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@fireforce_game × FAIRY TAIL ☄️🔥🚒
#fire force#shinra kusakabe#tamaki kotatsu#arthur boyle#sho kusakabe#fairy tail#natsu dragneel#lucy heartfilia#gray fullbuster#zeref dragneel#acnologia#media#m: game#official#art: official#xover#x: game#with natsu#with gray#with other#star dress#heartfiliasource
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So I've finally read How Do We Relationship? by Tamifull

(spoilers for up to chapter 121 ahead)
What exactly is a relationship? Is it some natural part of the human experience where you pick a life partner? is it a social contract between individuals to ensure exclusive romantic and sexual feelings between each other? Is sex a requirement for a relationship? Is romance even?
I don't know to be honest. What I do know is this: How Do We Relationship? by Tamifull hit me like a truck and then backed up over the corpse.
It might be one of the most nuanced, unflinching and uncompromising works about understanding relationships I've read. I think, in general, a lot of romance fiction feels overly wishful. While I can certainly appreciate a good gushy and feel good romance, it kinda gets tiresome seeing the same "will they, won't they (they will eventually)" and "love at first sight (it works out even though they literally have no chemistry)" stories regurgitated over and over again.
So much of it just feels too fake for me. Like I'm not watching two characters come to understand and fall for each other, I'm watching two halves of a couple who only exist to be a couple. Chemistry? Completely optional! Hardships? Temporary and will only make them love each other more afterwards. Break ups? Reserved exclusively as a failure state or for purely abusive relationships…
What sets How Do We Relationship? apart from its peers is its commitment to understanding its characters as people rather than archetypes. People who each have their own wants, fears, feelings towards sex and romance and most importantly: their own personal definition of what a relationship should be. People who when confronted with each other think they understand how everything should go, only to find out that the other person has a completely different understanding that doesn't fully jive with theirs.
The only yuri series I can think of that does something similar is Yuri is My Job! by Miman. Yuri is My Job! focuses heavily on the idea of fake relationships in Class S stories with it frequently asking "what actually makes something a relationship?"

A lot of Yuri is My Job! is primarily a critique on Class S stories first (possibly also a direct refutation of Maria Watches Over Us… I still need to watch MariMite so I can't say for certain) with a lot of its characters being subversions of classic Class S archetypes. So a lot of its dissections of relationships are done in the context of Class S stories.
That being said, seeing a series directly refuting the idea of a relationship being static and instead coming to the conclusion that the only ones that can decide what a relationship is are the people involved? That stuck with me. How Do We Relationship? is far a more focused dissection of what it means to be in a relationship, or at least, what means for its particularly cast of characters.
Take, for instances, our two main characters: Miwa and Saeko
Miwa and Saeko start out as friends, but after coming out to each other and finding out they're both lesbians, they decide on a whim to date. At first glance, they seem like the perfect couple! After all, they bounce off of each other's personalities really well, enjoy each other's company (both out and about and in the bedroom) and in general seem to care for each other quite deeply. They were made for each other, right? Well, no.
They're both individuals with vastly different personalities, experiences and feelings from each other. Over time they begin to see things in their relationship that bother them. Mostly little things here and there. Nothing they want to start a fight over or strain their relationship over at first but… Small wounds still fester. It eventually finally comes to a head a little bit after Miwa visits her old crush in a high school reunion. It's very clear to both Saeko and Miwa that she hasn't actually gotten over her past feelings for her high school crush. What's more clear to Saeko is that Miwa doesn't feel the same level of love for her and she does for Miwa. Eventually they just… break up and go back to being friends.
In most romance stories, a break up is regularly seen as either the ultimate failure state for a relationship, a temporary set back for a relationship to overcome or purely as an escape valve from an abusive or just kind of shit relationship. The reality is that there many different reasons for a relationship to end.
Could Miwa and Saeko have worked it out? With the path they were heading down, no. Neither of them were willing to fully open up about their problems as both feared hurting the other. Which just ended up with them hurting each other even more. If they had continued the course, their break up might have been far more painful and resulted in them not being able to be friends any more.
And they do get to go back to being friends even after being exes!
I think back to my aunt who divorced her husband several decades ago. They ended their relationship but decided to remain close in part for their daughter's benefit. Over the years they've remained close friends and have gone back to living with each other as well. There's no hard rule that becoming exes means you have to fully cut each other off if that's not what you both want. Certainly there might still be mixed feelings between you both (Miwa and Saeko's relationship as friends certainly takes some huge bumps after they break up), but you shouldn't follow along with what society expects from you both in a relationship versus what you both want from YOUR relationship.
And that right there is Tamifull's thesis statement with How Do We Relationship?: don't determine how your life and relationships should be based on what society expects them to be.
Tamifull doesn't hold back anything when it comes to depicting how society treats relationships in general but also how it treats gay people in specific. While the physical danger of homophobia is always a constant that makes many queer people not want to be open with their queerness, being constantly other-ed in most social situations (whether intentionally or not) can frequently be reason enough to want to stay in the closet. Insensitive questions (that are more often born from ignorance rather than malice), being always seen as an outlier, frequently having to lie about who you like and a million other microaggressions that just build up as extra hardship in a queer relationships. Relationships are already not easy to keep together, but adding additional outside stressors can strain them even harder. Enter Shiho.
Shiho was Miwa's aforementioned high school crush whom she reconnected with during a high school reunion. After Miwa and Saeko's break up, Miwa started keeping up contact with her more and more and eventually has the opportunity to meet with her again. Miwa goes to meet with Shiho in order to confess her past feelings for her. Miwa is fully expecting to get turned down but when she meets Shiho, Shiho seems far more receptive and warm towards Miwa than she was expecting. Whatever mental protections Miwa had against the idea of actually having her feelings reciprocated crumbled as it seems like Shiho might have feelings for her as well? Could she actually get together with her old crush?
Unfortunately, while Shiho does have feelings for Miwa, she doesn't feel strong enough to deal with all the baggage that comes with being in a lesbian relationship with Miwa. She very clearly put a lot of thought into the subject, and while she does care for Miwa, she just can't put herself in a relationship with Miwa. Shiho isn't in the wrong about her own feelings and she doesn't invalidate Miwa's. But it still ends up breaking Miwa far more than if Shiho had out right rejected her.
External factors can have a major effect on relationships but internal factors have arguably far more impact on relationships. Namely: sex and romance. Or more specifically: how everyone has different levels of interest in sex and romance.
Figuring out that I was ace and aro took way longer than it probably should have. "I have no interest in having sex with someone but I still get off to porn so clearly I can't be ace!" was legitimately a thought that stopped me from fully embracing being ace for several years. Eventually I figured out that sex-repulsion isn't a requirement of being ace and that the ace spectrum covers a pretty wide variety of experiences under it and that my own is just as valid as the others.
