#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)
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i hope you guys are ready for 4,000 words of pure suffering-
CONTENT WARNING: as this focuses solely upon the crime he committed, there will be depictions of death and violence, mentions of blood and other grisly details (but nothing overly graphic!), and there will be references to carole's 'self-sacrifice' (again, in no great detail). if any of these things make you uncomfortable, either proceed with caution or give this one a skip entirely. your choice. (as anything potentially triggering is going to be under the cut and therefore requires your decision to view it, i won't automatically be tagging this post with content warnings - particularly as i've already given a warning above. but, if you need me to tag something, please just say the word and it'll be done!)
He has always been a man of resolve.
Once he sets his mind to something, he cannot be persuaded otherwise. There is no chance, however slim, to sway him from that which he has committed himself to. In the past this has been both a blessing and a curse – it has earned him praise and acknowledgment, situated him in a position of great privilege and respect, but it has also stripped him of his family, soured what were once fond memories and joyful hobbies. Tonight, he cannot tell which way the scales tip. Perhaps, he muses, it is an even balance of both.
It has been a long time coming, he thinks. Perhaps he has simply been doing this job for too long, but he has become increasingly disillusioned with the system he has stood for his entire adult life. He has grown weary of the injustice running rampant in the courts; embittered by the prejudices of the people around him. They will never learn, he tells himself, until they are given a lesson they cannot forget.
He had hoped – oh, he had hoped – that he would be proven wrong. That his endless pessimism, as Carole had called it, would be thwarted. That he had dared to dream at all is telling enough of her influence upon him. She gave him that hope, and it nearly died with her. But he is nothing if not resolute, and there is but one small spark of hope left within him. A singular light in the dark.
If there is anyone who could threaten his unshakeable resolve, it is the Iudex of Fontaine.
Already he can visualise the man's face as he looks down on him from his seat of power – a seat that represents justice – and the expression that will likely sit upon that striking visage. Stoic, unreadable, to the common eye, but he will know better. He will see so much more in those otherworldly eyes, in the slightest furrow of his brow. Will it be anger? Grief? Betrayal?
Disappointing Neuvillette is the price he must pay, and it is a heavy price indeed. His chest aches with the thought of losing his last remaining connection on this earth. He is not simply cutting the ties that bind them – he is burning them. There is no going back after this. They can never go back. It is a loss that sears him from the inside, a loss that melds with the grief still raw and agonising in his heart. He would go mad with it, were it not for the purpose he has still to serve. The purpose that puts one foot in front of the other, that carries him along his path even when the weight of everything he must do threatens to bury him.
The list of names sits within the inner pocket of his jacket, but it is merely for evidence – those names are burned upon his memory like a brand. Many of them are already familiar to him, subjects of interest in the increasing protests against Melusine cohabitation. He has personally arrested some of them before for disturbance of the peace, for vandalism, for threats of violence. Yet here they are, free to continue their crusade of hatred.
It has to end.
He finds the first exactly where he expects to: a quiet side street commonly used as a cut-through by drunkards staggering home after last orders. The man leans against the stonework, fumbling with the buttons of his breeches, predictably about to commit a minor offence that would likely earn him nothing more than a fine and a slap on the wrist. His muttered curses drift through the still and silent night as Vautrin approaches like a ghost. If the man hears the soft whisper as a blade is drawn from its sheath, he is too late to react – Vautrin's hand clamps over his vile mouth to quell the choked gasp of breath as steel punctures through cloth and flesh alike.
The man is tossed to the ground like the trash he belongs amongst. Dark eyes watch as a single hand gropes across the now slick pavement, reaching for – what? Help? Pitiful. There is no one to help him here. It only takes a firm nudge with the toe of his boot to roll the man onto his back, to force him to look at his assailant. Vautrin wants him to know who did this to him. He wants him to know why. But there is no recognition in eyes now wide with fear, and there is no time to enlighten this worthless bag of bones.
The tainted steel of his blade catches the glow of the streetlamp at the end of the street as he raises it a second time. There's no need to muffle his dying gasps this time. He no longer has the vocal cords to utter them. The captain crouches to watch the light leave those frantic eyes, to be certain of the end. He reaches into his pocket, withdraws the list so neatly folded within. A single swipe upon the page and a name is crossed out.
Then he stands, sheathes his blade. He still has work to do.
His second name is an equally easy target. Sprawled upon a bench, halfway to unconsciousness, it is almost an insult that he leaves himself so vulnerable. It disgusts him. These people – these people – are seen as fit to dictate who should be allowed to live peacefully in Fontaine's walls? Men who reek of sour alcohol, who foul in the streets, who stain humanity with their existence? Brutes and thugs who are free to live their lives when someone so pure and gentle had theirs cut so cruelly short? Where is the justice in that?
Something bursts deep within his chest, erupting with a fire that embraces him like an old friend. He remembers this feeling. He remembers the haze of red that clouded his vision, the primal instinct to rip and tear, to savage. At his sides, one hand balls into a fist; the other reaches for the faithful weapon at his hip. This one gets no opportunity to know who steers him to his end. The blade slices him from throat to groin before he can even open his eyes.
It isn't fair. The words ricochet around his head, stoke the flames in his heart. He conjures a vision of Carole's face, vibrant and full of life, laughing at something – him, no doubt, for she was forever teasing him. He hears her cheerful voice, chiding him for being so stubborn. But there is a second voice, underneath Carole's. A soft, musical voice. The voice of a child, because she would never be anything else.
'Don't be so stubborn, Vautrin!'
His chest tightens, squeezes the air from his lungs. His teeth grit together first in pain, and then in fury. No, it isn't fair. Nothing is fair. Not yet – but he will set things right. He knows this will work. This has to work. If there is to be any hope for Fontaine, it has to work. But in order for it to work, he must first finish what he has started. And so he soothes the flames down to a simmer and crosses another name from his list.
To find the next names, he must descend into the bowels of the Court. Not all who reside in the Fleuve Cendre are of the unsavoury kind, but they are outnumbered by those whose morals are somewhat to be desired. Life down here is never black and white, rather more of a murky grey. Under normal circumstances, the presence of a garde amidst the grime would be widespread news in mere moments. But these are not normal circumstances, and Vautrin knows how not to be seen. He did not rise to captain so young for nothing.
