#;its just really bad on mobile but it should be relatively doable to fix i just gotta remember
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i really need to fix my analysis/writing rec page for mobile view. i made it using a premade code as template in the days of yore before i learned more about responsive web design (in the past year) and it's just really bad and mobile but i should be able to fix that i just have to remember to try to do that
UPDATE: i've currently tweaked it a lil
#ab: personal#;im on my phone trying to look through specific meta and being unable yo#;to* find what im looking for bc it gets like cut off and covered and#;its just really bad on mobile but it should be relatively doable to fix i just gotta remember#;bc i actually do really like the layout of it tho i might have to tweak it in general to fit all relative fandoms
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Hey everyone,I thought this would be useful for those looking to outsource tasks for their business or wanted to find ways to reduce the amount of time they spend on non-important tasks. The book was quite long, so below I've first put my summarised version, and below that is a much longer version of my original written notes that i made whilst reading the book.I've also made an animated version of them here: https://youtu.be/K4JXPebwedU, so you can go over my summary notes via whichever form you prefer.Summary notes:Hello, optimum insight here, in today’s post I’m going to summarise ‘The 4-hour work-week’ by Timothy Ferriss.Now this kind of work week is said to be for the new rich. Who are the new rich, you ask? The new rich are those whose currencies are time and mobility. They use these currencies to achieve full lifestyle design.Why is lifestyle so important, well think about this: when people talk about having £1m, usually what they really mean is that they want to have the lifestyle that this money can provide. Thus, the new rich focus on the lifestyle they want and leverage factors like currency differences to help them achieve this faster.The goal of the book is for you to obtain the lifestyle that the new rich have. The key to this lifestyle is to free your time and automate your income. This income must be location-independent, as once you free your time and location, your money is automatically worth 3-10 times as much.The point of this kind of freedom is to give you options as this is what real power is in life, having the ability to choose.Now there are four steps to achieving this life which anyone can follow.These four steps can summarised by the word: DEAL, which stands for definition, elimination, automation and liberation. This is the order I will follow in this video, but for those of you watching that are employees you must follow this as DELA, focusing on liberation from your job before automation.So the first step is definition. We all have different goals and priorities, Tim recommends having defined dreams to chase with timelines and written-out steps. Most people will never know what they want, hence the first step is the most important. The book specifies that these goals are not for happiness, they are for excitement which is actually a more practical synonym for happiness. So to help you with the definition step here are two things I want you to do:Firstly, Ask yourself what would excite me?Secondly, Use dreamlining to set goals. This is simply where you apply timelines to dreams. Tim splits his dreamlining into three parts, which are having, being and doing, for both a six and twelve month timeline. After having goals for each category, there is a number you must calculate called your required target monthly income. You work it out add the monthly cost of reaching these goals and add 1.3 times your monthly expenses to them represented by A+B+C+(1.3*monthly expenses).Now the second step is elimination. To eliminate inefficiencies in any tasks, following the Parkinson's law and the 80/20 rule is vital. Parkinson’s law states that a task will swell in importance and complexity in relation to the time allotted to it. For instance, the more time available to write an essay, the more important and complicated the task may seem.The 80/20 rule on the other hand says that 80% of your outputs come from 20% of your inputs.Now looking at automation, you must learn how to outsource and be able to define clear rules and processes for assistants to follow before hiring them. Tim recommends that you identify your top five time-consuming non-work tasks and five personal tasks you could outsource for sheer fun. The result of this should be that you have more free time, whilst still creating large work outputs.Now outsourcing is important, but having the right type of business can increase your chances of success. The ideal