#;someone tell the south to calm down please
wannabepapa · 2 years
@widenmyhips here, just jumping in with some possible writing inspo? your cold weather/winter scenes are so cute but do you have any scenes about being pregnant in the summer, when it’s sunny and warm? love your work ✨
hi darling! thank you for the compliment you are very sweet. i'm glad you are enjoying my work because lately it feels like i have not been doing a very good job at my words coming across as comprehensive or even readable.
and for summer vibes? i can only imagine that being relatively uncomfortable. i live in the south and it is absolutely disgusting with the humidity making it like a swamp. worst of all the poor thing having the first trimester in the cooler months then as they get bigger the temperature rises? that would be a miserable existence without doing everything in your power to stay cool
↳ when you are wearing clothes they are very thin and breathable to not overheat. lots of short and loose tank tops or even no shirt on at all (those who have a chest would wear a comfortable bra) ↳ you're carrying around a huge water bottle to keep hydrated. no matter how awful it is to constantly have to pee you would much rather drink all the water, liquid iv, and electrolyte water so you don't feel like garbage later ↳ there is a small battery powered fan that goes out with you to keep you cool. it's not even a hot day most of the time but the child growing in your belly makes you so hot there is already sweat at your hairline when you step outside. you can't even have your partner hold your hand or stand too close because of how hot you feel ↳ your freezer is full of ice pops and ice cream for when you need a little pick-me-up. that old wives tale about having something hot to cool you down was a mistake—you did try it and not only did it make you break out in a sweat but the baby went crazy kicking your insides. never again. only cold things from now on ↳ naked is the only way you can sleep in the later months of your pregnancy. you sleep in the guest room with a fan blasting on you with nothing covering your body while your partner is asleep in the other room. it's hard being alone with no one to rub your belly when the baby gets active at four in the morning or kissing you good morning but you don't want to freeze your partner with the fan on you. ↳ in your last months in the privacy of your home you've got little on but underwear (bra if you have a chest or start developing them) when no one is around. you've been on leave for weeks now so you didn't need to wear anything. anyone that tries to come over know to call first before dropping in so no surprise nakey times traumatize people. not that you care. you're gravid and very uncomfortable in your house, it's not a bad thing. plus you're body is beautifully round everyone should be jealous.
that's all i have right now sorry! hope i did this justice
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astuteology · 3 months
please please please make more solar return observations🙏🙏🙏
You ask... i deliver~😋
👾Solar return observations👾
Stellium in the 12th house- could either mean one of the following things: getting frequently sick, being hospitalised, mental health disorders, accidents or being weak, low energy levels.😴 (I have 6 planets of mine this year and i just came back from the hospital after getting treated for food poisoning 😷)
Sun, Mercury, nodes or chiron in the 12th- you may hear alot of not-so-good news about people close to you or your parents, your friends or your parents friends'. Like someone died suddenly, someone getting diagnosed with cancer, a robbery, etc. 🤒😔
Venus in the 12th- it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have a heartbreak, although it completely depends on you, what stage of life are you in. Usually it manifests as having dreams about your celebrity crushes or real life crushes, your past lovers, or your fear about love. You could be running away from someone or something in your dreams. 🪱💭
Moon and mars conjunction in the 3rd- fights🤬 expect alot of fights with people around you. People will purposely or not, get on your nerves and it'll be hard for you to sit quietly. Anxious, restlessness, aggression, irritation, annoyed are the common feelings that come with this. 🤯🤖
Lilith in the 7th- your friends may try to take your partner away from you, kinda like snatching them from you. Maybe you'll discover that your friends or siblings had a crush on your partner for a long time🙄. If you're single, people would want to be with you. You may attract negative, jealous, manipulative people who wants to use you only. 😑
Mercury or north/south node in the 12th- you are likely to have paranormal experiences or hear voices. You could also be able to tell if a person is about to die just by touching their hands or anything. Depends on your spiritual level though. 👻🙀
Venus in the 6th indicates open enemies😄 and venus in the 12th indicates hidden😶‍🌫️. Open enemies are likely to harm you physically and hidden enemies, emotionally.
Moon in the 12th- could indicate that no matter how angry you were with someone or something or a situation, or if you were holding grudges against people, youre more likely to calm down and just accept. You'll be exhausted, you wouldn't gaf about what happened. 😪
Mercury in the 11th- lets say you changed schools/universities/jobs, people would approach you because you look so peculiar and unique to them. They surely wanna be your friends. This could also mean that you get selected in jobs/universities that are related to law, teacher, professions related to technology, social media, or crime investigation.😵‍💫
Jupiter in the 2nd- money incoming~~ youre likely to feel more grounded and contained. Your selft esteem, self confidence skyrockets. Feeling more happy than usual. Helping random people. You may also get alot of flowers. 😚
Now add saturn in the 2nd house with that, you'll have trouble saving/spending money. Getting anxious. Not trusting your judgement. Indecisive. Sleepless nights, insomnia. No appetite🥴. BUT... its not gonna last long, saturn is here to keep you humbled and stay detached to the material things or the things that you want but don't need.🥸
Wherever saturn is placed in your sr, make sure you don't hurt anyone or else saturn's gonna smack your ass in front of the people🙃. Let's say it's in your 5th, and you messed up pretty badly or hurted someone the previous year, saturn's gonna humiliate you in front of kids, your close friends or places related to the 5th house. May even embarrass you😇. Let's say you lied or deceived someone who loved you, and you have saturn in the 7th.............. you'll know then how it feels to get cheated on.😗
Vertex in the 5th- going to alot of parties, marriages, baby shower, birthdays, events, concerts, etc.🧜‍♀️🧚🏻‍♀️
Vertex in the 6th- getting sick. Stomach infection, intestinal infection, ear/eye infection. Strange but you could also wear glasses or lenses for the first time this year. 🤓🤧
Moon in the 10th- either you will let people know what had happened to you the previous year/recently or people will know from your face and body language that something went down the hill. It may also be a time where you would rethink everything that has happened to you and try to make sense of it.😔
Pisces/ gemini venus- could indicate two people are after you, they could be two best friends. Or people who change sides. 👀👎
Saturn+ moon, moon+ mars, mars+nodes, Saturn+mars, moon+ nodes in the 2nd- any of these conjunctions or 3 of these planets in the 2nd, please please please try to control your mind!!! Try deep breathing when you feel scared. These placements can make someone feel unnecessary fears, feeling anxious for no reason, getting scared easily, overthinking not curiosity. Wanting to cry alot (cry if it makes you feel light because you have to let your emotions out in ANY WAY!!!!). Your mental health will get very badly messed up. You wouldn't want to be left alone. Scared of darkness. Hallucinations. 🧠
Nodes square venus, venus square chiron, venus square uranus- breakup 💔
Saturn/lilith square ascendant- defamation😿
Venus conjunct uranus- sudden relationship 🐕
Moon square venus- breaking up because it wasn't fulfilling or finding out your partner cheated on you.🦂
Scorpio rising- people want to touch you or see you naked. They may also keep their pedophile tendencies hidden. 🕸🪰
Venus/Jupiter/neptune in the 11th- you may fall for one of your friends or your friend may fall for you. Could also be friend of a friend. 🌛🌜
Mars in the 10th- people may not approve of your new relationship, new job, new hairstyle, etc. Kinda sparks jealousy in them. 🌋
Moon+lilith conjunction in the 2nd- you may notice that people go silent when you start to speak. They hear very intently😌👂. Square could mean misinterpreted words or people purposely twisting your words to make you appear as the bad guy.😠💢👊
That's it for now! Ill be back soon to answer your questions and engage with you. As of now I'll be recovering! Thanks for reading! :)
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b1rds3ye · 1 year
Hi! Hello! I'm not sure if I can make a request, but if I can here's my request!
Can you do an LED mask reader who has a workshop underneath the base that the 141 doesn't know about (except Price, he approved it he just didn't tell the others, he didn't tell Shepherd too)
And when someone breaks something (like a gadget) they tell them to come to their workshop so they can fix it
It's okay if you don't do this! I just really like the idea :)
YES YES YES PLS THIS IS SO CUTE!! (Also PLEASE don't be afraid to invade my askbox, it's always open for brainrot, requests and the such~) Unfortunately I couldn't really incorporate the mask into this, just reader being a lil gremlin I hope that's okay 😭
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The base has bunkers in case of an emergency and evacuation, but there are some passages and dead-ends that have become completely neglected. Price doesn't know how the hell you caught wind of those abandoned rooms but with his authority combined with Laswell's, they manage to allocate a space for you without the knowledge of any stuffy generals like Shepherd.
While it takes some months until anyone else in the 141 is invited to your underground workshop, they do know something is up. One minute you're around and then the next you've disappeared and unreachable (the first few weeks when you cleaned up the bunkers there was absolutely no signal underground). However they had enough faith in you and Price's lack of concern was signal enough to calm down.
It was only when Soap had come back from a mission, he could only groan in despair at his battered hardware. He's normally a clean demolitions expert, but a mission going south quicker than he could blink meant that his typical tools had succumbed to the explosions he set off. Unable to say no to Johnny's pout as he looked around at everyone like a kicked puppy, you eventually give him a reassuring pat on the back.
"See me downstairs, I'll fix it."
... what?
Johnny - as well as Gaz and Ghost who watched the exchange - just stare at you silently as you walk away. Downstairs? You mean the run down evacuation tunnels that are so run down and poorly maintained they're probably more of a death trap than whatever could be up above? But sure enough, you walk in the direction to one of the known entrances to the bunkers and they hastily chase after you (Price also following a little behind because he just knows this is going to be entertaining).
When they find you downstairs, even Price is in awe of what you've done with the place. It's filled with various forms of high-end tech. An impressive blend of both software running automatically on clean screens and gritty hardware that's sprawled across various workbenches and occasionally forgotten on the ground. There's only a singular hanging light at the center of the ceiling, but with a fresh bulb and the ambient light of all your other technology, the place is lit more than enough.
"Bloody hell..." Kyle pulls away from the rest of the 141 and joins you, his eyes following the curves and dips of a nearby piece of machinery he has never seen before but the general shape has him half convinced it's a bloody bomb.
"Like what you see?" You turn to the rest of the task force. You can't stop yourself from straightening your back in pride as the boys were clearly in awe of your handiwork.
"You were hiding this from us?" Simon asks. His voice always has a bite but you could tell that he was just stupefied, his question not just directed to you as he shoots a look to Price who stifles a smug smirk.
"We had some spare space," Price explains. "Thought it could use the renovation."
"Renovation? You rebuilt this from the ground up," Johnny exclaims, taking in the room as if it was a hidden hoard of treasures.
"Say, you'd let us pay you a visit down here, yeah?" Kyle turns back to you, eyes gleaming. The rest of the task force join in their own way. Johnny's nodding enthusiastically, John cocks an eyebrow at you, and even Simon tilts his head in curiosity, waiting for your next words.
"Hm..." you look away, bringing a finger to your chin and tapping it in contemplation. Eventually you let out a huff as you snatch Johnny's broken gear from his hands and start shooing them out. "I'll have to think about it. I'll get back to you in five to seven business days."
Johnny starts animatedly protesting but lets himself be pushed by you out of the door. Kyle laughs while Price hushes them all. Below all the commotion was an underlying understanding and agreement. You don't even need to say it aloud but they'll all certainly be crashing at your underground workshop and they were more than welcome to. In truth, as much as you loved having your private workshop, the only thing that could make it better was entrusting it with the dearest people in your lives.
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Call of Duty Masterlist
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sofiareidings · 1 year
Falling For You
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Summary: Spencer is completely oblivious to how madly in love you are. That's it. Warnings: fluff and swearing.
A/N: I feel like this idea has been done before, so if I subconsciously copied a fic, let me know!! Also, I didn't mean to do it, but this story is technically spencerxgn!reader so. Also, i'm back!! Another story is coming out at 9pm EST, so be ready!!!
Word Count: 0.9k
Song Suggestions: Wildest Dreams (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
You two clicked immediately. It was strange, you were both so opposite. I guess that's what made it work. What he lacked you made up for and reversed. Not many other people knew much about your personal life except for him. Your favourite thing about him was his words. Everytime he rambled about the most random times you could listen forever.
Whenever he looked at you, you melted. When he smiled your face burned from blushing. And whenever he talked you just wanted to kiss him. But you had no clue if he felt the same. For a genius he was quite oblivious to your flirting and comments. If he liked you he definitely had a good way of hiding it.
There was only one issue.
The movie was about halfway through and you made sure to turn the couch into a bed, Spencer had come over to watch it with you. If someone asked you tomorrow morning what the movie was about you wouldn't be able to say, he'd been talking the whole time.
"...That actually isn't correct," He started, moving his hands around for emphasis. "In the wild, there are two formally recognised lion subspecies. The African lion is found in Africa, south of the Sahara desert. The Asiatic lion exists in one small population around Gir Forest National Park in western India. Wild lions in the west and central Africa are more closely related to these Asiatic lions in India than to those found in southern and east Africa. So realistically the characters would be..."
Listening to him talk was like heaven, but at the same time it was hell. He just looked so huggable.
No, kissable. The butterflies in your stomach made you giggle, he paused and frowned. Looking like a lost puppy.
"What? Did I say something wrong?" Stumbling over the words as he spoke, you stopped laughing and grabbed his hands while smiling.
"No, no you didn't. It was just…cute." You muttered.
"Thank you?" A confused look on his face when he responded. Your heart shattered a little, that was obvious wasn't it? Did his feelings not reciprocate? "Oh! Also, manes on male lions tell a story. Male lions grow impressive manes the older they get. These manes grow up to 16 cm long and are a sign of dominance. The older they get, the darker their manes go. As well as attracting females, their manes may also protect…"
His words trailed off again and he stared at you. "You keep being weird. You're all red. Did I say something wrong? I know that sometimes I speak for too long and I go on and on, which annoys people-" He sighed, "And I'm doing it now. I'm sorry."
"No, please. I love when you talk. It's calming." Grinning, you continued, "So what about protection?"
"Oh, um…manes can also protect their neck and head from injuries during a fight." He slowed down his speaking, like he was a little self-conscious about his words now. When he stopped talking everything was silent, except for the sound of the movie quietly playing on the TV in front of you.
"Spence? What's wrong?" Tilting your head and looking at him, he was staring at the TV but he didn't seem to be watching it. Just thinking, his eyebrows furrowed like they normally did while he was deep in thought. "What are you thinking about?"
"Have you been flirting with me?" He blurted out, looking back up and at you. You almost jumped, not expecting that question.
"What?" Still in shock it took you a minute to respond. Letting the silence fill the air again, he didn't speak. He just stared, waiting for an answer. "I-What would you think if I was?"