The irony of his situation does not escape him: that to right this wrong, he must become the very thing he has fought against all these years. That, too, is a price he must pay – but this one he pays willingly. He will tarnish his name, his reputation, everything he has stood for. He will strip away every scrap of the identity he has forged for himself. He will become the monster of this story. He will do it all, for her. For him.
Names three and four huddle together beneath the rusting struts of the ramshackle building Vautrin knows this group has been using for their meetings. Tendrils of smoke rise between the grates that make up the walkway that surrounds it, harsh laughter echoing as it bounces around the metal walls of this seedy underbelly. These two, he knows, are the watch. His eyes and ears within the undercity keep him well informed of the comings and goings from this particular den. He knows he only has to wait but a few minutes before opportunity walks his way.
Or shuffles, in this case.
The men part ways with a clap on the shoulder, each stalking in an opposite direction, casting their gazes subtly about them. There will be a signal, a code, that will alert each other to any threat and summon the other to their side. Vautrin knows these, too. He waits amongst the shadows as the shuffling steps inch closer, counts down slowly to ensure his timing is precise.
He cannot tell in the gloom if this is Three or Four, but it matters not. His blade will sink just as easily into either one of them.
And it does: he buries his sword to the hilt into the man's stomach in less time than it takes for the fool to acknowledge he is not alone in this dark corner. The man's mouth falls open, a groaning gurgle bubbling in this throat, threatening to escalate into something that could draw attention. Well, that won't do. He's not finished yet. There is an elegance to the way Vautrin shifts his weight to his back foot, whips his blade free and executes a perfect pirouette. There is nothing elegant about the way the man crumples to the floor, hands pawing at the new red smile of his throat.
As the man twitches at his feet, Vautrin lifts his fingers to his lips and gives a soft yet piercing whistle – two short breaths followed by one longer. Danger. The answering sound of rapidly approaching steps is music to his ears. He steps back amongst the shadows, blade angled behind him. There is little light down here to begin with, but the glint of steel is unmistakable, and he doesn't want to give away his position.
"What the-,"
The hulking shape looms over the corpse on the ground, posture tense, braced to fight. Vautrin sees him cast his gaze about frantically, seeking the source of such violence. Faced with this brutal assault, the man has a choice to make: sound the alarm, summon aid from those within the den, or tackle the problem alone. His broad and muscular figure is suggestive of a brawler, his attitude one of anger rather than fear. Vautrin knows that both Three and Four are former residents of the Meropide with colourful histories of bar fights and violent assaults.
He knows his targets. This man won't call for help. He believes he is untouchable. No doubt his friend thought that, too. There will be another lesson taught here in the Fleuve Cendre: no one is untouchable.
This one he carves into three. The first strike disables his right arm – both Three and Four, according to records, favour the right – and cuts deep into his side. The second opens up his guts. There is a pause before he delivers the third, a pause in which the man's eyes flicker with recognition and his expression twists into something caught between disbelief and horror.
"You… you're the one who worked with that Melusine-"
How dare you speak of her?!
The third strike slashes across the man's face, cleaves open his jaw and severs the tongue from his mouth. Fingers grasp the man's throat as he gasps and gurgles, drowning on his own blood. Fury burns in cold, dark eyes and venom drips from every word as he snarls into the man's face. "Her name was Carole."
He releases his grip, watches the brute sprawl uselessly atop his companion. He pauses in the silence that follows, listening for any sign that more might follow in his steps, but there is nothing. Scuffles are a frequent occurrence down here – the sounds of violence are as commonplace as the steady drip of water and the creaking and groaning of metal.
He crosses two more names from his list.
The air outside feels fresher when he emerges again from the undercity, though anything would seem a vast improvement after the damp, dank squalor that lurks beneath the beauty and splendour of the Court. It is, he muses, an apt reflection of Fontaine's people – beneath the pleasantries, beneath the finery, there is nothing but stink and grime. It is but a façade meant to disguise the filth inside. And he has found, over time, that those with the finest exteriors often harbour the vilest hearts.
His last two names are a prime example.
His path takes him now into old ground. Here, Fontaine's upper class can separate themselves from far more common folk. The houses here are grand, beautiful, reeking of wealth and privilege. The people behind these doors do not have to fight for scraps of food like they do in Fleuve Cendre. They don't have to work themselves to the bone to support their families. They do not have to worry about crime on these streets. They are safe, protected by the gardes that patrol their haven.
No one is safe. A lesson he himself learned long ago, back when he was counted amongst them. No one can escape the cruelty of people. He is living proof of that: his sister is not.
He knows these streets, remembers every shortcut and secret. He slips past the garden he once played in as a child and spares a fleeting thought for the older couple tucked up in their bed inside. Look, Mama. Look what your boy has become. Aren't you proud? He thinks of the shame that will consume them when the news hits the papers. Neither of them will take to the stage again, he is certain. Their names, alongside his, will be tainted forever. Good, a bitter voice hisses in the night, but he knows they do not deserve the storm that awaits them, for all their faults. They were not bad parents – not good ones either, but grieving ones. Perhaps, one day, he can find it in him to forgive them.
But now his target is ahead, and all thoughts of forgiveness are pushed from his mind. There is no forgiveness to be found here – only vengeance. Names One and Two, the instigators of injustice, the key figures responsible for Carole's self-sacrifice. The only names on his list who don't have criminal records, who are, to the untrained eye, model citizens of Fontaine. Mora can buy a great many things to those with a surplus of it – silence included.
He has thought a lot about how he would approach this last act. He debated putting on a performance, using his uniform and his name to get in the door - terribly sorry to disturb you, but there's been an incident in the area – but ultimately decided against it. If they recognised him too soon, it would complicate things. Risk upsetting everything. He couldn't chance it.
So, instead, he does what any monster would do: he breaks in.
During his experience as a garde, he has seen all sorts of things. He has apprehended pickpockets, thieves, scammers and murderers alike. In working those cases he has learned many things, too. And he has come prepared. It is surprisingly easy to muffle the noise of a window breaking if you know how, and easier still to reach through and unlatch the lock. But it is his experience upon the stage that aids him once he is inside – he has always been light of step, quick on his feet. His colleagues have always assumed it was learned on the job, but it was merely honed. Years of practice, day after day, under the critical gaze of his parents, have trained him to move like air.
