#;closed {ᴛʜɪs ᴀɪɴ'ᴛ ɪᴛ ᴄʜɪᴇғ}
chaosiism · 3 years
@professorndear​ || starter call ||  Accepting 3 more
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Why is there even a couch and TV on the beach? Either way the bandicoot is asleep on the couch with the TV just on static
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chaosiism · 3 years
                                                           Meme || Accepting
                                   @ghostbustingreen​:  ❝  let-a me take a look…  ❞
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There was a low grumble from the Koopa King as he folds his arms across his chest,head turning to the side to avoid looking at Luigi right now.
  “ Is nothing to worry about Greenie..... ” He didn’t protest the other coming closer to take a closer look if he wanted too,just didn’t want the other to worry about him. Bowser’s suffered more serious injuries so a simple cut on his side wasn’t much for him to worry about.
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chaosiism · 4 years
@ghostbustingreen​ || Starter || Accepting 3 more
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  “ Oh you came to gloat about your recent win in person this time greenie? ”
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chaosiism · 3 years
@barnabunny​ ​ || Starter call || accepting 1 more
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  “ Ah sorry,I appear to have lost my way again! Do you mind telling me where I found myself too? ”
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chaosiism · 4 years
@naosh-of-muses​ || Starter || Accepting 2 more
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  “ I don’t get why you keep trying to fight me again pussy cat.....It didn’t work well for you the last time no did it ”
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chaosiism · 3 years
Oops. He was a day late, but it's not his fault one of his drones had to malfunction mid-way. Hurriedly reaching towards the entrance in the early morning, the doctor left a sealed package near the cat's door before immediately flying away with his jetpack within seconds. Maybe she's heard the engine going off, maybe she didn't, but enjoy the pink MP3 music player that came with a voice message labelled "Prepare for a BEATing next month, cat~".
The cat mutant was doing her usual of sitting by her computer desk,watching some videos while having some food next to her.....Had she slept and got up early or was she still awake from the night before?                                                                              yes
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Her ears lightly flick at the sound of what sounded like a engine outside her house. It was a bit early for the clowns to try and mess with her was it not? They normally clown around about noon! Slowly getting out of her chair,Kitty made her way to the door and opened it up,green eyes looking around for a moment before they looked down at the ground. Blinking softly at the sight of the MP3 player,she bends down and picks it up,looking it over for a moment to be sure it wasn’t a bomb or anything before pressing the play button on it for the voice message to play. Oh she snickers at the message,shaking her head lightly as she turns and heads back into her house,closing the door with the heel of her foot
  “ Oh I’m gonna be beating your ass for that pun nerd ”
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chaosiism · 3 years
@obj-brio​​ || Cont. from here
Oh how the Tasmanian Tiger towered over the small scientist......Well honestly he towered over almost everyone other than a handful of others.....
He just stood there for a moment,awaiting Brio’s answer to his question and when the scientist does, a wide grin forms on his face as he takes another step closer to Brio and in one quick motion,scoops up the smaller scientist into his arms and hugs him tightly
                                                    Not too tight tho! But tight!
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chaosiism · 4 years
@naosh-of-muses​ || Ripto starter call || Accepting 2 more
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  “ Oh look the scaredy cat wants to play hero again~ ”
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chaosiism · 4 years
@deletesave​ || Plotted starter sadly
She honestly didn’t expect this to happen. One moment she was heading home from a short walk and the next thing she knew, she was in what seemed to be a wasteland filled with.....Land Sharks? Wherever it was didn’t matter to her.....She still got to see N.Gin get his ass beaten by Crash and in person this time!
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Once the other was beaten, the mutants plan was to run up to where Crash and Coco were and tag along with them......However just before she could call out their names, another quantum rift opened up on the floor in-front of her, causing the cat to fall into it.
Thankfully she didn’t have to fall for long and soon landed onto a hard, metal floor. Letting out a slight hiss of pain, the mutant pushes herself up onto her knees, rubbing the back of her head.
  “ God-dam Clowntex messing with things again.... ”
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chaosiism · 4 years
@wombatwonder​ || Crash muse starter call || Accepting 3 more
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  ‘ Why do I feel like I’ve met you before.... ’
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chaosiism · 4 years
@scarescrape​  || Mr.L Starter call {accepting 2 more}
『⅃』There was something....Memorable about this place to L but he couldn’t put his finger onto why. He didn’t want to bother with it tho as because he knew this hotel well enough to know where a back entrance was at where he could sneak in without a trace.....well he hoped
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He needed a specific part for his beloved BroBot and this hotel sprung to his mind to possibly having it. As much as he hated to admit it: It was probably because of Luigi that he knew to come here. Letting out a gentle gruff,the male quietly closes the door he came in from,making sure no one had spotted him for a moment before smirking and making his way through the hallway,silver eyes glancing at the doors this floor housed,not noticing that he had in-fact been spotted.....
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chaosiism · 4 years
@the-orange-hero​ || Starter call || Accepting no more
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  “ Ayo Crash! What brings ya over to my side of the islands? Rarely see ya come over here! ”
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chaosiism · 4 years
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@championofdarkland​:  "Your highness, we were very worried about you. I am sorry that myself and the koopatrol weren't there to help." Karik saluted, as a loyal knight would to his king. Karik had served Bowser a good number of years, they never spoke too much. However, following the king's change and return to normal Karik looked more concerned.
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The giant Koopa just threw a glance over his shoulder at the other when he spoke. Giving out a small grunt at the others salute to him. Since returning back from Lake Lapcat,Bowser has.....Oddly been quiet around the castle, to the point his presence wasn’t felt throughout the castle, he was more or less just.....Hiding in his room.
Course he couldn’t stay in there forever now could he? He had a Kingdom to rule and a son to take care of,Kamek couldn’t take care of Junior forever now can he?
  “ ....S’alright,everything got fixed in the end ”
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chaosiism · 4 years
@mechaniize​ || Starter call || Accepting 4 more
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chaosiism · 4 years
@looking-glass-of-seraphim​ || Starter call ||Accepting 2 more
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  ‘ What is this place? Have I woken up in a different region than Hoenn? ’
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chaosiism · 4 years
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@carnivalmuses​:  “Crash, can I admit somethin’ to youse?”
『🍎』The bandicoot’s ear lightly twitches at the sound of the others voice,head head perking up and turning to look at the other mutant. Green eyes blinking for a moment as he gives a gentle nod to the potoroo.
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What did the other have to admit to him? Sure they’ve talked a lot now and again since the last they met which was under......unfortunate circumstances,but they got passed the hate for each other over it -Crash definitely forgave Pin right after their fight anyway tho....
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