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guiltyidealist · 2 years ago
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I've inexplicably picked up writing again after 9 long years of radio silence, but now with memes. Here's that I guess
~ Credit via link to my post if you reupload ~
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anachrosims · 9 months ago
In which I list a fuckton of tutorials, guides, and lists of such, each written, curated, and crafted by people far more talented than I.
More will be added as I find them.
@teanmoon's CC Guides - Includes tutorials on cloning, uv_1, weights, bump and specular maps, bi-color hair, and a Blender Cheat Sheet. High poly 'creators' have little excuse to churn out high poly, non-optimized garbage when they can lean on bump maps. (I know those can only do so much for more complex meshes, but for objects, texture maps can do SO much heavy-lifting).
@vintagesimstress's CC Guides - Includes tutorials on using Blender to create objects and clothing, especially for people who are just getting started.
@eliavah's uv-1 adjustment tutorial. Haven't tried this myself yet, but after glancing through it, it's something I will surely want to keep bookmarked.
@simlaughlove's CC Tutorials List - Includes many tutorials handily laid out by category on everything from object texturing to CAS morphs.
@thefoxburyinstitute's Nav Page - This blog is nonstop Sims 4 resources for e v e r y t h i n g. READ THIS POST FIRST as a guide on how to actually... nav.
@simsresourcehub's Tags List - What it says on the tin.
Transferring Weights in Blender 3.3.1 - Over at Sims4Studio forums.
@trillyke's List of Tutorials - Good ones!
@sims4tutorials - *GRAND GESTURES*
@katverse's Huge List of Tutorials - Tutorials on eeeverything.
@thatsimslady's Massive List of Tutorials - 31 pages????? Damn.
@kouukie's Sims 4 CAS with Marvelous Designer Tutorial - YouTube video!
@rusticottage's Gifmaking Tutorial - I love Sims gifs tbh.
@cowplant-pizza' Boes' Editing Masterlist - Includes stuff for Reshade, PSDs, PS Actions, and how to use them.
@melonsloth's Deco Sim Tutorial - Using SimRipper
@depthofpixels's Deco Sim Tutorial - Using SimRipper
@azuhrasims' Guide to Posing Sims - Includes how to pose sims, and handy workarounds! Super great for beginners and longtime users.
@radioactivedotcom's Guide to Posing - Includes additional posing resources. NOT for beginners.
@madameriasims4's Add a Flame to Your Basegame Candle - Great for mood lighting and historical gameplay!
@syboubou's Making a Lamp Start to Finish - a video tutorial
Adding Lit DST to Fireplace
New image ref for default overrides
Make an RGB Spec for Objects
Bake a shadow onto your object in Blender
Linking all bedding to a single frame
Cutouts for Doors/Windows/Archways
Making objects see-through/glass
Making lamps light correctly
Give an object transparency (add an alpha)
Make a candle w/ multiple flames
Change LOD viewing distance
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curiouspupsicle · 2 months ago
Good Omens Fan Fiction Friday (1/10/25) - "Mixed" AU Fics
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Okay, this is a weird theme. But it occurs to me that some of my fave fics have been tales where one of our ineffable pair is mortal while the other remains a supernatural being. It's a rich starting point for fiction. And it brings some creative results.
Let's start off with The Scarecrow (M) by AppleSeeds in which a lonely Aziraphale inherits a 14th century home. One night, the scarecrow he's been talking to in the field mysteriously appears in his bedroom. It's a little spooky with a sweet ending. Also by AppleSeeds is Ghost (T) in which Crowley finds a posh ghost sharing his flat. Said ghost is apparently worried about him and makes him dinner and draws him relaxing hot baths. Imaginative story with a surprising ending.
I'll admit this next pick gave me pause. I avoided it for a long time before reading thanks to the explicit rating, presence of a sleep paralysis demon, and the dub consent tag. But when I took a chance, Be Still, My Love, Be Still (E) by @entanglednow quickly became a fond favorite. It's amazingly tender. And the writer finds a creative way to incorporate consent into a relationship where one party is paralyzed and unable to speak. I highly recommend this lovely story.
Want some demon/human fluff? Check out Blue Roses (G) by NotEvenCloseToStraight. The demon Crowley owns a flower shop across from a cute bookshop owner. He "talks" the flowers into behaving in a way that will ensure he gets a shot at making the relationship progress.
The monarch of comic asides, @wyvernquill, gives us a crossover with a famous musical in The Serpent of the Opera (T). The wily Phantom, er Serpent, kidnaps Eden Opera House's bookkeeper, Aziraphale. Hilariously oblivious Aziraphale assumes it was so he could play matchmaker for the Serpent with his true love. Loads of laughs. Fun to see the extremes to which denial can go. In 21 Grams (T) by @hakunahistata, Hell gives 7-year-old orphan Anthony the ability to see demons. As you can imagine, he's terrified. But he gets help from angel Aziraphale after praying. So thankful to @addledmongoose for suggesting this. I absolutely love it.
