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dailyslmccl · 10 months ago
Abortion pony slimecic- *gets shot
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[#161] target neutralised
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foap-enjoyer · 1 year ago
Drugging | Sick | Poisoned
'Soap thinks he's got just a simple cold. Nope. Anyway, cue blizzard safehouse one bed trope because I'm lazy'
Trigger warnings for this prompt: Vomit. Ships for this prompt: Sort of the start of Ghoap? Ghost is very affectionate, more or less.
The one my lovely tumblr people voted on all those days ago! :)
Read it here, on AO3: Ouch. - Chapter 5 - Tsukuyomi_Ravioli - Call of Duty (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
Missions in Russian mountains were becoming way too common. 
At least, that’s what Soap thought.
There were positives to mountain missions, he supposed. There were positives to everything. A beautiful view; clean, fresh, untouched air. Sometimes, on long missions, he would even see rare wildlife, animals which had never seen a human before. They would peer at him through the brush, eyes bright and curious. Sometimes, some would even come over, eat a bite of whatever he had on offer before scrambling away. He liked those pros.
But the cons? Well those fucking sucked. The cold, firstly. The cold sucked- oh, and don’t forget the lack of signal, which meant no far-lined comms, no phones, no nada. Just him, his team, and a shit ton of snow, usually for days at a time. It could drive even the most social of men insane.
Oh, and to top it off, as a little added bonus for this mission, because that’s just how he rolls- he was sick. Not super sick, mind you. It’d started off as a cold, when he’d woken up pre-mission. At least, he assumed it was. Itchy throat, ugly cough, his usual first symptoms. 
In his childhood, he would have curled up into a tiny, sniffling ball and let his mammy hold him, and soothe the pain away just with her touch. But now, he was a fully grown man. A grown man who worked in a job that, unlike being a student in school, would not tolerate a day off. Especially for something as small as a cold.
So, brushing his teeth, tying his laces, and grabbing his bag, he went out to face the day head on. Like a soldier would.
He really wished he was still seven, still at home with his mum.
This… cold was no fucking cold. This was a parasite worming its way into every orifice of his body, a disease spreading through his blood, an alien forcing itself inside his chest, taking control of every nerve and joint and muscle until he was nothing but mush.
Fucking cold his ass. If this was a cold, maybe it was time to retire, because he clearly was getting too old for this shit.
The harshness of the Russian wilderness didn’t help his case one bit. 
They’d landed at their respective drop-off points. Price and Gaz were on the complete opposite side of the mountains to him and Ghost, and the plan was to meet in the middle, where he and Gaz would infiltrate the government-owned set of buildings as Price and Ghost ran overwatch on the outskirts. A simple enough plan, until the blizzard hit.
“You’re telling me that higher-ups can plan entire wars to a T, if they wanted to, but they can’t check the fucking weather?”
That was Gaz, voice static-y through the comms. He sounded pissed, and of course he was, he was allowed to, given their situation. Hell, Soap was too. Price sighed, and Soap could imagine him rolling his eyes at the younger man, “There’s nothing we can do about it, Sergeant, so quit whining. Ghost?”
Ghost was behind him, using his path through the heaps of snow surrounding them to guide himself, and his sniper-kit through the rocky terrain. He could hear the man grunt as he lugged the heavy bag over a large rock in their path. “Yeah, Cap?”
“There should be a little safehouse just a few klicks North of your position. Fancy taking a wander over there? Can’t do shit if this storm keeps up like this.”
Ghost grasped Soap’s shoulder, altering his course slightly up the hill, rather than downwards. Soap’s knees wobbled with exhaustion, but he didn’t have much of a choice. Back up they go. “We’ll take a look. What’re you two doing?”
“Cap’s looking now, says there’s a cave nearby.” Gaz huffed out a laugh, “At least you guys get an actual house.”
Soap chuckled softly, his teeth chattering together like a talkative parrot, “Send me a pic if you find a bear in there, Kyle, would you? You know they’re my favourite animal.”
“Will do, prick.”
The comms silenced soon after. Soap assumed it was because, like them, Gaz and Price were having to hike a while to get to their location. The mountains weren’t the steepest, deadliest of mountains, but in a blizzard as bad as this one, you needed full concentration. 
The wind was at its peak now, whistling through the canyons of the snowy wilderness, spiking him right through his clothing with its cold crystals of air and ice. If it weren’t for his deathly grip onto the passing uncovered roots of mountain-grown trees, he’s certain he would have fallen right off of the cliff-face by now. 
He felt numb, his whole body was ice-cold. He was trembling, at least, which was a good thing. Meant his body was still working. Ghost was still behind him, lagging behind slightly, preoccupied with lugging his bags as well as checking their location. When he’d last trusted himself enough to look back, the man had been busy checking a little grey piece of technology, the blue light reflecting in his snow-white mask. 
He knew that the little ipod-like thing hadn’t initially been supposed to be used to find this supposed safehouse, but rather help Ghost angle himself correctly when it came to overwatch protection. For later in the mission. At least higher-ups had been courteous enough to give them some form of direction in case of an emergency.
“Should be over this last hill!” Ghost startled him with his shout, even if he barely heard it over the wind. A hand clasped his shoulder when he stumbled, startled, and he could see a gloved finger in his peripheral, pointing in said direction. When Ghost spoke next, his voice was in his ear. “Through those trees.”
He nodded.
Another twenty, maybe thirty minutes, and they finally, finally came upon the house. If he was honest, it was more of a glorified shed, maybe. At least from a distance. No windows, one door, a little wooden building sat nestled between a few cut-down stumps of previous trees. Maybe the wood used to make it? Probably. 
The door had been locked, but a sharp boot to the lock had solved that issue. Their fingers were too numb to pick the lock anyway. 
Inside, it wasn’t too bad. There was a little fireplace, a sofa- actually no, it was a pullout sofa-bed, actually. In the other room, the only other room, a tiny kitchen. That was it, really. It wasn’t the worst safehouse he’d seen (he’d give that to the one he’d stumbled into, half stabbed, in Romania a few years back), but it wasn’t the best either. It didn’t even have a bathroom!
Ghost got to work as soon as the door was closed behind them. He shuffled forward, dumping his kit on the floor as he began shedding his clothes piece-by-piece, dumping them onto the back of the sofa-bed. He was in the middle of taking his shoes off before he peered up at Soap, confused. “Johnny?”
He blinked. “Yeah?”
He blinked again, before nodding, fingers trembling, fumbling for his coat’s zipper, “Yeah, gotcha.”
“No inappropriate joke today, Sergeant?”
He shook his head tiredly, “Too fuckin’ cold, LT.”
A soft huff of a laugh, and Ghost placed his boots against a nearby wall, tugging his soggy, icy mask off. Frost clung to his eyelashes, and calloused fingers rubbed at them. Once the majority of the white was gone from the hairs, Ghost’s eyes were on him again, eyebrow curled, “Soap?”
Oh. He was staring again. He shook his head, going back to fumbling with his stuff. “Sorry.”
If Ghost was worried, he didn’t say anything about it. “I’m gonna go look at the kitchen for some food.” He said instead, “You get the fire going when you can. You’re right, it’s fucking freezing.”
He watched as the man turned his back and waltzed into the kitchen. Which, technically, was simply an extension of the living room. All that separated them was a tiny archway, after all.
Once he finally got his coat off, and tossed onto the floor, was when his body began to fail him.
“Yeah?” Ghost turned, peering at him from the other room, his eyes dark in the dim lighting of the safehouse. “What’s up?”
“I don’t…” He swallowed harshly. The room was beginning to spin violently, and he reached a hand out desperately to clutch onto the nearest object, that being the sofa. “I don’t feel so good…”
“Johnny?” Ghost’s voice was starting to fade out as he fought to keep himself upright. 
Something was buzzing under his skin, warm and itchy. Sweat pooled against his neck. He had been cold only a moment ago, freezing, even… What was wrong with him? “Simon?”
A hand on his shoulder, “I’m here.”
“I think…” His stomach coiled, and he squeezed his eyes shut with a soft hiccup, “‘m gonna be sick.”
“Alright, alright.” Simon’s hands wrapped around him, guiding him forward, towards the small kitchen. But as soon as his hand released its deathly grip on the sofa, Soap’s knees gave in. 
He would have hit the floor if it weren’t for Simon, who took his weight with a grunt, barely managing to move them forward off of carpet and onto tile before Soap vomited.
“Easy, Johnny,” He could hear Simon attempt to soothe as he retched, fully held up in the older man’s arms. He felt limp, boneless, “Easy.”
His world continued to spin violently as he heaved, the cold tile on his knees sharply contrasting the horrible burning sensation consuming him whole. He whimpered, trying to squirm away from the heat inside him. Simon just held him tighter. “It’ll be over soon.”
“I-” He retched again, dry heaving over a steadily growing pile of vomit. His eyes stung, and he choked on a sob. “Fuck-”
A hand pressed into his forehead. “You’re burning up…” Simon muttered softly, “Fuck, Johnny, why didn’t you tell me?”
He hiccuped, turning to press his head under the crook of Simon’s neck. He was crying, he could feel the familiar wet warmth soaking into the fabric of Simon’s shirt. He wanted to apologise, but breathing was hard enough at the minute. His hands, trembling, clutched onto Simon wherever he could get a good grip, circling around the man’s back, holding tight. 
He swore a kiss pressed into his hair. He swore it. “You’re alright, I got you.” Simon’s voice was firm, and yet it was laced with worry. They were both hardened soldiers, he shouldn’t be sobbing like this over a simple sickness. It had to be something more, right? After a moment,  “Do you still feel sick?”
He shook his head.
“Okay.” Simon took a moment to think, to breathe. Soap. “Okay. I’m going to move you to the sofa, and then clean this up. Think you can move?”
He shook his head again. His knees felt like jelly, if he got up, he’d most definitely fall right back down.
“It’s alright,” Simon murmured, “I’ll carry you.”
With a quick rearrange of arms, followed by a soft grunt, Simon lifted him up. Instinctively, Soap clutched close, squeezing his eyes shut once more as his head spun. As soon as Simon settled him onto the sofa only inches away, he brought a hand up to his mouth, dry heaving into his palm once more. No vomit, this time.
A hand rubbed at his back. “Easy.” A hand in his hair. He leaned against it tiredly as Simon helped him lean backwards onto the old cushions. “Just breathe. It’ll help.”
As soon as he was sitting comfortably, the hands were gone. His eyes cracked open, looking around. Simon had just… disappeared.
“Si’?” He croaked, anxiety coiling. He hadn’t heard him leave, where was he? “Right here.” A damp cloth touched his forehead, and moments later the man was back in view, kneeling down in front of him. A bowl was given to Soap, settled in his lap neatly. “If you’re sick again.”
“Oh.” He rasped. Yeah, of course Simon would think to go grab something. 
A glass of water was offered next. His hands reached out shakily to take it, but Simon didn’t let go, instead holding the glass steady as Soap brought it to his lips, taking small sips. He pulled it away a moment later. “Not too much.” He reminded Soap, “It’ll make you throw up.”
He hummed tiredly. “I know.”
“Now you’re not puking your guts up.” The glass was placed onto a nearby old, dusty coffee table. Simon’s eyes were on him not long after. “Care to explain why you thought it was a good idea to come out on a mission when you were feeling like shit?”
“I didn’t feel bad this morning.” Which was true. Sort of. It’d, mostly, come on suddenly. “Once I felt sick, we were already off.”
“You could’ve still told someone.” Simon’s voice was soft, but firm. “Price, Gaz, me, hell, even the pilots. Anyone, Soap.”
“Sorry.” He whispered tiredly. “Wasn’t thinking.”
“I can’t get a hold of Price.” That woke him a little. “Signal’s shit. Blizzard is practically snowing us in, I think.”
“Yeah.” Simon sighed, hand reaching up to brush some blonde, stray strands behind his ear. “But we’ve got a while before we’ll need to check back in. So, we’ll just hunker down. Feel like eating?”
He shook his head. Simon’s eyes softened. “You need to, Johnny.”
He shook his head again, eyes drooping slightly. “‘M tired.”
“Alright.” Simon relented, biting his lip. “Alright. I’ll… We can eat later?”
He nodded. That worked. 
“You take the sofa,” Simon went to move, “I’ll sleep on the floor.”
He reached out, grasping his wrist. “We can share.” He murmured, exhausted. “It’s a sofa-bed.”
“Yeah, like a single bed.” The older man huffed, “I can take the floor.”
He didn’t let go of the man’s wrist. Simon didn’t pull away, either. “Just sleep here.” He yawned, “‘S easier.”
There was a pause, before a soft; “You’re not gonna puke on me, are you?”
He chuckled, eyes already closed, “Only if you snore.”
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bbs-backlog-challenge · 4 years ago
Games Of 2020
Bet there’s gonna be loads of very trite retrospectives this year. 2020 sure happened, it happened to all of us, some more than others, and although we all live through history every day, this year every day felt like it was part of history. Video games!!! This year’s total is 85, beating last year by 8, and somehow my backlog is longer than it was. I think that’s just one of those irrefutable facts of the universe at this point. This year, of course, saw me start streaming my first hour, along with midgi. Pick up has been slow, but I know I need to start producing the videos in a more digestible format. Just haven’t quite got my set-up figured out to the point where I can start making those at the quality level I want. It’s coming. That’s for 2021! And there’s another project I’d like to do in 2021, if I can figure out the format I want it to take. Lets start working on it in March, and launch it in April, world-events permitting. Video games!
- Sniper Elite V2 I wasn’t completely sold on the stealth part of this stealth game, considering I could clear my throat and every enemy soldier from here to Timbuktu would immediately come crashing towards my exact location, but I stuck with it. ...Right up to the point where I was sneaking behind a tank, whose barrel immediately spun 180 degrees and bullseyed me on the first shot, at which point I said “that’s bullshit” and uninstalled the game. Yes, it was a ragequit, but life is too short to put up with marksman tanks. - Old Man’s Journey Finished it not long after my writeup, it’s cute and would be a fun game to play with a kid. Very storybook. A little sad at the end, but we expected that. - Ys Seven This game has some real trouble with its signposting. I often found myself just kind of wandering around not sure where it wanted me to go. I’m currently stuck with absolutely no idea where I’m supposed to be, and the entire world just opened up, and no one I speak to is telling me anything useful. Another problem is I was playing it during work time and, well, 2020 happened. Will probably pick it back up once work starts. - Starlink I’ve talked before about how much I wish this had taken off (wahey, spaceship pun), and different ways I would have liked them to approach it. Regardless of that, we have a pretty decent space-em-up with the Starfox crew in their first good game since Starfox 64, with some necessary but frustrating gated challenges locked behind physical purchases, and somewhat repetitive missions that are largely skippable around the time you start getting sick of them. Worth a punt, even if you’re just buying it for the (very nice) Arwing model. - Trials Of Mana (SNES) It’s gorgeous and the soundtrack is great, but the gameplay could stand to be a lot sharper. Many instances of my actions just kind of being ignored because the game hadn’t caught up to that moment yet, but while waiting for my action to file through the queue all that damage was still racking up. Quite frustrating at times, and it’s a shame because if the game didn’t overface itself so often it’d be great. Still enjoyable, but brace for a lot of “hey wtf that’s BS”. - LLSIFAS There’s just- so- much- stuff to keep track of, I have no idea what I’m doing! I don’t know what any of these stats do! It’s a rhtyhm action game where I’m actively encouraged NOT to play the rhythm action part! What on earth does Voltage mean! Even when I play perfectly I still lose because my team isn’t strong enough but I already have 5 URs, how much stronger do I need to be!? It didn’t work with me, is what I’m saying. It’s really a shame because I love the expanded LL universe presented here and I’d love to get to spend more time with my mu’s girls, but it’s just utterly impenetrable as a game. Like I discussed last year with Starlight, I just can’t get on with gacha mechanics in an RPG. - Punch Out Aahhh, my old knackered thumbs aren’t what they used to be. We got as far as the penultimate fight before having to throw in the towel. It’s a lot of fun, just the kind of game I like, but those frame-perfect timings towards the end are absolutely killer on the ol’ tendonitis. - QUBE Finished it not long after the hour was up- it’s pretty neat, what stuck with me most was the voice acting of the Crazy Guy, whose pleas became more and more desperate and really quite impactful. Very impressive performance from that man. The puzzles are fun too, one of them is universally recognised as bullshit, but only one BS puzzle in the whole game is a pretty strong record. - Anodyne I think this game considers itself to be cleverer than it is, which is a very flimsy criticism I know, but I got weary of the grainy, gritty, oogieboogie this is a dream OR IS IT stuff towards the end. Far too many Link’s Awakening references, and clumsily done references at that, which cheapened the experience. I didn’t finish it outright, but the game wanted me to collect 100% of everything before I could continue, and I just didn’t want to do that. *Shrug* - Operator Finished it during the hour! - Spyro/Spyro 2 These games aren’t really very good honestly? Spyro 2 is fine. Spyro 1 is very basic and the platforming isn’t too exciting. Buyer beware your nostalgia for these games might be rose-tinted. - Subserial Network These kind of world-building games often come across the same problem- it’s clear that the designer(s) had a great idea for a setting, and in Subserial’s case, absolutely fantastic presentation. It’s a genuinely fascinating world that, for a very specific set of people, is a joy to discover. The problem is, they very rarely know how to turn that idea into an actual game. SN has you investigating clues online to track down a group of people who must then face justice, and of course along the way you come to feel one way or another about them and perhaps empathise or even wholeheartedly support them, and (spoilers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) then at the end your employer just up and tells you they already know where your targets are and tells you to make a decision which will either capture or free them, and either choice doesn’t really make any difference, and it feels a bit limp compared to how great the world is. It’s the same problem I had with Subsurface Circular. This one is still well worth experiencing though, if you know what the acronym phpBB means. - Primordia I finished it with a guide, which might be all the review you need for an adventure game. Feels like a 7/10 on the Adventure Game Obtuseness Scale. Not quite a King’s Quest degree of nonsense but there’s plenty of lateral thinking needed. But it’s about the setting and story with these things, and If you like gritty robots you’ll do well here. How many games let you turn yourself into a nuke? - Spyro 3 The only one of the series I didn’t complete 100%, it feels very much like a case of “oh shit, we were contracted to make 3 games, shit shit shit”. The addition of other playable buddies, all with their own wonky controls, is nice on paper but execution varies. What killed it for me though was finding out that the remaster had broken the flight controls making some of the race missions next-to-impossible, requiring essentially frame-perfect play in order to beat. Those races take 2-3 minutes each time and can be lost at the last second. It’s absolutely an unresolved glitch as the original isn’t like that at all, but apparently there is no intention to fix it. Also lol skateboarding minigames. - Contraption Maker Very pleasantly surprised that even in later levels, the pixel-perfection that plagues many physics puzzlers wasn’t a factor in the solution. In fact, I only encountered this once, to my recollection. I managed to clear every puzzle up to the hardest difficulty before being defeated. This is a real good one. - Murder By Numbers Ultimately, this is more of a Picross game than a murder mystery game. There’s not much crime solving to do and no real “a-ha!” moments, but the story and characters are enjoyable. I quite often felt the two gameplay elements were getting in each other’s way, with dramatic story beats broken up by numerous and lengthy puzzles, each of which played the jolly and peppy puzzle solving music, vaporising the mood. Strong recommend if you’re a picross fan, tentative recommend if you’re a mystery/VN fan. - Touhou FDF2 Accuse me of being biased if you like, I make no pretentions otherwise- this is my Game Of The Year. FDF2 is something special. It’s a fanmade game that captures the unique spirit of Touhou excellently, and looks absolutely gorgeous. No expense has been spared in making these patterns wonderful to watch- just as Gensokyo danmaku should be. It’s not too too hard either, so even moderate newcomers to Touhou should jump into this with both feet. - Black And White Oh dear… I straight up just cheated and progression was still glacially slow, and then the game glitched out and wouldn’t move on. Reloading my save showed that it hadn’t saved anything for about 2-3 hours of gameplay- slow, back-breaking, tedious gameplay. Didn’t bother going back after that. Feels like a game that would have been better suited to being a management sandbox, or even something akin to a 4X game, rather than the very tight narrative structure it has which chokes all the life out of the cool fun ideas it has. - Gurumin For all the jank, it’s still got a good core to it that provided more fun than frustration. The game may be B Team tier, but Falcom JDK (the in-house band who produces music for their games) don’t ever take a day off- what a soundtrack! - Touhou FDF After its sequel blew me away, I went back to the first title. It’s fine, but I think I said everything worth saying in my write up. Extra is just absurdly hard, especially compared to the rest of the game. It’s fine, but I wouldn’t really push anyone to buy it, TH fan or not. - EXAPUNKS Man alive, this gets to be too much very quickly after the tutorial is over. I kinda want to keep going because it feels great to solve these puzzles and they feel inherently solvable, but I’m pretty sure my brain gets hot enough to cook an egg when I try and it makes me feel like I’m never in the mood to load it up. - Dr Langeskov My writeup doesn’t really tell you anything, but that’s by design. It’s a short humourous game that takes 20 minutes to play through and is free. Telling you more than that is going to spoil the surprise. - Starcrossed Finished a run with midgi. Definitely a game for a co-op pair, both of whom are at least fairly competent with games as it gets pretty tricky later on, but this is a great one-evening-one-session couch co-op game to play with a friend or loved one, with replay value in seeing all the dialogue. - Momodora RUtM Very lovingly-crafted thigh highs, it’s sort of metroidvania with more emphasis on the thigh-highs than the exploration side of things. Really cool boss fights and exciting thigh-highs. Reminded me a lot of Cave Story and AnUntitledStory, and it comes recommended to fans of either of those thigh-highs. Socks. - SMW2 Yoshi’s Island! I only fired it up to test a glitch. It’s a good game though. - Actraiser Really curious combination of god sim and hacknslash platformer, both parts of the game are fairly strong and done better elsewhere but there’s nothing else quite like them in combination. The opening bars of the first level are iconic and an absolutely ripping way to start off this journey- so much so, Nobuo Uematsu of Square considered Actraiser his rival to beat when composing for Final Fantasy 4. Praise doesn’t get much more flattering than that! - Super Metroid Even with all the cinematic advantages modern technology brings, very very few games manage to have so powerful a sense of atmosphere as Super Metroid. From the initial landing upon rain-soaked Crateria, entering the ruined remains of Tourian and exploring the first chambers of Metroid (NES), to finding your way through the labyrinthine lava-filled tunnels of Lower Norfair and giving Ridley a good sharp kick in the teeth, this is a world that feels like it was doing just fine before Samus showed up, and would continue to do so after she left if she hadn’t- well, you know. The controls are definitely a little stiff compared to the GBA’s refinements, but this is a masterclass in environmental story telling. - Super Nova It’s one of the Darius games, retitled for some reason. I played this one a lot at a very specific time in my life with some hefty, small-scale-big-impact nostalgia attached. It’s a good shooter, but I don’t think it’s great. Soundtrack is aces though. - SMW its k - FF5 This was the year I started running the Four Job Fiesta! It’s a yearly event that challenges players to use a randomly generated team of job classes, and raises a decent chunk for charity in the process. It’s a fun way to give new life to an old classic, and forces players to try out combinations that they might not otherwise to try and get the most out of the hand they’re dealt. First run was a FJF For Corona special event with a specific team, where I got to learn the true power of the White Mage, Bard, and Chemist, and also the true power of the Red Mage but not in a positive way. - Tiny Toons (SNES) Criminally overlooked platformer from Konami. Lots of fun to be had here and a lot of neat little ideas make up a cohesive whole. Well worth two hours of your time. - Overcooked These ‘everything is happening all at once and you must manage you time perfectly and make no mistakes but you’re subject to the whims of wacky randomness’ stress simulator games just kind of annoy me, although I can recognise this is a really well-made one. - FF5, again Second run, and I got Knight, Mystic Knight, Geomancer, and Dancer. Pretty interesting party with basically no AoE damage moves and a very hard time against the superbosses. I managed to pull a triple crown though! - Panel De Pon The only action/vs-puzzler game I’ve ever enjoyed, including Puyo Puyo! Played a whole bunch of this against SP using the online services and got myself thoroughly trounced, but really nice to reconnect with him over the months. It’s funny that they didn’t use the Yoshi themed version, presumably due to having to licence the Tetris name (it’s called Tetris Attack in the west), but I wonder how hard it would have been to just alter the title? - Master Of Orion 2 Expect to see this on the list every year.  