#;m: c.alcharo
guhamun · 3 months
@caemthe said (inbox):
When he heard that the Ghost Hounds' base was affected during a TD outbreak, he didn't have to think it twice before discussing the matter with administration and then sending two vehicles full of food rations and medics to the location to tend to the injured. He obviously went as well. The Ghost Hounds had been a great aid to the Midnight Rangers, especially with the more frequent TD attacks. If not for them, perhaps there would be more families going to Knell Square to pay their respects. So, even though the mercenary group affiliation to Jinzhou is a temporary one, it's near impossible to not see them as part of the city, just like all other citizens. "You'll have to forgive me for the delay, I came as soon as I was informed of the situation," was the first thing the general said upon arriving. He looked around, glad that the crisis was under control now, but there still was much that needed to be done. "You look close to overclocking, please take a seat, so I can treat you."
THE SITUATION AT THE base was now firmly under control, although the groans of pain from the wounded still lingered all the same. TD outbreaks came out of nowhere, and despite how he and his people were well used to situations like this considering these were a norm where they came from, one could never completely prepare for them when they did transpire. ❝Status report,❞ he spoke to one of his medics, gaze cold and tone just as frigid, nevertheless the older man was not the least bit deterred by this. Rather, they made to pull bloodied gloves from their hands, tossing them in a nearby wastebin before speaking.
     ❝There were a few casualties, but the death count is rather low.❞
     ❝How many?❞
     Ten was still too many in his opinion, even if ten was indeed a low number from a logistical standpoint. Still, how unfortunate it all was. He said nothing, eyes narrowing slightly as he gazed upon the agonized breathing of one of his Ghost Hounds. The medicine they were given hadn’t settled yet, granted that he knew eventually they would either pass out from the pain or because those pills were quickly working through their system. There weren’t enough medics to tend to everyone’s hurts, but no doubt word had reached the Jinzhou about the situation. For all he knew, they were already on their way here. Turning away, he had just stepped out of the medical ward when the approach of vehicles caught his full attention. He need but offer a single glance at them to know where they were from. Though he shouldn’t be surprised to see that assistance had arrived, at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel this all the same.
     Mercenaries were disposable bodies. This was a cold truth they all knew. If any of  them died out there on a battlefield, they’d just be another corpse for the vultures. As such, aid like this was…peculiar to him. Why waste resources on outsiders that were merely hired hands? That was a question he would have asked himself had he still been new to how things worked around here. However, after staying within Jinzhou for as long as he had, he had come to learn that the people were just…like…this.
     It made no sense, really.
     Jiyan, even more so.
     ❝Your arrival is appreciated. My medics are a bit overworked at the moment, so they would be glad for the offered help.❞ His gaze slid from the General to the trucks, watching as food and supplies were already being unloaded with a speed he found rather impressive. Jiyan’s voice tugged his attention back before it lingered elsewhere for too long, his expression unreadable as he met with that unwavering gaze before a small, quiet sigh managed to slip from him. This was wholly unnecessary considering he has been on the brink many a time, but he knew there was little point in attempting to shoo the other away when he knew they would only stand firmer. Thus, without another word, he made his way over to a crate, taking a seat as was asked of him.
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guhamun · 2 months
@caemthe said (inbox):
It had started as a simple mission to investigate some ruins from a hidden research facility near the borders of Huanglong. The group dispatched for it was mostly patrollers, and a few mercenaries, mostly as a precaution in case TD had gathered there. It was supposed to be a simple mission, after all. Except that no one returned, and communication was cut. It went on like that for nearly 12h until a message was finally received. It was a weakened and fearful voice that said: ‘Please, someone save us.’ And that was the end of it. Communication couldn’t be reestablished after that. Once reinforcements were sent to the location, it soon became clear why it wasn’t going to be an easy rescue mission. Most of the floor had collapsed, revealing an underground facility that was barely hanging by a thread. Not just anyone would be able to get down there. On top of that, there were strange readings that made it impossible to guess what dangers lied ahead, and a strange level of static electricity coming from the underground facility. Jiyan felt responsible, so he said he would be going down. He expected to handle the rescue mission alone, but he couldn’t say he was surprised when he saw the mercenary leader waiting at the location. He knew that Calcharo always looked after his people. “The last and only message was received 3 hours ago. There should be at least a few survivors in the worst case scenario.”  Between the two of them, it should be a quick affair, but Jiyan could sense that something wasn’t right. But… ‘Please, someone save us.’ He would never leave anyone behind.
