#;Lorenze (Sparrowhawk)
solar-born · 6 years
23 for the soulmate au; especially bc I def think long-term fireteams wind up with this problem early x)
23. the one where once you meet your soulmate, it’s physically uncomfortable to be apart from them for too long.
It’s an odd feeling, something Blaine can’t recognize or even name at first. It happens slowly as well. These things always seemed to happen slowly.
Blaine’s first mission with Lorenzo is something that feels trivial and far away now. Something about tracking Fallen movements over Venus, they hadn’t made much progress in the Zavala’s eyes, but did it matter? There were hardly any Fallen to even follow. Although, the mission shows him how resourceful Lorenzo is. It was like he could map out the area at a glance.
“This isn’t the first time we’ve met.” The Sunbreaker hums. The two of them lounging around a sniper nest. “You probably don’t remember but you shot me in the head once during a Crucible match.”
He laughs, and Blaine decides his laugh has a nice ring to it.
They see each other on and off after that. Sometimes, Blaine asks him to join his strike team. At least, if he’s not busy elsewhere. The two do take missions together, although solemnly as long as their first. 
It turns out Lorenzo is much younger than him, not that it matters. When has age ever made sense to Guardians? 
It just feels like he’s known him longer. 
“I still can’t believe you rezzed in a mechanic shop.” Blaine laughs. “Where were you when I rezzed? I was on Mars! I have to learn how to rebuild a ship because the Cabal kept shooting me out of the sky!” 
Lorenzo laughs, hands busy working on his fancy sparrow. Blaine’s only a little jealous of it. He holds out his hand, and Blaine hands him to wretch he needs without even needing to be asked. It’s nice to take mechanics with him. Although, Blaine is a little more wary to work on sparrows after blowing up one in the hangar. He’ll stick to his ships. 
“Lore, tell you what. You fix up my sparrow, and I’ll fix up your ship.” 
Blaine’s grinning pleased with the nickname. Regardless of where he likes it or not, Blaine’s still using it. 
It’s like an itch inside his chest, tolerable but also still there. It feels like he needs something, but he doesn’t know what. Blaine finds himself in the hangar more often in hopes of seeing Lorenzo. He finds himself on more and more missions with him regardless of danger. It’s the only time he doesn’t feel that feeling. When Blaine is actually nearby him. 
Blaine wants to make him laugh, comfort him when he’s sad. The Titan even doesn’t mind if he’s mad at him if it means he can hang around Lorenzo a little longer. 
“Gemini Jack,” He teases. The only time he calls Lore by one of those silly titles of his he is teasing him or mad at him. “My man, where have you been? I have a nice high glimmer bounty with our names on it. King Baron, on Mars, your favorite. I know, I’m amazing. You can thank me later.” 
The ribbing hides the fact he misses him so much.
Blaine wants to die. The Red War is going to kill him one way or another, and that’s fine. Death is better than this. The air smells of fire still, and when he closes his eyes he sees the Tower falling apart under his feet. They’ve never lost the Last City, not in Twilight Gap, not in the Six Fronts, not until now. 
His chest hurts too, ache like there are thorns around his heart. He hadn’t seen Lorenzo since before the Hangar collapsed. 
It had been the two of them and a small army of the Red Legion. Sounds of fire and gunshots all around them in the distance, Zavala calling for support to hold the courtyard to keep the Red Legion back to allow non-Guardians escape the Tower. The two of them dancing around each other and oncoming fire to keep people moving toward the ships.  
The ground shook suddenly, not that it was a new feeling, but this was a little more violent than the other tremors. It was enough to make Blaine stumble. A phalanx saw the opening in his stance at the moment knocking him back into a shelf with his shield just as the hangar’s floor started to split beneath them. Blaine knows he can’t recover in time to make the jump, so the last thing he sees is Lorenzo firing his voidbow into a group of Cabal.  
He wakes up on his last resurrection fighting till his Light gets ripped away from him and even after. 
Comms are down for days, and Blaine nearly crawling his way out of the City. He can’t get a message to Ouros, so he doesn’t know if she’s even alive. Mercury was far from Earth, so maybe the Cabal hadn’t spread that far. They seemed more interested in the Traveller anyway. He still worries for her safety. He worries for the safety of the kinder Guardians he was training. He worries for the non-guardian, but more than anything else, he worries about Lorenzo.
Thinking about him makes his chest ache to the point of tears. He can hear his laugh, hear the sound of his Light singing around them in the hangar, he can remember the feeling of the moments they bumped hands and shoulders. 
His hands shake as he tries to repair a crashed ship to get to Titan. The smell of the engine fluid reminding him over and over again every memory they had; every close call in a battle, every victory, the smile Lorenzo wears when he gets a headshot from a hundred meters away.
Blaine can feel tears welling up in his eyes to the point they can’t hold them anymore. He knows what this feeling is now. 
He loves him, and it hurts now. 
Titan is a new fresh hell. Hive forcing him closer and closer to the edge of the station and nearly into the sea. The only reason he fights and stays is that he knows if Lore is alive, he will find his way here eventually. Blaine just has to wait. He’s just never been good at that. 
The Sunbreaker returns from a supply run when he hears whispers of a Guardian that has their Light. Whispers stirring around it all are already starting to spiral out of control. Some don’t believe, they don’t want false hope. Blaine doesn’t blame them for it. Others talk about maybe taking the station with this Guardian or even the City back. Blaine hopes, but he is tired of rumors. 
“Any idea who this mystery Guardian is?”
“Some big shot sparrow racer, I heard someone call him some fancy title-” 
He doesn’t hear the rest, he doesn’t need to. His feet already carrying him through the station to their landing zone. 
Blaine laughs, breathless and desperate but relieved for the first time in days, 
“Gemini Jack, I think you still owe me a sparrow.”
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