep on kiri. ~ ~ Aizawa is actually really flexible and can jump around and move literally like a cat. ~ ~ Mic: finger guns™️ and I can imagine this Mic: *does finger guns at aizawa* Aizawa: pull the trigger. ~ ~ Everyone goes into bakugos room for advice. Like jirou would go in there at 3am and just be like : yo so I'm lesbian and momo is lesbian and she said she likes me but I'm not sure if she likes me.
And even though bakugo will literally shout at them for being in his room at 3am they will still get advice😂~ ~ Kirishima is named after a mountain. Bakugos favourite activity is mountain climbing. Its cannon and ik it is I just thought I'd say that ~ ~ Shinso definitely uses his voice changer for memes. He would say things like "I'm katsuki bakugo and I'm a little bitch" with bakugos voice and "im aizawa and Im in love with a cockatoo" with aizawas voice. ~ ~ When denki is nervous random sparks of electricity come from his hands. ~ ~ If denki doesnt know how to do something he will search it up on wiki how. Change. My. Fucking. Mind. ~ ~ Shiggy genuinly doesnt know what moisturizer is ~ ~ Mic is amazing at playing any instrument ~ ~ Mic knows sign language and is fluent in alot of languages ~ ~ After toga stabs someone she mumbles things like "ughhh what a mood" "damn that one snatched my weave" and "we stan a queen" and once held up the knife like a beauty guru ~ ~ The girls constantly try to get uraraka to float m*neta into the sun ~ (yes I censored his name💀💀) ~ Tokoyami has good music taste ~ ~ The bakusquad (kaminari) tries to teach all might vine references ~ ~ Shoto l o v e s conspiracy videos ~ ~ Ojiro can purr ~ ~ Mina shares her clothes with everyone ~ ~ Shoto likes to watch the sun rise ~ ~ Omgggg I love this one. Aizawa listens to Mics radioshow when he grades papers and when he cant he will hum the music to himself ~ ~ Kaminari is memes™️ ~ ~ When mic says todorokis name he says it like the target vine (next competitor is- T T T T T T T T T TODOROKI SHOTOOOOOO *makes air horn noises*) ~ ~ The UA staff have prank wars (especially mic and literally anyone. Once poured pink cat shaped glitter on aizawa and it was 100% worth it) ~ Mic can harmonize with himself. Periodt. ~ ~ Tetsutetsu and shinso spend so much time at the 1-a dorms that one time bakugo cooked food for them too. ~
~ On that note, bakugo is obviously an amazing cook and when hes cooking for himself he will "accidentally make too much so you extras can have it" ~ ~ Shoto is literally turtlenecks™️ ~ ~ Mic literally has the worst sleep schedule like how is this man alive???? ~ ~ At night iida will run around the dorms saying goodnight to everyone and checking that they are all still in the dorms because he feels it’s his responsibility to look after everyone ~ ~ Shigirakis favourite thing to do is to just stand in the rain. He finds the rain soothing and calming to him because it’s one of the only things that he can’t destroy so it gives him peace of mind that he still human and isn’t the completely destructive monster everyone claims him to be. ~
Hope you liked them✌✌
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ibblescribbles-archive · 5 years ago
Do you have any like,, tips for when you get art block,,,
aaah, not a lot unfortunately, sometimes you just gotta wait it out and sometimes you have to push through and just try to draw anything... other times it could be an outside factor affecting your motivation or inspiration (ik thats often what it is for me) and in that case you probably need to address that first whether that be some well-deserved self care or letting yourself catch a break! otherwise, i like to look at other people’s art to help inspire me! i have an inspiration tag on my main blog that i go through sometimes, and i also save art that i admire to my phone and my personal discord! watching anime or playing games can also help inspire me to make fanart or merch for those series! if all else fails, revert to studies or art challenges, or try something completely different to kick your brain into gear!! if your art is looking stale or seems like its not getting anywhere, that could still be a sign that you’re improving-- your artistic eye is getting better but your hands are having trouble keeping up is all, so try not to get discouraged and keep on drawing, you’ll eventually come out of that block ^^ good luck!!
