#<- i say that and in 10 years ill wake up with no teeth /j
my dad will go "hm i wonder why i have high blood pressure and then drink 3 espressos at once
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gaiyofanfiction · 7 years
Save Me (12 Final)
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Chapter1: Second Time? - Chapter 2: Awake - Chapter 3: First Love - Chapter 4: Mama - Chapter 5: Reflection - Chapter 6: Lie - Chapter 7: Stigma - Chapter 8: Begin - Chapter 9: Taken - Chapter 10: Torture  - Chapter 11: The Plan - Chapter 12: The Escape
Jungkook x Reader
Mental Hostpital AU
A/N: YAY FINALLY THE LAST CHAPTER! We wanted to thank all of you for reading this story. It hits close to home for us and we put it all out on our sleeves, so we are glad to get great feedback. If you haven't hit that follow button, please do so. Our next story will be a Monsta X!Vampire au. This is our longest chapter for this story, so enjoy!
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. We did take their personalities and match as best we can with illnesses, however we do not claim that the boys from BTS have these mental illnesses! Also, we did as much research as we can on each disorder. We are not meaning to offend anyone who has these illnesses at all. ALSO, WE DO KNOW BTS CHANGED THEIR ENGLISH NAME TO BEYOND THE SCENE BUT WE’RE USING BULLETPROOF BOYSCOUTS CAUSE IT FITS THE STORY BETTER. Trigger warning: Mentions of mental illness, hospitals, self harm, suicide attempt and abuse. Both Gaisho and I recommend, if you feel like you need to go to the hospital for ANY reason, please don’t be afraid to do so. It can help. If you EVER feel like you need to talk to anyone, vent, or need advice on anything, please do not hesitate to msg us! We’ve been through it all. Character Descriptions: Reader- Chronic Depression, Derealization Disorder and Dissociative Amnesia Jin - Narcissistic Personality Disorder (With homicidal tendencies) Suga- Narcolepsy and Chronic Depression J-Hope- Bipolar II Disorder Rap Monster- OCD and Paranoia Jimin- Explosive Anger Disorder V- Schizoaffective Disorder Jungkook- Agoraphobia         You smile with tears in your eyes and so does Jungkook. You both hug each other tightly, neither letting up. 
        “We’re all so happy you’re back, Y/N, but we don’t have another moment to waste. We have to get the hell out of here,” says Rap Monster with a smile, but with a hint of concern.
        You look around to all the other boys who are happy to see you’re back as well. All of a sudden you had a great idea. 
        “Alright, I know this deviates from the original plan. But, it’s a guarantee we don’t bump into anyone and get out of here safely…” you say before you became hesitant. 
        “Please, tell us, Y/N. Anything to get us all out of here safely,” Rap Monster insists.
        “W-well, there’s a unit on the first floor that is connected to the stairwell we’re right next to. This unit has been shut down for years apparently, I overheard it from another nurse…” you start to trail off again.
        “Y/N, please, go on,” Jungkook puts a hand on your back to reassure you.
        “Okay, well, the reason it’s been shut down was because people were mysteriously dying left and right and they thought it was haunted by past patients that used to be here. When they shut it down they had set up a series of traps because they were scared ghosts would haunt other units and they thought they could catch them…”
        “I don’t know, this sounds like a lot of work… Not to mention actually more dangerous than our other plan,” Suga says as he yawns.
        “No, no, no! Just hear me out. I went there one day out of curiosity. This was like the second day after being admitted. I almost got to the door that lead outside, but I set off the alarm and the nurses came and got me. But, now that I know what set it off, we’re pretty much golden! No one goes there because they’re scared, they don’t actively monitor it, and I still remember where all the traps are,” you say with confidence hoping it sells to the others.
        The group looks to their leader. Rap Monster sighs, “well, we’re about to be caught if we don’t head out. We trust you, Y/N. Just lead the way.”
        You smile with excitement, “I won’t let you guys down!” 
        You lead them to the stairwell and quickly rush down the stairs to the first floor. Before you all was a long and dark hallway that lead to several doors. After passing a few you finally stop to the right door.
        “T-THE CRIMINALLY INSANE UNIT!?” Jin shouts and backs up a few steps.
        “Seriously, Jin? Didn't you try to kill your girlfriend?” J-hope asks, annoyed.
        Jin chuckles awkwardly, “oh yeah.”
        “Uh, yeah did I forget to mention that? Heh… Well, it’s empty, and it’s our only way out now. So, the badge?” You eye Jin to swipe the badge.
        “You’re lucky you’re cute. But, not as cute as me,” Jin pokes his cheek and winks. He swipes the badge and motions for the rest of you to enter.
        “It’s very dark in here, so it’s important we all stay together. It’s time to buddy up. I’ll be with Jin, Suga with J-Hope, Jungkook with Y/N, and Jimin with V,” Rap Monster orders.
        Everyone links arms with their respective buddy and starts to walk forward with you and Jungkook in the front of the group. 
        The unit was very old and eerie sending shivers down your spine. You squeeze Jungkook’s arm and he brings you in closer, “don’t worry, sweetheart. I got you.” He kisses your forehead making you smile.
        Behind you two were Jin and Rap Monster.
        “Oooo Rap Monie, you got some nice arms,” Jin squeezes Rap Monster’s biceps.
        “Please, just focus,” Rap Monster begs.
        Behind them were Suga and J-Hope.
        “Hey, Suga, when we get out of here I was wondering if you wanted to help me with something I’m working on. It’s my Hixtape. Maybe we can do a collab?” J-Hope asks.
        “Yeah, man! Maybe we can get some churros while we’re at it,” Suga says excitedly.
        The last two following were Jimin and V.
        “When we get out of here we should go to an amusement park and ride rollercoasters!” V exclaims.
        “Yeah uh, remember the last time we went? Hobi and I didn’t do so well…” Jimin starts to feel queasy.
        You stop. “Alright guys, this is one of the first traps, now all we need to do is -”
        Suddenly a stray chair moves towards you. 
        “D-did that just…” Jungkook’s voice shakes.
        The chair falls over and all of you hear ominous sounds from all different directions. Windows were breaking and lights were flickering on and off. 
        All of you scream in terror and unlink to run off to various doors to hide except for you and Jungkook who stayed together.
        You and Jungkook went into an old patient room and hid under the desk. The both of you clung onto each other so tight you felt each other’s heartbeat. 
        Finally the noises stopped and the lights were back off. “You okay? You’re not hurt are you?” Jungkook asks anxiously.
        “I’m fine, just a little shook is all. We should try to find the others.”
        He grabs your hand to get you up on your feet and you two head back into the hallway. 
        “Hey, glad you two are alright. I just found Jimin. However, we’re missing a big chunk of the group,” Rap Monster says with worry.
        “I think it’s best we stick together while we go find the others,” you say to the boys whom all agreed with you.
        You all head door to door trying to find the others. Upon entering one of the rooms you hear some clanking. In the corner was a dark body crouching. 
        You gulp, “V-V? P-please tell me that’s you…”
        V turns on a flashlight illuminating his face, “MUAHAHA!”
        You and the rest of the boys sigh in relief.
