#<- I know he has a blog tag but I don't remember it rn
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Riddle watches New Wish - Post #15
Work Her Magic
There is some seriously cruel irony in posting the episode where Hazel's mom clearly wants to engage with her, but can't right now because she's busy (and thus Hazel's upset about how her mom is always working) IMMEDIATELY after the double-length episode where Dev was unable to get his dad's attention whatsoever. What the heck, Hazel? Did you learn nothing?
I love Hazel's parents so much. They're adorable. Marcus being a little jealous about how his wife's always talking to her publisher / coordinator when he wants to plan a date night is fantastic.
-> Assistant, that's her role.
omfg, the title card was grown-up Hazel?? I was multi-tasking on these notes and thought that was her mom. She's ADORABLE.
What the fliiiip? I'm not sure I've ever loved a design more... This is so good. Her color scheme is the same. She's still predominantly blue and those pink bits resemble her shirt stripes, and she's still got green shoes. That's impeccable. A+ thoughtful design.
I love her... I have no 'fic ideas for her at this exact moment, but I like her a lot.
Is the silverware at this school made of wood? Wanda has a funny texture on her disguise.
Hazel is gossiping about herself with her mom at lunch. I'm bracing for Hazel to find out info she'd rather not hear, but so far everything is just Angela gushing over her. I love that.
-> She didn't have a bad word to say, only how much she loves her daughter. Pure...
Antony!! And it was indeed a hand-me-down shirt!
I have some questions about these posters.
Terrible brand name.
I enjoy how Wanda has consistently put on shades this season. I was going to make a joke back in the dinosaur episode about how she did that in the OG series too. I think it was only twice, but those scenes are some of my signature memories of her (The Musical & trying to get her son out of Crocker's house during "Fairly Old Parent").
This was Cosmo as Rice President of Pixies Inc. (to me).
omg, ceiling sprinklers. The detail! Very curious to learn more about how these environments were rendered.
Return of the Meerkat-adjacent voice! Daran Norris!
Date night is back on!!
"So, you're probably wondering how I got here..."
Crock to the Future
Crocker?? Huh. Can't say I'm surprised.
-> I've always headcanoned Crocker with witch genes due to the Alden Bitterroot connection. I wonder if he's aged or looks the same (In "Secret Wish," he looked the same after aging 50 years and claimed it's because he was altered to look like that even when he was 10, so it prevented further signs of aging).
-> My theory is that he'll resemble Jorgen and have a patch around his mouth. No justification for this beyond "That seems to be the style to symbolize an older character from the OG series." I still want to know if Doug Dimmadome is dead.
-> If this Crocker turns out to be Kevin, I'm gonna lose my very last marble. Doesn't look likely though due to the freckle placement in that title card. But can you IMAGINE...
Marcus only has 9 toes... Wh- Why does he have more than 8? I thought everyone had 8. Did he cut it one in half with the weedwhacker and count it separately?
The Galax Institute is celebrating its 96th annual event. If that's an in-city location, Dimmadelphia is at minimum 96 years old.
-> He's 100% meeting Crocker at this parascience convention. If he meets the Fentons with that ghost machine, that'd be great.
A.J. NAME CONFIRMATION!! ... I don't love it because I headcanoned him as Archimedes Junior and I think that's cooler than Anthony James Jr., but I'll accept it! Curse my slowness in getting my A.J.-centric multi-chapter out.
-> A.J. founded the Galax Institution at age 10 and is Marcus's hero. First of all, I love that, and second of all... good to know. I was pretty sure Dimmadelphia was still close to Dimmsdale, but it's always nice to have confirmation.
Also, I am once again asking people who have strong feelings that Chloe is a Mary Sue to give me their opinions on A.J., who ends world hunger in Season 2, works with the government at age 10, can build a time machine in 10 seconds with paperclips and string, and who apparently founded the Galax Institute as a child. They would be friends, I think.
Don't actually give me your opinions, but I do think about them a lot.
-> I'm sad my Happy Peppy Betty plotline has her moving to Brightburg instead of Dimmadelphia. It's not like I knew this was coming, but... SHE.
Angela (to me): This is my super hot husband. I love him very much and anyone who calls his interest in parascience dumb will get a high heel to the eye.
I can't believe Mark is banned from the institute. A.J., I have some questions.
Oh, there he is! Baby face...
Huh. I don't have anything to say.
I'm unclear as to why Cosmo and Wanda aren't trying to avoid the magical detectors? Why can't they just leave? I feel like this plot would work better if they'd been sleeping inside Hazel's bag.
I like how Mark, his ship, and Dark Laser's ship are in the mural.
Oh, he has aged:
I'd LOVE to see Crocker interact with A.J. I don't think we'll get that lucky, but it would be fun.
-> I've been thinking this since Episode 1, but I'm starting to seriously debate changing all the times I had Crocker say "cryptozoology" in 'fic to "parascience" instead.
I am super puzzled that A.J. went into parascience after all the time he spent with Crocker. He certainly seems to believe it (unless there's a plot twist that he just wants to give people the opportunity to discover things but he doesn't personally believe in it), but like... that's a STORY. Are we gonna talk about that?
-> This dovetails so nicely into my "Norm & A.J." AU and my head is in my hands but there is nothing I can do about it right now. help.
Oh, I didn't clock that he was a janitor here. Either I was typing and missed that or it was said off-screen. Also I enjoy him crawling without using his hands.
/blinks. Wadjet dying in Age of Mythology sound effect, is that you? Usually in shows, I just hear the donkey sound (I think it's the same one Minecraft uses). This is a surprise.
It is the same sound; I looked it up. I don't know what to do with this information.
Is Crocker going to take Hazel's bag, but open it and ignore Cosmo and Wanda on the outside?
-> Wanda, why don't you just leave? I don't understand.
Wanda: Crocker used to terrorize our last godkid. Cosmo: And before that, he WAS our godkid Roy, Viv, and Chloe awkward monkey puppeting somewhere:
I mean, Chloe was also terrorized a little, but...
Okay, so... Cosmo and Wanda have clearly explained the godparenting basics to Hazel. She's aware she'll lose her memories. But... why didn't we get to see that?
The miserable godkids plot and the memory loss haven't been explained well in this series and I'm a little surprised, seeing as that's one of the biggest pieces of worldbuilding in the OG show. Since Hazel seems to have a loving home life, I wasn't sure if either rule was still canon until Poof-Peri showed up.
Wanda: Crocker would have to cover the entire building in a butterfly net to catch us. Which is impossible! Me: /"Viral Videots" flashbacks
Oh, please give me a sequel to one of my favorite jokes in the entire series...
Eh, I'll take it. I'm disappointed Cosmo and Wanda can still float, though. Hey, you guys aren't supposed to do that!
Hazel: I wish Crocker stopped trying to reveal fairies! Wanda: Oh, we can't do that, squirt. As long as the building's covered by a butterfly net, we're powerless!
W... Wanda? What exactly are you saying? You wanna run that by me again?
I like how A.J. came prepared for Crocker to interfere so he brought a back-up award to give to Marcus, haha.