THE MISSION HE HAD dispatched some of his Hounds on had seemed simple enough. They were to aid the Midnight Rangers in their patrol and serve as extra protection just in case things intensified. Whenever TD were involved, one could never be certain how a situation might unravel. Thus, it had been wise of Jiyan to ask for his aid in the off chance that there might be trouble. However, what he had thought would be the case, turned out to be the opposite. Filled in on what had happened, it took no convincing for him to involve himself. Although his Hounds had volunteered to go with him, he refused to allow them to involve themselves when this was his failure to handle. The only thing he allowed from them, was to serve as backup in case the Midnight Rangers needed them. Going inside, though…that was up to him.
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     Calcharo would put no other lives in danger when just his would suffice (it was easier looking after himself than multiple people anyway). Besides, Jiyan, no doubt, was already on his way to the location the distress signal had disappeared. And so, he waited. Arms crossed over his chest, he peered down that exposed underground facility, mind mulling over all the potential dangers that might be lying in wait. He wasn’t even sure if the one who sent that distress signal was still alive…or if anyone in that group was considering how long ago that last message had been. Regardless of this fact, he would see for himself what their end was…and bring back the dog tags of his men if that was what it all came down to.
     ❝You’re here.❞ Without turning to look at Jiyan, he had already known that they were present. Their footfalls, long since memorized. Turning away from sight beneath him, icy gaze came to fall upon the General’s features, his expression as solemn as his own. ❝Be prepared for whatever we encounter. I know you can sense that something isn’t quite right about this situation.❞ It was instinct that came from having to make quick decisions – of having to look five steps ahead of everyone else.
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guhamun · 1 month
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I like the minor detail that C.alcharo is at the Moon-C.hasing festival, but only at very specific times and in a very specific place. Overlooking everything like he usually does, but not participating because I strongly believe that he does not really go into J.inzhou and tends to overlook it from a distance.
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guhamun · 2 months
@plenilunaris said (inbox):
In order to be in another's good side, one must play as per their rules. Such is the logic Jīnhsī follows after spending a moderate amount of time watching from the shadows, gathering information. And it's through the information that she had gathered that the man she would come to identify as the leader of the Ghost Hounds and the mannerisms he displays in public. If solitude is what the man prefers even in moments of jubilation and celebration, so will be the approach the lóngzhèn will take to slip by his side, hands clutching one another behind her back as she stops and throws at him a placid smile. ◜So it is you, the unknown variable I have trying to decipher all this time.◞ The reason behind her pursuit to meet this man in flesh stems from much earlier than she even began to investigate him, when she was studying the Midnight Rangers' deeds to seek anything she could do to further help them in their strife against the Tacet Discords. For that is her modus operandi, going ahead of what necessities may permeate and palliate them before they manifest. Jīnhsī has realized that unexpected results, while subtle, were brought with less help from the city when the Midnight Rangers would've otherwise needed it as per her own judgement. Which led her to make a few trips to the base on her own, and send Sanhua to inspect thereafter once she left in case there was something she missed. And with due time, it was as per her retainer's suggestion to further investigate this man that Jīnhsī conceded. To her surprise, there would come the day in which Sanhua's acute perception would bear its fruits, leading her to the missing variable she has missed. But no amount of help comes without a price, and the Lóng Maiden wouldn't have it any other way. ◜The assistance you have provided thus far to the Midnight Rangers is inestimable to Jinzhou.◞ She takes one step back to honor him with a respectful salute of her own that will linger for a few seconds by bringing one of her hands forward and close to her chest with two fingers. ◜I extend you my gratitude in its name.◞ Jīnhsī straightens and turns to have a look at the festive ambiance before them for a few calculated seconds of silence before silver eyes peer back at him. ◜If you permit me, may I ask your thoughts about the offering of an extended partnership with the Midnight Rangers? For a generous recompense in kind, of course. I shall allow you to name the price.◞ It's the least she can do to repay him retroactively for his deeds, after all.