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celtfather · 7 years ago
Celtic Summer Festivals #360
Are you ready for the Celtic Summer Festivals? We're gonna get you ready with great indie Celtic music from Doolin', Socks in the Frying Pan, Jodee James, Chris Murphy, The Founding, Gwendolyn Snowdon, The Minstrel Rav'n, Dave Wilson and Willie B., Dones-n-Drums, The Here & Now, Celtica Pipes Rock, The Led Farmers, Natalie MacMaster, Donnell Leahy, The Elders, Kilted Kings. http://celticmusicpodcast.com/
Listen and share this podcast. Download 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Subscribe to the Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your guide to the latest Celtic music and podcast news. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
0:03 "The Road to Geanntan" by Doolin' from Doolin'
3:26 "The Boop Set" by Socks in the Frying Pan from Socks in the Frying Pan
6:58 "Lady Joan" by Jodee James from Lady of the Fountain
12:50 "Maritime Jig" by Chris Murphy from The Tinker's Dream
16:53 "Fox" by The Founding from Form.
23:24 "I Wish I Was in England" by Gwendolyn Snowdon from Three Strand Braid
26:44 "Forge of the Nymph" by The Minstrel Rav'n from The Minstrel and the Harp
29:24 "Dunbrody Bounce" by Dave Wilson and Willie B. from Encounters
34:06 "Cathedral Crossover" by Dones-n-Drums from Contrast
39:31 "Summerfly" by The Here & Now from Ladybird
44:06 "Beyond Avalon" by Celtica Pipes Rock from Legends and Visions
47:45 "To Offer" by The Led Farmers from Katie
52:03 "Fiddler's Dispair" by Natalie MacMaster|Donnell Leahy from One
54:38 "Show Me A Soul" by The Elders from TRUE
58:59 "Slainte Mhaith" by Kilted Kings from Name On My Soul
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to Apple Podcasts or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
It's easier than ever to do. Just list the show number, and the name of one or two bands. That's it. You can vote once for each episode help me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2018 episode. http://bestcelticmusic.net/vote/
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. My name is Marc Gunn. I am a Celtic and Geek musician and podcaster. This show is dedicated to the indie Celtic musicians. I want to ask you to support these artists. Share the show with your friends. And find more episodes at celticmusicpodcast.com. You can also support this podcast on Patreon.
If you love the show and want to help promote it, get an Irish & Celtic Music Podcast bumper sticker. You can put it on your car, your instrument case, the bathroom in your local pub. Buy a dozen and you'll save 30%. This is a great for you to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through it's culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Join the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is supported by listeners like you. Your generous pledge helps pay for the production and promotion of the podcast and its artists, as well as my time in producing it. Patrons get episodes before regular listeners, discounts on merch, and when we hit a milestone, you get a two-hour special. Our next milestone will bring 2-hours of Celtic flute and whistle music to your ears.
I want to thank our newest Patrons of the Podcast: Wolfram Stoll
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast at http://patreon.com/celticpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Email a voicemail message to [email protected]
Lorraine Healy emailed: "Hi, mark! 351 was one fantastic set of music, I've been buying almost every tune! I'm trying to get "Wi a 100 Pipers" by Christine Weir and the Kilts, went to her website, went to iTunes, but it's not there. Any suggestions about where I can get t? Thanks so much!"
Joel Kleinhen emailed a photo: "I listen to your podcast while I walk on the NEWBURGH river trail in Newburgh Indiana. Love the show."
Ken Little emailed a few pictures: "hello marc aka the celt father, yes i am on my knees like the scene in waynes world. congrats on the show its going grand. I enjoy mostly all of it. celtic rock eh not so much. I probably lean more towards the trad as rock is rock just with different instrument- loud brash n in your face. great at venues not so much when I'm working.
