#< my tag for anything related to bobby’s medical history
savvylittlecoxswain · 4 months
Modern au Bobby with stud earrings is living rent free in my head like his dad is literally a jeweler, are you telling me he didn’t beg his dad to pierce his ears as a kid? And Gaston Moch refused to let his son get piercings done at one of those nasty, unsanitary health hazards that is a mall kiosk so they had done it right there in their jewelry store.
Years later he’s still only got the one on each earlobe and would love to get more, but he and his parents all damn well knows he’s got some sort of PTSD from his time in the hospital as a kid so the needles might not be the best idea.
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proudlylost · 4 years
My 6+1 favorite SPN fics: AU
After the SPN finale I kinda got sucked back into the fandom. The excessive amount of fanfiction reading ensued (I re-read all of my SPN fic favorites and then some) and I realised I have actually read quite a lot of them. So I thought I could share them, to highlight all the talented authors there is and also to gather all of my favorites into the one place. This post contain my favorite AU fics, the SPN universe edition of this fic rec can be found here.
Ninety One Whiskey by komodobits
“In the spring of 1944, the 104th Medical Battalion of the United States Army is disbanded, and its men reassigned to various infantry companies in preparation for their invasion of occupied France. For First Lieutenant Novak, this is less than helpful, as he has so far met his platoon’s designated medic a grand total of twice, and has both times found Sergeant Winchester to be the optimum combination of reckless, arrogant, and downright insufferable so as to make cohesive platoon function near impossible. When the time comes to move out, however, Castiel has to reconcile himself to the fact that men are going to go down and trust that Dean Winchester may well be the only person who can put them back together again. WW2 ETO infantry AU. “ 
READ! THIS! Well, there is some really disturbing war related and time period related stuff, but if you can stomach that, read it! Along with the Angel’s Wild, this is my favorite fanfiction. This fic is heart wrenching and so, so good.The characterization is on point. Historical accuracy is on point. Slow burn is on point. Everything is just perfect. However, as I said, this fic is heavy stuff. There is some serious angst (I cried. I almost never cry when reading) and trauma. But there is glimmers of hope, even if sometimes it feels hopeless. Expected recovery time: at least two weeks. Word Count:  401,183. Explicit
Angel’s wild by LimonadeGaby and riseofthefallenone
“But that’s the whole reason he’s here, isn’t it? He’s not out here hunting Humans. He’s not even hunting deer, or bears, or anything else that featured in Bambi. He’s out here, freezing his nuts off every night, because he’s hunting Angels.
Sometimes Dean wishes that Angels were like how they’re described in the Bible. How people from time too old for him to care much about thought Angels were messengers and warriors of God, protectors of Humans. He knows that how they’re really described in the Bible is actually pretty terrifying, but at least they were told by God that they’re supposed to love Humans, right?
That’s a thousand times better than what Angels really turned out to be.”
This was first longer fic that I read from Supernatural fandom and I fell in love. So this is “the fic that got me into the fandom” but I have read it multiple times since and it is still very, very good. I love everything about this fic. It is very original and the lore is amazing. I love how Dean and Cas are both quite young (in Cas’s case, relatively speaking) and how their love develops (slow burn! <3) I love how Cas is described and I love how he communicates (unintentionally) with flowers. You can also read this without having any knowledge of supernatural series (like I did) which is always impressive for a fic. Wor count:  389, 271. Explicit
For All You Young Hockey Players Out There, Pay Attention by thursdaysfallenangel
“Dean Winchester knows two things about hockey, two things his dad made sure he knew. One, hockey is a guy’s sport, and two, hockey is family. Hockey meant Sam and Bobby and Benny and Victor and Gabriel and hell, his entire team. So when Victor gets traded, Russian-star-turned-new-teammate Castiel Krushnic becomes a threat. As much as Dean hates him for that, the longer he sticks around, the more he begins to threaten that first rule too. Dean’s been taught his whole life that those who play hockey should not be captivated by deep accented voices and the way a guy handles his stick, so how the hell is he supposed to justify what he’s starting to think about Cas? All Dean wanted at the beginning of the season was to win, and now all he wants to do is figure out how he feels about Cas and how to deal with it without ruining his career and tearing his family apart. “
Ah, three of my absolute favourite things smashed into the same fic: sports, slow burn and enemies to lovers. This fic has lots of cameos from supernatural characters, because hockey teams require lots of players. So it is easy to spot your favorite character in this fic. This fic is probably one of may favorites, because of the sport environment (Outside the fandom, I have been super into sports. Like so much I have several national championships medals from my sport. Anyway, not a point here): also the sexual tension between Dean and Cas is so good, especially when they are pumped with the adrenaline. You don’t really need to understand sports to enjoy this fic, though. Word count:  143,592. Explicit
Formula Won by cardinalwrites
“Of all the places Castiel Novak thought he would take in his career, an internship as a Formula One Paddock Correspondent (or journalist, for short) was most definitely not one of them for a few reasons. One: He had no clue what the hell Formula One was. Two: He knew nothing about sports in general. And Three: He should not fall in love with the people he’s supposed to be asking hard-hitting questions to, least of all the head driver of one of the oldest and most well-renowned teams in the sport’s history.