Aziraphale buys a cottage for a great price in @commodorecliche 's in the house we remain (M). But the books authored by a former owner, Anthony Crowley, who died on the property, keep turning up in surprising places. A sweet, ghost love story.
Crowley finds Aziraphale working in a library on earth after losing track of him a year after leaving the bookshop in Among the Stacks (NR) by MeinirRhos. But Aziraphale doesn't remember being an angel. And is apparently mortal? Of course, Crowley has no choice but to love him anyway. The opening line: "What do you wear to mourn when all you ever wear is black?" Yep. lots of angst but a happy ending.
My final choice is a fandom classic beloved by many. So if you haven't read it, I highly recommend the series, Pray for Us, Icarus (G & T) by Atalan. Crowley becomes human and reincarnates over 300 years. Aziraphale tries to restore Crowley to his immortal, demonic status but only ends up hurting them both. It will break your heart. And heal it by the end. I promise.
Did I miss your favorite tale of a mortal/supernatural pairing for our adorable Good Omens characters? Share in the comments. More recommendations each Friday--follow and reblog if you like what you see. Check out my other favorite fics on this pinned post of weekly Good Omens fan fiction recommendations.
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gamerknight7310 · 7 months ago
Something Fun...
Hey y'all, I haven't done one of these kinds of posts, but hey there's a first time for everything. I present to you a series of questions that'll determine what your vampire OC would look like based off the video below. Remember this is all for fun, but with that out of the way here are the questions.
Original Video: vampire
If you're an introvert, your OC got blank white skin
If you're omnivert or ambivert, your OC got light gray skin
If you're an extrovert, your OC has dark gray skin
If you have short hair, give your OC medium hair
If you have long hair, give your OC short hair
If you have medium hair, give your OC long hair
If you're a water sign (Pisces - Scorpio - Cancer), your OC will have gray hair
If you're an air sign (Libra - Aquarius - Gemini), your OC will have white hair
If you're a fire sign (Sagittarius - Leo - Aries), your OC will have red hair
If you're an earth sign (Taurus - Virgo - Capricorn), your OC will have black hair
|Pick a number 1-4|
If you chose 1, your OC got these eyes
If you chose 2, your OC got these eyes
If you chose 3, your OC got these eyes
If you chose 4, your OC got these eyes
If you're an only child, give your OC pointy ears
If you have siblings, give your OC bat wings
If you have pets, your OC wears elegant clothes
If you have no pets, your OC wears modern clothes
Once you've answered all the questions, post your results to give us an idea on what your lil' blood sucker looks like. Afterwards, if you like, tag your friends to see what their results are. Well I wish you all a wonderful day/night.
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year ago
Belphie A-Z Smut HCs (Obey Me)
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⬅Back to Smut HC A-Z Masterlist ◇
18+ only, minors do not interact.
My personal headcanons using this [prompt list]
The goal is to finish the whole list; you are welcome to request a letter so I get to it faster. I will work on it as quick as I can but keep in mind I do have a life & responsibilities lol. ^^
Last Updated: Oct.1.2023 (3 out of 26)
⚠️Notes: I'll tag any sections if needed. If you think a section needs a tag, kindly let me know.
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A: Affair (Describe an extra-marital affair)
B: Birthday (Describe birthday sex)
C: Compliments (Mid- and post-sex compliments)
D: Dry Humping (Describe a dry-humping scene)
E: Experimenting (Trying something new)
F: Firsts (First time having sex together)
G: Gentle (Describe gentle/loving mid-sex gestures)
H: Handsy (When they can’t keep their hands to themselves)
I: Initiator (Who initiates most of the time? How?)
J: Jealous (“Claiming” a partner)
K: Kitchen (Describe a sex scene in the kitchen)
L: Likes (What they like in the bedroom)
M: Morning (Describe morning sex)
N: Never (Things they would never try)
O: Orgasm (Describe coming--who comes first? What do they say? How does the other person know it’s approaching?)
He usually holds out & lets you cum first, he knows after the first round & any possible rounds after, his energy is just gonna get drained more & more. He's usually pretty verbal about when he's cumming. "I'm gonna fill that pretty little hole up, get ready." He's obsessed with watching you take his cum & loves to see it drip out.
P: Playlist (A playlist for getting down and dirty; will probably include a lap dance song, a song for making love, and a song that represents their sex life)
Q: Quiet (Reaction to a quiet partner)
R: Ruttish (Signs that they’re horny)
tags: Dubcon-ish, Pervy!Belphie He'll come onto you heavy. He'll let you know. Sometimes he'll grab your hand & place it on his hardened cock & ask if you wanna help take care of it. Or sometimes he'll even press his clothed cock against you, whispering dirty fantasies. You haven't said no so he carries on doing whatever he wants. Don't fix what isn't broken. (:
S: Safe Word (How often is the safe word used? Why?)
tags: choking, trauma For him? He's used it twice. He felt uncomfortable with him choking you for...obvious reasons. By the 3rd time of trying on a seperate occasion though, he felt comfortable & finally saw the appeal. It's always light choke play though. He knows he can use the safe word whenever he needs to though! For you, you've used it once when it felt painful at one point. Just a mishap, it happens!