It would be chilling to realise how easily one can infiltrate a seemingly safe and secure home, how easy it is to stand over sleeping bodies blissfully unaware of your presence, if he were observing this moment from the outside. Horrifying, in fact, to acknowledge how truly vulnerable a person is while they sleep, how much trust they put in the locks on their doors.
Were they anyone else, he might feel uncomfortable butchering them in their beds, but they do not deserve a fair chance. They gave up that right when they framed an innocent soul for murder simply because she was different. There is no hesitation in his heart as he quietly slides the sword from its sheath, now tacky with the congealing blood of the four others who came before. There is no hesitation in his hand as he stabs downward, again, and again, and again, until the white silks turn black with blood and Suavegothe jolts awake with a scream that pierces the silence like a klaxon.
Later, some unfortunate garde will be forced to count the wounds inflicted upon this noble lady of Fontaine. He will get to thirty before he cannot go on. His colleague will marvel at the strength and stamina required to stab someone thirty times and still go on to commit further atrocities. The newspapers will refer to it as a 'frenzy'. Others will claim that madness fuelled this savage attack.
Not madness, but rage. Rage, white hot and ferocious, that tore through him like wildfire at the sight of her sleeping face, peaceful and content, no trace of guilt for what she'd done. Rage that consumed his mind, conjured a red haze that descended over his vision. Rage that whispered in the back of his mind to make her pay, give her what she deserves, deliver her the rightful sentence for her crime.
An eye for an eye.
Thibert, far more sensible than the Fleuve Cendre thug, chose to flee rather than fight upon waking to find his partner being savaged by a demon in the night. Unfortunately for him, this would no sooner save him than fighting saved the thug. Vautrin followed his frantic, panicked scrambling with careful, measured steps, accompanied by the steady drip, drip of blood from the tip of his sword, leaving a gruesome breadcrumb trail that the gardes would soon follow to the horror left in his wake.
To his credit, despite his panic, the man managed to make it to the front door. Vautrin heard him scrabbling at the latch, felt the sudden draught of cold air rush in as the door swung open. But Thibert made the fatal mistake of hesitating, of looking behind him. He opened his mouth, sucked in breath to scream for help-
A wrong for a wrong.
-and was seized by a hand with an iron grip and dragged – sobbing and pleading – back into the gloom of the house.
He gazes down at the ruin he had created, chest heaving with every breath dragged through his lips, and exhales a long, slow sigh of relief. It was done. There were no more names to cross from the list once more tucked securely into his pocket. This part of his plan was complete – but there was still more yet to do. The evidence he had left at each scene should be enough to tie everything together, but he had to be sure.
He bends amidst the gore, swipes a hand through the spreading lake of blood slowly seeping into the rug. They'll never get that out. He straightens, turns to the expanse of wall above the hearth – the perfect blank canvas. The rage within him is subsiding, the flames reduced to embers, but it lingers long enough to guide his hand across the wallpaper. The fury that had given him the strength to do what was necessary has been sapped – he can feel the weariness creeping into his bones, his body aching with the effort. But he cannot rest yet.
Suavegothe's screams will have alerted someone. Violence may be commonplace in Fleuve Cendre, but here in the height of society, it is unheard of. Someone will have woken, called for the gardes. A patrol may have heard the screams themselves and raised the alarm. His time is limited.
He sinks into an armchair, rests a boot atop the savaged body on the rug. He lays his sword across his lap, withdraws a rag from another pocket. Reclining, he begins to slowly, methodically, clean the blood from his blade.
Now that his rage has burned cold, he has time to think, and he thinks of Neuvillette. He cannot imagine the shock, the horror, that the Iudex will feel upon learning of his crimes – and that will just be the beginning. A familiar ache settles in the captain's chest as he thinks about what he must do, of the worst betrayal that is yet to come. In the gloom of this house of horror, a choked sob breaks the silence.
He cares nothing for his name, his reputation. He can give up his freedom. He can brand himself a murderer, a monster, for all of history. A great cost, for sure, but a necessary one – one he knows will be worth it when his plan succeeds. He would give all of these things and more without question. But the one thing that pains him the most, the greatest price he must pay for Carole's dream, is losing the last person who means anything to him in this cursed, hateful world – for if Neuvillette can be seen to be undeniably impartial, for there to be no doubts about his position, for him to become the icon of justice in Fontaine, then he must sentence his best friend, in a public court, to a lifetime within metal walls.
And Vautrin must hate him for it.
His hand clutches at his chest as if to quell the ache within. He ought to compose himself – the gardes could be here any moment. Yet he allows himself this moment of weakness, this moment of truth, because he knows he has an act to play that cannot waver, not for a second. If he is to be believed, then he must hate Neuvillette with the same ferocity that he loves him.
So he weeps for the truth he understood too late. He weeps for the bond to be shattered and never repaired. He weeps for a future that will never be – of him, working at Neuvillette's side until retirement, of being his friend until his last breath. He weeps for the future that will be – of going to the grave knowing Neuvillette will never know the truth. And he weeps for the little sister that will never grow old, who set him on the path of justice to begin with. He weeps for the Melusine who wormed her way into his heart only to leave a gaping wound behind – whose voice he now hears, chiding him yet again:
'Come on, blockhead. It's not over yet!'
Then he gathers himself, wipes the tearstains from his cheeks. He summons that resolve once more, schools his features into that of a man who holds no regrets, who feels no guilt. And when the gardes at last arrive, they find him exactly as he is: reclined in an armchair, boot atop his last victim, methodically cleaning his blade beneath a statement painted in blood upon the wall:
And as they gape at him in horror, recognising both his uniform and his face, he utters four words – the same four words he left at each crime scene, painted in the blood of his victims.
"They had it coming."