This is a love story told around the world through the eyes of the person that knows the least about where he has found himself in. Come follow a 20-race season finding love in the lost, learning the truth, and figuring out what the hell Formula One is along the way.”
Another sports fic with a slow burn. This is probably not everyone’s cup of tea, because there is quite a lot information about formula one, and the reading experience is more enjoyable if already know about formulas/do your research. Don’t let it stop you though, because this fic is very good. The friendship between Dean and Cas is very natural, and later the romance as well. The plot is very engaging and the drama inside the formula one organization is so good. This fic is also not so “heavy” as the other ones in my list (of course, there are problems along the way, but even the fic’s tags say there will be fluff). The rating is T, which is kinda surprising, because I did not notice it until I already had read the whole fic. Word count: 123,777. Teen
Have Love, Will Travel by squeemonster
Castiel Novak is a reclusive writer with a childhood so tragic it's left him terrified to leave his home—until his overbearing brother, Gabriel, drags him out for a night on the town full of booze and strip clubs, and he encounters Dean Winchester, a mesmerizing and mysterious stripper with secrets of his own. Both men find themselves inexplicably drawn to each other, and soon Dean's private dances for Castiel become much more, as both men confess their troubles and find solace in each other's company. But neither can seem to find the courage to take their relationship further than the intimacy of the club's VIP Room—and just when Dean's own brother gives him the excuse he needs to finally admit his feelings, Dean discovers something that brings it all crumbling down. Will they find a way past their demons and their trust issues, and back to each other?
This is one of the fandom classics and quite rightfully so. Both Dean and Cas have issues, in other words: what’s new? The sexual chemistry between them was so good and well written, but there is also angst and mental health issues (mostly Cas). Sam is quite young in this fic, but manages to be very much a little brother. I honestly loved this fic when I was a bit younger, but I think it is still very good and deserves its place in this list. Word count  94,054. Explicit
Pick It All Up by thepinupchemist
Army veteran Castiel Novak is a wreck after his tour in Afghanistan, brought home to his brother's apartment in Lawrence, Kansas with scars both mental and physical. He copes poorly, and during one night of bad decision making, meets somebody just as much of a disaster as he is -- a prostitute named Dean Winchester. And suddenly, two damaged men might not be as irreparable as they believed.
Ah, it seems that I’m incapable of picking nice, fluffy, happy fanfics. This certainly is not one of them. There is full warnings in the tags, because there is some triggering stuff: PTSD, mentions of past abuse, alcoholism etc. But, this is also very healing story in its own way (It has happy ending. I guess I can spoil that because it reads in the tags) . I avoided this fic for a long time, because the prostitute!Dean tag scared me away, but this was so worth of reading (as I said, happy ending)! Gabriel is super supportive and sweet brother and Dean and Cas are dysfunctional but they work so well despite all the trauma they have endured. Word count:  126,611. Explicit
Bonus: Twist and Shout by gabriel and standbyme
What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea.