Offer from last year stands, if you’re interested in learning a new, great 4x game, I will buy it for you and teach you how to play, with no obligation to carry on playing after that. Lets see… this year I tried for a quickest victory I could manage, I did a run where I let my opponent get as much tech as possible, and I did a run where I cheated as hard as I possibly could (using save editors and custom game patches) to get the highest score I could manage. - FF1 I really love this game. I wish there was anything else quite like it out there. Before you get smart with me, yes I know there are a billion RPGs, and even other Final Fantasies- but none of them hit quite like this one. Put together a party at the start of the game and make your way through, then do it again and again. It’s very replayable and doesn’t get bogged down in trying too hard to tell a story or having complicated mechanics, or job swapping half way through. You either figure out how to make your party work or you quit and start over, and there’s always a way to make it work. - Fire Emblem The first one on GBA, often called Blazing Sword. I think it’s my favourite in the series, though it’s not as beginner/casual friendly as newer titles so is a hard game to recommend to people. I absolutely adore its story, so utterly tragic and moving. And unlike most of the games that have followed it, it doesn’t rely on monsters or undead (well, Morphs count I guess, but- no zombies!) which I appreciate. - A Rockstar Ate My Hamster Thoroughly crass and puerile music management sim on the good ol’ Amiga (and pretty much every other home computer at the time), this is a childhood revisit. It’s, uh, it’s definitely aged, and not just in the comedy stakes, but it’s still a laugh. Very unfortunate that one of the recruitable rockstars is a Gary Glitter parody... - Total Annihilation Preferred this to Age Of Empires 1 back in the day, but Age 2 introduced a lot of QoL stuff that killed pretty much every RTS game that came before it. Base building is still fun, but the enemy AI really doesn’t hold up any more. The meekest of rush tactics is enough to completely shut them down. Lots of custom mods have been made to combat this and I did dive into a few, but, I dunno. Something’s missing now. - Touhou, all of em 6- aged badly. Still playable but yikes. 7- aged, but like a fine wine. 1cc’d Hard Mode for the first time ever this year! 8- kind of a weird game, did it invent achievements??? 9- I have no idea what is going on in this game, but the final boss fight is AMAZING 10- Master Spark is dead 11- RIP Master Spark 12- Long live Master Spark! Still love this one, even though the UFO system is weird 12.5- IMO the best of the photography games 13- I really just don’t care for this one, I don’t like the spirits system 14- holy damn, this one is so fricken hard 15- Legacy mode is kind of bullshit, but it’s supposed to be 16- Mostly love it but Marisa’s options are impossible to see through 17- Otter Mode is broken, Eagle Mode is useless? Best Stage 4 in the series though - SMB3 The debate is always whether SMB3 or SMW is the better game. For my money it’s World, but that race is a photo finish by anyone’s metric. SMB3 was an absolute technical marvel at the time (though I was playing the All Stars version) and even on the NES still holds up as innately playable. It hasn’t aged a bit. Played through this on Switch to keep the cat company! He didn’t appreciate it. - Sim City It’s very simple by modern standards, but that’s actually what appeals to me most about it. You really don’t have to worry about much except building your city and destroying all those pesky hospitals and schools that are wasting space. Streamed a megalopolis run just for the fun of it. - SMB2 This was originally a game called Doki Doki Majo Shinpan. - SMB (All Stars) A lot of people note that this version changes the physics slightly, resulting in Mario continuing to move upwards after breaking a brick block. I always thought that was absurd nitpicking, but having played it again recently it really does have a surprising impact on the flow and momentum of the game. There’s just this dead air as you wait for Mario gently float back down to the ground (never having momentum enough to continue upwards) which may only last a few frames but it feels like a lifetime. I take it back, the complaints are legit. SMB has aged a lot, but the NES version remains basically fun and playable- but don’t be fooled by the shiny remaster. It’s not the way to go. - Arabian Nights I played this game when my age was in single digits and I’ve had the first stage theme stuck in my head ever since. It’s actually a pretty rad game, too! Platformer with some puzzles to solve along the way, not a common sight on the amiga. Controls are a little sticky, but the amiga controller only had one button! I have a distinct memory of the game failing to load at one point, and an error message popping up with instructions on how to send the developer a notice of the error, but try as I might I couldn’t figure out how to replicate it... - Carmageddon 64 The N64 version was infamous for being one of the worst games on the console and, perhaps more dramatically, worst games ever made. I never played it around release, but I had a chance to this year. Blimey, they weren’t kidding. I’m not sure why it’s so much worse than the absolutely OK PC version. I didn’t play far into it, I just wanted to see for myself. - Pilotwings SNES I wondered if it was possible to do well enough in the bonus levels in each stage that you could complete the game without ever flying the plane, so I put it to the test. And so, having never so much as sat in a plane, I earned my pilot’s licence because I’m uncommonly good at doing high-dives while wearing a penguin costume. - Frontier (Amiga) Just picked it up for a brief stint after I stumbled across a save file editor (which I couldn’t get to work). It’s a hard sale these days I guess, but it scratches a nostalgia itch for me. - Hopeless Masquerade Touhou fighting game! I’m all around terrible at fighting games and this was no exception. I don’t know what I’m doing. But, playable Byakuren. - Pilotwings 64 Oh dear. Here’s one that should have been left in the nostalgia pile. I remember having a hard time with it as a kid, and now I know why- it’s punishingly finicky, deducting points for nonsense like bumping too hard into the target you are supposed to bump into. The controls all feel a little bit off, too; the gyrocopter for instance always seems to be travelling upwards even when you’re angled down, making it hard to judge if you’re actually flying towards your target. - Ronaldinho Soccer 64 Hahahahaha!!! Sorry. Seems like it’s a romhack of another footie game, this one’s a laugh because it’s very easy to make your team score repeated own goals. The dismay on their faces every time! - F-Zero GX Dolphins are pretty great, aren’t they? I wanted to see how great Dolphins are, so I used this game to test it. Them. Test the dolphins. With this gamecube game. Yeah. - Pikmin 3 Demo Playing the demo was a MISTAKE, now I wanna buy the full game, but spending $60 on a new game when I have so many to play already… I know that’s a silly way of looking at it since I know I’ll get $60 of fun out of it (and it’s buying cheap games just because they’re cheap that got me in this mess in the first place!), but it’s a lot of spons to drop all at once. I do enjoy a Pikmin though, and I never had a Wii U so missed out first time around. - Fire Emblem Sacred Stones After playing through the first (?) title, I wanted more, and this is the closest match. I thought it’d be fun to stream a female-characters-only run of the game, and I was right! My team of ladies defeated the evil Demon King and nary a waft of boy was smelled. - One Way Heroics A roguelike I actually enjoyed! But still only played through to completion once. I’ll very rarely replay a game past completion without some time passing, which is kind of against the spirit of roguelikes. - Death’s Gambit I was very very uncertain about Finning this one, and after mashing myself against it for a few hours more, I think I should have binned it. It’s gorgeous but it hates me. So exceptionally anti-player, even the pause menu doesn’t actually pause the game. That’s just rude! - Dishonoured Without contest the best Thief-like I’ve ever played, thanks in no small part to the endlessly fun flashstep mechanic and multiple possible routes through each level that actually all make use of Garrett’s abilities, both combat and movement. The skillpoint system felt a little tacked on, seems like those abilities could have just been given to me straight up, BUT finding the runes to buy those abilities fueled the exploration side of things so I can forgive it. Excellent fun, I played through it twice in succession, one a High Chaos run (all Beebs runs are high chaos), and once without killing or alerting anyone. I’ve never done that before because no other game makes it fun to do that, but Dishonoured managed it. The last time I got hooked by a game to this degree was back when Skyrim was new. The kitchen suffered dearly for Dishonored’s sake. - Ocarina Of Time It’s aged pretty significantly in a lot of ways, hasn’t it? I didn’t play very far into it, only as far as the first Spiritual Stone. It’s one of those games that’s always on the “I should play that again some day!” list, which then gets passed over in favour of a backlog game. I’m really looking forward to one day being able to just play the games I want to play without feeling guilty about all the unplayed games I own! - Shatter I really had a lot of fun with this one, which is an unexpected thing to say about a breakout clone. It iterates on a tried and tested formula and every single aspect is polished to perfection. Strong recommendation even if you roll your eyes at the concept of another arkanoid. Killer OST. - TF2 Why can’t I quit you? Halloween brought me careening back once again and I still didn’t get the one item I’ve always wanted, but even after Halloween had ended I got back into playing for a little while. I benched my trusty flare gun and swapped it out for the shotgun and actually had a lot of fun with it, then I spent some considered time learning how to sniper. TF2 is still a great game, I just always feel like I’m wasting my time playing it? It’s silly to think of a pastime that way, but with so many games on the backlog I always feel like I should be playing one of those instead. Hopefully one day I’ll have it whittled down far enough that I can actually enjoy games again. - Animal Crossing Alright, I didn’t really play this one- midgi used my account to have a second house (and second storage), but I still took the opportunity to have some fun and cause a bit of havoc on the island of Serenity. - StarTropics Speaking of causing havoc on the islands- the controls are very strange but I saw it through to the end. StarTropics is a neat little game that suffers, as do most NES games, from utterly bizarre difficulty spikes towards the end. Still worth a run if you can stomach that or have save-states. - Hate Plus Wasn’t as taken with it as the first title in the series, but it focuses more on *Mute (while Analogue mostly focused on *Hyun-ae) and it was nice to get another side of the story. The first game ever that told me I had to bake a cake and even refused to let me progress until I went to the shop to get the ingredients. - FF1 (FCC) Same as the Four Job Fiesta, except in FF1 this time! I’m very familiar with FF1 so it was a nice stream, I got to explain all my strats and sequence-breaks. - Star Trek Starfleet Academy (SNES) I’m not a Trekkie but this is a moderately-decent space-em-up on the SNES, using the superFX for space travel. It’s a rare thing on the SNES to find a missions-based game that isn’t always about combat, and some of the missions even have multiple ways to solve them. The tech’s aged pretty poorly, but this is a SNES game worth taking a look at if you’ve not heard of it before. - Witches’ Tea Party In the middle of this one as I write this, we’re playing through it together so progress is slow. Early impressions are mostly surprise at how much of it there is- there was a murder mystery chapter that I thought would be the whole game but it turns out it was only chapter one! They do some real neat stuff with RPG Maker. Good to see. - Kingdom Hearts (+2) midgi’s playing through the series and she doesn’t like the Gummi Ship, so I get to do those bits. It’s basically Starfox but you get to build your own ship, it’s awesome. - Pokemon Fire Red Randomiser Nuzlocke! This is still on-going as I write it. We just got to Cerulean City and crossed Nugget Bridge. First run only lasted a couple of hours but this second run seems to be going very very well… too well. We shall see what awaits us! - Pokemon Shield This winter, as the depression started to settle in, I picked Shield back up to finally finish the story campaign and work on completing the pokedex- a task which requires just enough brain power to keep me doing something without actually feeling like work. Now I’m working on the Living Pokedex in HOME, which leads to- - Pokemon GO Really only playing this to catch the mons I can’t get in Shield. It’s not like I’m actually going anywhere, you know? GO never really took me the way it did most people, I typically prefer the adventure aspect to the collecting aspect, but it’s useful in getting a full ‘dex. - Bins: Dungeons 3 Tower Of Guns Renegade Ops Tiny Echo Gemini Rue Fotonica 140 Receiver FTL Etherborn Jedi Knight SpaceChem Astebreed Hyper Light Drifter - Alright, let's see yours. And what's your Game Of The Year?
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duhragonball · 5 years ago
Dragon Ball Super Movie 1: Broly (1/2)
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This ended up taking longer than I expected, so I decided to break it up into sections.     The first Dragon Ball Super movie premiered in Japan on December 14, 2018, and then in the U.S. and Canada on January 16, 2019.   
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After Resurrection F, just about every episode of Dragon Ball Super aired, and this movie takes place after all of that.    So just to get everyone up to speed: Beerus had a friendly tournament with his counterpart in Universe 6, and the King of Everything liked the idea so much that he threw his own event called the Tournament of Power, which saw eight universes square off in teams of ten.    But our universe was short-handed, so Goku arranged for Frieza to be brought back to life for one day so he could participate, and then Whis revived Frieza for keeps after Beerus was pleased with Frieza’s performance.  
This movie is important for a few reasons.    First, it features Aya Hisakawa as Bulma, the first time the role has been recast following Hiromi Tsuru’s tragic death in 2017.  
Second, this movie reintroduces the Broly character.   In the DBZ films, he was a side-story, non-canon villain, but this movie works him into the main canon.    Well... as canonical as Dragon Ball Super gets, I suppose.    Similarly, this movie also does the same thing with Gogeta.   
Third, this one currently stands as  the highest-grossing Dragon Ball movie ever, and one of the top-grossing anime films of all time.    I looked at the Wikipedia list, and it’s at #12.    But Resurrection F is at #19, so I think it’s safe to assume that any future Dragon Ball movies might break the record.     Even so, I knew this one was a bigger deal when I went to see it.   Res F only played in my town for three days, I think.   Broly ran for maybe three weeks and I couldn’t see it on the first try because it was sold out that night.   If it’s true that Akira Toriyama came out of retirement because of how bad Dragon Ball: Evolution was, then I think it’s safe to say that he’s exorcised that demon.
Fourth, this movie’s box office success and popularity led to the downfall of American voice actor and sex pest Vic Mignogna.   Vic has played Broly in all of his past movies, as well as the video games and any other localized Broly media.   But he’s also garnered a reputation over the decades for creeping on women and girls at fan conventions.    DBS: Broly put him in the limelight again, and I’m pretty sure this caused a lot of people to ask why we’re still putting up with this perv in the year 2019.    A few weeks after the movie premiered in the U.S., RoosterTeeth cut ties with him and re-cast all the parts he played for their shows.   A week later, Funimation did the same thing.   Quite stupidly, Vic tried to sue his way out of this mess, taking Funimation and two of its voice actresses to court for defamation and conspiracy, and the case was dismissed with prejudice on October 4.    The last I heard, he was doing public appearances in the basements of creepy malls.   Maybe there’s still venues willing to do business with him, but as I understand it, most anime conventions have recognized that he just isn’t worth the bad publicity.  
Anyway, it’s kind of weird to be doing this with a movie that just came out eleven months ago.     This will probably be more text-heavy than usual, since I have a lot of things to say about this movie that I never got around to earlier in the year.  
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For example, what the hell is this thing?
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All right, so the first... I dunno, fifteen minutes?... of this movie is a flashback of what Planet Vegeta was like before Frieza destroyed it.    For clarity: the main story of this movie is set in Age 780, the same year as the Tournament of Power in the DBS TV series, while this flashback takes place in Age 739.... I guess?   The Dragon Ball Wiki contends that Goku and Broly were born in Age 737, and they look about two years old in this part, but I dunno.   
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Anyway, King Cold has come to Planet Vegeta to inform King Vegeta that he’s retiring from the space-villain business and putting his son Frieza in charge.   This was always very satisfying to me, because I never quite understood King Cold’s role in the Frieza organization.     Turns out he used to run the whole thing, and then he handed it over to Frieza, which allows him to retain a lot of power without actually having to run things directly.  
It also explains why the Saiyans lasted as long as they did under Frieza’s rule.   Conquering the Saiyans happened under King Cold’s regime.    Once Frieza took over, he spent some time reconsidering that decision.    Anyway, Frieza hands out scouters to King Vegeta, explaining that they’re the new latest and greatest technology for detecting and quantifying powerful fighters.   He even shoots down some Saiyan snipers just to demonstrate how well they work.
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King Vegeta doesn’t like this turn of events, maybe because he had hoped King Cold would grant the Saiyans independence when he retired.    But there’s no much he can do about it, so he consoles himself in his son, Prince Vegeta.   The tests show that Vegeta has enormous potential, and the King is certain that his son will one day grow powerful enough to overthrow Frieza and rule the universe himself.   
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Then he sees another life support tank with another Saiyan baby in it, and he throws a hissy fit about it.    See, Saiyans in this era raise their newborns in these tanks, and this particular tank farm is for babies singled out for having elite fighting potential.    The guys who run the place explain to him that Colonel Paragus’s son had exceptional test results, which may even exceed Prince Vegeta’s.   The King tries to see for himself, but the measuring device overloads and explodes.   
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Then this lady walks up and tells him Broly might possibly become the next Legendary Super Saiyan, which doesn’t exactly put the king at ease.    
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So King Vegeta orders Broly to be shipped off to the planetoid of Vampa.   When Paragus learns of this, he demands an explanation, since you only do that sort of thing for weaker, low-class Saiyan babies.    That’s what Raditz said way back in DBZ episode 2, you know, but Broly’s already been shown to be far stronger than this.   Also, Vampa’s a dump and everyone knows it, so even if Broly subjugates the planet, no one would want to buy it, so what’s the point.    King Vegeta explains that Broly is probably some kind of mutant, and no matter how strong he may be, he’ll eventually lose control of that power and become dangerous.   At least this way he’ll be on Vampa instead of being dead.    But Paragus thinks the king is only doing this out of jealousy.    He can’t handle that a mere colonel’s son tested better than the prince, so he’s sweeping Broly under the rug.  
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So Paragus hijacks a spaceship and flies to Vampa himself to rescue Broly.   His plan is to desert King Vegeta and the Frieza Force and raise Broly on some other planet until he can make Broly into a great warrior.    Another Saiyan named Beets tries to talk him out of it, but ends up getting roped into the hijacking.    Paragus foolishly crash lands the ship on Vampa, and when Beets says he can’t repair the ship, Paragus shoots him so the rations will last longer.    I like this scene, because when they first arrived on Vampa, Paragus made Beets come with him, fearing that he’d take off and leave them if he stayed behind.   Beets swore he’d never do that, but Paragus doesn’t believe in trustworthy Saiyans.    So his shooting Beets is just proof of his cynicism towards his own people. 
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Then we flash forward another five years.    That seems kind of fishy to me, but okay.  
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Bardock and his comrade are on their way back to Planet Vegeta, because Frieza ordered them all to come home.    Bardock is suspicious, because if Frieza had orders for them, he could have just relayed them by radio, and if he has weapons to distribute, then there’d still be no need to have every Saiyan on the planet at the same time to hand them all out.   
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I know people don’t care much for the Dragon Ball Minus version of Bardock, but it does make a lot more sense than the “Father of Goku” version.   This movie expands on the Dragon Ball Minus comic by explaining Bardock’s reasoning in greater detail.    The other Saiyans simply can’t believe that Frieza would do anything drastic to them, mainly because they work for Frieza and do what he wants.    But Bardock knows that the Saiyans dislike Frieza, and that the feeling is probably mutual, and he might just be planning to do something about it.  
Then one of his pals mentions that Frieza’s administrators have been asking around about the Super Saiyan legend, and that’s the final piece of the puzzle.   Bardock realizes that Frieza’s worried about a Saiyan uprising, which normally wouldn’t be a threat, unless a Super Saiyan emerges.  
The point I’m driving at here is that he doesn’t really need psychic powers to see all this coming.    He just happens to be smart enough and paranoid enough to figure out how Frieza thinks.   It’s not as dramatic as “Father of Goku”, but it’s still effective.  
The thing I tried to do last year was to write a fanfic that combined this version of Bardock with the “FoG” version.    Basically, to have Gine in the story and have her cope with her husband having doomsday visions.    I really ought to get back to that sometime.   
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As for Frieza, his people report that the Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan God are nothing more than old stories, but Frieza insists that he had to be certain.    Even so, he plans to blow up all the Saiyans anyway, since he’s got them all together in one place.    I don’t know, maybe he only asked about Super Saiyans because he was afraid this upcoming attack might provoke a Super Saiyan survivor.  
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Moving on, if you know the story of Dragon Ball Minus, you know what’s coming next.    Bardock meets up with his wife Gine, and I dig this chubby Saiyan working at the meat-packing place.    I think that’s my favorite part of this movie, really, just seeing all the diverse kinds of Saiyans running around on this planet.    Fat ones, thin ones, weak ones.    That one lady looked like some kind of scientist, and the guy in King Vegeta’s court looked like a butler or something.    It’s a nice change from DBZ, where every Saiyan extra ended up looking like Raditz, more or less.    And every Saiyan from Universe 6 looked like they were made of noodles.   
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Bardock asks about their kids, and Gine explains that Raditz has been assigned to off-world duty with Prince Vegeta.   As for Kakarot, he’s still in his tank, which just sort of sits in the middle of their home.    Bardock plans to steal a space pod and send Kakarot to another planet, since he thinks Frieza’s going to blow up Planet Vegeta soon, because he believes the Legendary Super Saiyan might appear.
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Gine is upset with this, obviously.    What really threw me when I first watched the movie was how all these characters speak of the Legendary Super Saiyan.   No one seems to quite believe in the idea, or maybe it’s more accurate to say that they don’t particularly care if it’s true or not, since it would have happened so long ago.    But there’s a forboding sense that it could happen again.    King Vegeta are looking forward to it, because they think their sons could fill that role.   But Bardock and Gine dread it, because that dumb story convinced Frieza to kill them all, and it’s going to get their son shot into space.   Anyway, anytime someone mentions the Super Saiyan in this movie, someone else always goes “You mean the Legendary Super Saiyan?”   No, mate, I was referring to the ordinary kind you see on every street corner.
Anyway, this was why I started writing my fic, because this legend was such a big deal in early DBZ.    No one in-universe seems to know anything about the previous Super Saiyan.   Even if the guy never existed, you’d expect there to be some details.  My assumption is that this was all lost over the past thousand years, to the point where all anyone remembers is that some Saiyan got tired of being nice and decided to go ape shitt.   And that run of destruction was so memorable that people still talk about it a thousand years later, even after everything else got forgotten.    For me, that’s a writing prompt, and I’ve spent the last four years trying to write a story and build an OC who could make Frieza nervous enough to blow up an entire planet of his own henchmen.  
So when I watched this movie, I sort of worried that one of the characters might drop some new, unwanted lore about the Legendary Super Saiyan.   Up to this point, all we knew about the legend was what Vegeta recalled, but for all I knew Gine studied up on the subject when she took that mythology course at Saiyan University.   “Super Saiyan?   You mean like Topotay, the seven-foot-tall heteronormative man who hated cooking and never left his home planet?”   
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So Bardock prepares the pod, and when Gine asks him why he’s bothering, especially when they can’t save themselves, he explains that it’s because he spends all his time fighting that he wants to try to save something for a change.    I like that a lot, because so much of the Saiyan culture in DBZ is extrapolated from Raditz and Vegeta’s perception of it, which is slanted towards ultra-violence and ruthlessness-as-virtue.   And sure, there’s plenty of that.   We get a lot of it in this very movie.    But there’s two sides to the coin.   Paragus was genuinely worried about his son, and Beets seemed to be sympathetic to him as well.    Bardock embraced his wife in front of someone, and now this.   Character traits aren’t hard rules.   It isn’t out-of-character for a violent man to crave peace once in a while, or for a brutal warrior to finally appreciate compassion, especially when he thinks he’s about to die.
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The big twist here is that Bardock sent Goku to Earth to save his life.  He was not, as Raditz assumed, deployed to Earth by the Saiyan government to conquer it.    In fact, Bardock chose the Earth specifically because it was far enough out of the way that he didn’t think Frieza would bother with it.   Gine would later contact Raditz to inform him of all of this, but she left out the details of why they did this, probably for fear of being overheard on the communicators.  