... Hm. I feel slightly unsatisfied, but I'm not sure I could put into words why. I didn't really have expectations and yet I feel confused.
#Riddle watches FOP#New Wish spoilers#Dragonfly parents#Pending Hazel tag#Big Crock#FAIRIES!#screenshots#Tag for AJ#<- I know he has a blog tag but I don't remember it rn#EDIT:#Brainiac bestie
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french revolution dashboard simulator

🐀 ami-du-peuple Follow
uh actually man has the right to deal with his oppressors by devouring their beating hearts. hope this helps.
🎩 departicle Follow
Hold up. Okay. Actually, fuck this. This sort of violent rhetoric should not be tolerated on here. Do you seriously think this sort of thing is going to make the nobility give you more rights???? You must be out of your minds! Reported.
🧵 seamstressproud Follow
reblog to devour this guy's beating heart
#username checks out lmao #politics #everybody point and laugh #common adp w
6,178 notes

update: new canto out now!!! go check it out 😈😏🥀 (remember don't like don't read <3)
📜 sacredhostreceipts Follow
@centuriesandskies this you?? not such a great look for a convention rep ngl
🌄 centuriesandskies Follow
listen. I wrote this a long time ago, before I went into serious politics. the account is deactivated for a reason.
I was twenty. I did poorly. I can do better.
#sj.txt #if this is the worst dirt you can dig up on me #i'm way less corrupt than half the people in the convention these days #at least i'm not doing fucking. embezzlement. #also sacredhostreceipts if you're who i think you are #don't you have better things to do rn?
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🌎 landscape-showdown Follow
🌎 landscape-showdown Follow
why the fuck is everyone tagging this with french??? political figures?
#what the hell is going on over there #also maybe cool it with the death threats #I don't want this blog to get taken down #what's a girondin #is this some joke I'm not french enough to understand #showdown update
5,012 notes

⛪ progressivepriest Follow
Unpopular opinion but why is everyone so up in arms about the new Civil Oath? Literally all it's asking is for you to promise not to commit treason just because the Pope tells you to? I can see where people are coming from with the whole violation-of-religion deal, but can you blame the Assembly for trying to make sure the people aren't forcibly subjugated by the wealth of the nobility?
Sounds like something a heretic would say. To betray the Pope and king is to betray the will of God and your eternal soul! You should pray for forgiveness and pledge loyalty to the monarchy or have fun burning in hell. Sorry not sorry.
⛪ progressivepriest Follow
L + ratio + iirc the Bible says "it is easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven" (Matthew 19:24)
🎻 lacarmagn01e Follow
occasional based catholic moment, go off OP!
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
looked the faith-first-always guy's blog, he's like a massive anti-huguenot too 🙄 why is it always the prot-exclusive radical catholics smh
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
#religion tag #percs fuck off #anyways op makes a valid point #reblog #percs dni
3,719 notes

🛌 virtuous-bedtime Follow
she committee on my safety til I can't go public
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
I don't understand the joke, can someone explain please?? 🙂 Thank you!
🧵 seamstressproud Follow
is that fucking MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE?!!?!?!?
🛌 virtuous-bedtime Follow
oh my god citizen robespierre I'm so sorry this was not meant to break containment lol I didn't even know you were on this site please forget you saw this
#this is the most embarassing moment of my life #literally sobbing rn #the original post is /j i prommy #i cannot be known as the citizen who had to explain this to the government
19,853 notes

🪓 indulgentsfuckoff Follow
fabre d'eglantine is NOT your poor little meow meow citizens he literally falsified decrees from the national convention and embezzled money to line his own pockets. I don't care how uwu babygirl you think he is he is a CRIMINAL who should be ARRESTED
💛 i-give-people-bread Follow
#baguette #loaf #croissant #i-give-people-bread #indulgentsfuckoff #silly
2,011 notes

🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
fucking fed up with the constant threat of the swiss guard, I think it's time we got some gunpowder and weapons and took things into our own hands yknow what I'm saying
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
I'm no longer joking about this btw
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
ok bc I've gotten like 50 asks about this: I am not injured and I am not in need of medical care. the punchline was that we stormed the fucking hotel des invalides to get guns and powder. didn't want to clarify the joke before now for security reasons but everyone knows about that and the bastille thing by now. please direct your money to people who actually need it.
#shouldve clarified the last post was /j #however I assumed yall knew this joke already #anyways #revolution #personal #500 #1k
1,930 notes

🌾 nopain-nograin Follow
got so high at the festivial 2day i thnk i saw hte suapreme being
#robespiere speech was prboably 🔥 #unforntuately i camt rember any of it #grainposting #oipum ehre is somtehing else thes days #memes
8,256 notes

🎨 jldavid-real-moved Follow
incredible speech from @springtimeofgovernment today at the jacobin club. nobody should be permitted to use their positions as civic leaders to commit crimes against the people, even under the guise of revolutionary fervor. if it comes to it, I too will drink the hemlock with him. for france. 🤝🤝
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
Thanks for your support, @jldavid-real
The situation over here is deteriorating really quickly, the representatives are getting violent and abandoning due process entirely. Anything you can do to stand with us now would be very appreciated. You do a lot of great work for the revolution, and I trust you completely.
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
@jldavid-real are you still there? We could really use your help right now.
🌄 centuriesandskies Follow
boosting @springtimeofgovernment here, can confirm he's been injured in a skirmish at the hotel de ville, they're passing summary death sentences without trial, @jldavid-real where is the help you promised us??? the people of paris are our only hope now.
edit: of course he moved blogs. coward.
#sj.txt #disappointed yet unsurprised #marat would be ashamed of you #9 thermidor #update
15,794 notes

🎻 lacarmagn01e Follow
DNI if you support any of these groups/people or their actions: m0narchists, f3uillants, br1ssotins/g1rondins, th3rmidorians, b0napart1sts, h3nri du v3rgier (also goes by c0mte de r0chjacquelin), charl0tte c0rday, or lafay3tte
(h3bertists and dant0nists you're on thin ice. behave.)