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CALCHARO NEVER PARTICUPATED IN the celebrations that took place in Jinzhou. He watched from a distance, a silent sentinel that most were not even aware looked after them. Such was what he had been paid for, after all, and he was nothing, if not dedicated to his job. The reputation of the Ghost Hounds was a varied one, but none could say that they never stuck to the conditions of their contracts, Calcharo, most especially. Despite him knowing that he was being observed and followed, he did nothing to prevent it. If anything, he was curious as to who would be courageous enough to tail him of all individuals. When he was alone with the sounds of jubilation now distant echoes, only then did he address his guest. ❝You should be more careful about who you follow.❞ Turning to look upon them, he was not at all surprised that it was she whose eyes he had felt even amongst all the chaos of festivity. No others had noticed him, the Mercenary Leader blending in with the shadows as if he belonged there, and yet during all of that, she too had been a part of those shadows herself.
     He was intrigued.
     Despite his expression giving nothing away to this fact, there was that hint of curiosity that bubbled within him as cold eyes continued to linger unwavering. The words that came from the Madam Magistrate’s lips had surprised him a little, if only because it was so…unexpected. Was that why someone as important as her was here with him? Alone, at that? To thank him? Calcharo was used to people in her position keeping their distance, only communicating through others rather than taking their chances with one who was surrounded by rumors that would make anyone intimidated to catch his gaze, let alone speak to him privately without protection present. ❝Ah…you can thank the General for that. It was he who reached out to me and convinced me to offer my aid. I just went where credits were flowing. Nothing more than that.❞ Truthfully, he did not believe that he deserved such a thing to begin with – gratitude, that is. He was not here for altruistic reasons as like most mercenaries, he only cared about what was put in his pocket.
     Huanglong paid him well, so he continued to remain for as long as the deal that was established remained upheld and respected. It was a simple, yet honest, exchange. Arms soon crossing over his chest, he paused, considering the question soon aimed in his direction. An extended contract… Heh, so that was why she, of all people, was here. Calcharo didn’t need to think too hard about what his answer might be. ❝You have my attention,❞ he replied after a moment, his head tilting back just a little. ❝Pay me what you see fit, and if I accept it, I’ll agree. If it’s too low, then no deal.❞ Was this a test of some kind? Perhaps. He wanted to see what she thought him and his people were worth. It was a cunning game, and knowing how sharp this woman was, he knew that she would more than likely be aware of it.
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guhamun · 2 months
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[I love watching this video with Cal because it's so good fdsfdsfds. Makes me think of when I had to fight L.u Bu in W.o Long and if you didn't block / dodge like your life depended on it you were going to get murdered by him or his horse or both. Whenever I want to know how a character fights so I can remember how to write it, I look at a video.]
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guhamun · 3 months
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[Something I really like about C.alcharo is that, despite how ruthless he is and prefers to be seen as because fear is better for business, deep down there is still softness beneath that surface in a way that most people will never be aware of. It's not something he actively chooses to acknowledge because softness in the world he came from was more detriment than anything else, but it's there in how he cares about his fellow G.host Hounds and doesn't view them as just tools to be utilized, as well as the quiet fondness he feels towards the people of J.inzhou. He's someone who has gone through it a great deal of his life in a way that you would think that would completely freeze him over, yet this hasn't. Not completely. Hope is a concept that he doesn't understand, but hope is also something that he, though may not admit it, is actively drawn to.]