Over the years I've had to engrave a pretty simple idea into my soul: there is no universal experience when it comes to sex and love. Regardless of whether you're allo, ace or aro, you'll have very different feelings towards sexual and romantic interest than everyone else. Let's take, for example, Rika.
Rika is one of the supporting straight characters of the cast. She's also arguably the most sexually active member of the main cast with easily the highest body count of them all. And yet she does not want a relationship past friends-with-benefits. I'm not sure if she's necessarily aro or just not currently interested in a romantic relationship, but the point is that the main thing she wants from her relationships is sex. And that is completely fine! It sucks that when she explains this to dudes she just fucked who want to start dating her that she only wanted a sexual relationship with them and they respond by thinking she must have some family issues that make her so sexually active (she doesn't) or they respond derogatorily that she's just a slut. That's just part of who she is, there is nothing wrong with her. If she was a guy, it wouldn't even raise an eyebrow.
And then on the flip side, you have Tamaki.
Some time after Miwa recovered from her heartbreak over Shiho (and after being sex friends with Saeko again for a bit), Miwa starts dating a year younger kouhai by the name of Tamaki. Tamaki is asexual/alloromantic, she very much has romantic feelings for Miwa and even enjoys kissing and looking at Miwa's body, but she has a very low sex drive. Miwa, on the other hand, has a pretty high sex drive. Tamaki and Miwa together might be one of the best depictions of an allosexual and asexual relationship I've ever seen.
I've know a number of aspecs who've gone through a similar situation as Miwa and Tamaki. Some are certainly able to come to an understanding with their allo partners about each other sexuality, personal boundaries and fulfilling each other's needs in a way that's healthy for both parties. But a lot end up in similar situations as Miwa and Tamaki.
Where in one or both partners feel like they're hurting each other. Some aces feel guilt over not being able to provide for their partner's sexual needs, even if their allo partner assures that them feeling comfortable is far more important to them. Some allos might feel like they're raping their ace partners when they have sex, even if their ace partner expressly gives consent because they want satisfy their partner's needs, even if they themselves don't get anything out of the experience. If you get both together, you end up with a feedback loop of self hatred where the ace person sees their own lack sexual interest as actively harming the person they love and the allo person sees themselves as a monster for wanting to have sex with the person they love.
It's a toxic situation to be in, but it's also one that's hard to leave as both parties feel they themselves are in the wrong and their solutions to correct their error (the allo refraining from asking for sex and the ace more freely offering up sex) just lead to the situation escalating to the point of serious damage to one or both parties.
And unfortunately, that seems to have happened to Miwa. As of writing this, we're at chapter 121 so we're still early on the current arc, but it's looking like Miwa breaking up with Tamaki has done a number on her sex drive. I'm no expert on fluctuations in sexual interest due to trauma, so I won't dive too deeply into this (especially since we're still so early in the new arc). However, associating your sex drive as something that's actively harming your partner to the point that you leave them even though you still love them? Yeah, that's going to cause some damage.
I could ramble on and on about other aspects and topics that How Do We Relationship? does so well (Yuria/Saeko insecurities and dependencies, Saeko/Miwa's brief stint as friends-with-benefits, etc), but I've already said far, far more then I was originally already planning to say. So I think I might have save them for some future posts if I remember them.
So to finally end this now very long essay, I return to my original question: "what exactly is a relationship?"
I don't know, I ain't a cop. Whatever you and your partner(s) say it is, is what it is. But watch out though!
#how do we relationship#how do we relationship?#tsukiatte agetemo iikana#this was originally just suppose to be a quick little “hehe I read this and here are my thoughts” but then How Do We Relationship changed m#I didn't want to turn it into some kind of essay i swear!#the next person to place blame solely on tamaki for how their relationship ended is getting their head replaced with a rock#the next person to infantilize miwa instead of recognizing her as an actual person who makes her own decisions also gets a rock for a head#if you call saeko a red flag you also get a rock for a head#i've got plenty of rocks for everyone#unrelated but I was watching Noah Caldwell-Gervais' video on RAGE before writing this so I had his voice in my head narrating my script#it was surreal tbh...
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But like, 3 s u m with Tamaki and Hitoshi. 👀
The contrast in the beginning of the sweet intamcy of Tamaki’s approach to sex and the rough dominating Shinso who doesn’t let up the entire time.
Tamaki needs a bit of warming up due to his incredibly shy nature and you aren’t afraid to indulge him in soft shy kisses and light petting as you straddle Amakjiks tapered waist.
Shinso tried to keep his cool and allow you two to have a moment but his patients wears thin as he watches you, his partner, kiss up and down Tamakis neck. He can’t help but kneel behind you on the bed, his naked thigh hitting your bare thigh and Tamakis still clothed one.
Shinso would lower his head to rest on your shoulder as he looked to the timid guy that was underneath you. “If you think her younger feels good on your neck you should see how it feels on your cock. She’s a little minx when it comes to oral. It really gets her going to hear the other moan in pleasure.”
Tamaki couldn’t help the whimper that slipped past his lips as he bit and licked at his bottom lip at the idea.
“Shinso” you muttered, a tiny bit miffed and scared that this might all become too much for the shy pro hero. “Let him get comfortable before making such lewd remarks. I don’t want to rush tonight.”
It was no secret to Shinso that you had been crushing on Suneater since you all three went to UA. Suneater was a third year in the pro hero course when you and Shinso had met in first year general studies before he transferred to the hero course. Shinso and yourself did not start dating until after UA but he had known about your crush on the older hero since first year because you couldn’t help but gush about him.
This was a huge fantasy of yours that was coming true tonight and you were so grateful that your boyfriend had had enough gall to ask Tamaki and while the older pro hero had blushed a lot and almost said no, he knew he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have his way with you.
Tamaki also had a crush on you but he didn’t really know who you were until you were already dating Shinso.
“Sorry Kitten, I’ll try and be patient. It’s just hard staring at you like this and knowing I don’t get you for a while.” Shinso smirked as he smacked your ass, watching it jiggle around the barely there string up your asscrack that the lingerie shop had the audacity to call a thong.
#whoops this got long#it was supposed to be like two sentences#but then I started thinking about my favorite unlikely 3 s u m partners#boku no hero academia#mha#my hero academia#bnha#my hero acedamia#bnha shinso hitoshi#hitoshi shinsou#tamaki amajiki#bnha tamaki x reader#Shinso x reader#Shinso smut#tamaki Amajiki smut#mha smut#bnha smut#my hero academia smut
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I don't know if anyone's already mentioned this, but I feel sorry for Haruhi. Like, I know she got into Ouran highschool on a scholarship and is already isolated from her peers by the fact that her social standing is so far below them, (as well as not being able to afford what they can, obviously) but the fact that Ouran has a middle school and most likely a primary school, so it's a K-12 school means that everyone realistically already knows each other.
So even if she wants to make friends outside of the hosts, it would be hard to break into the friend groups which have been together for literal years and through so much, adding to her isolation. Which makes sense why only new kids and the host club are her friends at the school, as she, Ritsu, and Renge (in the anime, at least) are close and know her secret, and are the only two other new kids shown in the anime.