Well, I don’t think this fic needs any introductions. This is the fic, the most popular in SPN fandom and one of the most popular ones in the whole ao3. I thought that I could read this, because I don’t generally have many triggers, despite all the warnings. I was a wreck during reading. And I have managed to read it once and I can’t make myself read it again. But it is good and amazingly written. This fic plucks every emotion out of you and does anything it pleases with them. You have been warned. Word count:  97,556. Explicit
(When I wrote this fic rec I also realised I have a serious problem with long fics. Like, most of my favorites are at least 100,000 words. At this point I think I don’t even consider a fic to be slow burn, unless it takes several days to complete the fic. Oops)
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whirlybirbs · 7 years
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summary: #bittercoffee. in which the reader is ghosted after the date with bucky and tony stark is to blame. but, an internship opportunity at the tower has her ready to bite back. rating: mild swearing and a brainiac reader. fight me. word count: 1.6k a/n: my bittercoffee!reader is about to fuck shit up. sorry for the lack of buck-o in this one. he’s coming up next part. enjoy!
Bucky doesn’t come in for coffee the next morning.
And when you text him, wondering sweetly if maybe he had “avenging to do”, your text is met with silence. Nothing. You don’t text him again until late that night when you’ve hiked back from the shop in the rain. You ride the subway in silence. You have your earbuds in. No music. Your body rocks with the train. Your fingers move quick across your phone screen.
I hope everything’s okay?
You make it to your apartment, sad and somber and angry. You’re soaked to the bone and weighed down. The growing anxiety that Bucky had decided you weren’t worth his time, or maybe he didn’t like you enough was eating away at you, and though it feels childish, you cry. It’s muffled into the sleeve of your NYU sweatshirt.
Marissa comes in, having heard the quieted sobs, and offers you some microwaved pizza. You decline, to sick on sadness to think about eating.
“Sometimes boys just don’t work out,” she said, “No matter how much we like them.”
You look like hell, and the next morning? Still nothing. No texts, no Bucky. The coffee shop is slow and empty thanks to the rain. You feel the same way. You try not to let Matt into the inner turmoil, but he knows something’s not right.
You push the feelings down and away and pretend you’re fine.
You do for the whole week.
And then you begin to think you’re never going to see Bucky Barnes again.
Until, one night, on your walk back from campus, you notice you’re being followed. It’s a taxi - or at least you’d thought - until it follows you to the subway stop and a man in a suit steps out. He’s bigger, no older than his mid-forties, looking less than pleased with the rain. He sits in the same subway cart as you, gets off at the same stop. He walks past your apartment, though, and from your dining room window you watch him climb into another car. A black Lincoln.
The license plate reads ‘HAPPY’.
The back window has a Stark Industries decal on it.
You begin to notice more of strange little things like this - the same man comes in and gets coffee one morning. You pretend you have no idea who he is, but your heart rate is pounding and you’re half-convinced he’s going to gun you down at register one.
He doesn't though. He sits, he watches, he sips his coffee. You think maybe this is some kind of intimidation play.
You stand your ground though; you even bus his table, smiling and asking him how his day is.
When he’s leaving, you snap a picture of him, pretending to snapchat, and you save it.
You reverse image search him when you get home that night and land a positive ID. You’re hunched over coffee and the notes surrounding your midterm thesis paper around integrated militarized biotech. The blue light of your laptop illuminates the room, and you cheer, mouth full of popcorn, when you nail his name down.
You think maybe Bucky would be proud of you. You’re a good sidekick. But, well, that ship has sailed. Your heart hurts a little bit thinking about him.
The guy from the shop is Harold Hogan. Personal bodyguard and trainer to the one and only Tony Stark.
You begin to note more Stark property along your walk to work. The building across from you has been bought out. Apparently some housing project Stark is working on. You learn to look at the license plates. The Avengers Tower decal for parking is minuscule but apparent if you know where to look. It includes security clearance.
You’re clearly being watched.