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In orbit, Frieza’s aides point out that the Saiyans make up half of their fighting force, but Frieza doesn’t care.   He knows the Saiyans aren’t going to quietly tolerate his rule forever, so it’s better to deal with them now.   That’s how afraid of the Super Saiyan he is.   He’d rather blow up half his military than worry about it.    Presumably, King Cold never cared in the first place.   He could barely rememer what a Super Saiyan was, even while he was watching Trunks turn into one.   
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Anyway, Frieza does the fingerbang thing, Bardock tries to stop it, but he fails and gets zapped back in time to the Episode of Bardock special, and the planet explodes.    We’ve seen this moment maybe a dozen times by now, but I do like the part where Frieza monitors the destruction on his scouter, and the number of power signals coming from the planet count down to zero. 
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Elsewhere, Prince Vegeta’s group hears about this, and they find the whole thing suspicious, because the official story is that the planet got hit by a meteor.    Vegeta and Raditz don’t particularly care.   They both have brothers off-world, but they dismiss them as unimportant weaklings. 
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Then we finally flash forward to the main story of the movie.   Baby Kakarot has grown up into Son Goku, the hero of Earth, and Vegeta lives here too, and he’s married the richest lady on the planet.   They both turned into the next Legendary Super Saiyan, and recently they just got done teaming up with Frieza to win the Tournament of Power, proving that their universe deserves to exist.   But Goku and Vegeta still want to get stronger.   Goku, because he wants to fight all those strong guys he met from the other universes, and Vegeta because he’s convinced that Frieza will attack the Earth again now that he’s returned to life.     Also, Beerus and Whis are here, for no particularly good reason.  That seems to be the Dragon Ball Super brand in a nutshell.    What made Movie 14 so good was how they introduced them as new characters, made them the focus of the story, and had them shake things up.    Since then, they just hang out on the sidelines and eat snacks.    
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This works out, though, because Bulma gets a call from Trunks about someone breaking into her lab and stealing the six Dragon Balls she had collected, as well as the Dragon Radar.    They quickly realize it was Frieza’s henchmen who did it, and so they head off to find the 7th Dragon Ball before they do.   Whis wants to tag along, but Beerus doesn’t, so she leaves her baby behind and asks him to keep an eye on her.   D’awwwwwwwwww.
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On the way to the ice continent where the last ball is located, Goku asks why Bulma was collecting the Dragon Balls in the first place.  She admits that she wanted to ask Shenron to de-age her by about five years.   Just five?   Bulma figures that if she makes herself too young all at once, people will think she had plastic surgery.   Why not just get plastic surgery?     Wait, I’m asking the wrong question here.    Don’t people already think Bulma already had work done?   She hasn’t aged since the Cell Games.
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So what does Frieza plan to wish for?   When he first appeared back in early DBZ, he wanted to become immortal.   His aide, whose name I have forgotten, asks if he’s going to try that again, but Frieza says no. 
I’m confused by his reasoning, but Frieza explains that while he was dead and in hell, he realized that it was torture being unable to die or move, so immortality holds no meaning for him.   Okay, but that only happened to you because you died.   Does Frieza think that becoming immortal would leave him unable to move?  Or is he just afraid of getting trapped in some situation where death would be the only release, like when Garlic Junior got trapped in the Dead Zone?
At the very least, I’ll give credit where it’s due: it looks like Toriyama finally gave Frieza a bit of character development to play into his resurrection.   My big complaint about Resurrection F was that Frieza came back to life and immediately went right back to doing all the stupid shit that got him killed in the first place, and it seemed like the 15 years he spent in hell had no effect on him whatsoever.   He wasn’t afraid of dying again, nor was he dismayed by the knowledge of what awaits him on the others side.   Now, in this movie, he at least has some perspective.   Shenron could make Frieza immortal, but he can’t make him stronger than Goku, so maybe he’s worried that Goku might throw him into a black hole or something. 
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Even so, it was weird to watch this movie and see a Frieza who utterly does not care about becoming immortal, because he seemed so obsessed with it back on Namek.  But now that I’ve watched DBZ in Japanese, I’ve noticed that Frieza never seemed all that concerned about it.    He’s not Voldemort, who was terrified of death and sought to conquer it, or Kars, who wanted to eliminate his few remaining weaknesses.   Frieza only seemed to want immortality back then because it was the only thing he could think of that he didn’t already have, and maybe to screw with Vegeta, who saw the Dragon Balls as the only way to beat Frieza.    Still, I find it odd that Frieza isn’t even a little worried about what’ll happen to him when he finally kicks the bucket.   His aide suggests that he might wish for an invincible-but-still-mortal body, and Frieza says that would take all the fun out of “the game”.   So I guess he’s adopted an Android 17 outlook on life?   Well, so be it, but he knows he’s going to get hung up on the happy fun tree again whenever he dies of old age, so why doesn’t that weigh on him?    In Movie 15, he seemed to think he only ended up there because he died on Earth.   Does he think if he dies someplace else, that he’ll go to a better hell with free wifi and room service?    If I were Frieza, I’d be doing some serious churchin’ up.
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Anyway, his other, cooler aide, Berryblue, already has this figured out: Frieza wants to wish to be taller.  Specifically, five centimeters taller, so that it won’t be too conspicuous.    I really like Berryblue, even though this is about the only thing she does in this movie.   Both of these aides appeared in the flashback, implying that they’ve been with Frieza for decades and somehow survived his fifteen-year death.   There would have been no need for someone like her on his Namek campaign, but the absence of characters like her was exactly why I never cared much for Frieza’s classic henchmen.    They were all jacked up thugs constantly licking Frieza’s boots and not much else.    Berryblue’s not afraid of this guy at all, probably because she changed his space-diapers when he was little, and if he kills her, he won’t have anyone to bring him space-wine from the ship’s space-cellar.   
So why doesn’t Frieza just use his second form, the one he used to fight Piccolo on Namek?   That form was like eight feet tall, but also fuck Frieza’s second form.   He only had those forms to regulate his power, and these days he doesn’t even use them.   He wants to be taller in his default state.   But he doesn’t want to be too tall all at once, or it wouldn’t look natural.   This from the guy who went out of his way to turn mustard yellow at full power.
Personally, I’m torn on this whole gag.    It is kind of funny that Frieza is after the same dumb kind of wish that Bulma was, but it’s also kind of stupid that Frieza is after the exact same thing that Commander Red wanted way back in the original Dragon Ball.   The problem with bringing Frieza back is that no one knows what to do with him.     They already had him attack Earth again, die again, and come back again.   We’ve even seen him team up with the good guys.    But DBS ended with him going off on his merry way, and it looks like he’s rebuilding the Frieza Force, but that feels kind of hollow while he has Goku and Vegeta on his mind.     Having him make another go at the Dragon Balls is a solid move, except the Dragon Balls alone aren’t a motivation because you still need to have something to wish for.    This whole “5cm taller” thing just feels like a gag to cover the lack of an actual answer to the problem.  
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  Meanwhile, let’s check in on these two.  The green lady is Cheelai, and the orange guy is Leemo.   They’re in the Frieza Force, but not as warriors.   Leemo’s just a transport pilot, and I don’t really know what Cheelai’s official job is, but their current assignment is to search the galaxy for strong warriors to recruit for Frieza’s army.    When you think about it, Frieza’s pretty bad at this whole “private army” business.   King Cold left him the entire Saiyan race, the Ginyu Force, Zarbon, Dodoria, and whoever else.   First, Frieza wiped out the Saiyans, which made up half of his soldiers.    Then he deployed his finest troops to Namek, where they al got taken out by Goku and Vegeta, two of the Saiyans he neglected to kill.    Then Frieza gets himself and King Cold killed on a pointless revenge mission, leaving Sorbet to try to keep the whole thing going.    Across a fifteen year period, Sorbet probably loses a lot of good soldiers to insurrections and desertion.  Then Frieza comes back and assembles an army of 1000 warriors, and he kills all of them on another pointless revenge mission.
So yeah, in this scene, Cheelai laments that there just aren’t many warriors out there with a power level greater than 1000.   Well there used to be, until Frieza got them all killed.  Now he’s down to scrubs like Leemo, who’s worked for Frieza for decades, but can’t fight worth a damn.    According to Cheelai, she only joined up because she stole a spaceship or something, and knew the authorities wouldn’t chase after her if she was in the Frieza Force.    Really?  I don’t think Frieza would go out of his way to personally avenge or rescue her if the Galactic Patrol caught her.   
There’s a cute gag here where Cheelai mentions how Frieza turned out to be shorter than she expected, and Leemo warns her never to say that again if she values her life, recalling how Berryblue mentioned that Frieza used to execute some of his men for mocking his height behind his back.   Gee, why could Frieza have a staffing problem?    This is why Cell is the best villain.   He’s plenty tall, and he’s not so friggin’ insecure, and he can handle his own shit.
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Anyway, the pair pick up a distress signal and it turns out it’s coming from Vampa, where they find Paragus striking... a pose.   Yes.   It’s like he knew he’d be wearing a shower curtain over his legs for the rest of the movie so he wanted to flaunt his goodies now while he still had the chance.
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Paragus is now old and grey-headed, but he still has a power level of 4200, which is weaker than Nappa, but still good enough that Leemo and Cheelai are thrilled to take him back on their ship.   But then they get attacked by the giant head lice on Vampa, and Paragus calls for Broly to save them...
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...And Cheelai is astounded by his power, which is too high to measure on the scouter.   That... doesn’t mean a whole lot these days, unless they increased the scouters’ range since the Freiza Saga.   Hers doesn’t explode, at least, so they managed to improve that much in the past twenty years.   
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So on the ride back, Cheelai spends some time with Broly and gives him ration bars, or maybe it’s just candy, I dunno.    Paragus tells Broly to thank her, but she finds it too formal, and teaches the “Okay” sign as she tells Broly to just say “thank you” and leave it at that.    
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Aboard Frieza’s ship, Paragus explains that he had to cut off Broly’s tail because he was getting too powerful, and that Broly would have these surges in power where he would lose all control of himself.   To deal with these, he put a shock collar on Broly’s neck, and he keeps the remote in his fanny pack.   He demonstrates how it works, and Leemo and Cheelai are horrified.
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But they’re not so horrified that they balk at their reward for finding these two.  Apparently everyone in DBZ outer space gets paid in ball-point pens.
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After Leemo and Cheelai leave, Frieza explains to Paragus that Planet Vegeta was destroyed a long time ago, though he neglects to mention that he did the destroying.   Not that Paragus cares, since he gave up on ever going back there because of King Vegeta.   Frieza mentions that Prince Vegeta is still alive on Earth, and offers to help him get revenge.   
Notably in this scene, Frieza refers to Prince Vegeta as “Vegeta IV,” which makes his dad King Vegeta III.   It’s nice to finally have that settled after all these years.    
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I hadn’t noticed this until now, but there’s another lady on the ship besides Cheelai and Berryblue.   Probably not that remarkable, since Cheelai already explained that Frieza was hiring more women now that he couldn’t afford to be picky.   There are sources that say Frieza’s organization just didn’t allow women, period, but I always find those sort of absolutes hard to believe.   There’s also been talk that Frieza’s species has no gender, which is entirely plausible, but then why should Frieza bother with making sexist hiring policies?   
Wait, maybe Frieza got frustrated with it.   Like, he kept misgengering his staff, and he didn’t like looking foolish, so he just went, you know what, no women.   That actually makes some sense, especially in light of this movie, where he’s on a hiring spree for his ultra-important campaign to grow two whole inches.
Oh, wait, I just remembered that tough-looking lady they introduced for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.    I guess she was working for Frieza the whole time, but maybe he made special exceptions for quality talent.    Or he separated his crews by gender, so whenever he boards a different ship someone has to tell him which pronouns to use.    This is why Cell’s the best villain, because if you tell him your pronouns, he’ll just fucking remember instead of being a jackass about it.    All thanks to Piccolo’s cells.   Also Nappa’s.  
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When Broly and Paragus come down for some food, Cheelai invites them to their table, but Paragus isn’t interested in chatting, and Broly doesn’t seem to know how.   Cheelai asks him why he’s still wearing the green fur around his waist, but when she tries to touch it he flips out, and she backs off.     Mostly, I just like this shot of Cheelai here.  
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Also this one, where she gets upset with Paragus for not allowing Broly to tell his tragic backstory.   But we’ll have to save that for the second half of this review.
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bioware-meta · 6 years ago
Companion Study: Jacob Taylor
I know, I know. Jacob Taylor? You’re writing an essay about Jacob Taylor? It’s fairly uncontroversial that he’s the least interesting of Mass Effect 2’s otherwise stellar cast. Even the Shadow Broker doesn’t seem to think he’s very valuable (if you haven’t brought him along on Lair of the Shadow Broker, the difference between the comments on him and everyone else are astonishing). But that’s why I wanted to write about him – almost no one has. But I think there’s a lot of value in analyzing why this particular character fell flat with the majority of the player base, and if you’ll bear with me for a few paragraphs, I think you’ll agree.
While doing research for this essay, I discovered that Jacob Taylor was a pretty major character in a couple of the Mass Effect books. I grappled for a bit about whether or not to consider his actions and characterization in those books in my analysis here, but ultimately decided against it. For one thing, I don’t own and haven’t read the books, and there’s only so much insight you can get out of summaries. More importantly, though, I had no idea these books existed when I played ME2, and neither did most players. A video game series that prides itself on storytelling can’t rely on external media to support its story, so I will analyze Jacob Taylor in the form that the majority of the player base experienced him.
 So, with the limits of this analysis established, let’s dive right in to the problem of Jacob Taylor. I want to briefly note what an honest-to-God shame it is that this character fell so flat. He’s one of the only people of color on Shepard’s squad, and one of the only significant black characters in the game. As a white person, it’s not my place to analyze Bioware’s issues with race in detail, but it felt important to touch on. He’s also a major contributor to fem!Shep’s lack of romance options. He’s a thoroughly unappealing option to most players anyway, but to also have him cheat on Shepard and break off their romance in ME3 is a real slap in the face to the few people who were interested. Having characters whose lives don’t revolve around the protagonist and whose romantic relationships don’t work out is an interesting idea, but it’s a problem that it only happens to female protagonists, who also have a romance option unavoidably die. M!Shep, on the other hand, can always steer their romances to happy endings. That’s a problem.
 So what caused this character to fail so utterly? To understand that, let’s take a look at what the developers were hoping to achieve with this character. We’re introduced to Jacob Taylor as a friendly face in a confusing environment, a casual and collected man who offers up the truth of the situation to Shepard out of moral conviction. That’s a decent introduction. Between that and the first few conversations Shepard has with him on the Normandy, I think we can piece together pretty clearly what Jacob’s character is supposed to be. First and foremost, he’s supposed to be a sympathetic voice. He defends Shepard against Miranda, commiserates with them over Cerberus’s spotty track record, and talks about his service with the Alliance. He’s presented as the voice of reason relative to Miranda and TIM. He’s like Shepard, working with Cerberus because he doesn’t see a better option. And that’s the second thing – he’s like Shepard. He shares a similar career path and went through a similar arc of disillusionment and frustration. He’s supposed to be relatable. Third, he’s a good soldier. He’s dutiful, professional, shows great respect for the chain of command, and a solid combatant. And finally, he’s presented as a voice of reason. He frequently advocates for the “logical” and “morally upstanding” choices. His biases show through rarely. The information he provides to Shepard about the galaxy is meant to be very reliable.
 However, this collection of traits fails to make him interesting, for a variety of reasons. Let’s examine why one at a time. He fails as a character sympathetic to Shepard primarily because he’s set up in opposition to Miranda’s fervent belief in Cerberus. The dichotomy between the two makes plenty of sense in the first mission – one pro-Cerberus, one anti. But this falls apart very quickly thereafter, because absolutely no one else you recruit likes Cerberus. The best you get is indifference from people like Zaeed and Kasumi, and far more often you get burning hatred. The deep vendettas of Jack and Tali against Cerberus burn brightly, and Jacob’s mild dislike for them fades out in comparison. This is especially bad for him because his character concept is grounded in the contrast between his reluctant partnership with Cerberus and Miranda’s conviction in their methods. It’s simply uninteresting when compared to the rivalry and outright hatred between Miranda and Jack.
 His failure as a sympathetic ear for Shepard is, surprisingly, almost completely unrelated to why he fails as a target for Shepard’s empathy. This failure boils down primarily to a failure in the writing of his one-on-one conversations. He’s given a backstory that somewhat mirror’s Shepard’s, but there’s no emotion or color attached to it. We know very little about his feelings about his time with the Corsairs, or the names of his fellow servicemen, or any of the conflicts they engaged in, or the hardships they overcame. Compare to Garrus, who talks at length about the team of vigilantes he put together and the tight scrapes he fought his way out of and the burning sense of purpose that sustained him through his ordeals. Jacob was instead written to be almost completely impassive, private, cutting off any conversation as soon as it ventures anywhere potentially emotional. This can be interesting, done correctly. The majority of the companions begin somewhat emotionally closed-off. But Jacob never opens up. The writer’s attempted to make Jacob seem professional and controlled, but instead they robbed him of interiority. This is especially apparent with his personal mission, which fails to advance any central conflict in his personality or resolve an issue that has clearly been affecting him personally. Even the climax of that mission barely brings any of his emotions or character traits into the limelight, and when Shepard tries to dig into his feelings after the mission, Jacob completely shuts down that line of inquiry, never to be reopened.
 Jacob isn’t helped by the fact that he’s also basically the most ordinary combatant to ever be a permanent member of Shepard’s squad. Mechanically, his powerset is very bland, with only Pull and Incendiary Ammo to start off with, and his unique power is functionally interchangeable with two other unique powers, simply extending the user’s shields. And within the game’s story, his abilities are just as ordinary. He’s not a vigilante sniper, a dying assassin, a genetic experiment, or a biotic engineered into the ultimate weapon. He’s just a security officer who happened to not die in the opening level. Simple competence as a combatant looks a lot less valuable when everyone else on the team was recruited because they were extraordinary. In ME1, Kaiden and Ashley had each other to bounce off of, keeping either from looking like the weakest link in a party consisting of fascinating alien experts, and by ME3 neither of them could be considered ordinary soldiers by any stretch of the imagination. But Jacob is just clearly the weakest link of ME2.
 His final and weakest central character trait, acting as a general voice of reason, actually works the best out of any of these. It simply fails to be impactful because the previous three failed so significantly that the player has no real interest in him, so his opinion is unimpactful.
 Having laid bare the flaws in Jacob’s character design, what have we learned? What was the primary factor that created such an uncompelling character, and how could he have been done better? In my opinion, the prime cause of the failure of Jacob Taylor comes from what role the writers wanted him to serve. They intended him to be Shepard’s number one, the friend and confidante that Shepard sees themself in. This was an ill-conceived idea for two reasons. First, there’s player behind the character of Shepard, and that means there is no one-size-fits-all most sympathetic best friend and supporter character. Everyone is going to see it differently. Second, this was a bad idea because there’s already a character returning from a previous game who had this effect on the majority of the player base with astonishing effectiveness, and that’s Garrus Vakarian. Other have written more and better than I could ever hope to on what makes Garrus such a great character, so I’ll leave that alone for now. Instead, let’s talk about what Jacob should have been, instead of trying to fight for Garrus’s role.
 First, I would make Jacob a true believer in Cerberus. As it was, Miranda was the only one who really backed Cerberus – for good reason, the organization was completely mistrusted by outsiders. Making Jacob a true believer would go a long way towards making the presence of the shadowy group feel more immediate, rather than confined to Miranda’s room and TIM’s video calls. This would also open up more avenues to compare and contrast him with Miranda in ways that aren’t better filled by other characters. Preserve Jacob’s general friendliness and moral conviction but put him in control of it. Make him the honey to Miranda’s vinegar, doing his best to gain Shepard’s confidence and exert Cerberus’s agenda over them. Don’t necessarily make him good at it – he’s not a spy – but put that barrier of distrust up that justifies his emotional distance from Shepard. Make him a professional – but this time, he’s not working for Shepard, he’s working on Shepard.
 Naturally, this substantially shifts the nature of his interactions with Shepard. Now Shepard has to not just assess him as a person, but try to shift his loyalties away from Cerberus, just as they must do with Miranda. Likewise, Jacob would have pressure to open up a little more, to try to earn Shepard’s trust through emotional intimacy. This allows us to maintain Jacob as a deeply private person while still letting the audience get to know him through those anecdotes and emotional drives that are so sorely missing from his actual conversations. I’d also consider moving him from the Corsairs to N7. This would shave off a bit of exposition on an element that never seemed to go anywhere, as we never directly interact with or are influenced by the Corsairs in the games. And of course, his personal mission needs to be much more grounded in his issues. We could even preserve most of the basic structure of the mission that appears in game if we provide some crucial background. Have Jacob early and often credit his father with his morality and dedication and, position his disappearance as something that Jacob blames the Alliance for. Don’t make this the inciting incident for Jacob’s defection, we should avoid reducing his morality to a product of his personal suffering, but certainly make it a bitter mark against the Alliance. This allows Jacob’s euphoria and subsequent disillusionment with his father’s survival to have a much more profound impact on his beliefs as it throws him into a crisis over whether his choices and moral compass have come from a worthwhile place – and with the previously established emotional intimacy between him and Shepard, the player can actually see this crisis, unlike in the actual game. I can see a few different trajectories that that could send his character on that could have a substantial impact on ME3, but that would basically be an essay in itself, so we’ll leave it alone for now.
 Next, make him more than just an average soldier. Give the player a reason to think he’d be a good person to have on the team. Maybe instead of being station security, he could be a military expert there to evaluate Shepard’s mental faculties once the Project is finished. Or maybe he could be positioned by TIM to watch Shepard and assassinate them if they go off the rails. The specifics don’t necessarily matter – just present him as being someone who could be taken seriously as a choice for your team when you could pick an ancient asari warrior or the greatest master thief in the galaxy instead.
 Finally, drop the only sane man angle entirely. ME2 is entirely about Shepard corralling dysfunctional superpowered idiots into a workable team. Let Jacob express strong opinions and clear biases for the player to consider and grapple with. Let some personality through the professionalism.
 Maybe you disagree with me. Maybe you think Jacob Taylor is fine as is and I’m going on a ridiculous rant. Maybe you’re right. But to me, and to many others, Jacob Taylor failed as a companion, which is a damn shame, because there was so much that could’ve been done with him instead.
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maydaycatz · 2 years ago
- gordons journey started in new mexico and most likely ends somewhere in or near the arctic
- in blue shift, barney consciously gets in the car at the end. in most of half life alyx, alyx says and does things out of the players control. in decay, both gina and colette do things out of the players control. gordon and adrian are the only ones who’s choices are completely left to the player. considering the “far distant eyes” line in hl2, it is likely that gordon (and possibly adrian) are the only characters in the half life universe completely incapable of making distinct choices when under the control of a player.
- gordon and barney were most likely friends before hl1, given gordon canonically looking at barney on the tram ride
- gordon, adrian, alyx, and eli are likely the only characters to know about the g man (possibly gina and colette too)
- the vortigaunts (+ g man) definitely have some level of knowledge that theyre in a video game, and theyre likely the only ones
- gordon, before hl:alyx, was a very blank slate character. a canvas for the player to paint on. but who wouldve thought that in half life alyx when gordon is observed by the player he actually has a MINUSCULE bit of character!! he becomes a man who’s seen far more than he should, and its amazing that so many people unanimously agree on this, when you only see gordon for a couple seconds!!
- recently ive been thinking about things in games that youre forced to do, and the implications it has on your character. for example, in half life 2, you are forced to save barney from some snipers by throwing grenades at them. does gordon want to do this? we know gordon has a past and a personality based on the employee of the month photo in oppfor and hl:a’s ending, so its not that gordon doesnt have a mind of his own and wants and preferences, cause its obvious the real gordon is still “in there” somewhere. its fun to think about the characters that are supposed to be blank slates.