Because of this, Haruhi probably felt exhausted even if she tried to make new friends, as everyone has most likely known each other since birth, and she has no connects other than the club.
#idk man#m's thoughts#ouran high school host club#ouran host club#haruhi fujioka#ritsu kasanoda#renge houshakuji#host club#anime#manga#angst ideas#just the fact that all her#relationships at school start on lies#or at least white lies#tamaki suoh#hikaru hitachiin#kaoru hitachiin#takashi morinozuka#mitsukuni haninozuka#kyoya ootori
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Ouran Host Club Drama CD's illustrations by Bisco Hatori
#m#a#ouran high school host club#bisco hatori#haruhi fujioka#tamaki suoh#kyoya ootori#takashi morinozuka#mori senpai#mitsukuni haninozuka#honey senpai#kaoru hitachiin#hikaru hitachiin
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It’s Always Been You (Rewrite)
Pt 4
The entire host club was dressed in samurai attire, the guests swooned and sighed, Hikaru and Kaoru annoying Haruhi, while Tamaki fussed over her, Y/n and Kyoya watching from the sidelines.
It all felt like the usual formula for the club.
“I really gotta hand it to Hikaru and Kaoru, they did really well with the costumes.” Y/n brushed a finger across the embroidery near the end of his sleeve, it was the different suit’s of cards.
“Good fabric too…” He mumbled, analyzing the stitching pattern.
“Hm,” Kyoya pushes his glasses up, sparing a look towards Y/n. “Of course it is, you think I’d let what we wear be any less than the best, it is one of this clubs main appeals to the guests.” He gave a closed eye smile.
“Haruhi! you look so cute in your kimono!” A girl sparkled,
“Almost like a girl!”
“Thanks…” Haruhi, was now sadly in Kyoya’s line of vision.
“Haruhi, you’ve booked another appointment. It seems you’ve had a pretty steady flow of new customers lately,” Kyoya writes down something, opting for s scroll to keep with theme.
“Keep up the good work.” He looks up from the scroll,
“I’m not going to charge you interest on your debt like I normally would, so keep this up and you should be able to pay it off.” He tilts his head. “Although the rental fee on that kimono you’re wearing is nothing to sneeze at.” He closed his eyes with a smile, Haruhi stiffened, making her way father from the man.
“Hello Kyoya!” A shorter girl stood in-front of him, another guest right next to her.
“I can’t get over how great you look in that kimono. Are you planning to release anymore picture books of the Host club?”
“Unfortunately we don’t have anything planned at present, ladies.” Kyoya looks at the two.
The twins pop their heads over the screen divider Y/n and Kyoya were standing behind,
“But doesn’t the club make alot of money-“
“—From the sale of promotional items?”
“That’s true but the items are poor quality. Those picture books were full of nothing but amateur hidden camera shots. However, if we want to make higher quality money making products, I’m afraid we’d have to use the schools budget.”
The twins look at each other, sliding down the divider.
“Hm…” Kyoya pulls out a calculator.
Y/n stared off to the side, his eyes landing on the main doorway, a dirty blonde haired girl stood hiding behind the door frame, intently looking at the room.
“I’ll be right back, I believe we have a new costumer.”
Grabbing a yellow rose, Y/n walked over to the door, seems like the girl hasn’t noticed him.
“Hello miss,”
The girl straightened her posture, her bow followed. Still, she was hiding behind the door frame.
“I didn’t mean to startle you, I was just wondering why someone as pretty as you was by yourself.” He smiled, holding up the rose in his hand.
The twins slid next to Y/n, leaning on him.
“-come on in. What are you waiting for?” Kaoru, and Hikaru both hold red roses towards the girl. “Watching from afar is no fun.” Hikaru cooed. “Please miss?” They spoke in unison, then came Tamaki, sauntering towards them.
“Stop that. How many times do I have to tell you boys to be more courteous to our first time guest?” He lightly shoved the twins off Y/n, Tamaki now holds a similar rose towards the girl as well. “Please, you don’t have to be afraid, my princess. I welcome you to the Ouran host club!”
The girl mumbled, almost taking a step back from the door,
“Hm? What did you say?” Tamaki moved closer.
“No! Don’t touch me! You’re a phony!” The girl shirked, rage filled her body.
“Uh… What do you mean, I’m a phony?” Tamaki was quite shocked at the girl’s 180 switch in personality.
“Just what I said, you’re a phony! I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the prince character of this host club! You shouldn’t spread your love so easily like that, are you stupid! You must be a dimwitted narcissist! You’re incompetent! You’re a commoner! You’re disgusting!” She spoke, each word stabbing deeper each time. He began slowly falling in dramatic fashion, how he accomplished this is still unknown to scientists.
“He's created a new technique!” Hikaru spoke.
“-one man slow motion.”
Of course the commotion brought the rest of the hosts towards the scene. Kyoya looks at the girl, His scroll now under his arm, raising a brow. “I don’t suppose you are-“ She rushes over to kyoya, pushing over Y/n in the process, just to get to him. He falls down, landing on the palm of his hands, dropping the yellow rose in the process. ‘What’s her deal?’ He thought. The twins offered their hand, taking it, he stood up still holding their hand. “Ah! It’s you, Kyoya! Oh how I’ve longed to meet you! My one and only Prince Charming.” She dreamily spoke, leaving an array of shock and confusion amongst the group.
“Hold on, finance?” Y/n turned to look at Kyoya, his grip tightened on Hikaru’s hand, he gave a small yelp in response. Kyoya however, held little reaction.
“Of course. My name is Renge Houshakuji! And I’m transferring into Ouran academy’s first year, class A, tomorrow,” She gave a smile of pure bliss.
The hosts are now back in their usual uniform, now all sitting across from Renge. All except Tamaki, he’s hunched over in the corner.
“Why is he sulking?” Hikaru questioned, turning to look at the blonde.
“Because ‘Mommy’ kept a secret from ‘Daddy’.” Karou replied.
“Why does everyone keep referring to us like we’re husband and wife?” Kyoya spoke ignoring the pressing issue at hand, or rather next to him.
“Because you guys are.” Y/n spoke, leaning back against the chair.
“Ours is a story of love at first sight! I couldn’t resist the way you were adoring those flowers in the backyard when you thought no one was looking. How sweet it was when you reached out to help that poor little injured kitten.” She spoke starry eyed, leaving the host club more confused.
Y/n was weirdly familiar of the story but couldn’t yet place where, what could it be?… His brows just furrowed.
“She serious.” The twins said, losing belief in Renges tale.
“Could you have the wrong person?” Haruhi found it hard to believe Kyoya would do anything of the sort.
“No way! I could recognize my love anywhere! He’s a gentle man, who’s kind to everyone and doesn’t ask for anything in return! He likes solitude, but he in fact sometimes does get lonely.” She ranted, while the twins grew more shocked.