#censored so they dont show up in the tags #dni #get your nasty ass ideologies off my page #won't hesitate to block and/or report any violators #pinned
52 notes

reblog to make the directoire choke to death on their stupid fucking outfits
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
hey staff. yeah you. where did this blog go?? notfishgoujon and prairial-95 are gone as well?? cowards too afraid to show your faces lmao especially after the fucking mess the directoire's made of the country. bet you anything that staff are on their fucking payroll too iykwim at least the republic didn't tolerate fucking bribery
#this site's gone to the dogs since thermidor yr 2 #following the trend of the rest of the country tbh #i'll probably get nuked for posting this #if so i'm not making a new account #i'll just make a paleocities or smth #politics tag #reblog #don't play with me ik full well gb didn't delete his blog of his own free will #they also zero note glitched it #just when you think they can't stoop lower
0 notes

📕 spectrehauntingeurope Follow
it's been 50 fucking years since gracchus-babeuf (and the other CoE blogs) were deleted without warning and still no response from staff, the govt, or anything. the site's gone through a fuckton of ownership changes and still nothing.
we're working on a bit of a project (some of you might know abt it already), it's gonna be out prob in the next year or so. remember '89. remember '93 and '94. remember '97.
the people will rise again. it's only a matter of time. 🚩
-mod karl
#french revolution#pigeon.txt#shitpost#frev#frevblr#robespierre#saint just#marat#oof this was. a project.#dashboard simulator#funny#meme#unreality#just to be safe
1K notes
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Lost Fic #206
1. Hello! Thank you for all the work that you do! I'm looking for a fic I read a while back that I seem to have lost. Honestly I think I found it through Tumblr and maybe even this blog but I can't find it again 😭 It's set post s2 while Azi is supreme archangel, and he comes down to Earth with Crowley to plot how to stop the second coming. For some reason I don't remember, Azi also has a hotel room where he rents + watches p*rn. There's lots of angst on Crowley's side, with him getting his hopes up every time Azi visits that this time he'll stay and lots of tension that ends up with smut, but also makes Crowley feel worse cuz he thinks Azi's just using him for booty calls. Sorry it's super specific 🥲 Thank you so much x - anon
2. hiya, I#m looking for a fic where Azi and Crowley are priests. The met when they were younger in training and were seperated across the country because they were caught being intimate. They later meet again at a priest meeting thingy and realise the other is still interested in them. Then there's nsfw stuff happening in the shower. I'm too stupid to figure out how to properly work the ao3 tags sooo i'd apreciate the help :)) - anon
3. Hello! Thank you for all the hard work that is put into finding these fics. I have been trying to find one where Crowley eats live animals like a snake but doesn’t want Aziraphale to know. He gets really hungry and they go to the ritz and he looks at a dog and wants to eat it and realizes that he needs to eat (it might have been a small child he was looking at). He goes to the bathroom and Aziraphale finds him eating ether a rat or a cat. Thanks :) - anon
4. hello! i'm looking for a fic that i haven't actually read. an artist i follow mentioned a scene from it in one of their posts, but they can't remember the title and recommended asking you. its a fic scene where aziraphale attempts his first temptation - tempting an apprentice at a bakery into taking home a few leftover loaves that otherwise would have to be thrown out. fics where aziraphale tempts people in general would also be greatly appreciated! it's a niche i'd love to see more of. - anon
5. Hello! First of all, you are wonderful and your blog is life saving! So, thank you. Second, I'm searching a fic and I hope it's still on ao3. It's a fic where Aziraphale hears 3 conversations the same day about the principe of giving back to your partner (and not being a pillow princess, in on case), and so he decide to do nice things for Crowley because he is scare that otherwise Crowley will leave him. So he try to find gifts and things to do that Crowley like, but it's not working very well and then he want to try to please Crowley in bed and that's when Crowley ask what's the problem is. After Aziraphale explain himself Crowley explain to him that doing things for Aziraphale and giving him gift make him happy. It finishes with a sex scene where Crowley pleasure Aziraphale. If you can find it that would be marvelous! - @myladycrow12
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your reply! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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get to know your moots
ty for tagging me @almostempty ilyyyy and i love doing these, they feel like doing surveys and if there's one thing my autistic ass loves, it's doing a survey
what's the origin of your blog title?: it's me being confused about my sexuality & identity
OTP(s) + shipname: okay my mom & i used to watch this show called major crimes, SHARON & ANDY FOR LIFE !!!!!! shandy stan until i die. i even had a fanpage for them on instagram.
favorite color: purpleeee
favorite game: rn it's INFINITY NIKKI !!! i am addicted. also replaying BOTW rn, valorant / fortnite with my cousin, oh and i'm basically becoming a professional phasmo player, also addicted to that.
song stuck in your head: baile inolvidable - bad bunny
weirdest habit/trait?: ummm i stick my tongue out when i'm concentrating? not all the way out like a weirdo, just a lil blep. i also brush my teeth in the shower.
hobbies: gamingggg, sewing, baking, vinyl records
if you work, what's your profession?: rn ya girl is unemployed :')
if you could have any job you wish what would it be?: trust fund baby. i wanted to do architecture but then discovered you have to submit a portfolio when you apply and i didn't do art for matric so. rip to that dream. also nearly went into microbiology.
something you're good at: sudoku.
something you're bad at: making conversation.
something you love: night drives with my bestie <3
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: basically any game i play. you wanna know how to do a zero evidence run in phasmo? take a seat. valorant agent abilities? ask me. minecraft recipes? i got you. i often get asked "how do you remember that?" i'm autistic. i have autism.
something you hate: that i have to work to survive and pay for everything. going new places without knowing the parking situation. anything mint.
something you collect: trinkets. i love a trinket. i got a set of four tiny silver-plated brass chairs that are actually name place holders for my birthday that look amazing on my desk. i'd love to get more game merch etc but those kind of fun things don't exist much here in SA :( also lego, but i haven't got a new set in a good while now.
something you forget: to take my meds, names, events, happenings, etc etc.
what's your love language?: i yearn for physical touch but i'm touch averse :/ love some quality time.
favorite movie/show: love mamma mia that is peak cinema.
favorite food: i love pizza. i love lasagne. i love a good plate of chips.
favorite animal: I LOVE CAPYBARAS i love them so much. i have a capy plushie and he has a turtle backpack.
are you musical?: i played both violin and piano for like eight years? and i can sing if i try LOL
what were you like as a child?: anxious and shy. every teacher would love if i could participate more.
favorite subject at school?: biology & geography.
least favorite subject?: when i had to take it, history. that shit was boringgggg i'm so sorry. of the compulsory ones, probs english. i take everything at face value (autism) so hated poetry and having to analyse every fuckin sentence in a book.
what's your best character trait?: my honesty.
what's your worst character trait?: also my honesty.
if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be?: idk make this shit more exciting probably. i'd put myself on a nice holiday.
if you could travel in time who would you like to meet?: a cowboy from the old west. and then he'd fall in love with me.
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love!): okay okay i LOVE seams by @fuckyeahdindjarin <3
npt: @burntheedges @milla-frenchy @evolnoomym @guiltyasdave @604to647
@sixhours @joelmillerisapunk @oonajaeadira @strang3lov3 @whocaresstillthelouvre
@mrsmando @mountainsandmayhem @sanarsi @mermaidgirl30 @sizzlingcloudmentality <3
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Hello there
This blog stands with Palestine. Remember your daily clicks!
Call me Cas, and welcome to my little page.
You can also find me other places too
A little info about me: I use she/they, and I'm an (unfortunately) US based artist. I am multifandom, but I'm mainly brainrotting about Undertale AUs rn.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Feel free to @ me anytime! I am also ok with clarifying anything if it doesn't make sense.
I will not engage with drama unless it directly effects me or I have something of meaning to add to the conversation
Do not repost my art unless it is to a website not accessible in the USA or you are translating my stuff. If you do this, give me credit. I do not consent to my work being used to train AI.
Do not harass people, block and move on.
