#;event ( EMPHATHEOREM )
fulgoriis · 5 years
@sotouso​ // event starter
Of course it had been a while since Hak had really experienced being shorter than his current tall stature, though being in Ichimokuren’s form reminded him of how he was when he was a kid. That was fine and all, with some degree of bonding happening when being in another person’s body for an extended period of time somehow a good catalyst for memories and such to be exchanged. It could be said that the body remembered things better than the mind could sometimes and what an illustration of that. That was all done with though and Hak was ready to just continue the rest of his days as himself in his own body. 
There really was no rhyme or reason to when these swaps were supposed to happen though, huh? He was just reaching for some thing on a grocery store shelf when he blinked and suddenly instead of being in front of the tea, he was face to face with the second shelf of purple Panta. Wait, just the second shelf? And the dark purple framing his face along with the hint of a black and white pattern over his chest... Hak raised a hand to pat over that familiar scarf. 
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Are you kidding me. Are you kidding me, I’m scarf boy? Someone had to have some sense of humor. He didn’t even know what to say to this. He didn’t know if there was anything to say to that. All he could do was march his way over to where he was, a few aisles down and look up at his own damn body again. 
“Wanna do me a favor?” This body felt alright, but he wasn’t going to be winning any speed competitions against himself. “Whoever’s responsible for all this stuff, I’m counting on you to give ‘em a good whack on the head - top, weak spot, whatever. Cause I sure can’t reach any of that in your body.” 
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seizonka · 5 years
@shinuso​ // event starter
Waking up in a new place after feeling just a bit of relief after returning to his original body was getting old pretty quickly. It definitely didn’t help that Rantaro’s last two switches happened to be girls -- he was already pretty careful that no one misunderstood his intentions in his regular body so having to explain away things when he was stuck in someone else’s body was just another issue entirely. For a long moment, Rantaro just continued to lay in this person’s bed, slightly afraid to see if his latest switch was with another girl. But, he wasn’t the only person who was dealing with stuff like this and no doubt, the other was probably worried about the state of their own body. It was just a temporary switch anyway... the both of them would make it through the day or days. 
Come to think of it, this place also looked familiar too. It wasn’t anything super familiar or instantly recognizable like Kaede’s wardrobe, but he wasn’t entirely unsure of things like he was with Rise. He was getting used to the ground being closer to his face versus how it was normally too with these switches, so walking over to the mirror and looking at the different face staring back at him was just about the only thing he could do. Ah, it was the guy he delivered bread to a while back! More importantly, he was a guy! That made changing into clothes and getting ready to make the second trip over to his own place again a lot easier. Though... this guy was pretty weak, wasn’t he? His stamina was depleting a lot faster than it did normally and well, everything just felt so much heavier than usual. Running across the street felt like a herculean task after making the long trek over.
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Even knocking on his own door made a dull pain echo through his knuckles... maybe Sou wouldn’t like to hear that though. “Hiyori-kun? You’re in there, right? It’s uh Amami. Or well, haha, more like it’s you but with me in here.” 
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seizonka · 5 years
@pureryudo​ // event starter
It would be nice if this body swapping thing was just a one time thing -- whatever relief Rantaro felt yesterday after waking up in his own body again after a couple of days as a certain popular idol instantly melting away when he woke up in another unfamiliar room instead of his own in the morning again. Long hair brushing over his shoulders just brought about another curl of embarrassment; was he another girl this time around too? Luckily (or unluckily, that really was hard to say), he didn’t need to take nearly as much time to realize which unfortunate person he swapped with this time. No one else wore a skirt quite like Kaede’s after all. 
He had to go outside to get to his place though, huh? This never got any easier and Rantaro kept his eyes firmly shut as he carefully changed into more presentable clothes, making his way over to his own apartment as fast as possible. His first nervous instinct also was just to knock as loudly as possible, but Kaede’s hands and fingers were important to her, right? As far as he was concerned, they went back to their original bodies at some point in time and the last thing he wanted to do was cause her any harm. So, kicking the door with the toe of his shoes it was! That made a pretty convincing knocking sound anyway, right?
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“A-Akamatsu-san?” Boy, that was really weird to hear in her voice. “It’s uh, me. It’s Amami. Are you in there? Think uh, something might’ve happened.” 
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fulgoriis · 5 years
@temperateskies​ // event starter
Sure all of this snowfall was unusual -- Hak had only heard of places in northern Kai receiving this much snow over the winter months and he really had no idea about any of the weather conditions over here, but weather was still just weather. Nothing super natural or exceedingly odd, Hak even enjoyed all of the various festivities that followed after for the next couple of days. 
But what the hell was this?
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Recognizing Ichimokuren’s form in the mirror was the easy part (even if the complete lack of vision in one of his eyes made for more confusion on top of already present confusion), figuring out what was going on was part of a much larger problem. If he moved an arm, Ichimokuren moved the same arm. If he tilted his head, it was the same for the other reflected in the mirror. If he pinched a cheek, he was fully feeling the sting of the action. This wasn’t a dream? This wasn’t a dream! 
Moving to grab at his (?) zori, just looking at the height of them was enough for Hak to just forgo them for now; tripping over his feet while looking for his old body just wasn’t ideal. If he remembered correctly, he decided to take watch in a low tree nearby and he breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of his own body standing on the ground, confusion in his expression as well. At least it was someone he knew. 
“You didn’t do this, huh? Here I thought this was supposed to be some kinda punishment for teasing you about reaching those persimmons the other day.” 
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