And then your wifi starts to act up, too. Through some more backwards engineering, you delve into the internal system codes of the apartment router and find that a external proxy has been set up. Your cookies, data, history and any and all saved files are being copied and routed to an apartment in Queens. You get the IP address. You track it to a May Parker.
No doubt a relation to Peter Parker.
No doubt you were being watched thanks to that Stark Internship.
You call Bucky that night, curse him out on his voicemail - it’s long winded and angry and maybe you had a little bit too much wine - and tell him to tell Stark to fuck off. You don’t hear anything back, but you’re sure someone got the message -- if anything, Stark probably tapped into your cell long ago.
Things are starting to stack up against Iron Man.
You’re starting to think maybe there’s a reason why you haven’t seen Bucky Barnes. That reason has got to be Tony Stark.
You’re not sure why, but you can’t let it go. You know deep down it’s because you like Bucky far too much for it to just slip your mind. You didn’t date often -- and Bucky was pretty. Handsome and funny and shy and… Sad. You find yourself worrying about him, wondering if he’s walking around Brooklyn late at night, trying to find himself. You hope he’s okay. You regret telling him he ‘fucking sucks’ on his voicemail the other night.
So, you start to formulate a plan. You think about sauntering right into the Tower downtown, strolling up the reception and asking for Tony Stark -- but no doubt the man was busy, and there was no guarantee security wouldn’t drag you out kicking and screaming when they explained he wasn’t there and no, you couldn’t speak to him.
Email was a no-go. He’d probably just ignore it. Phone, too.
You could knock on Peter Parker’s door and interrogate the high schooler for information on why you’re being watched. But, you knew why you were being watched -- it was because you knew too much about Bucky Barnes.
Then, when you think you’re shit bum out of luck, an opportunity falls into your lap. Trips and lands. You catch it by the throat.
Your last class of this particular Thursday is a lab; normally running about four hours, it leaves you hungry and tired and wanting nothing more than to bolt home and kick start your homework. Though working on your actual conceptualized thesis is fun, time seems to drag on.
But, today, you were talking internships.
“You know,” your professor’s name is Sarah -- she insists you call her Sarah -- and she’s sweet. The class is dominated by men mostly, so she excitedly chatters with you when she can. You like it. Sarah leans against your lab bench after the small lecture. You’re soldering some wires together on the mechanisms functions panel, “I have a certain internship in mind for you.”
“Oh?” you say, a smile tugging at your face, “Please, enlighten me.”
Sarah laughs. “I got an email earlier this week… NYU typically isn’t one of the Universities gets these type of offers, but… Stark Industries is looking to hire.”
You feel the color drain from your face. “Stark Industries, huh?”
“They’re looking for medical students, actually,” she murmurs, “But, I want you to apply. You’re biomedical and you’re great, so if anything, they’ll be even more interested.”
“Have you… put my name down on anything yet?”
Please say no, please say no.
“No,” she says and you nearly cheer, “But, the interviews are next Monday -- are you interested? I can always email them back --”
Sarah nearly jumps back.
“I mean -- yes, I’m interested,” you reassure her, gloved hand touching the sleeve of her lab coat, “I’m just thinking maybe don’t let them know who I am or my major or...? They might discriminate because of the medical thing…”
Totally not because of other reasons.
“Right!” Sarah hums, “You’re so right. And the best part? You’ll be surprising Tony Stark.”
You nearly laugh in her face. “Are you saying…”
“He’s doing the interviews -- some special involvement campaign, I guess. He wants to get to know our grads, get to know who he’s hiring. After the whole H.Y.D.R.A. infiltration thing, it makes sense. A lot of grads have turned it down, but I can dig up some recommendations for you. You can bring them with you --”
“Please do,” you grin, hands clasped in a tight ball, “You’re the best.”
Sarah grins, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she claps you on the shoulders. “I’m so excited!”
Me too, Sarah. Me too.
It’s 8:30 am, Monday morning.
Marissa is looking at you like you have three heads.
You’re tugging on your patent leather heels, sweeping your hair into a professional looking bun. The romper you have on is black with a dipping neckline -- your blazer is bright red. You feel like you could kill a man with a single look. It’s a confidence boost. You need all the help you’re going to get.