~ DNI ~
Proshippers (the glorification of incest, minor/adult, consent issues, the like.)
Homophobes of any kind (transphobia, acephobia, the like.)
Basically anyone who believes they’re better then others because of something stupid (religion, race, job, the like.)
NSFW (for my mental health, nothing against you guys.)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My Projects~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Seabound Souls
My main focus right now, a pirate/siren themed ask blog! (Passive) Nightmare is a siren who believes he has a convincing land walkers (humans and monsters) act. He does not. MTT and Cross are pirates are definitely aware, but don't bring it up for different reasons.
If you do not specify which character you want to send the ask too, I will pick one at random. If you don't want to send an ask to the crew, please specify as all asks will automatically go to them (unless it's really obviously not for them)
#Seabound Souls <- everything related to this comic
#Seabound Souls Questions <- specifically the questions and answers
Question masterlist
The crews character sheets!
Swap Asked Error, where Blueberror is the destroyer of AUs who kidnaps a random Geno.
Character Sheet
Loose characters
My Sona <- #MySona
Sam and Lyra <- #Sam&Lyra
(Basically, me pushing two dolls together until I figure out why romance)
Solaris <- #Solaris-Outer!Dream
Lunaris <- #Lunaris-Outer!NM
Sagittarius <- #Tarius-Outer!Error
Nebula <- #Nebula-Outer!Ink
(Yes I know they're all the same link for now, I will change them as I release more about them)
Cornflower <- #CornflowerSans

~~~~~~~~~~~~Tags Cheatsheet~~~~~~~~~~~
#My art <- anything I have drawn
#My rambles <- any yapping I do/posts without art
#reblogs <- anything I reblog
#srb <- serious/non fandom reblogs (I'll probably separate the two at a later date)
#Cas crack crossover <- normally one-off crossover ideas
#ship shit <- anything ship related
#My characters <- anything with my characters in it
#artfight <- anything relating to artfight
This website is really my main, so if you're looking for me or my stuff, you're in the right place! Hope you enjoy my silly little ideas : )
last updated: 11/11/2024
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svt as 5sos songs (1st album edition) except the explanations hardly make any sense but if you listen to 5sos then they probably do lmao
a/n: i know i literally just did this for skz but i'm having some weird brainrot rn leave me alone
seungcheol -- heartbreak girl
he is the trope of "best friend in love w his best friend who has shitty luck w boyfriends but hello i am right here i am your simp" but seungcheol probably knows the friendzone doesn't exist
jeonghan -- voodoo doll
idk it makes sense in my head bc he manipulates shit in games to win
joshua -- good girls
remember when everyone pinholed joshua as a gentleman and nothing else haha yeah :)
junhui -- don't stop (bonus: greenlight from their b-sides bc jun is a harlot. no i'm not over limbo) ((also jun gives don't stop vibes 5sos girlies iykyk))
don't stop is horny but disguised as.......sort of not horny??? greenlight is full on horny jail
soonyoung -- 18 (bonus: english love affair from their b-sides)
horny & unhinged
wonwoo -- amnesia (bonus: beside you)
he needed an angsty love song and also a sappy love song. idk they both give me wonu vibes that's all i got
jihoon -- everything i didn't say (bonus: end up here)
also needed angsty love song and sappy love song. shy & tsundere vibes only
seokmin -- lost boy
i know it's from their b-sides but it's so cute and wholesome and very seokmin
mingyu -- mrs all american
milf hunter mingyu
minghao -- never be
deep song for a deep artsy man
seungkwan -- social casualty
seungkwan does what seungkwan wants fuck everybody else
hansol -- long way home
very casual and chill and the perfect song to drive around aimlessly at night
chan -- she looks so perfect
still slightly horny but good at being normal
tag list: @minluvly @honeyylin @miki-chi @heemingyu @noraehey @awkwardnesshabitat @floweryjessy @woozarts @anothershorthuman @shuabby1994 @vernxnsfool @ti--red @etaerealboy @plants-w0rld @futuristiccomputerkitten-blog @thepencilkorner @shmooooo @dejavernon @slut-for-dabi @pussymode @iamxelia @itbtoblikethatsometimes @wonderfulshinee @aikisbbq @ohmykwonsoonyoung @just-a-really-bored-kpop-fan @merapehlapyaaradhoorarahgaya @saythenameseventeen178 @starlight-night0 @ulavenger64king @itbtoblikethatsometimes @woo8hao @lillijayy-blog @twistedsiren
#seventeen#seungcheol#jeonghan#joshua#junhui#soonyoung#wonwoo#woozi#seokmin#mingyu#minghao#seungkwan#hansol#vernon#dino#again so sorry to the people on the tag list who don't listen to 5sos lmao
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just passing by to say that i love reading your takes about the rop episodes! i really dislike the show but i wish people could just have civil conversations about its real flaws instead of just spewing racist crap like i'm seeing a lot of purists doing. since the show came out it seems to me that you have to love the show and excuse every single thing it does because the bigots hate it or else you're a bigot too. idk it makes me not want to engage with the fandom that much
yeah especially new tolkien-related content always makes you remember how many racist pieces of shit treat every racist trope he wrote like actual word of god, because they suddenly start crawling out of every corner of the internet :// and I'm just here like. I just want to not enjoy a mediocre show in peace and see what they're doing to my favourite fictional world.
(I am of course aware that this situation is not about me - a white as raw bread dough central european - this is only my personal annoyance)
(ESPECIALLY since the show the racists hate so much for the cardinal sin of *checks notes* having a black elf in it.............. has actually already contained some really racist tropes (rhun will never be free of the racism present in the original text, it seems)! not to mention amazon mainly cast POC as their original characters (arondir, disa, some harfoots, miriel being the only exception i can think of rn) in a move that I imagine was meant to not piss off the racists too much, because there's still money to be milked out of them. amazon don't think we didn't notice your spinelessness)
.......ANYWAY, I'm sorry for derailing this so much, rop asks always make me ramble
I'm really glad you're enjoying my posts! I dislike the show but I try not to be an Angry Internet Person about it, mostly for my own peace of mind but also not to spew bile on yalls dashes - I just don't want my blog that I have for fun to be such a place. So I'm really happy that someone like you who wants to see civil conversations about it feels that they can do so here, it really means a lot to hear!!
it's the same reason why I don't really go to the main tag - many people like the show, they enjoy the aspects I don't - and I know going into the tag is pointless, I'll just be disagreeing with most of the posts I see. the most sensible thing I can do while criticising the show is add the 'rop critical' tag so those people have a way of knowing that my opinions won't interest them either, and just... live and let live, you know.
(and leave the longest, most cathartic rants for one of my very best friends, who actually wants to listen to me 😂)
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hi rotumblr :/
im still not really into purple but it matches my hair ig
Hey, I'm Aspen (he/him 👍) and I'm a junior at Naranja-Uva Academy! (i'm typing this with like proper grammar for readability purposes but i DO NOT fuckin type like this regularly lmfao) Rn I'm in the STEM track with a primary focus in veterinary sciences and a secondary focus in battle studies. And I'm vice-captain of our Cyclizar racing team! If you haven't noticed by now, I like Dragon-types.