‘Wait a minute…’
“Uki-Doki Memorial!” Y/n blurted out, the group stared in silence, Renge was basically vibrating in her seat.
“You know about it?!” Renge exclaimed, now with a big grin. He gave a nod in return.
“What are you talking about?” Hikaru looked at the two.
“I knew the story sounded familiar, you’re talking about Ichijo Miyabi, right?” He tilted his head.
“HmHm!” She nodded excitedly.
“I love playing that game— I mean, uh” Y/n spoke with a gleaming smile, before getting quieter with each word, realizing his mistake.
“— He’s a real life Ichijo Miyabi!” She eagerly pointed towards Kyoya.
“An otaku…” Tamaki muttered,
“And there’s two of them…” The twins added on.
“I get it now you're in love with the character.” Kyoya began looking blandly at the girl. Y/n let a sigh of relief at the change of attention.
“You’re projecting that love onto me and you’ve somehow believed it yourself that somehow we’re engaged. I assume this Miyabi character also wears glasses as well.” He spoke, a sense of relief that fell over the club.
“So she made it up. You’re not really her fiancée, right?” Tamaki looked towards Kyoya. “Well no, I don’t remember ever asking for her hand in marriage. Besides, this is the first time I’ve ever met this woman.”
Renge speaks to Kyoya ignoring the rest of the club.
“According to my research, I understand that you’re in charge of managing the club. Is that true kyoya?”
“That’s right! Kyo-chan is our director!” Honey spoke.
“You’re the club’s director, that's perfect! Oh wow I’ve always wanted to wear a sandwich board to advertise a business!” She excitedly moved around.
“We don’t advertise. We’re just a host club.” The twins blandly spoke.
“We probably should, shouldn’t we?” Y/n turned to look at twins,
“I’ve made up my mind from now on I’m gonna be the manager of this host club!” Renge spoke, with the annoyance of the twins.
Y/n turns his attention to Kyoya,
“Uh, she seems nice but are we gonna really let someone we don’t know run the host club?—“ Y/n asked.
Kyoya looks at Y/n before continuing writing in his black notebook.
“Miss Houshakoji is the only daughter of a very important Ootori family client, so please be polite and try to play along with her ideas, alright?” Kyoya answered.
“I see…”
“Well boys, I can’t wait to work with you!”
The next day rolls around, and everyone is now back at The club.
“I thought about it last night and maybe having a lady manager isn’t such a bad idea.” Tamaki spoked.
“Why do you say that?” The twins asked.
“Well it’s fairly obvious isn’t it? Renge just transferred into the same class as Haruhi. So, if Haruhi has a girlfriend around it could bring out the female within her. Renge’s girlish ere of tenderness might be able to stimulate Haruhi’s own sense of femininity.” Tamaki rants.
“Good grief.” The twins sighed at the prince's antics.
“Now’s a chance to help Haruhi get in touch with her feminine side. This is an important project, men! She doesn’t have any friends in class right now, except for those two shady twins. That’s no good for her!” Tamaki goes on unwantedly.
“It feels like I’m talking to my mother.” Y/n muttered deciding to but out of this conversation.
“Like you have room to talk!” The twins look like they’re gonna throw hands with Tamaki.
A voice booms across the club.
“Hey everyone!” Renge yells, holding a container. “You’ll be happy to know that your new manager, Renge, has baked all of you some cookies!” She spoke gleefully.
Tamaki buts in.
“Ah! Isn’t she ladylike! I’m so moved by your generosity.”
“I didn’t bake these cookies for you phony prince!” She scolded Tamaki pushing his face away, rushing towards Kyoya.
“I’m sorry I burnt them a little bit. I did the best I could, and I already know what you’re gonna say!” She spoke before daydreaming of her dating sim.
Honey grabbed a cookie while Renge was distracted, and took a bite.
“She wasn’t kidding, these cookies are really burned.” Mori immediately took the cookie from honey. “Don’t eat that Mitsukuni, it's bad for you.” Renge yells in embarrassment, scaring the small blonde.
Among the chaos Y/n takes a cookie as well and eats it, “Honestly not that bad.”
“Really!” Renge smiled.
“Hmhm.” His face slightly messy from the cookie, leaving a devious idea in the twins head.
“May I try?” Hikaru whispered, tilting Y/n’s head up to take a bite of the cookie that was still in his mouth, his eyes widening a bit.
“Uh oh Y/n~. You’ve got crumbs on your face.” Kaoru stated before moving closer to lick the crumbs off his face. Y/n was left frozen, a small blush at the uncalled for closeness.
Tamaki is now fuming, Kyoya was staring at the twins, Hikaru gave a devilish grin back.
“Did you see what they just did! He took a bite of it while it was in his mouth! The other one licked his face. I told you they’re shady twins! They can’t be trusted! They tried to seduce him!” Tamaki shirks, Kyoya writes in his notebook.
“You know, you really didn’t need to do all that. At least warn me before hand.” He grumbled, shoulders slumping.
“That’s not the way you’re supposed to react Y/n! You have to stay strong and reject them, then causally brush them to the side! Do you understand!”Tamaki drags Y/n away from the very pleased Twins, “This is harassment.” He tiredly looks at the blonde.
“harassment! If this counts as harassment then they’re twice as guilty! Someone called the police!” Tamaki yelled,
“Cut it out boss, we’re sorry.” They shrugged their shoulders.
Haruhi grabbed Y/n’s sleeve, pulling away from the trio.
“Stop Bothering Y/n.” She scolded Tamaki.
“No buts, leave him be.” She sighed. Tamaki retreated with his tail between his legs.
“Thank you Haruhi.” He gave a polite smile.
“Luke warm.” Renge grumbled.
“What?” Y/n turns towards Renge.
“Every single one of you! Except Kyoya, all of your characters are lukewarm! Each of you needs some sort of dark side, you understand? Girls are vulnerable to handsome young men who are troubled. If you keep carrying on like this, it’s only a matter of time before the girls grow tired of you and stop coming all together.” She yelled, throwing everyone for aloop.
“Are you trying to ruin my precious Kyoya’s business? As your manager it’s my duty to change your character backgrounds.” She turns to look at Honey and points at him.
“Let’s start with you.”
Surprising the small blonde.
“If all you are is cute on the outside and cute on the inside then you're no different from a baby!” She tore into Honey with no remorse.
“From now on you are the baby-faced thug!” She points to Mori. “And Mori-senpai, you’re his childhood flunkie.”
She turns to the twins. “The twins basketball players who are enslaved in their world.” Next is Haruhi.
“Haruhi, you’re an honor student who’s constantly getting bullied.” “And for you Tamaki, you’re the school idol who is admired for your good looks but you actually have an inferiority complex hiding from the world. The lonely prince.” She eagerly turns to Kyoya.