#( personals DNI )#( 4036 words in total )#( honestly if you read this entire thing i applaud you. it was not meant to be this long- )#( GOD i am so EMOTIONAL over this man and his stupid unwavering loyalty )#( and the *parallels* i see with wrio are *insane* to me )#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)#;here we go again i will not give in (about; vautrin)
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i'll make a proper post about it when i'm not stood on a freezing train platform but he's been rattling around inside my head this morning so i want to talk about what's rattling around inside his head-
so it's long established that vautrin has all of history and memory floating around inside his head after his 400 year swim in the primordial sea, but i've only really briefly touched on the consequences of that.
whilst he isn't fully human and is no longer mortal (at least in the sense that humans are mortal), going through something like that isn't going to be a smooth ride and no mortal mind should ever be able to withstand that amount of information without issues.
for the most part, vautrin does not have ready access to all of this information. he can actively seek out things he knows should be in there, but he also has a very basic grasp of the abilities that allow him to tap into those memories so this has mixed success depending on various factors (like how familiar he is with the subject, for example). consider it similar to how our brains will actively repress things from us to protect us - usually from trauma. vautrin's brain is no different here, and it's why he initially had huge gaps in his memory when he first came back.
the main consequence he suffers is in trying to tap into the knowledge inside his head, he risks painful headaches if he pushes too hard and too deep, particularly before he learns how to navigate his abilities. pushing beyond the headaches will lead to further consequences (nosebleeds, fainting, etc) but he's usually too sensible to get that far. usually.
he can lessen these consequences by learning to control the way he explores his mental archives, but he can never be fully rid of them. there must always be a cost to having access to things you shouldn't be able to physically withstand.
#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)#( i've always said it's a wonder he's still sane )#( there has to be a degree of protection from his own mind to prevent loss of sanity )#( instead he suffers headaches and bouts of melancholy and uncontrollable emotion )
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one thing i want to touch on since vautrin is on the brain (again) is the fact that he has taken lives deliberately and this is not something that can, or should be, forgotten - by him, or by those around him.
whilst there are undoubtedly many within teyvat who have taken another person's life (or many lives), there is something very different between taking a life accidentally, or out of necessity or self-preservation (self-defense, war, etc), and actively plotting to kill. however much someone might agree with the motive behind his actions, however much someone might believe those he killed were awful people, he still took justice into his own hands and murdered them. even when we have the full context of the situation, even though we know there were layers to his actions, this is still an extreme response, and i've already spoken about how there was a part of him that did it for himself, even if it was a fairly small part in comparison to those that did it for carole, for neuvillette, and in the broader picture, fontaine itself. he wanted those people to suffer. he wanted to hurt them. and he cannot ever escape the truth of that.
he is always going to live under that shadow - under the knowledge that he is capable of horrific things if pushed to the right limits. knowing the facts of his crime (particularly the deaths of thibert and suavegothe, which were the most savage and brutal) is one thing, but to have that memory inside his head, to remember the cold rage that fuelled him, to know that he felt satisfaction for doing it... this is something he will struggle with for the rest of his life. he had always believed he was a good man, and his life up to that point supported this, but now he knows he is not a good man. in his eyes, he has been tainted.
and the reason i wanted to touch on this now is that he will be unable to conceal this from the people he gets involved with - platonically, romantically, whoever gets close to him in whatever way they choose. for those that already know his story and his past, especially anyone who knew him before his crime, he will struggle with the perception that he has shamed them, that he has forever stained their opinions of him, that he has failed to live up to the man they thought he was. it's not a subject he finds easy to broach but there is always a compulsion there to apologise, to relieve them of any obligation to forgive him, because he does not feel deserving of that forgiveness - even if he absolutely paid for his crimes in the end.
and for anyone who does not know his story, who come to him knowing nothing about the man he used to be, this is a subject he is going to eventually bring up. because he has to - his conscience cannot allow him to develop meaningful bonds with someone without them knowing the full story. particularly with any bond that develops into romance, he simply will not pursue things further until he has laid out his sins to them (if he hasn't already), so they know exactly who they're getting involved with - and so they have the option of walking away before it's too late, if that is something they can't accept.
this is something very important to him, because even if he did a terrible thing for the right reasons, the fact remains that he would do it again if it became necessary. and that is the weight that sits so heavily upon his shoulders - knowing he can, and would.
#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)#( listen i joke about him always being ready to kill for those he loves but actually. it's a very serious truth )#( it's not something he would do *lightly* by any means )#( but there is an anger within him that is easily triggered regarding those that matter to him )#( he's not going to lose it over an insult but if someone were to try and seriously harm his friends or partner? oh boy )#( if their lives are threatened in any way he is 100% ready to uno reverse it )#( he cannot escape the mantra of 'an eye for an eye'. it's now ingrained into his belief )#( and the thing he does struggle most with is the fact he did feel *satisfied* after killing thibert and suavegothe )#( and he is more than a little scared about what that says about him )#( because someone who takes that kind of delight in the killing of another person is Not A Good Person )
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vautrin will always naturally fall back on the more 'old fashioned' pet names for those he loves. be prepared to be called darling, dear/dearest, beloved, my love, etc (darling is most common). friends or others he considers very close may also be treated to some of these, depending on their particular relationship to him
i will hold onto old-fashioned vautrin in 'modern' times and i will not let go for anything-
#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)#( to add: he generally only uses these in private / amongst trusted circles )#( you're not going to hear him calling it down a public street but you may hear him murmur it to a partner )#( much of it is also in the *way* he says these terms of endearment )#( there's a softness to his voice every time. no matter what )
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while vautrin has the braincell i am thinking about the fact it would take him so long to get used to having a physical body again - i mean, this man has been a floating soul for 400 years (possibly more - who knows how time passes in the primordial sea, after all)
it's already established in my brain that he physically couldn't move for a long time once he was spat out from the sea, simply bc he didn't know how to. his brain had to relearn motor functions like a baby, he had to adjust to having mass (floating souls = weightless), he had to get used to the senses of his body again
he was probably lurking in the dark shadows of the fortress for days, weeks, before he dragged himself to s.igewinne for help. and how terrifying would that be for someone who should by all rights be dead-
#;forever yelling into the abyss (ooc)#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)#( man was sat alone in the dark for days or weeks trying to adjust to being human again )#( man. MAN. i am emotional about this weird lil guy )
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because i am insane like that, i have spent days putting together all the necessary stats & info as if he was a playable character. and yes, i made him a 5* bc he deserves it.
because there's so much, i'm splitting everything into two posts. this one will feature all the actual game mechanics themselves - his talents, skills, weapon stats, artifact sets, constellations, etc. the character stories & other more prose-based information will be in another post.
i have worked really hard on this, both to make it interesting and fitting with his character, and to make sure it would be a believable play style within the game. all numbers or percentages have been modelled on existing characters / weapons with similar skills or traits. and it shouldn't need to be said but... please don't steal any of it.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Weapon: Sword | Element: Pyro | Model Type: Tall Male | Arkhe: Pneuma
NORMAL ATTACK: TIDE'S IRE Normal Attack Performs up to 5 rapid strikes.