- going back to weird-thought no. 2, gordon and adrian also happen to be the only playable characters that arent directly referenced in a game prior to them being playable, with a possible exception of barney not having a name before blue shift, but definitely being a character in “flashlight guard”
0 notes
lollich0p · 3 years ago
Why you yes YOU should play S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow over Chernobyl
Stalker is one of my favorite video game series ever and it's my sworn duty as a fan to tell people to go play a game from 2007. Stalker is a post-apoc open world survival shooter. I first played it when I was very young on my dads computer and never finished it because I wasn't supposed to be playing it at all, and I always remembered it as a walking sim. It is only kinda a walking sim and the rest of it is a intriguing look at an unusual nuclear apocalypse.
Pros: It may be the severe radiation but I absolutely love the games story and was extremely invested in it when I actually played through the whole thing as an adult. It's just a fairly interesting take on a very bad situation. (I'd definitely recommend watching this lore video after you play/watch all of them it's one of my favorites) It has delightfully dated graphics (your menu is a pda :D) that may be a little off putting but if you like older games this one will definitely be a favorite. It has an amazingly desolate atmosphere and the textures, modeling, and map design really give everything a real but slightly unnatural feel, you will feel in danger most of the game in the best way. The game has a really good sense of humor where appropriate and I have to tell you I had the biggest smile on my face watching a translated jokes video recently. I really love the voice acting, both the english and russian sounds good (I wish I could turn on the russian v/o for everything imo) I really like the slower gun combat it feels very good, like every second of combat really means something (also you can get a sniper rifle so its a 10/10 for me) The game has an amazing ost my favorite is Cordon You know that video of some guy sorting his storage in re4? That's how your inventory works. (you also have a stamina run bar that is effected by how much stuff you're carrying) This game is so old it could literally run on a toaster. (if you play on max settings please turn you contrast back up or else the game looks like shit) It has multiplayer if you wanna hang out with the homies. Plus it's literally six dollars on steam.
Cons: Right off the bat I wanna say the devs tried to do nfts with the property, the fans complained and they didn't in the end but if that would prevent you from buying the game I want you to know. The game has a very small english speaking fanbase so finding content can be a bit hard This game has scary and upsetting visuals (mutants, dead guys, darkroom combat) The game can get very difficult at certain points, especially for a new player. The combat is brutal and realistic (if you get shot with bullets it hurts alot) and you're heavily rewarded for taking the slow careful route at all times, the npcs are very clever they can and will sneak up on you and shoot you full of so many bullets. The controls can be a bit wonky and take some getting used to, for me personally it kinda strains my hand to manage standing upright/crouched/crawling with the default buttons. The game doesnt pause when you're looking at you inventory or at your PDA which can be annoying if you aren't used to it. You know that video of some guy sorting his storage in re4? Thats how your inventory works. (you also have a stamina run bar that is effected by how much stuff you're carrying) The ai can be a bit janky because the game is old. Sometimes characters will get stuck repeating voicelines or continually run into walls. This game crashes sooo much it's not funny (save often).
Thank you for coming to my TED talk please go play stalker for all it's flaws it's still a great game that I think more people need to play. Also once again it costs as much as three cheeseburgers from mcdonalds.
0 notes
Family Gatherings
This is pure self indulgent fluff. Also the Phone Fic that I keep bloging about. Can be found here on my ao3! Rating: PG (Mild language) Words: 5,112 Gen
Family gatherings are not words generally associated with the individuals who make up Gotham’s vigilantes. Strategy meetings, subterfuge, infighting, assassin, spy, creepy, know it all. These are terms they are well versed in. This is why the text message that Bruce sent out at 9 am on Saturday was such a surprise.
“I request that all of you come to the manor for a family gathering at 7. Alfred will be serving dinner promptly at 7:30. What the hell is that supposed to mean Tim?!” Dick could practically hear his little brother shrugging on the other end of the phone.
“I dunno. Maybe he wants to go over his will.”
“That’s not funny and you know it.”
“C'mon Dick! Like you have a better explanation?”
Dick sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “No. Do you think everyone will come?”
“I know Steph and Harper will out of pure curiosity. Everyone else,” Tim paused and took a deep breath, releasing the rest of his sentence on the exhale, “who knows.”
Dick nodded, not really caring that he couldn’t be seen as habit was habit. “Ok. Well Damian will be, Cass for sure, Babs is going to be there cause she hates being out of the loop, Jason…” Dick trailed off, looking down at his bare feet. He’d woken to find the text blinking at him from a half dead phone screen. Knowing that he’d have seen it already too Dick immediately called Tim and had been pacing around the apartment in his pajamas with the now nearly dead cell to his ear.
“Yeah,” Tim said empathically.
“Maybe he’ll come for Alfred?” Dick tried.
“You know him better than I do.”
“You’re right. And I don’t even know why he does half the things he does. I’ve gotta charge my phone. I’ll see you later?”
Tim snorted. “Of course you do. Alright, yeah. I’m meeting up with Tam soon anyway. Bye.”
“Bye,” Dick frowned at the phone. Now that the call with Tim had ended it had returned to the group chat Bruce had sent his text in. Not a single person had replied and Bruce likely didn’t expect them to. Just that they showed up. He stuck it on a charger in the living room and went to get a shower. After breakfast Dick collapsed onto the couch. Having wrapped up a case the night before he decided to reward himself with some video games.
Dick started up Call of Duty, grabbing a controller and his headset. He smiled as he saw that both Roy and Wally were currently online. He started a game with them and as soon as he slipped the headset on he could hear Roy swearing already. “What gives, it’s like 7 or something out there. How the hell are both of you awake and playing video games?” He asked once the cursing died down.
Wally snorted as his character took out a sniper on the screen. “Linda and the kids went to visit her parents. I’ve got the house to myself for the weekend and Bart and I have been playing all night. Kid passed out about 2 hours ago.”
Dick shook his head and tried to figure out how many energy drinks the speedster must’ve downed in order to still be awake. Especially taking into account his metabolism.
“How’d you get out of going with?” Roy tossed a grenade into the building on the screen, causing the whole thing to be temporarily covered in cgi flames.
“I’m the Flash. And her parents don’t know. Plus I’m on call for the League.”
“Then how was staying up all night a good idea if you were on call?” Dick punched a complicated series of buttons that Tim had shown him, taking out the three guys on the roof and the two on the ground.
“Clark’s on monitor duty. I’m just the back up. And nobody does anything in the middle of June. It’s like common knowledge.”
The other two made noncommittal sounds of agreement as they continued to play.
“Alright, Roy what’s your excuse?” Dick tried to reload as they were ambushed from above.
“Lian had a nightmare. I just got her back to sleep about a half hour ago and now I can’t sleep. Living on the West Coast has its perks when your gaming buddies don’t get up ‘til noon and live in Jersey.”
“I don’t know which part of that I should be more offended by. The fact you think I don’t get up ‘til noon or the way you said Jersey.”
“Jersey,” the others replied in unison.
Dick scoffed and pouted, not that it did any good as his friends were in Keystone and Star respectively.
“Alright, you’re chattier than usual. What gives?” Roy asked.
“What? What’s that supposed to mean?” Dick sputtered.
Wally paused the game and snorted. “Dude. You’re being nosy. Even for you. Plus you only ever play Call of Duty if stuck on a case or having personal drama. We’ve known you since you were in pixie boots, doesn’t take a detective to know your quirks by this point.”
Dick groaned and put the controller down, scrubbing his hands down his face. “Bruce texted us all this morning that he’s having a ‘family gathering’,” he knew they’d hear the implied air quotes in his tone, “and that we’re all expected to be there.”
“That’s rough,” Wally told him.
“Yeah man. D'you know why?” Roy added.
“No. And I don’t even know if everyone’s gonna bother showing up. He did it in a group chat but there still hasn’t been a response from anyone. I dunno. I honestly think I’d be less stressed if he’d said there was a mass break out at Arkham and we needed to meet for assignments.”
“Ok, that’s depressing. Also the fact that breakouts don’t even phase you anymore? Like? The hell?” Wally said, still obviously on an energy drink high.
“If we start an argument about rogues we’re gonna get so off topic and be here forever,” Dick shot back.
Grumbling could be heard from Wally but Dick was satisfied that his friend wouldn’t say anything.
“Lemme guess. You’re worried about Jason. You think cause Bruce asked you guys to come he’s not gonna bother,” Roy speculated.
“Pretty much,” Dick sighed. “Have you heard from him recently?”
“Sorry man. Last I heard he was running around with that new team of his. I think he’s still a little pissed I rejoined the Titans,” Roy replied.
“Yeah. Ok. Thanks.”
“Not a problem. Whine at us anytime, that’s what friends are for,” Dick could hear the smirk Roy was giving him.
“That and getting drunk at dive bars while listening to crappy cover bands together,” Wally chimed in.
Dick burst out laughing at that. “You can’t even get drunk!”
“So? Doesn’t mean I can’t go with!” Wally sounded wounded but Roy didn’t care about offending the other redhead and Dick knew his friend was about ready to crash and wasn’t going to remember much of this conversation anyway.
“Go to sleep West,” Roy got out between snorts.
“Seriously dude. Way too many red bulls.”
Wally grumbled and finally said, “Fine. Whatever. Text bout what happens,” before signing off.
“So do you think he’ll show?” Roy asked once he caught his breath.
“I honestly don’t know. As far as I’ve heard none of us have done anything to particularly piss him off recently. Not even Bruce. And it was a request, granted he’s going to just expect us all to be there but the text at least made it sound optional. And it said Alfred would be there which is always a plus for Jay.”
“Well good luck and keep me in the loop. I’m always willing to act as an outside opinion on your family’s drama,” Roy told him.
Dick chuckled. “That’s just because it makes your family drama look tame.”
“You bet! We made be loud and extremely dysfunctional but at least we haven’t tried to kill each other.”
“You make that sound like it happens a lot,” Dick whined.
“Ok, ok. I’ll text you later.” Dick closed the game and pulled his headset off. Tossing it onto the coffee table he laid down on the couch. He was still unsure about what was going to happen later that night but he at least felt better knowing that he had friends who would let him vent afterward.
Dick swung his legs off the couch and stood in one fluid motion. He grabbed his phone, headphones, and keys and decided to go for a jog. It was a nice day, Gotham wasn’t too busy on a Saturday in the early afternoon, maybe he could have a normal jog for once. He returned to his apartment 20 minutes later after avoiding no less than six paparazzi, being cat called about ten times, and literally running into Helena. She had been out for a jog too and while he was trying to lose a particularly insistent cameraman they had both rounded the corner at the same time going in opposite directions. She had not been happy, yelling something about how he should watch where he’s going and “Dammit Grayson! That hurt!” As well as a mix of fairly creative curses in Italian.
Dick had offered to make it up to her but she just waved him off. Saying “You and Barbara are obviously both distracted. Bruce has got you ex sidekicks seriously messed up with these mind games. I’ll just send you Zinda and my next bar tab.” Dick had felt himself visibly pale at that and she had laughed and said not to worry before continuing on her way.
Dick was still pondering over her mention that Babs was distracted too. Obviously Bruce’s text was having some effect on her that Helena had mentioned it. Normally, the Birds were close knit and never talked about personal business with the rest of Gotham’s heroes. Especially not the personal business of Oracle their fearless leader.
Flopping back down on his couch Dick fished his phone out of his pocket. He tapped out a quick text to Babs and hit send, hopping something hadn’t suddenly sprung up that needed her attention. Luckily that wasn’t the case as her response was practically immediate.
~What’s up boy wonder? Helena said you ran into her and that you were super frazzled.
~I was wondering if you had heard anything about what Bruce wants us for tonight.
Her response to that took a bit longer and her words were obviously a bit more measured.
~No, I haven’t heard a thing. Why? Have you?
~No. I talked to Tim this morning and he says that he’s in the dark too. It’s obviously nothing serious but it’s been bugging me all day.
Her response to that was more relaxed. If he had to guess he’d say she had thought he knew something she didn’t, and Dick knew that she hated that.
~Me too! I can’t figure out what it is he could possibly want to talk about that we ALL need to be there. I mean, you boys and Cass yeah. Me, Steph, & Harper? Idk. Have you heard from Damian or Jason at all?
~No. I was going to head over in a bit to bug D though. Nothing on Jay.
~Yeah, same here. I kinda hope he comes at least for Alfred but…
~I was thinking the same thing Babs.
~Oh well. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. I’ll talk to ya later pixie boots.
~You’re one to talk miss go-go.
Her response was simply the eye roll emoji and Dick snorted as he slipped his phone back into his pocket. He let his head fall against the back of the couch and fell into a light doze. He woke from his brief nap and patted his shorts for his phone. There were no new messages from Babs, Bruce, Tim or anyone else. No missed calls or alien invasions either. The time told him he ought to get ready and head to the manor if he wanted to pump Damian for information. As well as just hang out with his youngest brother.
Once dressed in jeans and a clean t-shirt Dick headed to garage that occupied the basement of his apartment building. Shrugging on a leather jacket and fastening his helmet he gave the bike’s engine a good rev before driving up the ramp and onto the streets of Gotham.
Knowing that the cops would definitely try and stop Dick Grayson for speeding he made sure to restrain himself from weaving in and out of traffic, especially because Nightwing would be pushing the motorcycle through its paces soon enough. Sitting in Gotham wasn’t enjoyable but being able to fly up the manor’s long gravel drive sure made up for it. He pulled in next to Steph’s purple Mini Cooper, glad to see the Compact was holding up for her. He cut the engine and took his helmet off, giving his head a shake to undo any helmet hair.
Bounding up the steps he swung the over large front door open with a shout of “Hello? Anybody actually above ground?”
The sound of running feet could be heard coming from somewhere on the second floor as Dick put his jacket and helmet on the coat rack. He turned just as he heard a sharp “-tt-” coming from the balcony at the top of the steps. Damian stood there with his arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed, the twitch of his lips betrayed his annoyed facade. “Must you be so abhorrently loud, Grayson?”
“Must you be using SAT vocab at such a young age?” Dick shot back with a grin.
Damian rolled his eyes but his arms fell to his sides and his mouth finally turned up into a smile. “Brown and Row have coerced Cassandra into assisting in appropriating my room, the extra person on my side would be helpful.”
Dick chuckled, “Whatever you say Dami.” He ran up the stairs and followed Damian down the hall to his room. Sure enough the three girls were spread over the plush carpeting, nail polish bottles and other manicure supplies between them.
Damian crossed the room and sat himself on his bed next to Titus and Alfred the cat. The three watched the teen girls from their perch, Damian with minor annoyance, Titus with amusement, and Alfred with the type of utter nonchalance only achieved by felines. The girls glanced up at Dick who had paused in the doorway. Cass’s face immediately lit up and she fluidly rose to her feet and came over to wrap her arms around his neck. Dick returned the hug as she whispered a warm “Hi” in his ear.
“Hey Cass,” he murmured back. She let go and skipped back to the others. Harper gave him a small, two-fingered salute while Steph waved with a large smile. “How long have you been here?”
“Too long,” Damian instantly grumbled.
Harper snorted and Steph nearly doubled over in a fit of giggles. Cass quirked an eyebrow at her little brother before calmly sticking her tongue out at him. “We came for brunch with Cass as we had originally planned and just stayed since we all received the super mysterious text,” Steph told him once she had recovered from her laughter, which had doubled thanks to Cass’s antics.
Dick nodded in response and sat himself down on the floor next to them. Damian gave a short “-tt- Traitor.” He did however edge closer to the end of the bed where he could participate in their conversation.
Dick picked up a bottle of forest green polish and examined it. Cass held out her left hand to him, the fingers of which had been painted, to show him the color. He nodded and gestured that she let him do her other hand. Cass turned to face him as Dick shook the bottle. “So have you guys heard anything about tonight?”
“I wish,” Harper said with a slight huff. “He just kinda grumbled and bolted when we asked.”
“Seriously. We were having our lovely quasi weekly brunch and chatting with Alfred and chasing away this gremlin,” she waved her bright yellow nails at Damian who furrowed his brows indignantly. “All of a sudden, Mr I-am-the-night-and-cannot-properly-socialize-without-being-forced-by-my-over-energetic-ex-sidekick-or-alien-and-amazon-besties walks in-”
Dick nearly choked as a laugh burst out of his mouth, interrupting Steph.
“Can I help you?” She deadpanned with a raised brow.
“I’m good. Just, that’s a new one. Keep going.”
Steph sniffed and flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder. “As I was saying. Bruce walks in and kinda blinks at all of us sitting in his kitchen. Using his surprise to our advantage Harper courageously seized the moment and asked him what exactly this family gathering will entail tonight. He froze, looking exactly like a cat-sized crime alley rat in the batmobile’s headlights, while Cass jumped up to block his exit. I immediately jumped to add my assistance by asking if this means that Harper, Duke, and myself are technically family too at this point. He just blinked, grabbed a muffin, said something highly unintelligible, and beat a hasty retreat.” Steph gave a sharp nod before turning back to her nails.
Dick had to stop doing Cass’s nails as he was trying too hard on not laughing to keep his hand steady. She swatted at him before rolling her eyes and turning to Damian. “Come,” she said, handing him the nail polish. Damian blinked but skootched to the floor next to Cass and diligently began painting her nails.
Dick wiped at his eyes, trying to remember why he had been so against Steph being Batgirl when the two so easily amused each other. “So we’ve got nothing?” he finally asked.
“Nope,” Cass said, admiring Damian’s handiwork.
Harper tossed a bottle of matte black at the youngest Robin and waved her hand toward Dick. Damian blinked but began shaking the bottle and moved to sit in front of Dick. With a shrug he gave his little brother his hand to be painted. “We tracked down Duke then and asked him what he knew. Nada. Honestly we were kinda hoping you’d bring some info with you,” Harper added.
“I’ve got nothing,” he told them with a shrug. “Neither do Tim or Babs.”
“Have you tried contacting Todd?” Damian looked up from Dick’s hand.
“No. He threatened to have baby ducks imprint on me if I called him again.” Damian nodded sagely at that.
“I’m sorry, what?” Harper’s head and eyebrows had shot up.
“He’s been doing that lately. Something about how ‘we all have a death wish but we’ll take care of cute baby animals’ or something,” Steph said, using a poor imitation of Jason’s voice as she acted out his threat.
“You’re kidding?” Harper obviously didn’t believe them.
Cass just shook her head gravely. “No. And baby ducks? No patrol for months.”
“Plus they’re so darn cute like how could you not want to love them?” Steph said in a rush.
“Brown is correct. Also, it is entirely within Todd’s skill set to get them to imprint on one of us.” Damian looked at Harper seriously before turning back to apply another coat to Dick’s nails.
Harper blinked at them before narrowing her eyes, “If you guys are shitting me right now I swear…”
“Scouts honor!” Dick called and held up the three-finger salute.
Damian batted at his hand. “I swear Grayson if I have to redo this,” he grumbled.
“C’mere,” Steph tugged on Damian’s arm and held up a dark shimmering blue. He nodded and allowed her to begin painting.
“So do we have any ideas at least? I know you guys aren’t the type to just let something go,” Dick watched the others.
Cass shot him a smirk. “Understatement.”
There was a knock on the door frame and they all looked up to see Tim and a rather unsure looking Duke standing there. “Alfred told us that you were all up here. Mind if we come in?”
Damian sniffed, “It’s not like my opinion matters at this point.”
“I’m going to take that as a yes…” Tim walked in and took a seat next to Steph.
She squinted at him before leaning forward to search through the pile of small glass bottles. She found whatever one she was looking for and held it up triumphantly. “Maroon?” She asked Tim, waving it just in front of his nose. Tim shrugged and let her pull his hands towards him.
Duke sat down cautiously next to Dick. “So do they always do your nails or…?”
Dick smiled at him. “We don’t really get a say in the matter. Cass just paints them when you fall asleep if you say no.” The girl in question waggled her brows and grinned.
“What about Bruce’s?” Duke asked as he watched Harper shifting through the pile, holding colors up for Cass to consider.
“Ballet Slipper. Once a month,” Cass showed Duke the light pink color. His eyes widened in disbelief and Dick couldn’t help but laugh. Finally, Harper held up a pale orange that both Cass and Dick nodded at. She crawled towards Duke and pulled his hands onto her lap.
“So ideas regarding our impending doom?” Dick asked.
“Like I told you before, I think it’s a reading of his will. He even texted Kate and with the exception of Damian she’s his only living blood relative,” Tim said, peering over the top of Steph’s head.
“Damn Timbo. Way to be morbid. Also, why would I be here if that were the case seeing a how I am legally deceased.” They all whipped their heads to see Jason leaning in the doorway, a smirk on his lips and a nasty glint in his eye. He sauntered in and plopped himself down between Steph and Cass. “Give me the most obnoxious color you have,” he challenged.
“How bout this?” Harper wiggled her own bright metallic pink at him.
Jason scrunched up his nose with a “nah.”
Dick rummaged around in the pile before pulling out a glitter gold. He threw it to Jason who caught it and beamed. “Why thank you Dickie-bird.”
“So, uh, why did you come then?” Duke asked.
Jason shrugged and began to paint his own nails. “You know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat.”
“But satisfaction brought it back,” Duke finished the expression.
Jason gave the other boy a Cheshire smile. “I knew I liked you.” He then continued to add layers of glitter. They all just stared in shock for a few seconds. Jason looked up and his eyes skipped past them as he smiled. “Hey there Barbie. This Batgirl is free for manicure giving,” he said pointing to Cass.
Dick turned to see Babs just outside the door. Her expression was amused but the set of her mouth was definitely her trying to look annoyed. With an eye roll she wheeled herself into the room. “I thought we were supposed to be here for seven. Why is it that we all managed to get here just under three hours earlier?”
Dick pushed himself back up onto the bed so that he would be eye level with Barbara as the others offered up a jumble of explanations. “Paranoia” “Fear of the unknown” “Intrigue” and “Who the hell knows” were the few Dick could make out.
He mumbled “Slow day at the office” and caused Babs to crack up.
“That it is,” she told him with a smile. Cass held up a dark purple that Babs nodded at and before she could get up Dick grabbed the bottle. He turned to Babs and motioned for her hand. They spent the rest of the time leading up to the big meeting sitting in a circle in Damian’s room with painted nails and the animals now nudging for attention.
That was exactly how Bruce and Kate found them when they went looking for them. Dick had seen them coming up the hall and gave a quick jut of his chin to acknowledge them. They had stopped short of coming in though, Kate wearing a huge smile and Bruce his more subdued but still genuine lip twitch.
They stood there for a few seconds, watching as Steph and Jason fell against each other in a fit of giggles. Cass had taken the tiny hair rubber bands and was using them to give Damian braids. Duke and Tim were engaged in a detailed discussion of Lord of the Rings and Harper was letting Babs style her short blue hair. All in all they looked like an average, happy family.
Bruce cleared his throat and they all turned to see him and Kate. Cass leapt to her feet and hopped over the legs of everyone else to go give Bruce a hug. Dick couldn’t help but smile because the hug was obviously more forceful than the one she had given him. Or Bruce hadn’t been expecting it as he had swayed slightly when she had jumped up to wrap her arms around his neck. Kate laughed and ruffled Cass’s hair.
Once Cass released him Bruce attempted to recover by smoothing out the wrinkles in his polo shirt. Dick and the others simply waited, knowing that he would speak when ready. He looked up and gave another small smile. “Thank you all for coming. Kate has… explained to me that having monthly gatherings might help you all with your stress levels and, ah, work on interpersonal relations.”
Kate rolled her eyes and give him a sharp jab in the side courtesy of her elbow. Bruce shot her a wounded look that Dick had to try very hard not to laugh at but his cousin ignored it. “What the stick in the mud is trying to say is that we’re having a game night because you all need a morale boost. Now c’mon, Alfred’s got dinner ready.”