Other than my Cyclizar (her name's Spitfire!) I have four Pokemon, my Alolan Raichu (named Chip), my Dreepy (named Zeppelin), and my Alolan Vulpix (Flos).
...And there's point in hiding it anymore, is it? I also have a Silvally, entrusted to me by the Alolan and Paldean governments (read: I caught it when I wasn't supposed to and it got attached.) referred to as 04.
AND in addition to them, I have five other Pokemon, but they're kinda retired and live in Alola with my parents, but they're Pebble (Lycanroc), Jitters (Golisopod), Chloro (Lurantis), Grampy (Drampa) and Hibiscus (Kommo-o). I call Chip and those five the Big Six, 'cause they're the Pokemon I used while on my Island Challenge.
Speaking of my Island Challenge though, I was born in Nimbasa City, but I moved to Alola when I was... I wanna say maybe two or three? I dunno, I don't remember the moving part. Also, I've got an older brother (23) and a baby sister (3).
Anyway, I've talked a lot, but I think that's about it. Feel free to send in asks or whatever
OOC under the cut!
Things to know!
Last updated: 12/30/2024
Hey, welcome!! Likes and follows come from @aster-pkmn-irl-real!
Current Arc(s): Victory Road
Mod and muse are both minors! Please be mindful of that when interacting. This means no NSFW. The occasional dick joke is fine, but keep it PG-13.
Aspen exists in a timeline shortly after the events of Scarlet and Violet. He knows very little about what occurred during The Way Home.
Sentient Pokemon, eeby deebys, slow eeby deebys, chosens, legendaries, etc. are all welcome to interact, though Aspen may be skeptical about eeby deebys, legendaries, chosens, and evil teams!
Pelipper Mail/Malice, Musharna Mail/Malice, and Magic Anons are OFF.
Other than the rules above, feel free to send in asks :D
All posts prior to 06/05/2024 are not canon to this blog.
Aspen's older brother might show up on the blog sometimes, so look out for that!
Aspen has a RotomPhone named Lithium, who will be talking with orange text!
#clanging scales ⇌ Posts or reblogs from Aspen (where he has something to add)
#dragon dance ⇌ Reblogs from Aspen (without anything added/only tags)
#breaking swipe ⇌ Answered asks from Aspen
#fickle beam ⇌ Posts to pay attention to
#blind spot ⇌ Posts that cannot be seen by certain blogs connected to this one, those being @jaimemes, @espers-n-espurrs, @yveltalreal, @vulgrados-best, @rock-n-rolycoly, @estranger-and-stranger-still, and @victoria-vd. If only one or two characters cannot see the post, the character's name will be tagged as well.
These are just the tags that are used the most--for all of them, see this page.
Tags are used to denote posts that are part of a specific arc. See this page for a list of tags and arc summaries.
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under a readmore for the sake of not clogging anyone's dash; i wont put EVERY character i've done but I wanna talk (i.e. ramble) about a few of them
Past Characters:
Xe/phos (Yo/gscast) (slashes to avoid appearing in tags)
Oh man. I think this was the first character I ever made an RP blog for. From what I remember, Xep/hos was an alien/human thing that worked with a couple other people.
In/k Sa/ns (undertale AU)
I know, I know, AUs are polarizing. I happen to enjoy a lot of them, and Ink's probably one of my favorites. The problem is that he's not really portrayed correctly by the vast majority of the fandom... I think he's also only an AU by name only, the original creator I believe has since made him more into an OC? This is one I didn't have a specific blog for, but I did RP him on Amino and technically ran a ship blog with a former friend of mine.
Glitchy (Port/al)
So... Po/rtal is a HUGE interest of mine. I actually set up a blog (I still have it, actually), but I don't think I ever used it. Glitchy's a core from a series on Youtube; his whole thing is that he doesn't know what his purpose is, so he does all sorts of things to find it. He's also known for spontaneously bursting into flames ('Glitchy' is actually a nickname given to him by the other cores).
Fun fact, this is where I got the name 'Glitchy' from; I thought it sounded cool and I desperately needed a new name for the Internet lol.
Virgil (PS/M)
Another core, because I love me some robots. He's a maintenance core, so his entire job is fixing the other robots and the test chambers. Glitchy is a frequent flier of his repair wing. Virgil is a very snarky guy, but for some reason everyone thinks of him as a cinnamon roll who did no wrong and it drives me NUTS (I have an ongoing list of instances of virgil being an asshole for this reason). There are a lot of really good android designs of him out there, too.
Finally, character(s) I'd like to do in the future:
Med/ic (TF/2)
So... this is kind of my current hyperfixation, lmao. I don't know why I latched onto this guy, but I did. He is the reason I am currently learning German. He's a (formerly) licensed physician whose entire role is just keeping the rest of the team alive. He likes doing experiments involving non-human organs. He also keeps a flock of doves that he just lets... fly around his OR. He is a liiittle bit on the crazier side, but he is still really smart and he does try to help others. I'm also making a costume for him rn and it's... gonna take a while :(
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Hi there!! I talked about your blog with a friend of mine, I mostly follow you because your whole blog is the best motivation to study to ever exists, but he's actually interested in pursuing chemistry, so. If you have the time, I have a question from me and one from him:
-tips on learning/memorising chemical nomenclature? I didn't study it well last year and now my mistake has come back to haunt me :')
-he's curious about work opportunities related to chem :p
Thank you a lot for everything you do<3
Hi! Wow, thank you so much for the kind words <3
Nomenclature can be a pain bc it's pretty much only memorization, but on the other hand if you just manage to remember a handful of rules, you can name nearly any compound that you'll come across as a student.
I think what worked best for me was to memorize one rule at a time, by doing exercises. For example, if I wanted to learn the nomenclature of alkanes, I'd focus on this one particular group of compounds and I'd just solve as many problems on their naming as I could; then I'd move on to another group. This method was as painless to me as memorization can be 😅
I also think it's a good habit to try to name every compound that pops up as you study, even if you don't need to do it (i.e. the exercise you're working on doesn't ask you to do it). That gives you some extra practice and you can stop doing it when you feel confident enough in this skill.
With common names, sometimes I find it helpful to know where the name comes from - no idea how that works, but somehow knowing the name formic acid comes from the word formica which means ant - bc it naturally occurs in ants - made it stick. When that fails, I just revert to flashcards and spaced repetition.
As for job opportunities, I answered a related (but not exactly the same) question here. I'm doing a bachelor's rn and hoping to do a master's too, so I don't know much about job prospects yet, but I think it's safe to say it depends heavily on the country. It's well-known you have to be genuinely dedicated to land a good job in STEM here where I live, but my stance hasn't changed since that ask I linked above: if you're curious, passionate, and really, truly want to do chemistry, I believe it's worth it to take that risk.
All the best to you and your friend!
[I have a chemistry asks tag if he's interested 👀]
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You're such a good writer! I was wondering if you had any advice for someone who wants to begin writing on here? Like what's your process for making stories?