business for those who want the 4-hour work week lifestyle would be one where you sell information products which you can micro-test with advertisements. Before I move on, remember that the goal is not to automate everything, you first want to eliminate as many things as possible, and thus only automate what is left, which should only be what is most important.The final step to be part of the new rich is liberation. For employees this means persuading your company to let you work remotely, which the book tells you how to achieve. Liberation means having a business or job giving you cashflow and location independence, whilst you put in fewer inputs and achieve higher outputs.One last thing I’d like to mention is that the dream lifestyle mentioned in this book is more doable that most people think. Why? Well because travelling can actually be very cheap, and furthermore rather than trying to retire completely, why not just have mini-retirements? why not work for 2 months and retire for one month and then repeat?Remember: true freedom is about having enough income and time to do what you actually want to do with your life.If you liked this post, please support me in making more by subbing to my channel 'Optimum Insight,' thank you.My full notes:My story and why you need this book:Tango for 5months, 6hr practices vs. couples with average 15 yrs together, they won.Epidemic: job descriptions = self-descriptions.New Rich (NR) use the currency of the NR: time and mobility = Lifestyle Design.Leverage currency differencesPeople don’t want £1m, they want the lifestyle it can provide.Test the most basic assumptions of the work-life equation:How do your decisions change if retirement isn’t an option?What if you could use a mini-retirement to sample your deferred-life plan reward before working 40 years for it?Is it really necessary to work like a slave to live like a millionaire?Goal: free time and automate incomeBe a dealmaker:Manifesto: Reality is negotiableDeal: definition, elimination, automation, liberation.Employees must implement as DELAChronology of a Pathology:‘Karooshi’ - phenomenon where people work themselves to death.Speed reading classes: found a market before designing the product = smarter.Chp1: Step1: D is for Definition:Different goals/priorities, e.g. not the boss, but to be the owner.E.g. make a ton of money, but with specific reasons and defined dreams to chase, timelines and steps included. What are you working for?Rather than big payday, aiming for cashflow first.‘If you can free your time and location, your money is automatically worth 3-10 times as much.Money is multiplied in practical value depending on the number of W’s you control in your life: What you do, when you do it, where you do it, and with whom you do it. This is called the freedom multiplier.’Using this as criterion: the 80-hr per wk $500k pyear investment banker is less powerful than the employed NR who works ¼ hrs for $40,000, but has complete freedom of when, where and how to live.Options - the ability to choose = is real power.Options are limitless but first step: replacing assumptionsChp 2: Rules that Change the Rules:Won gold medal in Chinese Kickboxing National Championships by exploiting opportunities in the rules.Sports evolve when sacred cows are killed, when basic assumptions are tested. Same is true in lifeDifferent is only better when it is more effective or more fun1.) Retirement = a hedge against becoming physically incapable of working and needing capital to survive. Shouldn’t be goal because:Based on assumption you hate what your doing.Most people will never be able to retire + maintain a good standard of livingYou’ll get damn bored.Thus, retirement shouldn’t be the goal, but yes do plan for the worst case.2.) Interest and energy are cyclicalAlternating periods of activity and rest is important, thus do mini-retirements for higher productivity overall = having cake + eat it too.Timothy does 1 month overseas relocation or high-intensity learning for every 2 months of work projects.3.) Less is NOT lazinessOur culture rewards personal sacrifice rather than personal productivity. Thus, not lazy to do less meaningless work to focus on things of greater personal importance.Focus on being productive instead of busy.4.) The Timing is Never Rightconditions are never perfect, but if its important to you, just do it and correct course along the wat.5.) Ask for forgiveness, not permissionTry it and then justify it, as long as not going to devastate those around you.6.) Emphasise strengths, don’t fix weaknesses7.) Things in excess become their oppositeGoal is not idle time, but more positive use of free time doing what you want as oppose to what have to do.8.) Money Alone is not the solutionBy pretending money is solution you create a constant distraction preventing