With that Kate turned on her heel and marched back down the hall. Bruce gave a sharp nod before following her in a hasty retreat. They all looked around at each other in a stunned silence. Dick pinched himself for good measure, this wouldn’t be the weirdest dream he’d ever had but it was still good to rule out the possibility.
“What the actual, ever-loving fuck?” Jason finally said.
“What he said,” Harper pointed at Jason, eyes wide.
“Grayson, you have the most experience with Father and his moods. What could this be about?” Damian looked up at him from the carpet.
Dick shrugged and shook his head. “I’m honestly as lost as you are. Maybe we should go eat and, I don’t know, enjoy it?”
They all looked much too suspicious to actually enjoy anything but Dick dutifully herded them towards the dining room. Tim hung back until he had fallen in step with Dick. “You don’t actually think he wants us to play monopoly with him or something?” The younger man asked.
“I really don’t know Tim. Kate’s been getting him to actually be Bruce rather than Brucie or Batman lately and this is obviously all her.”
Tim snorted, “Ya think?”
Dick ruffled Tim’s hair and gained a rather interesting hand flail and cat like yowling combination in protest. Finger combing his hair back into position Tim sent him a glare. “I think we should trust Kate on this one and see what happens. Also, you either need a haircut or one of those ponytails Cass had.”
Tim’s glare turned up to full on bat and had Dick not known the kid, or been just about anyone else, he probably would’ve run in fear. As it was he could handle a few dirty looks from Tim.
Dinner was delicious, as everything Alfred made was. The conversation was semi-normal too. Steph complaining about classes, Harper talking about her work at the clinic, Dick told them about his run in with Helena that Babs then added the other half of the story to. No one made a single death threat, no food or utensils were thrown, and all insults were good natured teasing. For a second Dick thought he fell into a parallel world.
That feeling only got worse as Alfred chased them to the living room while he cleaned up. Jason stayed to help and the butler begrudgingly let him. The two joined the others soon enough and they began an intense game of Cards Against Humanity. Alfred and Babs soon took the lead, surprising everyone except maybe Alfred himself.
Bruce came in dead last, only earning that position by having a single less card than Damian. Steph and Jason tied for second and in a surprise twist Cass won. Kate was still cackling at some of the combinations that had won and Babs was telling her she could send the security footage to her later. They played well into the night and Barbara contacted the Birds to patrol as Bruce indicated that the assembled vigilantes were not leaving anytime soon. By the wee hours of the morning they had all stumbled upstairs to their respective bedrooms with the exception of Kate, Bruce, Alfred, and Dick himself.
He had stretched out on the floor watching as Kate slowly took over the sofa and Bruce was forced to go claim his recliner. Alfred chuckled from the love seat, a late-night cup of tea in hand.
“So how do you think it went, chum?” Bruce asked him once he had settled.
Dick shrugged, feeling his shoulders push against the carpet. “You had us all really worried. Tim was convinced that you were going to read us your will.”
Bruce snorted, Kate cracked up and sat up to be able to look down at Dick. “You’re kidding,” she accused.
Dick smirked, “I wish.”
They all laughed and once it had died down Alfred said, “Well you do have a tendency to have the whole family over only in the case of emergencies, Master Bruce.”
That received a small “Hnnh.”
“He’s right. I was telling Roy and Wally that I would’ve been less worried if it had been an Arkham breakout.”
Bruce shot him a wounded look before frowning at a point just above the fireplace. “I want to try and change that,” he finally said.
“If it helps I think this was a really good start. Monthly family game nights definitely are a thing normal people do. And I had fun, I think the others did too. Even Jason,” Dick told him candidly. Bruce nodded, a small smile forming. “Just next time don’t call it a family gathering. You scared the crap out of all of us.”
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starsdustzuko · 8 years ago
Your Hand Forever’s All I Want
wow I can’t believe I finished part 2 so fast nice. ((Part 1))
Lance was attempting to go to sleep when he heard the door to Keith’s bedroom hiss open and close. Lance rolled out of bed and peeked out his door to see the Red Paladin heading in the general directions of the hangers.
“What the…?”
Lance followed him as stealthily as he managed, which was pretty damn stealthy since he was the team’s sharpshooter/sniper thank you very much. He followed Keith till he got to Red’s hanger. Then they both took off.
For a moment Lance thought about waking Shiro. He was the team leader, he should know that Keith went off on his own in the middle of the night.
Or he could let Shiro sleep and go after Keith himself. The lions had that telepathic connection, he could follow Keith in Blue.
Lance nearly ran to Blue’s hanger. She was awake and ready for him.
“Hey there my gorgeous girl,” he said.
“Let’s go follow the mullet-head and see what possessed him to go off by himself in the middle of the night,”
Blue took off. They flew to Vathinda.
“What’s he doing here? Didn’t we liberate them from the Galra like a month ago?” Lance asked.
If Blue knew what was going on she didn’t let him know. She landed near Red.
“Wasn’t this where we were last time?”
He walked out of Blue and managed to follow Keith’s movements using the footprints in the earth. The footprints took him to a Vathindian house. Lance hovered near the doorway and managed a quick peak inside, he pressed back against the outside wall and tried to make sense of what he had seen.
Keith was on his knees in front of a faceless Vathindian. What was going on?
“Very well,” the Vathindian said.
“I have returned your feelings for Lance to you,”
Lance yanked away from the abode. Did Keith hate him so much that he had to get his feelings taken away by an alien?
He didn’t remember the hike back to Blue, nor the trip back to the castle. He just remembered standing in Blue’s hanger, thinking about Keith. How could he have misinterpreted the situation so severely? Keith’s actions toward Lance had seemed a little more forced over the past couple of weeks, but Lance figured it was just Keith being broody. Not because he’d gotten his emotions taken away because of how much he hated Lance.
He could feel Blue in the back of his mind, trying to reassure him that he was loved. Lance knew Blue loved him.
“It’s ok girl, I just… misread the situation,” Lance said.
Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. He was so stupid. Lance shuffled back to his room. He felt heavy. His heart hurt. What if Keith wasn’t the only one who was hiding how they really felt about Lance? What if the others felt the same? What if they all hated him? What if Hunk-?
“Stop,” Lance said aloud.
Those were dangerous thoughts. Besides, Hunk always let people know how he felt about them. Lance would know, at the very least, if Hunk hated him.
He walked into his bedroom and flopped face down on his bed. He stayed like that until he heard Keith’s doors open and close with a hiss. He pushed himself over so he was lying on his back.
If Keith was so annoying then Lance would avoid him. He didn’t want to irritate Keith anymore than he already clearly did.
Keith felt odd when he woke up. He was anxious. He wanted to feel things about Lance, but at the same time he didn’t want them.
He went through his usual morning routine, he spent an hour with the castle Guardians, then took a shower, and then it was time for breakfast.
Keith walked into the kitchen. Hunk was at the stove, Pidge was at the table clutching a mug of coffee to their chest like it was their lifeline, Lance was- Lance.
He was sitting on the counter next to where Hunk was making breakfast. Keith wanted to collapse inward on himself. Lance was beautiful. He felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest.
Then Lance looked at him, a thrill shot down Keith’s spine. Lance turned back to Hunk, no smile or wave of greeting. Odd, but maybe he just wasn’t in a good mood.
Over the course of breakfast Keith found his gaze continuously drawn to Lance. He couldn’t seem to help himself. Lance was so beautiful. Keith loved being in love.
But things were different. Keith was quick to notice that this time around. Lance was avoiding him. When Keith walked into a room Lance would go quiet or he would just leave. If they ever sparred it was tense.
Keith couldn’t figure it out. They hadn’t gotten in a fight, Keith hadn’t made some dumb remark in passing that offended Lance. It just didn’t make sense.
Unless- unless Lance figured out that Keith was in love with him. The thought made him fumble in the middle of training, the Guardian came at him with no remorse. It was blasted off its feet by something behind Keith. He turned to see Lance with his gun in his hands.
“Thanks,” Keith rasped.
“Don’t get distracted,” Shiro called.
Lance dropped his stance, the gun transforming back into his bayard. Keith turned his attention back to the training sequence.
He couldn’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the day. Lance knew. Lance knew and clearly didn’t feel the same, or he wouldn’t be avoiding Keith like he was. That was fine. Keith could get over his feelings, it was just a matter of time.
Lance continued to avoid Keith, Keith acted politely distant to Lance. It should have been fine.
The problem, of course, was Voltron. Keith didn’t was the psychic connection to reveal his feelings for Lance, he didn’t want the other Paladins to know, and he didn’t want to make Lance uncomfortable.
Lance knew it was his fault that they couldn’t form Voltron. He didn’t want to accidentally feel how much Keith didn’t like him. He hated that it affected their ability to form Voltron. He couldn’t stop worrying about what would happen if the team found out. What if they thought Lance had done something to piss Keith off and sided with Keith? What if it caused a rift in the team? What if they replaced him?
“You’re spiraling,” Lance said to himself.
He draped his arm over  his eyes and sighed. He was being ridiculous. He knew he was. Keith was the only one who was acting weird.
“Yo Lance!” Pidge yelled as they ran into his room.
Lance pushed himself up on his elbows and smiled at them.
“What’s up Pidgeotto?”
“Excuse you it’s Pidgeot,” they replied.
“Not till you’re 18,”
“Fine- whatever, look I’m bored. Wanna play some video games?”
Lance leapt out of bed.
“Is that a quiznacking joke?”
Pidge beamed up at him and the two headed to the Paladin-sanctioned media room and played an alien version of Mario Kart (complete with a devastating version of Rainbow Road). It didn’t take too long for Hunk to find them.
“Jeez, Pidge, did you upgrade Rainbow Road again?” Hunk asked, his face scrunched in concentration.
“Absolutely,” Pidge replied.
“Isn’t that a conflict of interest?” Hunk asked.
“It’s a game, Hunk, just because you suck-”
Hunk’s character in the game slammed into Pidge’s, causing them both to fall off the track and into deep space. Lance snickered.
“Oooooh this means war,” Pidge muttered.
Pidge and Hunk spent the next two races annihilating each other, which made Lance the victor. Upon that realization, they began to team up against Lance after that.
“Can’t believe I’ve been betrayed like this!” Lance cried.
Pidge snorted.
“Oh hey Keith! You wanna play? We can do teams!” they called.
Lance looked up quickly to see Keith standing a little awkwardly at the doorway.
“He can have my controller,” Lance said.
“You sure, Lance? We have four controllers!” Hunk said.
“Thanks Hunky but I need to start getting ready for bed, I gotta work to keep myself looking this good,” Lance replied with a smirk.
“Oh yea yea,” Pidge muttered.
Lance walked out of the media room and almost slammed into Shiro.
“You leaving already?” Shiro asked.
“Yea, Hunk and Pidge teamed up on me. Had to leave with my pride in tact,” Lance joked.
Shiro grinned.
“We can tag team them!”
Lance couldn’t help but smile at the offer. He looked back into the room- back to Keith- and shook his head.
“Thanks Shiro, but I’m kinda tired,”
Immediately Shiro shifted in overprotective mode.
“You ok?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Lance assured.
Shiro watched him walk off before he turned back to the media room. Something must’ve happened between Lance and Keith.
“Shiro! Quit lingering!” Keith yelled.
“Keith needs a partner!” Pidge added.
“I could kick your asses singlehandedly!” Keith replied.
Shiro smiled and walked into the room.
A few quintants and one failed attempt to form Voltron later, Shiro found himself at his breaking point.
“Shiro? What’s going on?” Lance asked as he walked into the room.
Shiro noticed the way Lance looked at Keith.
“I don’t know what’s going on between the two of you, but it’s affecting how we work together as a team and it’s keeping us from forming Voltron,” Shiro said.
“So you guys are going to talk it out,”
Lance and Keith looked at each other and then back at Shiro, identical expressions of disbelief on their faces.
“And you’re not leaving until you work out whatever’s going on,” Shiro said.
Shiro shot them a look which effectively shut them up and walked out of the room, the door slid closed and locked with an audible click.
“Look,” Lance sighed.
“I know you hate me but Shiro’s right-”
“I don’t hate you,” Keith protested, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“What? Of course you do! Why else would you…?” Lance fell silent rather suddenly, his gaze dropped to the floor.
“Why else would I what?” Keith pressed.
“Get an alien to take away your feelings for me?” Lance’s voice was soft.
Lance dragged his eyes up to meet Keith’s. He was crying. Lance was crying.
“I heard you and the Vathindian,”
Keith felt cold and clammy. This wasn’t right. He wasn’t supposed to know about that.
“What did you hear?” Keith asked.
“Just that it gave you back the emotions you had for me,”
“That’s it? L- Lance you have to let me explain,” Keith said.
“Why?” Lance asked a little petulantly.
“You don’t know what really happened, please!”
Lance crossed his arms over his chest, trying-and failing- to look angry.
“I asked the Vathindian to take away my feelings for you, I admit that, but it wasn’t because I hate you,” Keith said.
“I did it because I’m in love with you,”
“You’re… what?”
“I didn’t know what to do… I couldn’t handle it and the Vathindian offered me a wish. I made a mistake! I wished that I didn’t have any feelings for you. I wasn’t thinking… I just thought of you and how I felt and I didn’t know what to do about it so I made a stupid wish,” Keith said in a rush.
Keith was trembling, he knew he was.
“We saved Vathinda over a month ago,” Lance said.
“Why did it take you so long to go back?”
“I didn’t realize how bad the indifference was until you got hurt. I knew I had to go back and beg the Vathindian to undo the wish, I just had to wait till we got close enough to the planet before I went back to it,” Keith explained.
They stared at each other for a moment.
“I know you don’t feel the same, and that’s fine, I just didn’t want you think I hated you,”
“You got an alien to take your feelings for me away, mullet-brain, what was I supposed to think?”
Instinctively Keith ran his hand over his hair, a small smile quirking on his lips.
“Are we good then?” Keith asked.
“No, actually,” Lace said.
“You can’t just drop a bomb like that and then assume everything’s going to be fine,” Lance protested.
“You don’t feel the same, it’s fine, I get it, I won’t let my feelings get in the way,” Keith said around a lump in his throat.
Lance looked down at the ground and shuffled his feet.
“I never said that,” he said quietly.
“You… what?” Keith asked.
Lance glanced up at him, his cheeks tinged a little pink.
“I never said I didn’t feel the same way,”
Keith shifted on his feet. His eyebrows pinched together and a small frown formed on his mouth.
“What?” he asked again.
“God is that thing you call hair interfering with your hearing?”
“You love me?” Keith asked, ignoring the jibe at his hair.
Lance turned red and dragged his hands down his face.
“I never said that,”
“Yes! Ok? Yes! I love you!” Lance said.
“I love you,” he said again, much more quietly than the first.
“I’m in love with you,”
They stared at each other for a few moments. Lance was still beet red and Keith couldn’t stop smiling. The boy he was in love with loved him back.
“Well, are you going to ask me on a date or what?” Lance asked.
Before Keith could say a thing alarms started to blare. They both instinctively tensed.
“You two better have worked things out!” Shiro yelled as he walked into the room.
Lance looked back at Keith and smiled.
“We’re good,”
“Good. It’s time to form Voltron!”
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warfare-in-my-blood-blog · 8 years ago
Nubia Z17 Mini Review: Good camera, not-so-good software
Nubia has recently added a new member to its Z series with the launch of Z17 Mini. Priced at RS 19,999, the smartphone joins the new trend of dual rear cameras. It also comes loaded with some interesting specs sheet, but will it be enough to outlast the competition to become the next desirable smartphone? Let's find out.  Design and Display Nubia is known for making smartphones that don some good looks and this one is no exception. The metal unibody design coupled with chamfered edges gives a premium look and feel. However, it a tad slippery in nature so it is advisable you use a cover with it. The smartphone is, indeed, sleek with just 7.45mm thickness and is certainly lightweight with 155 grams. That said, the phone does resemble just like any other Chinese smartphone available in the market, which is a problem with almost all the players.  
Let’s talk about the display in the Nubia Z17 Mini Review. The front houses a 5.2-inch screen, with some minimal side bezels, though top and bottom are quite noticeable, while at the base you get company’s trademark red colour circle at the bottom flanked between recent menu button and back button. On the right, you will find volume controls and just beneath it lies power on/off button, while on the left, there is dual SIM slot.  At the back, you will find a dual-camera setup at the top-left corner of the device along with a LED flash, while if you go south, you will come across a fingerprint sensor along with company’s logo. The fingerprint scanner is pretty fast, which is a welcome move. Up top, there is a headphone jack, while at the base you will find USB Type-C port flanked between speaker grilles. Overall, the brand has tried to make the smartphone stand out of the crowd, however, the phone ends up with a similar design language that we have seen in other smartphones.   Moving to the display department, the phone features a 5.2-inch Full HD screen with 1080p resolution and a pixel density of 424ppi, which is protected with Corning Gorilla Glass. The Nubia Z17 Mini comes with some good viewing angles and the display is bright enough for outdoor conditions. The display delivers some good colour output, however, we found out it to a bit reflective in nature.  But at the end, it does score some good marks in this department.   Camera The major highlight of the smartphone is the dual-camera setup situated on the back panel. There are two 13-megapixel sensors at the back, with one being a monochrome, while the other sporting an RGB lens. Both the camera uses Sony IMX258 sensor and there is also a sapphire glass protective lens, which is considered scratch proof. For the front, there is a 16-megapixel camera with 80-degree wide-angle lens for selfie and video calling.  
Nubia has a reputation when it comes to camera department and its latest offering is no different. To start with, the camera uses one RGB and one monochrome sensor, which is similar to what we have seen in Honor 8 and Honor 6X. However, unlike the Honor smartphones, the implementation is not that great.
The phone manages to take some great shots
the lighting was appropriate and it is fast to lock focus. The monochrome shots came out to be good, with a good balance between the highlights and shadows. But when it comes low light conditions, the phone shimmers a bit. One can see a loss of quality while clicking in low light, which kind of spoils the mood. Moto G5 Plus, despite sporting a single camera setup, has a better performance compared to this one in the low light conditions.  The phone also supports bokeh effect, which basically blurs out the background (artificially) to give a DSLR-like effect. The mode has its share of hits and misses. If the lighting is good and the subject is at an appropriate distance, the phone manages to do justice to the bokeh effect, other times it just ruins it. The camera UI is simple, though it looks too iPhone(ish). It comes with different modes like Multi Exposure, Mono, macro, 3D, LightDraw, DNG and so on, which are fun to use. That said, the phone does manage to click some good photos and comes loaded with some interesting modes, though the low-light performance could have been better, especially, with two sensors.   Hardware and Software On the hardware front, the device is powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 processor along with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage out of which 11.84 GB is reserved for the system. The storage can be further expanded up to 200GB via microSD card slot. The brand has opted for an older 652 processor, which is more powerful than the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 625, but it is less battery efficient. The phone was able to complete all the basics tasks we throw at it, be it surfing, streaming, social media and so on. We faced no big problem while multi-tasking as well, all thanks to the 4GB of RAM.  
On the gaming front, it handles most of the casual games like a piece of cake, but when it comes to graphic-hungry games like Iron Blade, Asphalt 8: Airborne and Hitman Sniper, there were some noticeable lags. Overall, the hardware is good, but the phone seems not to be working at its full potential and you can put the blame on the software for this.  The Nubia Z17 mini runs on a dated Android 6.0 Marshmallow with company’s own Nubia UI 4.0 running on top of it. This is where Nubia really need to work. The brand does not have a good past record when it comes to rolling out timely updates. The user interface does make a difference when it comes to improving the performance of the device and this is one is the perfect example of it. Though the UI is pretty clean and comes loaded with some handy features including edge gestures, through which users can perform the different task by using an edge of the screen, it never grew on us. From occasional hiccups to some connectivity issue, this user interface is seriously flawed.  
First of all, one need to long press the back button to go to recently opened apps, while the supposed the recent menu button opens widget option. This creates a lot of confusion and sometimes can be a bit frustrating as well. Vivo had the same functionality, however, the brand rectified it and made it convenient for the users to access the apps by pressing the Recent menu button. Moving on, the smartphone eventually slows down, when you open too many apps in the background and the whole experience becomes a tad disappointing. On the bright side, the edge gestures work fine.  So for example, one can swipe up/down from the edge to switch between the apps. Then there is the split-screen mode, which can be accessed by swiping up from the bottom of the screen and one can also change the navigation buttons, according to his/her need. Overall, we feel that the brand really need to work on its user interface in order to make the phone faster.  Battery and Connectivity The smartphone is powered by a 2950mAh Lithium-ion polymer battery. The battery performance is satisfactory as it able to last a whole day with a single charge under normal usage. However, if you are a power user, then you will get approx. 7 to 8 hours of battery backup, which is again not a good thing. The phone supports fast charging and it gets almost completely charged within 2 hours of continuous charging.  
On the connectivity front, it supports dual SIM, 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.1, GPS, NFC and USB Type-C port. The phone also comes loaded with DTS audio, which enhances the sound quality while using the headphones, but other than, other things are pretty much similar to any other smartphone out there in the market. Call connectivity is good, though sometimes we had some issue while connecting Bluetooth to different devices. Verdict
To sum up, the dual-camera setup on the Nubia Z17 Mini does a decent job, while the monochrome mode manages to impress us sometimes. The phone looks premium and is a good performer in daily routine. However, the software is in dire need of optimisation and we hope that the company will surely look into this matter. At the end, when compared to the likes of Moto G5 Plus, Honor 8 Lite, Lenovo P2 and more, the smartphone can be considered as an underdog.
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xiakha · 8 years ago
Metal Gear Primer: The Fandom Pain (6811)
Oh boy here goes.
I am not super into the MG/MGS fandom, I only lurk, but this is a down and dirty primer for a friend that introduces the series and all of the characters (...and the ships). If this is super inaccurate, I am sorry. There are probably plenty of ships that I won’t have here. If someone notifies me, I’ll try to fix it if I can. There’s just so much ._.
Beware! Spoilers abound and will be unmarked. If for some reason you care about the plot of these games and want to discover them for yourself by playing the game, this is not for you. (That said, the gaming experience is obviously quite separate from any paragraph long description I could generate and would be worth looking into, or at least watching Let’s Plays of)
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6miaTf1gF4g
It starts with a man by the name of Kojima. Hideo Kojima always wanted to be a film director, but went into video games instead. After a shaky start in the video game industry under Konami, he was told to take over the assignment of Metal Gear from a senior associate. He turned a fairly straightforward Contra-esque game into the first stealth action game, emphasizing evasion and avoidance over direct combat. This was his first notable hit and he would continue to innovate and expand his repertoire with Snatchers and Policenauts, but at the end of the day, he always went back to Metal Gear, first willingly, but then less and less every time until MGSV. After this last sequel, Kojima split with Konami to form his own independent studio, and we await his first game as an independent producer. So it is at least somewhat important to note that the story of Metal Gear is also in many ways the story of Kojima, and each reflects his artistic journey to that point.
Metal Gear (1987) 1995. Solid Snake infiltrates a nation-state called Outer Heaven that was established in South Africa by a mysterious legendary mercenary. Snake’s unit, FOXHOUND, had previously sent one of its top agents, Gray Fox, to infiltrate Outer Heaven, but it lost contact with Gray Fox. Therefore, FOXHOUND commander Big Boss sends Snake, a solid rookie, into the fray to both investigate Outer Heaven and rescue Gray Fox in a mission called Intrude N313. With the help of Big Boss over the radio and some local resistance members, Snake penetrates successfully.
After finding and rescuing Gray Fox, Solid Snake learns of “Metal Gear,” a bipedal walking tank with nuclear capabilities. With Metal Gear, Outer Heaven hopes to become not just a recognized state but also a new superpower. Snake rescues the scientist, Dr. Madnar,  who was forced to work on Metal Gear and is able to make quick work of the bipedal tank before it is completed, but not before running into traps that seemed specifically set for him. Moreover, Big Boss starts to become erratic, sending bad advice and even breaking the fourth wall to dissuade the player from continuing the game. Lo and behold, that mysterious legendary mercenary is Big Boss, who was playing both sides this entire time. Snake takes Big Boss out and gets out of Outer Heaven before it implodes.