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
U: Undressing (Strip teasing a partner)
V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other)
W: Wedding Night (Consummating the marriage)
X: XXX (What kind of porn does the person watch? How often?)
Y: Yawn (How they sleep post-sex)
Z: Zoo (Their animalistic qualities in the bedroom)
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blue-disco-lights · 1 year ago
🚄 w e e k ly 🌊 t a g ✨w e d n e s d a y ✈️
Thank you @deedala for putting it together this week! and thanks for the tags @energievie, @creepkinginc, @sam-loves-seb, @lingy910y @michellemisfit @mybrainismelted
Name: Julia (or Julia Gulia if you love to quote The Wedding Singer)
Age: if everyone’s doing it… double Nosho plus maybe one more
Location: Pacific Time!
we're going on a trip!!
📍where are we going? Japan (and then I change my departure ticket and just stay backpacking across Asia)
📍whats the weather like there right now? Whatever it usually is when the Cherry Blossom Festival is happening (I think it's soon! so spring?) 
📍are you an over-packer or a light-packer? Fairly light - I know no matter what I pack, I’ll end up wearing the same 2 outfits on rotation 
📍are we taking a plane or a train? Flying (first class, of course, because I make the rules here, right?)
📍early morning departure or an overnight trip? For a long trip like that, overnight (whether i’ll be able to sleep is a whole other story)
📍what song are you playing in the car while we drive to catch our departure? so i remember to come home...
📍we need to grab something on the way, starbucks or dunkin? a whatever they have Starbucks latte, extra hot because I can’t let it get lukewarm while I wait to board - bleh
📍we've made it to the transportation place 🚂✈️! be honest, are we on-time or are we rushing because we're running late? On time, i never trust traffic getting to the airport (which is quite nice, so i don't mind wandering around)
📍are you taking the window seat or the aisle seat? joining the aisle team - just like the movie theater, i hate climbing over people to go to the restroom!
📍we're settled in our seats, are you gonna read or watch a movie/show? a 12+ hour flight and my 100+ open fic tabs and library books on my phone are all glaring at me… so read til my eyes burn/head spins, and then watch a movie
📍what are you reading/watching? let's go with whatever romcom they have on deck in the movie section
📍are you using wireless or wired headphones? If they make you use your phone on the entertainment system, wireless - if it’s fancy and i get a screen, whatever headphones they give me
📍are you going to take a nap or stay awake? reeeeally try to nap, but i’m terrible at those
📍do you want a salty snack or a sweet snack? both?  I’ll take both! but also will need water with those salty ones 
📍we've arrived! are we heading straight to activities or are we gonna rest at the hotel? i’m pretty much ready to explore the minute i get off the plane. i’m too curious to sit still
📍finally, pick a treat to reward yourself for a travel day well done! the jasmin green milk tea boba i’m drinking BELOW
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Thank you @michellemisfit @mybrainismelted and @creepkinginc for tagging me in this Pic Crew!
For the record I haven't worn overalls since college, but it's the first outfit i gravitate to in these!
Care to travel and pic crew today? Both or just one your choice! 🪄 @sweetperversiongirl @palepinkgoat @gembu-tortuesouscafeine @jrooc @metalheadmickey @steorie @callivich @darlingian @thepupperino @deathclassic @heymrspatel @crossmydna @gallawitchxx @sweetbee78 @francesrose3 @deathclassic @jessieoneday @krysmiss @ian-galagher @bawlbrayker @ifallonblackdays @vintagelacerosette @stocious @look-i-love-u @mmmichyyy @rereadanon @sleepyfacetoughguy @heymacy @ms-moonlight-inn @suzy-queued
And everyone who sees this post!
