#;Character: Faustine Gravois
-Beware the Quiet Ones-
Based upon this ask, if y'all want further context. Needless to say, Matt gets the absolute shit beaten out of him...and thus, this ask makes more sense.
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"...If it's that big of a deal, Matt...then why don't'cha both make like men an' fight it out?"
For that question to have come from Faustine both surprised and confused Matt simultaneously.
It was such a simple question, and yet, it was as if she'd just asked what the answer was to the meaning of life. Bright blue eyes stared back incredulously.
"I mean...shit, when ye put it like that, Faust...maybe i will. I'd finally wipe the arrogant look off'a that fuckin' DJ's stupid face. Not sure what ev'ryone else sees in tha' prick, when i tried t' talk to 'im, 'e ignores me."
Faustine rolled her eyes. He had to be kidding...right?
"Matt...y' ever come t' thinkin' that maybe there's a reason 'e is? Like jus' he is doesn't mean that."
"An' say if it is? How th' fuck do you know? Only one way t' find out."
Sure enough, as if on cue...there he walked, out from the Self Checkouts and towards the doors. Matt's only opportunity to strike, and he was only holding a small bag of items: likely lunch or miscellaneous stuff for the house. Still, Maxsim seemed to be an elusive individual and only came around seldomly.
So, Matt would never have a chance like this again. Not for a while.
So, with purpose, he strode over to the boy and followed in tow with as he walked out. He thanked God that he was off that day, and so he wouldn't get in trouble with Faustine if he did decide to throw hands with Maxsim.
"Oi. Emo boy. Ov'r 'ere.", Matt called, trying to get Max's attention.
He stopped, and slowly turned to look at him. Dark umber eyes stared Matt up and down, as if judging him, and pale lips pulled into a thin line. Yet, Maxsim didn't respond; instead, his expression and outward demeanor spoke volumes to Matt. This only served as fuel to the fire.
Matt growled quietly under his breath.
"Ah...too good to even tell me t' fuck off, yeah? Let's see if yer above catchin' these fuckin' hands, Hot Topic. You an' me. Right now.", came a heated response.
Maxsim opened his mouth, eyes wide for a moment and looking around wildly for a way out. Before he could bolt the other way, Matt reached over to grab the boy's hoodie by the back. Once Matt's hand connected, he grabbed the fabric by the fistful and yanked him back to him. He barked a cold laugh.
"S'matter, bitch boy? Scared i'll fuck up yer pretty face~? Pussy. C'mon, fight back!"
Matt attempted to swing, but all his fist met was air when Maxsim broke away to dodge. This only served in making him angrier. He stepped in quickly, and grabbed him by the collar, trying to push Maxsim to the ground.
Out in the parking lot, the commotion of the two men yelling and cursing attracted attention. Even Faustine, who was quick to run out to see what the screaming was about. Suffice to say, her expression was about as expected.
Unsurprised, above all else...
But, as the manager, she had to at least try to break up the fight or call for another stronger man to come pull the two apart. At least, somehow, Matt was able to avoid the cameras by catching Maxsim out towards the other side of the lot.
"Matt, stop! Turn 'im loose! An' plus, i ain't meant to be here...", the last part was mumbled under her breath.
However, Matt didn't listen. Instead, all that ensued was more yelling and grabbing of the collar in hopes of choking someone out. Maxsim yelled something, neither Matt or Faustine was sure if it was in English or not.
Before Matt could finally land a hit, it was intercepted with a headbutt to the nose. Matt screamed out and backed up, touching his hand to where Maxsim's forehead had landed. When he pulled it away, he found blood. He snorted in disbelief.
"Fuckin'--! Hmph...cheap shot. Ye ain't gonna be as lucky as tha' when i--"
Before Matt could finish, the pure hell that came from starting a fight Maxsim had only just begun…
Maxsim threw the first punch, which was enough to send Matt straight to the concrete and the blow in itself was enough to daze him. Stars flashed before his vision and his head swam, pain blossoming from his temple and cheek.
He did this again. And again. And again, until Matt found himself on the ground with the boy on top of him, ready to continue the onslaught of abuse. Looking up into the dead, wild eyes of the normally quiet, mild-mannered boy sent a fear through Matt that felt foreign to him. It wasn't like looking up into a human's eyes...but rather demonic force of nature.
Like something else was compelling Maxsim to keep going...and the way his dark hair shadowed the upper half of his face only made look that much more of a nightmare to Matt.
Matt's vision was blurring, both with sweat and tears, and he spat at the ground beside him.
"Ok. What th'--h-holy SHIT."
"...Что еще ты хочешь сказать...?" (...Anything else you want to say...?)
The response he received was not as he expected, nor did he expect the voice that came from Maxsim's lips. It was deep and felt like sandpaper on his ears, but it wasn't unpleasant. He recognized the language...if only from Faustine and, most notably, from Robin.
Russian, wasn't it?
Either way, Matt remained silent, save for a slight narrowing of the eyes.
Maxsim huffed, before standing up and leaving Matt on the concrete amongst a murmuring crowd. He was sure he'd heard Faustine's mumbling and an annoyed, "I'll call your mom...c'mon, lemme get you t' the ER".
He groaned, sitting up and burying his face into his hands, both from pain and embarrassment.
He was then unceremoniously wrenched up to his feet by Faustine herself, whom he was sure for the entirety of the trip to the ER and then some, he'd have to listen to as she bitched at him for what he'd done.
"Boy, i COULD fire you for fightin' on store property. I could if i fuckin' wanted t'...i could also leave yer ass laying on out tha' fuckin' pavement, but we both know i can't do that. Yer maman would also 'ave MY ass as well as yers...an' i know she is because yer th' fuckin' dumbass fuckin' instigated th' shit.", she growled indignantly, "But hey! Least ye got yer answer, right?! Man's not a prick; he's more scared o' you than you o' him!"
Matt blinked, unsure if he'd heard her right.
Scared? Of him?
That man was DEFINITELY not scared of him, by the look in his eyes. If anything, those were the eyes of a man about to murder him in the Supercenter parking lot. He found it incredibly hard to believe that Maxsim was even shy or scared of Matt.
"...An'...yer t-tellin' me this NOW?"
"Would'ja 'ave listened t' me if i told you before you fought 'im? I tried t' tell ya! Ain't my fault y' don't like t' listen! Mr. Black-Air-Force-Can't-Tell-Me-Nuthin'--"
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So, as i've said before, i did say that i would be announcing the muses that would be used on this blog since it will be used for RP purposes but only if we've been friends for awhile OR if your character has sparked interest in me and i think one of mine would meld well with them. So basically, SUUUUPER selective and picky. Otherwise, this place will be mostly character lore and writing-driven!
With that in mind, i have picked a handful of OCs for the picking that i will likely use for RP purposes. In no particular order --
Celeste Valentina
Lucinda Masters
Matt Masters
Maxsim Kovalsky (Amadeus will serve as a bonus since can't have one without the other)
Berlioz Valentina
Mercedes Santos
Luciano Santos (will mostly just go by his last name; i'm just so used to that, ok? XD)
Alexiel Pfeiffer
Ezra Rothsetter
Josephine Driscoll
Faustine Gravois
Iriranga Parata
Vieri Toma
Other characters will make an appearance on this blog, but will only be for writing purposes sadly! Maybe this will change in the future, but for the most part: this will likely be the list i pick from. I have so many characters that we'll be here all day long if i did actually do that.
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