        “I also found a crowbar. You know… Just in case one of the ghosts try to pull a fast one on us.”
        “I don’t think you can knock out a ghost, V,” Jimin laughs.
        Continuing your search you guys start to hear sounds of ruffling. V gets in front of the group and starts to wave his crowbar at random. “Feel the wrath of Tae!”
        J-Hope pops out from the darkness, “It’s just me! And look, look! I found a shark hat! It must of been a patient’s belongings at one point. Hehe, it looks like it's eating my head. Ahhhh!” He dances around.
        The group giggles. “Okay, two more to go.” Rap Monster says.
        You all continue to go through each room hoping to find the rest. You lost track of how far you all advanced through the hallway and just realized one of the traps was near.
        “W-wait, I know one of the traps is near here… b-but I just can’t remember where and which one it is. My memory is kind of fuzzy right now. So, just be-”
        J-Hope’s foot sets off a tripwire and the alarms start blaring. 
        “We have exactly two minutes before they’ll reach us here. We need to find them now and fast!” You say to the others. The alarm is giving you a headache and your vision is starting to blur. You shake your head trying to get rid of the sensation.
        “God damnit, where are those other two!?” Rap Monster grinds his teeth. “Alright. I’m going to find them, you all get to the exit safely and wait for us there.”
        You, Jungkook, Jimin and V nod in agreement and head for the exit. 
        Rap Monster runs door to door screaming for Jin and Suga. Out of breath he finally reaches a room where one of the boys were in.
        “Mirror, mirror on the wall… Who’s the finest of them all? Me? Well, I can agree with you there, Mr. Mirror,” Jin says completely infatuated with himself.
        “Are you freaking serious right now!? Again?! Do you not hear the alarms!?” Rap Monster says trying to catch his breath.
        “What’s alarming is how dashingly handsome I am!” Jin blows a kiss to a reflection of himself.
        Rap Monster grabs Jin’s wrist and pulls him to run. “Look, Suga is still out here somewhere. We don’t have time, we need to find him quick.”
        A couple rooms further down the hall was an infirmary. Jin was struck with an idea, “I know exactly where he would be. Follow me.”
        They run into the infirmary and there were several beds, which one of them so happens to have a soundly sleeping Suga. 
        “How is he sleeping through these ridiculously loud alarms???” Rap Monster was perplexed. 
        “I don’t know, but I’m not waking up the beast… I found him, now you wake him,” Jin pushes Rap Monster forward.
        Sighing Rap Monster shakes Suga awake. “Yoongi, you need to wake up! We’re going to get caught if you don’t get up!”
        Suga yawns and rubs his eyes, “remind me when we get out of here to lock the doors to my room so none of you can wake me.” He glares right at Rap Monster making him scared for his life.
        The three finally catch up to you guys at the exit. “We literally have seconds left before this unit is on lockdown. Jin, the badge.” You motion for him to swipe it, holding your head in one hand.
        “Yes, ah… They’re right… Um…” He pats down his shirt and pants.
        “JIN!!!!” Rap Monster screams.
        “I’m kidding, it was in my back pocket,” he sticks out his tongue and swipes the badge. 
        You push open the doors and you all run into the cold night air. Running into the nearby forest and never looking back.
        “Hold on, I need a second,” you slow down and hold your head with both hands. Your breathing becomes heavy and your vision is getting worse.
        “Baby, are you okay?” Jungkook scans you over, trying to hold you steady.
        You shake your head. “I-I don't know what's wrong. My head's killing me.” You go to take a step but your legs give out.
        “Y/N!” Jungkook catches you and sits you down gently.
        “Y/N, are you okay?” V asks, worried.
        You raise your head and look straight forward. Your vision fades in and out.
        “Y-Y/N?” Jungkook squeaks out, panic setting in.
        You don't answer. Suddenly your mind is blank, there are no thoughts or recollection about what's going on.
        “Earth to Y/N,” J-hope waves a hand in front of your face.
        “W-Why isn't she answering?” Jungkook asks, his voice shaking.
        Rap Monster looks at you worried. “I wonder…” he nudges Jungkook out of the way so he's right in front of you. He snaps his fingers in your face.
        You blink from the action and look around. Suddenly you see yourself in...a forest? “W-What’s going on? Where am I?”
        Jungkook’s eyes widen, “Y-Y/N? Are you okay?”
        You tilt your head in confusion as you stare at the strange boy. “Who's Y/N? And who are you?”
        Jungkook falls back on his butt in shock. His anxiety shoots through the roof. 'She forgot me again?’ Jungkook stands up and walks a little ways away, his whole body trembling.
        Jin notices Jungkook walking away from the group. He makes sure the rest of the boys watch you before going after the youngest.
        “Jungkook, where are you going? Y/N’s over here.”
        Jungkook turns to Jin, his eyes wide with fear. “S-She forgot me again.” He covers his ears with his hands and shakes his head. “I c-cant do this again.”
        Jin narrows his eyes, “what are you talking about Jungkook? You better not be saying what I think you're saying.”
        The only thing Jungkook wants to do right now is scream. The air around him feels thick. He can hardly breathe. He keeps shaking his head as a panic attack officially sets in.
        “She forgot about me. For the third time in less than 48 hours. I can't keep doing it. I can't keep being forgotten!” Jungkook let's go of his head and turns to walk away.
        Jin growls and grabs his arm, “so that's it, huh? There are a few bumps and suddenly you're done?”
        Jungkook tried to yank his arm away but Jin held tight. “ I don't want to be, but it's not fair! Why does this keep happening to me?!”
        Jin raises an eyebrow, his temper rising. “Are you serious right now? 'Why does this keep happening to you?'” Jin pulls Jungkook harshly. “What about her, huh? Everything that she's been through in the last two days? She's the one who had EST twice in one day! How the HELL does this affect you more than her! She's scared out of her fucking mind!”
        Jungkook shakes his head, his eyes closed. “I can't stay to see her like this. It hurts too much. I'm sorry.”
        Jin let's go of Jungkook, his arms dropping to his sides. “I can't believe you, Kook. After everything she's done for us? Every single one of us, you just want to leave her? You want to abandon her just like everyone else has? You promised her you wouldn't leave her!”
        “N-No, I-”
        “Stop,” Jin interrupts. “Just stop. I can't believe you right now. She's been there for all of us when we needed it. She didn't judge me about my past. She was patient with Yoongi when he would fall asleep randomly and Namjoon when he would go through his OCD habits and his clumsiness. She understood Jimin and J-hope when they were having their episodes, Jimin even assaulted her twice. She listened to V when he just needed to vent about the voices during his breakdown.” He glares at his friend. “She let you in to her heart, she took her walls down for you. After everything she's fucking been through, I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to let anyone in. But she let you in, Kook! She trusted you enough to let you into her life and now you're about to walk away?!”
        Jungkook stands there, his mouth open, speechless. Jin takes this as an invitation to continue.
        “You know,” Jin’s voice gets quieter. “When you find that one person who you care about the most, you cherish them. You make it so they never want to leave. You show them how much you love them and how much you want to be with them.” Jin gets a faraway look in his eyes, like he's somewhere else. “It is so painful when you lose that person. That one person you cared about more than anything, maybe even at times you care about them more than yourself. But once you screw that up, once you make them lose their trust in you, it's all over. It's all over and it'll never be the same again.” Jin blinks back tears and comes back to reality.