"I would've wished I'd noticed sooner." He sighed, making that puppy-dog face you loved. Neither of you really knew what to do and sat there for what you would believe could've been hours.
"Fuck it." You breathed out and as if he knew what you were thinking as well he leaned in at the same time as you, kissing you softly. After a couple seconds you felt his hands wrap around your face, holding it as he kissed more.
Your hands didn't know where to go, after a couple more seconds they finally found their place, one around the back of his neck and the other tucked around his waist. Pulling you closer to him.
A couple seconds later you both moved away from each other, only long enough to catch your breaths and muttering random words. Before you knew it the both of you were back to kissing, to make up for how long you guys spent not kissing.
The longer it went the closer to each other you got, his one hand started to slide down your neck and then your waist when suddenly your hand hit a button and the movie that was still playing turned up to full volume.
Both scrambling for the remote he managed to shut the TV off, surrounding you both in the darkness of the night.
The two of you continued to kiss every once in a while but it didn't take long for the darkness to make you both sleepy and you ended up just cuddling. You fell asleep with your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. He had one hand holding you close to him, as if someone was coming to steal you away. The other hand tracing up and down your back until he too, drifted off to sleep.
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chao-thicc-hcs · 1 year
Hello good sir, I was wondering if you would take the time out of your day and consider making a headcannon of the TR characters "mikey, izana , sanzu, south" reaction to "there s/o being attacked and beaten for being in a relationship with them"
I would very much appreciate if you made this HC but I do understand if you did not, thanks for indulging me🙏
a/n: it's miss ^^ Sorry for the long wait, I was burn out and tired from work.
↧ next time, for anyone wondering, please specify what timeline you want the characters to be from, especially mikey and sanzu, cuz yk
Their s/o being beaten up because they're in a relationship with them
featuring: bonten!sanzu and mikey; toman!mikey; south terano, izana kurokawa
warning(s): mentions of blood, beating up, reader being hurt, mentions of guns and drugs
n o t p r o o f r e a d !, will be edited in the future.
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you had a date with Mikey a little bit before a gang meet up, but you were late, something that was VERY unusual of you
he was worried and roamed around the place like a fly without its head
until you came crying to him, bruised and cut all over your body
he froze on the spot and immediately wrapped his hands around you
he was shaking, asking you what happened and all that
you had to calm down and catch your breath before being able to form a coherent sentence about what happened
you were walking to where your little date was going to take place, and a group of gang members cornered you in an alley and started punching you
thankfully, there was a cop nearby who heard your screams and scared away the assaulters
he will be furious, lifting you up and carrying you to the place where you were attacked
asks you to tell him the dudes that attacked you
if you remember correctly and show him who they were, he will start beating them up immediately. He won't care where you are
A cafe? A park? School?? He don't give a damn, he's launching on them like a rottweiler on a piece of meat
after you've successfuly ran away from the cops (if it was a public space) Mikey will take you to his room and start hugging you
He doesn't let go at all. He has his arms wrapped around you while you're laying on him, and groans if you try to move the slightest
very cautious onward. always making sure you're with him or with someone from Toman to protect you just in case
he knew that eventually, he had to face such occasion, but he's not going to let you go - he will make sure to do everything he can to protect you and instill fear in his enemies, so they don't ever touch you
finds the leader of the gang and beats them up heavily, making all the members watch, then he beats them up too
deffo asks you to sleep over for a couple of days so you can calm down and have fresh memories of him hugging you and just loving you
glares at everyone
i'd like to think nobody from Toman knows you're dating, because he is afraid that someone might be a traitor and try to do something to you
and he keeps you even more in secret, making sure you don't even look at any familiar gang faces of Mikey's, but he doesn't dare being sneaky behind your back. you have his heart, after all <3
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The boy was hugging you under the dim lights of his room. It was already 8pm, and you were too tired to even bother going to your own home. The past events left both of you shaken, especially Mikey, who held you tight in his arms, as if you were about to slip away from his embrace.
He knew there will be more occasions like these, and that he had to protect you. Looking at your relaxed expression, his gaze softened, and his calloused hand gently stroked your cheek, then brushed your hair with his fingers.
-I promise to protect you with everything I've got, even if that means I have to sacrifice myself.-he muttered to himself, placing a peck on your forehead.
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sitting on his chair in the gloomy office, lit only by a fucking hanging light that barely even illuminated anything, he was contemplating his life choices
his peaceful thought process was ceased by sanzu, who was carrying you in his arms bridal style, barging inside the office
"boss, someone attacked y/n. i managed to save them before it's too late."
mikey abruptly got out of the chair and rushed to you, pushing sanzu away and holding you close to him
asks you over and over again how you're feeling, his voice shaky and his eyes wide
he'd immediately place you on his lap on the chair and order the members to try and find them
you'd spend the rest of the evening snuggled on his lap, and he won't let you go
always, a l w a y s sends someone by your side when you go outside
he wants these bastards' blood to seep into the carpets, floors and even curtains of his office
he'd fucking torture them in his own office, savouring every single moment and even recording their screams to play on an mp3 or sth
most of the time, he'd coax you into spending the entire day with him and not go outside, especially when there aren't any Bonten members available to accompany you
he'd definitely try and teach you self defense, though
he'd also contemplate breaking up with you for the sake of your own health, because he KNOWS this will happen again in the future, and you might even end up dead
in the end he can't let go of you and decides to fight until the end
might take a whole week off just to stay in his apartment with you, eating the meals you prepare him and talking with you on the balcony
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Chilly breeze sent shivers down your body. The night was young, the bustling streets of the city and the neon lights of the nearby clubs illuminated your faces with different colors. Mikey's gaze was fixated on you, or more precisely - your face. There were still quite a decent amount of scars and bruises on it, making his heart shatter.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Mikey placed his hand on your lower back, the other one gently massaging your arm, pulling you in for a kiss. Without overthinking it, you returned the kiss, your arms gently placed on his shoulders.
-Nothing is ever going to separate us, my love. No matter how many of them attack, I will always be your shield.
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boy oh boy
izana is usually always with you, no matter where you go. he'd either glue himself to you or not see you all day
anyways on one particular evening while going to the convenience store, you were cornered and ganged on by a group of hoodlums who seemed to have not so good intentions with you
thankfully, you always told izana where you went, since danger lurks everywhere, especially because you're stuck with him
since you were not replying to his messages for too long, he wasted no second and rushed to the said store
you were hugging yourself as various other people were around you, trying to calm you down. he pushed them all away and started interrogating you (affectionately)
izana is posessive, and he will always keep you under his surveillance and won't let you go anywhere without him
if you manage to give him clear explanation who the dudes were, he'd visit their homes and beat them up with their parents one by one
takes you everywhere with him, including meetings with Tenjiku, fights, or simple hang outs
treats you like a royalty though - buys you new clothes, buys you food and etc.
a very good listener. can listen to you ramble about random stuff all day and does so, if it means it will make you feel better
treats your wounds himself, he has some decent knowledge in this aspect, at least
often takes you on rooftop dates
he basically forces you to live with him, but it's okay because he's spoiling you and you never lift a finger <3
writes songs about you and plays them on his guitar (he can't sing that well but he tries and you like it).
buys new fish for his tank and names them after both of you
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Watching the fish in the tank, you were deep in thought as the two fishes Izana got for both of you move alongside each other, as if they're fallen deeply into the hazy clouds of love.
A sudden melody shot you awake from the daydream, whipping your head to see your boyfriend sitting on the couch playing his guitar, gesturing you to sit next to him. You do so and embark yourself into the melody he's performing, swaying your body left and right.
-I will never let this happen to you, again.-his voice echoed through the room as he strummed his final note.
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being the fucking ass he is, he got "high" once again and accidentally got lost
actually, you lost him
you began searching every nook and alleyway, until a group of people recognized you and began ganging up on you
luckily, sanzu was near and heard your screams, and even in his drugged state, he launched himself at them and first beat them up, then blowed their brains out in front of you
you were covered in blood, and the fucker just whistled and began carrying you bridal style to your shared home
behind the walls of your own room he breaks down and starts searching your body for any bruises, cuts or wounds. Frantically asks you questions and holds you close to him
will not let you leave your shared home until he feels like it is safe
he's paranoid as hell and oftentimes expects someone to barge inside your home and hurt you again, so he's gonna patrol the home like a guard dog
always makes excuses to go with you in places. "Uh, I ah- I need a new shampoo!" "Oh, I just wanted to choose the tomatoes today!" and shit he usually would never do
Watches you in your sleep, deffo
when he prepares for work, he always leaves a small note with "take care" written on it
asks mikey to let him clock out sooner until his paranoia fades away
takes you on night rides, but the fucker has a terrible driving tactic and always makes stupid mistakes (not serious but enough to make your stomach drop)
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Parking his car in a random empty parking lot, Sanzu caressed your thigh gently, fiddling with the hem of your shorts, drawing circles on your thighs, or even slightly tickling you.
Sanzu looked into your eyes like you were a renaissance painting, completely mesmerized by how perfectly the car lights illuminated your features and how immaculately your hair fell in front of your face, so much so he wasn't capable of resisting the urge to kiss and touch you on the spot.
-I will never let anyone tarnish my angel again.-Sanzu's voice was low and sensual, as his hands traversed your neck and collarbone.
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you had a fight with him and stormed off your shared apartment, tears urging to escape your eyes
you knew it was risky, but fights with south are always ugly and tormenting, so you decided i'd be best for you to calm yourself down before facing him again
you visited your favourite spot where you frist met him, but unbeknowst to you - there was a surprise waiting there
south couldn't sit straight, especially after letting you go out alone in this late hour
he knew you always visited this particular place when you were upset, and thank god he arrived there on time
the last thing you remembered is him throwing the dudes into a tree and swinging them around like they were some potato sacks
you woke up in your shared apartment yet again, with south's back facing you
the hospital was far away, and he tried to take care of you alone
thankfully you weren't hurt too bad
from that day on, south kept his mouth shut more often, not daring to say anything that might upset you even the slightest and cause you to storm off the apartment alone yet again
he seemed more affectionate than usual, always carrying you around the house like royalty and insisting on doing all the chores instead
makes you bubble baths and does your hair care/body care routine for you
sings for you (it's canon he's the no 1 best singer), especially your favorite songs while he dances with you around the apartment
submerges you in gifts as an apology for causing you to get beaten up
he's feels extremely guilty, but he's not good with words, so you're stuck with him gift-giving you
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Laying under the huge pile of toys South had bought for you to cuddle when he isn't around, inhaling the scent of one of his T-shirts that you were wearing - the anticipation of your lover to come back home and hold you was growing stronger and stronger.
The sun rays illuminating the room and hitting your body overwhelmed you, and you felt yourself slowly drifting into slumber, cuddling a pink bear that held a heart with South's name sewn onto it.
-Where darkness first beckoned me.-South's voice was deep and gentle, singing the lyrics of one of your favorite songs while gently brushing your hair.
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the song he sang is ''into the void'' by twin tribes, chosen because it is one of my favorites
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©chao-thicc-hcs; reblogs are deeply appreciated.
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willalove75 · 1 year
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 15 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: The day starts out rough and emotions run high. After another heart-to-heart with Alcina, Cassandra decides to teach you some self defense moves.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: light angst, fluff
Notes: Part 15!
Click here for the rest of the series
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In the darkness everything is cold yet you're sweating. Fear radiates through your body causing you to tremble. You can feel your heart still breaking in your chest.
The sound of her voice sends another bolt of fear through you. She sounds far away. No matter where you turn all you see is darkness.
Her voice is closer now. Lurking somewhere in the shadows. The sobs you've been desperately holding on to escape your grasp.
Your eyes open only to be met with a pair of swirling gold irises. Panic sets in and fight or flight takes over.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" You scream as you fumble backwards.
When you don't move away fast enough, you look down to find yourself tangled in bedsheets. Your eyes dart around the room as you take in your surroundings.
Everything is blurry but starts to come into focus. The figure in front of you begins to take shape. The details becoming more defined. Finally, you see Alcina.
Immediately you notice her demeanor, her hand in the air like she recoiled from you, how her lips are parted. Then you see the look in her eyes.
Alcina wakes up when she feels you tossing and turning next to her. She sits up and looks out the window, the sun has just risen. It's still early. Looking over at you, she watches as you begin to thrash. Whimpers and cries escape from your lips. Right away she knew you were having a nightmare.
You let out a scream and startle Alcina.
"Shh, draga, it's okay. It's just a dream." She says, stroking your hair.
"No, please, no!" You mumble.
Alcina tries to comfort you but you fight against her touch. She can tell you're in a deep sleep. She doesn't begin to worry until tears stream down your cheeks and you cry out again.
"NO! PLEASE!" You scream.
"Draga!" Alcina shouts, trying to shake you awake. "Draga!"
You toss and turn in bed, fighting against her.
"Damnit y/n, wake up! Draga!"
Your eyes snap open and meet hers. The look in your eyes is one that is all too familiar to Alcina. A look that countless victims of hers had. The look many maidens have given her. The way someone would look at her right before she ended their life. It was a look of pure terror. It was the way someone would look at her when they were looking at a monster.
Alcina recoils from you as you scream and try to get away. Her heart drops into the pit of her stomach. She knows deep down it wasn't a look you gave her intentionally, that you would never look at her like that. That you were just having a terrible nightmare and you were scared. But the way you looked at her was a reminder of who she really is. A reminder of how the world sees her.
The look Alcina has in her eyes sends your heart plummeting south. You immediately realize you were dreaming, it was just a nightmare. Yet you screamed at her to get away from you. You looked at her with terror in your eyes. You looked at her like she was a monster. She saw it, you can tell she recognized that look. Like she's seen it hundreds of times before - well, she probably has.
More tears stream down your face, you're horrified of what you did.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You sob. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
With your hands covering your face you scoot back on the bed more, putting more distance between you and Alcina.
"Draga mea it's okay, it's okay."
You repeat "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." over and over again like a broken record. The mattress sinks a little and you feel Alcina's arms wrap around you and pull you close. Removing your hands from your face, you grab onto her nightgown and sob into her.
"Shh, it's okay love. Calm down, it's okay."
"No it's not." You cry.
"Yes it is, you were having a nightmare. It's not your fault, it's okay."
Alcina kisses the top of your head and rests her cheek against it. She begins to rock you back and fourth in an attempt to soothe you.
"I'm so sorry. I was so scared, I didn't- I didn't know I was awake. I didn't mean it, I swear Alci I didn't mean it."
"I know my love, I know. It's okay. It's not your fault, okay?"
You nod into her and cry some more. Alcina continues to rock you and whisper to you as she tries to calm you down.
As your cries soften and eventually come to a stop Alcina pulls away and cups your tiny face in her large hands. Wiping away your tears with her thumbs, she looks into your eyes.
"Are you okay draga mea?"