“Ah and kyoya you're perfect just the way you are now. So I want you to stay as kind and affectionate as ever, kay?” She smiled. “Thank you, I’m honored.” He politely smiled. The whole interaction left a bitter taste in Y/n’s mouth.
“What about me?” He asked.
Renge turns her head towards the male.
“What about You?” She spoke. Annoyed with getting interrupted, from her special moment with Kyoya.
“My role.” Y/n dryly replies.
“Oh right…” she muttered, looking up and down at the male.
“Fine then, closeted gay best friend of the group! Every good story nowadays has one.”
“I-.. alright then.”
Hikaru grabs Kyoya's attention. “Come on Kyoya senpai!” “You’ve gotta do something.” Kaoru begs. “Why? Seems like the boss is up for it.”The twins turn to see the blonde strutting and posing, imitating a lonely prince. “How does this look Renge? Do these poses work for a lonely prince?” He muttered. “Oh wow you’re pretty good at that, but it would be more effective in the rain.”
“Let’s just wait and see how this turns out. I bet it’ll be interesting. It always is.” Kyoya spoke, with a small smirk.
The next day, the back of the school is covered in movie cameras, the staff rushed back and forth to set up new sets. And with Renge barking orders with a microphone, of course taking the role of director for this movie shoot. As it goes on the club re-enacts the script for the camera.
“Cut! Take five!”
“How did we go from changing characters to shooting a movie about it?” Hikaru states.
“And why is there an entire film crew here to shoot it?” Kaoru adds in.
“Apparently, she flew them in from Hollywood. Don’t you recognize the director? He directed the vampire movie, Millennium Snow. It was number one in the grossing box office hit in the past year.” Kyoya answered simply.
Y/n holds a script, his eyes returns back to the group,
“Why is my character confessing his feelings to Hikaru?” He mumbled flipping to the page.
“—It comes out of nowhere too…”
“And another thing, how come this stupid script portrays Kaoru as the pitcher.” Hikaru complains
Y/n hand tightens, slightly crumbling the pages, he lets out a cheesy snort before laughing,
“What does that mean?” Haruhi spoke puzzled at their wording.
“Oh you sweet summer’s child.”
“If you don’t know then never mind.” The twins responded. Y/n turns to Haruhi still giggling. “It- its. When two people love each other- pfftt.” Y/n could barely get through the explanation, now cover his mouth with his hand. “I don’t get it.” Haruhi who is now more confused than before. “Pitcher?” She muttered.
In comes the lonely prince. “Haruhi! So how was I? Did you like my performance?” He spoke with a cheerful tone, head covered by a white towel.
“It was pretty awesome. I’m surprised you were able to get into your character like that. You were really believable.” She praised The prince.
“I’ve discovered a new darker side of myself, I’m starting to think it might be a good idea to explore it. Hm..” Tamaki spoke. “Are you sure about that? Because I think you’re fine just the way you are Tamaki senpai.” This statement causes the blonde to flush beet red and look away, averting his gaze. “Uh.. you do? Well, if you say so, Haruhi.” He muttered. Y/n hums, and smiles, at the sight.
“Y/n!” Renge yelled, holding a directors mircophone.
“—You’re on!”
“Over here! These gentlemen just agreed to make a special appearance in our film!” She spoke excitedly. Behind her were two intimidating men with clearly raging daddy issues, and the regular type of rage,Y/n watches Renge explain the next shot. He tilts his head towards Kyoya. “That’s not gonna end well.” Y/n tiredly states. Kyoya smiles In amusement. “Whatever do you mean?” Y/n just blankly stared at the male, before Kyoya side glanced Y/n,
“We’ll just have to see what happens.” He spoked, walking away, going to talk to the staff.
Y/n turns back to Renge,
“—Afterall we’re gonna need some tough guys for the big climax! That’s when all of the club members come together to fight against the real villains of the school. According to the script these two are from wealthy families that got their wealth from being apart of the Japanese Mafia! Don’t you think that’s brilliant casting chose?”
“What’s with this girl?” One guy gritted his teeth,
“Whatever my dad does, has nothing to do with me!”
“Renge—“ Y/n started.
“Just come over here and wait for your cue.” she naively pulled the guy’s sleeve, however he didn’t budge.
“Let go of me!” He yanks his arm away,
“Hey, do you think you can push me around! You don’t even know me!” He shoved Renge, Y/n heart dropped to his stomach. Without thinking, he rushed behind Renge as she harshly fell against him, taking him down with her. His back smashed into one of the brick wall behind them, he took most of the damage, cushioning Renge’s fall. His back making impact cause him get severely winded, and his head was pounding. He hunched over Renge, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. He lets out a wheeze.
“This… is what happens when you unrightfully judge a person.” He sucks in air, regretting it immediately, since when was breathing this hard?
“I don’t understand what you’re saying?” Renge lets out a sigh.
Tamaki saw what was happening and pushed one of the guys up to the wall. “Which one of you jerks started it?” He spoke through gritted teeth.
“You know sometimes I wish I was wrong.” He puts his shaky hand against his head, trying to ease the migraine slamming against his head. He felt the weight against him move, Renge dust off her dress, being eagerly looking at the camera.
“You, please tell me you got that camera man!” Renge spoke.
“Other than the contact, that final scene was ideal! All it needs now is a moving narration by my sweet Kyoya!” She cradled her own face.
But before she could get a head of herself a harsh glass shattered got her attention. She turned around to see Kyoya holding a rock to a now smashed camera lense. “Why did you do that to my camera!” The guy yelled.
“What is wrong?” Renge asked, practically given a kicked puppy look.
“I’m terribly sorry I cannot allow there to be any record of a club member engaging in violence.” He narrowed his eyes at Renge.
“I think you’ve caused enough trouble around here Renge, please stop being such a pest.” He spoke bitterly, poisoning his ‘polite’ attitude.
Y/n would laugh right now, if his lungs didn’t feel like there were on fire, despite that the male is simply staring at kyoya, mesmerized by his actions.
“A-a pest! But you’re supposed to pat me on the head and tell me not to worry! You’re supposed to be kind and affectionate Kyoya! Why are you acting so differently now? Tell me why!” Her heart sinking in her chest. “Because that’s not the real Kyoya.” Tamaki spoke behind her. “Huh?” Renge is still processing The news.
“Does it really matter? Who cares if Kyoya is a little different than what you expect him to be. Take a good look at the person inside and get to know them little by little. It's a lot more fun that way.” Haruhi spoke honestly, tugging on everyone’s heart strings, Y/n shakily brought himself to his feet. Renge hung her head in shame, she ran away with tears flowing in her eyes.
“Are you okay Y/n?! You took quite a fall!” Tamaki squeezed his shoulders tighter, Y/n cringed at the loudness of the blonde,
“You should see the other guy.” Y/n points to the wall, before retreating with a hiss.
“Oh dear! My poor Y/n!” He cried, making Y/n’s headache worse if that was even possible.