When Vautrin performs the fourth strike of his Normal Attack sequence, he will kick his weapon forward, then perform a leap to catch the blade in mid-air before delivering a small plunging attack as his fifth strike.
Charged Attack Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash 2 rapid sword strikes.
After performing the first strike, Vautrin will execute a pirouette to deliver the second strike.
Plunging Attack Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
ELEMENTAL SKILL: TEMPESTUOUS TORRENT Possessing of a fiery temper, Vautrin channels his anger into his blade to unleash Pyro infused attacks that vary based on the intensity of his fury.
(PRESS / TAP) Vautrin performs two sweeping slashes that deal Pyro DMG in an arc in front of him.
(HOLD / CHARGE) Vautrin makes a rapid lunge forward and performs four consecutive attacks that deal impressive Pyro DMG. Upon performing the last strike, Vautrin stabs his sword into the ground, dealing Pyro DMG in an AoE effect.
ELEMENTAL BURST: BOILING FURY Summoning the Ocean's Wrath, flames erupt around Vautrin, converging into a form alike in shape to that of an Oceanid, which settles upon him like a cloak. Ocean's Wrath will fight alongside Vautrin for the skill's duration.
Ocean's Wrath
Strikes alongside Vautrin's normal attacks, dealing massive Pyro DMG.
Increases the Pyro DMG dealt by Tempestuous Torrent while Ocean's Wrath is active.
Raises Vautrin's ATK SPD.
Disables Vautrin's Charged Attacks.
Increases Vautrin's resistance to interruption.
Ocean's Wrath lasts a maximum of 18s.
Arkhe: Pneuma After Ocean's Wrath ends, it performs a final tail slam which propels a Spiritbreath Thorn towards the opponents position, dealing Pneuma-aligned Pyro DMG.
1st Ascension Passive: Storm's Frenzy Increases Vautrin's Movement SPD whilst in combat by 10% and decreases Tempestuous Torrent's CD by 20%.
4th Ascension Passive: Squall's Temper When Ocean's Wrath is active, Vautrin will gain one stack of Lawful Vengeance for each consecutive hit with his normal attack. Max 5 stacks. Each stack will increase Vautrin's ATK by 6%.
Utility Passive: Undercurrent's Might Increases underwater Sprint SPD for your own party members by 15%. Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.
Constellation: NYMPHA OCEANUS
C1: PASSION FOR DUTY The CRIT Rate of Vautrin's Normal and Charged Attacks against opponents affected by Pyro is increased by 15%.
C2: HEART FOR THE CAUSE When using Boiling Fury, whilst Ocean's Wrath is active, each Lawful Vengeance stack from the Passive Talent "Squall's Temper" will increase said ability's DMG dealt by 40%. You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Squall's Temper".
C3: DETERMINED FOR CHANGE Increases the Level of Tempestuous Torrent by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C4: IMPATIENCE FOR INJUSTICE When using Tempestuous Torrent in the charged state, Vautrin's final strike will generate an explosion that knocks back nearby enemies and deals Pyro DMG equal to 100% of Vautrin's ATK in a wide AoE radius.
C5: RAGE UPON THE GUILTY Increases the Level of Boiling Fury by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C6: VENGEANCE FOR THE FALLEN When using Boiling Fury, Vautrin's CRIT DMG is increased by 50% and the damage dealt by Ocean's Wrath is increased by 30%. Additionally, if Vautrin leaves the field, Ocean's Wrath will transfer to the character currently in combat, granting them the following effects:
Strikes alongside a character's Normal Attacks, dealing additional Pyro DMG.
Raises a character's Pyro RES and ATK SPD.
Disables a character's Charged Attacks.
Increases a character's resistance to interruption.
R1: Increases CRIT Rate by 8% and increases Normal ATK SPD by 12%. Normal attack hits have a 50% chance to trigger the Tide's Oath effect, summoning a Tide's Mimic which actively seeks out nearby enemies to attack for 15s, dealing 160% ATK DMG. After 15s, the Tide's Mimic will disperse, dealing 40% ATK DMG in a small AoE attack. The Tide's Oath effect can only occur once every 30s.
R2: Increases CRIT Rate by 10% and increases Normal ATK SPD by 12%. Normal attack hits have a 50% chance to trigger the Tide's Oath effect, summoning a Tide's Mimic which actively seeks out nearby enemies to attack for 15s, dealing 200% ATK DMG. After 15s, the Tide's Mimic will disperse, dealing 55% ATK DMG in a small AoE attack. The Tide's Oath effect can only occur once every 30s.
R3: Increases CRIT Rate by 12% and increases Normal ATK SPD by 12%. Normal attack hits have a 50% chance to trigger the Tide's Oath effect, summoning a Tide's Mimic which actively seeks out nearby enemies to attack for 15s, dealing 240% ATK DMG. After 15s, the Tide's Mimic will disperse, dealing 70% ATK DMG in a small AoE attack. The Tide's Oath effect can only occur once every 30s.
R4: Increases CRIT Rate by 14% and increases Normal ATK SPD by 12%. Normal attack hits have a 50% chance to trigger the Tide's Oath effect, summoning a Tide's Mimic which actively seeks out nearby enemies to attack for 15s, dealing 280% ATK DMG. After 15s, the Tide's Mimic will disperse, dealing 85% ATK DMG in a small AoE attack. The Tide's Oath effect can only occur once every 30s.
R5: Increases CRIT Rate by 16% and increases Normal ATK SPD by 12%. Normal attack hits have a 50% chance to trigger the Tide's Oath effect, summoning a Tide's Mimic which actively seeks out nearby enemies to attack for 15s, dealing 320% ATK DMG. After 15s, the Tide's Mimic will disperse, dealing 100% ATK DMG in a small AoE attack. The Tide's Oath effect can only occur once every 30s.