        He pulls Jungkook closer to him and points to you. “Look.” Jungkook looks over at where you're sitting. Rap Monster and Suga are crouched done in front of you, trying to get you to remember. “Do you really want Yoongi and Namjoon to be the first two she sees when she wakes up from her episode? What is she going to think when her boyfriend, the one that she loves, the one person she wanted to see more than anything, is gone? Do you really want that?”
        “Love…”Jungkook breathes to himself, taking in everything Jin has said. He watches you, your eyes wide as you're looking around frantic. He sees how terrified you are and it hurts him. He looks back at Jin. The look on Jin’s face pleads for him not to leave you, not to give up. Jin knows if Jungkook doesn't, he will regret it for the rest of his life.
        Jungkook takes a deep breath in, trying to calm his anxiety. He clenches his shaking fists and turns towards you, walking over slowly.
        “Y/N, please try to calm down. We aren’t going to hurt you,” J-hope tries to reassure you. You shake your head, eyes shut tight.
        “I d-don’t know who you are or w-where I am, just please, take me home.” You sound like you’re about to cry.
        Jungkook pushes his way past the boys and squats down in front of you. He gently reaches over to grab one of your hands. The sudden touch of someone else jolts your eyes open, you stare wide eyed at the man in front of you.
        “Y/N, please, you need to trust us.” Jungkook tries to smile. It’s hard to pretend to be calm when the women he loves is terrified out of her mind right in front of him.
        You freeze when you see the unknown boy right before you eyes. Suddenly, your body becomes calmer and you’re breathing starts returning to normal. Something about this boy is taming your anxiety.
        You reach out to gently touch his face. He turns his head slightly to let you. “Wow, you’re really cute.”
        Jungkook’s face turns red as the other boys chuckle at the comment. Jungkook smiles shyly at you. “T-Thank you.”
        “What’s your name?”
        His smile disappears when you ask that question, but he answers it anyway. “My name is Jungkook. But you usually call me Kookie.”
        You tilt your head at his words. “Kookie? I like cookies…” You furrow your eyebrows. “Kookie…” You repeat. Jungkook looks at you with a mixture of confusion and concern. “Kookie… That sounds familiar…” You trail off, your eyes becoming unfocused.
        V nudges Jungkook. “She’s remembering but I think there needs to be something to push her over the edge.”
        Jungkook immediately knows what he has to do. He reaches up to grab your cheeks, caressing them with his thumbs. Without hesitation, he brings his face to yours and gently kisses your lips. After a few seconds, he pulls back and stares at you.
        You blink, your vision coming into focus. You shake your head to try to rid yourself of the headache. Opening your eyes, you look around to all the boys staring at you with anticipation. You quirk your brow.
        “What are you all staring at? Do I have something on my face?”
        All the boys sigh with relief when they hear your humor once again. You look around with confusion but eventually shrug it off. Lastly, your eyes fall on Jungkook who is staring at you wide eyed.
        “Kookie, are you okay?” You tilt your head.
        Jungkook lets a few tears fall before tackling you with a hug. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m right here.” You rub his back and hug him tightly as he cries.
        “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I’ll never leave you again. Please forgive me.”
        “Leave me again? What do you mean?” you look around for help. Your eyes fall on Jin and he mouths ‘I’ll tell you later’. You nod in understanding, you just hug Jungkook tighter.
        Rap Monster clears his throat, catching everyone’s attention. “Now that we’re all finally calmed down, it’s time to really get out of here. We need to move further away. Much further.”
        “But where are we supposed to go? We don’t even know where we are,” Jimin asks, worried.
        “Well, I’ve taken care of that situation already,” he grins, proud of himself. There’s a moment of silence, waiting for Rap Monster to continue. He doesn’t.
        “And what would that be?” Suga asks impatiently.
        “Oh right. Well, yesterday during free time, I kind of snuck into the office and made a phone call to a friend. He says we can stay with him and his family as long as we would like.”
        J-hope scoffs, “who is this person that would be willing to take in eight mentally ill patients from a fucking mental hospital?”
        Rap Monster chuckles. “Well, his name is Jackson Wang and it just so happens that he pretty much has six practically insane brothers as it is.”
        Your mouth drops open, “you mean THE Jackson Wang? One of the assassins of the gang Got7? Are you crazy?”
        “Don’t worry, Y/N. They’re all amazingly nice people and would do anything to help friends in need.”
        Suga gets a thoughtful look on his face. “I remember someone who used to be in this hospital with us. His name was Bambam. I think that’s the gang that took him in. If that’s the case, then I have no doubt we will be fine.”
        The rest of the group nods in agreement, not really having much of a choice. They all stand up and follow Rap Monster out of the forest. You grab Jungkook’s hand and stand him up as well.
        “Kookie, thank you for everything. I wouldn’t have made it through this place if it weren’t for you or the rest of Bangtan. I really hope we can be together for as long as I live.”
        Jungkook smiles and kisses your lips gently. “Me too, Y/N. I’ll always be here, no matter what. I promise.”
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andromedasstars · 7 years
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
tagged by: @prowlingthunder 
a - age: 22 ‘yes i know im an old lady please dont come for me baby tumblr users im too salty for your nonsense.
b - birthplace: Gravesend, Kent, England, yeah the ‘Garden of England’ and I’m born in the chavviest part possible, not to mentio it’s literally called Gravesend which really couldn’t think of anything cheerier huh?
c - current time: at the time of typing this, it’s 21:21 and honestly that number makes me so bloody happy my little brain just purrs because look how damn retty the numbers areeeeee
d - drink you last had: strawberry waer which honestly im so obsessed with its ridiculous
e - easiest person to talk to: uhh how’d you mean like face to face? because no one in that case because ew but online or in places where i can use emojis to offset my deep emotional trauma and reression of all the bad things in my head? probably my bestie @youwerethinkingitsannoying because brain twin chats are the best kind
f - favorite song: i don’t know if i actually have a favourite song? like there’s s may amazing songs out there how can i choose just one? im definitely feeling new rules by dua lipa right now or the season one opener for galavant which probably doesn’t count but god its quotable as fuuuuck
g - grossest memory: hmm toss up between waking up midway through having teeth pulled because i hate needles so much they had to knock me out because i refused to let them shove needles in my gums even though ive got multple piercings and tattoos go figure right? and i could feel them ripping out the two teeth and the noise was vile. or the time i suffered post surgical haemmorage after my tonsils were taken out and i turned my then step-mums newly decorated bathroom into something out of SAW and nearly choked to death on a blood clot only to nearly suffocate an hour later when i suffered another bleed that saw me turn her kitchen into a slasher movie with blood uncontrollably gushing from my nose and mouth for almost thirty minutes. oddly enough that’s round about the time my thing with blood started?
h - horror yes or horror no: all day every day unless its got puppets or clowns and then hell fucking no i am sprinting for the hills like an angry sheep is on my heels i am away screaming onf a fast camel my friends goodbye adios h0pe y’all dont die.