you from seeing just how pointless it is.The problem is more than money9.) Relative income is more important than absolute incomeAbsolute income is measured via one variable: the dollarRelative income uses two variables: the dollar and time, usually hours.10.) Distress is bad, Eustress is goodNew Rich (NR) don’t aim to eliminate all stress.Distress: harmful stimuli that make you weaker, less confident.Eustress: healthy. Role models push us to exceed are limits.Its destructive criticism we need to avoid, not criticism in all forms.Chp 3: Dodging bullets:Conquering Fear = Defining Fear. Once defined, looked at how he could deal with these scenarios.Pure hell forces action, but anything less can be endured with enough clever rationalisation.Define nightmareWhat steps could you take to repair the damage?What are outcomes of more probable scenarios?If you were fired today, what would you do to get things under financial control?What are you putting off out of fear?What is it costing you to postpone action?What are you waiting for?Chp 4: System reset:Doing the unrealistic is easier than doing the realistic.As 95% people are convinced incapable of achieving great things, they aim for mediocre. The level of competition is most for “realistic” goals, paradoxically making them the most time- and energy-consuming.Having an unusually large goal is an adrenaline infusion that provides endurance to go along with any goal.Most people will never know what they want.Goals are not for happiness, are for excitement which is the more practical synonym for happiness. E.g. follow your passion (your excitement).Thus real question is not what you want or your goals, BUT it is what would excite me?Boredom is enemy not some abstract failure.He uses ‘dreamlining’: applying timelines to dreams. Differs from goal-setting:1.) The goals shift from ambiguous wants to defined steps2.) Goals have to be unrealistic to be effective3.) It focuses on activities that will fill the vacuum created when work is removed. Living like a millionaire requires doing interesting things and not just owning enviable things.Gave students tasks of reaching impossible people. Goal is to have 3-4 email exchanges before asking for help from these powerful people.Dreamlining process:1.) What would you do if there were no way you could fail? If you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world?2 timelines (6 months, 12 months) - list up to 5 things you dream of:2.) Drawing a blank? 5 being questionsOne place to visitOne thing to do before you dieOne thing to do dailyOne thing to do weeklyOne thing you’ve always wanted to learn3.) What does “being” entail doingConvert each being into a doing to make it actionable.4.) What are four dreams that would change it all?5.) Determine the cost of these dreams and calculate your target monthly income (TMI) for both timelines. A+B+C+(1.3*monthly expenses)6.) Determine three steps for each of the four dreams and take the first step now.Step 11: E is for Elimination:Aim is not to do more, aim is to accomplish more by doing less via eliminationLast chapter you defined what you want to do with your time (definition), now you have to free that time whilst maintaining or increasing your income.Remember its DEAL, but employees must do DELA. Entrepreneurs can automate, then liberate themselves in turn.Effectiveness: doing things get you closer to your goals.Efficiency: performing a given task in the most economical manner possible.1.) Doing something unimportant well does not make it important.2.) Requiring a lot of time does not make a task important.WHAT you do is infinitely more important than HOW you do it.Apply efficiency to the right things using Pareto rule: 80/20 principle80% of the outputs result from 20% of the inputs.Goal: find your inefficiencies in order to eliminate the and find your strengths to multiply them.Tim didn’t realise that working from every hour from 9-5 isn’t the goal; it’s simply the structure most people use, whether it’s necessary or not.Maximum income from minimal necessary effort is the primary goal.Slow down and remember this: Most things make no difference. Being busy is a form of laziness - lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.Being selective is the path of the productive.Employees should have goal of negotiating a remote work arrangementParkinson’s Law dictates that a task will swell in importance and complexity in relation to the time allotted for its completion.Solution: use Parkison’s and 80/20 to identify few tasks contribute most to income and schedule them with very short and clear deadlines.Poisonous people don’t deserve your time, to think otherwise = masochistic.Have clear list of priorities made the day before.Learn to ask yourself “if this is the only thing I accomplish today will I be