#( this took so long. and so much work )#( also fun fact: the names for his cons tell the story of his life in terms of working with carole. bc pain. )#( and yes. i did make graphics for this. )#;here we go again i will not give in (about; vautrin)#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)
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and with that reply, i am making it official that vautrin identifies himself as gay
i always like to let the muse tell me what interests they hold, i like to let them explore options, and it's become increasingly clear to me that vautrin, whilst fond of ladies as friends, whilst admiring them as people, he has no interest in them romantically or sexually
i'm going to make a proper hc post at some point about it bc this identity is something he's had to accept for himself & so it's quite important for him as a character, but for now, this will suffice-
#;forever yelling into the abyss (ooc)#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)#( i'm so proud of my boy for accepting who he is AT FUCKING LAST )#( i've been considering the adjustment for a while bc. let's be real )#( it was fairly obvious about him >_> )
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the former captain of the special security and surveillance patrol, reborn from the primordial sea
aka. meet redhead v.autrin & his current longer hairstyle and primordial eyes
#( i had help picking his hair colour in the end )#( and honestly. i have zero regrets )#( & i just had to make his hair a lil longer. it was necessary okay )#( now i feel like i should draw his past self w/ this hair colour for comparison )#( and to show his original eye colour )#( i'm not 100% happy with his eyes here but i am limited in my ability to recreate primordial sea vibes )#;here we go again i will not give in (visage; vautrin)#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)
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because of course i'm going to fully flesh out who the man was before he became the captain. that's what i do with minor npcs-
small tw for mentions of death (including that of a child)
all we know about his family from canon lore is that he had a little sister, illaria, who died when they were both young. given the term "young" is fairly broad, i'm expanding on that to say vautrin was twelve when his sister died, and she was eight. i wanted them to be fairly close in age, but with vautrin just old enough to feel responsible for her as the older sibling. they had no other siblings; their parents were content with two children.
which brings me to his parents. they were fairly comfortable in terms of wealth - not rich, not a part of f.ontaine's high society by any stretch, but definitely on a middle-class / upper middle-class level. both came from similar families, so they've always been used to that kind of lifestyle, and expected their children to continue on with the same.
given the time period, had illaria lived, she would likely have been urged to marry into equal or greater wealth, and may even have had her marriage arranged for her. as for vautrin, he was likewise expected to marry a lady from a family of equal standing, but there were also expectations put upon him in terms of his employment.
vautrin's father was a very talented and successful musician. his mother was an actress and a dancer. the two of them met whilst working on a production together, but were also aware of each other by name and reputation before that. the stage was, understandably, their passion, and they vowed to ensure whatever children they might have would receive an education in the performing arts.
both vautrin and illaria were, therefore, enrolled in classes from a young age, and given extra lessons at home by their parents. illaria had a natural talent for music (piano, mostly, but she was also learning the flute and violin prior to her death), and vautrin... vautrin was a natural dancer (he admits this now only with great embarrassment). it was their parents dream for both of them to end up on the stage, following in their footsteps.
sadly, it was not to be. at the age of eight, illaria lost her life - and in an awful, tragic manner. vautrin's dialogue about the similarities between his sister and carole in n.euvillette's story quest suggestes she was very innocent and easily tricked:
"She's just like Carole in every possible way. Innocent, kind... always believing the best of people. People like her are the most vulnerable to deception and betrayal." "From the moment I met Carole, I knew that she'd be easily manipulated by others."
this is a man clearly speaking from experience. illaria was evidently an incredibly trusting and likely guillable young girl, and it was this nature of hers that led to her death.
always eager to make friends, when a group of kids of her brother's age range invited her to join them on an adventure, she gladly accepted. they told her a fantastic tale of some old, forgotten treasure hidden away in an old shipwreck, of a rare gem borne by the ocean itself, and... she believed every word. perhaps, if she weren't so trusting, she might have asked questions, but she saw no reason why they would lie to her.
unfortunately for illaria, these kids were known bullies and, bored, they saw a perfect target in this sweet, trusting girl. they tricked illaria into swimming down to the shipwreck (which was nothing special in itself, but a location they'd scouted out previously), and encouraged her to search for the gem inside an old storage trunk. then, as soon as her back was turned, they pushed her inside and locked it shut.
needless to say, illaria drowned. or... suffocated, since whilst it's unclear if drowning is possible in f.ontaine waters (canonically, even characters from other regions can breathe underwater without issue*), people still need air somehow.
*EDIT: i have been reminded that only vision holders can breathe underwater without issue. so, yes, she likely drowned.
vautrin, searching for his sister, had managed to trace her to said group of bullies (which was alarming in itself, knowing how trusting his sister was), who were at that point sat on the beach laughing about their "prank". when he demanded to know where his sister was, they told him where to find her. horrified, vautrin swam down to the shipwreck as fast as possible to free her. sadly, he was too late. by the time he had pulled her to the surface and called for help, illaria was lost.
upon her being declared dead, vautrin threw himself at the known ringleader in a blind rage, and had to be restrained by the gardes. one of them - a kind man who vautrin never forgot - took him aside to calm him down, telling him that justice would be done, but there was a process that had to be followed first. when vautrin broke down over his inability to protect his sister, the garde uttered words that would stick with him for the years to come: let us stand for your sister, now.
my reasoning for the cause of her death largely comes down to why and when vautrin brings up his sister in relation to carole during the story quest: specifically to draw the similarities in their natures, and thus implying the similarities in their fates. why mention that his sister was vulnerable to deception, believed the best of people, and imply that she, too, could be easily manipulated, if it didn't have some bearing on how she died?
plus, it makes his reaction to carole's death even more meaningful: the kids who caused his sister's death were definitely exiled to the fortress (f.ontaine, as we know from wrio's situation, is not above imprisoning children/teens), but were almost certainly released after serving their sentences (the charges would likely have been pled down to involuntary manslaughter, which usually serves up to 10 years). vautrin therefore saw an opportunity not only to establish n.euvillette as the impartial pillar of justice for f.ontaine, but to ensure these bullies didn't get a second chance they didn't deserve - and he took it.
vautrin always cites his sister's death as the reason for his change in career path. no longer able to find the joy he once had in music and dance, and also unable to get that garde's words out of his head, he decided to take up a far nobler cause - he would join the gardiennage and stand for justice.