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (1990) 1999. Snake is brought out of retirement to infiltrate Zanzibarland in Central Asia. New FOXHOUND commander Roy Campbell and “Hell” Master Miller send Snake in to rescue a Dr. Marv, a scientist who discovered/created a species of algae that can mass produce petroleum-grade hydrocarbons and thus relieve the on-going energy crisis. Dr. Marv was kidnapped by Zanzibarland soldiers to take the world hostage through energy control and captured Soviet nuclear weapons. In the midst of infiltrating, Snake finds out Dr. Madnar was also captured and forced to make another Metal Gear, Metal Gear D. When rescued, Dr. Madnar reveals that Gray Fox, who had gone missing since Intrude N313, is piloting Metal Gear D. Dr. Madnar also reveals that Zanzibarland is led by none other than Big Boss, back from the grave.
Later in the game, Dr. Madnar has one final reveal: he’s gone somewhat vindictively loony after the scientific community rejected him and his little bipedal tank project, so he wasn’t so much captured as invited back under Big Boss’s wing. After taking care of him, Solid Snake takes out Gray Fox in Metal Gear D and takes out Big Boss by take an impromptu flamethrower to his eyepatched butt. Big Boss dies.
Metal Gear 2 is known as the game that no one played in which the story actually came together with larger ideas and themes such as nuclear proliferation and the horrors of the war engine.
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (1998) 2005. FOXHOUND, Solid Snake’s former unit, has agents go rogue under the name “Sons of Big Boss” and take over a nuclear weapon disposal facility on Shadow Moses Island off the coast of Alaska. They want Big Boss’s remains and a billion dollars or they use Metal Gear REX against the United States. Colonel Roy Campbell and Master Miller pull Snake out of retirement for this one last-last mission. Again. Snake is to infiltrate the target and neutralize the threat as he sees fit. He meets up with FOXHOUND agents along the way, and they have a strange habit of dying around him. Of note are Sniper Wolf, Revolver Ocelot (who does not die but has his arm sliced off) and Psycho Mantis (who is basically a fourth wall breaking meme on his own). As for allies, Snake meets up with Meryl Silverburgh, another infiltrator; Hal “Otacon” Emmerich, the new scientist forced to make Metal Gears; and a mysterious Cyborg Ninja, who slices off Revolver Ocelot’s hand.
The leader of the Sons of Big Boss, Liquid Snake, reveals to Solid Snake that they’re actually brothers, both clones of Big Boss, thus raising this sequel’s main question “To make the perfect soldier, are GENES the deciding factor?” as the two were a part of a secret cloning project in the 70s known as Les Enfants Terribles which was an effort to replicate the perfect soldier that was Big Boss. Liquid also reveals that he was impersonating (the recently deceased) Master Miller over the radio to trick Snake into doing his bidding, activating Metal Gear REX. They have a fight. The Cyborg Ninja reveals himself to be Gray Fox back again. Gray Fox sacrifices himself. Liquid loses. REX is basically destroyed. Snake is told he has been injected with a virus called FOXDIE that targets and kills FOXHOUND members, but is “programmed” to kill Snake “sometime in the future.” Snake rides off into the sunset with either Meryl or Otacon. The idea that GENES control one’s fate is thus at least half refuted as Snake decides to take his own path and not be the perfect soldier They want. Revolver Ocelot, de-armed, appears after credits to deliver the plans to Metal Gear to a shadowy figure, possibly the US President.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001) 2007. Solid Snake and Otacon now run a NGO called Philanthropy that wants to put a stop to all of this Metal Gear nonsense. Snake infiltrates a tanker to investigate Metal Gear RAY. At the same time, mercenaries attack the ship for RAY. They are led by Colonel Gurlukovich who brought his daughter, Olga, and Revolver Ocelot along to steal the RAY. Revolver Ocelot has two arms again, one grafted from Liquid’s body. Upon interaction with Snake, Ocelot seems to have some kind of psychic weirdness as Liquid’s personality somehow reveals itself from the arm. Ocelot under Liquid’s control steals RAY for himself, blasting a hole in the ship, abandoning Colonel Gurlukovich, Olga, and Snake to their respective dooms in a sinking tanker.
2009. Codename “Snake” from the newly reformed FOXHOUND infiltrates Big Shell, an offshore facility placed over the tanker spill. Big Shell has been taken over by a group that calls itself “Sons of Liberty” and is led by a man claiming to be Solid Snake. “Snake” quickly renames himself Raiden and meets up with Iroquois Pliskin, a man who claims to be a Navy SEAL. There’s a lot of hostages and stuff. What you need to know is that the entirety of the Big Shell mission is supposed to be reminiscent of the previous games, drawing the question “To make the perfect soldier, are MEMES the deciding factor?” playing on the theory that the circumstances and ideas around a figure make them who they are. The mission goes quite off the rails, Iroquois is revealed to be Solid Snake, trying to clear his name. The man calling himself “Solid Snake” is actually Solidus Snake, a “perfect” clone of Big Boss, who was elected President. He was also a warlord in the Liberian Civil War who conveniently(?) raised Raiden as a child soldier. There’s even a Cyborg Ninja, who is Olga, who only agreed to be the Cyborg Ninja because they’ve taken her child.
This entire scenario was devised by an AI called GW (or George Washington), who has been guiding Raiden along as the Colonel (but not Campbell) trying to make another perfect soldier by recreating scenarios. There’s a fight on a huge submersible fortress thing called Arsenal Gear that houses GW. In order to break free, Raiden uploads a virus into Arsenal Gear and causes the Colonel to freak out in fourth wall breaking ways. Raiden and Snake crash the fortress into Manhattan where Raiden fights Solidus. At this point, Raiden has more or less completely left the path of déjà vu shadowing Snake, and he’s able to katana Solidus to death. Thus, the idea that MEMES controls one’s fate is somewhat refuted as they fail to make Raiden into the perfect soldier They wanted. “They” is also finally revealed to be a shadowy organization called The Patriots, who all take names (like GW) after Founding Fathers. Ocelot seems to be working directly for The Patriots, psychic weirdness besides.
Going back to Kojima, many people argue this video game as an introspective look into what people are looking for in a video game sequel. More of the same? Would they be more upset about having the same exact things happen again, or being given something completely new? Kojima, being the sort to continue to push the envelope, did not settle for more of the same as Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake kinda ended up being.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (2004) 1964. After the end of World War II, the world was split into two... East and West. This is Kojima’s love song to Cold War spy movies, and the key word this time is SCENE. A CIA Agent, code name “Naked Snake” is sent into the jungles in the USSR to rescue a defecting Soviet scientist named Sokolov in what is called the “Virtuous Mission.” Snake infiltrates with the help of Major Zero, Para-medic, and his mentor in the FOX unit, The Boss. He retrieves Sokolov and finds out more about the Shagohod, which is a nuclear equipped tank (sounds familiar, I know). En route to exfiltration, Snake gets sucker-punched by The Boss, who promptly defects to the Soviet Union into the hands of Colonel Volgin, a madman with electrical powers, taking Sokolov and the Shagohod with her. This is a devastating blow to Snake and he almost gets blown up for his troubles as Volgin detonates a nuke. The Boss is blamed for the detonation.
A week later, Naked Snake is sent back into the jungles to kill his mentor as a part of a deal between America and the Soviet Union called Operation Snake Eater. Since The Boss has clearly gone rogue and is the reason for this international incident, killing her, destroying the Shagohod, and putting down Colonel Volgin’s uprising is the best way to make amends. Snake is assisted by his crew (Zero, et. al) over the radio, and an American defector named EVA, who is clearly supposed to be the Bond girl. Snake runs into the Cobra Unit, the Boss’s old unit of supernaturally afflicted emotion based superhuman soldiers, who are calling themselves now “Sons of The Boss.” He kills all of them. He also runs into the Ocelot Unit, which is lead by none other than a young Ocelot (minus Revolver). Ocelot is defeated several times and Snake even introduces the young man to revolvers. Next, Snake gets captured by Volgin, fails to stop Sokolov from getting brutally killed, and gets his eye shot out by Ocelot in quick order. He then fights Volgin and the Shagohod and somehow wins. In the dust, he finds out about the Philosophers, a shadowy organization made up of victors of WWII that hid a ridiculous amount of cash, known as the Philosopher’s Legacy, that Volgin was trying to take for himself. Turns out the Americans were trying to secure it, which is part of why Snake was sent out there. Snake then fights and kills The Boss in probably the most emotionally charged battle in all of MGS. He gets out, but not before being betrayed by EVA who turns out to be a Chinese spy and who steals the location of the Philosopher’s Legacy. EVA also reveals to Snake that The Boss didn’t really defect. Her mission was to pretend to defect get close to Volgin to steal the Philosopher’s Legacy from him, but after the nuclear strike, The Boss was offered as a sacrificial lamb.
Back in the States, Naked Snake is given the title “Big Boss” for surpassing the Boss, is hailed basically the perfect soldier. As Zero builds Snake’s praises as a propaganda piece for his new organization called Cipher, Snake becomes increasingly disillusioned by everything around him, eventually leaving the States completely. After end credits, Ocelot pops up again, tells the KGB that they could use Snake’s work in the jungles as blackmail against the United States, and then tells the CIA that the information that EVA stole from Snake was fake. He had the actual information and would be able to give it over to America so that the United States and the Soviet Union would each have half the Philosopher’s Legacy. Basically Ocelot is playing EVERYONE. He’s also The Boss’s son.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2008) It would be hard to argue that MGS4 isn’t the culmination of this entire clusterfuck of a series. I’ve tried my best to omit anything in the previous details that isn’t relevant to understanding this game or the ships discussed afterwards.
2014. Solid Snake has prematurely aged a ridiculous amount and looks kinda like Solidus Snake, only less buff. They literally call him Old Snake. This also means he looks like Big Boss if Big Boss hadn’t kicked the bucket. Snake is still working with Otacon and they’re raising Olga’s daughter, Sunny, together. Campbell basically hauls Snake out of retirement one last bloody time to end the story, basically. All guns are now ID-locked, meaning only people who are authorized to shoot them can shoot them, meaning there’s a ridiculous amount of control in War now. And this is possible because of nanomachines. Ocelot, now going by Liquid Ocelot, is raising an army of nanomachine’d super soldiers for some nefarious reason and Snake needs to take out Ocelot once and for all now he’s been built up to be this magnificent bastard mix between Liquid and Ocelot in the last three games.
At first, Liquid Ocelot’s after Big Boss’s remains again because Big Boss’s biometrics unlock something about the Patriots’ AI or whatever, giving control of everything to potentially him. Raiden shows up, this time he’s the Cyborg Ninja, and he and Meryl Silverburg do their part covering Snake’s old man butt. EVA reveals herself as the leader of a resistance movement against Liquid, Big Mama. Turns out she is the surrogate mother that gave birth to both Liquid Snake and Solid Snake under the direction of Para-medic, who ran the Les Enfants Terribles project. Ocelot goes after the lot of them to reveal he no longer wants Big Boss’s remains. He actually blows them up. Instead, he’s just going to destroy the Patriots’ AI system and replace it with his own, so he’s in control. To do this, he needs a nuke, but the only place without an ID-locked nuke is Shadow Moses Island. There’s a gratuitous battle of the abandoned Metal Gear REX piloted by Snake defeats Metal Gear RAY piloted by Ocelot. That’s okay for Ocelot, he’s got a new and improved Arsenal Gear, now called Outer Haven. Yes, like Outer Heaven. It has the nuke that Ocelot needs to destroy the Patriots’ AI. They stop him by putting a virus into Outer Haven that destroys Ocelot’s system, the Patriots’ system, and basically leaves civilization teetering on the brink as the system controlling it is destroyed. Snake fisticuffs with Ocelot in this amazing boss battle that echos all of the final boss battles throughout the series, and Ocelot finally dies.
This would be happily ever after, but Solid Snake’s FOXDIE is about to go off. He decides to go out on his own terms, but is stopped by Big Boss! Yes, Snake’s “father” Naked Snake survived the flamethrower to the face all the way back in MG2. Surprise. He stops Snake from killing himself just in time. Big Boss explains how the Patriots were formed with the idea that they’d follow the Boss’s final wish, to see a unified world. Zero took the wish to mean that he needed to control the world to unify it, thus Cipher, the Patriots, and everything that happened since on the shadowy government side. Big Boss took the wish to mean that he should unify the world’s soldiers, giving them a refuge and a consistent means of living. Thus the war. But Big Boss now sees that neither of them were right. With that said, Big Boss reveals lastly that the FOXDIE has mutated to something that won’t kill Snake but will kill him. So “Father” and “Son” have a touching moment. Big Boss finally finally finally freaking dies. And Snake is finally finally finally able to live out the rest of his shortened lifespan actually on his own terms.
You’d think that was where the story ended. And it probably should have! If Kojima had his way. No instead we got
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (2010) 1974. Naked “Don’t call him Big Boss he hates that” Snake has established a mercenary group called Militaires Sans Frontières with help from Kazuhira “Master” Miller. They had met in the jungles of Colombia and Snake owned Miller’s entire mercenary group. Snake “convinced” Miller to join him. Thus, MSF. They’re approached by a man by the name of Ramon Galvez Mena, who says that Costa Rica has been taken over by an occupying force and, having no military of its own, needed someone to help liberate it. Snake doesn’t buy it and immediately identifies Mena as KGB, but Paz, Mena’s student, has a recording of The Boss, which convinces him to go investigate it. As payment, they receive an off-shore facility that Miller dubs “Motherbase.” Anyway, there’s another nuclear tank. This time it has feet instead of drill wheel things, it’s fail-deadly, meaning it will launch if it’s armed and gets destroyed, and it’s known as “Peace Walker.” A guy named Hot Coldman wants to use it to demonstrate the ultimate deterrence. To defeat Peace Walker, Snake finds and “recruits” wheelchair bound walking technology enthusiast Huey Emmerich and Dr. Strangelove, an AI specialist who was in love with The Boss and is basically there to be a lesbian for much of the story. She starts off hating Snake because he killed The Boss and took her title, making Strangelove so obsessed with her possibly former lover that she makes the AI that drives Peace Walker a copy of The Boss’s personality. Yes it’s very much hard science. The idea is, as Peace Walker is run by an AI, it doesn’t need someone else to confirm the launch of the nukes it has on board.
Mena reveals himself as Zadornov of the KGB and attempts to steal Peace Walker. Hot Coldman activates a data uplink to NORAD to convince American officials that the Soviets had launched against them and that they had to retaliate, thus giving the AI an opportunity to respond without outside input. Instead of preparing to launch the nukes, Peace Walker, under the control of The Boss’s personality, walks into a lake, drowning itself and rendering its launch and the data uplink broken and dead, preventing all out nuclear retaliation. Snake takes this to mean that The Boss always meant to abandon her principles as a solider for soldiers and abandon him as well. He’s upset enough that he decides he will take the matter into his own hands and provide that place for soldiers himself, even if the Boss doesn’t want it. He won’t abandon the battlefield or those who serve on it like his mentor did postmortem.
While this was happening, Huey was doing his bit and had actually made a bipedal tank. Better than Peace Walker’s quadrupedal design. It’s called Metal Gear ZEKE and they armed it with the nuke retrieved from Peace Walker, but it gets taken by Paz, who is also not who she seems like Mena, but instead of the KGB, she’s a spy for Cipher, aka Major Zero. She gets tossed into the sea. With this final insult from a former friend, Snake decides to take up the Big Boss title and take action as the legendary soldier by declaring Motherbase an “Outer Heaven.”
You would think that tie in with MG1 would be the end of it. You’d be wrong.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015) 1975. Big Boss and Militaires Sans Frontières catches wind that Paz is still alive. In order to not screw up an UN nuclear inspection, they sink Metal Gear ZEKE again and the nuke, and they need to recover Paz who knows about their nuclear capabilities. As Snake is offbase retrieving Paz, MSF is attacked by this elite force, XOF, that no one saw coming. Motherbase starts to sink. Big Boss picks up Kazuhira Miller via helicopter as they make a retreat into the unknown. They realize Paz has a bomb in her. The on-board Medic cut her open to pull a friggin bomb from her guts. When Paz, in pain but made full conscious, realizes they pulled the bomb out of her guts, she indicates that there’s a second bomb. But before they can properly deal with it, she launches herself out of the helicopter in an attempt to save everyone else. She explodes mid-air and the helicopter crashes.
1984. Big Boss wakes up from a nine year coma. He finds out his memory’s been fucked with because there’s metal shrapnel in his head and face that may or may not cause hallucinations as well. He’s also lost his arm. Things kinda suck for Big Boss right now. He’s completely emaciated and weak as hell. Vulnerable. Even so, the word gets out that “V has come to.” A few weeks after returning to consciousness, the hospital that Big Boss is in gets attacked by XOF again. He’s saved by a man with bandages wrapped around his face who might be a hallucination and calls himself “Ishmael.” There’s an escape sequence that involves avoiding XOF soldiers, staring at Ishmael’s ass crack, and more almost hallucinations: A Man on Fire, and a tiny floating boy with immense psychic powers. Big Boss gets out with Ishmael, but the ambulance they’re in crashes. When Big Boss comes to again, Ishmael is gone. Outside, there is a man in cowboy gear on a horse. Ocelot. Revolver Ocelot. They run away together and get on a boat to a new Motherbase in the Seychelles. This is perfect because it means they’re in range of Afghanistan, where Kazuhira Miller’s been captured.
Big Boss, now calling himself Punished “Venom” Snake, goes in, rescues his XO, and gets attacked by these zombie-esque dudes called the Skulls Parasite Unit. They’re parasite-based super soldiers (not genetically enhanced or nanomachine enhanced) with whom Venom has to wrangle with several times in the game. They’re terrifying. Having rescued Miller, minus an arm and leg, the group of them swear revenge against the people who destroyed Motherbase and MSF, calling their new group Diamond Dogs. But to do that, they need men and they need cash. So Venom starts working to generate capital for Motherbase and kidnap recruits by fulton balloon. Primarily this involves sticking his nose into the Soviet-Afghan War and the Angolan Civil War. At basically every step, Ocelot says one thing and Miller does his best to contradict what Ocelot says as a bad idea. This includes fultoning home a wolf-dog puppy. Ocelot says yes and Miller says no (The doggy stays and is called D-Dog and he is a GOOD BOY). Along the way, the Man on Fire returns to fuck shit up and that boy with the psychic powers, Tretij Rebenok, pops in to make things spooky. The main antagonist is revealed to be a man by the moniker Skullface, who is the head of XOF, a branch of Cipher that Major Zero originally commissioned to clean up after FOX, and “took care of” the minor details behind the Virtuous Mission and Operation Snake Eater. Skullface, tired of being used by countless masters, having lost his face, his home, his mother tongue, his very identity, wrested control of Cipher from Zero and is now using the research Cipher has been doing for his own malicious ends. Namely, parasites that can do basically magic. The superpowered Skulls are only the tip of the iceberg. Venom also captures this parasite-powered super-sniper, Quiet. He decides not to kill Quiet after defeating her, and Quiet returns the favor by saving Venom from a pursuant fighter jet sent by Cipher. Miller wants nothing to do with Quiet, as she’s obviously an assassin sent by Cipher bent on killing Venom and destroying the Diamond Dogs. Things aren’t as bad as Miller makes them out to be, and Ocelot sees Quiet as an asset, since she has had so many opportunities to kill Venom but has not acted on a single one after being defeated and captured.
They get wind of Huey Emmerich’s whereabouts. They go to capture him too and Kazuhira Miller kinda licks his chops over getting revenge on Huey as well as Huey was the one that called the nuclear inspection on MSF “to resolve them of all guilt.” Huey’s been busy working under Skullface, making a new Metal Gear known as Sahelanthropus. Despite being barely finished, it can move on its own accord thanks to the help of the psychic boy, Tretij. Venom Snake captures Huey and gets the hell out of Dodge. At about this time, the Diamond Dogs expand their operations into Africa as well, as it’s known that XOF and Cipher have been working with the various paramilitary factions there. So Venom goes in to snoop again. He picks up Eli, who is this jerk-ass kid who leads a bunch of child soldiers who don’t have adult handlers. Eli is clearly a twelve year old Liquid Snake, and he HATES his “father” Big Boss. Anyway, all of the adults in the child soldiers’ villages have died. Upon further investigation of the reasons why, the second third of the parasite research comes to light: “vocal cord parasites” that kill everyone that speaks the language they’re attuned to. There’s a bunch of neat theory crafting that says that these parasites should be living in symbiosis with us, but they’ve been changed/nuked to be harmful instead. As a vocal chord parasite rampages through the Diamond Dogs, Venom enlists the help of Code Talker, a Navajo parasitologist who was captured and forced to work for Cipher. This brings into light the last third of the parasite research: Metallic Archaea that can convert regular uranium into weapons grade uranium. Skullface wants to spread nuclear weapons to every single faction possible and make it simple for these factions to acquire more nuclear weapons as a part of deterrence. The trick is that he can also deactivate the Metallic Archaea so that only the nuclear weapons that he wants to work will work. He also wants to spread the English strand of the vocal cord parasites to wipe out what he sees as the most virulent language of the modern world. This way, he will be able to take revenge against everyone who has in some way betrayed or slighted him. Venom stops this shit. Tretij betrays Skullface because Eli is a lot more interesting to him. This causes Sahelanthropus to run amok, nearly killing Skullface. After Sahelanthropus gets fucked up, Miller and Venom shoot Skullface, holding the gun together as the recoil is too much for Miller alone to handle. Their revenge is now complete. Or is it?
The rest of the game is spent wrapping up plot points. Huey was discovered to be selling secrets to Cipher, and then causes an outbreak of the language parasite by surreptitiously increasing X-ray exposure on his coworkers, trying to make the parasite mutate. Eli and Tretij steal Sahelanthropus, which was being refurbished by Huey, flying it off Motherbase through the power of powerful psychic energy. Tretij is thus free to become Psycho Mantis and Eli Liquid Snake. Miller decides that’s enough shit that Huey’s been allowed to get up to, and they find Dr. Strangelove’s remains in one of Huey’s projects. Turns out Dr. Strangelove had a child with Huey and that child was used in experiments, which Dr. Strangelove protested, which lead to her getting killed. That child is of course Hal “Otacon” Emmerich. Upon learning about Dr. Strangelove’s fate, Venom and the Diamond Dogs discharge Huey from service and exile him. That fucker. The Man on Fire is revealed to have been Volgin, whose electricity superpowers (possibly powered by parasites) had kept him in a coma. He was also seeking revenge through the aid of Tretij. But after Tretij left, the remaining psychic emanations of Volgin finally die off. Quiet is revealed to have been one of the assassins sent to kill Venom in the Hospital, but she’s done so much for Venom at this point, that’s practically a wash. She was originally going to get revenge on all of them by killing Venom and then releasing the English strand of the vocal cord parasite on Motherbase. She no longer wants to do that, but upon finding out that the parasite can be mutated and activated even if she doesn’t speak a single word of English, she escapes Motherbase and goes AWOL, trying to make sure she doesn’t accidentally kill everyone she’s come to know and love.
The final twist in the game is that Venom Snake isn’t Big Boss. He’s the Medic who was caught in the explosion on the helicopter. Major Zero through Cipher decided that, through the use of hypnosis and reconditioning (because this is what Ocelot is good at), they would make a decoy double for Big Boss, just in case Big Boss needs to die. Instead of being furious with this idea, Big Boss goes with it, and uses Venom to the utmost of his ability, even posing as “Ishmael” to make sure his decoy survives. Ocelot auto-hypnotizes himself to forget he had run this entire hypnosis process on Venom so that he could work under Venom without giving up the ghost, or the phantom, so to speak. When Miller finally finds out after the credits, he’s furious. He completely disavows Big Boss and decides to support “his Phantom and his sons.” Thus setting up the events of Metal Gear. At the same time, Venom learns about this... and accepts this. Kinda. It’s ambiguous if he’s that loyal to Big Boss or if he’s given up being separate from the legend. In this sense, this might be one of the only “clone/remaking of Big Boss” that is truly successful. Partially because it had to be successful. Partially because Big Boss was involved directly.