“Tamaki, you’re not helping.” Kyoya appeared behind Tamaki, causing the male to squeak, now hiding behind the twins. Kyoya hand was bleeding, his fingers covered in cuts.
“Not looking too great yourself, huh?” He gave a strained grin, looking at his hand.
“You need to get your back checked out.” He glared at him, grabbing him by his sleeve and dragging him off towards a spare room. He goes into the room, Y/n behind him, and shuts the door.
“Take off your shirt.” Kyoya spoke, his back turned to him digging through one of the cabinets.
Y/n swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry.
“I-… Kyoya, don’t treat me like some common whore, you have to ask nicer than that if you wanna see me naked—“
“—Take your shirt off. please.” He interrupted the male, now facing him, First-aid kit in his hand.
Y/n simply nodded, holding back a witty remark. He slides his school jacket and tosses it to the nearest table, next he began to unbuttoned his top.
‘Now I really feel like a whore.’ He placed the collar shirt on top of the jacket, he turned his back to Kyoya. To show him his back of course, not the fact he’s five minutes away from turning a new shade of red. Kyoya looks at his back, after a while he decides to flip open the first-aid kit.
“So what’s the diagnosis, Dr. Kyoya?” He joked.
“How long do I have left—“ Y/n was immediately greeted by the burn of disinfectant.
“Sorry.” He dryly says before going to the next scrap.
“No you’re not.” Y/n let out a small sigh. He was trying to fixate on the hands on his back, and failing miserably.
“Looks like it’s just going to be some cuts and bruises.” He closes the first aid kit.
“Does that mean I can finally put my shirt back on?” He turned his head towards Kyoya, who in turn lets out a hum.
As the day ended, and the camera left as quickly as they came, the hosts went to their respective homes, leaving Y/n and Kyoya in the host club room. Y/n sitting cross legged on the ground working on his science homework, while Kyoya typed away on his computer. The sunset leaves a comfortable warm color to everything it touches.
“You know you don’t have to stay after club hours with me Y/n. Considering the fact you’re injured.” He calmly spoke, still looking at the screen. “I am aware of the fact Kyoya, but I needed to work on homework anyways.” Y/n sighs and leans on the front of the sofa Kyoya was currently working on, the cool frame of the sofa easing his back.
“—And besides. What would you ever do without, little old me, by your side.” Y/n teased, while stretching his back at a poor attempt to fix years of bad posture, his bruised back amplifying it.
“Most likely finishing my work faster.” He muttered before going back into his work.
“What are you even working on this time kyoya.” Y/n asked, science homework completely discarded now. “I’m editing Renge’s movie project.” Y/n stood up from his rightful place on the ground and looked at kyoya’s screen.
“Wow, that crew truly did a good job.” Y/n said. Leaning closer to see better, his arm now touching his.
“What else would you expect from a Hollywood production team?” Kyoya glanced away from the computer,
“Still can’t believe you broke that guy’s camera.” Y/n smirked before sitting down next to Kyoya.
“I mean, now that I think of it, that does seem like something you would do.”
Kyoya paused briefly his hands hovering over the keyboard.
“What do you mean?”
“Well you breaking the camera lenses felt very on brand. I can't really explain it.” Y/n looked around as if physically searching for the right words.
“It’s just everything you do, especially when an issue arises you always seem to quickly and efficiently tear it down as fast as it comes. You know?” Y/n quickly paused, his face flushed.
“Sorry, I'm rambling haven’t I? It's probably annoying to hear.” Y/n stammered.
“No need for apologies, I don’t mind it at all.” Kyoya mumbled, focussing on the laptop, he started typing again.
Y/n sighed, standing to his feet and packed up his bag.
“It’s getting late, I should go home.” Muttered stuffing his bag haphazardly into his bag. As he gets to the doorway he turns to look at Kyoya.
“Can I ask you one thing?” Kyoya looks up from the laptop. “What do you need?” He questioned.
“Try not to drive yourself mad with work again, I'd rather not deal with the club on my own.” Y/n joked with some underlying truth.
Kyoya smiled.
“You have nothing to worry about, and besides, I've been finished for a while.” He leans his chin on his hand.
Y/n stood still for a moment before chuckling.
“You truly are a work of art, aren’t you kyoya?” He grinned and left Kyoya alone in the room with a small smile on his face.
As Y/n got far enough away from the club room he harshly tugs on his hair,
‘Work of art??? Who the hell says that??!’
The next day arises and the club seems to be more packed than usual, and much more louder, much to Y/n’s dismay.
“I bought the film you made!” One girl spoked “I bought it too!” Tamaki, now confused, asked one of the girls. “You did?” “That scene in the rain was just phenomenal!”
Tamaki turns to Kyoya.
“I may have broken the camera's lens but the footage that was already shot wasn’t damaged. But naturally I did cut that one violent scene. Sales have been pretty good so far, and the Hollywood team did a fantastic job. But that is to be expected.”
“So this is what you meant by interesting.” The twins spoke, starring at one another.
“It’s best to have as much money we can have in the club’s budget.” Kyoya spoke, closing his notebook. “What else would you expect from kyoya?” Y/n joked, from right next to him.
“Good day everyone.” Renge spoke, and once again all eyes were on her.
“Wait, I thought you left for France by now.” Y/n asked, Renge walks right up to Y/n, now barely inches away from his face.
“I can’t believe I didn’t realize this sooner. It was so chivalrous of you to risk your life to protect me—“ Renge holds his face in her hands, forcing him to be at eye level with her.
“When Haruhi was talking about how fun it was to get to know other people little by little, he was clearly talking about us! I should’ve know it was you I’ve been looking for, ever since you mentioned Uki-Doki Memorial!” She squished his cheeks to emphasize,
“Come on Y/n, let’s go to my house and play some games together! I think it’s time you get to know me better!” Renge drags Y/n out the room by his tie, Y/n was blushing, embarrassed by her walking him like a dog.
“What?” Haruhi stood there as the two leave.
“Hey—“ The twins spoke in sync.
“— You okay with that?” Hikaru slid next to him. Kyoya was still watching the door,
“Why wouldn’t be? Renge learned a valuable lesson.” His voice just a bit harsher than normally.
“Y/n basically just got a girlfriend, you’re not gonna do something?” Hikaru raised a brow, egging on man.
“You and I both know, Y/n isn’t—“ Kyoya glared at him, clearly not thinking it through.
“Gasp!” Tamaki covered his mouth,
“Y-you mean—“
The twins stiffened, they clearly didn’t mean to say anything,
“He likes another girl?!” He exclaimed.
“Y-yeah sure boss,” They sighed.
Haruhi thought to herself for a moment, ‘Y/n isn’t….?’ Oh! She gets it now. Surprised he is the only one, considering the behaviour of the hosts in front of her.