Ty nonnie, I'm flattered and excited for you. I wish I had a better answer but I spilled some thoughts below. Also, if you view this post on my actual blog and press the "writing" tag on it, you'll find some tips I've given before on story planning, writing dialogue, getting active in a fandom and more.
For good advice, @writingquestionsanswered has a great masterlist of resources and answers to Q's like this. Also, @creativepromptsforwriting.
Hope you have a good day 🖤
I daydream a lot. I tend to visualize before writing. Sometimes I jump in and sometimes I make notes. If I write notes, it's pretty leisurely / when a thought strikes I jot it down. Even if I won't use it. "No bad ideas." Then if I haven't decided how the story goes, I'll look at those notes and see if something takes shape when I consider them all together. Then to write it, I might start with whatever is the most vivid part in my mind whether that be dialogue or physical action or scenery. It doesn't have to be all planned out, I can see where it goes.
To make it less daunting, rn I will only start writing something I think I can finish in one sitting. So like a single scene. I try not to get hung up on details. I put stuff in brackets and come back to it. [He doesn't want to go to the function] <- I would come back and turn that into dialogue/mood. Or I might leave myself a question. [What's he wearing?]
If I'm "stuck," I might vary where I'm writing (Google docs, notes app, messages to myself) which is a nightmare for organizating purposes bc I can't be trusted to remember or consolidate. But sometimes helps ideas flow. Changing fonts is a less complicated tactic too.
Sometimes I do "sprints" where I write for a set amount of time and no matter how bad I'm writing i just do it until the time is up. And that gives me something to work with/rewrite.
Note: If you don't know what you want to write, you can start with who. And then, what are your favorite things about them. And what situations would make those things shine or challenge/validate them. Ask yourself what-if questions. You could try taking inspiration from prompt lists or blogs like creativewritingprompts to get you started. Your own ideas will come.
The truth is I'm too chaotic for my own good a lot of the time. You only see what I post, not all the stuff I don't. And this year there has been a lot of that. Scenes missing context, story fragments, dialogue with no setting, unedited drafts just languishing in various locations.
I hope you give writing a try and feel free to follow up or DM me. 🖤🤟
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Hi! How are you!?? Hope you had a lovely year so far~ as for me is ok as of now, lots to do and none of the motivation but i am healthy?lol better than nothing haha
i do feel really guilty for no giving any feedback about the update... sorry!!!!
i am so sorry bacchus i am the worst so embarrasing, i swear that this if & the characters live in my head 24/7 i love it so so much
But when i try to comment is like i forget all the words?! Broken brain i swear lol
Welll i was just passing for the nsfw blog & bacchus omg i love it, giggling kicking my feet, all of them are sooo 🔥🔥🔥 but i am really really soft for all of them also?! All these feelings lol
So i just played the update a bit & loved it~ francis is my most beloved (only)parent and if i am forced to separate of them i am gonna riot i swear
Ellis my sweet little sister~ i love her your honor~ hope i can be a lovely enough sibling to her
Mother dearest can choke for all i care, and father as well, hilarious that he got played by E(i asume tho) thats totally a point in favor of E gotta admit
Played the animal whisperer (lmao i forgot the right word!) & i love it so much?!whiskers and Bulwark my beloveds omg thats so cute i love love love it
That cliffy tho!totally killed me T my love~
Also loved the options given to mc about their take & hopes about love & their fears? Thank you~
Cannot wait to meet the rest of the cast!!! I am so curious~
Forgive me but i cannot remember if you plan to make ros povs? And can we expect a oportunity to be with ellis?(like hang out? I swear i forgot the word lol) i love her & wish her all the happiness
All in all i love your writings, i wish i had the words to make them justice but all i have is this word vomit lmao i am sorry!!!
Mmm i was planning to make some notes about my mc from bacchanal, would it be alright to tag you? It is mostly hcs but if i say nonsense i would love if you give me some thoughs? Is not biggie if not though
Thank you for your work!!!! I am marching to ask smth in the nsfw blog rn so see you there ;)
Hello!! 🥰
My year has been great so far and I'm finally getting rid of this cold. I hope you get the inspir/motivation you need! You are not the worst at anything, I assure you!
I am so humbled that you love my characters so. I have to say that I'm tempted to pay for portraits of Whiskers and Bulwark just because. And Ellis just needs someone to be their friend 💜 (they are nb btw!)
As for RO POVs... I am always open to them, as I love reading them, but I think for this I am going to keep it to the MC's POV so you are always in the driver's seat.
However... I did say I love reading them, didn't I? After the story is wrapped up I fully intend on making additional paid content with the RO's POVs as well as some pivotal scenes that happen before and during the course of the story but outside of the MC's view. It would be in the form of a new IF where you can upload your save file/put in your character details to make it more personalized.
The MC and Ellis should have at least one scene together before the Bacchanal, but in which chapter(s) I'm not 100% sure. I know what the scene will look like, but I still need to figure out when it should happen. Don't worry, Ellis fans!
Please do show me your notes! I would adore reading any of them!! The tag I follow is #bacchanal-if.
As always, thank you for your interest in my work 💜
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was tagged by @muigiel ^^
nine albums or songs I've been listening to lately x nine people I’d like to get to know better x tag game with no name
1. why did you choose your url? i heard "ghost baby" could be a translation of wei ying (from mdzs) and i really loved that vibe
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them. @revengegarden which i use to put art inspiration in.
3. how long have you been on tumblr? i think i first joined when it was in beta in like 2009! i didnt really know how to use it though. i used it intermittently over the years to post silly poetry and save stuff from the internet i enjoyed. i never really interacted with anyone or understand how that worked. i made a new account in 2020 when i got interested in fandom stuff during pandemic lockdown times..
4. do you have a queue tag? no
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? well i answered that above kind of ... i've always sort of gotten weird obsessed with whatever i'm watching or reading, no one else i knew really had the same level and that i remember during the first weeks of lockdown searching stuff on what i was watching instead of bothering uninterested people about it and ended up on tumblr looking at fan art of zuko and sokka :P and all these people losing it over fictional characters i was like ... i think i'm home? so i got a tumblr to participate in it more.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? my name is from wei wuxian so i wanted a pic of him! he was sort of my main blorbo at the time making this account, and he truly captured my heart when he was all red-eyed insane with rage playing his demon flute
7. why did you choose your header? i don't know what my header is haha
8. what’s your post with the most notes? i'm not sure exactly, but i think the last 'annual stats' thing tumblr shared was a feverish cumplane head canon i posted. i also get notes every day on a recent post about wu ming fanon vs canon. but actually my looooong ranting meta about wei wuxian and lan wangji is probably the most notes. but reading that meta makes me want to hide under a rock encountering my past self
9. how many mutuals do you have? a couple
10. how many followers do you have? o.o
11. how many people do you follow? a few hundred i think?
