#<- dont look at me. filtering purposes. scoffs
oh-gh0st · 1 year
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um. hai......... publicly posting about them now (wow! be Quiet). ill give context under the cut (hope u guys like reading ^-^)
so its the first year that ghost is living in akatsuka and as per annual tradition the town hosts a festival to celebrate their shrine. choromatsu asked a week prior while hanging out with ghost on their library shift if they were going to go, but they told him they were still thinking about it. it was sort of obvious they weren't because they got annoyed whenever he asked. like they didn't even want the topic brung up… he was a little disappointed because he wanted to see them there, but they didn't seem like they were interested. afterall they had declined plans to hang out previously because they weren't that much of a social-lite. imagine his surprise when they said they would go! oh he was over the moon when he got home that day…. his brothers were quite pissed at him for subtly rubbing it in their faces, but they were also a bit jealous. ah well.
he was awestruck when finally met up with them outside their home. they had a muted, deep crimson yukata on with a very pale green obi tied around their waist. they looked amazing… he had a hard time keeping his eyes off of them the whole night when they walked around. obviously im not going elaborate, but you know what i mean…. coughing. anyways at the end of the night the town hosts a big fireworks celebration to honor the shrine. choromatsu asks ghost if they would like to join him and his family. theyre hesitant, but they do eventually agree. they decide to go back to the family a bit earlier than the other brothers, and this is where matsuyo gets intoduced properly to ghost. as a mom is, she's all over them, absolutely adoring how pretty they looked.
the rest of the siblings arrive, and theyre all teasing choro for bringing a "girl" over to the family blanket. after a bit more moments of teasing, ghost gets up and walks off, visibly annoyed. after scolding his brothers for teasing, he gets up and follows ghost, arriving at the top of the hill overseaing the rest of the families and people. it's a few moments right before the fireworks start. he asks them if theyre alright, and apologizes for his brother's behavior. theyre awfully quiet. theyre usually not this quiet….. hes starting to get a bit worried. 'are you okay…?' '… i need to tell you something.' they start.
choro doesnt say anything back initially because hes enamored with how they look. it helps that it was a clear night and that the moon was out, because the moonlight was hitting their face just right. they looked so cute, but they were blushing like mad. not even a scowl or an angry expression evident on their face…they were staring off to the side. the fireworks are getting prepared, matches lit to light the strings. ghost, in an instant, grabs choro's hands. their touch was warm but cold at the same time, bringing an oddly comforting chill to choromatsu. 'promise you wont laugh. or think it's stupid. please…' he looked down at them, their eyes flicking up to him through their lenses. '…i wont. i wouldnt ever do that, i promise.' he tightened his hands in theirs. the fireworks were about to go off any second now, as the crack of them lighting sounded throughout the area. families and people got ready, the anticipation boiling up to the brim in them.
ghost takes a breath, and stands up straight. they're looking dead at him, but their brows are furrowed upwards. they take a breath and start to speak. choro could feel how nervous they were, as a slight shudder was now noticeable in their hands. And as the first firework shot up into the sky, the ear-piercing sound ringing into everyones ears, ghost spoke. 'i love you, choromatsu matsuno.'
fireworks went off rapidly, loud booms looming throughout the sound of the night. but choro didn't pay attention to a single one of them. his eyes widened as he registered their words, his cheeks rising in heat tenfold. he just stared, too stunned to speak… no it had to be impossible. how could ghost love him if they hated his guts, beat him up whenever they got into an argument… scoffed at him with such a crimson face whenever he was right? but… he liked it. he liked them. liked them more than just a friend… more than just that. when he realized he had been staring for a while, he shook his head and stared at them. his mouth still hasn't closed. he stammered, but eventually found his footing. 'i… are you… you do?' 'yes. i do.' they replied through gritted teeth, looking away again. they were upset… did they think he hated the confession? but he didn't, that's the thing! so, knowing the one thing that wouldn't make them upset, he pulled them into a hug, pressing his cheek against their head. he leaned down to their ear, '…i love you too. i love you so much…' his voice was wavering. he was nervous. ghost stared ahead, now their turn to be stunned. as they processed his words, they playfully scoffed, slowly bringing their arms around his waist. they both stayed like that for a while. they might've missed the fireworks, but this was so much better.
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thithesandofferings · 3 years
A Raian who tells you a lot- not by his words but with his eyes.
He keeps staring. And at this point you’re annoyed. He’s been getting this weird look on his face when he sees you. Confusion...and something else. You’ve never seen it. He's never passed that look to anyone else but either. All Raian has ever produced was maniacal happiness, anger, and a blissful blankness when he finally had the opportunity to be lazy. The 3rd is something you see most often- a safe look. But the way he looks at you now- its...odd. Especially when you ask him to do things. Like open the jar of pickles he’s tightened on purpose or to help wash the dishes. Even giving you that look when you softly compliment him on his outfit that day. He always scoffs and growls, acting annoyed at the comments. Though you do notice that he tends to wear those particular items of clothing more often if you do mumble a brief affirmation in his direction. You dont say much when he continuously does it. Kinda makes you feel a little special. Raian gives you that look when you laugh at one of his family members jokes or when you finally get a move down he’s shown you awhile ago. He might tease you and call you a lame ass- but the look softens the blow and makes you smile up at him in achievement. He’ll never admit that that was day he blushed. He’ll take it to his grave. You see it when you’re both are on the couch and his head is in your lap and he’s gazing up at you. When dusk starts to settle and the sun filters though the windows and the light shines through his inverted eyes do you think at that time, the look is most beautiful. He looks through your soul in those moments and an unknown ache fills your heart, to the point where you sigh and have to look away. Its such a heavy feeling, one that blankets you with  desirable warmth. Its most prominent on nights when he has had a fight and he comes home victorious, above you- making you lose your mind. When he has you brainless and muttering and gasping about how much you love him- he gazes at you with that look and it tightens your throat and makes you hiccup in tears. 
“Why do you keep looking at me like that Rai?”
“What the fuck are you talking about idiot? Its fucking nothing. Stop asking me shitty questions.”
You think you know what that look means, because sometimes- your very own gaze reflects it. 
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