satisfied with my day?No multitaskingMake shorter deadlines - use a countdown timerChp 6: The low-information diet:Cultivate a selective ignorance - learn ignore all things are irrelevant, unimportant or unactionable.Reading 200% faster in 10 minutes, no comprehension loss:a.) Use pen or finger under each lineb.) Begin focusing on third word then move third from last word = peripheral vision.c.) Try again but with only two snapshots/fixations per lined.) read too fast for comprehension but with good technique for five pages, then go back to reading at a normal speed.1.)Go on immediate one-week media fast.Use LeechBlock to block sites for certain time.2.) Develop habit of asking yourself, “Will I definitely use this info for something immediate and important?”3.) Practice the art of nonfinishing: starting something doesn’t automatically justify finishing it.Comfort challenge: get phone numbers - 2 per day for 2 days.Chp 7: Interrupting Interruption and the Art of Refusal:Learn to be difficult when it counts, e.g. school, having reputation of being assertive will give you preferential treatment without having to beg every time. E.g. asking 2-3 hrs of questions when don’t get an A.Interruptions:1.) Time wasters: e.g email that is unimportant.2.) Time consumers: tasks need to be done but often interrupt high-level work, e.g. responding to emails or phone calls, personal errands.3.) Empowerment failures: times where someone needs approval to make something small happen. E.g. fixing customer problems.First limit email consumption and production, never do first thing in morning, do most important task first.Have 2 times for checking emails, tell your colleagues. Or call if emergencies.Have 2 phone numbers = 1 urgent and 1 non-urgent.Don’t encourage people to chitchat, make them get to point immediately.It is your job to train those around you to be effective and efficient1.) Order preference/urgent nature of issues; email, phone, in-person meetings.2.) Respond to voicemail via e-mail. Use ‘if...then’ structure. This prevents follow-up questions.3.) Make sure they define PURPOSE of the meeting. ‘What are topics? Thanks in advance’ then answer these questions/topics via email so no need for meeting.4.) If you cannot stop a call from happening, define the end time.5.) Again pretend your busy if someone comes to your cubicle, wear headphones/fake phone call. Ask intruder to email you.6.) Puppy dog close: use to help superiors develop the no-meeting habit. Say, “lets just try it once” reversible trial.Make sure you achieve more outside of meetings to covert to permanent routine.Time consumers:Only produce in batch - utilising economies of scale.Apply batching to other things, e.g. bill payments, you will save time which you can measure the cost savings off via working out your hourly rate.Can do this by removing 3 zeros and halving your annual salary to get hourly rate approximate.If problems from batching E.g. losing sales, cost more than time savings, then scale back to a less-frequent batching, otherwise increase batching time gaps.Empowerment failures: establish rules to give employees power, e.g. to fix problems themselves as long as cost is under $100. Suggest a one week trial to your boss.Summary of this chapter:Create systems to limit your availability via e-mail and phone and deflect inappropriate contact.Batch activities to limit setup cost and provide more time for dreamline milestonesSet or request autonomous rules and guidelines with occasional review of results.Tools:EvernoteGrandCentralYouMailDoodleTimedriverXobniJottCopytalk (dictate up 4 mins, get transcription in hrs)FreedomComfort challenge: say no for next 2 days to all that won’t get you fired.Step 111: A is for Automation:Chp 8: Outsourcing life:1.) Get an assistant - even if you don’t need one. Learn to command, start with a test projectUse domestic help for language-intensive tasks and foreign assistants in the early stages.ElanceVirtual assistant ($6.98)Remember your goal is to free your time to focus on bigger and better things.Remember: eliminate before you delegate/automate - make sure its important.Principle one: define rules and processes before adding people.Hiring a team rather than solo VA is safer, e.g. if gets ill.Forbid VAs from subcontracting work to untested freelancers without your written permission. Brickwork is good.Never use debit cards for online transactions or with remote assistants. Reversing unauthorised credit card charges is painless.2.) Start small but think bigLook at what has been on to-do list the longestEach time change tasks or are interrupted, ask “could a VA do this?”Examine pain points - what causes you the most frustration and boredom?3.) Identify your top five time-consuming non-work tasks and five personal tasks you could assign for sheer