12. have you ever made a shitpost? *looks up definition of shitpost* no
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? probably an hour a day just scrolling on my phone when i'm too tired to do anything else... i've had a job this summer that has been brutally long hours and tiring so i'm not in the mood to sit at my computer much
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? sometimes haha. listen, sometimes people have takes that are so bad i have to say SOMEthing. then i get so terrified of being yelled at i delete everything or ignore tumblr for 2 weeks or ask @muigiel if people are being mean in my notes hahaha
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts ummmmm
16. do you like tag games? it's nice to be tagged! atm i usually don't have time when i receive them and then the notification passes and i forget, this one i put in my drafts though
17. do you like ask games? love to be a part of one one day T.T idk maybe more people would send me asks if i turned on anon but a year or so ago i started getting all these terfs harassing me in my asks (must be doing something right?) so i turned off anon. one actually was mad enough to send me a death threat (?!) from their account so i was able to report them
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? haha i don't have many, just all of us small fish swimming together.. but i think a lot of people in danmei fandoms really love what @baiwu-jinji posts :) although i think they're not super active rn or we're not on at the same times
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? no but if you're in love with me let me know! i wouldn't be opposed to a tumblr romance :P
20. what is the last song you listened to? hmmmm i think i was listening to a Grouper album last
21. what are you currently watching? i wanted to find something new to watch that had perfect gorgeous visuals of beautiful outside places and ended up watching Orlando last night
22. sweet/ savoury/ spicy? all!
23. what is your current relationship status? single
24. what is your current obsession? tgcf, he xuan, yin yu, maurice (film & reading the book)
25. what are nine albums/ songs you've been listening to lately?
maurice soundtrack !!
80s dancey music bc my taste definitely gears towards lyricless and traditonal/folk music but i've been working with kids who all want to listen to justin bieber all the time so trying to get some fun pop music i can also enjoy (i just hate the sounds of contemp pop music sorry, somehow it feels so... digital? data-driven? written by AI?) - and actually have found madonna is soooo good.
and then relistening to old favourites... yesterday i was enjoying my rock n roll romance playlist which has david bowie, bauhaus, wanda jackson (tunnel of love), suicide (cheree), roy orbison, dead or alive
if you want to take a look inside my brain https://www.nts.live/shows/cantus-orbis
tag 9 people.. uhh. how about just @unfotp @marloviandevil @baiwu-jinji but no obligation!
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NAME?: fable! PRONOUNS?: he/him MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: cece is my only tumblr one rn, but ellie lives in my head 24/7 and i might be bringing her to a blog soon… self-control? i don't know him RP PET PEEVES?: oh, i have a few of these... the biggest one has to be vagueposting, or doing that thing on the dash where you're like oh i'm just going to log off for the night, no-one wants me here anyway, i haven't come here to be guilt-tripped into writing with you, and if i follow you, i do want to write with you! but vagueposting in general. bleh. EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: oh no (on tumblr, 10 years, off tumblr, 15+ ish? i can't remember when i started but it was a goodly while ago)FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: yes. (if there's angst, i do like to do some fluff to balance it out for my achey breaky heart, but its not a requirement) PLOTS OR MEMES?: memes for starting interactions, but there's nothing like a little bit of plotting, too. anything that lets me make pinterest boards and spotify playlists,,,, LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: this fluctuates depending on the thread and the position the stars are in, but i am a little bit of a waffler in my writing, i end up writing longer than i mean to even when i try to keep it short! sometimes though, you want those quick little rapid-fire threads TIME TO WRITE?: when i'm not in pain and can think straight, so who knows. this being said, of an evening or late into the night is wonderful ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: this one is complicated, bc like, no. no i'm not, except for the ways that cece is exactly like me when i was 20. obviously the bloodlust wasn't really my scene, but there is an amount of secret's self-doubt, jealousy, and general Charming To Hide The Pain that definitely came from before the therapy started working better for me.
tagged by: i shamelessly stole this from @lunarrepel tagging: @hxllowedblood @sporefound uhm idk who has or hasn't done this, so if you see this and want to, you!! tag me so i can read!!
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choujin x anon here! 🫡
i def get what you mean about it starting slow, i also felt the same and kept trying to compare it to tokyo ghoul in my mind 😔✊ once the pace picks up tho, i started enjoying it a lot more! the plot is more confusing imo, at least currently (take this with a grain of salt, bc i may just be stupid 😭), but it's still engaging! i definitely wouldn't say it's as good as tokyo ghoul, but i still think it has the potential to be really amazing! the characters are great and the art is absolutely amazing (i mean, it's ishida after all 😩🙌) so im still loving it even tho it doesn't quite match up to TG so far in my opinion
and i think there's quite a few similarities between eto and one of the characters! (not sure if u want me to tell u who, i don't wanna accidentally spoil anything), but i haven't seen anyone post about it so it might just be me who thinks this..... 💀 imo both characters share similar struggles, they're both in a gray area in terms of morals as seen by others, and their aesthetics absolutely SLAP in a very similar chaotic way 😩🙌
i'm not sure if i have a fave character yet (i'm a bit behind rn oops) but i'd prob say either tokio or sora? tokio is kind of pathetic but i relate to him a lot 😅 i also rlly like a lot of the side characters like nari and maiko!
if you end up reading more of it, i rlly hope you like it!! i like seeing ur thoughts on tokyo ghoul stuff, so i'm excited to see what you think of choujin x and it's characters if you end up reading more 😄
sorry for typing so much 😅 i hope you have a good night!! 😁
Anon, sorry it took so long to reply!
I bought volume 2&3 (and lots of other manga actually because why not? You're a bad influence 🤣). I still need to re-read volume 1 because I know I won't remember it, but as soon as I do: I'LL POST 💪
I started following the Choujin X tag on here, and it is bleak. Makes me feel a bit sad because it's such a drop from TG...like there'll be some beautiful fanart with zero notes. Maybe we can revive/kickstart it 😁
Thanks for leaving out spoilers! I'll get reading and see if I can spot the Eto. I did read on an old blog somewhere that there's a lot of sneaky TG references throughout Choujin X.
Oh I liked Tokio too! He seemed the most "normal" which ... Is kinda ironic considering lol. I wasn't keen on his speccy friend though. I remember thinking he was too perfect 🙄
Don't worry about writing too much (u didn't) and I'm not exactly known for being stingy with my word count 🤦♀️
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(yagi-no-eda here~)
Totally would circle back /pos. I’m also pretty new to the fandom!
My wife has liked Usagi Yojimbo and associated stuff for years but it’s only this summer that my brain has allowed me to really get into it, and make it past the first 2-3 comics. Not for lack of trying - it was just never the right time in an ADHD way*. Something always would distract me. I’ve inhaled all the comics I can in just the last couple of months and yeah, Stan came at me with a steel chair too. I did not expect …this whole situation. I’ve been a fandom lurker since 1999 and yet suddenly I have blog I use near daily, a sketchbook, and bunch of fic WIPS...
Mainly because I am Unwell over UY.
I have accepted my fate. This is always going to be a Thing now.
Though I did admittedly also inhale TMNT 2003 and Rise.