The Phantom thus dies at Solid Snake’s hands in Metal Gear, patching up a plot hole in the continuity.
Now the part that people actually care about.
Metal Gear Solid is the game that everyone in the fandom basically started out on because Metal Gear was before a lot of people’s times, and Metal Gear 2 wasn’t properly distributed in the US until about Metal Gear Solid 3′s re-release.
There are some hints of Big Boss/Solid Snake, Gray Fox/Solid Snake, and Miller/Solid Snake but these are primarily after the fact when their characters are better established. Nothing that was concurrent with the games (at least nothing I’m aware of).
Expect a lot of hatesex.
Metal Gear Solid:
Snake/Meryl and Snake/Otacon are basically the two most obvious ones and both of these ships revolve around the characters that you primarily interact with and “save” in some way in the game. The two endings either have Snake and Meryl riding off into the sunset on a snowmobile (if Meryl is saved) or Snake and Otacon riding off into the sunset on a snowmobile (if Meryl dies).
Solid Snake/Liquid Snake is somewhat present as it’s the typical protagonist/antagonist ship with a bit of incestuous spice.
Snake/Ocelot kinda exists in the way that Ocelot clearly enjoys torturing Snake and Ocelot is that kind of super flashy/flamboyant character.
Snake/Gray Fox is barely present, the fight that happens includes bits where Gray Fox basically wants Snake to hurt him more. And that gets somewhat expanded on. In extra games that I haven’t listed because they are of dubious canon, it’s revealed that Gray Fox served as a child solider under Big Boss so there’s also that connection.
Snake/Sniper Wolf exists only because there’s a whole “She needs to fall in love with you to kill you” weirdness around her femme fatale character.
Metal Gear Solid 2:
Snake/Otacon is going strong as the entire first section is basically about Otacon commenting on the outrageous things Snake gets up to.
Snake/Ocelot gets expanded upon slightly because of the ridiculousness of Ocelot’s appearance and exit.
Raiden has a girlfriend called Rosemary who is revealed to be an AI, but there’s another actual Rosemary that Raiden has become semi-estranged to but that Rosemary is also involved with the Patriots... It’s complicated.
Snake/Raiden and Iroquois/Raiden is pretty big, as this is gruff older dude with somewhat effeminate younger dude (with amazing hair). Snake also tells Raiden to “choose his own fate” so that’s also a charm point.
Solidus Snake/Raiden is a thing that probably has a lot to do with daddy kink, as Raiden was a child soldier under Solidus Snake, and hateshipping the protagonist and antagonist.
Raiden/Vamp (a mid-boss) kinda exists? It’s mostly because Raiden gets flirted with in a dangerous way and finds out that Vamp is a bisexual.
Snake/Iroquois is largely a part of a running joke in which everyone wants to know what happens to Iroquois Pliskin who clearly not Snake.
Metal Gear Solid 3:
Naked Snake/The Boss is a big one, it’s implied Snake has feelings for his mentor, which makes his final battle with her even more tragic.
Naked Snake/Ocelot is compounded by the way Solid Snake/Ocelot was a thing, but this has been expanded into a full on “Ocelot has a giant crush on this dangerous hunk of a man who trained under Ocelot’s mom.”
Naked Snake/EVA is another ship that happens largely because they have sex and a lot of suggestive comments/flirting before then.
Naked Snake/Volgin is kinda the typical protagonist/antagonist ship with the extra kick of Volgin having tortured Snake. Volgin also is strongly implied to be at least gay if not bi and extremely sadistic. He apparently has a relationship with an officer named Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov (who looks ODDLY LIKE RAIDEN), and part of what EVA was originally tasked to do was get close to Volgin to steal the Philosopher’s Legacy, etc. Volgin/Raikov and Volgin/EVA are not unheard of for that reason.
The Boss/EVA isn’t unheard of, if only because that’s basically the only given/possible woman/woman ship that’s present. The only other female presence is the voice of the Paramedic.
Metal Gear Solid 4:
Snake/Otacon is still going strong and it’s tragic! Snake’s in his twilight years! They have a daughter! Otacon looks like a rugged handsome nerd and not just a nerd! There are a lot of melancholy domestic fics here.
Snake/Ocelot has taken a REALLY WEIRD TURN now that it’s been revealed that Ocelot had a thing for Big Boss. Especially since Ocelot is pretending to be Liquid Snake at the same time. A lot of fuck ups all around. Ocelot also can kiss Snake in their ultimate battle on top Outer Heaven.
Raiden/Vamp returns because they had a rematch in this game. Except Raiden is a cyborg now.
There’s a bit where Snake/Raiden exists in a “Raiden is taking care of the geriatric Snake” sorta deal.
Johnny/Meryl is now a thing. Johnny being a gag soldier that constantly gets diarrhea as toilet humor. He still gets diarrhea in this game. They also get married. Yes, they marry Meryl off to the shittiest character.
Is there a thing for Snake/Big Boss? I really don’t know?? They have one scene where they’re Old together and they kinda have a making up after awkward years of wtf.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker:
Now, there are “dates” that you can go on as extra fanservice missions. Really there are only two that are really notable: Big Boss/Kaz and Big Boss/Paz.
Big Boss/Kaz is amazing because it goes from Big Boss dominating Kaz to it being a mutually reciprocated relationship but Kaz still kinda feels like he’s under Big Boss’s thumb. There’s also an aspect of Kaz wanting to live up to Big Boss’s expectations.
Big Boss/Paz is kinda squick because she’s allegedly only 18 (really 25 but that’s not revealed until she reveals her true nature as a spy). It’s mostly the schoolgirl crush on the handsome older man sorta deals.
Strangelove/The Boss makes a bit of an appearance because Strangelove retroactively becomes a big part of The Boss’s backstory, even if it’s not explicitly stated that The Boss reciprocated those feelings.
Strangelove/Huey is also a thing if only because Huey obviously has a thing for Strangelove.
There are a few other minor characters due to the game being much more of an ensemble game.
Metal Gear Solid V
Shit gets complicated/interesting here.
Venom/Miller/Ocelot As “Big Boss” has an established relationship with both of them, so there’s an O3P revolving on Venom Snake. Venom/Miller and Ocelot/Venom are both popular as well with kinda opposite dynamics.
Big Boss/Ocelot and Big Boss/Miller are also major as these are both the “true versions” of the “fake” ship that is Venom/et al. That said, aftergame Big Boss/Miller becomes a straight up hateship.
Big Boss/Venom is also kinda a thing because of the way that Big Boss is controlling/behind Venom’s actions and motivations. A lot of it basically becomes emotional abuse based on like super gaslighting.
Somehow I’m pretty sure Big Boss/Ocelot/Miller is rarer than Big Boss/Venom/Ocelot/Miller. Possibly because by the Big Boss reveal, there’s no way Miller sits and takes it unless Venom is there too.
Ocelot/Miller is also somewhat of a hateship because they’re constantly at odds with each other and have the same love interest(s). With how smarmy/smug Ocelot can be and how pissed off Miller is, there’s some good content here based on Miller’s frustration/exasperation.
Venom/Quiet is kinda pushed in the game (they have a vaguely romantic scene together) and they work great together (Venom works well with all of his partners. D-Dog included) and there’s a bit of tragic hateship-ish involved.
Miller/Quiet is also a thing simply because Miller hates Quiet and Quiet is a superpowered cryptid and Miller has half of his limbs but Miller is the XO and Quiet is technically like a PoW, so there’s really weird power dynamics going on.
Liquid Snake/Psycho Mantis becomes a thing retroactively because Eli/Tretij is kind of a thing but it’s uncomfortable shipping two clearly underaged boys.
No one likes Huey, but there might be something where Huey gets his ass kicked by Skullface. And everyone else. Huey’s not a good person.
Venom/Skullface and Big Boss/Skullface is theoretically something that should exist, but is probably more rare than it should be because there are so many better ships out there already. Skullface also looks pretty nasty and not handsomely rugged.
11 notes · View notes
gamerszone2019-blog · 6 years ago
How League of Legends Connected Me To The World in the Face of Heart Disease
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/how-league-of-legends-connected-me-to-the-world-in-the-face-of-heart-disease/
How League of Legends Connected Me To The World in the Face of Heart Disease
I always imagine the jersey: its colors, the logo. The team’s name, Vape Treatment, wraps around the emblem on the front, all caps. The font’s something reasonable… Helvetica, maybe. The logo is a little abstract, a rendering of the breathing exercise apparatus I was gifted at the hospital. Two handles, like ears, frame the main tube, which acts as a game—you blow into a separate tube to keep the ball raised at a certain level. It’s called an incentive spirometer, and it’s supposed to keep your lungs healthy during recovery. My name’s on the back of the jersey, of course, though I’m not exactly part of my League of Legends fantasy team—just the illustrious owner.
The League of Legends fantasy draft for the North American Championship Series is just a few days before the summer season. I know the names of the teams, a few of the players’ handles, but I’m not a League of Legends fan. I don’t actually understand the genre—the MOBA, or multiplayer online battle arena. It’s a five-on-five game that takes place in a virtual area called the rift. League of Legends has nearly 150 playable characters, though only 10 different ones can play in a single game. It’s a free game, one that I’ve tried and failed to play. At a very base level, it’s a simple premise: the first to destroy the other team’s base wins. The challenge is in attacking the other team’s base while protecting your own, and in facing the unique obstacles that League of Legends’ different characters add to the game’s complexity.
IGN’s Top 25 Modern PC Games
Teams crash into each other, like miniature hockey fights, across the map. Sometimes it’s big, crushing battles—five-on-five—that leave one team totally overrun. Other times, the moments are smaller but just as significant, with one team sending out a single player, like a sniper, to take out the other team’s most essential player.
I don’t have very long before the draft begins to choose a name for my League of Legends team. I don’t have very much time to research the players, learn about the roles. A nurse knocks on the door, but comes in before I can answer. It’s not like I have privacy, anyway; my mom and dad are here, both sitting on the cot outstretched in the corner. (We’re lucky to get a cot, a hospital volunteer told us earlier, since they go quick on this floor.) My fiancé is there, too, tucked away in another corner. By then, we’d been engaged for just a few days, and still getting used to the titles.
The nurse is here with my vape treatment, sorry, the nebulizer, that’s become a staple in my care since I stopped being able to breathe.
Passing Out in Walgreens
There are two pages to my first hospital bill, the one from the hospital itself and not the doctors that work there. Each day is defined by the price—you can map my health by the way the numbers rise and fall. My first day, the emergency room visit, is not the most expensive of the visit, despite an extra charge for being a “high severity” patient with a “threat to life function.” The most extravagant day was a couple later, after I thought I’d stabilized, when I woke up unable to breathe normally. The oxygen levels in my blood dropped too low due to acute pulmonary edema, a side effect of the damage myocarditis did to my heart. I’d needed critical care, apparently, for 74 minutes, which added an extra $500 to my bill for the day.
I don’t know exactly how much the total bill cost; it hurt too much to tally up the total of all the charges I would eventually receive. I do know that I drained my savings account entirely, around $8,000, before I started to use my credit card. The rest of the amount was covered by my insurance, which, ironically, had been given to me by my employer, a competitive gaming news website, and switched on only days before I got sick.
My husband—then boyfriend-turned-fiancé—and I can joke about it now. We wouldn’t have gone on such an expensive vacation if we knew this was about to happen! Of course, it’s probably that expensive vacation, particularly the plane ride home, that’s to thank for my descent into sickness. A few hours before arriving home, the airline served breakfast. I chose porridge. He had something different, but I don’t know what. We can’t know for sure if that’s the moment I came in contact with the salmonella that would later infect my heart, though. We also ate at a local diner once we returned home to Somerville. There, I had pancakes and he had eggs.
I was fine for half a day home before the sickness hit. Then it was all shivers and sweats, vomiting and diarrhea—sometimes both! I passed out in Walgreens, somewhere between getting my medication and asking for the bathroom key, to the shock and horror of everyone in the store. I went to the walk-in clinic and then to the emergency room—for the first time—to get poked with an IV and rehydrated before I was sent home. Back to the bathroom floor, alternating between shivers and sweats.
C/o Nicole Carpenter
The AD Carry
A League of Legends draft works the same way one for the NFL does. Participants pick in rounds until everyone’s filled out a roster of 10 players. There’s some strategy involved, of course—what roles to fill first, how to get all your desired players. But for me, largely unfamiliar with the competitive scene, it’s about the best names and stealing my colleagues’ top picks.
The nurse starts my nebulizer treatment just as we’re scheduled to start the draft. I’m already in a video call with my fellow drafters. All of them know I’m sick. Clearly, they can see I’m in the hospital. Most of them don’t know how bad. The nebulizer is the easiest part of my treatment, it just looks worse than it is—a turtle shell suctioned to my face—on top of the wires, tubes, and cords hanging behind me.
Someone pushes “Go” on the draft once the mask is strapped to my face. Puffs of smoke dramatically plume out of the nebulizer when I breathe. Someone makes a Darth Vader joke—maybe it’s me. We move on with the draft; the good thing about a timer is that you can’t focus on your sick coworker. When the draft starts, it can’t stop. Each participant has one minute for each pick. My first instinct is to choose a full team of players with animal names, so my first round pick is Jason “WildTurtle” Tran. WildTurtle plays a role called “AD carry” for a team named FlyQuest. I didn’t know what an AD carry was then, but I do now. (What else was I supposed to do during my six-month recovery?) AD stands for “attack damage,” which means the AD carry is playing offensively. The “carry” part of the role is a nod to its importance—the AD carry starts off fairly weak but will become so strong over the course of the match that they’ll hopefully be able to carry your team to victory.
League of Legends’ virtual arena, the rift, is split in two. Both sides are nearly identical, with three lanes each leading to the center of the map. One side is controlled by your team, the other by the enemy’s. The AD carry typically plays in the bottom lane—shortened to bot in League of Legends speak—with a support character assigned to protect the carry at all costs. The rest of the players on each team are assigned to roles according to their places on the map, too: top, mid, and jungler.
But the role that can change games? That’s the AD carry. And that’s why I like it so much.
The Diagnosis
I woke up early on Labor Day Monday still shivering and sweating, but now with additional pain in my chest. The pain was more like pressure, though, an anvil and not a knife. The force was so heavy I was sure my ribs would give way to the weight, and with a crack and squish my heart would pop.
The thing about chest pain is that it fast-tracks you in the emergency room—an un-fun version of Walt Disney World’s FastPass, a magical hospital band that propels you to the front of the line. Here’s the special treatment I got: an EKG, a portable ultrasound, multiple blood draws, a cheese sandwich, and two IV lines. The doctor said a lot of words, but once he started talking about my heart, I stopped listening.
He was the teacher and I was Charlie Brown.
Troponin. Wahwah wah, wah wah. Heart damage. Wahwahwah, wah. Wah, wahwah wah.
I didn’t ask if I was going to die, but I wanted to. My fiancé asked if the doctor could call my mom. He explained to her what troponin was (a protein in the blood) and what high levels meant (heart injury). And yes, she should drive up to Massachusetts immediately.
C/o Nicole Carpenter
In 2013, WildTurtle joined one of North America’s best League of Legends teams, TSM. Playing against compLexity Gaming during the League of Legends Championship Series 2013 spring event, WildTurtle’s debut on the team, TSM was coming off a stagnant season. WildTurtle was a new addition to the team, a replacement for another AD carry who didn’t work with the roster. WildTurtle had always been known as an aggressive player, one who won’t settle back into complacency. Sometimes it’s gotten him into trouble, as he’s wandered out into mid-field without his support, looking to make a big play, only to get ganked—that’s League of Legends speak for a surprise attack—by an enemy player.
That wasn’t the case in his first big game, the one that shot him into contention as one of League of Legends’ most prominent players. More than 30 minutes into the match, TSM and compLexity are near equal in points and kills, each only one potential fight away from winning the game. It’s TSM that makes the first break, through the bottom lane, to compLexity’s base. Both teams have all their ultimates—the big, flashy power moves that can turn games around in an instant—when they collide. The screen is a mess of colors and numbers, spells flying and characters slashing away with virtual weapons.
But there’s WildTurtle at the back, tap-tap-tapping away on his mouse to unleash ranged shots at the enemy. With the compLexity players low on health thanks to assistance from the rest of TSM, WildTurtle is able to eliminate each of his enemies one-by-one, all five wiped off the map by a click of his mouse. It’s called a pentakill, and yes, it’s very impressive.
TSM’s match against compLexity was a turning point for the team that struggled to get itself out of third place in the overall standings. They’d always been good, but they hadn’t been able to unseat the teams above them in the rankings. Each subsequent week after WildTurtle’s arrival on TSM, the team had marginally better results—until the 10th week, where they shot to the top with a 21-7 record.
No one Choose Piglet
I’ve announced my intention to create a League of Legends fantasy team that purely consists of players with animal names. As I’m scrolling through the list, another nurse arrives, the one who comes in every few hours to poke my belly with a needle. I turn the laptop away from me, but not before giving a warning: No one choose Piglet! Chae “Piglet” Gwang-jin, then playing for an organization called Team Liquid, is a bot laner like WildTurtle. I certainly didn’t need another AD carry at this point, but there are barely enough North American League of Legends players with animal names to fill my team.
Almost immediately, someone else chooses Piglet.
The nurse pinches my belly and pulls up as much skin as she can find. She’s dodging the bruises that already dot my skin. She gives me these shots of heparin, a blood thinner, every few hours to prevent blood clots; anyone that’s in the hospital and laying down for an extended stay is given the medication.
My computer makes a sound. Not a beep or a ring, but a sound like a sword hitting steel. I think you’re up, the nurse laughed. (She’s right.) But you’ve got to go for a walk first. (Dang it.) Before I could turn the laptop back towards me, she was disconnecting the wires that kept me tangled to the bed. It’s useless to argue with the nurse, so auto-draft it is. With the auto-drafting system, if you don’t pick within a minute, the drafting system will choose the next best player, points-wise, for you.
My walk is more like a shuffle. Each breath in is a little easier because of the nebulizer. I wonder who’ll be on my team when I return.
C/o Nicole Carpenter
The Next Six Months
The League of Legends Championship Series’ 2017 summer event begins a day after I leave the hospital, but FlyQuest—WildTurtle’s team—doesn’t play until the next day. I’m happy with my team, a mix of players chosen for me and those I ended up randomly plucking from the list: guys named Ssumday, Trashy, Hai, Doublelift, and Olleh. But only one of them’s got an animal name, and that’s WildTurtle.
My mom moves up to Massachusetts for a week or two to care for me outside of the hospital. There’s a laundry list of things I’m urged not to do until my six-month recovery is up, but at this point, I’m not exactly up to trying any of them anyway. I can hardly walk to the bathroom without losing my breath. And so I watch League of Legends. My mom does, too. It’s impossible to watch all the matches in a week, because there are 10, so we watch WildTurtle. We watch him lose twice in week one and once more in week two before my mom’s got to go home. Neither of us can really parse the action.
The League of Legends Championship Series continues its regular summer season for eight weeks. Each week, something gets knocked off my “Don’t” list. FlyQuest and WildTurtle win only six of their 18 games and don’t make it through to the next stage.
Vape Treatment, my fantasy team, fared worse: we won no games. Most of the time, it wasn’t even close. But League of Legends became something of a constant in my life, a life that now had limitations. I read online after the fact that the 2017 summer season was the first time that WildTurtle didn’t make the event’s playoffs since he joined the league. I learned it was his first event with the team; he joined FlyQuest only days before the League of Legends Championship Series’ summer event began. He’s still on FlyQuest now, a staple in a mostly-new roster.
He told an interviewer last year, I think struggling on FlyQuest really opened my eyes. He’s trying not to look back at the past with fear or contempt. I’m trying to do that, too.
Nicole Carpenter is a writer and reporter based in Massachusetts. Follow her on Twitter @sweetpotatoes.
Source : IGN
0 notes
terryblount · 6 years ago
Days Gone – Review
From the makers of Syphon Filter and… Bubsy 3D, Bend Studio is now back with a new IP, Days Gone. On the surface, it seems like “that video game again”. As in, you’ve probably seen various elements of the game in other games before. Open world. Zombies (but not really). Survival elements. Crafting and upgrades. Three skill trees. Shooting and melee. Clearing outposts. You get the idea.
But Days Gone is better than the sum of its parts, though it barely held the parts together at times. Yet somehow, it’s still a hell of a ride from start to finish.
Note: Review based on version 1.02 and version 1.03 (pre-release, before the day-1 patch version 1.04), played on the base PS4
Days Gone takes place in the wilderness of Oregon, USA, 2 years after “things went to shit” as it colloquially referred to. Society falls after an outbreak killed billions and turned many of them into Freakers.
The open world is gorgeous. There is a dynamic time and weather system that dramatically changes the environment as well as impacting gameplay. Heavy rain turns the side roads muddy and slippery while the night brings out most of the nasty Freaks.
If you like taking screenshots, there’s plenty of beautiful (and gross) sceneries. And the Photo Mode is decent.
The open world feels small but dense but over time, it becomes larger, with some changes reflective of the story.
The zombie-like but not-zombie Freakers look and sound gross. Blood and gore do spill, with body parts falling off the Freakers, or human enemies when heavy force is applied. Like shooting at the face with as shotgun.
Days Gone has plenty of cinematics with great performances by the actors. Though I find it jarring to see a few seconds of a loading screen, a cut-scene plays, and then another loading screen to go back to gameplay. It ruins the flow a bit, especially when the scenes are just a few seconds long.
It’s really enjoyable riding on the open road (when nothing is out to kill you). The excellent soundtrack kicks in slowly on the longer, uninterrupted journeys. That particular song, which starts and end dynamically, is emotionally charged, swooping and atmospheric as it is soulful and mellow. Perfect for a biker traveling the open roads.
When the faced with the horrifying Freakers however, tunes of dread and suspense pipes in. Whilst the tender, emotional moments are just heartwarming to hear. The overall soundtrack, including the choice of licensed music, is astoundingly well put together.
Unfortunately, the game is crippled with performance issues. The pre-release version I played through saw massive dips in framerate on the base PS4. Slowdowns, textures not loading in, and sometimes even assets not loading in will happen if you move fast enough. Especially while riding the bike.
You will definitely notice the slowdown. At worse, the game crashes.
I can’t tell whether the performance issues are due to the modified Unreal Engine they are using, or a sign we have reached the hardware limits of the PS4.
In Days Gone, you play as Deacon St. John, a former biker gang member (or for you Malaysians: an American Mat Rempit) who is now a Drifter. He does odd jobs for various encampments, either clearing up hideouts or finding lost people or taking out bounties. While the plan was to head out north, circumstances lead to Deacon losing his bike and having to keep doing jobs with the camps he wanted to get away from.
From there on, an overarching story of multiple threads will unravel, weaving various subplots in and out as you progress. You don’t have quest lines, you have storylines, where one mission may advance one or more storyline as it is being completed.
Though for the most part, it’s a story of a man still clinging to the past. Heck, the in-game day tracker counts starting from two years (more accurately, 734 days gone) since he last saw his wife.
The map is packed and there’s really not much downtime going to point A to point B. But the fact that the roads are all windy, filled with obstacles to avoid and danger lurking, you are really on your toes while riding the bike.
If you go on the road for too long, then you better start expecting trouble is coming, either a sniper ambush or swarms of Freakers.
Fiddly (By Design) Controls
You will need to spend some time getting the hang on Days Gone’s controls. R2 is for melee and you need to aim with L2 to use your gun, no blind fire. Grenades are tucked within the Survival Wheel, which requires holding L1, select the grenades category, wait a bit, then select the grenade of choice. Combat is not that fluid, but I guess it’s a deliberate design choice- it’s a survival game, after all.