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guhamun · 2 months
continued from [ x ] || @holyrisen
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CALCHARO OFTEN AT LEAST announced his presence when he intended on visiting another, but if told he had to set an appointment…well…nine out of ten he would completely ignore this and bypass the whole process. The poor attendant was probably beside themselves right now with anxiety after having to deal with him and his casual disregard for anything they had said to him about Yoru being busy. As soon as he had stepped into the other’s office, no time was wasted in his approach; boots thumping heavily against the floor until it all came to an abrupt stop the moment the moment he was in front of Yoru’s desk. What words they had been about to say meant little to him, such made apparent by his hand reaching out, firmly bringing the other’s bright gaze to meet his own. Nothing was said for a time, though Calcharo’s gaze was no less intense than it had been. If anything, the slight narrow of it might as well be akin to a shout in a quiet room. ❝You have been on my mind.❞ The words were stated matter-of-factly, his tone betraying nothing in concerns to his thoughts.
     Yoru was bizarre to him for a variety of reasons, so that could have been what it was. He was nothing like the other diplomats who had hired him before, though their business was unsavory in comparison to the one in front of him. Whereas they were selfish, to say that Yoru was this in his gestures would have been a terrible attempt at character assassination. ❝Nothing about you make any sense to me. What are you hiding beneath your altruism…?❞ Calcharo said this, but he had observed them for a good long while now. Keeping up masks at all times was impossible. It would always drop out of habit, and yet Yoru was so…
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guhamun · 2 months
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Gentle people confuse C.alcharo so much, but they also fascinate him because he doesn't understand how people can be this way when all he's known is the very opposite of this. This is made worse if that person has been through various ordeals that would harden someone, but still continues to be kindhearted despite it all. For him, he feels like he will never be the person that he was -- that the one who came back from the 'dead' is a phantom of who he had been at one time. He can't be kindhearted despite having moments of being kind or sympathetic even if he doesn't see his actions as such, because for himself, he considers this a detriment with no actual benefits in the long run / can and will definitely be taken advantage of one day in some fashion or form. Thus he will do nothing to alleviate the image he garnered as being vicious or coldhearted save for little moments (like him giving V.erina those rare seeds) that only one other person, the one at the end of these rare moments, will know. If that individual said he did X thing for them just to do it, 99% of people aware of his reputation will probably not believe it anyway.
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guhamun · 3 months
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I have no energy for writing but I will ramble about C.alcharo and romance. Basically, it completely, absolutely escapes him – to no one’s surprise. He’s seen it in regards to others, but as for himself, it’s not something that has ever come to mind. Even crushes are pretty non-existent for him. He will find someone attractive physically or through their deeds / how they handle themselves, but outside of that, his interest in anyone to the extent of getting butterflies in his stomach / romantic feelings is abysmal. His lack of caring in regards to this stems towards it never being a priority more or less. He, for the most part, is always focused on his work, his Hounds, and of course, survival. As a result, anything else just doesn’t factor into his thoughts is cast aside. Thus, if he does get smacked with something, he more than likely will have a difficult time identifying what that is.
9/10 he’ll assume it’s the other attraction mentioned above: physical, or that person’s skills, and or mental fortitude impresses him. He's no stranger to being physical with someone, as exceedingly rare as those moments are due to his cautious nature, but things that involve softer affection wrought from love and care is something that he personally has not experienced or understands. Maybe he had once upon a time; however, C.alcharo doesn’t remember it, nor does he really care to remember it when it’s not important for the here and now – for the person he is now. If someone does intrigue him enough, he may ponder what he's feeling more and attempt to deconstruct it to see where his emotions lie.
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guhamun · 3 months
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Was thinking about this today and got to type it out of my brain but like -- as much as C.alcharo can be alone and still thrives pretty well on his own, he doesn't like being alone. It's what he has become used to as a result of being basically on his own as a child, but just because someone becomes used to something, doesn't mean it's something they enjoy. The Underdogs were basically like family to him, and after being on his own for so long, there was probably some comfort in being able to rely on others as well as them relying on him. His G.host Hounds mean a great deal to him because in a way, they too are like family. If something happened to them like what went on with the Underdogs, he'd keep going but it'd be painful / he might be less privy to being around others.