“So... you’re meeting with Tony Stark. For the internship.”
“Well,” you mumble, bobby pin between your teeth as you fix your bun, “Not really.”
Marissa blinks down at your resume. In fine print, along the top, under your name, it reads:
‘Please, ask me about my slideshow!’
“You… You have a slideshow.”
You swivel your laptop across the kitchen counter. The screen glows alive with the slideshow in question.
Marissa’s jaw drops. She reads from the title slide.
“Why I’d Like Tony Stark to Fuck Off?”
You shoot her an award winning smile, sweeping your resume and faux cover letter into a protective cover. It slips neatly into your handbag and you yank the memory drive from your laptop as well.
“Is this some activism stuff?” she mumbles, “Anti-Avengers propaganda?”
You pause.
And with that, you’re out the door. Behind you, Marissa shouts.
“Let me know if I have to bail you out of jail!”
@cutiefrankie @luxieluu @justalittlebitofhisheart @oh-glory @dutchnorkat @buckyb4rnacle @chuckennuggets1213 @pandalandalopalis @valiantlymysticfestival @soggysouls @buckywhitewolf @radrouda @moony-you-fold-your-socks @kitty-and-bats-0 @rulesbyproblematique @allltheships @im-not-insane-im-a-fangirl @louieisbae42 @itshinothey @simplystarsinthesky @model-howell @marveltotheendoftheline @moroiboy @ghost-with-spaghetti-arms @swimmeranxiety @sigynwrites @shadowhunters-warlock @magic-from-the-ordinary @josiehosiedaninja @smarvills @rollcalls @simplyonehellofapilot @marassberry @shrekssunflowers @myboyfriendgiriboy @dameronstars @avengedhearts @commanderrpoe @roadtripsonspaceships @whyisbuckyso @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian @bulletproofseb @boyzines @nataliarxmanxva @alexblrus @henrietteoaks @omg-imagines-for-days @iamgabby22 @silence--in--the--library @sebashtiansatan @fangeekkk @llianniall
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savvylittlecoxswain · 5 months
AU where Bobby got super sick his Freshman year after he’d already been accepted into the rowing team, but before his first race. And he had to get surgery and had some complications, because of course he does, and he’s forced to drop out that semester and quit the rowing team because he’s in the hospital for so long. He comes back the next semester but isn’t able to rejoin the rowing team because they’re mid season.
The next year he’s so freaking determined to make the team and he does. Then the year after that, technically his junior year, he makes Varsity. Then there’s the issues and he gets kicked off, but brought back a several weeks into his “senior” year to cox the JV crew and they win gold at the Olympics. He’s left feeling super accomplished and everyone is super excited for him because like like what a way to go out for your last year. But sike, he’s actually gotta stick around for another semester because he’s behind on some credits he missed his freshman year, not that anyone on the crew knows that. And he would love to stay with his boys for another year, even if he’s gotta stay for another full year and even if they lose every race (which Bobby knows for a fact they won’t), it’ll be worth it.
He’s a pre-law student so he looks through the every handbook and rulebook for athletics and academics and he discovers that technically he’s still eligible since he didn’t even get to compete in a single race his freshman year. So he gathers his extensive medical records and stuff and goes to Ulbrickson. He keeps it a secret because he doesn’t want to get the other boys’ hopes up, and the other coaches have to agree to it or something.
TLDR; Bobby gets redshirted his Freshman year due to medical reasons (ie dropped out of school and rowing for his first semester) and finds a way to get approved for a “fifth” year
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savvylittlecoxswain · 4 months
Bobby’s father was a “prominent member of the citizenry” in the small town of Montesano, Washington. He’d lived there ever since he first immigrated to the US from Switzerland at the age of 15. He was “a proud member of the all-volunteer fire department” and had “on every important committee for decades and decades.”
The thing about towns of 2,500 people is that they care for their own, rally around folks in times of need and help out however they can. So when Bobby falls ill, the son of such a beloved local business owner, I know they had to have done just that.
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