#;school gossip (asks)
❝ why do you sacrifice so much for me ? ❞
angst starters:
Warren shrugs and pokes his food with a fork. 
“I dunno.” It’s an honest answer, not an eloquent one. He thinks for a moment, pressing his lips together. She deserves a better answer than that. He could come up with one, too. Just give him a moment. 
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“I guess-” He stops. Chews the inside of his cheek. Shrugs again. “I dunno. You’ve done a lot for us. I don’t want you to think we don’t appreciate it.” 
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❝ i didn’t mean to ruin your life . ❞
angst starters:
He stopped. Sighed deeply. 
“Yeah.” Had he meant to sound so bitter? He wasn’t sure. Maybe. Probably. His hands are clenched into fists at his sides. He doesn’t realize that they’re blazing. Not until he looks down. … He doesn’t bother extinguishing them. 
“Yeah, I’m sure you didn’t!” He snapped as he turned to face her. Yeah, he was angry. He was damn furious. Maybe he’d regret this later. He probably would. But, no. Not right now. That was a problem for Warren to deal with in the future. This was a problem for Warren to deal with now. And fuck, it was a problem he was gonna deal with. 
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“But guess what? You did! And now, just like always, I have to clean up your mess!”
… Yeah, definitely gonna regret that later. Oops.
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‘should i hit him with the sword?’
“No.” He says, not bothering to look up. “No swords in Save the Citizen.” He’s picking at a loose thread on his shirt. He pauses to glance over at her.
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“But if you want to turn him into something awful, I’m not saying no.”
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‘keep your special sauce away from me, thanks.’
He rolls his eyes. 
“I have to offer it at least once. It’s policy.” He tucks the notebook away, glancing around before continuing. 
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“Why do you even eat here, anyway? You’re a god. … Do you even need to eat?” He can’t believe he’s never asked that question before. He’s seen her eat, yeah. … At least, he thinks he has. Has he? … Oh no.
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"Support bacteria - they’re the only culture some people have." (From Elise)
I lost the meme rip
He snorts. That’s one way to respond to rude customers. (Fortunately, the troublemaker has left already.) 
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“Still, sorry for that. Hope it didn’t ruin your meal.” 
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"I got you a horse."
“You got me a-” He has to blink and shake his head to clear some invisible fog from his mind, as though that must have made him mishear. Nope. He waits for her to laugh, or crack a grin, or otherwise show that she’s joking. She is the god of mischief, after all. … Again, nope. 
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“Why did you get me a horse?!” 
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If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
Steven Wright (quotes) meme!
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“Sometimes I wish I could.” He sighs, tosses his hair out of his face. “But in my case, that’d just get me arrested.” 
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‘  i hope you end up ok  ’
I lost the meme rip
He hesitates. He’s… Not sure how to respond. Not really. He looks down to his hands. Sighs. Nods once. 
“Yeah.” He stays silent for a while. … He feels like he should say something else. Like what? He didn’t know. He lightly rapped his knuckles against his leg. He glances at her out of the corner of his eye.
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“… You, too.” 
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‘ some kid just skateboarded down my street crying ’
I lost the meme rip
He raises an eyebrow, then looks at the video file attached to the text. … That person looks really familiar. 
Oh my god, that’s Zach.
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[what’s going on up there?]
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‘ i have so many feelings that i can’t process because i’m too ashamed to admit that i have them . ’
I lost the meme rip
He nods. Takes a sip of his drink as he lets his gaze wander. He doesn’t think he’s in any position to be offering her advice. She’s a god, after all. Immortal. She’s been around long before America even existed. What does he know? And, besides, he’s not the best at emotions. He’s not even the fourth best at emotions. Or the seventh. So all he can do is raise his pop can in a sign of solidarity.
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Send 📖 for me to attribute an incorrect quote to our muses! || Accepting
Liv: Check it out, Warren! I successfully bedazzled my face!
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ooc: Just wanted to say you seem to have a pretty solid portrayal of Warren down! Pretty cool to see.
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//Aw, thanks, dude! This is super sweet! ;A; I’m glad you like my boy so much. Feel free to hit me up whenever!
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I intend to live forever - so far, so good. (says the person that has died about 4 times now)
Steven Wright (quotes) meme!
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“Yeah?” He looks up from the dish he’s washing with a raised eyebrow. “I’d be happy surviving to the end of the week.”
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I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.
Steven Wright (quotes) meme! 
“That’s… Too bad?”
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(He’s unsure of how to respond to this.)
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whispers bc "medical" for the nonverbal meme >:0
nonverbal starters
medical wake up in the hospital and find them holding their hand.
He squeezed his eyes shut. It was bright. Too bright. He could see the light even through his eyelids. 
It sucked. He scrunched his face up tighter. … He could still see it. With a muffled groan, he raised his hand to try and wipe at his face. … Oh, there was something holding him in place. He squinted one eye open, still unaccustomed to the light. He’d recognize that puff of hair anywhere.
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“Hey, Liv,” he mumbled, scrubbing his other hand across his face. “What happened?” 
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send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on || Accepting
Oh, man. They were very proud parents, let me tell you. Yeah, even Baron.
Mama Peace was very proud of him, but also very worried. That’s her baby. He’s grown up so much. She’s proud that he made the right choice. She knows it’s not always easy for him. His dad’s rep follows him around like the devil, and people just assume Warren’s turning out the same. She knows he hurts and she knows he’s angry, so the fact that he tries to be the better person, even when it’s against a supervillain, like… He could’ve joined Pain, probably. He could’ve. But he didn’t. Even when it was really dangerous, he chose to be a good person. She’s so, so proud of him for that. But ALSO, he could have died. Or worse, been taken away by Pain. She couldn’t imagine that. She doesn’t really have a lot of good things in her life, any more. Her jobs suck, her apartment is small, she quiet heroing ages ago. Her husband’s in prison, and he’s never getting out. She puts up with it for her son.
He’s the one good thing she has left, as far as she’s concerned. She couldn’t handle losing him. She’d go through hell and high water to get him back, if it came down to it. (For you see, a hero with nothing to lose is dangerously close to becoming the most remorseless villain.)
But also, she’s mad. She’s REALLY mad. Hey, Sky High? Hey, school board? Hey, Agency? Hey, LITERALLY EVERYONE? Why did that happen? Why was that ALLOWED to happen? Shouldn’t there be some security or failsafe to stop literal supervillains from invading the school? ‘Cause whatever you’re doing, it’s not working. Yeah, this was a weird situation. Yes, she understands it was almost impossible to predict. But the fact that a handful of teenagers ended up being the only thing that kept everyone else from dying or worse because they were lucky enough to not get zapped is disgusting. She also thinks the school owes her son at least an apology, for treating him like a criminal at every turn while giving Royal Pain the Royal Treatment. Mama Bear is in the house.
Baron’s in basically the same boat. He’s proud. He’s always been proud of Warren. He doesn’t particularly care if Warren becomes a Hero or a Villain - sure, he’d love to see kiddo take his place in history, some day, but he gets what it’s like to be forced to one path to another - so he’s just glad he’s making a name for himself. Perhaps he was saving the school. Perhaps he was staking his claim. Either way, he (helped) bring down a powerful villain. That gives you clout. He’s mad at the school, too. Definitely shares that sentiment with Mama Bear Penny. He’s not surprised, though. He always had a cynical view of that place. 
More than anything, he’s mad at Pain. As far as he’s concerned, targeting his son, even as indirectly as she did, is a declaration of war. And, with the exception of one rather important incident,
He’s not known for losing.
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