i - in love?: hell if i know anymore im definitely in love with myself though beause narcissim is the only logical way to deal with years of emotional trauma .
j - jealous of people?: i refer you to the above answer 
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again?: hate to see you go but i love to watch you leave
m - middle name: hahahahahhaa nope. it makes me sound so much more middle class than i actually am. so nope sorry tumbles you aint getting that one. 
n - number of siblings: officially speaking im an only child? in reality well, that’s a whole different kettle of bullshit. .
o - one wish: that my mum could have everything she;s ever wanted
p - person you called last: either mum or jamie
q - question you are always asked: 'is that tattoo on your hand real?’ because manic shan desided a blue dinosaur on her hand was an excellent tattoo, he’s named francis if anyone is interested
r - reason to smile: im booking my trip to belgium on wednesday 
s - song you last sang: candyland by blood on the dance floor. please n judgement its on my pals throwback playlist and its annoyingly catchy.. 
t - time you woke up: 9:43am because the dog goes psycho at the postman 
u - underwear colour:  what’s t say im wearing any? 
v - vacation destination: i’d love to go all over the world tbh from new york to sweden to romania just, everywhere really…
w - worst habit: excuse you i am a fucking delight and a wonder i dont have bad habits 
x - x-rays: ive had every part of my body x-rayed at one point or another.  i am an incredibly accident prone person, add that to a short temper and childhood illness and accidents and im a walking talking x-ray at this point.
y - your favorite food: at the moment its candy sticks and shepherds pie
z - zodiac sign: im a virgo and no bullshit oh there’s 13 zodiac signs will change that. you can pry my virgo-ness out of my cold dead hands after my ghost deafens you. 
if you see this and fancy sharing random facts about yourself pleae go ahead! i always like to learn more stuff about you guys who put up with the daily game of ‘whih fandom is going to clog up my dash today’ 
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frenchibi · 7 years
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tagged by @gummicows; last song I listened to, my lockscreen, and a selfie!
I was actually tagged in a bunch of things, more answers under the cut ^^
Not tagging anyone this time, but if anyone wants to do these, go right ahead and say I tagged you!!
(another one by @gummicows, thank you!!)
a / age: 21 b / biggest fear: being insignificant to the people I care about c / current time: 12:47pm d / drink you had last: water e / everyday starts with: meds, sadly f / favourite song: so many? Empire by Of Monsters And Men. Invincible by Hedley. g/ ghosts are real? no idea man h / hometown: Munich i / in love with: inspiration j / jealous of: balanced people k / killed someone: no l / last time you cried: last week, I’ve been having a rough time m / middle name: Johanna n / number of siblings: 3, and a stepsister o / one wish: do something meaningful p / person you last called/texted: my mom q / questions you’re always asked: have you eaten? r / reasons to smile: here s / song last sang: Superstar from Jesus Christ Sperstar t / time you woke up: 5:30 (see above) u / underwear colour: black v / vacation destination: Canada, Greece, Italy w / worst habit: grinding teeth, biting nails, panic = faster talking x / xrays you have had: knee, teeth y / your favourite food: lasagna z / zodiac sign: pisces
(...and this one was by @cheetahleopard; thank you!!)
The Last
1. drink: water (and Capri Sun before because I am an Adult and I do what I want 2. phone call: my brother 3. text message: my mom lmao 4. song you listened to: “Could We Start Again, Please?” from Jesus Christ Superstar 5. time you cried: last week 6. dated someone twice: never 7. kissed someone and regretted it: never 8. been cheated on: never 9. lost someone special: my grandma 10. been depressed: currently? 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never
3 favorite colors
12. phthalo blue 13. magenta 14. gryffindor red/gold
In the Last year have you
15. made new friends: oh, yeah!! 16. fallen out of love: I think that’s a process that’s too gradual to track 17. laughed until you cried: yes, yes, yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: meh yeah 19. met someone who changed you: oh yeah 20. found out who your friends are: ...that’s so vague. I know my friends, have known for ages. 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: :D my mom lmao
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: everyone 23. do you have any pets: nope but allergies 24. do you want to change your name: nah man I’m good 25. what did you do for your last birthday: my friends threw me a surprise party :D 26. what time did you wake up: 5:30am because we had to drive to the airport ^^ 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 28. name something you can’t wait for the announcement for: GOOD THINGS (this isn’t a metaphor or anything, I just want things to be better) 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: last week, before she went on holiday 31. what are you listening to right now: Jesus Christ Superstar :D 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Probably 33. something that is getting on your nerves: My mental illness (and consequent sabotaging of my own life), I’m done with that shit 34. most visited website: youtube, tumblr, ao3, linguee, my bank 35. hair color: brown & copper (though I should get it dyed red properly again) 36. long or short hair: long-ish 37. do you have a crush on someone: happens 38. what do you like about yourself: how far I’ve come 39. piercings: six, in my ears 40. blood type: A I think 41. nickname: French, Frenchie, Frenzou (ha, ha), Chi 42. relationship status: lost 43. zodiac: pisces 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favorite tv show: probably Brooklyn Nine-Nine but I recently also watched Firefly and loved it?? Also Game of Thrones rn the hype is real 46. tattoos: not yet 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: had a couple, yeah, I’ve got a skin cancer thing 50. sport: I do endurance training, mostly running? I used to do athletics and a lot of dancing but not anymore ^^ oh, and skiing of course, my favorite!! and I enjoy inline skating and swimming. 51. vacation: I have a lot of plans for the future :D 52. pair of trainers: ...as in favorite? lmao Idc
53. eating: who eats lol chocolate cake don’t judge me 54. drinking: ...water 55. about to: write a bunch of letters or maybe sleep; I’ve an exhausting week ahead of me 56. waiting for: improvement. 57. want: my meds to help me be better 58. get married: if I find the right person (or the right person finds me) 59. career: I’m an interpreter and translator, mostly legal stuff - might go back to university soon though to add smth else
60. hugs or kisses: give me bOTH 61. lips or eyes: both both both 62. shorter or taller: either is good 63. older or younger: I don’t mind either way 64. nice arms or nice stomach: aRMS 65. hook up or relationship: relationship by a mile 66. troublemaker or hesitant: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
67. kissed a stranger: nope 68. drank hard liquor: yah 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: nope, don’t need any (frequently break sunglasses tho, like a loser) 70. turned someone down: never been in that position 71. sex on the first date: nope 72. broken someone’s heart: I... don’t think so? 73. had your heart broken: happens 74. been arrested: nope 75. cried when someone died: yeah 76. fallen for a friend: lines are always blurry
77. yourself: I hope I will again soon 78. miracles: doubtful 79. love at first sight: I doubt it’d work for me, but it probably exists? 80. santa clause: fam pls 81. kiss on the first date: depends, depends 82. angels: doubtful
84. eye colour: blue-gray 85. favorite movies: mOANA, Big Hero 6, Howl’s Moving Castle, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Wonder Woman, Spiderman Homecoming???, Iron Man, [like 50 million others]
Thank you!!