I drive around all day in the old celtic countryside, listening to your podcast on a playback loop. 4/5 episodes all day. I am a multi drop delivery driver in suffolk england. think of queen boudica of the British celtic iceni tribe country. yup thats what i drive around in all day every day ik right wish we could all be that lucky lol
please find attached a few pix of some of the views i see. not much celticness as the romans destroyed pretty much all of it. but you do get a feel of it. just a slower pace of life sitting by the pond watching the world pass by. and thx again for the music, my ears appreciate it. my wallet from buying tracks eh not so much lol. till next time enjoy the day."
Check out this episode!
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1. Both Pokèmon and Digimon came into my life around the same time.
2. Top 10 Shuffle; Blue Exorcist. FMA Brotherhood. Natsumè Yuujinchou. Another. Blood Blockade Battlefront. Ergo Proxy. Guilty Crown. My Hero Academia. Deadman Wonderland. Attack On Titan.
3. We got a shop here that sells digital copies. There I can get any anime I want. If it's not on the public list then I can always order it.
4. Currently I'm rerunning One Punch Man. XD Cuz I'm bout to see S2.
5. I'll say anime? But no hate towards manga either.
6. 80% case Sub. But sometimes the Dub is cooler and richer. (Eg. Blood Blockade Battlefront/Ergo Proxy.)
7. Yes I do actually. Altho sometimes some anime genres don't impress me from the start, its vibe I don't like and keep it off.
8. I'll take Another, Blue Exorcist and FMABrotherhood.
9. Animation and visual arts play a key role in my love for anime. Some animes got beautiful animation but bad story, or vice versa and it pisses me off sometimes. I get picky. A lot of animes on my Top Fave list have breath taking visuals, and the most beautiful ones I've seen and stan are Blood Blockade Battlefront and Another. Just blows my mind how they get in details and the damn cinematography, like they didn't have to go that far but they did and fucking nailed it.
10. Yes, I believe soundtrack artist plays a key role. My favorite is Yoshihiro Ike who did Ergo Proxy and I have his ost in my iPod, gold collection. Because the music legit animate and move the story and drives its characters, if it's lacking or bad then we got problems. Also the artist of Another, cuz that anime is God tier awesome also because of its music that triggers deep rooted fear in you.
11. Top 3 OP : Resonance (Soul Eater), Hello, World! (Blood Blockade Battlefront) and Guren no Yumiya (Attack on Titan). 3 ED : Sugar Song, Bitter Steps (Blood Blockade Battlefront), Yuukyou Seishunka (Code Geass Lelouch Of the Rebellion) and Uso/Lie (FMABrotherhood ed.1).
12. Raised me? Ha! It's nothing deep unfortunately. It's Pokèmon and Digimon, sub answer from number 1 question.
13. In my experience every anime gets its fair share of memes because nothing is really perfect. And I see no hateful or degradating memes before. All is for fun. And all are great animes too.
14. Tokyo Ghoul. I tried it, embedded myself into it but the chemistry never clicked. It's overhyped. I loved Juuzuo but him alone because he had good characterization. The others are either tried too hard or too shallow and failed. I couldn't care for any of the characters.
15. Good question, tricky. It's been a while since philosophized over it. I guess it gives the lesson of how the beginning can be so hard but along the way you meet new people and strike bonds that you can share your troubles with. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood taught me that. Ergo Proxy taught me A Lot too, but it's too long and deep to be said here.
16. Merch? Pfffft. Any chance I get I grab. Cosplay? BWAHAHA! I'm knee deep into that community and half of my cosplays are anime!
17. Top 5 Most Attractive; Greed/Greedling from FMABrotherhood, my very first crush. Klaus Von Reinharz, ugh. Hunka Hunka! Second crush, I fucking love him. Vincent Law, third! Howl of studio Ghibli. And Rin Okumura!
18. Yamato (or Matt in English dub) from Digimon. I felt he was way deeper for a character in a children show. And even then as a wee kid I had my attention on him.
