jxnhyxng-ia · 10 years
Archery at Midnight ➸ Junhyung & Melyria
Wind blew around him, coat swinging in the wind because he was too lazy to button it up. Usually the chilly air made him shiver and retreat back inside, but just for tonight he would bear with it a little longer. The sky was clear, stars glimmering up above, the silence a welcomed contentment. It had been a long day full of classes and faces he didn’t recognize and homework piling up as he tried to catch up with everything he had missed. He could kill his parents, for making him come, if it wasn’t for the fact that he cherished them dearly.
It’s funny to think someone like him, a dark Elf could have feelings of adornment and love, but he did have emotions just like anyone else, and his parents were above all else supportive and loving to their youngest son. Walking down the campus courtyard, he let his eyes trail along the frail looking trees, leaves strewn along the soft ground. Each time he took a step, the crunching of the dead plants, filled the quiet eve. It made him smile at the changing seasons, for he missed being with nature, even though he spent years and years in its bosom. Heading off the path, he made his way past the green house, heading north towards the area of the sporting area, for if he walked past it and beyond, he would find empty caves void of species except the animals he adored. However, in the distance, he could he the swooshing of something flying through the air, and the imminent thunk of its landing. Not being able to deny his own curiosity, he made his way towards the sporting area where the noise grew louder. The lights were out, making it harder to see, but it was merely like looking through sunglasses a little past sunset. Junhyung stopped in his tracks once he reached the entrance, trying to listen carefully. He could hear the crunching of grass and leaves, almost identical to the sound his own shoes made on the earth, except lighter and less spaced apart.
Finally entering, he slid himself along the darkened fall, eyes squinting to make out the faint black figure in the distance. No doubt they had a bow in hand, body posed and bow pulled taut as they aimed the arrow, fingers held tight with intent. Then they let go, they arrow whizzing and piercing into the wooden target some yards ahead. It was then he noticed hair curling along the collar of their jacket, body form slender and long. A female no doubt. Deciding it was time to play, he came out of the shadows, hands clapping together to announce his presence. “I’m impressed, not everyone could shoot so well in the pitch black.” It was true, many people were skilled in the academy, but to see in the dark that well wasn’t a common gift unless, you had some magical blood running through your veins. 
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