fun.4.) Keep in sync: scheduling and calendarsBusySyncSpanningSyncWebEx OfficeChp 9: Income Autopilot 1:This chp is for those who want not to run businesses but for those who want to own businesses and spend no time on them.Ideal model: a product where test less $500 and can lend itself to automation within four weeks, and when running can’t require more than one day per week of management.Cash flow and time: with these two currencies, all other things are possible.1.) Pick an affordably reachable niche marketFind your market, then develop a product for them.Ask yourself:What groups do you understand? What do you own and what groups of people purchase the same? Find related magazines and find out cost of advertising2.) Brainstorm (do not invest in) productsCreate a premium image and charge more than competitionSo can sell fewer unitsLower-maintenance customersHigher profit margins = safer. 8-10x markup.Should take no more than 3-4 wks to manufacture.Option 1: resell productOption 2: License a product.2 parties:Option open to most people = option 3: create a productMake prototype, then take to a contract manufacturer or find generic or stock product that can be repurposed for a specific market. Have then make, stick a custom label on it = “private labelling”INFORMATION products meet our criteria bestChp 10: Income Autopilot 11:You must micro-test your products using inexpensive advertisements1.) Market selection2.) Product brainstorm3.) Micro-testing, e.g. auctioned products on eBay to test demand before purchasing inventory.4.) rollout and automationChp 11: Income Autopilot 111:Once you have a product that sells, it’s time to design a self-correcting business architecture that runs itself.Contract outsourcing companies and allow them to communicate among themselves to solve problems and give them written permission to make most inexpensive decisions without consulting you.The more options offer customer = more indecision and so fewer orders.Art of “undecision” minimizing the number of decisions your customers can or need to make.Not all customers are equal: prevent problem customers from ordering in the first place. Those who spend the most complain the least.Use a ‘lose-win’ guarantee, e.g. delivered in 30mins or less or its free.Look Fortune 5001.) Don’t be CEO or founder2.) Put multiple e-mail and phone contacts on website3.) Set up Interactive Voice Response (IVR) remote receptionist.4.) Do not provide home addressesStep IV: L is for Liberation:Chp 12: Disappearing Act:Steps for employees to work remote:1.) increase investment: want company to invest in you as much as possible, so larger cost if you quit.2.) Prove increased output offsite, e.g. by calling sick.3.) prepare the quantifiable business benefit4.) Propose a revocable trial period5.) Expand remote timeSherwood ensures his days outside of the office are his most productive to date.Alternative: Hourglass approach: where you get a short remote-agreement and then negotiate back up to full-time out of the office.Practice the art of getting past “no” before proposing.6.) Extend each successful trial period until you reach full-time or your desired level of mobility.Don’t underestimate how much your company needs you. Perform well and ask for what you want. If you don’t get it over time, leave. It’s too big a world to spend most of life in a cubicle.Chp 13: Beyond Repair:Most people aren’t lucky enough to get fired and die a slow spiritual death over 30-40 years of tolerating mediocre.The phobias keeping people on sinking ships:1.) Quitting is permanent. No it isn’t, can continue career at later point.2.) I won’t be able to pay the billsWell you should have a new job or source of cash flow before quitting.Also, not hard to eliminate most expenses temporarily and live on savings for a brief period.3.) Health insurance and retirement accounts disappear if i quitUntrue.Can get medical and dental coverage for $300-500 per monthTransferring 401 (k) took less 30 mins4.) It will ruin my resumeDo something interesting and make them jealous.Fine as long as you don’t sit on your ass after quitting.Chp 14: Mini-Retirement:Most people dream of pot of gold at end of career rainbow. But travelling can be done VERY cheaply.Why not redistribute usually 20-30 yr retirement throughout life instead of all at end.Mini-retirements are recurring = lifestyle. E.g. Tim does 3-4 per year.True freedom is more than having enough income and time to do what you want.Must also be free from the stresses of a speed- and size-obsessed culture, for which you must be free from the materialistic addictions, time-famine mind-set.Use credit card points for free travel and purchase tickets far in advance (3 months or more) or last minute, and aim for departure and return between Tuesday and Thursday.You may realise that