babydoll-beauty · 1 year
Hello and welcome to @grassbodied @fictusvulpes @foxyfrolic @millenniumdueled! Welcome to my blog, I'm Chiaria. <3
nice to meet you guys. tell me about yourself? what do you guys like? Do for a living?
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hello-mrpresident · 1 year
💭 + got any tips for organizing stuff
Yes, if you can get a planner, of course, that rarely works if you aren't neurotypical.
Something I use for my son Xander is specialized little tags you can buy all the materials from a dollar store,
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I bought some colored baskets, some coiled keychain bracelets, and tags.
Typically you just need 2 baskets, but you can have more Baskets. For my son, I have 3 baskets.
"To-do", "Finished" and "Can complete later"
His tags are separated into their respect baskets. As he completes tags, he can set the finished into "Finished" if the task isn't urgent and he's started he puts it into "Can complete later"
Of course, because he's a child, there's no pressure for him to complete tasks, and most of this is designated to him doing homework and minor chores like cleaning his room.
I hope this is helpful!
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greasedupclown · 1 year
Send 🎵 for a song my muse associates with your muse
mostly cause of the name of the song, but also matches ya VWibes.
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chironschariot · 1 year
i dont believe in being anonymous hi any fun scar stories ?
My kismesis in a fit of high rage sta88ed by eye out permanently 8linding me. zz:.)
Hm, i got 2 scars on my forehead from getting attacked 8y someone 8ut i can't entirely remember vwho.
Those are the most nota8le cause they're on my face.
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janusflipped · 1 year
@grassbodied replied to your post “everything smells like coffee.”:
pretty nice smell tbf
​It's only nice if it doesn't end up all over your clothing and desk.
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volatilemariner · 1 year
@grassbodied replied to your post “you good dude”:
you rbed the same post like 4 times
​yeah. it's a good post.
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azollafoliculoides · 1 year
why are you me im me
get a load of this chode. what you want me to quote the faker speech at you or something
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pheebswashere · 1 year
@grassbodied what in the flame kingdom? that dont sound good
the kingdom is alright, temperatures are pretty normal for the incoming cool season.
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stakesout · 1 year
@grassbodied :(
sorry mn
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bootyyyyshaker900 · 1 year
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You need a degree for that, I didn't go to school.
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babydoll-beauty · 1 year
@grassbodied replied to your post “Hello and welcome to @grassbodied @fictusvulpes...”:
howdy im fern im a sword tree grass guy 👋
​hello fern! nice to meet you, and a sword tree grass guy! There aren't a lot of sentient swords around anymore so it's nice to meet you!!
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dionysed · 1 year
im super taking your whimsical ass seriously. whats serious .................. test tubes.
My whimsical ass is unlike any other. It should be studied, even.
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greasedupclown · 1 year
so whats your hobbies
to no ones surprise...
like like motherfuckin' seWVin', i like makin dolls. I'll share some later. but of the creepy sort. Kurloz is fond of the puppety lookin' motherfuckers.
i make a lot of clothes. i make music, got a soft spot for the piano and guitars. string instruments are my motherfuckin' vice.
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chironschariot · 1 year
@grassbodied replied to your post “Hello to all my newv followvers I'm Cronus Serket....”:
​Hey there, vwhat's your name 8uddy?
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fantoccia · 1 year
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An attempt was made. @strikingskeletonsiege @reviviscencegruiform @grassbodied Y'all liked that post ages ago so lmao
1- I've not drawn an Undertale in a thousand years dear god. 2- My mind Refused to let me draw Jon. Absolutely refused. 3- I hate Fern's little baby diaper bottoms but tbh he was fun to draw lmao
I just wanted to make leetle doodles of Ang interacting with ppl umu she looks like a fuckin kewpie in Fern's pic lmfao.
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volatilemariner · 1 year
you good dude
vwhat? yeah, i'm fine.
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