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lavieboheme930 · 6 years
590- I Think I’m In Love With You
01. How often do you walk around barefoot? Like never 02. When you eat take-out, do you just eat it out of the containers provided? No 03. How do you prefer to travel? Plane, train, driving? Train 04. Would you need to sleep with someone before considering marrying them? No.
05. How often do you make your bed? every morning
07. Do you carry condoms? No. 08. Would you date someone who has a hearing aid? Yeah. 09. If you were to be stuck on a deserted tropical island, how big would you like the island to be? I don’t know 10. How organized are the files on your computer? Ehhh...just by type really 11. Have you ever been to a strip club? Nope. 12. Have you ever brought home a stray animal? No 13. Did you have a childhood hero? Were they real or fictional? Not that I can remember 14. If you are put on hold and the music playing is a song you know, do you sing along? Yes 15. Are you physically strong? No 16. Would you date someone with braces? Sure. 17. Does scuba diving interest you? No 18. Would you ever ask your parents for relationship advice? Sure. 19. Do you think people look up to you? No 20. How often do you have trouble sleeping at night? Depends  21. Can you drive a manual transmission? I don’t drive at all 22. Have you ever re-gifted a gift you didn’t care for? No 23. Do you ever rehearse conversations before you have them? Yes and still forget by the time I talk to the person LOL 24. You notice someone staring intently at you, what do you do? Just ignore them. 25. Do you blush easily? Yes. 26. Do you get angry at yourself or at others more often? myself I guess 27. Can you name five current world leaders? No lol 28. When taking a cab, do you talk to the driver? Only if they start talking 29. Do you like word games like Scrabble or Boggle? No they bore me 30. Would you consider dating a psychiatrist or psychologist? Sure.
Quick! Chinese or Mexican food? Either or really LOL
How many significant others have you had in your WHOLE life? None
I have to ask: What does the last text you received say? "Ahhh shit, I never thought of that.  I’ll delete it.”
How about the last text you sent? "I’m listening to Crazy in Love and thinking shit why did I sing it while he was looking at me.”
Have you shared any kisses today? No
Did the last person you kissed have soft lips, or were they kind of crusty? I don’t remember
Do you think your life will be any different a year from now? Yes
What all is in your wallet? Not listing things 
How many windows are in your bedroom? 2
Have you ever been in a fist fight? Nope.
When was the last time you went to the doctor? It’s been awhile
Are you going out of town anytime soon? No.
Do you hate your ex? N/A
When are you going to get a haircut? I don’t get my hair cut cause I love it long
Can you fit your hand around your wrist? Yes 
Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? Yeah.
When was the last time you applied chapstick? No idea 
Are you a coffee person or a tea person? Coffee
Do you have a weird laugh? No
What kind of deodorant do you wear? Dove 
Do you have videos on YouTube? Yeah.
When’s the last time you had a phone conversation for more than ten minutes? No idea
Do you laugh at inappropriate times? Yeah, I can’t help it though.  I just love laughing lol
What’s your fast food restaurant of choice? None
All the people you’ve kissed, what did their names start with? J and E
Are you in any kind of pain right now? No
Are you the jealous type? No
What did you and your ex fight about most? N/A
Do you have a foot phobia? No.
Well, are you a germaphobe? I can be
Do you get frustrated easily? No 
Don’t you love long hugs? Yes!!!
And long kisses? I wouldn’t know
Have you ever purchased condoms? No
Do you have a dirty mind? I can LOL
What’s your favorite soda? None
Do you check the mail everyday, or somebody else? My dad does 
Did you think braces were cool when you were little? Yes
Do you ever go without makeup or doing your hair? Without makeup yes
Put your iTunes on shuffle RIGHT NOW and tell me the first song it plays. Dear Life by Delta Goodrem
What is the last song you added to your iTunes library? I don’t use itunes but Spotify.  That would be Thank U, Next 
Are you embarrassed by any of the songs in your iTunes? No 
When was the last time you were sick? Now with this cold
Did you get anybody else sick? No
Have you had your flu shots? I don’t get the flu shot.  Never have and never will.
What brand is your camera? My phone.
Do you like raisins? Yeah
Who was your valentine this year? No one
When did you first kiss the last person you kissed? Sometime Jan. 2017
And when did you last kiss the last person you kissed? That same date  
Did you borrow that shirt from somebody? Nope.
What was the last thing you put in your mouth? donut
Do you like to swim? Don’t know how to
How many vacations have you been on in the past year? None 
Have you ever gone on vacation with your boyfriend/girlfriend? N/A
Are you supposed to be doing homework, young man/lady? Nope.
Do you have to wake up early tomorrow? Yes
Do you have any prescriptions currently? No
Are you upset about anything? Nah
Have you ever seen the tv-show Daria? If so, what do you think of it? Love that show.  It totally described me and my best friend.  I was Daria and she was Jane
Do you have pets? If so, what kind? If not, why not? Dog.  Basenji
Who do you live with? parents and Breezy, my dog
What do you usually drink in the morning/at breakfast? coffee 
How do you normally wear your hair? Down
Do you follow fashion? If so, why? No
Are you capable to be alone? If not, why not? Yeah
Do you notice children, or do you just ignore them? I notice them 
What’s your opinion on teenagers? Annoying and don’t care about anything.  I find teenagers these days nastier than when I was a teen
Can you think of a reason to support under-aged drinking? No
What is your biggest dream? Make it big in comedy or as an author 
Are you ambitious? Yeah
Which part of the world do you live in? North America.
Who is your favourite fictional character? I can’t choose
What genre of films do you like best? Comedy
What genre of films do you like the least? Documentary 
Are you artistic? If so, what’s your area of arts? Writing...that’s an art I guess.  Also, I do choreography 
Do you want children? If so, what is your main reason to have kids? Yes.  I just want to
Do you have a job? If so, what do you do? Yes.  Freelance novelist
Do you still have any of your childhood toys? No
Which decade were you born in? 80′s!!!
Do you suffer from a chronic illness? Nope
Are there any family members you never get along with? No
Do you consider yourself “normal”? What is your definition of “normal”? No..I’m unique and proud to be myself.
How tech savvy are you? Ehh...
What is your favourite game? candy crush.
Have you ever played a real pinball machine? If so, which machine was it? Do you have a favourite? No
What do you spend most of your money on? comedy shows
What is the saddest thing that has happened to you? What about the happiest? Happiest, meeting the jokers.  Don’t want to go into the saddest
Do you have an Android device? If so, what? No
Are you on Google+? No
What other social network do you use, if any? Facebook,IG, Twitter
Are you interested in celebrity gossip? If so, why? No
What is the first thing you notice about people? I don’t know really
What is something that makes you NOT want to get to know someone? Them being an ass
Do you have a fan/air conditioning on right now? fan
When was the last time you sang along with a song? Which one was it? Breathless by The Corrs
Are you currently wearing any hair accessories? Which ones? No
Do you often press the wrong keys on the keyboard? not too often 
When was the last time you got a splinter stuck in you? Last week 
Do you prefer drawing or painting? Any particular reason why? drawing...I’m better at it
Are you saving up for anything right now? What? Comedy shows...someday getting to Scotland
Are you any good at playing pinball? No.