19. Shounen. Definitely.
20. Trying to get Demon Slayer since it's finished airing now I can binge it.
anime asks!
1- What was your first anime?
2- What’s your top 10?
3- How do you usually get your anime?
4- What are you currently watching?
5- Anime or manga?
6- Sub or dub?
7- Do you like to keep up with current anime?
8- What are your desert island three?
9- Does art/animation style matter much to you? What’s the most visually pleasing anime you’ve watched, in your opinion?
10- What’s your favorite op/ed artist? What about soundtrack artist?
11- Top three op/ed?
12- If you have been into anime since you were young, which series basically raised you?
13- What’s a series everyone likes to make fun of, but is actually really good?
14- What’s a series everyone seems to love, but actually sucks?
15- What’s the most important thing anime taught you?
16- Have any anime merch? What about cosplay?
17- Top five most attractive anime characters?
18- Who was your first fave character?
19- What’s your favorite genre? Shounen, shoujo, or seinen?
20- What’s on your list to watch soon?
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astralescent · 8 years ago
👻 - 🎈 - 🎁 - 🍳 - 🎮 !!
Mun VS Muse — send a symbol!
👻 = What is the scariest thing to ever happen to the mun and muse?
I don’t think anything will ever scare me as badly as oral presentations at school or job interviews, although going to new places and doing new things on my own is generally very scary in its own right as well.
As for Marth, I have this very intricate headcanon that I know I’ve mentioned before regarding his fight(s) with Medeus and I’m afraid now’s not the right time or place to go into detail with that, but let’s just say there was this split second in his first one where he was just completely overcome with this feeling of ‘I can’t do this’ for what was probably the first time in his journey because he was very reckless and impulsive until then - and yeah just, that short moment of sheer panic and dread and powerlessness was likely the scariest thing he’s experienced up until now.
🎈 = How do the mun and muse react to surprises? When is the last time either was surprised and what surprised them?
It.. really depends what the surprise is as far as I’m concerned. If it’s like a friend showing up at work to say hi or a random present someone brings to an already planned meetup it’s always appreciated. But if it’s like, a surprise party or outing, depending on what it is, I’m less likely to appreciate. I’m an introvert so just about any social of activity requires some kind of psyching myself up for it if I’m gonna enjoy it, unless it’s like… one person I have to be with and said person is one of the few I don’t get drained just being around. The last time I got surprised was when my dad offered to buy me my favorite meal at my favorite restaurant as takeout even though he’d made it clear he was against the idea the day before.
I think the same can be said for Marth, he likes getting to mentally prepare for any social encounter, even if it’s just a minute or two ahead of time, so he wouldn’t enjoy being taken out of his comfort zone without the slightest warning, unless it only involved one or two people he’s especially comfortable with and an activity that also doesn’t put him on edge too much. The last time he was surprised was probably when he forgot to dinner because he was being too productive and Ike randomly showed up with a bunch of snacks and set them up to eat on the bed.
🎁 = What sorts of gifts do the mun and muse like? What were the last gifts they gave and received?
I feel very awkward receiving gifts to be perfectly honest, like, I enjoy and appreciate them but I never feel like I can say thank you enough. If there’s anything I appreciate more than the rest though, it’d probably be like, personal stuff ? I’m not sure how to describe it but like, things that show that the person knows me and knows what I like, like fan merch or stuff they made themselves or just… really anything that’s like, something I wanted but never asked for and/or didn’t even know I wanted. The last gift I got was a bunch of chocolates from Kris and the Zootopia DVD that he gave me when I visited. The last gift I gave was also a bunch of chocolates that I gave him when I visited (unless you count the three boxes of Hot Tamales I bought for him when we went to the grocery store, then that would be it).
Marth’s not one for gifts either, he much prefers giving over receiving. On any gift-exchange occasion, he’d rather just spend some good time with the people involved (assuming he cares  about them) than receiving material presents. It’s no secret he grew up as a rich kid and he still is, so to speak, so anything that can be bought has kind of lost any sort of meaning to him. 