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guhamun · 3 months
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One of the most trusting things that C.alcharo can do aside from letting someone touch him, is sleeping near them, and staying asleep when that individual moves. It’s so simple, but for someone like him, that denotes a great deal of trust. He is an extremely light sleeper out of habit, so the slightest sound tends to wake him with his hand auto moving to the hilt of his blade as he often always sleeps with it nearby. However, when he’s somewhere safe / feels safe with someone, he’ll be more prone to not waking as quickly as he knows you won’t harm him, and you’ll have his back.
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guhamun · 3 months
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[Because he’s on the brain atm, I must ramble. But when it comes to Calcharo and trust, he doesn’t give it very often. Part of it is because in his profession, you always need to have some concept of doubt just to be on the safe side, but also this is because of how his life was in the New Federation. He has seen betrayal and has been betrayed more times than he can count on two hands, and so as a means of survival, he never wholly trusts anyone. He will give you some of this – maybe a little more if he respects you as a person, yet will always hold onto to a sliver caution just in case you do wind up stabbing him in the back. This way, he’s not surprised when it happens. He already pondered that it would, kept this in mind, and uses it as a means of self-fulfilling prophesy like, “yeah I figured this would happen,” kind of deal.
This is not to say that he can’t eventually reach a point where he can fully trust someone and put that kind of thinking aside. It’s just that it’s difficult for him due to his past. The best way with him is to just continually prove you're trustworthy over and over again until that self-fulling prophesy starts to trickle out his brain. He doesn’t want to be the naïve boy that he was with his Underdogs again, though his care for his Hounds is no less strong for it. Just that there's lasting consequences for betrayal (he is brutal to both clients and members if they ever betray him or the group).]
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guhamun · 3 months
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[Was thinking about this today, but I wonder if Tacet marks are sensitive to the touch. In Calcharo's case, he will not let anyone so much as reach for it as you're going to get that wrist grasp and squeezed, but then again, he doesn't let 99% of anyone touch him to begin with outside of special situations like tending to injuries so there is also that.]
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guhamun · 3 months
@holyrisen said (inbox):
while in the middle of discussing another potential assignment for the ghost hounds, yoru suddenly stops when he notices something on one of calcharo’s arms — he frowns, soon setting his paperwork down after realizing it was some untended injury of his. “ … where did you get that ? ”
CALCHARO HAD BEEN LISTENING to Yoru’s words, though his eyes also roved across the text neatly lined on the document in his hand. He multitasked, focused on both without missing out on anything that was said. It was a skill that he had gained a long time ago through experience that made it easy for him to keep track of more than one thing at a given time -- a skill, he believed, that all should eventually master. A small hum sounded in his throat, acknowledgement for what was typed out before placing the document down on the desk. ❝I believe that…❞ He paused, brows rising slightly, almost imperceptibly at the question that was aimed in his direction that had nothing to do with work. Glancing over to his arm, it was then that he noticed the cut right beneath his shoulder; shallow enough not to be lethal, yet a wound all the same. Hmm…when did he get that? ❝I can’t remember. Perhaps earlier today.❞ Silver eyes the color of moon’s light lingered upon it for but a moment before he turned his focus back to Yoru. ❝It’s inconsequential.❞
     A simple injury not worth further notice.
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guhamun · 2 months
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If you're lucky, you might catch C.alcharo bending down and feeding a stray. He has a soft spot for them (that he won't admit), and so at times, he'll be sure to feed them when they approach. This happens frequently enough when he returns to areas that they will oftentimes come up to him rather happily / will sometimes follow him around for as long as he's in the general vicinity.
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guhamun · 27 days
@caemthe said (inbox):
[ jiyan, for cal ] It's during a tranquil night while patrolling with the mercenary leader that the general- no, that Jiyan voices something that has been troubling him. "Being with you and thinking of you are as easy as breathing. It feels natural, to the point I don't remember how it used to be before that. But finding a reason for why that is feels like trying to put together a thousand pieces puzzle. I didn't know my mind could be so complicated." That last sentence is said with a hint of amusement, the sides of his mouth curving into a smile. Surely, Calcharo will be amused by how perplexing and senseless his revelation is, too. He... doesn't even know why he's sharing something so personal in the first place. It makes no sense, he makes no sense. He knows this, and yet... "And yet, as perplexing as it is, it doesn't displease me. Quite the opposite, in fact. I look forward to seeing and spending time with you more each time and, before I realize it, you're present in my thoughts more as well. I'm not keen on distractions, but it's different when it comes to you. Why? I have no idea." A short-lived laugh passes his lips then. Really, what prompted him to talk of things he hasn't figured out on his own yet? Is he looking for help, an answer, anything? He can't say for sure either. "Laugh if you wish, I'm aware that I'm not making any sense right now."