Do you own any figurines? Of what? 2 Bog Monsters and one Ferret Boy
When did you last have itchy eyes? Yesterday
If forced to go camping, would you rather sleep in a tent or a caravan? Neither
Is it dark outside right now? Yes
How often do you get jealous of other people? What is it usually about? I don’t
Do you make things more complicated than is necessary? No.
What’s your favourite type of cake? Cheesecake.
Have you ever woken up from a dream and believed it to have been real? Yes!!!
When was the last time you brushed your teeth? This morning.
How tired are you right now? Very.
If there’s a bug in your room, can you sleep or do you need to get it out? Need to get it out
How long have you gone without sleep? No idea
Do you prefer traveling alone or with people? With people.
Did you listen to the radio today? Only spotify 
Generally speaking, is it warmer or colder in your house than outside? Warmer 
Have you ever tie-dyed something? No 
Name something you thought was cool when you were younger but don’t now: no idea
How long does it usually take you to get to sleep? depends
When did you last get a papercut? The other day.
Which do you prefer: Blackboards or whiteboards? whiteboards
What sort of things do you have bookmarked in your internet browser? Lots of work related stuff
What are you wearing right now? leggings and plaid shirt
What was the last book you read? Tell Her No Lies
0 notes
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Full name: George Fabian Weasley
Meaning: George = farmer
Reasoning: Fred and George were named together after Molly’s brothers, Gideon and Fabian Prewett.
Pronunciation: J-ore-j fae-be-an  wee-z-lee
Nickname(s) or alias(es): Georgie (occasionally by his family) 
Preferred name(s): George
Label: the peter pan - someone who doesn’t want to grow up ; childish and irresponsible ; someone who fear of letting go and moving on.
Date of birth: April 1st 1978
Zodiac sign: Aries
Religion: Atheist
Ethnicity: White European
Nationality: British
Gender: Male
Preferred pronouns: He/him
Sexual preference: Bisexual (demisexual)
Romantic preference: Panromantic (demiromantic)
Hometown: Devon, England
Resides in: London
Occupation: Owner of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes
Language(s) spoken: English
Native language: English
Marital status: Single
Political views: Moderate liberal
Financial status: Well off
Species: Wizard
Birth order: Middle Child
Traditions/customs: Snowball fights with his family on Christmas
Level of education: Almost finished Hogwarts
How were their grades? Acceptable
Best childhood memory: Christmas morning with his entire family together  
Worst childhood memory:  He once charmed a rock to act like a bludger so they could practice Quidditch and it hit Ron in the head, knocking him unconscious. His parents healed him, but they were both furious.  It was the angriest he'd ever seen his dad get. He and Fred were grounded for a week - they spent the first two days locked in separate rooms. He wasn’t sure what he hated the most being alone, disappointing his family, or that he put his brother in danger. From then on, George was more thoughtful about possible repercussions of his actions.
Experienced discipline: Despite lenient parents, he was disciplined a lot for pushing their wide boundaries
Family’s economic status: Not great.
Childhood career choice: Changed regularly depending on what Fred wanted to do - he just wanted to work with Fred. The one they stuck with the longest was being a cursebreaker like Bill
School subject they excelled at: Charms
School subject they had trouble with: History of Magic
Looks like (or face claim): Oliver Phelps
Height: 5’8
Shoe size: 9
Figure/build: Athletic, slightly skinny
Hair color, Natural or Dyed? Light red, natural (he dyed it brown for a while after Fred died, but it��s since grown back to it’s natural Weasley red)
Hair style/length/width: Just long enough to cover his missing ear. It’s straight, with a few waves depending on if he took the time to brush it or not (usually not)
Eye color: Brown
Eyesight: 20/20
Teeth: Bottom teeth are slightly crooked, but nothing to worry about. He’s never given it much thought
Shape of face: Oval
Body/facial hair: His facial hair is too thin and pale to grow a beard, so he shaves it off. He doesn’t shave his chest, which has a relatively thin layer of sandy red hair.
Self-care: Lots of tea. Chocolate. Friend. 
Skin tone: pale
Birthmarks/scars/distinguishing marks: He’s missing his left ear. He has a thin scar from quidditch on the back of his right shoulder.
Tattoos: None.
Piercings: None.
Innie or outie belly button? Innie
Dominant hand: Right
Describe their signature: Matter-of-fact, Hastily scribbled half-cursive
Nail polish color:  None
Clothing style: Bright colors, patterned, earth tones
Frequently worn jewelry: None
Describe their voice, what accent? Smooth clear voice, British acent
Speech style: fast, energetic, enthusiastic
Singing voice: Decent for a karaoke bar, but nothing to write home about. Although he likes to intentionally sing off key sometimes just for the hell of it.
Verbal tics: He still says ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ sometimes, or ‘our’ instead of ‘my’ since he’s so used to everything he does involving Fred as well.
Scent: earthy
Posture: Relaxed. He slouches and leans against things a lot, unless he knows he’s in front of an audience - then he’ll immediately straighten up
Gestures:  Energetic. He talks with his hands a lot without realizing he’s doing it.
Default facial expression: Cheerful or contemplative
Age often mistaken for: 27
Personality type: ENTP
Upon first meeting them: He seems very cheerful and goofy, a bit full of himself
Catchphrase(s): “Wicked”, “You know what?”
Positive traits: Enthusiastic, passionate, brave, thoughtful, creative, resourceful
Negative traits: Cunning, blunt, rebellious, self-indulgent, spiteful 
Likes: cheering people up, people who make him laugh, people who stand up for others
Dislikes: authority, people who act like they’re superior, people who try to tell him what to do
Usual mood: Alternates between cheerful and melancholy
Sense of humor: George has a broad sense of humor that ranges from childish pranks to sharp witty jokes. For the most part, he has an innocent sense of humor, preferring to makes jokes at his own expense (or the expense of his close friends or family who he knows will receive them well).
Soft spot/vulnerability: Fred and his grief around Fred’s death.  His future.
Insecurities: He sometimes worries that he bothers people by reminding them of Fred, that they’ll mistake him for Fred, or that they think it would have been better if he’d died and Fred had survived instead.
Fears: Unable to move on after Fred’s death, spending his whole life alone, never being happy again, losing more members of his family
Comforts: one-on-one time with close friends or family
Habits/quirks: Talking with his hands,
Nervous tics: He sometimes bounces or taps his foot with nervous energy. If there’s something in his hands, it makes noise - he’ll jingle keys, tap his quill, or clink coins together. He can’t keep still for long.
Hobbies: Quidditch, pranking people, reading short fast-paced (often comedic) books, thinking up new inventions for his joke shop
Guilty pleasure: childish pranks
Desires: Happiness, a family,
Wishes: Fred hadn’t died.
Regrets: Not being able to save Fred. Anytime someone got hurt during one of their pranks.
Secrets: At Fred’s funeral, several people told stories about ‘Fred’ that had actually been about George, and vice versa. George never corrected them.
Superstitions: None.
Lucky number: 7
Pet peeves: People who talk for long periods of time without saying anything interesting.