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onward--upward · 1 year ago
wip wednesday!!
tagged by @shitouttabuck and @cowboy-buddie !! <3 MWAH
i'm just gonna keep posting my silly little rwrb fic, deepest apologies to everyone who follows me for 911 stuff lol! i simply have Brainrot (TM)
this is a fun little social media snippet, please ignore any weird formatting, i haven't totally figured out the best way to do it and tumblr hates me lol xoxo
But he laughs when he gets to the section Zahra has titled “You Knew This Was Coming,” which is just filled with speculation and arguing about his sexuality.  @/alexswhiskey: okay i know we joke about fruity acd but…. you guys….I don’t think it’s a joke anymore…. @/claremont_diass: no i’m so serious this is the gayest album i’ve ever heard in my life  @/alexwillu: ACD gets pegged confirmed??? [IMG: screenshot of lyrics from LIPS/SKIN: Fuck me like a storm/And I sink my teeth into your shoulder/Til I draw blood]  @/alexswhiskey: gay people exist, steven @/alexwillu: ACD isn’t gay tho @/AUSTIN_DIRT: he literally said he’s falling out of the closet i don’t know how much clearer he can get  @/goddamnitjanice: you guys, “fuck me” doesn’t have to mean literal penetration… it’s actually so invasive to assume this one lyric means alex is gay  @/acdsass: #clarefox truthers are so used to giving, now we get to RECIEVE @/alexhenry: LOVE YOU LIKE A SECRET? SUIT JACKET? FUCK ME LIKE A STORM? YOUR FAVORITE COLOGNE? F A L L I N G  O U T  Y O U R  C L O S E T ?????? @/clarefoxyy: there’s literally! no heterosexual explanation for this!  @/clarefoxyy: why are we all pretending like these songs aren’t about Henry Fox because they absolutely are 
tagging @eusuntgratie @celeritas2997 @drysdaales if you guys want <3
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nametakensff · 2 years ago
Hey all, this is NameTaken from over on the forum - I've never been the most involved in the community but I hope by finally making this blog it will actively encourage me to contribute more writing and (hopefully) art to the already awesome collection of blogs on here 😊
Fandoms I am in (and will write/draw for):
❤ G/olden K/amuy
📖: Dusty Paperwork (k/oitsuki) (NSFW)
📖: K/oito drenched by rain (prompt) (k/oitsuki)
🎨: T/sukishima snz
📖: Drunken Indulgence (s/ugimoto)
📖: T/sukishima grass allergies (k/oitsuki) (prompt) (NSFW)
📖: Tickle my nose (k/oitsuki) (NSFW)
🎨: K/oito x T/suki fun times (NSFW) (WIP)
🧡 S/tranger T/hings
🎨: E/ddie inducing/hayfever
🎨: E/ddie chlorine allergies
📖: Keeping Count (s/teddie) (NSFW)
📖: Hairspray Mishap (e/ddie)
📖: Overwhelmed (prompt) (s/teddie) (NSFW)
📖: Sneaky Bastard (s/teddie) (NSFW)
📖: Steve w/ a cold / Chhinkni (s/teddie) (prompt) (NSFW)
📖: Long S/teddie cold fic (prompt) (NSFW)
📖: Grumpy E/ddie w/ hay fever (s/teddie) (prompt) (NSFW)
📖: Delivery Service (s/teddie)
📖: Push Me Around (st/edd/issy) (NSFW)
📖: I'll show you disease (B/illy and E/ddie) (NSFW)
📖: Warm Night In (s/teddie) (prompt) (NSFW)
📖: Good day at work (s/teddie) NSFW
📖: Warm Night In (platonic s/tobin, s/teddie) (prompt) (NSFW)
📖: Mistletoe Mishap (s/teddie) (NSFW)
📖: Come Here (s/teddie) (NSFW)
📖: Inopportune (s/teve) (prompt) (NSFW)
📖: Eyebrows (s/teddie) (NSFW)
📖: I Like You Too (s/teddie) (NSFW)
📖: Cat + Humiliated (e/ddie) (prompt)
📖: Crowded Area (s/teddie) (prompt) (NSFW)
📖: Making a Scene (s/teddie) (prompt) (NSFW)
📖: Wet Sniffles + Teary Eyes (s/teddie) (prompt) (NSFW)
📖: I Can't Hold It (B/illy x E/ddie) (prompt) (NSFW)
💕S/teddie mutual fetish AU master list 💕
💛 D/isco E/lysium
🎨: K/im + H/arry fetishy headshots (+J/ean)
🎨: K/im snz
📖: Suggestible (K/im x H/arry)
📖: Revelation (K/im x H/arry) (NSFW)
📖: Happiness (K/im x H/arry) (NSFW)
📖: Lovely Mess (J/ean x H/arry) (NSFW)
📖: Worth It (J/ean x H/arry) (J/ean x H/arry x K/im) (NSFW)
📖: Cat For Grabs (K/im) (bg J/ean x H/arry x K/im) (NSFW)
📖: Relinquish Control (K/im x H/arry) (NSFW)
📖: Tease (K/im x H/arry) (NSFW)
📖: Hitching + Inopportune (K/im x H/arry) (prompt) (NSFW)
📖: Conditioning (J/ean x H/arry) (NSFW)
📖: Finger Under Nose + Edge of Sneeze (K/im x H/arry) (prompt)(NSFW)
💚 L/upin III
💙 M/etalocalypse
2 fics to be crossposted from forum, both NSFW
🎨 My art tagged with #ntsffart
📖 My writing tagged with #nametakenfic
🔊My wavs/vids tagged with #ntwav
Please send me asks! I'd love to talk about any of the above 😎👍
I also have a YouTube channel if you're interested in wavs! (Though I haven't posted there in a while and almost exclusively post on tumblr now)
Please do not interact if you're a minor. I know this is annoying to hear as a teen but you are children and it is not in your best interest to engage with sexual content online - fetish or otherwise!! Please also consider that respectable adults would NEVER wilfully engage with children in fetish spaces, and that it is intensely uncomfortable for us, on top of being illegal. I will block anyone I suspect of being underage.