#lgbtq#lgbtqiia+#kyoya x male reader#kyoya x reader#kyoya ootori#ohshc kyoya#x reader#ohshc anime#ohshc#ohshc haruhi#ohshc tamaki#ohshc x reader#tamaki suoh#ouran host club#my authors note on ao3:#Haruhi: these bitches gay#good for them#M#if any moots see this#Appreciate y’all but go away#I will use the spray bottle#/j#/jjjjjjj#Renge my love /plantoic#kyoya x ftm reader#trans#:3333#ohshc is my guilty pleasure#It’s very 2000s (in a good and bad way)
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【8周年】TAMAKI アイドリッシュセブン8周年メモリアルムービー
#idolish7#idolish seven#yotsuba tamaki#idolish7edit#i7edit#dailyanime#animeedit#flashing tw#*#*gifs#i7#a/m#i miss i7 :( new season WHEN#aug23
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just read action comics #1077 and while it wasn't actually as bad as the previous issues—i think what little we got of the world destroyer's backstory was interesting?—it's just so funny to me to call back to woman of tomorrow in these panels because tamaki's kara couldn't do half the shit that king's kara did in sg:wot

action comics #1077
like not only is tamaki's kara ridiculously weak (remember when she was apparently almost killed by having a slab of concrete fall on her in the supergirl special? i do!), but being reminded of sg:wot in this issue just make me think about how totally incompetent tamaki's kara really is in comparison. especially in this story. she quite literally has not done a single thing successfully or completely on her own throughout this entire arc:
first of all, she's only even on this mission because clark told her to go. not because she decided to go herself, but because clark ordered her to. and she just. does. without pressing for more information.
then she goes to retrieve the prisoner for transport -> the prisoner isn't there
she has to get the prisoner's coordinates from the judge and take them with her to the prisoner's location -> the judge is kidnapped right in front of her along with the coordinates
she finds where the judge has been taken (only because the judge's robot assistant told her where she could find them) -> she gets the coordinates but the judge is killed in the process
she goes to where the prisoner is being held to retrieve them -> dozens of enemies arrive and immediately subdue and capture both her and the prisoner
she tries to use her powers to free herself from her restraints -> her heat vision doesn't work and her freeze breath completely freezes her in place, causing her to have to be saved by the robot assistant
she tries to find where the prisoner is located on the enemy ship -> the robot assistant has to lead her to the prisoner's location
she tries to find a way out while being pursued by all the enemies -> the robot assistant has to give her the idea to steal a ship while the prisoner subdues all the enemies attacking them (not kara ! because why would she be the one to do that !)
and even when she finally gets the prisoner onto the ship and into her care (something she's been trying to do for six issues) she can't even fully control or restrain her.
she literally can't do shit. and you're going to purposely compare your shitty take on kara to the kara that appears in woman of tomorrow ??? bold choice i guess.
#wednesday spoilers#kara zor el#supergirl#obviously i knew that sgwot is still currently canon.#it's just so funny to think about tamaki's kara trying to overcome literally anything that wot kara was faced with.#if the only thing ruthye had heard of kara doing was this current mission#then she would NOT hire her incompetent ass to kill krem as revenge for killing her father !!#wot kara would've gotten all this shit done in the first two issues and made it back to earth on time to read otho and osul a bedtime story#tamaki's kara wouldn't have even won the fight she drunkenly got into in the first issue of wot#anyway. everyone go read supergirl: woman of tomorrow instead of this.#how are you going to let T*M K*NG write a better supergirl than you.... embarrassing.#sorry to tamaki. but i need her to leave kara alone forever after this arc's over.
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M!reader x Tamaki Amajiki:
- M!Y/N has always looked up to the Pro Heroes, having watched them on the news multiple times. Wondering what it was like being able to help others. Now that he’s moved to Japan it might finally be his chance at finally being the hero he’s always dreamed of.
-notes: I would love thoughts on the idea of me writing M!Reader as a part of the big three [big four] the hardships it would cause and feelings it would brew. This would be my first tumblr writing so I hope you all will enjoy it! The first chapter is coming out [undecided] -
#tamaki amajiki#my hero academia#x male reader#x male y/n#x m!reader#x reader#big three#first post#i hope you like it#tamaki x reader
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ohhh my cuties....
#made up a raandom si design for m/.ha still working on that#but awwwww i love them sm sniff look at mu sillies#qtalks#smartsfail#through the nerves#qart#would cry real tears for tamaki. im sorry i say it every time but when i see him i go eueehsjkaf my babyyyy
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Crossover Ship: Arven x Iroha Tamaki
Relationship Type: Romantic
Submitted by Anonymous
#crossover ship#crossover#romantic#pokemon#magia record#madoka magica#f/m#iroha tamaki#arven#aroha#anon i adore this so much you have nooo idea#game#anime
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Yen Press' Announcements at New York Comic Con 2024
Yen Press announced 16 licenses during its pane at New York Comic Con 2024: Title: The Summer Hikaru Died novel Authors: Mio Nukaga, original story and illustrations by Mokumokuren Release Date: April 2025 Summary: The bond between Yoshiki and Hikaru is a welcome escape from their isolated village. But one fateful day when the two boys meet up, Yoshiki can immediately tell something is off.…
#A Witch&039;s Life in Mongol#Bye Bye Earth#Desperate March for Love#Doodles by Ryoko Kui Daydream Hour#Horror Collector#Kindergarten Wars#light novel#manga#New York Comic Con#Phantom Invasion#Reincarnation Coliseum#Stardust Family#Tamaki & Amane#The 13th Footprint#The 31st Consort#The Ragnarok System of the Desperate Reincarnated Demon Lord and the Seven Aggressive Maidens#The Skeleton Enchanted by the Cursed Blade#The Summer Hikaru Died#To Sir Without Love I&039;m Divorcing You#Yen Press
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tentacle monster tamaki amajiki x (chubby) reader
KINKTOBER: tentacles (obviously)

word count: 400+ words / mdni ! +18 i've been ill for the last few days and it suuckkss so i haven't wrote as much as i wanted too :(

"tama' feel s' good!" you slur your words, holding onto your boyfriend for dear life after you've slipped from the safety of the rock you where perching on.
his indigo hair was tickling your face and neck as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, face red and whimpering, his large cock constantly hitting that spongy spot inside of you, making you both lose your mind. your pussy feels so warm wrapped around him that he can't help but pull your soft body even closer to him.
"y-you feel s' good t-too bunny." his breath against your skin making you shiver. "are you cold bunny?" he asked concerned as he sees you shiver and you do your best to shake your head.
"no, no 'm okay," you wrap your arms around him even tighter and lull your head against his shoulder. amajiki takes a deep breath as your head brushes against his sensitive pointy ear and his thrusts increase in pace.