Level of seriousness: 4/10
Level of independence: 9/10 (Financially, he’s independent. Emotionally, he’s still dependent on his parents and his siblings)
Accessory: Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes pin
Activity: Playing games with his family or friends
Animal: Dog
Beverage: Butterbeer
Clothing item: He secretly loves the jumpers his mom knitted him. He never wears them out, but still sleeps in them sometimes.
Color: Orange and Purple 
Day of the week: Monday
Food: Fish and chips
Gem: Sapphire
Holiday: April Fools
Ice cream flavor: Butterbeer
Instrument: Piano (he can’t play, but he likes the sound of it)
Mythological creature: Griffin or Dragon
Number: 77
Quote/saying: Laugh it off.
Person: Fred. (Living = Angelina or Lee)
Possession: His wand.
Scenery: English countryside
Scent: Autumn leaves
School subject: Flying Lessons, Troublemaking + avoiding  Filch (there’s an art to it so it counts as a subject), Charms
Season: Autumn
Quidditch team: Holyhead Harpies (since Ginny is on it)
Teacher: McGonagall
Time of the day: Late afternoon
Transportation: Broom
Weather: Warm, sunny, and breezy
Word: Joke
Vacation destination: The burrow with his family
Blood type: O-positive
Time of birth: Morning
Place of birth: At home
Manner of birth: It was a quick and straightforward birth, the only surprise being that there were two kids born instead of one. No one knows which twin was born first, as they weren’t given their names until later that day, and no one could remember which of the two identical babies was which.
Vaginal birth or cesarean section?: Vaginal
Birth weight/length: average
Sex: Male
Diet:  Eats what he wants when he feels like it.
Alcohol Use: Socially.
Drug Use: Rarely, for experimental purposes.
Addictions: None (except occasionally he’ll get addicted to his work -  perfecting a potion or new line of products)
Allergies: None.
Body temperature: Average
Exercise habits: Occasionally runs to relieve stress. Enjoys playing recreational Quidditch (or any sport, really, though most often Quidditch)   
Sleeping habits: He rarely had trouble sleeping until Fred died. Now it’s hit or miss. Sometimes he sleeps deeply - sometimes he has nightmares. Sometimes he dreams of Fred and wakes up crying. Sometimes he has pleasant dreams. He hasn’t found the secret to predicting what kind of night it will be.
Do they get occasional checkups? No. If something bothers him, he’ll see someone about it.
Ever broken a bone? Yes, in Quidditch at Hogwarts his second year, he broke his arm, but he was laughing about it and it was fixed within minutes.
Hospital visits, what for? If the hospital wing counts, then a lot - he’s been there thirteen times for himself, three more for Fred, and every time Ron or Ginny or one of his Quidditch team mates were injured, he visited them. He also visited his dad in St. Mungo’s after he was attacked by Voldemort’s snake.
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities? None.
Any mental illnesses/disorders? Complicated grief that manifests similar to depression and PTSD
When were they diagnosed? About a year after Fred died - he had showed up at his parents house crying and saying that he couldn’t live like this anymore - it felt like his heart was physically hurting every day. They took him in and he slept for two days. When he woke up, Mrs. Weasley encouraged him to see a therapist. He went six times before he stopped.
Any medication regularly taken? No.
Phobia(s): None.
Are they prone to violence? Only if you insult or threaten  his family.
Enneagram Type: Seven/ The Epicure
Moral Alignment: chaotic good
Temperament: sanguine
Element: Air
Intelligence Type: Linguistic intelligence
Approximate IQ: One point below genius
Sociability: Extroverted
Emotional Stability: Moderately stable, apart from his grief over Fred
Birth Name: George Fabian Weasley
Other legal names: N/A
Have they ever been arrested? Surprisingly not.
Ever served prison time? No.
Do they have a criminal record? No.
Have they committed any violent crimes? No
Property crimes? Not that he was caught for (although he trespassed a lot and has broken and entered several places around Hogsmead, just to go exploring with Fred)
Other crimes? He has gotten some of the materials for his potions from questionable sources.
Primary Source of Income: Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes
Secondary Source of Income: None.
Approximate Amount per Year: More than enough to pay his bills,  cover his extravagant clothes, buy everyone in his family nice birthday  presents, and still end the year with a bit more in his bank account than he’d started off.
Content with their job (or lack thereof)? Yes
Past job(s): None.
Spending habits: George hardly ever buys things on his own and prefers to spend his money on experiences - taking friends out for drinks, going to Quidditch games, vacation, etc.
Dream job: Exactly what he’s doing, but with someone helping him
Work ethic: If he cares about it/ thinks it’s important, he’s great. If he doesn’t he won’t get it done.
Feelings on their past occupation(s): N/A
Reason for leaving past occupation(s): N/A
Reason for their current choice of occupation: It was Fred’s idea, but George loved it. It was basically making his favorite pastime into a career
How long have they been in their current occupation? Five years
Are they well liked among their colleagues and employers? He thinks so, and for the most part he’s right. He genuinely cares about his employees and they can see that.
Living situation: Alone.
Good or bad neighborhood? Diagon Alley is decent enough.
Cost/rent: Fairly expensive.
Home type : Flat over Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes
How many stories? 1  
Exterior colour: purple
Interior colour: earth tones
How many bedrooms? 2 (he’s turned Fred’s bedroom into a study)
How many bathrooms? 1
Any plants? No.
Tile, wood, or carpeting? Wood
Housekeeping: He keeps it from getting too bad, but it’s not exactly clean. When it gets too messy, he pays someone to clean it.
Something they usually keep stocked in their fridge or cabinet: Tea, milk, sugar, honey, cookies/biscuits
Something they always keep next to their night stand: A glass of water or milk
How do their neighbors feel about them: They never hear him in his flat, but they get annoyed with him for the commotion the joke shop sometimes causes - or the sounds of explosions from his office which doubles as a lab.
Do they hate their neighbors; if so, why? No - he hasn’t given much thought to them
Is their home haunted? No
Has there been any deaths in their home? No
Physical strength: 6.5/10
Offense: 7/10
Defense: 8/10
Speed: 8/10
Intelligence: 9/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Agility: 8.5//10
Stamina: 7/10
Teamwork: 8/10
Lying: 9.5//10
Sociability: 10/10
Talents: Playing pranks, juggling, muggle card tricks, story-telling
Shortcomings: organization, attention to detail, expressing his feelings 
Cook? Not well.
Bake? If he has a recipe (it’s like making a potion)
Drive? He doesn’t have a license, but he drove his father’s car a few times and managed not to crash it (although Fred was the better driver)
Swim? Yes
Play an instrument? He tried to teach himself the drums once when he was little, but never stuck with it enough to learn more than the basics
Play chess? Wizard chess, yes. He’s surprisingly good when he’s paying attention and not thinking about something else.
Braid hair? No.
Tie a Tie? yes.
Pick a Lock? Yes.
Shoot a gun? Hasn’t tried.
Life: Too short.
Death: Too permanent.
Love: Is essential.
Sex: Intrigued by.
Marriage: Is important.
Divorce: He understands it’s sometimes necessary, but doesn’t want to see it happen to anyone in his family.
Family: The most important thing in the world.
Friends: Tied for most important thing in the world.