Travels with Jotaro is one of my favourite volumes, but I’m also weirdly into Bridge of Death rn and just….in general having a moment over Usagi’s time with Mifune. To the point I’m doodling intros for a fake show called The Mifune Years. He had this whole expected future and friends - denied.
* to be fair this is also the summer I found out its def ADHD driving this media analysis machine I call a brain
Hope this was an okay way to get back to you! /lil anxious
Feel free to network (or share thoughts) in my tags anytime, I love hearing what other people think. Also happy to chat anytime. Or feel free to tell me to back off and that's chill too :)
(been waiting to answer this for when i had more time but gave in; should be working on my fic(s) but you know how it is lmao. stay tuned for a very long post, because i love talking about things with people, especially things i like haha
very cool to see another person very passionate about this series! i grew up on 2003 (and the 90's movies-- my parents had the third one on cassette and i remember i wore that fucker out lmao) but it was always more of a "scattered interest" rather than something i was fully pulled into
i started getting into rise (read: The Algorithm came for me) probably mid-July of last year, but didn't fully fall into it until after the movie came out. it renewed my interest in tmnt overall, and i've been here ever since!
i did attempt to watch the usagi chronicles a couple of times, and i remember thinking they were fun but not really my thing. (i definitely want to revisit it, even though i know it won't hold a candle to usagi yojimbo. it does look fun in a silly way, which i can get behind.)
i knew vaguely about how big usagi yojimbo was, and that it was a commitment, but i'm surprised how quickly it sucked me in. i've never been super interested in stuff within the genre, but damn if it doesn't satisfy the autism. entire chapters devoted to infodumping about the edo period of japan? sign me the fuck up!
i especially did not expect how much it would make me feel. like. wow. ouch. usagi is just Some Guy but he is also so well characterized and you really feel for his internal conflict, 10/10.
i've been looking for series with older protagonists, especially those more focused on the familial/platonic aspect rather than romantic (i am just an nd queer on the interweb, can you blame me for yearning for found family?), but hadn't found any i really liked other than the tarot sequence by kd edwards (very good read, would highly recommend.)
also not to be a nerd but ohhhh my god i am so obsessed with the plot with mifune.
like i know the series takes place after that, and after the fallout of that, but just. wow. imagine devoting your entire being to another, to the point where you would readily die for them and their word, and then they die. they die, and you did everything you could to honor them in that death, but they're still gone.
like... that emptiness stays with you. you don't just get over that. maybe it's the "being raised in a cult" but wow, do i empathize with that.
idk if we explore more about the fallout/exact history with mifune/immediately following mifune's death but there is so much writing potential there. if i was not embroiled within turtle hell and 50,000 words deep in a multi-chapter fic already, i would absolutely write something for it.
like. this is adjacent to your interest in the topic, but can you just imagine (/rhetorical /general you.) as far as we know, he spent five days on the battlefield before he made it out to the tangled skein.
(which is one of my favorite additions like good god holy shit. that is so cool and angsty. your lord, days after dying, appears as a fucking ghost and saves you. like, if i were to be silly and funky, i would absolutely headcanon that as the reason that he was able to stand up and continue on. because i mean... what else? what else could motivate you to stand up once more after something like that?)
(well. honor. but mifune is the physical manifestation of honor in the narrative, so same difference? it's like both thematically significant and emotionally significant and-- ok im shutting up now. but i could talk for days, istg.)
but like. how do you reconstruct yourself from that? we see him holding tight to this sense of honor, even after his lord is gone, sent reeling (adrift in the waves) with only his soul and moral compass to hold to.
which makes it hurt so much more when we see these ideals of honor-- this ghost of a man, of a life, still haunting him years after the event-- still woven through the narrative, made to specifically conflict his deepest wants.
i joke about it a lot on my fic discord (i have a whole channel called 'father-material' devoted to just pictures of him hanging out with/taking care of kids), but something that seems very important to him is wanting to be a father figure, and wanting these connections to family and friends.
but that is contrasted against these ideas of honor, the very thing he built and rebuilt his foundation off of after it was torn away from him. and it's just so incredibly painful but also it makes sense, because he can't just give up the side of himself that is a samurai. too much of his person, his characterization, is built off of this.
to see it constantly clash with this want to settle down and finally rest, devote himself to his relationships/family rather than the code of bushido-- the very essence of honor itself-- ourgh ourgh ourgh its so good
(put aside the fact that he once said he could never serve another lord, and we know from the story that the idea of a "lord" can be more than just a person... he never stopped serving mifune, not truly. he still upholds the ideas of honor that mifune stood for/represented. as if his lord never truly left him.)
...i was going to say more, but then i realized this turned into a whole-ass mini-analysis, so i'm forcing myself to stfu. but basically: i have feelings about this series, man (/gender neutral).
anyway. if you ever do put something together, i would love to read/follow it! if i ever wrote something, it would probably be exploring the direct fallout of losing mifune, so hey, different niches but similar (:
also: never be anxious about talking to me ever in any way possible. i will probably be even more annoying than you in tags/asks/everything under the sun, and i do genuinely love talking to people who share my interests (typically about those interests.) i like to pretend i am an internet Cool Guy, however, it is a flimsy veneer to hide all the cringefail swaglessness and unending mental illness about my blorbos
(...i am so tempted to just invite you to my og turtle discord server so i can annoy you about usagi on the regular. also about what my reimagining of yuichi would be, because i have so, so many ideas.
i will refrain, but if you would be interested, it has been kinda dead as of late, so it would be nice to enrich the ecosystem a little by slowly collecting other usagi-interested individuals and slowly taking it over, one by one (/j /lh).)
anyway, same thing goes for me with my posts/asks/reblogs/messages/whatever. i am so very earnest, so if that puts you off, that's very chill and fine. however, as long as you're down to vibe, i am similarly down to vibe >:D
i once more apologize for this monstrosity of a reply. i would say it won't happen again, but my reading comprehension apparently does not extend to the "all things in moderation" maxim. instead i choose maximalism (to the max)
(sorry for that joke. yeah that will also happen again. sorry. /lh /pos)
#confessionals#i love my moots#many-wings#@many-wings#usagi yojimbo#uy#miyamoto usagi#long post#tw long post#thank you for the ask!!#i could talk about this stuff forever haha#also congrats on the realization/diagnosis!!#(:#i hope this was all coherent#(i am a bit mentally unwell about this series if you somehow couldn't tell /lh)#you do not know how much i have wanted to scream about this to someone. you *do not know.* /pos#i love all my moots but they are not aware of how much space uy takes up in my brain constantly all the time#usagi yojimbo analysis#miyamoto usagi analysis#(feel like i should tag it as that haha)#i know i know i know i should be working on 'it was futile' but this has inspired me to do that quick uy analysis post i was thinking about#so look out for that (usagi be upon ye)#oh hey that's a good uy tag. mine now#usagi be upon ye#also you reminded me i wanted to make an uy sideblog. i never make side blogs but very few of my moots are into uy as well#so i might as well contain it elsewhere /lh#the name i wanted is gone but it's fine i can work with it
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