he couldn't save his sister, but maybe he could save someone else's.
needless to say, this decision did not go down well with his parents. two years had passed since illaria's death when vautrin declared his intentions to join the gardiennage, two years in which he had neglected his classes, abandoned his practice, and refused to step foot on another stage. his parents had put this down to grief, understandably, and therefore assumed this decision came from the same source.
when it became evident that he was serious, however, they were quick to shut it down. why would he throw away his talent for something so common, they asked of him - he could be a star like his mother if he returned to the stage, he could be successful, wealthy. perhaps it was their own grief for their lost daughter that prompted their actions, perhaps they were desperate to cling onto their remaining child and the dreams they had for him. regardless, they offered vautrin an ultimatum: if he joined the gardes, he would be cut off from the family. no money, no support - no future, they implied. if they were certain he would give in and... well, they were wrong.
vautrin left home the next day and signed up for the gardiennage.
he threw himself wholeheartedly into the training and, after he received his uniform, into the work itself. he earned a reputation rather quickly for being diligent, disciplined, and loyal. his commitment to the job didn't go unnoticed by those higher up, and vautrin rose gradually through the ranks until, eventually, he was appointed to captain of the special security and surveillance patrol at the age of twenty-four. his young age prompted some discontent amongst those who either doubted his ability or were passed over for the position themselves, but vautrin was quick to prove he had earned his rank, and became a much loved and respected leader.
he never made up with his parents. in his current timeline verse, this is something he now regrets. three times he started to reach out to them: when he first became captain, when he began working alongside n.euvillette, and during his time in the fortress. each time, he composed a letter - the first two told of his achievements, of the life he'd made for himself (perhaps hoping that this would incite pride in him), asked about their welfare, commented on their latest work, and included a request to meet for coffee after all these years. the third, composed shortly after his incarceration, was full of regret and remorse - not for his decisions, but for the way they left things, for cutting ties so severely and never looking back - and ended with a promise that, should he ever be released, he would come and find them. he made no promise to forgive, but he was willing to try.
the letters were composed, addressed.... and never sent. he simply didn't have it in him to breach that gap.
(in his current timeline verse, vautrin fell into the Sea before they died; thus leaving them to "bury" both of their children. otherwise, the news of their eventual (and separate) deaths is delivered to vautrin in the fortess. they never made any attempt to contact him throughout his sentence and were not present at his trial.)
#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)#( somebody pls reignite his love for music & dance he deserves some joy- )#( his sister's death is so awful but it just makes sense to me. sorry vautrin skdbgdlkh )
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it probably comes as a surprise to no one, but vautrin finds it quite difficult to fully relax, even when by himself. this originates from his early years, where any free time he might have had was taken up with dance practices, music practices, rehearsals, and performances themselves. then, after the decision to become a garde, that free time was then spent training and honing his skills.
simply put: vautrin has no idea what to do if he has nothing to do.
he's not someone who can just sit and do nothing. he has to keep his hands or his mind busy - whether that's reading a book or cleaning a weapon, or similar tasks. the only time he can truly sit and simply vibe is when he is submerged (partially or fully) in water.
being underwater in general is the only place he can fully relax - he can spend hours beneath the surface without fully realising the passing of time. this is, of course, entirely down to the fact that being underwater is his natural habitat as an oceanid, but it also quiets his mind and relieves the build-up of tension he accumulates on the surface.
when he does relax, it is noticeable. this applies both to him being underwater and on the surface: he visibly relaxes. his posture loosens, his expression softens. he's also more likely to be more open with his emotions and his thoughts, less guarded overall. it may take some time for him to be able to relax like this in company, but once he reaches that level of comfort with someone, they'll see a different side to him entirely.
bonus: when at home, vautrin favours lighter, looser clothing and is less strict about his appearance. he'll leave buttons undone, roll up his sleeves, untuck his shirts. he's not someone who will show a lot of skin freely, even at home, so you won't catch him relaxing shirtless (particularly now he has those oceanid fin-like 'birthmarks' on his arms), but you might get that deep 'V' of an open collar if you're lucky-
#( personals DNI )#( need vautrin to relax? stick him in a bath )#( that's literally the quickest way to get him to chill )#( but this man needs to be doing *something* at all times. he can't function doing nothing )#( he's been overworked his entire life he doesn't know how to *stop* working )#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)
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because i'm thinking about it again:
vautrin, if initiating a first kiss (maybe even the second, or the third, or the-) will ask his partner for permission to do so. this is but one of his old-fashioned habits when it comes to matters involving romance, and he'll never change (though with long-term partners, he will eventually accept that he doesn't need to ask every single time)
.... and this also applies even if his partner is the one to initiate their first kiss. he'll still ask for permission the first time he wants to initiate a kiss.
#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)#( his partners should get used to him asking to kiss them >_> )#( he's just very old fashioned )
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image is an incredibly important thing to vautrin - and plays a big part in how he presents himself both in his past and current verses. this largely started in his youth, but particularly after he walked out on his family to pursue a career as a garde.
it's not that he particularly cares about how other people view him - that doesn't bother him at all, as he proves when he throws away everything he worked for to ensure n.euvillette became the figure of justice that f.ontaine needed. he doesn't care that he'll be forever seen as a criminal, a murderer.
no, his importance on image is tied to his own sense of self - and to a degree, worth. as captain vautrin, he made sure to present a pristine, orderly, and respectful image not for the sake of those around him, but out of pride for his position, for his achievements. it was respect for the job he did, respect for the privilege afforded to him. it was acknowledgement for how far he'd come. for the hard work that had brought him to that point - why put in all that effort, why suffer through the hardships that drove him there, if he was only going to be sloppy about it?
this only intensified when he became close with the iudex himself, who always presented a truly awe-inspiring image. he simply had to mirror that image with his own.
this is, as i've already mentioned in a previous post, why he taught himself sewing skills - so that he could ensure his uniform remained in a pristine condition to uphold the image that meant so much to him.
after being ejected from the primordial sea like driftwood, vautrin retains a similar sense of image, though it is now far more complicated - he no longer knows who he is, and his image was previously centred upon his position in f.ontaine, which he no longer possesses.
initially, he clings to what was, but over time (in what i imagine would be his 'story quest' were he in-game), he learns to let go of the past and embrace the unknown of his future. part of this, of course, involves his image - he is no longer captain vautrin, and he needs something to reflect this.
this is why he decides to grow out his hair - his previous short and neat style fitted well with the smart and pristine uniform he wore every day, and fitted well with the man he was. his new longer, more unruly style is much more fitting to the wild and unpredictable man he has returned as.
likewise, his choice of attire in this new life also reflects the changes in him. whilst he retains elements of his previous uniform, as a nod to who he was and the importance of that former life, he makes enough changes in his attire to mirror the changes in himself. this is all done to say one thing:
he is still vautrin - he is not the man he was, but he has found peace with who he is.