"Yeah," you say with a nod. "I just feel so horrible. I'm so sorry."
Another tear falls and Alcina wipes it away. She leans down and places a kiss on your forehead.
"You have nothing to apologize for, draga. Everything is okay, I am okay. Alright?"
"Are you sure? That look on your face, that look in your eyes, I've never seen you look like that before. You looked so hurt. And it was because of me!" You say as more tears fall.
Alcina shushes you and wipes away your tears.
"It's not your fault love. You were having a nightmare. You didn't know you were awake. It was evident that you were terrified. I was just taken by surprise."
"I hurt you. I saw the look on your face Alcina. The way I screamed and tried to get away from you hurt you."
"It did. But I know you meant no harm, that you were scared. You didn't know what you were doing. It's okay my love, I forgive you. Please don't fret over this."
"Are you sure?"
"I am more than certain."
Alcina takes her hands away from your face and wraps them around you again. You bury your face into her nightgown and hold onto her.
"What were you dreaming of, draga?" You shake your head "No." "Please my love, tell me?"
"I can't."
"Draga please?" Your grip around her tightens and you shake your head again. Alcina takes a deep breath. When she exhales, her breath is shaky. "It was about me, wasn't it?"
Alcina feels your body stiffen in her arms and hears your heartbeat begin to increase. She pulls away and looks into your eyes.
"Please, tell me."
You stare back into her gorgeous gold eyes. There's a somber look in them that makes your heart ache. Her eyes plead with you. Almost as if she doesn't want to know the answer, she needs to know the answer.
Alcina adjusts and sits up against the headboard, holding you close the whole time.
You begin to recall your nightmare. When you tell her she ripped out Stefana's throat with her teeth you hear her smirk. Looking up at her, the corner of her lip is pulled into a small smile.
"If only I was so lucky." She chuckles and kisses you on the head. "Please, continue."
When you tell her how she approached you, how she got in your face and mocked you, she holds you tighter.
"Then you lifted me up by my throat and I was crying. I said that you said you never hurt me and you said 'And you believed me? Silly girl.' then your claws came out. I was begging you to stop, I told you I loved you and-" You start to cry more and you shake your head.
Alcina releases another shaky breath.
"What happened next?" You shake your head again. "Draga, please tell me what happened."
You look up at Alcina and you see tears filing her eyes. Unable to hold her gaze you look down.
"You said 'This is what you get when you love a monster.'" Your voice was like a whisper. As if saying it too loudly was going to make it worse. "Then you slashed at me."
Alcina lifts you in her arms and buries her face into your neck. She cradles the back of your head with one hand and rubs circles across your back with the other. Her hot tears run down your shoulder and you hold her tight.
"I am so sorry draga mea."
"It's not your fault! It was just a stupid dream!"
She sits up and takes a moment to compose herself.
"I know my love, but you had this dream because you're traumatized. And I played a hand in your trauma-"
"You didn't-"
"I did. And for that I am so deeply sorry. I wish I did more to protect you, draga. I failed you, more than once I failed you. I promise I will never do it again. I am never going to let anything happen to you ever again."
She holds you in a protective grip. It's almost possessive. Like you would be in danger if she let you go. Her breathing gets harder and you immediately notice it. Looking up at her, you see a faraway look in her eyes. As if she's looking at some kind of danger in the distance.
Your feelings of guilt and sadness give way to concern when you see how Alcina is reacting. There's something going on inside of her that she's battling and you know it has to do with you.
"Hey." You say, bringing your hand to her cheek. It takes a second for her to snap out of it but her eyes meet yours and soften. "I love you. I love that you want to protect me from anything and everything, but I just don't think it's possible." Her eyebrows furrow, disapproving of what you're saying. "I know you're going to do everything you can to protect me. But I need you to go easy on yourself when you can't. Because there will be times where you can't. Okay?"
"I can't lose you."
"You won't."
"Draga mea you don't understand. I can not lose you. I can not let anything happen to you. I can't. If something happens to you- if I lose you- I- I don't know if I would survive."
Her grip on you tightens and the wheels in your head begin to turn.
"What's going to happen in however many years from now when I grow old and die?"
"I don't want to think about that, I can't. Our time is already so limited my love." You look up at her, unsure of what she means. She lets out a sigh and kisses the top of your head. "Time passes much differently for us because we are immortal. Lifetimes go by in the blink of an eye. I've had many maids grow old and die here and it always happens so quickly. What feels like decades to you only feels like a couple of years to me. That's why our time is limited. Because to me, it is. If something were to happen that makes our time together even shorter it will kill me. I am certain of it."
The way time passes for Alcina and the girls was never something you took into consideration before. When you think about it, the way Alcina and the girls look at humans is similar to how humans look at pets. They can live for years, sometimes even decades, but when they're gone it feels like you only had them for such a short period of time. And then your life goes on without them. Before you know it, you've been without them for longer than you've had them. Even if it hurts - even when it hurts - your life still continues. You understand her fears more now than ever, but that still doesn't change the fact that she can't protect you from everything. Including Mother Miranda - especially Mother Miranda.
"I never thought about that before. The way time passes for you."
"Being immortal changes many things that humans would never even think to consider."
"I'm sorry that I'll be able to get you for my whole life, but you'll only have me for a small part of yours."
A smile pulls at the corners of Alcina's lips. Her eyes glow with love and admiration as she stares into yours.
"That is not something you must ever apologize for, draga."
"I know, but it's not fair."
"Unfortunately, life is not fair. And being immortal doesn't make it any more or less fair."
"I love you, Alcina."
"Și eu te iubesc draga mea."
Alcina leans down and captures your lips with hers, pulling you into a soft kiss.
"Is there anything I can do?"
"The only thing there is to do my love is to enjoy each others company as often as we possibly can. To love each other as much as we can."
"I think I can do that." You say with a smirk.
"I'm sure you can." She teases.
Alcina leans down and kisses you again. When you kiss her back you feel electricity up your spine. You're certain she feels it too by the way she kisses you a little harder. Alcina begins to ball the back of your nightgown up in her hand and you tangle your fingers into her hair. Her tongue glides across your bottom lip and you part them, letting her in.
A moan emerges from the back of your throat into her mouth when your tongues meet. Alcina swallows it with a purr and kisses you harder. She flips you onto your back in one fluid motion and hovers above you. Her lips leave yours and travel down your jaw to your neck leaving soft, wet kisses in their wake. Alcina's hot breath skates across your skin causing you to tighten your grip in her hair. She purrs into your neck as she peppers it with kisses.
"You are so beautiful." She says between kisses. "So perfect."
"And all yours." You pant.
Alcina's lips leave your neck and she hovers above you once more. A look of surprise and adoration residing in her eyes.
"All mine?"
"All yours Alcina. Forever."
Her pupils eclipse her golden irises. Leaving the tiniest ring of gold around them when they blow. Her lips crash into yours and she kisses you with a hunger you've never seen before. Travelling down your jaw, she nips and sucks at your skin until she reaches your pulse point. She swipes her tongue over it and sucks and nips at the spot. You arch your back into her and she slides one of her thick thighs between your legs and presses against you. A groan escapes from your lips and you grind down onto her. Alcina's lips travel down your neck to your collarbones. One of her hands comes to rest on your hip as you roll them into her. Just as Alcina begins to travel down to your sternum you hear a knock at the door. A growl rumbles deep in her chest at the interruption.
"Who is it?" She snaps.
"It's Antonia, my Lady." One of the higher ranking maids. Alcina growls again, the grasp she has on your hip tightens. She goes to speak again but Antonia beats her to it. "I apologize my Lady but Mother Miranda is on the phone."
Alcina grabs at the sheets in frustration and hangs her head. If there's any way to absolutely kill the mood, any mention of Mother Miranda will certainly do it.
"I will be out in a moment."
She looks back at you and brings the hand on your hip up to cup your face.
"I'm sorry my love."
"It's okay."
Alcina kisses you once more before she pulls away and gets out of bed. She grabs one of her robes from her armoire and puts it on, tying the sash tightly around her waist. After wrapping a silk scarf around her head and quickly putting on some lipstick and mascara she heads towards the door.
"I have every intention of continuing where we left off later, pet." She says with a wink before opening the door and ducking out.
You lay back in bed for a little while longer with a smile plastered across your face before getting up and getting dressed. Just as you're finishing up, the breakfast bell rings and you head downstairs.
As you walk into the dining room, the three girls appear.
"You're up!" Daniela yells before pulling you into a near bone-crushing hug.
"Dani be careful with her! We don't want her to have any more broken bones!" Bela scolds.
"Sorry," Daniela says, letting go. "I just got excited."
"I know kiddo, it's okay." You say, pulling her into a normal hug.
Bela walks up to you and gives you a hug and Cassandra stands there awkwardly for a second before punching your arm.
"Cass!" Bela scolds.
"I'm glad you're not dead."
"Thanks Cass." You say with a smile.
As the four of you take your seats you notice Alcina hasn't come in yet. You hope her conversation with Mother Miranda isn't still going on, and if it is, you at least hope it's going well.
"Where's mom?" Daniela asks you.
"Mother Miranda called her this morning."
The three girls groan in unison.
"I fucking hate her." Cassandra mumbles.
"Cassandra!" Bela says.
"Oh come on, you don't like her either!" Cassandra argues.
The girls start to yell at each other and Daniela joins in.
"Wait, wait, wait! Chill out you three." You say. "Why don't you guys like her?"
"Because she treats mom like shit." Cassandra deadpans.
"And us." Daniela adds.
"But she's worse with mom." Bela says.
"Way worse." Daniela says.
"And mom just does whatever she asks, even if she doesn't want to! It's so stupid! I don't know why she doesn't just tell her to fuck off." Cassandra says.
"She can't!" Bela says.
"Yes she can!"
They start to argue again and you cut them off.
"Guys, enough, okay? Your mom and Mother Miranda have a complicated relationship. I don't know if it's as simple as her being able to say 'no' to her. I think there's a lot more to it than we know."
"No, mom's just desperate for Miranda's approval for some stupid reason. She wants to be perfect in her eyes. It's pathetic." Cassandra says.
"Mom is NOT pathetic!" Daniela yells.
"Alright, alright. Listen, I get it. I don't know the full reason why she's like that, why she lets Miranda walk all over her. But like I said, I think there's a lot that we don't know about their dynamic. Your mom told me a lot last night about Miranda and the cadou. I think she feels indebted to Miranda for giving her everything, the castle, the business. Mostly for giving her you three. I think there's more to it than we think. So lets just give her a break? Okay?"
The three girls nod in agreement and the maids bring out breakfast.
Alcina never made it to breakfast. After you ate you followed Daniela into the library to read with her.
"Can we finally finish that book we started before you became a recluse?"
"Yes, of course." You say, rolling your eyes at her.
The two of you read for a few hours before Cassandra flies into the library.
"What's up?" You ask.
"I was thinking, you're going to be at that meeting next week, right?"
"Well, from what I can tell, you can't fight for shit. Or fight at all. I've actually never seen you fight before so I'm going to assume you can't fight at all."
"Right, anyway, I was thinking of talking to mom about training you a little. Just some basic self defense stuff in case things go sideways so you're not completely defenseless. But I wanted to check with you first and see if you're interested?"
"Actually, that's not a bad idea Cass!"
"Yeah, who knows what's going to happen next week. And you're right, I definitely can't fight. Plus, it'll be good to learn a few things anyway. You never know when you're gonna need self defense."
"Awesome! I'll talk to mom at lunch. If she's at lunch that is. I don't think she's left her study yet."
"Ew." Daniela says.
"Tell me about it." Cassandra says.
"That sounds good to me, we'll talk to her today."
"Alright, I'm gonna go prepare some stuff so we can start right away! See you later!" Cassandra says, bursting with excitement.
"I don't think I've ever seen her that excited before." You say.
"There are very few things that do excite her. Art and fighting are the big two." Daniela says.
"What else is there?"
"Let me revise my last statement: art and fighting are the only two."
"Fair enough." You say with a laugh.
The lunch bells ring just as you're finishing up the book with Daniela. The two of you head into the dining room and find Alcina already seated at the table. You immediately notice her demeanor is off. She's sat back in her chair, has her cigarette holder between her two fingers and looks exhausted and frustrated.
"Mom!" Daniela says as she flies over to her.
"Hello my bug." Alcina says.
Daniela wraps her arms around her mothers neck and kisses her cheek.
"We missed you at breakfast this morning!"
"I know, I apologize for my absence. I only just got off of the phone a few moments ago."
"She kept you on the phone for that long?!" You say.
"Not quite, although she did keep me on the phone well after breakfast. She insisted that I meet with my idiot younger brother before the meeting to come up with a plan of action regarding the hunters. And that this new plan is to be presented at next weeks meeting." She says, pinching the bridge of her nose. "So then I had to call that imbecil and make arrangements to meet. And since I absolutely refuse to step foot in that landfill he calls a home, I had no choice but to invite him to the castle."
"Uncle Heisenberg is coming?!" Cassandra says.
"When?!" Daniela asks.
"In a few days." Alcina says.
"Oh I wonder if he'll make you a weapon y/n!" Cassandra says.
"A weapon?! For what?!"
Cassandra and Daniela exchange looks and look back at their mother.
"Well, about that, I wanted to ask you something! I already talked to y/n about it and she said it was fine!" Alcina glances at you and looks back at her daughter. "I was wondering if you would let me train y/n. I think it's a good idea to teach her some self defense and teach her a few basic fighting techniques." Alcina's lips press into a thin line. "Mom she can't fight to save her life! And if gods forbid something happens and none of us are there to help her, she's super fucked."
"Cassandra! Language!"
"I'm sorry! But it's true!"
Alcina pinches the bridge of her nose and tries to ground herself. After she puts her hand back down she takes a long drag from the cigarette holder and exhales through her nose.
"And you agreed to this?" She asks, looking at you.
"I mean, yeah. It can't hurt Alcina, it'll be good for me to know how to defend myself so I'm not always so, I don't know, defenseless?"
Alcina's eyes shift between you and her daughter for a few moments before landing on Cassandra.
"I presume you came up with a regime, yes?"
"You know it!"
"And what is your plan?"
"Well, if we can start today, I'll teach her the basics. Heel-palm strike, eye strike, knee strike, what to do if she's knocked down and different ways to escape an opponents attack."
Alcina ponders for a moment before looking over at you. You flash her a small smile and she returns the gesture. Although you notice her smile doesn't reach her eyes.
"Alright, fine. I suppose it isn't the worst idea. But please, Cassandra, be careful."
"YES! I will mom I promise! Y/n, can we start after lunch?"
"Uh, yeah, sure! Daniela and I finished the book we were reading and that was really the only thing on my agenda for the day." You say.
"So how often are we going to train?"