🍳 = What are the mun’s and muse’s favorite foods?
answered here !
🎮 = What genre of video games do the mun and muse like best? What are their favorite systems and video games?
I don’t actually like/know that many games ? There’s really only the Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem and Smash series that I like very consistently, otherwise I like a couple of Mario games and a couple of Sonic games and like, some more unique titles like Xenoblade Chronicles and Kid Icarus Uprising but I don’t think I’m that big of a gamer all things considered. My favorite system will always be the Nintendo Gamecube but I have high hopes for the Switch. 
As for Marth well obviously he doesn’t do video games unless we’re talking modern verse, in which case he would probably mostly like strategy and puzzle games, while still being fairly open-minded to action/adventure/rpg in general.
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herotheshiro · 5 years ago
i wanted to post this online somewhere but didn’t know where to put it (not really something to put on any of my IG accounts and if you stay w me for the rest of this post you’ll know why i didn’t put it on twitter) and i almost forgot tumblr existed and no one really uses it (i.e., my sibling doesn’t follow this account. was going to put this on my personal blog which my sibling also doesn’t follow but i feel like this blog is better in the end) so good place to put it and let me release my thoughts. [put it under cut bc it’s pretty long lol]
but basically one of the worst decisions i’ve made in the last half yr is become active on twitter. i made an account back in october to try to order some hipmaic merch from a proxy which ultimately failed and had unexpected personal blowbacks as well... that in itself should have already indicated the dumpster fire that twitter would become for me (from the bad vibes of that failure i mean) but unfortunately in the time before i knew the proxy was going to fail, i got absorbed into fandom twitter. for whatever reason i have this weird thing of wanting to become fandom famous or like fandom well-known, which i think is partially due to me wanting to be like my sibling who sort of became a recognizable name due to their fanworks in some of their fandoms in the past. i feel like i used to kind of have that kind of recognition back during the young deviantart days but since i don’t really produce/publish fanworks anymore, i’ve gotten to liveblogging/livetweeting as my attempts to fame. ik some ppl have succeeded off of that, based on some of the ppl i’ve followed for a number of fandoms in the past few years, so i thought i could do it too ... but alas as y’all know, the internet is a big place and it’s hard to get ppl to care abt your one voice. and ppl noticing you also sometimes happens in unwanted ways, like that whole thing i got stressed over re: a/3 which i think i blogged abt on this blog before ... i mean still not even 100% they were referring to me specifically w that vague tweetinig but i was stupidly anxious over dumb shit like that.
also, as everyone knows, once you really get into a fandom, there is always the absolute mess of “problematic” content/call-outs. sometimes it’s valid critiques of the series content, sometimes it’s over stupid ass petty inter-fan drama. and even if you’re not involved in the drama itself, it’s so tiring to have to witness all the passive aggressive (or sometimes outright aggressive) tweets ... esp in this current global pandemic situation where we’re already getting negative news re: our real lives. i’m writing up this post really in response to me reading through threads of ppl calling out the problematic ways hipmaic handles hip hop/black culture which is definitely valid and basically something i’ve always been aware of even when i first came into the fandom bc non-black iterations of hip hop culture (esp overseas) usually do not hit the mark .... even though i’ve been aware of all this shit, it’s so tiring to read through and then the guilt of still consuming the fandom even w its flaws (which is still something you can do as long as you acknowledge the flaws and problematic aspects. but it also depends on the series i suppose, like imo a/o/t is just shit that prob shouldn’t be consumed lol, which is also funny bc i used to consume it a long time ago but that was like way before the timeskip like when the anime first got released ... i mean this kind of opinion/perspective is fraught w so many asterisks so i’m not going to go into it further but hopefully you get what i mean even if you’re not hearing all of my personal footnotes)... like i don’t think i’m going to give up hipmaic yet, bc i still do enjoy some of its music and i do enjoy seeing character content, but adding twitter to my life was honestly a goddamn mistake. not only for that one case of anxiety re: a/3 but also just me purposely consuming fans’ content that i literally KNOW will piss me off but i still do anyways. it’s tiring to read some of the comments hipmaic fans say, and a few months ago i wanted to interact re: headcanons and stuff but now i’m like you know what. keep your frankly incorrect and inaccurate headcanons to yourself (partly sarcastic but you know when you read a thinkpiece and you respect them for voicing their opinion but it’s also “wrong” at the same time...).