#( personals DNI do not touch this post )#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)#( vautrin comes back from the dead. grows out his hair and changes up his style )#( goes from a somewhat stiff and formal image to something more *free* and *fluid* )#( almost like he's embracing a certain side of himself- )#( hi my name is lauri and i'm so normal about this sad little oceanid man )
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NEW MUSE ALERT bc i'm weak and have no self restraint-
he will have a current timeline verse once i can work out a way to bring him back 400 years later that isn't just: oh hey look he's back surprise !!! (watch this be exactly what i end up doing-)
for now. very much wip.
#;forever yelling into the abyss (ooc)#muse; vautrin (genpact)#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)#;tag drops
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random vautrin hc: the man knows how to sew. only the basics: when your uniform is so much of your identity, you learn to take care of it. he can repair a torn seam, mend holes or rips, and reattach or replace a button with his eyes closed-
#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)#( it was probably a point of pride for him that he taught himself to do it too )#( a young man - a boy really - who never wanted to have to rely on someone else again. who *didn't have* someone to rely on )#( ffs vautrin why does every hc have to be *sad* with you- )
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@ccaptain: [ META ] + vengeance; the concept of ''eye for an eye'' ( for vautrin ) c:
an eye for an eye; a wrong for a wrong. never forgive, never forget - this is your last regret.
vautrin has always thought of himself as a man of justice - he stands for those who cannot stand for themselves, ensures the safety of the vulnerable, and the punishment of those who would exploit them. he chose his profession specifically to help and protect the people of fontaine. he committed his life to the justice of fontaine. he believes very firmly in the law and order that fontaine lives by.
vautrin is but human*, and humans inherently have flaws. not only that, but they are emotional beings - and vautrin is, beneath his stiff and formal facade, an intensely passionate person. whilst this passion is usually channelled into his work ethic, his dedication to service and the upholding of law, there are instances where it changes course and fuels that hidden fire lurking deep down: vengeance.
perhaps it is because he values law and order so highly. perhaps it is because he detests the people who take delight in causing harm of any kind to others. perhaps it is because he has seen what the worst of humanity can do to each other, often simply because they can. perhaps it is because he has seen that, sometimes, justice doesn't work how it should.
perhaps it is all of the above.
he does not encourage vengeance - but he cannot condone it. to do so would make him, first and foremost, a hypocrite. did he not, as a youth, physically assault those responsible for his sister's death? did he not call for their own deaths through tears of grief and fury? and though his reasons lay not solely with vengeance, did he not hunt down and slaughter the group who drove carole to her death?
vengeance as a concept to vautrin feels... justified, in certain circumstances. he has seen cases fall apart due to errors (or an exchange of mora). he has seen criminals get away with things they shouldn't, or receive far reduced sentences than their crime should have demanded. he has seen the victims of those cases forced to resume their lives as normal, knowing the person who wronged them didn't get what they deserved. sometimes, knowing that person is still out there and could do it again.
should one of those victims take it upon themselves to correct this failing of the justice system... well, he can hardly fault them, can he? and it infuriates him when he has to then apprehend them for a crime that could have been avoided entirely if the justice system worked how it should - often leading to the victim receiving a harsher sentence than the person who wronged them in the first place.
taking matters into your own hands, he believes, is sometimes the only way to achieve what is right. he knew that group wasn't going to be punished correctly for what happened to carole, simply because she was a melusine. and he could try and claim that he only did what he did to ensure there would be no more doubts about n.euvillette's impartiality, but that would be a lie.
because he could have simply killed those people cleanly, efficiently, dispatched them without ceremony - but he didn't. it was messy. it was brutal. it was passionate - because he wanted them to suffer, and he can't deny it. he wanted them to know exactly why he was doing it.
he could tell himself that it needed to be horrific - that it needed to be a crime worthy of the highest punishment. he could even tell himself that, had he not needed to help cement n.euvillette's position in the eye of fontaine's public, maybe he wouldn't have gone so far.
but that would be another lie.
(*mostly human-)
#ccaptain#( thank u sam !!!! )#( listen. this is a man who grew very disillusioned with the justice he's stood for his entire life )#( those kids who caused his sister's death were allowed to walk free again )#( those who pushed carole to her death would have done the same. he wasn't letting it happen a second time )#( i need to write out a specific meta about what he did to that group of people actually >_> )#( also if you know where that line at the start comes from you get a cookie )#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)
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i will make a proper hc post regarding this another time, when it won't be considered a spoiler so i don't need to hide it away, but for now-
vautrin and the sea of bygone eras:
hoyo really gave me an entire area built around music, after i gave vautrin a family background in.... yep, you guessed it, music-
so, following the events of the quest & potentially after scylla makes connection with n.euvillette, you bet your ass vautrin is gonna be swimming around in that sea & playing music with scylla as often as he can. perhaps he even volunteers to be the line of communication between scylla and neuvi, since the latter can't get away from f.ontaine very often
the entire time we were swimming with scylla i couldn't get the image out of my head of vautrin weaving between the strings, finally feeling that old joy he used to have when playing music/dancing with his sister, and sharing that joy with this old, lonely dragonkin.....
this dragonkin made up of what is quite clearly primordial seawater & the half-oceanid primordial man, both out of time & returned to life ???? yeah there was no way i wasn't shoving them together and making them bond as friends-
(vautrin and dragons, i stg...)
#;forever yelling into the abyss (ooc)#( i am gripping this and holding it tight )#// g.enshin spoilers#;here we go again i will not give in (headcanons; vautrin)
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