#;ic: Shiverah
dragonballnewstar · 4 months
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"Sin-day, eh? How...simple. Dedicating a day to primal desires when they could be dedicating it to something actually meaningful. Perhaps celebrating the brilliance of a particular individual?" She mused, tail swaying idly as she sipped her Cheval Blanc, swirling it in it's crystal glass. A pleased hum escaped her smiling black lips.
Yes - a day to celebrate Shiverah! Truly a better use for their time than all this tasteless perversion.
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dragonballnewstar · 5 months
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How depressing that the plebeians have resorted to savagery and cannibalism to satiate their unruly appetites! Clearly these brutes need guidance - and once she finally establishes the Shiverah Empire, their worries of food scarcity shall be eradicated~
'Hold on for a bit longer'. She smiled to herself.
"Your princess shall satiate you all in due time so long as they fall in line~ fufufu!"
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dragonballnewstar · 3 months
{{ To Shiverah!
Be honest, do you ever get compared to Frieza and if so, what do you do?
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"Tsk, being compared to that fool. If I ever was to be compared, the poor soul would clearly be blind. But, I am nothing but merciful and would have to correct their ignorance, no? Lest they continue to live their life in that bleak blindness."
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dragonballnewstar · 2 months
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Why must his clients be so eager to meet in casinos of all places? Can't they just discuss the overzealous spending without the need for scantily clad arm candy and overpriced alcohol? ... Now he's starting to think he's just sounding old.
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dragonballnewstar · 4 months
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Renga ♡ Shiverah
The feeling isn't mutual.
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dragonballnewstar · 5 months
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Spring Cleaning!!
Heyyo so sorry I've been absolutely dead on this blog! Life got crazy busy but I'm slowly carving out more time!
That being said, I am thinking of changing the muses around. Fang and I are starting a new chapter with "decendants" of our original cast - so that way we don't have to worry about relationships/family trees. I think it also keeps things easier since everyone is in the same generation (Ampa's gen is after Kali/Boba's)
That said, if you have a particular favorite I'm still happy to plot things out!
Currently the WIP line up is:
- Valla (Majin, bit rough around the edges but cares for her friends)
- Shiverah (Ice Demon/Frieza Race. Decendant of Frieza/Kuriza, bit up her own ass and wants to start her own empire)
- Botan (Cheelai's race. Literally nothing special but she wants to be a hero and get stronger)
- Renga (Saiyan.....sheeee's a Saiyan)
**Spencer is still staying since he's his own thing**
I may reduce things down to Spencer and 2 others...still unsure. Once again, if you still want to plot with the current muses, I'm open to to plot!
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