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theheightofdishonor · 7 months ago
thank you @azhagiye for tagging me in the url playlist challenge <3. My url is soo long so this is going to take a fair bit
t- tuta gold by mahmood
h- happy to die by I.M.
e- echale by anthony ramos
h- harlem by new politics. It's one of their best songs
e- ente khalbile by vineeth sreenivasan , song of ALL time
i- into the night by yoasobi
g- gasoline by halsey. The storytelling in her songs is so compelling.
h- hold me tight or don't by fall out boy. I forgot how many letter h's i have in my url lmao.
t- tum tum from enemy
o- oo antava from pushpa because I just choreo'd a dance for this and it was fun
f- this one was really hard but free fall by slot machine
d- decay by jordan adetunji. I really like his music but this song is one of my absolute favourites at the moment. I've listened to it a half dozen times just today.
i- in the heights from in the heights
s- saami saami from pushpa but specifically in tamil
h- hold up by beyonce. It's sooo fun to sing.
o- only exception from paramore (the 'the' doesn't count)
n- this one was possibly the hardest because there's so many songs i love that start with n but rn it has to be neela nilave from RDX
o- otha sollaala, I forgot the movie it's from ngl
r-raavanan by rolex rasathy.
It was so hard to pick for some of these, I'm terrible at making decisions. I alsol have the worst memory ever so i did use help from my spotify playlist to remember song titles.
hmm haven't done tag games in a long time but tagging @alenadragonne and @cescalr because i miss them. Don't feel pressured tho ofc!
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crystals-and-cosmos · 2 months ago
༻✦༺ Welcome! ༻✦༺
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(Last update: January 2nd, 2025)
This is @meimi-haneoka 's blog for miscellaneous content about the characters Akiho Shinomoto and Yuna D. Kaito, from Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card.
I'm mainly a fanartist, but one year ago I also started writing fics for this pair, so I quickly realized I needed a place where I could collect and organize them, lest they'd be lost in the sea of posts of my main blog. For personal reasons I decided I won't post the fics on AO3 yet (I don't even think they're anything special that needs to be posted on such a big fic archive), so I'll collect them here instead. A cozy little place, easy to send to friends when they want to read my YunaAki headcanons (I started writing mainly to vent my headcanons, indeed). I don't presume to call myself a "writer" and I don't want to be in competition with anyone. As I always mention in every intro, English is not my mother tongue, so forgive me if the grammar/phrasing sounds weird sometimes. I try to spellcheck through two different methods but I'll never use AI to improve my writing, so this is what you get. I've also fixed most of the fics I had previously posted on my main blog. I haven't changed much, just some sentences that are worded differently.
Since I created a new blog specifically for this, I think I will post here other kinds of YunaAki things as well (edits, fanarts, ramblings) so I can keep it fairly active.
Ship haters please steer clear. Block this blog and move on.
Okay, now that the introduction is done, let's see the list of fics! Older first, newest at the bottom (check the date at the beginning of the post to see the last update). I will also include the rating (same rating system as AO3). Pay attention because there'll be M and E rated fics too, when I'll be brave enough to post them (minors, I'm not your mom. Stay out of them).
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Fanfics - collected under the tag #spilled words :
I'm here (ficlet) - T Somewhere I belong (ficlet) - T Braids (flashfic) - T Cosmos (ficlet) - T Willow (ficlet) - T The Center of Gravity (ficlet) - G Halloween Wraps Fear in Innocence (HWFI) (ficlet) - M ⚠️ 🆕
Constructive comments and tips about writing styles are totally welcome!!
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owlsandwich · 1 year ago
Writing Patterns Tag Game
Thank you @late-to-the-fandom for the tag! Haven't done this one before either, and it looks really fun.
Rules: List the first line(s) from your last 10 WIPs/fics and see if there is a pattern.
I wasn't sure if I actually had 10 wips, but then I remembered that I've been doing those short stories for the Alphabet Superset, so I'm going to use those as well.
I'm going to tag @eccaiia @verba-writing @dyrewrites @sarandipitywrites @stesierra @mundanemoongirl @hallowedfury @faeriecinna @ekwilliams @dragonbooksword and leave an open tag.