"Yes, Cassandra, how often are you planning on training?" Alcina asks.
"Well, I was thinking every day. At least until the meeting."
"Every day?!"
"Yeah! You gotta be in tip-top shape in case anything goes sideways!"
"Cass I don't know if I can physically handle every day. We have what? 6 days until the meeting? Give me at least one day off."
"Alright, fine. We will train today and tomorrow, take off the next day when Uncle Heisenberg is here and train for the next three days until the meeting!"
"Please go easy the day before the meeting Cassandra." Alcina says. "I don't want to risk any kind of injury beforehand."
"Okay, then the day before the meeting will just be an easy recap day to go over everything and fine-tune whatever needs it."
"That seems fair, I'm in." You say.
The five of you enjoy lunch and have a pleasant conversation. Alcina is attentive but you can tell something is bothering her.
When the meal ends Cassandra gets up in a hurry.
"Let's go y/n!"
"Where are we going?"
"The armory!"
"I'll meet you there in a minute, okay?"
Cassandra's eyes shift between you and her mother.
"Alright fine, but hurry up, we don't have all day!"
Cassandra, Daniela and Bela buzz out of the room leaving you and Alcina alone.
"Is everything alright, draga?" Alcina asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You say as you climb into her lap. "It's you I'm worried about."
You make yourself comfortable as you straddle one of Alcina's thighs and cup her face in your hands.
"And why is that?"
"I don't know, something about you feels off. What happened with the conversation with Mother Miranda?"
"Quite frankly is was boring. She tends to drone on about things that are of no importance to me."
"But?" You ask and Alcina smirks at you, shaking her head.
"But, she did once again make it clear that she is expecting you to be in attendance at the meeting."
"Ah, there it is."
"I so desperately wish I knew what she wanted with you. It frightens me not knowing her motives. Not knowing what her plans are. If she plans to harm you to get back at me or because she is actually interested in you as a test subject. I have no idea, draga. I really don't."
"I know, it scares me too."
"It does?"
"Yeah, of course it does. Especially now that I know what I know after you told me everything. It's terrifying. She's terrifying. And she has this hold over you and it breaks my heart. I know you can't say no to her, even I don't understand why."
"It's complicated-"
"I know it is, and you don't owe me an explanation. It's just, I see what it does to you. What she does to you. And I hate it and I wish I could make it stop or go away. For your sake, and the girls'." Alcina gives you a look. "The girls are worried about you too Alcina. They were arguing about it over breakfast this morning. They hate that Miranda has this hold over you. They see how she hurts you, how she treats you like garbage and they hate it. They just want you to tell her off and be done with her."
Alcina sighs and runs her hand through your hair, resting it on the back of your head.
"If only it was that simple, draga mea."
"I know, and that's what I told them. That it was more complicated than that and they had to understand that you're doing the best you can."
Alcina says nothing and just looks at you. You watch as her eyes shift as she takes in every detail of your face.
"Where on earth did you come from?" Alcina says under her breath.
"The village?" You say, teasing her.
Alcina laughs and shakes her head.
"You are extraordinary my love."
"So are you Alcina."
Alcina wraps her arms around you and pulls you into her, holding you tight. You wrap your arms around her neck and hug her back.
"I hope you know just how much I love you draga mea."
"I think I have an idea." You say with a giggle. "I hope you know how much I love you too Alci."
"I do, draga, I do."
When she pulls away you bring your hands to her face and pull her in for a kiss. You manage to take her by surprise for a second but she quickly overcomes it and kisses you back.
"You should head to the armory, Cassandra's patience is probably wearing thin."
"She does take after her mother after all." You say with a smirk.
Alcina gives you an offended look accompanied by a small gasp and immediately begins poking your sides.
"NO!" You say as you squirm in her lap.
"Don't think I forgot about your ticklish spot there, draga." She teases, poking you a few more times.
"Okay, okay, okay, okay! I was kidding! Please!" You yell between laughs.
Alcina laughs with you and pulls you in for another kiss when she finishes poking you. When your lips part she lifts you off of her lap and onto the floor.
"Alright draga, go on. We mustn't delay your training any further."
"Okay fine." You say with a smile. "I'll see you at dinner?"
"Yes, I will be there. I promise."
You head up to the armory and find Cassandra pacing the floor.
"Finally! Where the hell have you been?!"
"Sorry! I was talking to your mom-"
"Gross, spare me the details of your love life will you?"
"I didn't even-"
"We're already behind schedule! Lets go."
Cassandra begins teaching you some basic self defense moves. She shows you three basic moves: heel-palm strike, eye strike and knee strike. They're simple enough to learn but Cassandra is meticulous of your stance, your posture, how you extend your arm and leg when you strike, everything. After she feels confident you got the basics of it down, she suggest you using them on her.
"What if I hurt you?" You ask, genuinely concerned.
Cassandra bursts into a fit of laughter. She doubles over and wipes a tear from her eye.
"Oh man, you're kidding right? That was funny."
"Cass I'm serious!"
"Y/n, you can't hurt me, even if you tried. I'm made of flies? Remember? The only thing that can really hurt me is the cold. Aside from that, I'll be fine. Even if you shoot me at point-blank range with a shotgun, I'll just create more flies to fill the hole."
Now you seem to understand why she laughed so hard at what you said.
"Okay, if you say so."
The two of you practice for a few more hours. As you're sparring she teaches you what to do if you get knocked down and how to escape an attack. She spars with you until the dinner bell rings. Much to your surprise the training towards the end got more intense than you thought it would have and by the end of it, you're exhausted. You and Cassandra enter the dining room in between Bela and Daniela and Alcina comes in a minute later.
"How was training girls?" Alcina asks.
"She actually did better than I thought she was gonna. We were able to spar a little at the end. Don't get me wrong, she can still get her ass handed to her-"
"Cassandra, language!" Alcina says.
"Sorry, but, she can at least put up a little bit of a fight now and not just roll over."
You roll your eyes at her and laugh.
"Well I'm glad it was a productive session then." Alcina says. "did you enjoy your first training session draga?"
"I did, but it wiped me out way more than I thought it would. I'm exhausted."
A pout ghosts Alcina's lips for a split second before it disappears.
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself my love."
After dinner Alcina walks you up to her chambers. Halfway through your trek she decided to pick you up and carry you the rest of the way. You were so tired and walking so slowly Alcina could only take one step every few seconds. If she walked at even a slow pace she would have been halfway across the castle before you managed to get down a single hallway.
You felt yourself dozing off in her arms but tried to stay awake.
When you finally reach her chambers she opens the door and lays you down on the bed.
"Now don't fall asleep yet draga, I am going to run you a bath. Okay?"
"Okay." You say with a yawn.
The next thing you remember is Alcina waking you up.
"Draga, I wasn't even gone for two minutes." She says with a smile.
"I'm sorry, I'm so tired."
"Come, lets get you bathed and back into bed."
Alcina carries you into the bathroom and sits you down on the bench. You try and help her take off your clothes but you're pretty sure you just made it more difficult. She lifts you up and places you in the tub. For a moment the warm water wakes you up more but within a few minutes it soothes you so much you nearly fall asleep in the tub.
After your bath Alcina carries you to bed and dresses you in pajamas. The moment your head hits the pillow it's lights out for you. Alcina removes her hat, gloves and jewelry. She takes off her makeup and finishes getting herself ready for bed. You don't even register the mattress sinking as she climbs into bed next to you. The only thing you notice is an arm wrapping around you and feeling her chest against your back.
"Alci?" You barely say.
"Yes my love?"
"I'm sorry I was afraid of you this morning. But I'm really not afraid of you. I love you. I'm sorry." You turn to face Alcina and cuddle into her as closely as you can.
"It's okay my love, I know. You have nothing to be sorry for. But thank you, draga mea." She places a kiss on your head and holds you tight. "I love you so much. Goodnight my sweet girl. I hope your dreams are more pleasant tonight."
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thataromanticbisexual · 2 months
i have a btsv idea (bear with me while i yap)
to make a long story short if you don't wanna read this:
Gwen finds Miles, they make up, it goes south, plot devices, Miles.G lore yk, yk- they fight spot, split up, Gwen gets injured and Miles doesn't know until the end of the battle, he finds her in the rubble and its an emotional moment, a gut wrenching scene and they kiss
cliché i know SHUT UP
so imagine if when Gwen finds Miles again, they make up but it kinda leads to madness, like Miles shares his plan with Gwen (say hypothetically him and Miles.G have a plan and includes so many dangerou what if's) and Gwen is almost fully against it, saying 'it's too dangerous, you'll get yourself killed!' and he'd reply with some shit like 'better me than them (referring to his parents), at least i won't be sitting around while they die!' But someway and somehow Gwen manages to agree and they fight the spot, and it's a perfect battle sequence. But they get separated, Miles is set on saving his parents and Gwen gets badly injured- and Miles has no idea. It only occurs to him when the battle is over. I’d imagine the scene/conversation to be something like this:
Miles: We’re done, we did it... We did it! Gwen we-
Miles takes a second to look around the rubble and ash, Pav and Hobie in the background, both injured in some way helping out the others. And he realises. . Gwen’s not there.
Miles: -did it..? Gwen?
He looks around again, his eyes landed on Hobie who has his arm around Pav, keeping him upright. He had a concerned expression on his face, and Miles heart instantly drops.
Then I’d imagine the same type of scene where Gwen is searching for Miles in the rubble in Mumbattan, you know the scene. Except now it’s Miles looking for Gwen, desperately trying to find her. He was in full blown panic. At this point Margo or Peter would find her in the rubble, and she’s like sprawled out on the ground, I’d imagine she’s impaled or bashed really good:
Miles rushes over to Gwen on the ground, falling to his knees i front of her. His hands hesitantly hover over her, gently sitting her upright. She grunts, her eyes half lidded, looking up at him.
Miles: Oh shoot, shoot, shoot, SHOOT!
Peter: Miles, you gotta calm down-
Miles: No! No you do NOT get to tell me when to calm down!!
Miles full focus was on Gwen, one of his hands was planted gently against her face, wiping away some dirt and blood from her cheek.
Miles: Gwen you gotta stay with us, you can’t leave! I can’t loose you to- I can’t…
this is also unfinished, i may or may not come back to this but if you have ideas- make it angsty, make it fluff make it GUT WRENCHING AND EVERYTHING THE WHOLE FUCKING PACKAGE
someone give me feedback or your own opinion on this, i'd LOVE TO HEAR IT!! (credit me though please i'd love to read em)
thank you for listening to my absolute nonsense 🫶
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the-air-nomad · 1 year
A wolf's love
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You've known Sokka since you were little. Your father was the chief of another southern tribe and also a close friend of Chief Hakoda. Also, your grandmothers were friends in their youth. 
You were a waterbender but you discovered this shortly after Kya's death so you decided to hide this ability. After the men left for war, your father left you in Kanna's care.
 You became very close to Sokka, and Katara often laughed at your childish love for her brother. Sokka, on the other hand, adores you and has dreamed of you two getting married since childhood. 
When Sokka and Katara brought Aang to the village you were skeptical but then you agreed with Katara hoping that you would be able to find a waterbending master. 
You convinced Sokka to come with you telling him that you need someone strong to protect you. 
When you arrived on Kyoshi Island, you and Sokka argued for the first time since you met. It was the first time you noticed how misogynistic Sokka really was. Sokka begged Suki to teach him to fight and even agreed to wear traditional Kyoshi clothes. You, Katara and Aang laughed but at least you weren't mad at him anymore. 
Then came the meeting with Jet. Sokka will never admit to you how good he felt when he noticed that you also thought there was something wrong with that boy.You helped Sokka save the village.
The visit to the North Pole was a nightmare for you. The brothers found out you were a waterbender and were upset that you didn't tell them sooner. Katara soon gave up her upset being happy that she is not the last waterbender from the South. Sokka was extremely upset, first you lied to him and then you gave up on him to spend time with his sister. He won't admit it, but the fact that he wasn't a bender hurt him a lot. He decided to try to make you jealous by approaching Yue. But things did not go in his favor. After his kiss with Yue from Spirit Oasis, you decided to give up on the idea of ​​a relationship with him.
 Katara could no longer bear the horrible condition her brother was in, so she told you about his plan from the North Pole. To give Sokka a taste of his own medicine, you started flirting with Zuko. Katara thought you were a perfect match for her brother due to your extremely great talent for making plans (notice the sarcasm, please). You and Toph found Sokka's silly jealousy hilarious. 
Sokka was absolutely crazy, what did that fiery head have that he didn't?!
 During the Siege of Ba Sing Se you and Sokka finally confessed your feelings for each other. Sokka was happier than ever but that didn't last because you were seriously injured and lost a lot of blood. You've been unconscious almost as long as Aang. In that time Sokka was completely destroyed. He felt like his life was over and he swore that when you woke up, he couldn't imagine you wouldn't, he would do anything to protect you.
 When you woke up Sokka exploded like fireworks. Even though you felt horrible, you struggled to give him a big smile. After that, things started to go downhill. Sokka had become inhumanly possessive and protective. You tried to talk to Katara and Hakoda but they told you that Sokka acts like this because he doesn't want to lose you like he lost his mother which made you feel like a terrible person.
 When you arrived in the Fire Nation, Sokka followed you like a shadow. At Hama's inn he slept in the same room as you. When you found out that Hama was from the Southern Water Tribe something clicked in your mind. You asked if she had known your paternal grandmother. Her eyes widened when she heard your father's name. It seems that Hama was your grandmother, Sokka's grandmother's friend. That didn't make Sokka calm down and he almost attacked Hama with his sword when she tried to hug you. After Hama was arrested Sokka consoled you saying that you don't need anyone else when you have him.
After Zuko's coronation you and Sokka returned to the South while Katara and Aang had to stay in the Fire Nation. Although Sokka's protectiveness still bothers you, you were extremely happy when Sokka asked you to marry him.
But as heroes never have a simple life, your story has only just begun.
Although I do not own the characters from avatar the last airbender, this work belongs to me! I sincerely hope you liked it. Please rate it and leave a comment! follow me to see my next posts! 💖💖💨
You can buy me a coffe if you want:  buymeacoffee.com/TheAirNomad
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n0tangeliccc · 1 year
I have an idea! NSFW Jealous possesive top creek x reader, the asian girls start drawing reader with other ppl and the ships became very famous around town, tweek n craig have no other option than fuck reader until she can't think straight bc they're jealous as hell and they need to prove that reader belongs to them 💏💏💏💏
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You’re ours
Craig x Fem!Reader x Tweek
Warning: Smut, unprotected sex, oral (m! + f! receiving), cum swallowing (it’s implied), threesome, fingering, degradation (the tiniest bit of praise), slight edging (?), semi-public sex (idk other people can hear you), uh i think that’s everything i don’t know how to tag these things😵‍💫(some parts might sound ooc im sorry!!)