travelling the world and having time of your life can save you serious money.Clutter creates indecision and distractions, consuming attention.Tim says take absolute minimum with you when travelling, and set aside a “settling fund” to purchase things needed.Most lifestyle for dollar: Argentina, Thailand, Berlin.Minimalism: eliminate 80% belongings. Keep 20% use 80% of time.Give a trusted member of family and/or your accountant power of attorney.Get all required and recommended immunisations and vaccinations for your target region.Chp 15: Filling the Void:Don’t want too much idle time, want to live more.Questions: if you can’t define or act upon it, forget it. Be smart and put your effort where it can make the biggest difference for yourself and others.Continual learning and service is key in lifeTo live is to learn - go abroad and learn language + one kinesthetic skill, e.g. sport.1.) Revisit ground zero: do nothing2.) Make an anonymous donation to the service organisation of your choice.3.) Take a learning mini-retirement in combination with local volunteering.4.) Revisit and reset dreamlines5.) Based on the outcomes of steps 1-4, consider testing new part- or full-time vocations.Chp 16: The top 13 New Rich Mistakes:Perform a 80/20 analysis every two to four weeks for your business and personal lifeSurround yourself with smiling, positive people who have absolutely nothing to do with work.Review:I would give this book an 8/10, I thought it explained the steps very well, but I still think Timothy could've explained better how employees could actually gain the location independence he mentioned as in many jobs I still think gaining liberation is the hardest step.If you've reached the end of this post, thank you so much for reading, I hope you learnt a lot and would appreciate hearing your thoughts in the comments!
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No particular order. Hope it helps.YouTube is where it's at for videos. End of. Get your channel sorted and optimised and connected to everything. Noone is searching for videos on Facebook and IGTV is utter dogshit. Everyone uses the world's second largest search engine, and that's YouTube.LinkedIn always was, and is and will continue to be utter shiite for the majority of you. Use it for finding out info on the right people and use tools like CrystalKnows etc to get a more detailed view on those people. Sure, use Sales Navigator to build your contact lists and reach out, but then use the phone to call them. Yes, a phone. If you're posting organic content on LinkedIn hoping to get any traction at all - then unless you have tits and arse or you're a young incredibly good-looking bloke or bird that's made the 3 comma club? Yeah, you're wasting your time. You can't even create a custom audience based on post interaction. It's shit. It's buggy as FUCK. (OH MY GOD THE BUGS). It's expensive. Avoid until Microsoft fixes their LinkedIn ad platform. You know how good Microsoft are - because you use Bing as your search engine amirite?Phone calling people on their mobile in 2019 will require you to treat your opening line to them like an optimised rich snippet / email header hook etc. Eh? Because the Google Attendant will be rolled out to all android devices and Apple with respond too, so a call recipient can see in real time your talk to text transcription to see if they want to pick up. See why you need to optimise your opening line now? Yeah, you do.PR never went out of fashion. Everything old is new again or something? Basically, networks of people that trust a Connector person, are your new preferred way of getting exposure and conversions. Pay through the nose for that as long as you can measure and test everything to make sure you're getting bang for buck. Old mate Suzie Parkus in the UK is my trusted go to chick for this. Find her on Facebook. Who's the American and Straya counterparts? Dunno. Find yours. Let us all know.Data is a fucking liability. "My database is my joy, mate - what drugs you smoking?" None. Sadly. My point is that GDPR will continue to fuck with your marketing plans time and time again - and you now are officially on notice if you're an American, that the California Consumer Privacy Act is coming for you January 2020. That's the Seppo version of GDPR. Now try running two marketing stacks to cater for the rest of Murica and California. Actually, 3 if you market/sell anywhere in Europe. I talked this year at length about GDPR and it's eye-glazingly dull shit - but important shit. I have a solution to all this for SME business owners, whereas even Facebook and Google and MailChimp etc tell you to go fuck yourself with little to NO tools for helping you become GDPR-compliant with your cross-product marketing stack data. This privacy issue will continue to evolve and