(I don't think there is any requirement to tag 10 people, but it seemed tidy :P)
A shiver ran down Roy’s spine despite the warm night. His eyes landed on the gun holstered at the guard’s side, and he instinctively reached for his magic to cast a shield. Maybe security wasn’t as lax here as he’d thought. — The Mechanics of Magic
Cold seeped into Oren’s limbs. He tried to shift in the darkness, to gain some sense of his surroundings. Then the pain rushed back. White agony spread from the side of his abdomen and he heard his own pained whimper echo through the dingy room. — Burning The Darkness
"Thank you for coming." Matthew was leaning against the front door, sleep heavy eyes blinking in the glow from his magelight. "I'm sorry it’s so late." "I wasn't sleeping anyway," Oliver lied. "I'm glad you called. Has anything changed?" — Untitled Mechanics Prequel Short Story
The dead petals of the cherry blossom were floating brown in the lake. Oliver knelt at the edge, leaning far enough that if Nurse had seen, she would have scolded and pulled him back. — G is for Grief
The mouse placed a front paw delicately on the chipped wood of the kitchen table. Its ears flicked forward. Whiskers flared around the twitching nose, soft grey fur shining in the milky winter sunlight that streamed through the half-shuttered window. Even the shadow it cast was perfect. — F is for Fine
The high ceiling of the entrance hall was swirled with gilt patterns. Ewen traced their flow with his eyes, rocking back on his heels as he waited. He’d driven out to Bernard’s manor himself; the boxy car of shining teal metal parked on the gravel drive, already growing stifling in the summer sun. Eye-catching. Obvious. He’d come alone. — E is for Envy
An eerie quiet had settled over the pub when Dorothea ducked through the low door from the back room. Food smells wafted from the kitchen, mixing with the familiar stale scent of beer and wood polish, and making her stomach growl. — D is for Dubious
The sitting room in this wing of the palace was reserved for Potentials. Smaller than those in the main palace body, the space was still lusciously furnished, with plush chairs of deep blue fabric. — C is for Contented
The coach juddered as it sped along the dark road. Aelricus pressed his fingers into his temples. Every hoofbeat seemed to throb through his head, and he dimmed the magelight floating above him until its light barely showed his thin, pale hands. — B is for Betrayal
Crimson dusted the wisps of cloud that hung along the horizon. Despite the onset of autumn, it had been a warm day, and heat still lingered in the evening air. — A is for Anger
It does seem that I like to start with the scenery!
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ahyesthesufferingoftvteens · 6 months ago
Hi again! :3
Before reeve's reveal in the fic and once moon fever was mentioned in the fic and how it affects those who have it, I had (and still do kind of have) this little theory where not only can moon fever mess up with you and throw in hallucinations at you, but can also affect your physical appearance as well... here it is!
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fun fact: when I finished doing the silly on the left I called it a night and went to bed. Then the next day i finished putting on my uniform then came here and check the latest in the hollow tag, only to be jumpscared by a depressed old man that looks like he could die from sleep deprivation at any moment XD
(it also BRUTALLY debunked my theory but let me be delusional for a bit if you don't mind)
The reason why they have galaxy-like spots is pretty obvious, because it's MOON fever, I took it literally and got carried away. moon fever is of course related to jackawock but it could also be related to the moon and stars......and galaxies..... ye
the spots act kind of like vitiligo but not really since they follow a pretty specific pattern before making their entrance
sometimes and entire limb or more can be full of these spots, but it's not that common :p
they also have horns, because yes, horns are pretty cool B) (I have a little hyperfixation with horns if you could not tell)
jackawock shapes the horns for those who are bound to be cursed, if you get a set of horns that is like on the side of your head or prevents you from sleeping in a more comfortable position.... then it must suck to be you I guess xd
there are very few times the horns can be perfect to sleep with and not be a burden, but it's very rare
jackawock can make a human's appearance as fucked up as he wants it to be if he feels very silly one day, but a beautiful kind of fucked up
because of this, those who are cursed use illusion stones to help cover up their appearance in order to not scare others
the only downside to these stones (that I can think of atm) is that their effect only works during daytime, and wears of at night
because of this, it's best to sleep during the day since that solves the issue of being stuck with an unfortunate set of horns and help them to at LEAST get some sleep, it's like the horns were never there to begin with! :D
the patterns will also be covered
by the looks of reeve's design, I'm just gonna assume those who are accursed with moon fever all have eye bags under their eyes and look like they haven't slept in a g e s XD
the galaxy spots can morph into weapons like the example in my doodles, because it's cool B)
although I said the lil guy on the right's horns might be what reeve's horns could look like, I feel like the appearance of the guy on the left is what reeve would look like without the illusion stone, just a bit more fucked up looking..... just a small portion. A part of me wants to believe this theory could come true in later chapters (i'm delusional :3 :heart_emoji:)
alright enough of me rambling, after thinking about how cool and terrifying of a concept moon fever can be, at what age does it usually develop? cause if remember correctly, reeve's case started when he was still a teenager or when he became an adult (speed reading is bad for your memory guys), if that's the case then MAN he's been tormented by hallucinations for a long.. LONG time.