like recently i’ve gotten to thinking to literally just blocking any twitter account that talks abt hyp mic and just restricting my twitter to non-fandom stuff or japanese twitter accounts where i don’t understand what stupid shit they’re saying (if any). and also let’s not get into what a time-suck scrolling through twitter has become for me ... i’m already depressed and completely unmotivated to do work, and twitter is just a major procrastination device to continue wrecking my academic and professional lives and productivity ... i don’t have the app, but i can still access it through safari so of course it’s still a stick in my wheel. i really need to follow what my sibling said and try to rarely go on it and if i do, just stick to my dash and don’t stray too far out (i.e., looking up shit in the search bar). tbh, IG and twitter are both huge time-wasters for me, and i seriously need to consider deleting social media in general or at least for a good chunk of time which is something i wanted to do literally 2 yrs ago but just never did ... ik some of my friends are relatively inactive on social media (they do have it but they just never post or anything) and i really really need to be like that. everything for me (like many ppl at this time i assume) is remote, and i know from past experience that i am VERY BAD at being productive when doing remote working. and having IG/twitter drains is definitely going to make that worse, especially since they’re already major distractors when i AM physically going to school/work. i feel like i’ve tried to cut cold-turkey before, but i usually never keep up the block for long ... it’s also due to a lack of motivation in general (this is a whole other monster of a topic that should be put on my personal blog LMAO) but i need to just try to cut things that i have some control over that could further contribute to my lack of productivity.
fandom twitter truly is a dumpster fire
twitter itself is helping ruin my life (not bc of anything happening on it but just its presence)
i am just purposely consuming bad news and shitty takes and making myself feel worse and i need to stop
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Overly Obsessed Fangirl - Overly Attractive Band Dude
If only fangirling were as unsubdivided as marriage, and then at least you could pick who youre letting ruin your life. But, its not that easy. One mean solar day youre living a normal, productive life then he shows up rub his perfection in your face. faith me, Ive been there. I was passably normal until Michael Clifford (yes, the babe of a guitarist for 5 Seconds of Summer) came on out of nowhere and take my heart like the sextet foot tall, Australian, roundit he is. It all happens so right away you wear downt waste a bun in the oven time to process whats going on to begin with hes taken over your life completely. As the old saying goes interpret something you love and let it carry off you. He isnt actually going to kill you plainly he will powderize any chance you have at a signifi female genital organt social life.\nOnce your dress circle member of interest is open follow him on cheep and learn his notifications sent to your shout so everytime he tweets, you bonk about it. Save pictures of him on your phone so you can set them as your compass because hes in effect(p) so cute. Before you get it on it, even that wont be enough. Buy his bands merch and tickets to their shows. Itll all fetch up to a nonsense(a) amount of money, but you dont care. Hes worth it, he makes you happy, hes your sunshine. Tape posters of him on your bedroom walls and listen to his symphony non-stop because you cant get enough of his voice, or how he drums with such passion, or how effortlessly he strums his bass, or in my case, how freaking amazing he is at shredding on his black and vacuous Gibson Les Paul guitar. Set your disquietude on your phone to an audio frequency of him yelling your name because thats the only way youll brace up. Personally, I always intuitive feeling forward to cold suffer because the way Michael pulls his sleeves down to get the picture his hands, resembling little sweater paws. Hes an actual kitten. If youre anything l ike me, youll fall so hard, you just want to make out where hes privacy your voo... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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