A/N: I didn’t expect y’all to love the Creek stuff but here you go my loves🤭 (also this was not proofread please tell me of any misspellings!!)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
There stood your two lovers, Tweek and Craig, their hands shaking in rage as they looked at the huge mural of you and their close friend Clyde together. Ever since you started hanging out those same girls who once got them together have been shipping you and Clyde together and this made Tweek and Craig absolutely furious. “AcK- Craig can you believe this?” Tweek’s mind was racing with panicked thoughts of you leaving him and Craig “W-what if she leaves us for him aHh! This is too much!!” “Calm down honey” Craig rubs Tweek’s back trying to calm him down before sighing “I knew we should’ve just been open and told everyone we’re in a poly relationship now look at this shit!” He face palmed mentally. Craig knew you were well known around South Park it would have been only a matter of time before you started getting shipped with someone he just wished it was with him and Tweek, I mean they were your boyfriends for fucks sake! “T-That was too much pressure!!” Tweek was practically about to pull his hair out. “Don’t worry I’ve been thinking of a way to make it know” Craig smirks and Tweek gives him a confused look “Don’t worry honey I’ll tell you all about my plan on the way, now come on I’m sure Y/N’s waiting for us at the coffee shop”
As they walk to the shop they couldn’t help but notice something that only fueled their anger and jealousy even more, Clyde. Craig’s whole body tensed up and his grip on Tweek’s hand tightened causing the blonde to turn and look at what was happening.
You had been cleaning a bit while waiting for your lovers to arrive when Clyde had walked in and struck up a conversation. You’re body leaned against the counter as you and Clyde spoke when suddenly you heard the cafe door slam open. “So then I- What the hell??” Clyde jumped as Craig and Tweek walked in “Oh hey guys what’s up?” His smile fading quickly as his friends glared at him “Okay?..Anyways Y/N-“ “AH!-Actually WE need to t-talk to her right now” Tweek cut him off ‘Weird’ you thought, you’d never seen them act like this before “Well we can go into the back office, I’ll be right back Clyde!” You waved as the guys dragged you away from him.
You could feel the tension in the air as you walked in turning to look at your boyfriends. “So…What’s going on guys?” You asked awkwardly “What’s going on?? Seriously Y/N don’t you see what’s being spread around??” Craig answered back angrily “All these people are convinced you’re with Clyde!!” The jealousy pumping through his veins as he pulled you towards him and Tweek “You’re ours and I think it’s time we let people know” he growled in you ear. “I-In here?” You questioned as he grabbed you and sat you on the desk “People will hear guys” Craig smirked “I’m sure you’d like that considering how much of a whore you’ve been lately, don’t you think Tweek?” Tweek chuckled and nodded in agreement “B-better they hear and know”
He kissed down your neck as Craig untied your apron and unbuttoned your work shirt. Both men began leaving trails of hickies down your neck and breast switching sides so Tweek was now in front of you he continued to kiss down your torso, Craig removed your bra and began teasing your tits making you whimper. Tweek unzipped your pants and pulled them down to around your ankles before beginning to kiss your inner thighs running his hands painfully close to your aching core “Tweek..” you whimpered again making both men laugh. “What’s w-wrong baby? Feeling needy?” Tweek looked up at you with a sly grin, you rarely got to see this overly dominant side of him but when you did god did it make you wet. “Please Tweek” “I don’t know Tweek I think she’s been to much of a slut to deserve it” Craig smirked giving your breast a soft squeeze making you groan “So fucking slutty, bet you’re soaked just from us teasing aren’t you?” You hear Tweek chuckle as he pulled down your panties “Oh s-she is Craig” his fingers hovered over your clit teasingly making you shiver in anticipation “F-fucking whore” Tweek growled before sticking two of his fingers into your wet folds. You gasped loudly as he began sliding them in and out of you rapidly “F-Fuck Tweek!!” You moaned loudly “So loud, though you didn’t want anyone to hear this you slut” Craig grinned smugly as he undid his pants “Time to get that pretty mouth of yours to work” he said as he pulled cock out from his pants “Come on bitch you know you want it” You laid back on the desk as Tweek continued to ravish your pussy and Craig tapped his cock on your cheek “Go on, suck it whore” You wasted no time getting to work giving his tip kitten licks as you stoked the rest of his length. “Fuck…good whore” Craig groaned as you began to slowly began to sick your head down his shaft. Tweek smirked and flattered his tongue against your clit teasingly before harshly sucking on it making you moan around Craig cock “Yeah j-just like that baby” he removed his fingers from inside you switching to his tongue, he lapped your juices rapidly making moan even louder as you felt yourself getting closer to cumming. “A-Are you close?” Tweek asked as he pulled away, his thumb circling your clit as you pulled away from Craig and nodded desperately. “Switch?” He asked Craig “Switch” he grinned mischievously as they exchanged spots with Craig between your legs and Tweek in front of you face now. You quickly began to stroke Tweek’s dick before bringing it to your mouth as Craig teased your entrance with his cock making you whimper around Tweek. “G-gah!” Tweek moaned as your mouth did wonders on his cock. Craig slid into your wet folds a low groan escaping his lips as he began slowly began to thrust into you “That’s it take it like a good slut” he cooed in your ear as his thrust began to speed up. You’re moans we’re sending chills up Tweek’s spine as you sucked him off, he grabbed onto your hair pushing himself deeper into your throat “F-fuck- close!!” You continued even faster as you hear his breath quicken “Ngh! Y/N!!” He let out one last high pitched groan before he came in your mouth holding your head down on his cock. Craig chuckled and began thrusting even faster and harder that before as he felt your walls clenching around him “That’s it whore, cum for us” His animalistic thrust sent you over the edge and you came hard screaming out in pleasure “F-fuck” Craig grunted as his thrust became sloppier and he pushed himself into you on last time before he came.
By the next day everyone knew of your relationship with Tweek and Craig. Not because you guys announced it out loud but because poor Clyde heard the whole thing from outside the office and told everyone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
Longest oneshot I’ve written (why it took me so damn long😭) also the dirtiest oml😮‍💨
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pink-sparkly-witch · 1 year
The One That Got Away - Chapter Three
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Warnings: tw: child abuse, tw: verbal abuse, tw: physical abuse, tw: alcoholism, tw: death of a parent (all only mentioned).
Word Count: 1.9k
Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x Female Reader
A/N: There are TRIGGER WARNINGS in this part - please heed these, and if you think you’ll be affected by any of them, please do not read. I didn’t have a beta for this, so all mistakes are mine.
You can catch up here!
My Masterlist     AO3    Ko-Fi
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If someone had told Y/N six weeks ago that she’d be considering a move back to Kansas, she’d have laughed loudly in their face. Still, she’d checked out the vacancy at Lawrence Memorial, and she had to admit that fewer hours and much less stress for the same salary was highly appealing.
In Chicago, Y/N worked a sixty-hour week. The other twelve were expected, but the overtime was nice. If she went to Lawrence, she’d be working a standard forty-eight-hour week with the option of overtime. Even considering those optional hours, she’d still be working a maximum of sixty hours a week in a hospital in a much smaller city. That, and being close to her family and friends, convinced Y/N to apply for the job. Now here she was, a week later, at the car rental desk in Kansas City airport, ready to drive the hour journey to her hometown for an interview.
Y/N felt a little guilty that no one knew she was coming, but she had to return to Chicago tonight for a shift. She wanted nothing more than to see Uncle Bobby and Jody. There were so many thoughts, feelings, and doubts running through her mind, and she knew they’d be quick to calm her down and call her out on all the bullshit.
She still wasn’t entirely convinced this was a good idea, and the somersaults ravaging her insides seemed to be backing that up. She scoffed at how pathetically childish she was acting, suddenly realising that although she’d made a good life in Chicago, she hadn’t made a home. Dean was, and always would be, home. And Dean was in Lawrence.
Y/N wasn’t naïve enough to think Dean was sitting around waiting for her to come home. They’d promised each other they’d move on. And she tried. She tried so hard to keep just one of her promises to him. The problem was, she couldn’t give him up. She didn’t want to. She’d only ever loved and wanted Dean freaking Winchester.
She took the Lawrence exit and headed downtown. She smiled at the familiar streets, shops, boutiques, bars, and restaurants. Her nerves began to settle as happy memories flooded her. Being home spread warmth through her, and everything made perfect sense.
Stopping at a red light on West 6th Street at its junction with Maine Street, she smiled widely at the diner where she and Dean had their first date. It was just as thriving as it’d been fifteen years ago. Y/N’s smile became softer when she saw Uncle Bobby’s engine pull up across the junction, heading south and back to the station. He was sitting shotgun with the same grumpy scowl she remembered from childhood, and the guilt of not telling him she was here weighed heavy on her chest.
When the lights changed and the engine moved forward, her heart stopped when her eyes landed on Dean. He was laughing at something Benny told him, and she was thankful they were too distracted to notice her. What stunned her most was that he was even more handsome now than when they were teenagers.
Y/N smiled; her mind made up that she was coming home if she was lucky enough to get this job. She had to try. She owed them both that.
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Charge Nurse Rowena Macleod led the interview and couldn’t have been nicer. Meg Masters was the HR representative overseeing the process and had a kind face. However, Y/N could sense that she had a mischievous streak hidden in there.
Both women were cheery and friendly, leaving her with no doubts that they genuinely cared about their staff. Rowena’s passion for nursing also shone through, and Y/N hoped she’d get to work with her.
“Okay, dearie,” the petite redhead smiled. “Last few questions. I hope you don’t mind. These are a wee bit more personal,” Rowena smiled kindly, and Y/N exhaled as quietly as she could, trying to ease the nerves.
“You’re a highly qualified nurse only a year away from being a doctor. Why didn’t you continue to medical school?” Rowena’s face was kind, and her tone held no judgement.
“I thought about it and was going to, but I did my final nursing placement in an ER. One night, I stayed on after my shift ended to clock come clinical hours towards my final exams, and we had a major incident. The bleachers at the University of Illinois football field collapsed, and over a hundred students were injured. The doctors were slammed, and the hospital closed to new patients.
“It wasn’t long until the families started to show up outside the hospital, and they weren’t allowed in as we were over capacity and had patients lining the halls, waiting for the next doctor to be free. That night, it became my role to update the patient’s families. I realised I thrived in helping people in a way that was much deeper than diagnosing and treating.
“Treatment of patients will always be the most important thing we do as nurses, but talking and listening to them and providing comfort to them and their families is just as important, and doctors can lose sight of that,” Y/N relaxed, knowing she’d said all she needed to and her passion had shone through.
“Our doctors were amazing that night. They didn’t lose a single patient, but as soon as they moved on to the next one, they’d forgotten everything about the person in the room next door. The nurses knew their names, their medical histories, the medication they’d been given, and who’d been treating them. It was then that I knew I didn’t want to go further. I was already where I was meant to be.”   
Rowena glanced towards Meg, the brief slip of a smile showing she was impressed. Had Y/N not been watching the redhead, she’d have missed it.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Rowena smiled kindly. “Lastly, why are you looking to move from one of the best hospitals in the Midwest to a small city in Kansas?” Again, Rowena’s tone held no judgement.
“I was born here. In this hospital, actually,” Y/N smiled. “My mother died in a house fire when I was little, and in his grief, my father became an alcoholic and took his grief and anger out on me. My name at the time was Y/N Y/L/N. When I turned eighteen, I legally changed my last name to Singer, which was my mother’s maiden name.
“I recently learned that my father doesn’t have much time left, and it’s made me reevaluate my life and the direction I want it to go. I still have family and friends here, and I’ve stayed away from them for too long. So, although I initially thought about only being here until my father passes, I’ve decided it’s time for me to come home.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, and thank you for your honesty,” Meg said kindly.
Y/N could only nod in response, all words failing her at that moment. Too many people in this town knew her, and even more knew her father. Eventually, it would’ve come up, and she didn’t want to lie to a potential new employer.
“We’ll have a decision for you in a few days,” Meg continued. “It was lovely meeting with you.”
“Thank you for seeing me,” Y/N smiled warmly.
“Oh no,” Meg chuckled. “Thank you for seeing us! I know you have to travel straight back to Chicago for a shift,” she finished and stood to shake her hand.
“My goodness, dear! You don’t even have time to visit your family?” Rowena asked sadly.
“No, and that’s why they don’t even know I’m here!” Y/N chuckled. “Well, that, and I didn’t want to get their hopes up about a permanent homecoming too soon!”
“I can understand that, Y/N,” Rowena squeezed her forearm. “Have a safe trip home, and we’ll speak to you in a few days.”
“Thank you. It was great to meet you both,” Y/N smiled and offered the women one last handshake before returning to the rental car. It had gone better than she’d thought, and she knew it would be a long few days of waiting.
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The next few days were absolute hell. When Y/N reported for her shift on her return to Chicago, it was one major incident after another. A drunk driver thought it was a good idea to get behind the wheel and drive down the wrong side of the freeway. After that, a derelict and condemned building collapsed, the floor unable to withstand the weight of the hundreds of people attending an illegal rave. Next came victims of a fire in one of the student accommodation buildings. And to top the night off, just as her shift was about to end, the charge nurse begged her to cover the day shift as a few staff had called off with stomach flu.
When she finally got home from the thirty-hour shift, she showered, ate the leftover pizza Pamela had left for her and went straight to bed. She wanted to sleep for a week solid, but in eighteen short hours, she needed to be back at the hospital for another damn shift. At least she was finally going back onto day shift rotation. Small mercies and all that.
Y/N climbed into bed, pulled the covers up to her chin, and curled up in a ball to get comfortable. She groaned as her joints popped and cracked and her muscles finally relaxed. With a long, loud huff of air, the remaining tension left her body, and she drifted into a deep and dreamless sleep.
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A shrill noise roused her to consciousness, and she blinked at the clock. Y/N groaned in annoyance, realising she’d only been asleep for six hours and grabbed her phone, ready to give someone a piece of her damn mind.
She frowned as she recognised it was a Lawrence area code calling. Taking a breath, she tried to bury the thought that whoever was on the other end of that phone was calling to tell her that her father was dead.
“Hello?” Y/N answered, sounding much stronger than she felt.
“Good morning, Ms Singer. It’s Meg Masters from Lawrence Memorial Hospital. How are you?”
“Morning Meg, I’m good, thank you. How are you?”
“I’m doing great! I’m calling to tell you that Rowena feels like you would be a fantastic addition to the current ER nursing staff, and we would be honoured to have you working here. So, what do you say?” Meg said excitedly. Y/N couldn’t see it, but she could hear the grin in Meg’s voice.
“Oh wow!” Y/N chuckled. “Thank you! Yes, I’d love to join the team. I can’t wait to get started!”