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VERY RARELY DID CALCHARO patrol with another person. Most of the time, he often did this alone as he felt he needed no assistance with such an endeavor. For years he had monitored Huanglong like a distant shadow, Jinzou most especially, when the TD outbreaks were at their worst. His Hounds had long since ceased asking if he wanted company, all of them knowing full well that he would be quick to turn them down and continue on his way. How surprising it was, then, that he was out here with Jiyan of all people, when hardly anyone could so much as convince him otherwise. Perhaps he reached this decision merely because he knew of how stubborn the General was, and that refusing him would be met with deaf ears. That, or maybe it was just that no resources would be wasted because Jiyan was outside of his command. He could only assume these were the case…even if being confused about your own thoughts and questioning it seemed…peculiar in itself.
     It was a quiet night, the stars gleaming as brightly as they often did, the air pleasant and cool as a reminder of falls approach. Everything had been quiet as it normally was…up until Jiyan broke that silence with his words. Frowning slightly, he turned his head a little to look at the other from the corner of his eye, confused about the words that passed his lips. What was said mirrored how he felt as well, which in itself, perplexed him all the more with each uttered word. He enjoyed being with Jiyan -- this he could not tell himself otherwise. He wasn’t sure when the other managed become a normalcy within his mind the way they did as of late, though it seemed he wasn’t the only one who was attempting to decipher the ‘why’ of it. Sometimes he found himself glancing off into the distance, wondering how he was doing back at Norfall Barrens, pondering if that stubborn general was pushing himself to do a thousand things in a single day. He shouldn’t care – he didn’t, he liked to tell himself. What Jiyan did, did not affect his work in any way, shape, or form. At the end of the day, he and his Ghost Hounds would still be paid, contracts still fulfilled.
     Ah…but considering Jiyan was the one who hired them in the first place, if something did happen to him, that meant that their contract would be null and void. He'd lose an excellent business opportunity and would have very little reason to remain unless someone else opted to hire him and his people’s services. There was a logical explanation for all this, he liked to tell himself on a regular basis, Calcharo constantly putting reasons to things that still left him feeling uncertain at the end of the day (because he needed explanations -- he needed it all to make sense when it felt senseless). Glancing away, he felt that unfamiliar feeling well up in him again: embarrassment. How could anyone just rattle off words like this? Even he, as blunt as he was, would have kept all this to himself as long as it did not interfere with his work. Quiet still, he mulled over what was said, pondered his own feelings, but found at the heart of it, they held a similarity. ❝You give absolutely no lead up into whatever is floating about in that mind of yours, do you?❞
     None whatsoever.
     How was one even supposed to prepare for what passed those lips when there was no warning in the slightest? Letting out a small huff of either exasperation, or amusement, it was hard to tell as he turned his gaze back to Jiyan. ❝You are the strangest client I have ever had, and I have gone through many. Although…I can say that you are the first I have found myself thinking about every now and then as well. Like yourself, I dislike distractions and prefer to focus on my work. Everything else outside of that can be cast aside until the later hours of the night.❞ And though he did do that when it came to this man – alarmingly so, at the same time, he found his thoughts wandering during the day as well at the most random of times. ❝But…I do find your presence enjoyable in a way that I’m not used to with other people outside my Ghost Hounds. Talking to you like this, face to face rather than through a terminal or letter, has become a routine that I have long since factored into my schedule.❞ One that he, oddly enough, looked forward to. He paused, glancing away. ❝Do know this information does not factor into a discount.❞
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