deffo continue to give you a headache as most growthhacks and marketing automations require you to process User data with few / zero fucks given to privacy. Just make sure it's easy for Users to remove themselves for your marketing efforts across ALL your marketing products in your stack cough talk to me coughEmail will continue to be a "best effort" technology. Setup your DNS records for all the CNAME and TXT entries under the sun to ensure mail deliverability? Good, because you've got one over on your competitors.. but you're still fucked by increasingly good AI that's filtering out your emails so they're never seen by Recipients. Nothing can be done about that. Just know it. If you're using MailChimp for example though - they're using AI in there to let you know the best time to send your email based on a multitude of factors and signals. If you haven't tried it yet, take a squizz.Videos in emails will suck. But then become better. Email and email protocols are as old as the hills, and we keep trying to add new shit on top of that email layer. Video is the latest wheeze. The current tools absolutely suck dick, but they're the best we got right now (looking at you, BombBomb but hate your retarded price structure). MailChimp and Wistia for example can be a way of sending EMBEDDED PLAYABLE videos from the email (without the user device opening YouTube etc - it actually plays in the email!). But as usual, there's no standards for this, and iphones don't play with androids and it's all still a bit of a cluster fuck. Know it's doable. Try it out. It will get betterAmazon ads will continue to get hot as balls. Yes, even if you aren't selling products in its platform. They're complicated and spread across various parts of Amazon, but they will continue to be streamlined into a single AdWords like interface. Who's my Amazon as rockstar(s)? Make yourself known in the comments. We should talk. Amazon ramping up their video ad offerings too, so get ready to repurpose your YouTube and Facebook landscape product sales videos.AI will continue to eat the lunch of the marketing industry. Yup. AI is at the point where it can already create images that can fool everyone: With actual faces of humans created from just a few seed human face images, it has now learnt how to create images that are so realistic, that you won't be able to tell the difference. So if AI can do that, it will be able to create images of your products and your ad copy (Google already creating the ad copy but they recommend a human check over the copy - but it's so good, those checks aren't really needed I hear). So if you have automatic image creation, ad copy creation tailored to the person reading it based on all the open graph data the social network/ad platform has on you COUPLED with its targeting options that are the best in he history of humanity? Yeah, the digital marketing agency industry is on notice. Make hay now.VR and AR tools still largely suck balls for mere mortals to use, although my mate Cathy Hackl (again, Facebook is where you'll find her) has all the stories on this and lets me know that those tools are getting way better. Do a Google search for Kabaq, if you're in the restaurant biz for example - that lead came in from Cathy. Follow her. She's lush and has the knawledge.Instagram messaging spun off into a separate app called Instagram Direct. And the bots will be there waiting for when Facebook make their commitment to an actual public supported API set. Start thinking how you can take your manychat bot over to the realms of Instagram. That will happen.Paid instagram traffic will shit over woocommerce / Shopify site organic/paid traffic in terms of sales performance. I can't be fucked with IG myself - it's full of c*nts with #LivingMyBestLife levels of vanilla tepidness. I post whatever makes me giggle on my @australiawow channel, but that's about it. But if I was selling physical products? Like fashion? I'd be moving my PPC budget into my Instagram ads to get as much exposure for my channel as possible. Those Instagram shoppable tags coupled with an instant payment solution = pure gold and literal piles of money. The ever-lush TabithaWebb.co.uk is ramping her efforts up on there, and I love the relative simplicity of setting it up for her. It's straightforward and I suggest you get stuck in too, connecting your WooCommerce and Facebook Business Manager Catalogues and your Instagram accounts. You will have a smile as huge as my pink bits when you get it working. Promise.A few more? Sure, but I'm in the Gili Islands here in Indonesia at the moment, so let me know what you think so far good or bad (and if bad, just be able to articulate why instead of Nelson-levels of digital pointing going HA HAA)PLUR my dudes.
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