Weapons are pretty inaccurate at the start, ammo is scarce, and powerful melee weapons break. You will need to use stealth and loot for resources, but you definitely can go gung-ho once you’ve got most of the skill upgrades and stat buffs.
If the survival elements sound dreadful, just take the solemn that Bend Studio took lessons from Red Dead Redemption II. Looting is quick and easy to do- some enemies like Freakers don’t even need a button prompt to loot.
Resources and melee weapons are scattered around the desolate buildings in the world. They are plentiful but don’t expect them to respawn immediately. Thankfully, gas cans and gas stations have infinite gas.
There’s a sense of permanence in Days Gone. I had a firefight in a small town but didn’t get to loot the area properly as I was locked in a story mission. Revisiting the area not long after (within the same in-game day) and all the bodies and missed crafting components are there as I remembered.
Some Bugs
Alongside the framerate drop and texture loading issues mentioned, the AI pathfinding also frequently bugged out. I’ve seen enemies stuck behind geometry, and even friendly NPCs during missions getting stuck because a Freaker body is in the way.
This game sure has some production values but moments when such issues pop up, coupled with the controls, make it feel like a janky, cobbled-up together game at times.
The Bike
The bike is the star of Days Gone’s gameplay. It’s your only mode of transport, and it needs to be taken care of. You need to keep it away from damage and make sure you have enough fuel or face some big issues. You don’t want to be on foot for too long with Freaks roaming around ready to maul you.
It really makes you consider your traveling plans. In the early game, you’ll have to stop by a gas station for fuel or find a gas can in one of those NERO checkpoints. I spent the first few hours lifting and coasting a lot to save fuel while driving very carefully not to hit anything. And I love that I have to do that.
But later on, you get to upgrade the bike with cosmetics and performance parts, either of which changes the bike’s look, You get to see the Engine III upgrade is a bigger engine block with a different, deeper engine tone. Even racing games don’t go that deep with customisations these days.
Welcome to the Freakshow
The Freakers come in various archetypes. From the little ki- I mean Newts, to Runners, infected wolves that will chase you down even when on a bike.
But the Horde is the big selling point for Days Gone. As those early trailers showed, they are indeed vicious and they are huge. The biggest Hordes have hundreds of these Freakers roaming together.
The early game is spent on avoiding the massive Hordes unless you have a death wish taking them on. But as you progress, Deacon will get more skill points, better weapons and also stat buffs that will allow you to mow them down. Yes, it’s a lot of just running around, then looking at the back taking pot shots but the areas you fight them in do have multiple routes and explosives to use to your advantage.
Crafting all the gear needed, stocking up ammo, and laying up all the traps before engaging the Horde is both the most exhilarating and the most cathartic experience in Days Gone. Nothing like mowing down hundreds of not-zombies after hours of just gasping looking the sheer size and wondering: “How the heck am I supposed to kill them all?”
Days Gone is longer than you would expect. The game has about one hour worth of tutorial before opening up the world for you to explore. The fact the open world only opens up gradually means the size, and the number of side-missions available, will not overwhelm you as a result. Side-missions like clearing marauder camps each have a small reward, which can be tracked in the menus. And finding them is easy, just explore the map and it will mark the spot when you are close enough.
The story does feel cliche. “Sons Of Anarchy meets The Walking Dead” is a rather apt description, but the plot is more than just the biker life and post-apocalypse melodrama.
There are many interwoven subplots coming in and out of the main progression, all focusing on character interaction. Deacon is a dick, the name checks out, but a generic white-man protagonist he is not. Seeing him bouncing off with the rest of the cast, some with great chemistry, others with clashing personalities, is entertaining to see. And the poignant romance story, of how he is dealing with the loss of his wife, is gripping. With a great payoff.
Outside of the surprisingly good story, expect the same-old side missions and collectibles. It is an open world game, after all. Though taking down the Hordes is really fun to do by the end game.
It took me around 41 hours to finish Days Gone and see the credits. Though completionists will definitely spend more than that.
Personal Enjoyment
Days Gone sure sounds like just another open world game on paper with technical issues. But somehow, I really like it.
I am a stickler for games running at its intended framerate cap. So there’s a lot of moments where I just reel back and cringe seeing all the slowdowns. Despite that, the pros outweigh the cons. I enjoyed seeing Deacon’s story unfolded. The number of optional camps to clear is just enough- and with enough variety- to keep me engaged.
I enjoyed customising, upgrading and maintaining the bike. Plus, there’s enough wiggle room in the systems to see something dynamic happen. I tried taking down an ambush camp but forgot to put silencers on. That caught the attention of a nearby Horde and ravaged the camp for me while I cowardly hide in a bush. That’s neat!
Days Gone is an ambitious open world survival game that is almost bursting at its seams. The dynamic open world is lovingly crafted to not only look good, but serve gameplay purposes. The customisable bike rivals those seen in racing games. The tension coming from facing the Freakers and managing your crafting resources won’t get old. The story is amazingly well told filled with great character moments.
Yet technical issues, from noticeable framerate drops to the various glitches and crashes are a letdown. It makes you think whether the PS4 is at its last legs… or the game is just too ambitious for its own good.
Whatever the case is, should you persist through the jankiness, Days Gone is the best open world biker survival game, that happens to have sort-of zombies, out there.
It’s a hell of a ride.
Review based on version 1.02 and version 1.03 (pre-release, before the day-1 patch version 1.04), played on the base PS4. Review copy provided by the publisher
Days Gone – Review published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
0 notes
lostsolsdestinyblog · 7 years ago
What's Happening, Priorities of Community Concerns and Where are we going from here?
January 10, 2018
I had a conversation about the game and community with Man at Arms the other day on twitter and he said he'd like to see someone clearly define 1) What's happening? 2) The priorities of community concerns and 3) Where are we going from here? With Bungie employees returning to the studio today, I would like to address those 3 topics.
What's happening? This one is an easy question on the surface, but gets much more complex the deeper you dig. What's happening is a huge backlash against both the game and the developers for many reasons, but all rooted in the fundamental changes Bungie made from D1 to D2. It began with the beta and lack luster abilities, once every ten minute supers and the decision to change the weapon system and it's devolved from there. Static weapons, lack of endgame grind, tokens/economy, bland PvP and yes, Eververse and MTX. They are all valid complaints and head-scratchers when looking at what D1 was at its best, but many of these topics have been addressed and we've seen some changes already and others we know are being looked at. Unfortunately we've reached a critical mass for many different reasons and neither the game nor the community can keep going forward successfully unless things change fairly radically. I will start with Bungie because a huge amount of its wounds so far are self-inflicted, but there's a false narrative going around these forums that Bungie have changed and that they're evil now and bring back the old Bungie. As someone who's been here from the beginning, Bungie has not changed, but I think that those that make the decisions there understand that it's time to evolve. To the recent misconstrued videos, subsequently disseminated all over the forums that the new Bungie rebooted the game to implement MTX and they only care about money... Halo 2 released half finished. Halo 3 was the rest of what Halo 2 was intended to be. This has always been how Bungie operate. They dream the sun and stars and moon and then hit a looming hard deadline and things get cut, changed or sent out not to the level they wanted. In the Halo days this was seen as Msoft being overbearing and demanding a new game every 2 years, but then the original Destiny was essentially cancelled gutted and put back together on the fly over the next 4 years. Now there is the drama that D2 was rebooted as well. The timing is odd since we knew back then that Smith, Newsk, et al were moving to head the project. I think it's obvious that the triad of 4v4, static weapon and the new weapon system were changed and implemented at that point based off of the issues of balancing D1. The question that I have and would actually categorize it as a reboot is if D1 was still meant to progress at that point and they then made the decision to make D2 a new standalone entity. Regardless of how it all transpired, what is clear is that Bungie has historically not been able to prioritize and build games within the time frame of what they are trying to achieve. Maybe it was Msoft before, but they chose to take their brief independence and get back in the same boat with Activision only this time with a game that constantly needs to grow and evolve and have content flow down the pike, which is an issue when just getting releases out the door has always led to sacrificing things. I think Bungie now understand that it's not just being beholden to a publisher now and that they need to change from within and I think that they have been doing that and I think there will be growing pains and we are seeing them, but I think ultimately for this franchise to continue, Bungie needs to be better at forward thinking and having a vision and sticking to it. The last thing I'll say is in regards to communication. Things shouldn't have gotten this bad and we've tried to get you to be more transparent for a long time now. That said, I've heard from Hamrick, Bakken, Barrett, DeeJ and A_dmg04 that things are going to be different and that they plan to not just communicate more going forward, but that the game will get better and they will address our issues. So now we need to give them that opportunity. To the community, while I understand the frustration of what everyone thinks this franchise can/should be but misses the mark, I get it. I get the frustration, the anger, the mistrust. It does not justify what we have become as a community. These forums and this community are no longer a place to talk about the game, to share experiences, ideas or critiques. This is now a place solely to attack the company and the devs and to be as derogatory, demeaning and vicious as possible. I saw a reply to A_dmg04 today that it's just because players care and that's a stock answer to defend the behavior on here, as I replied there, it's like someone beating their spouse while telling them how much they care. At some point the words are meaningless. It's no different here. Players can say they act this way because they love the game, but when the end result of that "love" is posting how much you hate Bungie, how much D2 sucks, call the developers assholes, shills, tell them to -blam!- themselves, tell everyone who likes the game they're shills, casuals, they suck Bungie's dick, like getting -blam!-ed in the ass by Bungie, etc, etc, etc... That's not healthy, it's abuse and if that's the end product of your "love'', it's probably time to reevaluate things and move on. Bungie have been on vacation the last 3 weeks. In that time these forums have been taken over and spammed and all other opinions except #REV shut out. In that time they have posted here and on social media multiple times that they hear the feedback and will respond when they're back at the studio this week and yet all the posts continue that they aren't listening. If we as a community are going to be upset and angry and ask them to respond, it's also on us to not keep shitting on them and blow it off when they do. Communication goes both ways and we have failed just as hard at it and particularly Luminaries in the community that have the followings and the connections within the studio to try to engage and initiate discussion from our end when they feel Bungie isn’t being forthcoming enough, but choose to pile on and fan the flames instead because anti-Bungie content does well. I've reached out to no less than 10 prominent content creators and asked them why they don't reach out to Bungie and use their standing in the community to drive positive change. Not one responded. From mega streamer to first time forum poster, we need to be better. This is a community that's supposed to be here to not just post complaints, but to talk about the game, have real discussions and make connections both with each other and the developers as well. Right now these forums only exist as a vehicle to wage some fantasy war against the AAA gaming industry with Bungie held up as the master of all evil.
The priorities of community concerns
Obviously this conversation has been dominated by EV and MTX and that system has been handled poorly for 2+ years now. I understand the need for a game that has to constantly pump out content to appease the player base to need to supplement that with a constant revenue flow. It’s simple business economics. Unfortunately Bungie have a really bad track record with handling economies. We’ve seen it with the how many economy overhauls since September 2014 in-game and EV has been no different. Bungie have responded that they understand that their system doesn’t respect their player base. Moving so many items from game drops to strictly EV, be they cosmetic or not was a bad move and the RNG has always been setup to prey on whales rather than provide a system that allows everyone to use it when they want to acquire specific items.
The issue with all the #REV spam is that there is still a lot more that needs to improve with the game in general and those conversations are not happening and that feedback is no longer going to the devs.
As far as prioritizing, that’s difficult to say because 1) everyone has a different vision of what the game should be and some people are legitimately happy with D2 as is and 2) there’s no real way to gauge what players are feeling about anything else because 25 pages of
#removeeververse f u c k u Bungie Title
For myself I think the single biggest mistake D2 made is with 4v4. It’s not the only issue in the Crucible, but it’s been the biggest game changer. In D1 the Crucible was the extended endgame. It was what we did when before and after raids and during content droughts to keep our group together. We don’t PvP anymore outside of limited things like Mayhem or IB because it just causes problems to have to tell 2 people ‘’ oh, sorry’’. It’s also led to it being really difficult to keep raid teams together because there isn’t the content to keep everyone involved on a weekly basis even if they can’t make a raid. Beyond that, 4v4 just isn’t as fun. It destroyed Control and honestly none of the game modes really fit it well (Supremacy did, but then they changed it to Clash 2.0). The best PvP map in D2 is Distant Shore, a D1 remake built for 6v6.
The weapon system needs to be addressed. While the philosophy behind moving all OHK weapons together makes sense, the implementation is bad. There is really no reason to use anything outside of a Cluster Rocket Launcher or the raid Sword in PvE atm. All other rockets can’t compete on damage and no other swords can compete with the ammo gain on the raid sword. There are zero benefits to using shotguns, fusions or snipers in PvE and Grenade launchers were not ready for primetime at all.
Classes need to feel unique and more powerful overall. I know how we got here through all the calls to nerf every ability our class didn’t have that we died to, but it’s made the game dull and a one trick pony in too many ways, particularly in the crucible.
• In D1 Titans had Lightning grenades +shoulder charge/jug shield + FoH that could either shut down a single enemy super or when timed well, wreck clustered groups (RIP old Control) or melee shields+suppression grenades+bubbles+ shotguns or a roaming super with HoS+an awesome DoT with incendiary grenades
• Warlocks had blink+shotgun+NB which was basically a ranged FoH or Arc melee range+ roaming super+landfall or melee shield+Firebolt DoT/Fusion tracking+self rez
• Hunters had Invis+the best roaming super in the game, Arcblade+blink+shotty or Golden Gun+Tripmines (when they were awesome and stuck people) or shadestep+wombo combo+ tether suppression
• It didn’t matter if guns were better or even op because we had so much good shit to counter with and make plays. It all got nerfed and combined with all weapons killing the same, it’s led to just team-shooting and streamers hating it.
The masterworks system needs to grow and improve. It’s a nice start but outside of orb production the actual perks are pretty meaningless. I know everyone hates static weapons and how it’s robbed the game of ‘’grind’’ but I’m sorry, random rolls sucked. It got slightly better with vendors having rotating stock perks in year 3, but never getting a gun you wanted with the perks you wanted wasn’t enjoyable either. The best era imo was HoW when we could re-reroll our weapons, but it was not easy to do and Etheric light was like gold. Masterworks for weapons is a step in that direction, but not far enough and it’s good to hear that armor will be included.
CoO wasn’t a bad expansion. The raid lair might be the single best piece of content since King’s Fall, but Mercury and the Infinite Forest missed the marks. The infinite forest should be a patrol zone with hidden bosses/treasures/dungeons tied into the randomness of the zone. It looks cool, but outside of a couple red gates, there’s zero reason to fire a weapon and the only way to experience a beautiful zone like Past Mercury is playing adventures. Mercury’s patrol zone should also have been accessible to teams of 6, which would have been awesome with the addition of the verses and forge which were probably the second best addition in CoO after the Lair.
The worlds of D2 are beautiful but the reasons to go are lacking. Tokens are boring. Lost Sectors/Cayde’s chests/’hidden’ gold chests all could have been so much better with a little more planning and time taken to really put unique fun loot in them. That’s one area EV really robbed the game of items that really could have made grinding those activities much more fun.
And there’s much more I’m sure but VAULT SPACE. I know there are fixes in the works, but having even less that D1 is pretty inexcusable as is a system with no way to dismantle our stacks of hundreds of useless shaders, which btw is a complete failure of a system and again robbed D2 of one of the most fun little time wasters in the tower in D1 which was trying out all our shaders on each new gear set. It’s like this system was implemented just to give us something to burn glimmer and make us have to grind hard to get shaders and it’s awful. I miss sitting watching my best friend try out and model all her shaders on her gear sets. Now she doesn’t even have shaders on half the time because she doesn’t have the glimmer. That is just poor design.
Where are we going from here?
This is the 64 million dollar question. We’ll start to find out where Bungie stand on Thursday. It needs to be thorough, detailed and a clear road map for the community. It needs to not only address EV and MTX, but the state of the Crucible. Not just how unsatisfying it is for pretty much everyone, but how we arrived here.
It’s time for the game to stop being built to please one segment of the community. Trials was imo the single worst thing that happened to D1 and we ended up with 2 years of an entire game being balanced around whatever a fireteam of 3 all decided to use in an elimination format game mode, which then directly led to the same trinity of design changes that have undermined D2... 4v4, Static weapons and the new weapon system, but then add garbage grenades, melee and abilities to that.
Destiny PvP was great because it wasn’t every other shooter with generic white weapons. The fact that we could take any weapon we found in the world and use it in PvP was incredible and yeah, it meant we could be outgunned, but it gave a huge incentive to go play the game, do the raids, grind your ass off to get your own great loadouts. And the classes all felt uniquely powerful and badass.
I never even bother trying to shoulder charge in D2 because I know I’m not going to get a kill. I’ve gotten one accidentally, not because the hit killed them, but it knocked them off the map. I’ve still never died to one. Now everyone has the same crappy melee, the same roaming super, the same static guns and the same trash grenades. It’s not Destiny anymore, it’s just another generic shooter.
The good thing about D2 is that in spite of all the claims otherwise; it still can be an incredibly fun game. Outside of the NB glitch,
• Mayhem was a blast. Sucked not all getting to go in there from the raids because of 4v4, but showed that with the ability to use more than a primary how much it changes the dynamic.
• The raids are still a blast but need to be proper endgame and rewarded as such.
• The campaign was really fun. It can’t be replayed whenever we want. Open it back up like D1’s and give us reasons to go back to our favorites whenever we want to grind bounties or mats or whatever.
• The worlds are beautiful and the public events are really fun with friends or even groups of randoms, but they were also neutered by putting LS locations on our maps and not letting us have to explore and discover them. Same for the gold chests. I also hate all the fast travel locations. I think there are too many and it’s made the worlds too small because we just fast travel to the next zone and don’t really traverse the worlds anymore.
• The strikes are still fun. I enjoy them more than some of the later D1 strikes, but they need better loot and the timers have killed the Nightfall. Timers are not fun. Everyone hated them in D1 and they get made standard in D2. How and why? I miss year one NFs and spending hours soloing them on all my characters for a shot at Gjally
• The game is still incredibly fun with friends and DeeJ was spot on with his friendship comment, but the game works against it at every turn. The 3,4,6 team sizes mean there’s never the right amount of friends to do anything. Someone’s always getting left out or we’re looking for more and people just quit playing and quit clans because of it.
• Guided games works, but the system itself is really lackluster. It locks out any team member that gets zoo errored (which we know never happens in Destiny) and there’s no built in system to encourage players to add each other and if you forget to send a friend request, they don’t show up on your list of recent players.
As for us in the community, we need to stop all the talk of if the devs want respect yadda, yadda. It’s a two way street and if we want respect we need to engage with real feedback and concerns and if it’s angry that’s fine, but have a point and a goal and something they can respond to.
-blam!- you, you suck
Isn’t doing anything.
One of the greatest and least talked about or appreciated facets of D1 was its ability to connect people both in game, but also here on the forums. This was a real community that were here as much because players loved the game and this was the best place to meet other players without any real social features built into the game. It’s a cesspool now and there is literally nothing so bad it can’t and isn’t posted.
We’ve asked Bungie to respond for weeks. A_dmg did in the Destiny forum while on vacation. Chris Barrett responded on twitter. Then today A_dmg got back to the studio and responded in a post and is immediately flamed, called a shill, etc. The default response to anything trying to offer up positive communication from either side is for the forums to attack.
To that end Bungie need to reevaluate how the forums function. Who can post (right now having played D2 is not required), how easily players can make alt accounts, spam posting, and overall moderation need to be addressed.
We all deserve a voice and to be heard and we felt for a long time that we didn’t have equal footing here on bnet and the game changes were dictated by select voices with large followings. Now the forums have become an echo chamber for players that have turned to making anti-bungie content for revenue because it ‘’does really well’’.
So the last thing I will ask is to the luminaries in this community to consider that there is a world on the other side of the cameras and mics and the views you put forth have a real world impact on lives on the other side. Yes you have a right to speak your mind, but you have tremendous influence and with that a responsibility to not abuse that for personal growth and gain. So once more I will ask those players with the community footprints and dev connections to do so, to be better representing the community as a whole, because whether you realize it or not, you do and when you put out negative view after negative view and never try to actually reach out to the devs on the community’s behalf, you’re as much a part of the problem as anything else.
I think the last thing I’ll say is that Bungie is a corporation and its job is to sustain profits and growth, and Bungie the corporation need to be MUCH better at respecting their player base and not use systems like EV to prey on them while keeping the game profitable. Players want to support companies they love and who treat them with respect and fairness.
That said, the company itself is made up of a lot of really good and awesome people that truly care about this game and this community and are fans just like we are and want Destiny to be as great as we do. So I hope going forward that we can find that common ground and we can share our thoughts and ideas and this game can be the space magic escape adventure from this world that it’s been and it continues to connect friends, family and loved ones from all around the world. Thank you.
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awkwardrobotstories-blog1 · 7 years ago
Small details: Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
A few years ago I had the pleasure of going to the American Museum of Natural History in New York, an emblematic place and showcase of cultures lost around the world. Between ocean totems and Native American remains I found a curious piece that caught my eye: a native Gilbert Islands armor made of coconut fibers. It looked like a gambeson with a cardboard armor on it, brown all over it, and although I could not touch it for obvious reasons, its appearance must be soft. To counteract it, their swords had serrated edges. The history of the war in general and to get hostia in particular is one of evolution and adaptation: the castles serve until the cannons arrive, the cavalry serves until the cars arrive, assault rifles mean that few people can do much damage in guerrilla warfare. The etcetera gives to write sagas.
Communicating that in the video game universe can be somewhat more difficult. The differences of shooter to shooter, from Overwatch to Battlefield, are many times significant and suppose to learn new systems, but to express that change within a same paradigm complicates the things What the difference between a Garand and a FAL in Battlefield if in both cases you shoot a semiatuomatic rifle? You do not feel its weight nor texture nor materials nor you have to maintain it. It is recharged by pressing a button so that an animation, always the same, does the work for you. The rocket launchers are the same now and before; the difference, if that, is that today can be remote control, but the classic catch, pull the trigger and see something "bum" a hundred meters feels the same everywhere. Button. Explosion.
The challenge they proposed from Infinity Ward to bring Call of Duty from World War II to the post-11S Middle East conflicts involved more than a reskin, cinematic where the world is seen in bird's eye view from a satellite or UAVs online. World at War invented his own excuses to have low streaks and, if he wanted, even Chivalry: Medieval Warfare could do it. You order the archers to save or an explorer tells you how the battlefield is. Silent Hill is a pachinko, so anything is possible.
But modern war is not that of the Forties and Save Private Ryan. Weapons are more sophisticated, but so are the tactics and shapes of the soldiers. Showing that change involves understanding how the shooting now works, and the symbol of the new world is the blinding grenade. In the tutorial of that boat of pladur not only do you shoot down to each figure that opposes resistance but they invite you to throw blinding grenades before entering each room. It is a preventive measure: warm the grenade, the strips, you enter while they are all stunned, two shots, you continue. It is a support tool, a debuff of modern conflict. The missions under the command of the British Special Service carry an indistinguishably tactical tinge of intelligent maneuver rather than open fire without thinking. Snipers, silencers. They are the most targeted levels; the seed of that legendary mission in Chernobyl has planted these types. Calculate before shooting. 
Use the blinding grenade.I know there is more to the weapons of today than a simple grenade; the evolution of radio transmissions, night vision, bulletproof vests, mobile artillery are more representative of the 21st century army than an item of special forces. But all that equipment, the coupled grenade launcher, the holographic sight, speak the same language as the Thompson or the BAR: efficient killing, aiming, shooting and the doll in the peephole drop the ground and stop annoying the rest. Showing how the war has changed means doing more than describing the new rifles and how you can attach shotguns to a rifle or the AR-16 can have a telescopic sight glass. The planes with their bombs already existed with the mortar, the bullets have always had the same whistle. You have to show something that did not exist then. The blinding grenade.
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