why do I always wait till last minute to start doing things like drawing?
reeve needs a hug, lots of love and affection too! Vanessa will be there, right? :[
speaking of her, are they like..... engaged?... married??.... are they dating or hanging out??? I'm confused :""v
I'm sorry if this is too much for you to answer or give your honest thoughts and opinions on, I'll get out of your hair now GOODBYE!!! i'm going to bed :3
You don't understand how little The Hollow fandom engages with each other. Someone drawing things for my AU? A dime a dozen! This is the highest order of a compliment to me!!! Please do this more often?!?! I don't care if this was just debunked theories I literally love all of this and I'm debating if I should add some aspects to this in the fan-fiction after all! Your art gave me an idea for Reeve having hallucinations of having a monstrous appearance. It would fit his issues perfectly!
To answer one question for you and those on my blog. Vanessa and Reeve in Realm of The Forgotten are not necessarily dating. They are friends with benefits. RTF Reeve and Vanessa are both very sad 30-year-olds that hold immense guilt and shame and disgust and feel they share a responsibility with what happened with Adam and what happened after Adam was comatose. They view themselves as Lilith and Brutus. They're both very stuck in the past. They drink mead and get together every family gathering and then mostly write each other letters otherwise. They do care for each other, it's just...very much closely platonic, but also they are "comforting" each other. Plus Vanessa really really really wants a child and Reeve is willing to help Vanessa achieve that goal; He heavily isolates himself in his temple. He's a man that wouldn't mind relieving some stress.
I'd be willing to answer some other questions, but that requires Mutual Access, which comes with the added benefit of knowing some of the non-revealed plotpoints...so @shadowx16 hurry up and become my mutual already! You're so coooooool!!! I wanna be your tumblr buddy! ^O^
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simplegenius042 · 2 years ago
Tattoo Tag and Musical Name Tag
Tagged by @shallow-gravy for "spell out url with songs" tag game and @g0dspeeed @chazz-anova and @inafieldofdaisies for the tattoo tag game.
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @direwombat @snake-in-the-garden @a-rose-in-a-garden-of-weeds @strafethesesinners @strangefable @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @vampireninjabunnies-blog @voidika @poisonedtruth @cassietrn @wrathfulrook and @henbased + anyone else who wishes to join.
Answers to tattoo questions for Silva Omar below:
Does your OC have any tattoos? If not, do they want any?
Silva does! Around two and later a third.
How does your OC act while they’re getting a tattoo? Do they grit their teeth and deal with the pain, do they need something to hold onto while getting inked, ect.?
Silva's tolerance to pain is high. Not to mention getting a tattoo is not the worst pain Silva has dealt with.
Would your OC ever get a face or hand tattoo?
It would take a lot of convincing for the face and she'd have to see the designs. Hand tattoos are an absolute no... the scars are very sensitive to touch (often why Silva wears gloves... to protect her hands).
List any of their tattoos/prospective tattoos below. Feel free to add any meaning they may have
First tattoo a symbol of her status as a part of the Tumultite community (and the very few alive); a small simplistic design of a sword and a shield which rests on the right side of her right shoulder
The second tattoo is a homage to her first daughter, Persephone, who was really obsessed with planes; a small airplane going around in circles that rests somewhere on her left forearm.
Third tattoo she gets in the New Dawn arc and expresses her love for Faith and their daughters. I won't go into too much detail (because I haven't found an exact design), however I will say it has something to do with her and Faith's relationship, and will be somewhere on her right side (near her heart).
Now lets spell my url with songs!
S - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) by Kelly Clarkson
I - I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters
M - Meant to Be by Bebe Rexha (feat. Florida Georgia Line)
P - People Like Us by Kelly Clarkson
L - Life is Fun by TheOdd1sOut (feat. Boyinaband)
E - Enemy by Imagine Dragons x J.I.D
G - Ghost by Confetti
E - East of Eden by Zella Day
N - Never Be the Same by Camila Cabello
I - I'll Be There for You by The Rembrandts
U - Unstoppable by The Score
S - Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey
0 - N/A
4 - 4Ever by The Veronicas
2 - N/A
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spacerockwriting · 1 year ago
🚄 w e e k ly 🌊 t a g ✨w e d n e s d a y ✈️
happy wednesday!! Thanks @mybrainismelted @energievie for the tags!
Name: Comet
Age: I'm Peter Pan, boys.
Location: America
we're going on a trip!!
📍where are we going? England? Guess I'm starting my trip to eurocrew, japan, and Australia
📍whats the weather like there right now? cold. wearing 2 shirts and a jacket
📍are you an over-packer or a light-packer? overpacker probably. One forgot underwear. Never doing that again.