“Great! We look forward to having a nurse with your passion and knowledge on our staff. I know you’ll need some time to move and settle, so I’m proposing your start date be four weeks on Monday; that’s the second.”
“That will be more than enough time. Thank you, Meg,” Y/N smiled.
“No problem, Y/N. Rowena would like to speak with you sometime this week to review some of the finer details and any contract negotiations you have.”
“Of course,” Y/N smiled and gave Meg her shift pattern for the week before ending the call. This is it! Home, sweet home! Y/N smiled as she scrolled through her contacts, finding the person she needed to speak to.
Next Chapter >>
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percervall · 11 months
hi! it’s me coming to be loud in your inbox.
so after us changing our discord pic to *that* goddamn pretty Leon picture, I’m desperate for a 💕 fic for leon!! {kissing somewhere other than the lips}
because god knows that man would be delicious anywhere!!
Only took me 7 months to write this oopsies 🙊 Took some liberties with the request, hope that's alright
so, kiss me
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Pairing: Leon Goretzka x reader Words: 826 Warnings: talk of insecurities, body image, hinting at sexual themes, unedited
As he’s standing in the doorway of their bedroom, he can see her wiping away the tears while looking at her reflection in the mirror. It pains him that she’s hurting but won’t talk to him about it. Oh, Leon has his suspicions –only one look at the front covers of tabloid magazines and Instagram comments is enough. Pushing off the door jam, he walks into the room, coming to stand behind her. While he is fully dressed and ready to go meet their friends for brunch, she is still in just her underwear. Leon rests his hands on her shoulders, making her look up at him in the mirror.
“I- I’m s-sorry,” she says through sobs, hiding her face in her hands. Her body shakes with the force of her sobbing and Leon’s heart breaks for her. He gently turns her around and holds her close, running a hand over her hair as he tries to calm her down. 
“Talk to me, Liebling,” he murmurs. He feels how she takes a deep breath before speaking. She tells him all about the Instagram comments under fanpages, the constant comparisons to other WAGs, how they keep pointing out she’s not skinny enough, not blond enough, not tall enough, not enough. 
“I know they’re all lies, but if you hear something often enough, at one point you start to believe them..” she admits, looking up at him. Leon brushes her tears away with his thumbs, pressing a kiss to her forehead. He is trying his hardest to let the anger he’s feeling towards the people writing those comments show. Leon pulls back slightly, lifting her chin up so he can look her in the eyes.
“I need you to believe me when I tell you that I love you just the way you are, my love. Your body drives me insane.”
“And I love you, too. But I can’t stop thinking about what if you meet someone prettier?” 
“Impossible. Will you let me show you everything I love about you?” She nods hesitantly but Leon will take it.
“Okay,” he says before kissing her forehead again, “I love your brain, the way you think. You’re so smart, have such a deep understanding of your field and I love listening to you talk about your job.” Leon moves his lips to the corner of her mouth, “I love your smile, your laugh. It’s one of my favourite sounds ever. You get the cutest dimple right there when you smile and it drives me wild.” She chuckles when he places another kiss where said dimple is. Leon smiles and moves ever further south, kissing along her collar bones, “I love your neck, the hollow of your throat. Love how you look in that gold necklace with the single pearl dangling right here,” he murmurs against her skin, kissing the spot between her collar bones. He can feel her breath hitching, her fingers now buried in his hair. “Also love how you look wearing a.. Different kind of pearl necklace,” he adds, revelling in the whimper his words elicit. Kneeling down in front of her, he places several kisses on her stomach.
“I love how soft your stomach is, love resting my head here when we lounge in bed all morning. Also love how it begins to tremble when you’re close, when you’re begging me to please let you cum.” Leon smirks when he hears a soft moan escape her lips. He looks up at her, her teeth digging into her bottom lip as she watches him. 
“The same goes for your thighs, your hips, your ass,” he says, trailing kisses up from her knee to just where the seam of her panties ends as he gently squeezes her bum, “Love the way they feel in my hands, love the way they look in that velvet dress you wore at Christmas, can’t get enough of how your thighs feel as you try to squeeze them shut when I’m going down on you. And don’t even get me started on the way your ass jiggles when I fuck you face down on the mattress. Fuck Liebling, the perfect peach to leave my handprints on.” 
She’s almost panting now, a needy whine escaping her lips as she clenches her thighs shut. 
“Okay, I think you’ve made your point,” she says breathlessly. Leon chuckles, rising back to stand in front of her. His hands come to rest on her hips while she wraps her arms around his neck, needing to stand on her tiptoes to reach. Leon’s hands wander lower, resting on the backs of her thighs before lifting her up, making her squeal.
“Oh, I don’t think I have, baby. So many other things I love about you,” he says, voice deepening with lust.
“But our friends! We have plans, Leon-..” Leon just smiles, kissing the words right out of her mouth.
“Forget about them, about brunch. I’d much rather devour you instead.” 
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For the six Leon girlies that follow me, hope you like this blurb!
Please let me know what you think, whether it’s just an assortment of emojis or a keyboard smash: I treasure both equally
Wrote this as part of a kisses challenge I’m taking part in this year. Feel free to send in a request or suggestions!
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oceanbug · 1 year
when worlds collide
smau non!idol ningning x reader
17. anxiety.
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"Are you going to fucking stare at me all day, or are you going to start speaking?"
Ah, that’s what Aeri meant by "you’ll know."
You start to clear your throat and formulate your thoughts. While you think, Giselle starts the conversation.
"Y/n and I aren’t dating." Oh! Okay! I guess that’s how we’re starting things.
"Ugh, Obviously. You two barely know each other?"
"Don’t act like you knew already, Ning; weren’t you the one who ran away crying?" That didn’t take very long for the conversation to go south. You weren’t going to let this meeting go to waste, so you tried to regain control of the conversation.
"Okay! Let’s just calm down a bit. How about we start off with a positive conversation? I’ll start. Ningning, I’m sorry if you felt offended or betrayed in any way by me hanging out with Giselle. It wasn’t my intention. There, now, does anyone else want to give it a try?" Both parties at the table remained silent. Ningning had an angry scowl, while Giselle was smiling brightly.
"Apology accepted? Is that what you want me to say? Listen, it doesn’t matter what I think anyway; in a week we’ll go back to being strangers. Unfortunately, I’ll be stuck with this obsessive stalker for life, but you and I, Y/N,  won’t stay in contact." Ouch. It was obvious that you and Ningning didn’t have the same social circle, and you definitely didn’t plan on staying close to her after the presentation, but did she have to be so rude about it?
"You know, I am curious about one thing, though. How did someone like you end up in contact with someone like you?" She meant Giselle when referring to it, and you knew that. You gave Aeri an apologetic look, and she just returned a bright smile. I guess it didn’t phase her; I mean, she has dealt with Ningning for years.
"I messaged her on Twitter. I felt like we had something in common and could be friends."
"In common? What being backstabbing bitches? Aw, the BB club, cute!"
"Nah, being framed for being buddy buddy with your boy toy."
"Okay! Things seem to be getting out of hand." Like usual, you’re cut off by Ninging.
"How dare you? You’re still lying after all these years? When are you just going to own up to being a slut? It’s getting pathetic. How many times do I have to tell you that Wonyoung told me what you did? Yeonjun even admitted to it."
"How many times do I have to tell you she’s lying?"
"Give me one good reason Wonyoung would lie about that. She’s my best friend."
"So was I. So, why didn’t you believe me?" The room was silent. Ningning's face softened, while Giselle's bright smile faded. You awkwardly cleared your throat and began to speak. Might as well get your thoughts out now before you get cut off again.
"I know you have no reason to trust Giselle or me. I get it. But what if we could prove it to you? Prove that Giselle’s innocent."
"And how do you plan on doing that?"
"Well, in this story, the only people involved are you, Giselle, Wonyoung, and Yeonjun. We’ve gotten 1/4 sides of the story. If you tell us your side of things, we'll already have half of the story together. If we can just get the other half, I’m sure we’ll be able to prove Giselle right."
"What does it matter if I tell you my perspective? It'll just be the same as Wony's since she told me about the cheating. Go ahead, chat it up with Wonyoung and Yeonjun. Why should I stop you? Why even tell me your plan in the first place?" Ningning began packing her things and signaled to her driver that she was ready to go.
Giselle rolled her eyes and responded.
"Ning, you know getting to Wonyoung isn’t going to be easy. We’ll need your help. Please. Just tell us, what did Wonyoung tell you?"
masterlist ~ next
(Synopsis) Y/N had never been the type to take life for granted. You grew up with the mindset that if you wanted something, you had to work for it; So getting paired up with the university’s “Rich Bitch” Ning Yi Zhuo for your midterm was the last thing you wanted. Are you willing to step into the world of fame for an A+?
taglist (open): @azraism ; @kimsgayness ; @sewiouslyz ; @winieter ; @llluvbluy ; @i06kkura ; @everydayiloveyves ; @edamboon ; @rdfgfv
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importantchaosgiver · 5 months
Where Loyalties Lie:
The Lady Knight
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Summary: Nine years into Viserys's reign. And so much yet so little had changed in those year...
Warnings: Canon typical violence and swearing, Daemon being Daemon, angst
No One's POV
The early morning sun shone down upon King's Landing. The warm weather of the south already coming into play. (Y/N) opened the door to the balcony of her room, stepping out and breathing in the morning air. She was still in her nightclothes, a loose shirt and comfortable breeches. It had been quite a long day prior. With all the tension of Aemma's pregnancy and Viserys's insistence that it was a boy. Not to mention the Heirs Tournament that would happen soon. So, what happened with (Y/N)? Well, after Jaehaerys died in 103 AC and Viserys was crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms, he made a move which surprised many. He made (Y/N) Lady Commander of the Kingsguard. She was shocked too, but with her loyalty to the crown and the Targaryen house, it wasn't as much of a surprise to others.
When the sun was visible over the horizon, (Y/N) headed back inside of her room to get ready for the day. She had a quick bath and began putting on her clothes. As she was putting on her armour, a knock came to her door. "Enter," she said, curious to who it would be. Then, Princess Rhaenyra entered. Her expression was hopeful and (Y/N) knew that look all too well. "No," she said instantly. "You did not know what I was going to say," Rhaenyra stated. "You were going to ask if Ser Westerling can go with you to the Dragonpit so you may ride Syrax," (Y/N) replied, raising an eyebrow. Rhaenyra's shoulders fell. Damn (Y/N)'s abilities to see right through her. "Please," Rhaenyra pleaded. "Your mother does not wish for you to ride when she is so close to the due date," the lady knight stated, fixing her armour on properly. "It shall not be a length ride. Just once around the city," Rhaenyra said, picking up (Y/N)'s cloak and handing it to the woman. She looked at Rhaenyra for a solid minute and sighed. "Very well. But if I get blamed for your absence by your father, I'll deal with you myself for your lack of discretion and punctuality," (Y/N) said with a playful exasperation. Rhaenyra grinned and bowed her head, leaving to do just that.
Once (Y/N) was ready, she left her room and went about her duties. She did her usual rounds and checks before she was called into a meeting just as it turned mid-day. She was brisk, entering the Small Council chambers. Viserys smiled as his sworn shield entered. "Lady (Y/N). Still as punctual as ever," he chuckled. She nodded her head with a slight smile, taking her seat. To say his council were... intrigued when Viserys gave her a seat on said council would be correct. Everyone agreed. Well, almost everyone. (Y/N) looked up to see Otto looking at her. He always managed to disguise his emotions rather well. But, she could tell he was either impressed or concerned. Probably both.
"Where is Rhaenyra?" Viserys asked (Y/N), peeling the egg in his hands. "Gone to see her mother, your grace," she said calmly. That was until Rhaenyra arrived late and Viserys smelt dragon on her. She claimed the same story, but he looked at his knight whom was looking back with innocence and slight mischief. Despite her being stoic, calm and collected, she was still mischievous from time to time. When Corlys started speaking of the Triarchy, (Y/N)'s ears pricked up as a slight feeling of unease entered her stomach, making it twist slightly. Her instincts were powerful. And the moment she heard that, she had a feeling something wasn't right. And their leader, The Crabfeeder. But, it was dismissed. However, the feeling didn't go. When the meeting was concluded, she went to leave when a hand stopped her. Corlys.
Otto looked back and narrowed his eyes before leaving with Viserys. He may have to get someone to keep a close eye on (Y/N). "My lord?" she asked, turning to look at him. "The king may not take this seriously, but I know you will. Rhaenys has told me much about you and I am not disappointed from what I have seen since. Should a war break out with the Triarchy, can I count on your aid? Daemon hasn't attended the council in an age. And he is... unhinged at the best of times," Corlys said, his hand still upon the woman's shoulder. (Y/N) knew that wouldn't ask if it were not serious. She gave a subtle nod and left once he let go of her arm. She will always do what was right. No matter what...
"You were very nearly late," Ser Westerling said as (Y/N) arrived just before the king began his speech to being the tourney. "Yes, I know. I am here now, however," she shot back, adjusting her cloak. "It's those dreams, isn't it? You've been skittish ever since the queen was announced to be with child," Westerling muttered so no one could hear them. "They are dreams. That is it and that is all they will be," (Y/N) replied firmly as Viserys began his speech, the crowd applauding. Rhaenyra entered halfway, subtly and quickly taking her seat. However, she heard what (Y/N) said and was intrigued. She had quite a defensive tone. What was that about? Hmm, curious.
Anyways, the tourney hit off with a roaring start with Ser Criston Cole unsaddling both of the Baratheons. And it only got more interesting afterwards. Especially when Otto's eldest child and son, Ser Gwyane Hightower, nearly knocked Daemon off. But, the Rogue Prince managed to unsaddle Gwyane by taking out his horse's front legs. It made everyone gasp, boo and cheer. But (Y/N) could see Otto's lip curling in distate. Otto disliked Daemon and Daemon hated Otto. Enough said. But then, her stomach knotted. Something wasn't right. Even when she couldn't see anything wrong. Her instincts never lied. And this almost felt painful. She looked around, trying to see anything that was wrong. But, there was nothing. At least, not yet. It couldn't have been halfway through the tourney when Viserys left hurriedly after Otto muttered something to him. "Your breathing is shallow," Westerling muttered. "I am fine. Can you blame me?" she asked dismissively. He didn't answer that. His instincts may not be as good as the Lady Commander's, but something didn't sit right.