Politics: They’re important, but he hasn’t had the energy to keep up with them lately.
Religion: Lies to control people.
Work: Might as well do something meaningful with your time.
Money: Isn’t happiness, but it certainly is better being happy and rich than happy and poor.
Alcohol/Drug Use: Don’t abuse it and you’re good.
Tattoos/Piercings: They can be wicked cool or awful depending on what they are. You know, Quaffles are cool, Dark Marks aren’t.
Swearing: A way to express emotion. And rebel.
*optional if mun is underage or uncomfortable
Virginity? Still a virgin
Gender preference: Female
Dominant/submissive? Both
Top/bottom/versatile? Versatile
Turn-ons: Teasing. Lip biting. Laughing. Confidence.
Turn-offs: Being emotionally distant.
Kinks: Saying his name, trying new things
Anti-kinks: Anything too painful or dangerous
General libido: It’s like on hold until he meets the right person
Do they have sex often? Not at the moment. 
Do they take the initiative? Not at first, but once he’s in a committed relationship and they’ve had sex a few times, then yes.
How do they act? Excited, caring, genuine
Do they go slow or jump in? Slow
Do they act like a friend or a lover? Friend
Type of kisser: Passionate, gentle 
Do they like kissing in public? Once he knows someone will kiss him back, yes  
Can they commit to one person? Yes
What are they like in relationships? Happy, Caring, Optimistic, Clingy,  
Do they want kids? Yes
Do they want to marry? Yes
How long was their longest relationship? He’s been on a few dates, but never really dated anyone
How are they in bed? Inexperienced
Do they get jealous easily? A little, but he doesn’t make a big deal about it.
Feelings on oral? Intrigued by it.
Father: Arthur Weasley  Describe their relationship:  Warm and caring. George looks up to his father, even though he jokes around with him and gives him a hard time sometimes.
Mother: Molly Weasley
Relationship: He and his mother argued a lot during his teenage years, but they’ve made up and been very supportive of each other since the war. He doesn’t understand her sometimes, but he loves her and he knows she loves him. 
Brothers: Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, Ron, 
RELATIONSHIP: After Fred, he was closest to Ron, but his relationship with Ron was always strained by the fact that George thought of him as younger and needing protecting. He looks up to his older brothers and loved playing with them when he was younger, but lately he realizes he hasn’t gotten to know them as adults very well. He still admires them and a slight bit of younger sibling hero-worshiping going-on, but he’d never admit it. 
Sister: Ginny Weasley 
RELATIONSHIP: George always enjoys spending time with Ginny. Of all his siblings, she reminds him the most of Fred. He loves it when she tells an unexpected joke or pulls a prank. As with Ron, he tries to be the tough older brother and has a hard time opening up to Ginny about anything less than perfect in his life. 
GRANDPARENTS: Dead [*Charlie what are you putting for this? haha]
RELATIONSHIP: He has a few fond memories, but doesn’t feel like he ever really knew them. 
Significant Other: N/A
Children: N/A
Pet(s): None
Best friends: Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson 
Childhood friends: His brothers, Lee Jordan, Gryffindor Quidditch team (most of the Gryffindors in his year and the year below, really)
Rivals: Slytherin Quidditch players 
Past romances: A few one-time dates, nothing to write home about
Roommates: None at the moment. 
In the ABO universe, are they an Alpha, Beta, or omega? Beta
Expensive or inexpensive tastes? Both
Hygienic or Unhygienic? On the lesser side of Hygienic
Open-minded or close-minded? Open-minded
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Logical or emotional? Logical
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and messy
Prefers working or relaxing? Both
Confident or unsure of himself/herself/theirself? Both - appears more confident than he is
Generous or stingy? On the stingy side of generous
Polite or rude? Polite to people he likes  - rude to people he doesn’t like. Strangers are somewhere in the middle.
Book smart or street smart? Street smart
Popular or loner? He’s become more of a loner since Fred died.
Leader or follower? Both - he was used to following Fred, but he’s been leading his staff at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes successfully and he enjoys it.
Day or night person? Both.
Cat or dog person? Dog (he loves cats too though, especially if they’re friendly)
Closet door open or closed while sleeping? Cracked open
Coffee or tea? Tea
Sleep or eat? Both
Showering in the day or night? Night
Bath or shower? Shower
Shaver or waxer? Shave
TV or movies? Movies
Iced tea or lemonade? Lemonade
Ice cream or smoothies? Ice cream
Cupcakes or cake? Cake
Beach or mountains? Beach
Movie theater or Netflix? Netflix at someone else’s house
Buying music or downloading illegally? Downloading illegally. Unless he knew the artist. Then buying 100% and you better buy too.
Hot chocolate or hot apple cider? Hot chocolate
Video games or computer games? Video games.
Milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Milk
Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise
Feminine or masculine? Feminine
Are they a good or bad liar? Good
Do they have a fake I.D.? No
How long would they survive in a zombie apocalypse? A fair amount of time, as  long as if he was with other people.
Do they travel?  Yes, when people will go with him. Traveling is something he’s recently discovered he loves to do.
What do they wear to bed? Shorts or just boxers in the summer ; soft trousers, t-shirt, and a sweater in the winter
On what occasions do they lie? As an adult, to keep his family safe. To keep surprises
What is one thing they’d most like to change about themselves? He wants to be more like his old self before Fred died
How would they like to die? Saving someone he loves
Do they snore? Softly
Do they chew their pens/pencils? No
Can they curl their tongue? No, but he thinks he can
Can they whistle? Yes
Do they believe in the supernatural?  Yes
Are they squeamish? Yes
Have they ever killed anyone? Why? How? In the Battle at Hogwarts, he killed a few of the Death Eaters by hitting them with stunning spells at the same time as other people on his side.
Have they ever seen anyone die? In the battle of Hogwarts, he saw several of his former classmates hit by spells that killed them instantly.
Are they a lightweight? Yes and it’s hilarious
Do they forgive betrayal? If no one was hurt, then yes. If someone was hurt, then no.
Do they shower every day? Every other day
Most traumatic experience: Fred’s death
Do they wear the hood on their hoodie? Sometimes
Do they use chapstick? Not unless someone (like his mother) makes him
Would they rather sleep with someone else or alone? With someone else
What position do they sleep in? back/side
Which side of the bed do they sleep on? Left
Can they multi-task or must they focus on one subject at a time? He can multitask, but he’s better at hyper focusing on one thing
If suddenly challenged, would they rather run away or stay and fight? Stay and fight
Do they get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? Restless
What would completely break them? Fred’s death completely broke him. Now, the death to any other member of his family would push him over the edge.
What was the best thing in their life? Fred.
What was the worst thing in their life? Losing Fred.
Do they curse often? Occasionally, when there are no kids around.
Deadly Sin: Pride
Virtue: Kindness
Celtic animal sign: Fox
Chinese zodiac sign: Horse
Zodiac flower sign: Honeysuckle
Native American Zodiac Sign: Falcon
Zodiac gemstones: Diamond, Amethyst,  Emerald
Theme song: Just hold on (Steve Aoki)
Song that would like to play at their funeral: Good life
Song that is likely to be found on their music library: It’s My Life
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