📍are we taking a plane or a train? Plane!
📍early morning departure or an overnight trip? AM!
📍what song are you playing in the car while we drive to catch our departure? whatever is the mood?
📍we need to grab something on the way, starbucks or dunkin? Dunkin.
📍we've made it to the transportation place 🚂✈️! be honest, are we on-time or are we rushing because we're running late? oh, im a paranoid freak about being late to flights. So im early.
📍are you taking the window seat or the aisle seat? Window seat, every time 🪟
📍we're settled in our seats, are you gonna read or watch a movie/show? watch a movie, probably 📽️
📍what are you reading/watching? probably whatever is a new movie i haven't seen yet
📍are you using wireless or wired headphones? wired & not probably. Just reminded me im gonna have to bring both headphones when i plane next time :chompmickey:
📍are you going to take a nap or stay awake? nap
📍do you want a salty snack or a sweet snack? both? let's do both
📍we've arrived! are we heading straight to activities or are we gonna rest at the hotel? pee.
📍finally, pick a treat to reward yourself for a travel day well done! candy!
tagging @skylerwinchester @deathclassic @transmickey @stocious @ian-galagher for our trip.
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ghost-type-writer · 8 months ago
Alphabet Writing Tag!
Ty for the tag @theeccentricraven
Rules: give a sentence for each letter of the alphabet! (Can compose or get from your WIP)
Most of these are from my wip Mage of Hearts, and two other projects I haven't named yet.
A - A girl looked down on the lands of Awen through a curtain of frozen breath.
B - "Because you lied to me." she spat through grit teeth. "That place ate my sister and you told me she ran away."
C - Candle light was the sole comfort in the stone room, it's faint warmth her only distraction as the vines sucked her life away.
D - *Did it know where they were?* Eran held his breath as the sound of footsteps on the roof stopped above them.
E - "Encore!" screamed the shrimp as the crabs clapped their claws. It was quite the queer sight, a crustacean's applause.
F - "Forget your fears my dear." the old woman said pushing forward a cup full of purple smoke. "And you never have to fave them."
G - "Grasp tight all the threads that make you, you." he said leaning in as if to share a secret. "You wouldn't want to get unraveled in a place like this."
H - "Hani, I've known you my entire life. I'm not going to fall for one of the lines you feed to merchant's daughters."
I - "I don't mind. It's rare I get a chance to speak with someone my own age." replied the prince.
J - "Just now I was enjoying the view." she candidly replied.
K - "Kill the kid. We don't have anymore time to waste."
L - Like her aunt all those years ago Kenzie squeezed through a crack in the world and fell into a great shifting void.
M - Maybe it was the blood loss, but all he could think about was the way her lips had felt.
N - Now had passed, and now was never. Yet another door closed forever.
O - "Outsiders are beings comprised of pure mana. Your assignment this evening is to list the names of the inner and outer elemental variants."
P - Potatoes stand at the top of the vegetable kingdom.
Q - Quarrel not with quails, a Brachan saying which reminds one not to worry about small problems.
R - Ronald McDonald, beloved fast food mascot, has just been arrested in relation to a series of violent home invasions carried out over the past few weeks. More at 9.
S - "So what all are we cooking for this prince? asked Hani.
T - The tall man laughed. "And who's gonna make us leave, some runty tavern wench?"
U - Using the man's forward momentum Hani twisted and threw him over her shoulder onto the hard tavern floor.
V - Vengeance is a hollow prize.
W - "Was he handsome?" Wendy shamelessly asked.
X - "Xibalba is lovely this time of year. You simply must visit." said the bat.
Y - "You can take your man here and leave, or I can teach that same lesson to whoever's next."
Z "Zahir has always had the heart of a wanderer." Sari said with a fond smile.
Tagging: Noone. I'm new here :p
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heartstringsduet · 2 years ago
URL Song game
RULES: spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters.
Dipping into my favorites folder (and only using miss swift once) H - Hot & Heavy by Lucy Dacus E - Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac A - A World Alone - Lorde R - Rose-colored Boy by Paramore T - To all of You - Syd Matters S - Skin (Acoustic) by BOY T - Titles & Registration by Deathcab for Cutie R - Run by Maisie Peters I - I Know the End by Phoebe Bridgers N - New Romantics by Taylor Swift G - Fod Save Our Young Blood by BORNS S - Stop Crying Your Heart Out by Oasis D - Doomsday by Lizzy McAlpine U - Urgent by Foreigner E - Everything Counts by Depeche Mode T - To Be So Lonely by Harry Styles
I am so late and I forgot who did this besides @carlos-in-glasses who tagged me but if you haven't been tagged and still want to do this, TAGGED. And I also tag @herefortarlos @icoulddancetothisbeat @alltheprettyplaces @goodways @wtfuckevenknows
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