The tourney then began taking a bloody turn after a few more knights were unsaddled. And then, (Y/N)'s vision blurred and she felt an excruciating pain in her stomach. She let out a choked cry, lurching forward. People instantly stopped at the sign of the Lady Commander in distress. Rhaenys stood up quickly, going over. "(Y/N), what's wrong?!" she asked. But, the lady knight just let out a louder cry of pain as it became excruciating. It was agony! Like someone had just taken a blade to her stomach. She fell to her knees, gripping her gut through her armour. The combatants in the arena stopped as people began panicking, wondering what was happening to her. (Y/N)'s vision was swimming with tears at the severe pain. But she could hear screams that weren't her own. Cries for someone to stop. (Y/N) barely acknowledged Rhaenys or Corlys trying to get through to her, to get her armour off to see what in the Seven Hells was going on.
Then, a face came into view. "Viserys?" she whispered weakly. But, the same time, it wasn't her voice. Not to her ears. It sounded like... gods be good. Then, she felt ice cold and she collapsed onto her side. Corlys lifted her head onto his lap so it could be cushioned as someone shouted for a maester. "She's as cold as death," Lord Strong whispered, his hand touching her forehead. (Y/N)'s vision was slowly growing dark as she could just about hear the wailing of a babe. "... Baelon," she whispered before her eyes closed and she fell into an unconscious state. Ser Westerling quickly put his head to (Y/N)'s chest. "Her heart is slow, but there," he informed. Everyone looked at (Y/N) as she laid there. What had happened?! Little did they know -but were soon made aware- that the queen had just died... in childbirth...
Okay, so I hope you like this little twist. I won't say much, but I hope you like what will happen eventually.
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odetodilfs · 2 years
I was wondering if you could do a fan fic where joel and tommy are traveling but it takes place 20 years before they meet Ellie and they meet someone along the way. they don’t trust him at first but joel starts catching feelings. you could make it smut or fluff it doesn’t really matter based on your previous pieces of work you seem to be a good writer
Please and thank you
Let myself loose
I loved this request so much!! It was super cute to write and overall just amazing, far better than my usual smut. Lots of fluff too!!
Pairing: bottom Joel Miller x top m!reader Warnings: Breeding, mentions of crying, implied homophobia, soft Joel deserves his own warning.
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Joel had always lived with his attraction to men, he knew it, he acknowledged it, he just never told anyone, Texas wasn’t a good place to be queer, so he just pushed down his attraction to men and tried to focus on raising his daughter Sarah instead. It worked out alright for him, he was happy with her. That all changed one day though. After Sarah’s death which he mourned greatly, he and Tommy traveled across the US. Their travels made them closer as brothers and it helped Joel not be as stuck on Sarah’s death. They traveled the country and eventually got used to living in a world where rations were the norm and where vines growing on buildings was nothing out of the ordinary.
You on the other hand had no family and lived in New York, when the pandemic hit, you embraced your identity as a queer man and eventually when New York became deserted, you realized surviving winter there was not going to be easy, so you went further south towards milder climates. You had walked for days and you were exhausted, a clicker had messed up your car engine while you slept so you couldn’t use your car, there, you met Joel and Tommy, “Hey- guys-” you said tiredly, Joel instantly held up a weapon, “Hey, hey, calm down” Tommy said, grabbing the knife in his hand, “Let him talk” “Well, I’ve walked for days, and I’m super hungry…” you said, “and I’m alone” you said, trying to convince them to take them with you, “Do we trust him?” Joel asked, still worried that you might mean harm,” “He’s limping, Joel” Tommy replied almost sassily, “let’s help him” he said, helping you walk.
Joel had eyed you more now and something in him started to tell him, “Help that man walk, don’t let your brother do it” the voices in his head got louder as Tommy got closer to you, “No worries, Tommy, I’ll do this” he said, grabbing your arms and holding you up, “This good?” he asked, he couldn’t help but smile a tiny bit, “Yes, thank you, you have no idea..” you thanked them.
One thing you noticed about these two men was how incredibly good looking they were, but the Joel guy… he was incredible, that mustache, the brown eyes and the way he probably just wanted someone to hold him, he also smelt good, which was another plus for him, you learned the two men were brothers and also learnt Joel had recently suffered from his daughter Sarah’s death. 
“Oh- oh shit man I’m so sorry” you said, patting him on the shoulder, Joel was trying hard to not sob, “Hey, it’s alright to cry” you reassured him, but he just blamed it on the ashes in the fire in front of you, “He’s like that” Tommy stepped in, but he’s a nice fella, anyway, where are you from? We come from Texas,” “New York” you said, “Nice, nice” Tommy kept talking, you could tell Joel was zoned out, probably still mourning Sarah. Joel was also paying attention to every word you were saying, you had caught him and he didn’t know why, but he was just so interested in everything you had to say.
However, the two brothers still distrusted you and it was clear enough, you sometimes caught them talking to each other and acting like they weren’t as soon as they saw you. But Joel started to like you more, eventually fully trusting you more. He noticed himself looking at you for longer than he should have, Tommy sometimes telling him what was the matter with him and why he was zoning out so often, Joel was starting to have to face the reality that he had caught feelings for you.
Your feelings for Joel also continued to grow, you had managed to see another side of him, you went to sleep every night, imagining what those sweet, full looking lips tasted like, holding Joel as physically close as possible, things like those were what made you smile, you had tried to be extra flirty with him, but he just didn’t catch onto your flirting. Tommy decided to part ways and started to live in a city, it was clearly hard for Joel who wanted to keep traveling, but Tommy was tired of walking around, he wanted to settle down, have his own kids. Luckily, you were there for Joel, and he realized he had no choice but to trust you blindly, you and him became like best friends to each other, you were the only thing you both had, which just strengthened your feelings for each other even more. The tension between you two could be cut with a knife, if someone had been with you they definitely would’ve just asked you to kiss already. One night, it was super cold, like your bones start aching kind of cold, and when you were sleeping in a house with no windows, the cold had no trouble getting in, you got to thinking and realized the only way for you to sleep would be to cuddle with Joel, and upon further notice, it was a chance to cuddle him as well, “Joel, I’m fucking cold” you complained, following your plan, you looked at him, he started removing his jacket, he was always so selfless, just one element of the endless list of things you liked about him, “No, you fucking silly, we should… sleep close to each other” you cut yourself off right before saying cuddling, “No, take my jacket” Joel protested, he loved the idea of cuddling you, but he was too nervous, he didn’t have enough confidence, “For fuck’s sake Joel, I said no” you complained, going closer to him, Joel felt himself getting weak as you approached.
You snuggled in close to him, Joel immediately tensed up at the feel of your body warming him up, you turned around so you could see his face, your lips were mere centimeters from each other, “Joel-” you started saying, “Thanks for doing this to keep us warm” he said, still tense, trying to change the topic
“Joel, I know you want to kiss me” you continued, Joel hadn’t done a very good job at keeping his feelings for you hidden… he didn’t reply, he started to panic, you realized you had to make the first move, so you grabbed his head and kissed his lips firmly but sweetly. His lips were amazing, the way your tongues were against each other, the way he tasted, the soft, faint whimpers he let out as he finally gave into the pleasure he’d wanted to feel for so many months. When you pulled apart, Joel still had his eyes closed, he gradually opened them, “I-” he started 
“Joel, it’s alright, I’ve wanted it for months too, you’re the most beautiful man I’ve seen” you confessed as you ran your hand along his cheek, there was a tear rolling down his face, “And I mean it, you could say I love you, the way you get dimples everytime you smile, the way you laugh, the way your face looks so cute when you zone out,” you said, then, he said what you’d dreamed that he’d say one day, “I love you too,” he confessed as he held you, “I’m just so damn afraid of losing you, or maybe I wanted to give this  Sarah business some time, but I’ve loved you ever since I helped you walk when we met” he confessed, his eyes glowing with happy tears, “Now… cuddling sounds good, but don’t you think we can warm ourselves up doing something more… active?” he said, flirting as he stroked your inner thigh, you hadn’t pictured him as the type to flirt, but your dick was getting hard at his words…
“Joel-” you moaned, “I’ve wanted to do this for so, so, fucking long,” he breathed out, “Then do it” he didn’t quite know what to do, it was his first time with a man, but his legs naturally spread for you, you looked at him, you didn’t really mind who was a top and who bottomed, but the way Joel’s legs spread out for you gave you a view of his ass, you wanted to fuck him, be inside him, “It’s my first time with a man-” he moaned, “It’s alright Joel, but we don’t have lube, you’re gonna have to suck me first so I’m lubed enough for you to take me” “Sure, darling” he said, moving down your body and taking out your cock, the cold air hit it but immediately went into Joel’s warm, waiting mouth. Joel sucked your dick and it was the first time he’d sucked a cock, but he was surprisingly good at it and kept trying to swallow your cock, you were shaking in pleasure, his mouth felt amazing, your dick was twitching in his throat. He was extremely eager, you could tell he was trying to lube you up as fast as possible, he was taking your cock so well down his throat, but you felt your orgasm getting close, “F-fuck- Joel, if you don’t stop I’m gonna-” you whimpered, he immediately took your cock out of his mouth, “Are you lubed up now?” he asked so prettily, your dick glistening with his spit, “We could try” you said, taking some of the slick on your dick and putting it on your fingers, then pulled Joel’s pants down, his hole was exposed to you. You started putting your fingers inside him to loosen up, he just moaned and begged for more, being as loud as he wanted to, he was confident no one was around, when you had two fingers buried in his ass, you finally found his prostate, he yelped in pleasure and threw his head back, “Is that good, Joel?” you asked sweetly, “Y-yes- m-more- again-” he whimpered, “As you say, my love” you went back to fingering him, then pushing a third finger in, there was a lack of lube, so you had to be extra gentle with him, but you managed.
As you started to go inside him, he whimpered, you held his hand, “Shh my love, I’m right here” you reassured him,
“This isn’t a one time thing, tell me it’s not a one time thing please” he begged, totally seriously, “it won’t be” you kissed him, “I love you, Joel” you whispered, your dick kept going further inside him, “Oh fuck-” Joel moaned as tears came out of his eyes from happiness and pleasure, “Shhh, it’s alright, you’re taking me well my dear, so well…” you reassured him, your cock brushed past his prostate and he breathed in sharply. His ass felt so warm around your dick, and the way he clenched slightly was giving just the right amount of pressure on your dick.
You moaned as you started thrusting into him, Joel’s eyes shut tight in pleasure, your dick getting closer to orgasm with each thrust, “Please-” he begged, having no idea what he was begging for, all he knew, was that he wanted to be with you for the rest of his life, “What do you want, my sweet Joel?” you asked him, “Ngh-” Joel moaned, he started looking you in the eye, his eyes were wide open just like his mouth, he started breathing hard and Joel came a lot, he was having the best orgasm of his life as you continued fucking into him, the way he clenched around your cock so tightly made you scream in pleasure as well and cum inside him, making him yours. 
You pulled out, “Did you like that?” you asked, smiling
“I loved it” he said, cuddling you and putting his clothes back on, “Better now? Not cold?” he chuckled “No” you said as you laid your head on his chest, “Were you serious?” he asked, “When you said you loved me?” “I was, I’ve loved you for long enough, I couldn’t repress it anymore” you confessed, “But… what if I’m not enough for you?” Joel started, “You are enough for me, Joel,” you said as you brought him in for a soft, sweet kiss on the lips, “you’re everything I’ve ever wanted, a man to love, as we cuddle after sex, but maybe not in a post apocalyptic world, but I’m happy for once, and it’s because of you” you said, “I love you” he simply said and held you to him as he sobbed into your shoulder, “I don’t want to lose you” he said, worried for you, “You won’t, we’ll travel the country together, proudly holding hands, cause no one will be there to call us names, we’ll be free” you held his hand, “We will be” Joel said as he started to fall asleep, “Goodnight, babe” he said, “Goodnight my love, sleep well” you said, now both of you warm.
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dreamsgazer · 2 years
A Bit Closer
Anon requested this fic (my answer here), and I don’t dislike how this turned out!
Hope you all like it, and if so, please comment and reblog, it’s always so appreciated! If you have a request, feel free to send an ask !
Masterlist | AO3 here
Warnings: swearing, mention of blood, murder
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“Bro-“ Lemon sighed pinching his nose.
“Absolutely not!” Tangerine reiterated, rebelliously lifting his chin.
“We need her.”
“The fuck we do!” the man hissed back, ice-coloured eyes sparkling with outrage “The last thing we need is a rookie to fuck up with the assignment!”
“I’m right here, asshole!” you pointed out from the couch where you had been sitting for the last ten minutes, done with being ignored by the Twins.
Tangerine scoffed, glaring at you, but you firmly cut whatever foul reply he was going to spit “You are right, I’m not as seasoned as the two of you when it comes to killing people. However, this mission requires someone smart enough and subtle enough and discreet enough to infiltrate that mansion, retrieve the envelope, and get out as quickly as possible. Neither of you can do that without leaving a trail of corpses behind.”
“Hey, come on now!” Lemon’s outraged voice didn’t stop you “Also, your last mission was such a clusterfuck that I’m surprised someone is still willing to hire you.”
This last part wasn’t exactly true, and you were aware that things in Dubai went south well before the Twins appeared in some sheikh’s palace, but you couldn’t hold back your resentment at being treated like an incompetent child by Tangerine.
“Ok, ok, calm down now. Both of you!” Lemon interjected, pressing a hand on his brother’s chest “I would say to try working together just this once. I dunno about you two, but I could use the money.” Tangerine huffed and cursed before accepting, and he made sure you knew he was agreeing only because the job was ridiculously well compensated. You rolled your eyes at that but refrained to underline you all worked that kind of job for the exact same reason. “And I’m no rookie when it comes to stealing stuff and information,” you added tightening your lips, still offended “Just because I stir away from corpses and troubles doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing. Which is why I was contacted as well for this operation!” Despite the rough start, the mission went incredibly well, all considered – sure, Tangerine had to help you at a certain point, but while retreating from the opulent estate, the envelope full of compromising photos of a very prominent political candidate enjoying himself a bit too much was safely in your hands.
The Twins escorted you to the place agreed for the exchange, and an hour after the photos were gone and your trio was a bit richer.
Lemon grinned “Well, I don’t want to say I’ve told you so, guys-”
“Then don’t,” Tangerine huffed, arms crossed over his chest and a frown barely hidden by his Versace sunglasses.
His Twin tutted “But I did tell you two that it was worth a try!”
“Agreed,” you conceded because not doing so would have been both rude and dishonest, especially towards Lemon. Tangerine could go fuck himself, but his brother had been nice to you for the entirety of the mission. You were just too stubborn to admit that Tangerine was there as well, when you needed a quick way out from that party, having heard someone approaching the studio you were in. He hadn’t left the villa until you both could walk away unnoticed, his arm on your back guiding you outside as if you two were just a couple of bored guests at a normal party.
Lemon beamed at your words snapping you back to the present. He had insisted to give you a lift to the airport. It had been a surprise that Tangerine wanted to tag along.