"that's g-good pretty," he says in reply.
the suckers of his tentacles were all over your body, two of them focusing on your nipples pulling them and making you whine loudly. you buck your full hips up against his trying to match his movements unsuccessfully, consumed by overstimulation.
amajiki's letting you have control of your arms while you circle your arms around his neck but he's pulling your legs apart, a tentacle on each ankle as he opens them wide, each trust into you makes your body jiggle, causing more precum to leak into you with every bounce adoring the way you look on his cock.
one of his tentacles moves against your ass, playing with your opening but not entering. the two that are on your nipples suctioning harder and harder making you scratch his back, unaware of what you're doing too caught up in the pleasure you're receiving.
tamaki feels your walls spam around him and knows you're close so he focuses on your clit. he uses one of his dark magenta tentacles to rub around your clit, brushing against you and making you squirm before switching to sucking in time with his two other tentacles that are focusing on your breasts. you come soon after that, screaming loudly as you do and luckily you're so far away from any humans that no one will hear the scream that came from you, tamaki twitches in you and both of you know that he'll follow you, unloading in you, with a small cry.
#tamaki amajiki x reader#tamaki amajiki x reader smut#tamaki amajiki smut#tamaki smut#bnha x chubby reader#bnha x reader smut#chubby reader smut#bnha x reader#chubby reader#tamaki amajiki#♡ mine / writing#♡ tamaki#tamaki x reader#bnha amajiki#tamaki amajiki x chubby reader#♡ kinktober#bnha x you#mha smut#bnha smut#mha x reader smut
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WE LISTEN AND WE DON’T JUDGE : BNHA EDITION . . . m—dni. f ! reader / n!pple play / anal m4sturbation / s^x toy mention / these ones are mostly nasty i think… / not proofread
FEATURING ⋮ bakugou, denki, midoriya, todoroki, tamaki, nejire, and kirishima

bakugou katsuki ⋮ sent you a hex code of a color and said to tell your nail tech to use that shade or the closest one. but he didn’t tell you to search it up so you get a surprise. when you got home you showed it to him with the pretty jewels on it too. and he only chuckles telling you “now we match.” and you didn’t understand until you actually looked at you nails and realized it was actually the color of his tip.
kaminari denki ⋮ woke up half asleep early in the morning and kissed you on the cheek. he knew he was naked since you guys had a ‘fun night.’ opened the closet with closed eyes and tried to get underwear to put on (struggled) before he went down to get a drink. when you woke up you put on his shirt and went down to the kitchen. seeing him spilling juice on the counter he probably fell asleep trying to pour it and missed the glass (it was half empty). not until you looked down to see him wearing your undies that’s almost too tight. didn’t realize it after you hugged him from behind, getting him to wake up and look down on your hands, and the pretty bear pattern on his ass.
midoriya izuku ⋮ got curious about anal but didn’t wanna ask you flat out if you wanted to try. but then he started overthinking it and thought it’d probably hurt. got too curious and searched it up and tried doing it on himself with his fingers and you get home catching him with two fingers in his own ass. “i-i was thinking of you!” “yeah no shit.”
todoroki shouto ⋮ you were doing temperature play, just wanted to try something new. you had an ice cube in between your lips and you’re dragging it along his body. he shuddered when you placed it on his nipples. circling around and letting it stay on the tip of his bud. your hands were also ice cold since you had a bowl of ice just for this. had him whimpering the whole time when you jerked him off. now he can’t cum anymore without you playing with his nipples—and that’s okay!
tamaki amajiki ⋮ you got him a polaroid camera so he could take pictures of whatever he liked. ended up taking photos of you and placed his favorite ones in his wallet. now currently in a restaurant about to pay for the bill when he went out to dinner with nejire and mirio. whipping out his wallet from his pocket to pay for his share and a photo of you falls out. “oh it’s y/n!” nejire says excitedly. tamaki was about to take it when he realizes which photo it was but he was too slow. nejire’s face instantly grimaces and gives it back to him—shoving it to his chest. “what was it?” mirio asks but she shakes her head not wanting to reveal it. tamaki apologizes profusely, face red and embarrassed . let’s just say the photo wasn’t very wholesome.
hado nejire ⋮ you were roommates and she saw your vibrator on the floor. it looked identical to a back massager she saw online that looked like it felt good and decided to give it a try until you had to explain what it was. both of you were really embarrassed after but she offered to eat you out after though! ended up becoming her girlfriend since then.
kirishima eijiro ⋮ you invited todoroki to eat dinner in your shared home with eijiro since he just moved into your neighborhood. you came home and called for your boyfriend while todoroki was just behind waiting for him. he comes out in just an apron and you’re all frozen in shock. he wanted to plan a ‘sweet surprise’ but you didn’t give him a heads for the plans you made. dinner was moved the next night because eijiro was too embarrassed and todoroki felt like he didn’t want to ‘intrude’ any longer.

do not copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost my works
note : i don’t know what to say about this it’s rlly just for fun and thought about on the spot >< also pls send me thirsts i am losing ideas!!!!!
#bnha smut#mha smut#my hero academia smut#bakugou smut#bakugo smut#kirishima smut#todoroki smut#midoriya smut#izuku smut#deku smut#nejire smut#denki smut#kaminari smut#tamaki smut#ᦾִ❤︎ by cola
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i miss idolish7 (read: tamaki)
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warnings: 18+ thèmès, màstrübatïön, phöne s-x, dèspèrátè mèn, yándèrè men, hörny lêvẽl 100.
Yandere men who are insatiable, like being away from you is the worst thing ever, like it would’ve been just better if you killed them but you instead you chose to spend some time away from them. ITS PUNISHMENT.
Do you know how HARD IT IS FOR THEM TO BE AWAY FROM YOU? Or how needy you have left them? Yandere men who go insane from longing and arousal, you’re not there and their body and heart need you so badly, it’s all aching, it hurts so fucking bad. So they decide to call you, and as soon as they hear your voice? Their hands start to move lower and lower down their legs, touching themselves to your pretty voice.
And they’re so horny.
Yes they’re not ashamed, oh you’ve left them away to spend some time with your family or friends, but you’ve left them no choice but to jerk off to the sound of your voice.
“Oh mmm yeah, yeah keep talkin’ princess.. nghh oh yes yes…. Huh? O-Oh well you see ‘m just jerking off a little, I miss your pussy so much- nghh ah I miss you so much. Fuck- shit it’s torture- your voice is driving me insane, keep talkin’ my dick loved your voice.. nghh I’m gonna cum for you soon princess, literally.”
yuuta, gojo, bakugou, Toji, KONIG, EDDIE MUNSON, IZUKU, HAWKS, tamaki, GETO
#gojo smut#yandere jjk#yandere geto#eddie munson smut#geto smut#bnha smut#bakugo smut#izuku smut#yandere x reader#jjk smut#stranger things smut#toji smut#hawks smut#dabi smut#yandere smut#jujustu kaisen smut#my hero academia#my hero academia smut#yandere eddie munson#yandere tamaki#tamaki smut#konig smut#konig x reader#gojo x reader#jjk x reader#bnha x reader#jujutsu kaisen smut#boku no hero academia smut
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