After that mission, you interacted with them a bit more often. You sold the Twins some intel for a task in Bucharest, then accompanied them to a quick negotiation with some gang about a ransom, and once you flew to Canberra to help them deal with a “fucking authentic Diesel” according to Lemon. The Diesel was dealt with before the day was over, and you found yourself patching up both in a tiny safehouse in desperate need of a cleaning. Truth be told, you expected Tangerine to fuss more about your doing when you pressed a cloth against his ribs, but the massive blood loss and possibly some exhaustion made him quiet and almost… collaborative. As quickly as you could you cleaned his wounds and stitched them, noticing for the first time that his skin was warm, and his muscular torso littered with scars and tattoos. Some of them were nice and others had been clearly done after a job. You wished you had the courage to ask him about them.
“For how long have you been doing this job?” you heard yourself asking, instead. An answer wasn’t really expected, but he surprised you “More years I care to remember. Got my first assignment when I was 18.”
Your eyes widened and he almost challenged you to say something. Which you did, and from his expression, it was clear it wasn’t the reply he wasn’t expecting “It must have been hard. But no wonder you are such a skilled hitman, after all.” A beat of silence, and then he snorted “Are you going to make us pay extra for the nursing service?” You looked him in the eyes, noticing a mischievous grin dancing on his face. Repressing your equally wide one was hard “Of course. And if you don’t stop moving, Tangerine, I’ll double the price.” Tangerine’s laugh was unexpected. It was nice and warm, boyish, in a certain way. You scolded yourself for thinking something kind about him. You berated yourself even more in the weeks after that chat when you finally admitted to yourself how enjoyable it had been to have him pleasantly talking to you, and how nice his skin had felt under your fingers.
You weren’t utterly surprised when the Twins recruited you for another mission. Nothing too big, they said, but they needed someone expert in recognising a counterfeit document. You weren’t sure what to expect from Tangerine after Canberra, but it was disappointing to see he had retreated again into his shell, barely talking to you.
You flew from London to Paris, and he seemed lost in thought, leaving you and Lemon to chat and occasionally glancing at him. They had booked an elegant hotel suite near the Tour Eiffel, and you couldn’t contain your enthusiasm about it. The enthusiasm slightly faded after dinner, when Lemon out of nowhere asked you if you ever carried a gun with you. Tangerine and he had already had a first contact with the gang boss who had the document they needed to inspect, and when they returned to the hotel where they left you the Twins were clearly annoyed and wary.
“No,” you replied, pulling your eyes away from the enchanting view of Paris at night “I don’t usually need a weapon, so I don’t have one. As you could see, my style is more… a sneaky one.” “Did you ever hold one, though?”“Of course, I held a gun before!” you replied, indignantly, hands planted on your hips. Lemon nodded “Cool, and did you ever shoot anyone?”
You hesitated and Tangerine scoffed from behind his book. Your cheeks flushed in annoyance and a hint of embarrassment. Lemon was kinder to you “That’s alright, I’d say you have been lucky if you never had to kill anyone. However,” he said while taking out a second gun from his holster “you’ll need to learn. Just in case.” “I thought this was going to be an easy job.” Tangerine’s voice intervened calmly “It will be easier if we don’t have to worry about you strolling around without protection. Lemon has a fucking “bad feeling” about it.” Lemon didn’t seem to care for his brother's sceptical attitude and just nodded in agreement.
You weren’t too pleased that their afternoon meeting risked putting you in a situation where you were going to need protection. Shooting was not definitely something you were eager to do. Killing, even less.
There was a precise reason you had decided to stick with theft, spying, and selling information here and there, and that was because you didn’t think you had in yourself the will to end someone else’s life. Destiny may had forced you in this peculiar field, but you had sworn to yourself you would stir away from troubles as much as possible.
Maybe collaborating with the Twins was a terrible idea, after all. Troubles seemed to like and follow them, and you knew – you feared – it was only a matter of time before you got involved in a situation you were unequipped to handle. Not that it was your intention to say that out loud. Tangerine would probably mock you forever and possibly gloat at finding out you were so scared at the mere thought of shooting. Apparently unaware of your internal conflict, Lemon brought you to the other side of the suite. A good chunk of time passed before he declared his satisfaction after teaching you how to properly hold a gun and keep the correct pose “You are not bad at this. I think you could actually hit a possible target, if they don’t move too much.”
You nodded, not trusting your voice, and handed out the weapon to him.
“Keep it,” he shrugged “just in case.”
Your thanks were sincerely grateful, but you so much hoped the gun wouldn’t be needed.
Except that you ended up needing it. Someone snitched on your trio, possibly one of the many enemies the Twins had made in the field. The meeting set up to allow you to inspect this infamous piece of paper was a trap, and guns appeared everywhere.
Tangerine pushed you beyond a staircase, shouting at you to not move from there, before running to help Lemon. It had been when you thought that the worse was passed that you saw a man getting up from the floor, grabbing a shotgun laying next to him. Your hands moved before your brain could process the thing. One moment that man was aiming at the Twins, and the moment after you were pulling the trigger of the little gun Lemon had given you.
The sound was so loud it hurt your ears.
The man fell on the ground with a sinister thud. The blood slowly started to spread under him. He was dead. You had killed him. Someone was talking to you and you swallowed the bile in your throat, trying to focus on the voice suddenly so close to you. “It’s okay, darling. Give me the gun now, it’s over.” You ignored Tangerine’s voice could be so gentle. He quickly grabbed the weapon from your frozen fingers, passing it to Lemon and not letting your hands go “Good girl. Look at me. We gotta move, alright?” You nodded once, your head spinning, and Tangerine’s free hand cupped your face “He deserved it, I promise. You did well, so, so well.” Unsure of what answer would be appropriate, you followed him when he gently tugged you, his arm resolutely holding you against his side, his body shielding your eyes from keep staring at the corpse on the floor.
Lemon’s smile was as gentle as his brother’s grip around your shoulders when he opened the car door for you “Tangerine is right, you did nothing wrong. You saved our lives!”. The drive back to the hotel was unnaturally silent and keeping your body’s trembles at bay was the only thing distracting you from the thought of what you did.
Lemon proclaimed he needed a shower as soon as you set foot in the suite, and with great surprise, Tangerine didn’t go to his bathroom. Instead, he forced you to sit on the velvety sofa and gave you a glass of whiskey. His hands around yours, he helped you drink a sip of two. It was disgusting, but the warmth it spread in your limbs was welcomed. Tangerine smiled at you, tentatively “I need to shower as well. I suggest you do the same. It… helps, trust me.” It helped a bit, but the echo of the shot was still in your brain and the sight of the dead man planted in your brain when you reached them in the living room, seeing they had the room service deliver a dinner you barely touched. Nobody talked much and you felt their eyes checking every single movement. Lemon called your name “We are sorry things went shit like that.” You nodded, sipping a bit of water “It’s ok, I should have expected that sooner or later – well, it was meant to happen, right?”
That night you couldn’t sleep. Clearly. Maybe crying would have helped, but your throat felt dry and constricted, your eyes even worse. You were frozen in shock and fear. The bedroom seemed too little and the ceiling too close. With a gasp, you threw your covers away and quickly walked in search of fresh air. Tangerine was laying against the balcony’s railing in the living room. You hesitated, but he turned sensing your presence and motioned for you to go to the terrace with him.
“Can’t sleep?” a flicker of light sparked in the night and he lit his cigarette with expert gestures “Want one, love?” You didn’t know if it was his unexpectedly kind voice, or the fact that he used a pet name, or the fact that it felt as if the two of you were the only ones awake in the entire city, but you couldn’t answer, a painful lump of tears forming in your throat. You just hoped that the relative darkness of the terrace was enough to hide your distraught state.
“Perhaps I should go – I should go back inside,” you murmured, clearing your throat and clasping together your shaking hands. It was not a surprise, but a real shock when Tangerine took a step closer to you, his hands gently enveloping yours to steady them. You felt everything at once, your eyes finally swelling with tears, your lip wobbling, cheeks flushed in mortification and a not little amount of pleasure in having him so close, despite everything.
A huge sob escaped your contracted lips regardless of your valiant efforts to compose yourself.
Tangerine paused the tiniest fraction of a second before taking you in his arms. Pressing your face in the gentle curve where his neck met his shoulder, you wept and sobbed for what it felt an hour. Only when your sobs started to slow down enough for you to take a quivering breath, you realized Tangerine’s hand was moving in slow circles on your back, the other one lightly holding the back of your head. You knew you shouldn’t have lingered against Tangerine letting him softly cradle you, let alone closed your eyes focusing on your heartbeats.
Surely, he was going to recover from that moment of weakness soon enough, pushing you away and hurting your feelings. Feelings that you are too tired to hide anymore, at least to yourself. Pressing your forehead against his shoulder, you wondered when it happened, exactly. When did you develop feelings for him? When did you start hoping he would text or call about a job just to have the resemblance of a contact?
You should have known you were heading in that direction the moment you jumped on an airplane to Australia just because he was there. You should have suffocated whatever you felt but you couldn’t, and now your heart was at risk to be broken. You sighed against him. It was stupid, but oh you were so ready to take the risk.
“Better?” His voice was tender, tickling your temple. You straightened your shoulders, gently pushing against his body “A bit, yes. I’m sorry.” His hands slipped from your nape and your back, just to lend on your elbows, not really allowing you to go too far away from him “What the fuck are you sorry for, love?”
You laughed despite yourself at his quizzical face and choice of words, a solitary tear dropping down your cheek with the movement. Tangerine caressed it away with his thumb, following an imaginary path util he could reach your lower lip, slowly stroking it. The fire under your skin roared alive, making you feel giddy and tingly.
He slowly bent over, clearly giving you time to stop him, to walk away as you should have done if either of you had an ounce of common sense.
Tiptoeing, you instead surged forward, quickly mimicking his previous gesture, and grabbing his nape with shaking fingers.
His pleased laughter died against your lips, when you opened them for him, swallowing his thrilled groan, your doubts, the horror of that day. Every caress of his hands had you feel more centred again. Every swipe of his tongue against yours had you moan and push away bad thoughts. You wanted everything he could give you, and he felt so willing to indulge you.
Tangerine backed you up against the wall, keeping you pressed between the marble surface and his body, squeezing you so tight you weren’t sure off where he started and you ended.
“I’m so fucking sorry I pulled you into this mess,” he panted, his lips kissing every inch of your face he could reach “and you shouldn’t be around us. I can’t guarantee you it won’t happen again, love.”
“I know,” you replied breathlessly “I know. But you didn’t pull me, I decided to -”
He kissed you again, almost ferocious and then he breathed his confession against your swollen lips “I did it. Lemon didn’t want to get you involved this time, he suspected something was off before we arrived here. But -“
Tangerine stopped, his moustache twitching with the nervous movements of his lips “I wanted to see you and I didn’t want to simply pop up at your home and ask you out. Couldn’t risk embarrassing myself if you told me to fuck off, could I?”
You couldn’t hide your surprise and he grunted “I understand if you don’t want to have anything to do with me ever again. If I had listened to my brother... but you know how I am, don’t you?”
“Yes, I do,” you nodded slowly, hands caressing his handsome face “you are stubborn and have the mouth of a sailor, and care for the ones you love more than you care for yourself.”
“A pretty flattering portrait,” he smiled, grasping your wrist and pressing his mouth there.
“What happened wasn’t your fault. Or Lemon’s. You were right to mock me because I don’t usually carry a gun with me. I’ve been naive for too long, for someone working on this kind of job.”
“I wasn’t mocking you. I was laughing at myself, because you are too good for this life, too innocent, and I’m a dangerous man who does terrible things, and I should just tell you to fuck off and never return, you know?”
You nodded “Yes, but I wouldn’t listen to you if you tried.”
“Yeah, I feared that much.”
You hugged him, needing to let him know that you wanted this - him - as much as he did. Things weren’t going to be easy all the time, but you genuinely thought you could build something glorious together.
“Yes, love?”
“As soon as we are back home, you are going to properly ask me out, ok?”
“More than ok.”
He sealed the promise with a kiss. You were in this together.
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b0g-b0y · 2 years
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Gone South Part2 NSFW
Feminization, talks about toys, lingerie.
“You told me a space needed to be filled that was best for what I specialize in sir so I took it and I don’t regret it. What would’ve happened if someone else were in that role? I bet more men would be dead and the mission would have taken a-“ before you could continue you were cut off.” I don’t care about that. I care about you. The last thing I want is to lose a soldier like you out in the field and I especially don’t want to be met with your dead body being shipped back, how would I tell your fam-“ just like what Price did to you. You cut him off with a kiss.”John please can we not do this my love” You asked well hold his face in your hands.” Then what do you want me to do” John asked as he was going to reach for another cigar. But you were quick to grab his hand and lock your fingers together.”I need you to unwind and calm down. I'm not a fragile princess in a tower, I'm a soldier just like you.” You leaned into Price to whisper in his ear.” I can take a beating any time but I think I'd rather you use me.” You whisper to him.” You might be a soldier but I’d rather you stay my princess”. Price moved his hands up and down your body, slowly helping you take off your gear that was still caked with blood and mud. You decided he wasn’t moving fast enough. You grabbed his belt pulling him closer to you.Both his and your belt were undone.” Take your shoes off along with your trousers they’ll get in my way princess” you did as you were told well Price went to fetch a small bottle of lube. Price didn’t waste any time, he spread a good amount on his cock and was quick to run his hand up and down to get an even coverage. “Lay down on your back love” you gave a small hum in response. The both of you were on the floor, your legs around him as he tried his best to prep you as quickly as he could. Price was getting anxious to feel you around him. “John, I'm not made of glass” you spoke softly. With that said Price pushed into you with a sharp trust which led to both of you letting out a moan. ”Bloody hell love your tighter than my fleshlight” Price said before he started to thrust into your ass.”Didn’t know you had one John” you spoke. Price grabbed your wrist pinning it next to your head.” There’s a lot you don’t know” price continued to trust into you he was getting desperate at this point.” Like w-what aha sir” you replied with a moan. “You don’t know that I think about you all dressed up in some pink frilly lingerie” he grunted and reached for your leaky dick.” You don’t know how bad I want to call you baby girl” price grunted in between thrusts. His thrusts were getting sloppy and his hand moved desperately fast around your cock Price was ready to cum and he wanted you to follow. With a few more thrusts he came deep within you. A whimpering hum fell from your lips as you felt him fill you.” That’s it doll be a good girl and cum for me love” Price said to you. His finger now rubbing small circles around the head of your cock that sent you over the edge, your cum spilled out well. Price helped you through your orgasm. After a while of catching your breath you spoke. “ I was hoping to calm you down. John didn’t plan on learning new things about you… does this mean I get to be the mommy well you play daddy with Gaz?” You asked.” Shut it muppet or I’ll make sure you can walk for a week” Price threatens.
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